[mou-net] Albert Lea CBC

2018-12-05 Thread Mike Majeski
The date for the Albert Lea CBC is set for December 29. The group is meeting at 
the Caribou Coffee inside the Hy-Vee off Bridge Street at 7:30 a.m. So far 
about 8 people can make it, let me know if you would like to participate.

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Common Ravens - Dakota Co

2018-11-28 Thread Mike Majeski
There was a pair of Common Ravens today in Miesville Ravine County Park, 
specifically along the upper end of Trout Brook where the stream restoration 
project occurred in 2017. This is about 1/4 mile downstream of County Road 91. 
This appears to be only the second record for Dakota county.

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Hooded warbler - Ramsey co

2018-06-10 Thread Mike Majeski
There is a male hooded warbler at the entrance to Vista Hills Park off Marnie 
Street in southern Maplewood. The bird was located this morning where the paved 
trail from Marnie street intersects the main paved trail loop in the park. Note 
there is no parking lot on Marnie, but there is a parking lot at the north end 
of the park off Mailand. 

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Albert Lea CBC rescheduled to January 1st

2017-12-22 Thread Mike Majeski
Unfortunately we needed to reschedule the Albert Lea CBC to January 1. The 
meeting time/place is the same as before- 7:30 a.m. at the Caribou Coffee stand 
inside the Albert Lea Hy-Vee on the east side of Bridge Street.
If you would like to join this count, please contact me back channel.

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Lamberton and Albert Lea CBC's

2017-11-17 Thread Mike Majeski
The Lamberton CBC will take place on December 16 (compiler is Lee French) and 
the Albert Lea CBC will take place on December 23 (compiler is myself).
If you are interested in joining either count, please e-mail me back-channel 
for the meeting place and time.  Thanks!

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Yellow-throated warbler likely nesting- Hennepin Co

2016-05-14 Thread Mike Majeski
Despite all the activity (people, dogs, lawn mowing) in Gold Medal Park, the 
pair of yellow-throated warblers appear to be nesting in the area. An apparent 
a female was seen with a bill full of nesting material and the male was 
actively chasing a chipping sparrow out of a tree. This was around 10:45 a.m.  
Please refrain from using tape recordings/audio calls, the birds are quite 
visible if you are patient. As stated, there is enough activity going on there 
and the birds do not need additional stress from recordings, especially if they 
are trying to nest!
Thank you to all who posted info about this sighting.
Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Chucker - Washington County (Woodbury)

2016-04-13 Thread Mike Majeski
There's currently a Chucker, in of all places, in front of Total Wine in 
Woodbury. It was hunkered down near a landscape boulder and a few small 
ornamental bushes near the parking lot. Total Wine is located on Valley Creek 
Plaza north of Valley Creek Road. 
Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Albert Lea CBC- request for volunteers

2015-12-29 Thread Mike Majeski
We could use a few more volunteers for the Albert Lea CBC taking place
this Friday, January 1. Local feeder watchers, owlers, road cruisers,
hikers- all are welcome. If interested and want more info, please e-mail
me back-channel. 



Mike Majeski


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Re: [mou-net] RFI - bird sightings along Brown's Creek, Washington Co.

2015-05-05 Thread Mike Majeski
I just noticed my e-mail got cut off in my message, but you should be
able to respond by clicking the Reply via e-mail at the bottom of the
original message.


Mike Majeski


From: Mike Majeski 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 12:38 PM
To: mou-net@lists.umn.edu
Subject: RFI - bird sightings along Brown's Creek, Washington Co.


Hello, I'm assisting the Brown's Creek Watershed District (BCWD) in
compiling an inventory of bird species observed along the Brown's Creek
corridor in Washington County. If you have or know anyone who has a list
of birds seen along Brown's creek, please contact me offline (e-mail
listed below). Any sightings are welcome, historic or recent. We will
also be gathering data submitted to the MOU sightings database.  We are
particularly interested in any birds observed along the Gateway Trail
between Lansing Ave and Manning Ave and along the new Brown's Creek
Trail (old Zephyr railroad line) between Stone Bridge Trail and Highway
95. We are also looking for any volunteers that could conduct weekly (or
at least monthly) surveys for the Gateway Trail and Brown's Creek Trail
sites from May 2015 to May 2016. These would be informal surveys to
document what species are being seen in these two areas. If you are
interested in volunteering for this effort or have any data to share,
please e-mail me at mmaje...@eorinc.com


For those unfamiliar with Brown's Creek, the headwaters originate in a
large wetland complex just south of Withrow and flows southeast and
discharges to St. Croix River just north of Stillwater.


Thank you!


Mike Majeski


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[mou-net] Very late Cackling Goose - Maplewood, Ramsey County

2014-06-10 Thread Mike Majeski
This evening while working in the yard I observed a lone Cackling goose
flying over the house with a flock of Canada geese. The goose was nearly
half the size of the Canada geese it was flying with and had a
noticeably shorter wingspan, but the best clue was the call note. The
high pitch call of the goose was what originally drew my attention to
the flock as it continued north and out of sight. The call was higher
pitched and scratchier than the Canada goose calls. RQD to be submitted.


Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Northern Mockingbird - Redwood County

2014-05-11 Thread Mike Majeski
There is a northern mockingbird just north of 100th street, approximately 3.3 
miles west of CR 6 at the extreme southern end of Redwood county, about 4 miles 
south of Lamberton. The mockingbird was in a small bush in the ditch just north 
of the Cottonwood county line/100th street.

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Large kettle of Swainson's hawks- Ottertail County

2013-10-04 Thread Mike Majeski
Sorry for the late post as I've been on the road all week. On October
2nd around 5:45 p.m. there was a kettle of 144 Swainson's hawks near CR
15, just south of 130th street near Upper Lightning Lake. Almost the
entire kettle was comprised of light morphs with one dark morph present.
The easterly wind seemed to keep the group fairly stationary for the 10
minutes I watched as they circled above a farmstead. I managed to take a
few photos of the kettle which I used to tally the number of hawks. What
an amazing sight!


Mike Majeski


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[mou-net] Cattle Egret - Scott County

2013-05-23 Thread Mike Majeski
Today I observed a Cattle egret in Shakopee about 500 feet west of the
dead end on Crossings Blvd (west of Foothill Trail). Crossings Blvd is
located just south of the intersection of CR 21 and CR 18 near the Home
Depot. The egret was foraging in the flooded wetland around 3:00 p.m.
this afternoon. 


Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Carolina Wrens - Dakota County

2013-02-03 Thread Mike Majeski
This morning my dad saw the pair of Carolina wrens at his suet feeder,
this time one wren was actually feeding the other pieces of suet.  This
pair has been showing up at my parent's house almost daily since I first
reported them back in early November. They seem to frequent the feeders
between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and particularity like to perch on the
ladder below the suet feeder to clean up the scraps left behind by the
woodpeckers.  The location is near the northeast side of Lake Isabel at
325 Galena Street in Hastings. 


Mike Majeski  

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[mou-net] Cassin's kingbird and N. mockingbird update

2012-11-11 Thread Mike Majeski
Despite rain/sleet/snow and strong wings on Saturday, the Cassin's
kingbird and Northern mockingbird are still present in Grand Marais.
They were re-found Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m.  The kingbird was located
at W 3rd St. and 2nd Ave W on a chain link fence and the mockingbird was
feeding in a crabapple tree just north of the courthouse on W 3rd St.
Other birds in the area include a small flock of Bohemian waxwings, 3
Pine grosbeaks, and 4 White-winged crossbills.


Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Carolina Wren - Dakota County

2012-11-04 Thread Mike Majeski
Yesterday afternoon I found a Carolina wren in Hastings near Galena
Street and Locust Street, northeast side of Lake Isabel.  The best place
to look/ listen for the wren is along Galena Street (south side) and
Locust Street where Locust Street curves east into East 4th St.  The
wren was singing fairly frequently and foraging along the ground in the
wooded brushy area west of Locust.   

Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Carolina Wren - Ramsey County

2012-08-12 Thread Mike Majeski
Vista Hills Park- just south of Battle Creek Regional Park- I heard a
Carolina wren singing outside the window early this morning.  I rushed
outside and after a few minutes located the bird singing from my
neighbors brush pile.  The bold white supercilium and reddish brown cap
and back/wings were apparent.  It was moving around pretty fast and I
did not get a picture but managed to get voice recording with the
camera.  I lost track of the bird but then heard it singing again a few
hundred feet away near the edge of Vista Hills Park.  I did not see the
bird again but it repeatedly sang from within the wooded area of the
park off the wood chip trail loop at the far south end of the park.
There is a sea of buckthorn in there so it's hard to see into the middle
where a small pond is located. The bird was last heard near there and
seems to be on the move. Access to a paved trail that leads to the wood
chip trail is off Marnie Street, just north of Teakwood Drive.

Mike Majeski 


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[mou-net] Shorebird spot- Dakota County

2012-05-26 Thread Mike Majeski
There's a wetland I've been checking out this spring for shorebirds, but
today was by far the best for variety of birds. The wetland is located
just north of the intersection of 210 St. E and Northfield Blvd,
approximately 2 miles due south of Vermillion (south of 180th Street
Marsh). Birds seen while dodging the rain included:


Black-bellied plover - 3

American golden-plover - 2

Semipalmated plover - 1

Hudsonian godwit - 1 (arrived with the plovers)

Baird's sandpiper - 8

White-rumped sandpiper - 1

Spotted sandpiper - 1

Lesser yellowlegs - 1

Pectoral sandpiper - minimum 30

Killdeer - 4


All the shorebirds were in the flooded field just south of the wetland.
At least 3 Yellow-headed blackbirds were on territory within the actual
wetland.  Other birds around: Horned lark, Vesper sparrow, Mallard,
Blue-winged teal, Canada goose, Red-winged blackbird, Sora (heard).


Mike Majeski


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[mou-net] White-faced Ibis - Hennepin County

2012-05-04 Thread Mike Majeski
There were two ibis at the old cedar ave bridge this afternoon between 
1:00-2:00. One was clearly a white-faced ibis with a white border around 
reddish facial skin and behind eye. The other ibis seemingly lacked any white 
border around the facial skin or behind eye though it did have dull pink facial 
skin and brighter pinkish color at the leg joint suggesting white-faced. Maybe 
someone could get a clearer look at it if the birds move closer to the platform 
as they were about 300 feet away to the southeast.  

Mike Majeski 

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[mou-net] Yellow-headed blackbirds- Dakota County

2012-04-20 Thread Mike Majeski
For those interested in yellow-headed blackbird sightings, I observed
one male yellow-headed blackbird during the afternoon of April 19th at
the 180th street Marsh, near Vermillion.  The bird was singing from a
low perch in the flooded corn stubble at the far western side of the
marsh, north of 180th street. From what I could tell there was only one.
There were also two American black ducks in the western open water area-
also north of 180th.  Just a FYI- you can query the MOU database and
search for recent sightings too.  Good luck!   


Mike Majeski

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[mou-net] Pine Grosbeak - Washington County

2011-11-18 Thread Mike Majeski
This afternoon I spotted a male Pine Grosbeak feeding in a small crab apple 
tree along Afton Hills Drive S. near Afton MN.  The bird was on private 
property, but could be viewed from the road.  From Stagecoach Trail in Afton 
(just north of Afton), take a left at Afton Hills Drive South and follow for 
approx. ¾ mile to where the road Y's.  Veer to the left and follow Afton 
Hills Drive S. for about 0.4 miles.  The grosbeak was seen in one of two small 
crab apple trees located just northwest of Afton Hills Drive S.  When I left 
the area around 4:00 p.m., the grosbeak was no longer in the crab apples.  I 
did manage to take a very poor, zoomed in cell phone image, so if anyone wants 
to see the pic, drop me an e-mail.


Mike Majeski


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[mou-net] Mute Swan - Washington County

2011-10-19 Thread Mike Majeski
Observed an adult Mute Swan near Square Lake today around 11:00 a.m. in
a small waterbody just north of Square Lake Trail, about 200 feet east
of Hwy 51.  The swan was actively swimming around and feeding along the
southern edge of the pond.  You could clearly see the mostly orange bill
with a black knob near the forehead.


Mike Majeski


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[mou-net] Loggerhead Shrike - Dakota County

2011-05-11 Thread Mike Majeski
Observed a Loggerhead Shrike this evening around 7:30 p.m. on Emery
Avenue, 0.15 miles south of 180th St. (northwest of Vermillion).  The
bird was perched on a power line on the east side of the road across
from the residence with spruce trees to the west.  


Mike Majeski


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[mou-net] Brown Thrasher- Maplewood

2010-12-31 Thread Mike Majeski
I had to take a double take, but there was a Brown Thrasher at my feeder
this morning eating black oil sunflower seeds.  The bird was scratching
the seed with its feet while inside the feeder and then seemed to be
caching the seeds at the base of a nearby pine tree amongst the needles
on the ground.  I managed to binoscope it with my cell phone camera (of
course we don't have our camera at home today, doh.). What a great bird
to end the year!  


Mike Majeski 



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[mou-net] small heron? sighting- Dakota County

2010-12-21 Thread Mike Majeski
My dad has seen what he describes as a small dark green heron (about
crow sized-possibly a Green heron?) at the outlet of Lake Isabel in
Hastings, Dakota County.  The bird was observed standing in the very
shallow open water the last few days.  There is enough discharge coming
from the lake to keep this outlet open and bald eagles, Canada geese,
mallards, and American crows are frequently seen there.  Views of the
open water can be achieved from the road in front of the house.  The
address is 325 Galena street, Hastings, MN 55033.  

I'll be there tomorrow and post more info if I get a chance to see it.


Mike Majeski




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[mou-net] Harlequin Duck-Point Douglas

2009-12-17 Thread Mike Majeski
The male harlequin duck was still present off Point Douglas as of 10:45
a.m. this morning.  It was diving near the west railroad bridge support
along the edge of the ice among Canada geese, American coots, and common


Mike Majeski


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