Re: [mou-net] Chimney Switts in St Paul

2020-08-02 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
For anyone who’s interested, there are chimney swifts routinely present around 
the Lake Elmo Elementary School.  It’s an “old fashioned” brick building with a 
chimney.   We volunteer at the Lake Elmo Farmer’s Market every Saturday 
morning, and they are always there.
J Saffle
Lake Elmo

On 7/31/20, 6:05 PM, "Minnesota Birds on behalf of Gordon Andersson" 



I live in W. 7th neighborhood of St Paul kiddiecorner from a school with a
tall chimney.  Every summer the CHSW's start chittering and flying around in
small and large groups beginning about sunset.  On Monday eve I decided to
count them as they dove down the chimney.  As you know, the most accurate
count would require a video recording played back in slow motion.  The
number dropping into the tower accelerates suddenly and then it is over
except for a few independent spirits.  


On Monday eve I counted 92 birds.  On Tuesday 142 birds.  Last eve Thursday
122 birds.  The last count is probably the most accurate with the smallest +
and -  ranges.  But I think the numbers actually fluctuate each evening
also.  There might be a rolling average increase before departure for the


For years Audubon MN conducted a volunteer CHSW count at two times during
the summer, with a retired volunteer coordinator.   For 40+ years, St Paul
Audubon Socy had a "warbler weekend" every Mother's Day weekend at Villa
Maria in Old Frontenac on Miss River.  Every evening Friday and Saturday
people would count the birds going down the chimney of the 4 story limestone
block residence.  It was a scheduled event.  


About 15 years ago, on a weekend, I came back from birding somewhere and
decided to sit in my bkyard and count the CHSW's.  This was before the AM
organized count.  As I remember there were 246 or so birds and I sent the
observation to DNR non-game staff.


My thought with these summer tower roosters has been that they were all
non-breeders.  Since they only appear in the evenings, they could not be
feeding young in nests in the chimney.  Someone who knows more and has
actually studied CHSW's might offer some facts.  I was told once that only
one pair nests in each chimney.  Alternatively, perhaps these birds are
already swarming,  preparatory to migration to Central America.  a long ways
to go and if young have already fledged they can head south.  

This is from CLO"Unmated swifts continue roosting
together in the summer, sometimes in large groups. But the species does not
nest colonially: you'll find only one breeding pair nesting in any one
chimney. The pair may tolerate other nonbreeders roosting in their chimney."

This represents a huge number of non-breeders.  CLO does not mention age of
sexual maturity.  The loss of chimneys has been gradual over time so these
numbers are not due to a sudden surplus of adult birds from one year to the


PS   I just read Jim Williams article in the Star Tribune from July 28 on
Chimney Swifts.  He notes the decline of all four of N America swift
species, that NAS labels as species of "special concern".  



St Paul 


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Re: [mou-net] FOY Rose-breasted Grosbeak, south Cass

2021-05-02 Thread Jeffrey Saffle

Seen at the Saffle house in Lake Elmo this weekend (among the usual denizens):
Eastern bluebird
Purple finch
Song Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Several Palm Warblers
Yellow-rumped warbler
Ruby-crowned kinglet
No hummingbirds or orioles yet

J Saffle
Lake Elmo

On May 2, 2021 at 4:21 PM, Michael Koutnik  wrote:

Hi Michael,

On April 25 I saw a pair of bluebirds at Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis.

Mike Koutnik

On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 5:57 PM  wrote:

(Posted by Mike North  via

Had my first rose-breasted grosbeak (a male) this morning, ONE day after
my first eastern
bluebird. What's wrong with this picture? I haven't heard from any of my
birdwatcher friends who have seen a bluebird yet, but they must be nesting
in some places in
MN already. Just curious where.

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Mike Koutnik
Mobile: 612-963-5551
LinkedIn: mkoutnik

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Re: [mou-net] Ruby Throated Population

2024-07-19 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
We have a few hummers here in Lake Elmo but I’m much more struck by a 
near-total absence of monarch butterflies.  I successfully raised and released 
16 monarchs in June/early July but since then I’ve only found one caterpillar 
and seen one adult.  I suspect the relentlessly rainy weather was hard on them. 
 What are others’ thought?
Jeffrey Saffle
Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 19, 2024, at 11:27 AM, Jason Frank  wrote:
> I'm in Ortonville, and haven't seen a single hummingbird all summer long. I
> only saw a few in the spring.
> There are no Japanese Beetles this far west yet, so no one around here is
> spraying for them. Plenty of people are spraying for everything else,
> though. Ortonville is governed by the type of 20th Century idiocy that
> employs a municipal mosquito spray truck which circles the town once a week
> to kill every flying insect in its path (can't have all dem golfers and
> lakeshore dwellers gettin all itchy, don't ya know). There are plenty of
> flowers around town, and good nesting habitat in the parks and ravines. I
> too am noticing low numbers of Barn and Tree Swallows... and I haven't seen
> a Kestrel since April. At this point, it could be a whole cumulative effect
> of climate, over-spraying and insect population collapse, and bird flu,
> which I'd imagine could spread to hummers if their feeders are in close
> proximity to seed and suet feeders. All those storms and heavy rain during
> nesting season probably didn't help, either.
> Jason Frank
>> On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 8:36 PM Nancy Steinhauser 
>> wrote:
>> Wondering if anyone else has seen the numbers go down this summer.  From a
>> great start (over 30 birds arrived at the feeders.and who knows the
>> ones I didn't see) in mid-May, the numbers now have dwindled to less than a
>> dozen, and that's up from 3 or 4 because the little ones have fledged.
>> Neighbors and co-workers (the north shore and inland above Two Harbors)
>> have reported the same "drop" in birds.  Bewildered.  They started to
>> disappear early to mid-June and have not returned.  Wondering about bird
>> flu.
>> We have had a huge mosquito population this summer because of all the
>> rain.  But that hasn't dropped hummingbird numbers coming to feeders in
>> previous wet summers.
>> Any ideas/experiences?  The numbers here have been steadily going up for
>> over
>> 25 years.  Many feeders out.  Such a shock to have so few birds.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Nancy in Superior Highlands
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[mou-net] owls and buntings

2015-01-02 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
We found both snowy owls in Rice County this morning, right where Gerald 
Hoekstra described them yesterday (thanks!).  Other highlights included a big 
flock (about 80) of snow buntings at the corner of Dennison Ave and Highway 56, 
and a lone horned lark along 190th street.
Jeffrey and Susan Saffle, Lake Elmo

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Redpolls

2015-01-20 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
Last week a big flock of redpolls (about 40 birds) made a brief fly-over to our 
treetops in Lake Elmo, then departed.  But a couple have returned, and have 
been visiting our feeders daily.  First redpolls this year.
Susan and Jeffrey Saffle

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[mou-net] Solitary sandpiper and snipe

2015-04-19 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
The Saffle pond has been reduced to a wetland by the lack of rain, though there 
was a bit more water in it this morning, enough to attract a Solitary Sandpiper 
and a pair of Wilson's Snipe.  Jeffrey Saffle, Lake Elmo

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[mou-net] Black-billed cuckoo

2015-06-06 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
Our yard work was interrupted this morning when we heard a black-billed cuckoo 
calling from our oak trees.  We were able to track him down— he was concealed 
but otherwise cooperative— and get excellent looks through our spotting scope.  
First time we’ve ever heard one here in Lake Elmo.

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[mou-net] What's with this

2015-08-20 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
I’ve gotten two emails, ostensibly via, from “” 
labeled “important message” and asking me to open a link which DOESN’T seem to 
have anything to do with birds.  I haven’t opened these suspicious links.
What’s going on?  Does the Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union endorse this 
practice.  Am I going to have to un-subscribe to get rid of this irritating and 
possibly risky bother.
J Saffle
Lake Elmo

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Golden crowned sparrow

2015-11-10 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
Does anyone know if the Golden crowned sparrow is still being seen in Duluth?  
And if so, where?
J Saffle Lake Elmo

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] common redpolls

2016-02-03 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
Common redpolls appeared at the Saffle feeders in Lake Elmo this morning.  
There were only 3 or 4, but this is the first time they’ve appeared this 
winter.  Last year we had dozens.
Jeffrey and Susan Saffle, Lake Elmo

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] Sabine's gull(s)

2016-09-13 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
After all the excellent posts about the Sabine’s gull, we drove to Albany this 
morning.  We found the bird on the water in about the middle of the west pool.  
But while we were looking at it ANOTHER Sabine’s flew by, very near to us.  The 
wing pattern was seen repeatedly and very clearly, and was unmistakeable.  So 
there are at least two of them.  Another couple was there, and saw them too.
Jeffrey Saffle.  Also three red-necked phalaropes.
Lake Elmo

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Re: [mou-net] Tufted Duck at Colvill Park 4 pm 1/12/2018

2018-01-13 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
Any news today (Saturday).  I was hoping to go down there tomorrow if it's 
still being seen.
J Saffle, Lake Elmo

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 12, 2018, at 4:33 PM, ""  wrote:
> (Posted by Renner S. Anderson  via
> Tufted Duck seen 4 pm, Friday 1/12/2018 at edge of ice close to shore 
> standing at 
> 44.56588 -92.49798 just north of Red Wing Waterworks at Colville Park.
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Re: [mou-net] House Wrens

2018-06-11 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
There are several vocal and visible House wrens— as usual— at our home in Lake 
Jeffrey Saffle

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 11, 2018, at 8:18 PM, Charlene Nelson  wrote:
> I was at Afton yesterday and heard house wrens. Also at sisters house in 
> Byooklyn Park. We have at least two pairs that call frequently to each other 
> at farm here in Grant County. Waiting on fledglings here. 
> Charlene Nelson 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 11, 2018, at 1:43 PM, Michael Koutnik  wrote:
> It also occurs to me that wrens have been notably infrequent in my spring 
> birding walks at Murphy Hanrahan. Just one marsh wren on a 50+ afternoon of 
> three walks of 2 hours or more.  
> Mike Koutnik
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 11, 2018, at 1:09 PM, Jim Williams  wrote:
>> Anyone noticing absence or reduced numbers of House Wrens this spring? 
>> Jim Williams
>> birding blog at startribune/Wingnut
>> Earth always bats last.
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Re: [mou-net] State Fair shifts filling fast!

2018-07-14 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
Do you mean “shift”?

J Saffle
Lake Elmo

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 14, 2018, at 12:51 PM, kkelnberger  wrote:
> Volunteer at the fair for MOU. Sign up to work four hours at the MOU booth, 
> get a free pass and enjoy fair food and sights before of after your shit ( or 
> both before and after)
> Email me, Kate Kelnberger: with your preferences and I 
> will sign you up.  I have tickets ready to mail out to you!
> Thursday, August: 23  5-9
> Friday, August 24:5-9
> Wednesday, August 29:   5-9
> Thursday, August 30:  5-9
> Monday, September 3:  5-9
> Sign up for an evening shift, enjoy the fair,  relax at the booth and enjoy 
> the music then stay for the fire works.  A perfect fair day!
> ONE VOLUNTEER is needed for Saturday, September 1 from 9-1
> Enjoy the fair after 1:00 for free.
> These shifts need TWO VOLUNTEERS.  Sign up with a friend!
> Saturday,  August 25,  5-9
> Monday, August 27,  5-9
> Friday, August  31,  1-5  and 5-9
> Saturday, September 1:  5-9
> Sunday, September 2:  1-5 and 5-9
> Monday, September 3:  9-1 and 1-5
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Re: [mou-net] Harris's Sparrow

2019-05-16 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
We had a Harris sparrow here in Lake Elmo for several days, too.
Jeffrey Saffle

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 16, 2019, at 8:26 PM, Bob Bystrom  wrote:
> A Harris’s sparrow visited our ground feeder today. They are scarce here.  We 
> see a Harris’s at the ground feeder, usually a single bird, about once every 
> five or six years.
> Bob Bystrom
> Washington County
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[mou-net] Tufted titmouse

2019-07-22 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
After five years of looking, today we were finally rewarded with a tufted 
titmouse at our feeders in Lake Elmo.  The bird came to the peanut feeder 
several times, and answered when I played (only once) a taped call.
Jeffrey Saffle, Lake Elmo

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[mou-net] Red headed woodpecker

2019-11-14 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
For the past two days a juvenile red headed woodpecker has been hanging around 
our feeders in Lake Elmo.  Brownish head with just a bit of red at the back; 
white lower back and rump.
Jeffrey Saffle

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Re: [mou-net] Scarlet Tanagers in Roseville

2020-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
First ever scarlet tanager today at our feeders in Lake Elmo, too.
Jeffrey Saffle
Lake Elmo

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 17, 2020, at 12:56 PM, Keith Carlson  wrote:
> While talking on the phone to my daughter in Boston, to my disbelief I
> spotted a possible Scarlet Tanager low down on the trunk of a tree in our
> back yard, across the street from the south side of Lake Owasso in
> Roseville.  I raced to get my binoculars in the car in the garage and
> confirmed we had not one, but three Scarlet Tanagers in our back yard along
> with a couple of Baltimore Orioles.  Couple of different warblers too
> likely a Pine and Yellow Rumped  but too high up in the leaves for me to
> see them well enough in the rain.
> Keith Carlson,
> Roseville, MN
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[mou-net] Crystal Springs

2020-06-01 Thread Jeffrey Saffle
I have seen that Louisiana Waterthrush and Pine Warbler have been seen recently 
at Crystal Springs.  I tried to go there once a couple of weeks ago, but it was 
hard to find and confusing.  If anyone who know that area could help me, I'd be 
very grateful:
1.  Where do you park?
2.  I found a single trail leading into the SNA from the north.  Are there 
3.  Could you tell me approximately where the waterthrush has been seen?  I 
didn't walk all the way in last time, and I didn't see any likely waterthrush 
Thanks in advance,
Jeffrey Saffle
Lake Elmo

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