[mou-net] GGO St Louis County

2012-11-04 Thread Dee Kuder
There was a Great Gray Owl on Hwy 53  just south of Cook on Friday.  Where the 
hwy crosses the Rice River by the Hill Biomass plant. 

Dee Kuder
Crane Lake

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Re: [mou-net] Homeless Parakeet

2012-11-04 Thread Darlene Luckins
Just wanted to chime in about the parakeet.  Unfortunately, budgies, if that's 
what it was, 
have a very poor survival rate outdoors.  In southern areas, they tend to live 
longer, but 
most don't live more than a few days, especially in northern climates.  I hope 
this one is the 
exception to that.

Darlene Luckins

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[mou-net] Chat still present in Duluth 11/4

2012-11-04 Thread David Benson
The Yellow-breasted Chat found yesterday by Tim Viche was seen by several
birders this morning in the same location.

Dave Benson

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[mou-net] Political Discussion thread closed

2012-11-04 Thread Terence Brashear
Sorry I was having network issues and did not see this discussion till this 
morning.  Please stick to the guidelines listed below:

mou-net is a place where birders can share their sightings - 
notable or otherwise - with other interested people. We particularly 
invite posts of observations that contribute to the understanding of the birds 
in the state. This includes sightings of birds that are unusual, 
in an unusual location or out of season, or present in significantly 
higher numbers than normally expected.

 Please limit your posts to the areas described above; mou-net is not 
the place for advertising products or services (unless sponsored or 
endorsed by the MOU or its affiliates), birding trip reports outside of 
Minnesota, limited debates between just a few individuals, personal 
musings and monologues, or surveys about personal experiences. Consider 
that it's often more appropriate to respond to someone's posting with a 
private e-mail rather than a public response on mou-net. 
If these lists lose
focus, then they also lose their value. There are other mailing lists
available for people interested in other issues.

If anyone has any questions about this please message one of the moderators off 
list please.

Back to birds!  Lots of good stuff being found.

Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com

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[mou-net] Carolina Wren Ramsey Co

2012-11-04 Thread Clay Christensen
At front yard feeder here at 1933 Malvern St., Lauderdale, Ramsey Co. 9:15 a.m. 
CST Visible from the street.
Clay Christensen 

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[mou-net] Carolina Wren - Dakota County

2012-11-04 Thread Mike Majeski
Yesterday afternoon I found a Carolina wren in Hastings near Galena
Street and Locust Street, northeast side of Lake Isabel.  The best place
to look/ listen for the wren is along Galena Street (south side) and
Locust Street where Locust Street curves east into East 4th St.  The
wren was singing fairly frequently and foraging along the ground in the
wooded brushy area west of Locust.   

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Bohemian Waxwing, Winona County

2012-11-04 Thread Dedrick Benz
At about 1:30 Sun afternoon, I saw a Bohemian Waxwing with about 40 Cedar 
Waxwings at Lake Winona, at the intersection of Washington St and Lake Park Dr. 
 Lots of berries and birds around!
Dedrick BenzWinona, MN

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[mou-net] Carver County

2012-11-04 Thread John Cyrus
This morning I startled not one but three Long-eared Owls near Parley Lake at 
Carver Park Reserve.   They were roosting together in the same tree on a low 
branch with some of the denser underbrush in the area when I walked by(within 
10-15 feet).  Luckily they did fly one by one, as I may not have noticed them.  
They only flew about 20 feet but in the direction I was headed, so they flew 2 
more times about the same distance each time before they were comfortable 
letting me walk by without flying.  Also this morning, I saw a small flock of 
10 White-winged Crossbill at Rapids Lake MVNWR.  They noisily flew into the 
area near the visitor's center from across the river.   They stayed about 20 
minutes and then flew back across the river.  Also seen this morning were 
Sandhill Crane, Ring-billed Gull, Belted Kingfisher, Northern Flicker, Horned 
Lark, Brown Creeper, Eastern Bluebird, American Robin, Fox, Swamp, 
White-throated Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, and Common Redpoll

Highlights from the past couple weeks

October 20 Carver Park

Hermit Thrush 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2
Brewer's Blackbird ~50

Lake Waconia

Surf Scoter 2

Rural(SW of Mayer)

Franklin's Gull ~40
Ring-billed Gull ~100
Red-winged Blackbird 700+
Brewer's Blackbird 240+
Common Grackle 600+
Brown-headed Cowbird 20+

New Germany area

Northern Harrier juvenile
Great Blue Heron 3
Wilson's Snipe 2

Chevalle Wetlands

Wilson's Snipe 7
Song Sparrow 2
White-crowned Sparrow 1

October 21 Rapids Lake MVNWR

Winter Wren 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
Nashville Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2
American Tree Sparrow 2
Fox Sparrow 15
Song Sparrow 3
Swamp Sparrow 3
White-throated Sparrow 3
Harris's Sparrow 2
White-crowned Sparrow 1
Dark-eyed Junco 20
Rusty Blackbird ~60 
Purple Finch 2
Pine Siskin 9

Rural (W of Gotha)

Red-winged Blackbird ~75
Brewer's Blackbird ~200
Common Grackle ~100
Brown-headed Cowbird ~25

October 23 Rapids Lake MVNWR

Killdeer 3
Pectoral Sandpiper 3
Wilson's Snipe 2
Brown Creeper 4
Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 2
Palm Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 5
American Tree Sparrow 14
Fox Sparrow 18
Song Sparrow 2
Swamp Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 13
Harris's Sparrow 2
Dark-eyed Junco 75+
Brewer's Blackbird 1
Pine Siskin 2

Lake Waconia

Surf Scoter 1
Great Blue Heron 1

Chevalle Wetlands

Killdeer 1
Wilson's Snipe 1

November 1 Rapids Lake MVNWR

Sandhill Crane 1
Killdeer 1
Greater Yellowlegs 1
Dunlin 1
Ring-billed Gull ~125
Fox Sparrow 1
White-throated Sparrow 3

Assumption Lake

Franklin's Gull ~52
Ring-billed Gull ~130
Red-winged Blackbird ~400
Common Grackle ~1600


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[mou-net] Okd Cedar Ave Bridge waterfowl - Sun

2012-11-04 Thread Warren Woessner
Nice variety between the observation blind w. of the Parking Lot and just east 
of the 77 Bridge:

Trumpeter Swan

Canada Goose


Wood Duck

Ring necked Duck



Green winged Teal


Pied billed Grebes


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[mou-net] additional North Shore highlights

2012-11-04 Thread Kim R Eckert
Besides the continuing presence of the Cassin's Kingbird in Grand Marais and 
yesterday's discovery of the Yellow-breasted Chat in Duluth (nice find, Tim!), 
there were several other birds of note along the North Shore seen by the Minn 
Birding Weekends group this weekend (Nov 3-4), which I don't think have been 
posted in the last few days. Some of these include species found by others in 
previous days:

- 2 Gr White-fronted, imm Ross's/hybrid, and Cackling geese still present at 
Bayfront Park in Duluth (if not on the lawn by the stage, look in the weedy 
field just to the W of the park)

- White-winged Scoters at Paradise Beach, Lutsen Sea Villas, and Burlington Bay 
in Two Harbors (also Long-tailed Ducks at various locations)

- Golden Eagle migrating over Taconite Harbor

- Red-bellied Woodpecker still present in Grand Marais (seen today at 6th Ave W 
and 3rd St)

- Black-backed Woodpecker near the E end of Brighton Beach in Duluth

- Mountain Bluebird still present in Two Harbors (look along the hiking trail E 
of the Edna G or the parallel gravel road going E to 3rd St)

- Townsend's Solitaire ~¼ mile from the W end of the Croftville Rd (just E of 
Grand Marais)

- N Mockingbird still present in Grand Marais (usually within a block or so 
of3rd Ave E and 2nd St)

- Bohemian Waxwings in mostly small groups in Grand Marais

- late Com Yellowthroat at the pond by the former MN DOT garage E of Silver Bay

- Hoary Redpolls at 2 locations: 2 along the E breakwater at Grand Marais, and 
1 at Lutsen Sea Villas

On the down side, we found no Surf or Black scoters, no Thayer's or other 
uncommon gulls, no Boreal Chickadees, very few sparrows, just a couple of Pine 
Grosbeaks, and surprisingly no Red or White-winged crossbills.

There were several other birders along the North Shore this weekend, including 
Mike Hendrickson's group, and perhaps they can add to the list above with other 
species of note which we did not see.  -Kim   

Kim R Eckert

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[mou-net] Evening Grosbeaks

2012-11-04 Thread Gary Kuyava
Had 20 of them at my feeders this afternoon.   This was a mixed  flock of 
both sexes and all ages.  This is the first time since last winter  when only 
a few,2 or 3 were seen.
Gary Kuyava in NE Duluth

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[mou-net] November 3-4 MOU Field Trip Results

2012-11-04 Thread Michael Hendrickson
14 birders participated in the MOU Birding Weekend to Grand Mar

14 birders participated in the MOU Birding Weekend to Grand Marais, MN.  Before 
I mention the list of birds the group observed during our weekend, I would like 
to thank a few people who helped our group get on some of the birds we 
observed.  First of all, I would like to thank Tony Hertzel and Peder Svingen 
for texting me through out the day and sharing their sightings, especially the 
Cassin's Kingbird they relocated in Grand Marais.  I also want to thank Kim 
Eckert of Minnesota Birding Weekends.  Kim and I were calling each other over 
the weekend sharing sightings and especially the Townsend Solitaire and Hoary 
Redpolls sightings.  I also want to thank my childhood friend, Tim Viche for 
calling me up and reporting the Chat he found in his yard but most of all thank 
you ATTT for providing cell service in Grand Marais.. ( - :

The weekend was mostly cloudy with light winds from the east and temps hovering 
around 40-42 degrees.  On Saturday there were some showers of snow and some 
light snow this morning.  I personally believe all the known and unknown 
birdinglocations along thenorth shore was visited by birders over the weekend.  
I was sadden that no one spotted any rare birds that might of been 
hurricanerelated like a Dovekie, Purple Sandpiper or a Common Eider.  What was 
interesting to note was the Shoreline Hotel  East Bay Hotel in Grand Marais 
were booked with no rooms avail.  East Bay managers reported to me all the 
rooms were sold out due to some bird watching event and the Shoreline Hotel 
were giving discounts beyond slow time discounts to birders who lodged there!! 
The restaurants and bars were filled with birders and I am pretty sure Grand 
Marais businesses took notice of all the birders in town and the profits they 
made!  There were at least 50+ birders
 roaming the streets and avenues of Grand Marais observing the Cassin's 
Kingbird and the Northern Mockingbird Saturday afternoon! 

Highlights seen by the MOU Group:

Long-tailed Ducks:  Hovland Boat Launch, Paradise Beach, 5 mile Rock, Cadunce 
Creek and Cascade River. 

White-winged Scoter: 2 at Paradise Beach east of Grand Marais along Hwy. 61.

Red-bellied Woodpecker: Grand Marais at St. John's Catholic Church area.
Cassin's Kingbird: Grand Marais along 2nd Ave  2nd Street but it roams to 3rd 
ave and 3rd Street. The kingbird was actively feeding on insects on residential 

Northern Shrike: 2 seen at the Castle Danger sewage ponds.
Mountain Bluebird (female): Originally discovered by Peder Svingen. Seen in Two 
Harbors along the waterfront frontage road just east of the Edna G tug boat 
Townsend Solitaire: Found by Kim Eckert's MBW at 4478 Opel's Rental Cabins on 
the Croftville Rd 2 miles east of Grand Marais off Hwy. 61.

Gray Catbird: Grand Marais along 3rd Ave and 2nd Street.
Northern Mockingbird: Grand Marais along 3rd Ave and 2nd Street.
Bohemian Waxwings: Grand Marais along the corner of Hwy 61 and 3rd Ave.
Yellow-breasted Chat:  Found by Tim Viche of Duluth.  The Chat was seen by many 
birders all day today in Tim's backyard at 715 East 8th Street.
Pine Grosbeak: Two Harbors light house.

Common Redpolls: migrating down the north shore on both Saturday and Sunday.  
Seen several flocks on Birch trees foraging.
Hoary Redpoll: Found by Kim Eckert's MBW at the Lutsen Sea Villas on the east 
side of the office building.
Snow Bunting: Many flocks along the north shore

* Pine Marten along CR 7 in Grand Marais!!

Birds missed but reported to me was a Harlequin Duck found by Tony and Peder at 
Artist Point in Grand Marais on 11/3 and I believe no one reported seeing it 
since despite a lot of trying.

After the trip ended I joined Peder Svingen to do some gull watching at the 
Superior Entry Way.  We spotted 2 adults, 1 2nd cycle and 1 first cycle 
Thayer's Gull on the Minnesota side of the Superior Entry.  We also ran into 3 
of my participants who stopped at Bayfront Park in Duluth and saw the hybrid 
Ross's Goose along with the two juvenile White-fronted Goose and the Cackling 
Goose.  So despite all the people setting up the Christmas lights in the park 
the geese are not bothered by the commotion.  

I also got a report from Andy Nyhus that he along with John Hockema, Alex 
Watson and Dave Bartkey they found and photographed a female Spruce Grouse at 
Iona's Beach just north of Gooseberry Falls along Lake Superior.  I saw the 
photos and I am amazed that a Spruce Grouse found its way so far from its 
normal range along the shore of Lake Superior! Great sighting guys! 

** My next MOU birding even is January 5, 2013 Gull Workshop.  I have 7 people 
signed up and I am asking for a $25 fee to off set the cost of purchasing bags 
of bread for chumming.  I will help birders learn to identify and age various 
gulls like Herring, Thayer's, Iceland and Glaucous Gulls.  If interested please 
reply to me.

** The other MOU event is 

[mou-net] Anoka County Redpolls

2012-11-04 Thread Keith Carlson
A flock of COMMON REDPOLLS was seen feeding on the catkins in the birch
trees adjacent to the snowmobile trail running east from the public
access in the county park on Linwood Lake in Linwood Township in Anoka
County.   I guess winter is coming early this year.  
Keith Carlson

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