[mou-net] Notes from Lyon/Murray counties - Louisiana Watherthrush, Ibis, Snowy Egret, etc...

2011-05-17 Thread William Marengo
I spent May 12-16 birding in Lyon and Murray counties. Despite generally
abysmal birding conditions Thursday through Saturday (strong and steady
northerly winds, rain and cold temperatures) there are some highlights to

An out-of-range Louisiana Watherthrush is on territory at Camden State Park.
The bird is located at the "primitive group camp". It was here on May 13-14.

A White-faced and two other Ibis were seen at the Black Rush WPA on May 13,
14 and 16.  The three Ibis were visible Saturday feeding along the
north-south road that bisects the marsh allowing positive identification of
one of the birds. Viewing conditions were poor on Saturday and the other two
were left unidentified. Otherwise, on the other days, they were seen flying
around the marsh on several occasions.

An out-of-range Blue-winged Warbler was in the lower campground of Camden
State park on May 13.

A Snowy Egret was seen on Monday, May 16 at Buffalo Lake in northeastern
Murray county.

As far as shorebirds go, there is very little to report. Shorebird numbers
and diversity are both low. Looking at my notes form the past five days, I
only recorded 14 species in what is typically a shorebird-rich part of the
state at this time of year.


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[mou-net] Bell's Vireo- Lake Nokomis, Mpls + Am. Bittern Lake Hiawatha, Mpls

2011-05-17 Thread Diana Doyle
A Bell's Vireo has returned to the usual spot along the SW side of Lake 
Nokomis's "lagoon". It was singing this morning at ~7:45. With many of the 
leaves not quite out, it's a great time to get nice views of it.

If you're not familiar with this species, be aware that there are also several 
warbling vireos in the same cluster of poplars as the Bell's Vireo. Listen for 
its distinctive song ("D'jacatchthatbigstorm'sapproaching?Watchoutit'ssevere!" 
-- mnemonic courtesy of Julian Sellers!)

Location: Along the pedestrian path that circles Lake Nokomis, on the southwest 
side of the "lagoon" portion of Lake Nokomis (west side of Cedar Ave.) The bird 
sings from a cluster of poplar trees just south of a bench overlooking the 
lagoon that has its first seat rung broken.

Also, for three out of four mornings there has been an American Bittern at the 
little marsh at the SE end of Lake Hiawatha. It was present this morning, in 
the open along the mowed grass/cattail line, at 6:45 am.

I have not posted this bird because I did not want it flushed. If you'd like to 
see it, please approach the marsh and marsh footpath slowly and quietly and I'd 
appreciate it if you "left this bird as you found it." I posted a photo of it 
on 5/13 on the MOU Showcase (photo taken without flushing the bird).

The earlier in the morning the better your odds of seeing the bittern.

Diana Doyle
S. Minneapolis

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[mou-net] Carver County

2011-05-17 Thread John Cyrus
This morning there were 18 warbler species at Carver Park.   Besides the 
residents, warblers were scattered and in no distinct wave.

Select count

Broad-winged Hawk 1
Sandhill Crane 1
Olive-sided Flycatcher 2
Least Flycatcher 4 
Great Crested Flycatcher 8
Eastern Kingbird 2
Yellow-throated Vireo 7
Blue-headed Vireo 1
Warbler Vireo 1
Philadelphia Vireo 1 (different bird than seen several days last week)
Red-eyed Vireo 4
Swainson's Thrush 3
Blue-winged Warbler 2
Golden-winged Warbler 1 male
Tennessee Warbler 23 more male than female
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Nashville Warbler 10
Yellow Warbler many
Chestnut-sided Warbler 2
Magnolia Warbler 3 male
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1 female
Black-throated Green Warbler 2
Blackburnian Warbler 3
Bay-breasted Warbler 3 male
Blackpoll Warbler 2 male and female
Black and White Warbler 2
American Redstart many+
Ovenbird 1
Common Yellowthroat ~7
Wilson's Warbler 3
Indigo Bunting 1
Bobolink 9

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[mou-net] MVNWR - Rapid's Lake Unit - Carver county - 5/17/11

2011-05-17 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
May 17, 2011

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Rapid's Lake Unit
Visitor Center Trailhead

Enjoyed a pleasant walk at the Rapid's Lake unit today.  The trails there are 
finally starting to dry out to the North of the visitor center and there was a 
Prothonotary Warbler, working some of the dead snags on the first small pond on 
the right side of the trail.  Here are some of the other highlights of the walk.

Eastern Wood-Pewee
Warbling Vireo
Sedge Wren - Heard along the entrance road to the Visitor center.
Swainson's Thrush
Blue-winged Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Yellow Warbler - observed carrying nesting material
Prothonotary Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Mourning Warbler - Briefly observed in the brush below the visitor center
Common Yellowthroat
Lark Sparrow
Northern Cardinal - 1/2 sized fledgling
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - numerous
Indigo Bunting

Craig Mandel
Minnetonka, Hennepin County

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[mou-net] DL-still no w. tanager

2011-05-17 Thread Beau Shroyer
Spoke with the homeowner this afternoon.  No sign of the tanager today.  In 
fact he said in 2.5 hours he only saw a handful of blackbirds, a redstart and 
two orioles.  It appears as if they've moved to greener pastures.
I birded this morning for two hours before work.  6 warblers species.  Nothing 
remarkable.  FOY Y.T. vireo.   

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[mou-net] Osprey v. Eagle

2011-05-17 Thread Peter Dullea
   For about the last 10 days I've been keeping an eye on a nest being 
tended by a pair of Osprey
on County Road 45 near Marcell in Itasca County.  Today I visited the spot 
about 1:00 PM with my 'scope
to see if I could tell whether any eggs had hatched.  They hadn't, but i 
watched as a passing adult Bald Eagle 
showed an interest in the nest.  Both adult Ospreys took off after the eagle, 
and after a spirited aerial dogfight, 
the eagle flew away.
   I also saw a Pine Marten crossing Highway 38 a mile or so north of 

Peter Dullea 
Marcell, MN 56657



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[mou-net] Prothonotary Warbler, Brown Co.

2011-05-17 Thread Brian & Risa Smith

I found a male Prothonotary Warbler at Minnecon park in New Ulm around 12:15 
p.m. today.  I first heard it singing and then got good looks at it.  Minnecon 
park is along the Minnesota river.  To get to the park, take Front St. to 
Minnecon Dr. (turn at the Brown County Evaluation Center).  This is near the 
Hwy. 14/15 overpass.  The Prothonotary was found in the backwater on the right 
side of the road, about 1/4 mile after you turn off of Front St.  This is just 
my second record for  Prothotary Warbler in Brown County.

Brian Smith

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[mou-net] Westwood hills Birding

2011-05-17 Thread Victor Lewis
Hi birders, Birded westwood hills nature center today with my friend
Joanne!We had a nice leisurly morning with 57 species,

SEEN.Red eyed vireo,Philadelphia vireo,

and Blue gray Gnatcatcher.Also immature Bald Eagle and a red tailed Hawk
soaring over the lake.At my home last evening foy Common

Night HAWK arrived!!!

Thursdays 8am birdwalk is a go!!! Look forward to seeing some new faces!!!
Come one come all!!!


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Re: [mou-net] Kestrels

2011-05-17 Thread linda whyte
I've seen them a number of times, in Dakota, Rice, and Goodhue
counties, but have to admit I've grown lax about reporting them to the
Raptor Center's Kestrel Watch site, or even posting anything, mea
culpa, unless it seems unusual; with so many people doing such a great
job of reporting, it hasn't seemed necessary.
That said, I've found them on power lines along the many agricultural
fields in those counties. In certain places they seem pretty
dependable from year to year.
Linda Whyte

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Bly, Bart (DNR)  wrote:
> I haven't seen near the number of kestrels this year as in years prior.  What 
> are other peoples findings or thoughts?
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[mou-net] Sexing Mouning Doves

2011-05-17 Thread Forest Strnad
Have you ever wondered if the Mourning Dove you 
Greetings Birders

Have you ever wondered if the Mourning Dove you were watcing through your 
binoculars or scope 
was a male or female? When I was banding birds for the U.S.F. & W. Service in 
the 1957-1998 time slot I was sent a phamplet  from the U. S. Department of the 
Interior with this information:  

"Sex of adult Mourning Doves can be deter1mined by two main characteristics: 
color  of crown and nape, and color of throat and breast.  An area on the head 
of adult male doves, which  includes the crown and nape, is blue  or blue-gray; 
the corresponding area of an adult female dove is brown or grayish brown. 
Blankenship states that male doves normally have a disrinctive brown border in 
front and alongside the blue-gray crown patch.  The breast and throat area of 
adult males is washed with a pinkish or rosy hue, while the same area on adult 
females is tan. Females may occasionally have a tinge of pink on the breast but 
still possess other disinctive female plumage characteristics."

Rev. Forest V. Strnad
Faribault, MN.

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Re: [mou-net] Kestrels

2011-05-17 Thread Rick
I found a nesting pair in southern Clay Co.  about a mile north of 

On 5/17/2011 2:50 PM, Bly, Bart (DNR) wrote:

I haven't seen near the number of kestrels this year as in years prior.  What 
are other peoples findings or thoughts?

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Rick Holbrook
Fargo, ND
N 46°53'07"
W 096°48'18"

Remember the USS Liberty

Reply to: fholbrook(at)cableone.net

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[mou-net] Sprague's Pipit and Ferruginous Hawk

2011-05-17 Thread Nathan Schirmacher
 Today Pete and Kathy Sufka, my
parents, and I went to Big Stone and Lac Qui Parle counties. Are highlights for
the trip were a Sprague’s pipit and Ferruginous Hawk for the day. The Pipit was
seen on 191st Avenue about a quarter mile south from Laq Qui Parle
Highway 15 ( highway fifteen is the road that is right beside of Plover
Prairie). Basically go down fifteen heading east from highway 75. Once you hit
the plover prairie sign take a right. Go about a quarter mile down and the
pipit was seen on both sides of the street. It was alternating from a tree to an
agriculture field (Unfortunately the pictures did not turn out because of a not
so powerful lens). The Ferruginous Hawk was seen soaring over the trail that
starts at the intersection of Lac Qui Parle county highways of 40 and 15. This
intersection is south of the Big Stone NWR HQ about two miles. We have 
reported a Ferruginous at this location in the past few years. Other birds of
note were five Greater White-fronted Geese as well as one Snow seen at Salt
Lake. Shore birding was very bad for the day ending up with six species on the
day. However all together great trip!

Great Birding to all,
Nathan Schirmacher


Mille Lacs County



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