[mou-net] Mute Swans

2019-11-17 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning there were three Mute Swans in with the approx. 75 Trumpeters at 
the Old Cedar Ave bridge.

Ruddy Duck
Common and Hooded Merganser
Common Goldeneye

Bruce Baer - Bloomington

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[mou-net] Possible immature Golden Eagle

2019-08-12 Thread Bruce Baer
Was seen at 10:30 from the Old Cedar Ave bridge. It was totally black with a 
vague white wing bar. 
Where the canal runs under the bridge, on the right edge, scope towards the 
power plant. It was about 7:30 down from the right most stack. The stack might 
be in you field of view.
About 300 Double-crested Cormorants flew by looking for a place to light. Most 
likely at Black Dog

Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] OCB--MVNWR

2019-08-06 Thread Bruce Baer
The backwaters in Long Meadow Lake have receded a bit to expose some muddy 
edges. At seven this morning there were Solitary Sandpiper and Semi-palmated 
Plover at the bridge along with busy beavers and an otter with three young.

Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] Yellow-throated Warbler - Dakota County

2019-05-26 Thread Bruce Baer
Migrating through Spring Lake Park – Archery Park near Hastings this morning

Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] Kentucky Warbler -Dakota County

2019-05-20 Thread Bruce Baer
There is a Kentucky Warbler at the Archery Park portion of the Spring Lake Park 
Reserve near Hastings. Pick up the trail at the restrooms and at the sign that 
says “NO Broadheads”, follow the gravel trail to the right and staying to the 
right, down hill to site 28. It was calling all morning and could be heard 
throughout the park. They are loud. He seemed to be circling around the area 
where site 28 is. 

Others- Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Swainson’s Thrush, Wood Thrush singing. 
Birds were very scarce.

Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] Louisville Swamp

2019-05-16 Thread Bruce Baer
There is a Prothonotary Warbler in the flooded woods at Sand Creek at the 
bottom of the hill.
Other birds on the loop trail were:
Magnolia Warbler
Indigo Bunting
Swainson’s Thrush
Lark and Savannah Sparrow
Blue-headed and Red-eyed Vireo

Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] A Walk in the Park

2019-05-05 Thread Bruce Baer
At Spring Lake Park Reserve Archery Park, near Hastings, this morning there 
were Field, White-crowned, White-throated, Chipping, Song, Fox, Grasshopper and 
Lark Sparrows. Clay-colored was missing. Brown Thrasher, and a Baltimore Oriole.
The two Common Ravens were still at Miesville Ravine County Park in Dakota 
County yesterday. 

Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] A Walk in the Park

2019-05-05 Thread Bruce Baer
At Spring Lake Park Reserve Archery Park, near Hastings, this morning there
were Field, White-crowned, White-throated, Chipping, Song, Fox, Grasshopper
and Lark Sparrows. Clay-colored was missing. Brown Thrasher, and a Baltimore

The two Common Ravens were still at Miesville Ravine County Park in Dakota
County yesterday. 


Bruce Baer



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[mou-net] Road Trip

2019-03-30 Thread Bruce Baer
Only two concentrations of waterfowl.
In the flooded field on the north side of the road on the east side of the 
bridge at Etter. No geese or scaup here. Large numbers of Canvasback and 

On South County Road 24 in Wabasha County, close to Kellogg, on the north side, 
White-fronted Geese, Tundras, many Canvasback, Redhead, Wigeon. No teal and 
only one scaup. 

Twenty-four Bald Eagles in the trees at one of the scenic pullouts north of 
Read’s Landing.

On the way home, two Turkey Vultures, Kestrel. No flocks of geese were on the 
wing at any time.

Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] Northern Raven

2018-12-05 Thread Bruce Baer
The Northern Raven was seen at the Bass Ponds at 9:30 this morning sitting in 
the trees along Long Meadow Lake. Then flying across to the north side. A look 
at the bird feeders at the refuge HQ might find it. Still large numbers of 
Hooded Mergansers present with Lesser Scaup, Ring-neck Duck, two swans, a 
hybrid Mallard, kingfisher.

Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] Old Cedar Ave Bridge

2018-11-28 Thread Bruce Baer
​FYI  ​All the barricades were removed from the street yesterday.

Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Cattle Egret

2018-05-06 Thread Bruce Baer
The Cattle Egret was still on the south side of the 140th Street marsh at 9:30 
this morning.

Other birds seen were Dunlin, Lesser Yellow Legs, Sora, Solitary Sandpiper and 
Wilson's Snipe.

Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN

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Re: [mou-net] Lake Byllesby Dakota/ Goodhue County

2018-04-22 Thread Bruce Baer
The best spot to view Lake Byllesby now is at Lakewood Cemetery east of 
Randolph. I believe that is Dakota County Highway 86.

From: Minnesota Birds  on behalf of Brian Weisz 
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2018 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [mou-net] Lake Byllesby Dakota/ Goodhue County

We're was the open water area? I guess we went to bring spot. Right off 52 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 8:31 PM, Jason Caddy wrote:   
The spectacle on Lake Byllesby tonight was amazing! There were hundreds of 
waterfowl of many species including a large variety of ducks in numbers and 
vast quantities of coots and swans. There were also a lot of Horned Grebes and 
over 100 Bonaparte's Gulls. Two Greater White-fronted Geese were there but at 
the far western edge of the lake in the usual shorebird spot, away from most of 
the other birds. We didn't even see the Cinnamon Teal but it was still well 
worth the trip! There were also a ton of water birds at Fort Snelling Stated 
Park where 494 crosses over but I did not have time to investigate.

On the bird walk I led this morning at Roberts Bird Sanctuary there was a nice 
variety of migrants but notable were the very large numbers of Fox Sparrow and 
Hermit Thrush.

Happy spring migration!

Jason Caddy



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[mou-net] Local Walkabout

2018-01-21 Thread Bruce Baer
Birds were scarce, but a few were of interest walking the loop around the Bass 
Ponds, Hogback Pond and Pond C.

Barred Owl
Pileated Woodpecker
American Robin - 1
Song Sparrow - 1
Black Duck – 2
Hooded Merganser – 6
Northern Cardinals were singing
Bald Eagle

The Bluff Trail at the Old Cedar Ave Bridge:

Hairy, Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Flicker
Mourning Dove – 6
Brown Creeper

Two Jakes at the refuge headquarters

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, Minnesota

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[mou-net] Rusty Blackbird - MVNWR

2017-08-24 Thread Bruce Baer
A Rusty Blackbird was on the old road down to the river at the Old Cedar Ave
Bridge. Not what I was expecting this time of the year.


Road construction is set to begin after Labor Day. 


Bruce Baer



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[mou-net] Connecticut Warbler - Dakota Cnty

2017-05-24 Thread Bruce Baer
A Connecticut Warbler was at the Archery Park on Pine Bend Trail near
Hastings. It was singing in the brush near the top of the slope just before
you get to the river. No chance of ever seeing it tho.


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] American Bittern

2017-04-17 Thread Bruce Baer
The American Bittern was at the east end of the 140th Street marsh at 9:00
this morning. There was a single Ross's Goose on the first north pond at the
180th Street marsh. Sora Rails could be heard at both places.


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] Tundra Swans

2017-03-18 Thread Bruce Baer
A flock of about 25 Tundra Swans came in at 2:30 this afternoon to Long
Meadow Lake. They can be seen from the observation deck at the Old Cedar Ave


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] From the Observation Deck

2017-03-05 Thread Bruce Baer
Along with the Great Black-backed Gull and Lesser Black-backed Gull seen at
the observation deck, was flyover Killdeer. 


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] Mute Swan -- Goodhue County

2017-02-17 Thread Bruce Baer
Drive all the way through the Treasure Island Casino. On the long curve over
to the power plant, take the gravel road on the left down to the river and
the parking lot. Also seen were a few Common Goldeneye and Common Mergansers
and Trumpeter Swans. A scope is a good bet.


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] Rusty Blackbird -- Hennepin Cnty

2016-12-24 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning a Rusty Blackbird was seen on the Bluff Trail at the Old Cedar
Ave Bridge. Also in the area were the local Great Blue Heron, nine Gadwalls,
two flickers, and a Bufflehead.


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] White-fronted Goose

2016-11-05 Thread Bruce Baer
The White-fronted Goose that has been around for some time, was seen and
heard in a fly by with Canada's at the Old Cedar Ave Bridge.

Present were about forty-two Trumpeter Swans.

Other waterfowl still present were:



Ring-necked Duck

Wood Duck




At the end of the Bluff Trail at the far end of Long Meadow Lake the Black
Swan was present.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Someone saw a Northern Shrike around the parking lot.


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] "Old" Cedar Ave Bridge

2016-10-13 Thread Bruce Baer
There were some interesting birds across the bridge.


Adult and immature White-crowned Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow,
White-throated Sparrow, and Juncos.


Flying around were Rusty Blackbird, Common Snipe, Cedar Waxwing, Eastern
Bluebird, Belted Kingfisher AND


an adult Golden Eagle.


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] Swainson's Hawk - Dakota County

2016-06-12 Thread Bruce Baer
Besides the previously reported birds at Randolph, there was a Swainson's
Hawk sitting on a light pole inside the industrial complex this morning. On
the way home, there was a Eurasian-collared Dove in New Trier. 


Bruce Baer

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[mou-net] Lake Byllesby

2016-05-18 Thread Bruce Baer
Common and Caspian Terns

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Ruddy Turnstone

Semipalmated Plover

Least Sandpiper

White-rumped Sandpiper

Baird's Sandpiper

Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs


At Miesville Ravine:

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Wood Thrush

Blue-winged and Golden-winged Warbler

Red-eyed and Yellow-throated Vireo

Scarlet Tanager

Indigo Bunting


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] Soras

2012-09-12 Thread Bruce Baer
At the Old Cedar Ave Bridge observation deck one can observe six to ten Soras 
walking around beneath you. Right now there are probably dozens out in the 
reeds and were very vocal all morning.

A pair of Trumpeter Swans with one young
Olive-sided Flycatcher – I’ve seen more this fall than I ever have.
Franklin’s Gulls yesterday
Monday a pure white adult Red-tailed Hawk at Pond C

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Y-c Night Heron - MVNWR

2012-07-11 Thread Bruce Baer
The Yellow-crowned Night Heron was seen at 8:30 this morning from the 
observation deck at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge looking west. It flew from one 
side of the open area to the other into the bull rushes near the water.

Bruce Baer
Bloomington – Hennepin County

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[mou-net] Randolph Industrial Park

2012-05-27 Thread Bruce Baer
I took a slow drive through of the Randolph Industrial Park.

Grasshopper and Savannah Sparrow
Western Meadowlark
Numerous Dickcissel 
Best of show was a Bobolink. Park at the large pile of rocks when you turn in 
and get out to wait it out. 

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] 180th Street

2012-05-25 Thread Bruce Baer
There were no shorebirds of any kind at the flooded fields mentioned by Doug at 
one o’clock this afternoon.

At the archery park on Pine Bend Trail – Yellow-bellied Flycatcher and 
Olive-sided Flycatcher

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Hok Si La etc.

2012-05-19 Thread Bruce Baer
I walked through Hok Si La park early this morning and only found one Redstart 
singing and one Yellow-throat. Nothing else in the trees or bushes. Walking out 
to Sand Point was just as fruitless.

There is a new mown trail going out to Sand Point that now loops around along 
the lake and through a wet grassland. There was an abundance of Sedge Wrens in 
the slough and a Red-headed Woodpecker. 

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Louisville Swamp

2012-05-12 Thread Bruce Baer
I spent several hours making the loop at Louisville this morning. Tennessee 
Warblers were common and good numbers of Yellow Warbler. Otherwise no other 

Wood Thrush
Orchard Oriel
Baltimore Oriel 
R-b Grosbeaks were numerous
Eastern Kingbird
Indigo Bunting
R-e Vireo
Y-t Vireo
Bell’s Vireo and Sedge Wren at Blackdog Fen

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Loggerhead Shrike - Dakota Cnty

2012-04-24 Thread Bruce Baer
A Loggerhead Shrike was seen in the southeast corner of Emerson and 160th 
street. It flew from the road to the irrigation apparatus in the field.
Sora and Virginia Rail were at the 180th street marsh. The Virginia was close 
to the road  on the south side.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Sunday

2012-04-08 Thread Bruce Baer
Some of the birds at Louisville Swamp this morning were:

Harris’s Sparrow
Sandhill Crane
Trumpeter Swan
Brown Thrasher
Hermit Thrush
Eastern Towhee

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Hermit Thrush

2012-03-31 Thread Bruce Baer
The Hermit Thrush that has wintered along the bluff trail at the Old Cedar Ave 
bridge is still there. Wednesday morning it was singing rather feebly and was 
singing aging this afternoon around 2:00. A Tree Swallow was out on Long Meadow 

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] F.Y.I.

2012-03-29 Thread Bruce Baer
All things being equal and weather permitting, the core unit of Louisville 
Swamp will be burned on Friday.

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Y-r Warbler
Purple Finch
R-c Kinglet

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] .

2012-03-10 Thread Bruce Baer
Twenty years ago, on this date, I saw over four hundred Bald Eagles between 
Hastings and the Kellogg Dunes. Today I couldn’t scrape up even twenty. Not 
much for waterfowl other than about three hundred high flying W-f Geese heading 
south at McCarty Lake WMA. Sandhill Cranes were in there. A Kestrel at Scharr’s 
Bluff and one at Frontenac State Park. Eleven Trumpeter Swans were at the first 
pullout north of Read’s Landing and another six in Whitewater Valley WMA.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Snowy Owl - MVNWR

2012-01-31 Thread Bruce Baer
At 8:15 this morning I observed a Snowy Owl flying out on the lake from the 
observation deck at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge. It went though the woods and 
might possibly be at Black Dog.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Franklin's Gull

2012-01-04 Thread Bruce Baer
The only gull at the west end of Blackdog Lake this morning was the Franklin’s 
Gull out on the lake by his self.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] MVNWR

2011-11-12 Thread Bruce Baer
The White-winged Scoter was still present at 2:15 seen to the SE from the 
observation deck.
The two Long-billed Dowitchers were still present at the beaver dam at the Bass 

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] L-b Dowitchers

2011-11-08 Thread Bruce Baer
There are two L-b Dowitchers still hanging around the beaver pond at the Bass 
Ponds. They are over the lip of the pond.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Gray Partridge - Dak Cnty

2011-10-30 Thread Bruce Baer
A half dozen Gray Partridge flushed from the road edge when I turned in the 
Industrial Park area near Randolph.

Lake Byllesby had plenty of habit for shorebirds, but only two Killdeer could 
be found. No waterfowl to speak of either.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Bass Ponds

2011-10-24 Thread Bruce Baer
Besides three dowitchers in the beaver pond this morning were a Wilson’s Snipe 
and an American Woodcock.
On the way over and back other denizens were W-c Sparrow, Winter Wren and a 
Northern Shrike.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] L-b Dowithcers Bass Ponds

2011-10-23 Thread Bruce Baer
The Long-billed Dowitchers are still at the beaver pond. This morning they were 
just over the lip of the dam. Also in the area was a Wilson’s Snipe.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] L-b Dowitcher MVNWR

2011-10-21 Thread Bruce Baer
At present there are eight Long-billed Dowitchers at the Bass Ponds on the far 
side of the beaver pond on the far loop.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Possible Gyr - Dakota Cnty

2011-10-09 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning a large falcon was flying south across the open fields along Fahey 
Avenue – that is between Highway 55 and Pine Bend Trail.
Given the past history of the area there might be a Gyrfalcon that will winter 
in the area this season.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Swainson's Hawk - Dakota Cnty

2011-08-04 Thread Bruce Baer
At mile post 24 on MN highway 3.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Henslow's Sparrow - Dakota Cnty

2011-06-14 Thread Bruce Baer
About four-tenths of a mile east of Biscayne on 190th Street where the north 
south iron pipe style gate joins the fence. 

Loggerhead Shrike at the southeast corner of Emery and 180th street on the end 
of the irrigation apparatus.

Prothonotary Warbler on the walk out to Sand Point at Frontenac. Walk a good 
distance out on the board walk where the trees are still under water. It only 
sang twice so I was lucky.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Dickcissel - Dakota Cnty

2011-05-28 Thread Bruce Baer
A Dickcissel was at the Industrial Park north of Randolph in southern Dakota 
County. As soon as you turn in it was on the left.

AT Miesville Ravine Park the Cerulean was singing all morning. Also:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Blue-winged Warbler
Olive-sided Flycatcher

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Common Moorhen

2011-05-11 Thread Bruce Baer
The moorhen was seen at 1:45 as it swam across the open water from the vicinity 
of  the goose nest to the shore. On the way out a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was 
calling in the woods.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Whip-poor-will

2011-05-06 Thread Bruce Baer
At 9:00 last evening, an Eastern Whip-poor-will was calling in the ravine off 
my balcony. This runs down to the Old Cedar Ave Bridge.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Henslow's Sparrow - Dakota Cnty

2011-05-03 Thread Bruce Baer
This afternoon a Henslow’s Sparrow was at the Springlake Park Reserve – Archery 
Unit in Rosemount. The bird was on the 1 – 14 loop trail and near the number 9 
post scratching around in the grass on the trail. A very dark and greenish bird 
in the bright sunlight.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Snow Bunting - MVNWR

2011-04-25 Thread Bruce Baer
A snow bunting in alternate plumage was at Pond C this morning.
Other birds were:
W-t Sparrow
Forester’s Tern
Brown Thrasher
R-w Swallow
House Wren

Sunday, April 17th, a House Wren was at Louisville Swamp.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Snow Geese - Dakota Cnty

2011-04-19 Thread Bruce Baer
The Snow Geese reported by Steve Weston were still at Lake Byllesby this 
morning. They were on the far side and were hard to spot through the blowing 
snow. The mud flats look more promising all the time, but no shore birds were 

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Orchard Lake

2011-04-15 Thread Bruce Baer
Orchard Lake, in Dakota County, had seven Horned Grebes, two Red Heads and a 
Common Loon.

Lake Byllesby, in Dakota County, had about thirty Bonaparte's Gulls at the west 
end. From the looks of it, there is hope that mud flats will appear in the next 
week or two.

At Miesville Ravine Dakota County Park were heard Sandhill Crane and a Cooper’s 
Hawk. Otherwise pretty birdless.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] R-n Grege H Grebe

2011-04-14 Thread Bruce Baer
At 10:00 about 50 Horned Grebes and one Red-necked Grebe can be seen at the Old 
Cedar Ave Bridge by looking out from the parking lot.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Scopes

2011-03-16 Thread Bruce Baer
Anyone contemplating the purchase of a new scope should take a look at the 
Vortex Razor HD. 

See  www.luminous-landscape.com  for a write-up and review.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] American Golden Plover

2010-10-23 Thread Bruce Baer
Five American Golden Plovers were at the west end of Lake Byllesby this morning 
around ten o’clock.  Also present were Greater Yellowlegs
and many Lapland Longspurs in the air.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Alder Flylcatcher -MVNWR

2010-08-08 Thread Bruce Baer
AT 8:30 this morning two calling Alder Flycatchers were on the boardwalk out to 
the observation deck at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge.  Occasionally you can hear 
their “PIP” call note.

Also in the area are two Cooper’s Hawk that must be just out of the nest flying 
around and calling to the adults.

Barred Owl and Great Horned Owl have been calling since February.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Jirac Sod Farms

2010-07-29 Thread Bruce Baer
I missed on the Whimbrel this morning, but found Semi-palmated Plover and 
American Pipit with the other sandpipers.

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Black Tern - Still there

2010-07-20 Thread Bruce Baer
The Black Tern was at the Hogback Pond overflow at 9:30 this morning.  This 
bird has been seen off and on for the last two weeks.  Also at the Hogback 
overflow was a five swallow day if you looked long enough.  Others have seen 
Tennessee Warbler along the bluff.  The two eaglets you could see from the 
observation deck haven’t been seen since July 10th.  I don’t know if the three 
Peregrines on the tall stack fledged or were killed. 

Bruce Baer 
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Least Bittern -MVNWR

2010-06-26 Thread Bruce Baer
There was a Least Bittern calling at 9:30 this morning in Long Meadow Lake.  
The location was about a third of the way between the Hogback Pond overflow and 
the Bass Ponds as you walk towards the Bass Ponds.  Many Great Egrets were near 
the location.

Bruce Baer Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Saturday

2010-05-16 Thread Bruce Baer
Hak Si La park in Lake City:
A few singing Tenneesses
One Blackburnian
One Chestnut-sided
One Magnolia
Two Yellow-rumps

Sand Point:
One Red-start
One Yellow
Two singing Prothonotary

Frontenac State Park:
Nothing at the picnic ground and nothing in the campground for warblers.

A long day and not much to show for it other than the Black-bellied Plover at 

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Chipping Sparrow

2010-04-05 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning a Chipping Sparrow.

I don't look for one until the fifteenth.

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Migrant Waterfowl

2010-03-18 Thread Bruce Baer
Two very flocks of White-fronted Geese over Sand Point.  Many flocks of Canadas 
on the move.  In the corn stubble at Kellogg Dunes were 200 grounded Tundra 
Swans.  Two Cackling Geese amongst the hundreds of Canadas at Orinoco.  Three 
Trumpeter Swans in Whitewater Valley.

I expected to see hundred or more Bald Eagles, but came home with not more than 
twenty.  Water fowl were very scarce and few in numbers.  Pepin and Whitewater 
Valley are still frozen over for the most part.

A few Killdeer, Eastern Bluebirds, Common Grackles and Sandhill Cranes.

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] R-w Blackbirds

2010-03-02 Thread Bruce Baer
The first Red-winged Blackbird was in the marsh on the north side of Hogback 
Pond at the Bass Ponds this morning.  For the past two days there were Horned 
Larks flying over.

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Golden Eagle - MVNWR

2009-11-01 Thread Bruce Baer
BlankThis morning an adult Golden Eagle was in the vicinity of the Bass Ponds.

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[mou-net] Trumpeter Swans

2009-09-02 Thread Bruce Baer
A pair of Trumpeter Swans with FIVE Cygnets were on Long Meadow Lake across
from the Black Dog power plant as viewed from the bluff trail.  I don't know
if they can fly yet.  This may be a nest record for the MVNWR.



Also seen were Cooper's Hawk, two O-s Flycatchers, R-b Grosbeaks, Sedge
Wren.  Warblers were sparse with Common Yellowthroat and Tennessee.

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[mou-net] Monday morn

2009-07-27 Thread Bruce Baer
BlankAn Osprey was circling over Pond C while being followed by a very dark 
immature Peregrine Falcon.

The few hundreds of Cliff Swallows that were lining the sunny ledges of the 
Highway 77 (New Cedar Ave) bridge for the past ten days have taken flight; 
probably sometime yesterday. Only a few stragglers are remaining.  A very 
strange nesting season when considering the past years.

Last Wednesday a Tennessee Warbler was along Hogback Pond.

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Hooded Merg - MVNWR

2009-07-13 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning an immature Hooded Merganser was at the bottom pond at the Bass


 Northern Rough-winged Swallows were in numbers at the Hogback Pond
overflow.  I presume they were migrants.


The underside of the Highway 77 bridge looks like a beehive with all the
Cliff Swallow that are starting to fledge.  The pipes and ledges are lined
with the young sitting there ready to head south in a day or two.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Cattle Egret - MVNWR

2009-07-04 Thread Bruce Baer
At 1:25 the Cattle Egret was at the observation deck west of the parking lot
at the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge.  It was on the very right side of the pool
walking in the grass.  It would occasionally disappear, but come back out to
the water's edge.  There were 25 Great Egrets in the area also.


A Black-billed Cuckoo could be heard calling from the parking lot on the
east side.


Bruce Baer


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[mou-net] Hooded Warbler - Carver County

2009-06-01 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning there was a singing Hooded Warbler on the Rapids Lake/Carver Trail 
at the Rapids Lake unit of the MVNWR.  It's about half way along Rapids Lake 
where I put a three inch limb across the trail as a marker.  It is a long walk 
if you are interested.

Also in the are were Yellow-billed Cuckoo, two Mourning Warblers, Olive-sided 
Flycatcher, four Willow Flycatchers.

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[mou-net] Prothonotary Warbler - Dakota County

2009-05-24 Thread Bruce Baer
BlankPark at Lock and Dam Number 2 on the Mississippi River in Hastings.  
Follow the trail behind the fence and across the sand dike to the other side 
where there is open water on the left side of the trail.  It was singing in the 
trees along the waters edge on the left.

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, Minnesota

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[mou-net] Connecticut Warbler - Old Cedar Ave Bridge

2009-05-20 Thread Bruce Baer
At 10:00 there was a Connecticut Warbler on trail over to the Bass Ponds.  
Where the two trails come back together and in the brush along the pond on the 
south side of the trial.  They sing very loudly.

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[mou-net] Parking lot sparrows

2009-05-06 Thread Bruce Baer
BlankThe parking lot at the Old Cedar Avenue bridge had numerous species of 
sparrows this early morning.


A Prothonotary Warbler has been on the logs since six-thirty this morning in 
the pond just west of the parking log on the north side of the trail.  A Cape 
May Warbler was seen at the Bass Ponds.

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[mou-net] Lark sparrows - Dakota Cnty

2009-05-03 Thread Bruce Baer
On the way to the archery park this morning there were two Lark sparrows on 
Pine Bend Trail.  They were just past the plant and across the railroad tracks 
singing from the cyclone fence and wires.

One Palm and a singing Ovenbird for warblers.  Clay-colored Sparrow and 
Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Bruce Baer
Bloomington, MN

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[mou-net] Avocets Willets

2009-04-27 Thread Bruce Baer
BlankEight Willets and one Avocet were at the orange fence overflow area into 
Long Meadow Lake of Hogback Pond  at 2:30.

Four Willets were on the east side of the Highway 77 bridge at the old beaver 
lodge.  This is opposite Pond C that was dug out last year.

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[mou] Saturday

2008-11-15 Thread Bruce Baer
The adult Black-crowned Night-Heron is still present at the middle
pond on the way over to the Bass Ponds.  Walk down the wooded lane and
keep looking across the water at the right most Russian Olive tree.
It will eventually come into view as you get closer to the outflow
into Long Meadow Lake.  Going into the brush where the trees are will
unnecessarily flush it.  


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] B-c Nigh-Heron

2008-11-11 Thread Bruce Baer
The yellowish adult Black-crowned Night-Heron is still present.  At
9:30 it was sitting in the right most Russian Olive tree - the same
spot as yesterday.  It is best viewed from the wooded lane and across
the water.  The middle pond is between Pond C, where the construction
work took place all winter, and Hogback Pond.


On the Long Meadow Lake side there were about a hundred twenty-five
Green-winged Teal.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] White-winged Crossbills - MVNWR

2008-11-10 Thread Bruce Baer
On the way back from the Bass Ponds this morning a flock of
White-winged Crossbills flew overhead.  


I looked across the water of the middle pond and saw a large yellow
blob sitting in the Russian Olive trees along the shore.  I back
tracked through the woods and flushed two immature Black-crowned
Night-Herons.  The chest and breast color was that of butter.  I don't
think I have ever seen that in a night-heron.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Louisville Swamp

2008-10-31 Thread Bruce Baer
Friday I spent a long morning out at Louisville.  Tundra and Trumpeter
Swans in the bottoms with Sandhill Cranes clattering.  A very large
flock of Gadwalls flew over.  The largest concentration of Gadwalls
I've ever seen.  Flying overhead were Pine Siskins, Eastern Bluebirds,
American Pipits and Snow Buntings.  Both Kinglets were in the woods.
The real treat was a huge female Peregrine Falcon overhead.  An
immature bird I believe from the looks of the sun shinning through the
tawny colored chest and belly. 


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Snow Buntings - MVNWR

2008-10-29 Thread Bruce Baer
Four Snow Buntings were on the waters edge at Pond C this morning.
Flying over head were Eastern Bluebirds and what I thought to be Pine
Siskins twice.  A Winter Wren was in the wooded lane going to Hogback
Pond.  The Northern Shrike has been hanging around for the past week.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Snow Goose? - MVNWR

2008-09-24 Thread Bruce Baer
At 9:30 this morning a Snow Goose? was on the peninsula jutting out
into Pond C.  It is a small bird and was too far away to get a better
look at the head.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] American Bittern - MVNWR

2008-09-15 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning at 9:30 an American Bittern was seen flying across the
trees from Hog Back Pond over to Long Meadow Lake.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Western Kingbird - Henn Cnty

2008-09-07 Thread Bruce Baer
At 9:00 this morning (Sunday) a Western Kingbird was seen flying and
perched between the woods and the observation deck at the Old Cedar
Ave Bridge.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Black-throated Green Warbler

2008-06-26 Thread Bruce Baer
Thursday - June 26th - 8:50 A.M.


As I sit here and write this I am listening to a Black-throated Green
Warbler sing in the trees off my patio here above the Old Cedar Ave


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Acadian Flycatcher - Bass Ponds

2008-06-12 Thread Bruce Baer
A second Acadian Flycatcher was found this morning at the Bass Ponds
and in the woods below the Kelly Farm.


The Acadian Flycatcher found previously was still at the Old Cedar Ave
Bridge on the path out to the observation deck.


Five Willow Flycatchers are in the loop from the bridge over to the
Bass Ponds and back.


An American White Pelican was off the beaver pond on the south side of
the loop trail.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Acadian Flycatcher - Henn Cnty

2008-05-24 Thread Bruce Baer
At 10:15 this morning there was an Acadian Flycatcher on the Bluff
Trail at the Old Cedar Ave Bridge.  It was calling at the start of the
trail out to the observation deck when I left.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Friday - Louisville Swamp

2008-05-23 Thread Bruce Baer
The Kentucky Warbler was on territory down the lane to Jabs Farm early
this morning.  On either side of the road past the Kentucky were two
Connecticut Warblers.  Numbers of Magnolias and Chestnut-sided were
still around.  Numbers of Yellow-bellied Flycatcher were also present
and an Orchard Oriole seen by Doug Kieser and Scott Meyer.

My count of warblers for the morning was seventeen.

At the Rapids Lake Visitor Center in Carver County a Yellow-billed
Cuckoo was heard several times.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Willet - Bass Ponds

2008-04-28 Thread Bruce Baer
The Willet seen two days ago was present about 8:00 this morning at
the east end of the Bass Ponds.


On Long Meadow Lake were 90 Lesser Yellowlegs, a few Greater and a few
Least Sandpipers.


A male Peregrine was a fly by.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Immature Night-Heron

2007-07-31 Thread Bruce Baer
I watched an immature Night-Heron fly in at the observation deck at
the Old Cedar Ave Bridge at 9:45 this morning.  This was a very dark
bird with the feet projecting beyond the tail as it flew.  There is
streaking on the breast and a dark bill.  I have to wonder if this
might be an immature Yellow-crowned, but I don't have that much
experience with young Night-Herons.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Buff-breasted Sandpipers

2007-07-29 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning, between 9:00 and 11:30, fifty-five Buff-breasted
Sandpipers were on the Jirik Sod Farms in Dakota County.  This is
bordered on the north by Cnty 66 and on the east by Blaine Avenue.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Sandhill Cranes - Scott County

2007-07-19 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning I walked down to Jab's Farm at Louisville Swamp and found
two Sandhill Cranes at Sand Creek.  It is good shorebird habitat now
with 33 Killdeer, Least Sandpiper and Solitary Sandpiper.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] W-e Vireo

2007-05-08 Thread Bruce Baer
The White-eyed Vireo was still being seen and heard on the center path
along the creek at 2:30 this afternoon.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Sandhill Crane - MVNWR

2007-05-03 Thread Bruce Baer
At 11:45 this morning a single Sandhill Crane flew over the parking
lot at the old Cedar Ave Bridge. 


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Sprague's Pipit - Dakota County

2007-04-29 Thread Bruce Baer
This morning a Sprague's Pipit was at the east end of Lake Byllesby in
a gravel pit on the north side of the road.  A search later could not
relocate it.


Seventeen Willet's, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs and a Snowy Egret
were at the west end on the mud flats.  


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Piping Plover - Dakota County

2007-04-22 Thread Bruce Baer
This afternoon James Otto and I observed a Piping Plover at the west
end of Lake Byllesby between 12:00 and 12:30.  There were large number
of Lesser Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers with a few Baird's
Sandpipers in the mix.  Also observed for the first time were Purple


The Carolina Wren was singing in the ravine below my balcony early
this morning.  Friday it was over by the Bloomington Garden Center.  


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Eurasian Wigeon - Henn Cnty

2007-03-25 Thread Bruce Baer
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Art Braun called to report that he had found a Eurasian Wigeon on
Hyland Lake at Hyland Park Reserve in West Bloomington. 

Hyland Park is on Bushlake Road - take the exit south off of I-494 to
the park.

It was in with many other species of ducks and geese.


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3DArialspan =






[mou] Carolina Wren at the OCB

2007-02-27 Thread Bruce Baer
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Old Cedar Avenue Bridge:


The Carolina Wren that has been here for quite a few years was heard
singing this morning.  There is a deep ravine off my balcony and it
was singing along with a Northern Shrike.  It is possible that it can
be heard from the road by the Bloomington Garden Center.  


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 face=3DArialspan =

p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 face=3DArialspan =
font-family:Arial'The Carolina Wren that has been here for quite a few =
was heard singing this morning.nbsp; There is a deep ravine off my =
balcony and
it was singing along with a Northern Shrike.nbsp; It is possible that =
it can
be heard from the road by the st1:place w:st=3Donst1:PlaceName =
 st1:PlaceType w:st=3DonGarden/st1:PlaceType st1:PlaceType =

p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 face=3DArialspan =



p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D5 face=3DEdwardian Script ITCspan
style=3D'font-size:18.0pt;font-family:Edwardian Script ITC'Bruce =

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[mou] Gyrfalcon - Dakota County

2007-02-12 Thread Bruce Baer
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I arrived at 170th street at 3:00 and found the Gyrfalcon sitting on
the ground relatively close. After setting up my scope, I was able to
observe it for fifteen minutes before it took flight after the


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

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  street/st1:address/st1:Street at 3:00 and found the Gyrfalcon =
sitting on
the ground relatively close. After setting up my scope, I was able to =
observe it
for fifteen minutes before it took flight after the =

p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 face=3DArialspan =



p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D5 face=3DEdwardian Script ITCspan
style=3D'font-size:18.0pt;font-family:Edwardian Script ITC'Bruce =

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Old Face'o:p/o:p/span/font/p


p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3DArialspan =






[mou] Good Birds

2007-01-24 Thread Bruce Baer
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

At Hogback pond this morning I had a Peregrine Falcon look over all
the Mallards.  Near the Bass Ponds the Red-shouldered Hawk that had
been seen recently put in an appearance.  The Northern Shrike that has
been wintering through the area was at the small pond near the parking
lot at the bridge.  A flock of 50 wintering Robins are in the valley.
The Greater Scaup is usually at the west end of Hogback near the ice


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

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p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 face=3DArialspan =
font-family:Arial'At Hogback pond this morning I had a Peregrine Falcon =
over all the Mallards.nbsp; Near the Bass Ponds the Red-shouldered Hawk =
had been seen recently put in an appearance.nbsp; The Northern Shrike =
that has
been wintering through the area was at the small pond near the parking =
lot at
the bridge.nbsp; A flock of 50 wintering Robins are in the =
valley.nbsp; The
Greater Scaup is usually at the west end of Hogback near the ice =

p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D3 face=3DArialspan =



p class=3DMsoNormalfont size=3D5 face=3DEdwardian Script ITCspan
style=3D'font-size:18.0pt;font-family:Edwardian Script ITC'Bruce =

p class=3DMsoNormalst1:place w:st=3Donst1:City w:st=3Donfont =
  face=3DBaskerville Old Facespan =
style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Baskerville Old =
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Old Face',
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face=3DBaskerville Old Facespan style=3D'font-family:Baskerville =
Old Face'o:p/o:p/span/font/p


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