[mou-net] Unsubscribe

2010-06-01 Thread KCTEPO00
Sorry, not sure if this is the proper way to do this but I'm moving out of 
state this week and need to unsubscribe from the email lists.  Thank you!!

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Rochester area birds

2010-05-21 Thread KCTEPO00
I enjoyed a nice walk on Wednesday morning on part of the Douglas Trail, from 
75th Street NW (town of Douglas) north to 90th Street.  I have never seen so 
many Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks in my life.  Probably close to 20, and well over 
that number of Baltimore Orioles.  Also found an Olive-Sided Flycatcher and a 
pair of Orchard Orioles near 90th Street.  Tennessee Warblers were numerous, 
plus a few Nashvilles, several Yellows, a Swainson's Thrush and a few Brown 

Yesterday (Thursday) at Willow Creek Reservoir in southwest Rochester I walked 
the loop around the lake and found several more Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks, both 
Orioles (at least 4 Orchards in two locations), a pair of adult Bald Eagles, 
Eastern Kingbirds, many sedge wrens, Blue-Winged Teal, Field Sparrows, Yellow 
Warblers, Red-Eyed and Warbling Vireos, Rough-Winged Swallows, Great Crested 
Flycatcher, Savannah and Grasshopper Sparrows, Nighthawk, a pair of Eastern 
Meadowlarks and much more.

At Keller WMA southwest of Rochester were Barred Owls, more Grosbeaks, 
Clay-Colored Sparrows, Field Sparrows, Coopers Hawk, Thrasher, Yellow-Throated 
Vireo, Great Crested Flycatcher, and many fireflies.  

Horned Larks and Vesper Sparrows found throughout the backroads of 
south/southwest Olmsted County. 

To cap the night off, around 10 pm at my parents' house were both calling 
Barred and Great Horned Owls.  In all the years I've lived and visited back 
home, I'd never seen or heard an owl (let alone two) in our neighborhood!  

Kyle TePoel
Saint Paul

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[mou-net] Rough-Legged Hawks, Dakota Olmsted counties

2010-01-10 Thread KCTEPO00
Yesterday afternoon while in transit from St. Paul to Rochester I had one 
Rough-Legged Hawk fly by just north of Cannon Falls and another just north of 

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Owl White-Throated Sparrow (St. Paul)

2009-12-13 Thread KCTEPO00
I've had a White-Throated Sparrow hanging around the brushy woodlot next to my 
apartment ever since the snow storm.  I am fairly certain that I've ever seen 
one this late.  

Also, twice this week I located a Great Horned Owl in almost the exact same 
spot within Crosby Regional Park along the Mississippi River.

Kyle TePoel
Saint Paul

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[mou-net] Many Goldeneye + mink, Ramsey County

2009-11-10 Thread KCTEPO00
This morning there were 75-100 Goldeneye on Lake Vadnais.  I could not pick out 
any Barrow's, I presume they were all Common.  Also, sunning itself on some 
rocks along the road/path right next to me was a cute sleepy mink!  A nice 
surprise to see on a pretty quiet day--only migrants I found in the trees were 
Golden-Crowned Kinglets and a creeper or two.

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Ramsey County and Rochester

2009-09-20 Thread KCTEPO00
First, the late post--the Eastside WMA in Rochester (County Road 9, east of the 
college campus) had great shorebird habitat a few days ago while I was in town 
visiting family.  On Thursday evening there was a Woodcock, Great Horned Owl, 
distant Barred Owls; on Friday morning there was a group of about 50 egrets and 
great blue herons (about 25 each) and approximately 40 shorebirds: mostly 
yellowlegs, peeps and killdeer but a smattering of a few others, including 
phalaropes, white-rumped sandpiper, stilt sandpiper, and a possible willet (too 
far to say 100%).  Also a couple Pipits.

Second, this morning at Sucker Lake (Ramsey Co.): Wood Thrush, a couple 
Trumpeter Swans, several Philadelphia Vireo, Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher, and a 
handful of warbler species including Golden-Winged and Black-Throated Green.  

Kyle TePoel
Saint Paul

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[mou-net] Hooded Warbler, Dakota Co.

2009-09-13 Thread KCTEPO00
Today around 12:00 I found a male Hooded Warbler at Lebanon Hills Regional Park 
in Dakota County.  It was singing incessantly for the 10-15 minutes I was near 
it.  I know others had seen one there this spring (and last year as well) so 
I'm assuming this is probably the same guy on territory.  

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Swainson's Thrush, etc., Minneapolis

2009-08-31 Thread KCTEPO00
In the woods along the Mississippi River (east of the River Parkway, stone 
stairway entrance near 33rd Street) this morning I found my first Swainson's 
Thrush of the spring.  Migrants were few, only one warbler seen (Magnolia) and 
Blue-Headed and Philadelphia Vireo (one each).   Plenty of Red-Eyed Vireos 
present, and numerous hummingbirds as well.

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Black-Crowned Night Herons, Minneapolis

2009-08-26 Thread KCTEPO00
At around 7:45 I watched a pair of adult Black-Crowned Night Herons sunning 
themselves in the same tree.  This was in Powderhorn Park, along East 35th 
Street in Minneapolis.  I watched them for about 15 minutes before they slowly 
creeped along the branches back into hiding amongst the leaves.  The birds were 
seen on an island in the small lake.

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Golden-Winged Warbler, St. Paul

2009-08-22 Thread KCTEPO00
This morning I found a single Golden-Winged Warbler, as well as one 
Chestnut-Sided Warbler, at Fort Snelling State Park's Pike Island.  There was a 
decent amount of bird activity but those were the only two notable migrants I 

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] Osprey and Peregrine, southeast Minneapolis

2009-08-21 Thread KCTEPO00
This morning I saw an Osprey attempting to fish in a small area of Minnehaha 
Creek, just west of Hwy. 55/Minnehaha Falls area.  I'd never seen one hovering 
so low in a creek setting, it was pretty neat.  Also along Hwy. 55, at 35th 
Street, was a Peregrine Falcon perched on an old industrial building.

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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Re: [mou-net] [mnbird] Ramsey Cty Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2009-08-05 Thread KCTEPO00
Previously reported by Erik Collins, Chuck Krulas and others, the Buff-Breasted 
Sandpiper was still at Grass Lake this morning.  I saw it between 9 and 9:45 
am.  There were over a dozen shorebirds (in number, not species) present, 
possibly the same as were seen two days ago (see below).  I couldn't pick them 
all out with the light and without a scope.  If anyone happens to go and gets a 
more accurate representation of the species present I'd be curious to know what 
I may have missed.
Kyle TePoel
St. Paul 

On Monday, August 03, 2009 9:52 PM, Chuck Krulas wrote:
Today John and Chris Hockema and I birded Grass Lake in Ramsey Cty. We found a 
Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpipers, Semipalmated Sandpipers, Least 
Sandpipers and Killdeer at the lake. (thanks Erik Collins for the info)
The directions to the area to view the mud flat are as follows.Enter the area 
at the corner of Mackubin St. and Gramsie Road. Walk down the first dirt road 
that goes to the right This is before the hill to the parking lot. Walk 
past the power tower and take the first path to the left. follow the trail past 
the first path that goes off to the left and keep walking past a low area where 
you can see the mud area. We tried walking to the mud at that point but it was 
difficult to see anything. If you continue on the path it will go up higher 
before entering the woods again. That is the area where Chris bush  crashed out 
to the mud flat. 
Long pants and shoes that might get wet are appropriate.
Chuck Krulas
Rochester, Olmsted Cty.

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[mou-net] Mystery bird, Bass Ponds

2009-07-22 Thread KCTEPO00
Yesterday at the Bass Ponds in Bloomington I had a large bird fly overhead.  I 
watched it fly west over the entirety of the ponds toward the Cedar Avenue 
bridge and beyond, yet have no clue what I saw.  

From underneath it appeared light in color (white or perhaps a light grayish 
throughout) with no distinct markings, except for the wings.  The upperside of 
the wings appeared entirely white, so I presumed the large, long-winged bird 
to be an egret.  But then I saw the underside of the wings, which had a thick 
white stripe throughout the entire wing, lined with black on all edges.  This 
pattern was superficially similar to a Willet, but with much more white and 
much less black.  Very much like many Shearwater or Petrel's underwing 
pattern.  The bird also was larger than any Willets I've seen.  The bird flew 
pretty fast with deep wing beats and sharply pointed wing tips, not unlike 
falcons and some other raptors.  I've looked at all the shorebirds, waders, 
gulls and raptors and I can't find anything that looks like what I saw.  
Unfortunately, I could not decipher bill length or shape.

Any ideas?  Thanks for reading!

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] cc: re: [mou-net] Lake Vadnais, Ramsey County

2009-07-02 Thread KCTEPO00
I was also at Lake Vadnais this morning, and in addition to Gail's report, 
found a pair of Broad-Winged Hawks, frequently calling and also chasing other 
birds off.  Nearby, before seeing the birds, I found what looks like a hawk or 
owl nest, though I didn't see the birds at the nest at any point.

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

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[mou-net] cc: Late Hawk Owl, St. Louis Co.

2009-05-10 Thread KCTEPO00
Yesterday morning while driving the entrance loop from Hwy. 169 to Hwy. 53 
south (just north of Virginia) I was surprised by a Northern Hawk Owl perched 
along the roadside trees.  There had been one in this spot occasionally earlier 
in the winter, but I did not expect to see one in May.  

Also, later in the afternoon at the Harriet Alexander Nature Center (Roseville, 
Ramsey Co.) I saw a Veery.  Otherwise not a whole lot going on there, only 4 
warblers seen.

Kyle TePoel
Ely, MN

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[mou-net] Barrow's Goldeneye, Grand Rapids

2009-04-08 Thread KCTEPO00
I enjoyed yesterday morning/afternoon in Grand Rapids while my wife was there 
for some school stuff.  Along the Mississippi River there were Common 
Goldeneye, Hooded Mergansers, and Ring-Necked Ducks at just about every spot I 
checked (but little else, save a few Common Mergansers).  Most interesting was 
the Barrow's Goldeneye at the Grand Rapids Sewage Ponds.  It was virtually 
unmistakable, especially with the close viewing access there.  It stood out 
immediately, compared to the many other Goldeneye near it.  It tended to stay 
to itself, mostly.  It was the first one I've ever seen!  This was around noon 

Thanks to Shawn Conrad whose website gave me ideas of places to go!
Sorry for the late post, I didn't have internet access yesterday. 

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Woodcocks displaying in Rochester

2009-03-26 Thread KCTEPO00
I went out to look and/or listen for owls this morning at the Izaak Walton 
Wetland area in southwest Rochester (off of County Road 25, west of the 
Historical Society).  No luck with owls, but I did happen upon at least 3 
Woodcock, at least 2 of which displayed and all three were peenting.  One of 
them happened to land itself pretty close to the walking trail I was on at the 
end of one of its routines; I heard a thud, looked to my left, and got a brief 
glimpse before it took off.  Pretty neat though!  One of the birds was on an 
adjacent farm field, but two were within the wetland area.  This went on from 
about 6:20 to 7:00 today.  I may have had better luck viewing the displays from 
the road itself; from the trail I only saw a fraction of a second of a black 
dot in the sky, due to the tree cover.  Also present here were Bufflehead, 
Hooded Merganser, Fox Sparrows, and more.  

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Rochester and Dakota County

2009-03-25 Thread KCTEPO00
Today at the Silver Creek Reservoir (on County Road 11 northeast of Rochester) 
were at least 50 Canvasbacks.  I am usually only lucky enough to see them about 
once a year, so if this was my only day it was a good one.  Also present there 
were eight Bald Eagles, one Harrier, many Shovelers, 2 Green-Winged Teal, and 
lesser numbers of a few other duck species.  The other reservoirs in/near 
Rochester each had good numbers of Mergansers, Scaup and Ring-Necked Ducks. 
Last night at Silver Lake there was an Eared Grebe and a Ruddy Duck, at least 8 
Redheads, and several dozen Common Mergansers.  

Dakota Co:
Yesterday in rural Dakota County I found a Loggerhead Shrike (on Fischer Ave), 
a Peregrine Falcon (on Emery Ave), a Meadowlark (170th Street), singing Vesper, 
Clay-Colored, and Savannah Sparrow (at Lake Byllesby), 3 Pintail (at Spring 
Lake Park near Rosemount), among birds mentioned in other postings recently.  
Horned Larks were easy to come by as well, including in the Rochester area.

It's great to be outside, despite the weather!

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Metro birds

2009-03-23 Thread KCTEPO00
I had an enjoyable day traveling down from Ely, where it is still winter, to 
the twin cities area, where I could finally see some migrating birds.  While 
much would be redundant, I will mention my stop at the north end of Lake 
Vadnais (the road is closed to driving, but you can walk in).  There, in the 
relatively small patch open water, was a Common Loon; in the woods on the north 
side of the lake was a Golden Crowned Kinglet and a Saw-Whet Owl. 

On the way down,near Hinkley, I saw about 100 swans, 75 Common Mergansers, and 
a few Snow Geese.  In the metro, I found about 10 species of waterfowl this 
afternoon at various locations.

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Black-Backed Woodpecker, Ely

2009-03-09 Thread KCTEPO00
Yesterday afternoon I saw a single male Black-Backed Woodpecker on the north 
side of the Trezona Trail, perhaps .75 miles east of the parking lot near the 
Grand Ely Lodge.  Also seen of note were Brown Creeper and a male Ruffed 
Grouse, feeding just inches from me and my dad's feet!  

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Close encounters, St. Louis/Lake counties

2009-03-04 Thread KCTEPO00
I had pretty good luck today getting quite close to a number of species (not 
only birds) I usually can't get too close to. 

I started on Superior National Forest road 424 (New Tomahawk Road), east of the 
town of Babbitt.  The first thing I saw was a Porcupine; unfortunately it was 
dead.  A few miles east, I encountered a small flock of Red Crossbills feeding 
on the road.  The lone male among them allowed me to step within 10+ feet while 
the rest flew to nearby trees.  The road ends at Hwy. 1, and at that 
intersection I found a Gray Jay.  
I headed north on Hwy. 1 toward Ely, and for the second time in recent weeks 
had a wolf walking the road in front of me.  This one stopped as I hit the 
brakes, then slowly paced along the driver's side of my car before going back 
in the woods.  I had goosebumps for about 20 minutes!
I checked Spruce Road for woodpeckers, but it was very quiet.  Lastly, at the 
Birch Lake dam (about 12 miles from Ely) there were several Common Goldeneye.  

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] MOU photo question

2009-02-20 Thread KCTEPO00

I just posted a photo of an Evening Grosbeak on the website's 'showcase' 
section, only to find that I forgot to indicate species or county.  So it now 
says null in Ramsey County instead of Evening Grosbeak in St. Louis County. 
 Can anyone tell me how to fix that?  I don't see any edit or delete options.  


Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Spr. Grouse, Eve. Grosbeaks, Boh. Waxwings (Ely area)

2009-01-27 Thread KCTEPO00
I had a fun late morning today in and around Ely.  Pine Siskins, Pine Grosbeaks 
and Common Redpolls were very active, vocal and numerous at many stops I made.  
A few scattered crossbills seen as well.  Previously reported Bohemian Waxwings 
were seen in Ely from the Trezona Trail along the south end of Miners Lake; I 
saw about 15-20 but I believe others have found as many as 60 on other days.  
In the small town of Winton (3 miles east of Ely) there was a lot of activity 
around one particular feeder (easily seen from the main north-south road 
through town) including Redpolls, Pine Grosbeaks, Evening Grosbeaks, and even a 
Spruce Grouse!  Quite an easy and unexpected way to find see my first one.  

Toward the end of my travels today I also saw a wolf cross the road in front of 
my car, then stop to look at me for about 10 seconds and allowing me to snap a 
photo before it moved along.  

Kyle TePoel

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[mou-net] Gyrfalcons! (near Voyageur's National Park)

2009-01-06 Thread KCTEPO00
Today around 10:30 am I was amazed to see not one but two Gyrfalcon just west 
of Voyageur's National Park.  I spotted the birds west of the fire tower along 
(Koochiching) County Road 11, about 10+ miles east of International Falls.  As 
I saw the first of the two approach head on from the west, my first assumption 
of a moderately large sized bird was that it was a Raven.  As it got closer I 
could tell it was a raptor, and I thought it might be a Goshawk.  Then it got 
even closer, to where I was able to get decent detail with my binoculars; its 
narrower, sharply pointed wings definitely revealed it was a falcon, albeit a 
very large one; its color was brown above and lighter below, with no apparent 
facial mask or heavy barring below to indicate a Peregrine.  Its flight was 
steady and wingbeats were slow and regular (as opposed to a flap-flap-glide of 
a Goshawk), but its speed was fast--before I knew it, a second 
identical-appearing bird had caught up with it while I was focused on the first 
one, and together they were out of sight to the north into Canada.  

Kyle TePoel
Ely, MN

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[mou-net] Goldeneye, Mergansers, Titmouse (Rochester)

2008-12-24 Thread KCTEPO00
This morning at dawn I went to Silver Lake in Rochester.  There were about 40 
Goldeneye, 2 Common Mergansers, and 2 Red-Breasted Mergansers; the Red-Breasted 
pair flew off at sunrise and did not return while I was there.  I also went to 
Quarry Hill Nature Center, where I saw a Tufted Titmouse.  

Happy Holidays!

Kyle TePoel

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[mou] cc: re: [mnbird] Found Budgie (Parakeet) - St. Paul

2008-07-09 Thread KCTEPO00
I provide childcare for a family near the Highland Park neighborhood, they say 
they've seen signs for a missing parakeet in posted near their home (near Grand 
and Fairview Avenues).  If I find a sign I'll post it ASAP.  If anyone else 
happens to beat me to it, all the better.  

Kyle TePoel
St. Paul

[mou] Washington County birds (information request)

2008-06-10 Thread KCTEPO00
Hi everyone, 

I am gathering data for the proposed Lake St. Croix Important Bird Area (IBA), 
covering roughly the area of I-94 south to Point Douglas, and inland to 
approximately Manning Ave/95.  This would include such sites as Afton State 
Park, St. Croix Bluffs Regional Park, Belwin, and anything else within this 
approximate area.  

I would very much appreciate hearing from you if you have sightings to share; 
especially welcome would be lists, be it county, park, day, year, life, 
seasonal, whatever you have.  Any sightings are welcome, and those who have 
records of 'special interest' birds in the area (Henslow's Sparrows, Louisiana 
Waterthrush, Prothonotary Warblers, Scoters or other unusual waterfowl, etc.) 
are especially sought after. 

If you have any information to share, or know others who do, please contact me. 
 Email is fine, or phone (651-686-0415).  Thanks in advance for any help you 
may provide!  


Kyle TePoel

[mou] Fwd: Swainson's Warbler! Lake Vadnais (Ramsey County)

2008-05-10 Thread KCTEPO00
I've been asked to forward this message to the MOU list, as I had sent it 
originally only to mnBird last night; I will submit documentation to the MOU 
today.  How do you post to the Rare Bird Alert?:
On May 9, 2008:  KCTEPO00 at smumn.edu wrote:
I saw many birds today on a nearly 5-hour walk through the Grass, Snail, and 
Vadnais Lakes today, but the highlight was a Swainson's Warbler at Lake 
Vadnais.  Mistaking it at first for a Waterthrush when it flushed, I watched it 
and observed an olive-brown back, slightly richer brown cap, thick white stripe 
above the eye, and a light yellow/gray wash on its underside.  It was lurking 
in and around some standing water in dense brush.
Other favorites on the day:
Orioles, Soras, Sedge Wren, Lincoln's Sparrow, Black-throated Green  Wilson's 
Warblers (among several others), Spotted Sandpipers, Veery, Common Loons 
(nesting pair?), family of Red-Breasted Mergansers (female with 3 or 4 young; 
no male found), Blue-Headed Vireo, and more
Kyle TePoel
St. Paul
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[mou] cc: re: [mnbird] Birding at Dodge Nature Center--Alder Flycatcher

2008-05-06 Thread KCTEPO00
I was just about to post about a visit to Dodge Nature Center, but Jeff Fischer 
beat me to it.  In addition to everything Jeff already posted, I saw:
Several ovenbirds, Hermit and Swainson's Thrushes, a courting House Wren 
(apparently touring his potential mate to multiple nest sites, singing at each 
stop; pretty neat to watch!) and a singing Alder Flycatcher, seen near the big 
pond west of the 'prairie' area near the main entrance.   As Jeff mentioned 
there were Sora- I was able to find two, in separate marshes/ponds, very close 
to the trail!
Kyle TePoel
St. Paul
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[mou] cc: re: [mnbird] Barred Owl in St. Paul

2008-01-23 Thread KCTEPO00
On a walk this morning at Lilydale Regional Park (along Lilydale Rd) I saw a 
Barred Owl, perhaps the same one, sleeping in a tree.  I saw one in the same 
hole of the same tree last winter as well.  
Kyle TePoel
St. Paul
On Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:19 AM, Jim Ryan wrote:

Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 06:19:04 -0600
From: Jim Ryan
To: MOU Net ,
Subject: [mnbird] Barred Owl in St. Paul

Last night (about 9:20pm) on the way home via Lilydale Rd. I spied a barred owl 
sitting on the telephone wire right near the big icy patch in the road (where 
the seep runs across the road.) A Ramsey county first for me. 


Jim Ryan on St. Paul's Westside
651-308-0234 business cell

A man who dares to waste an hour of time has not discovered the value of 
life. - Charles Darwin 
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