[mou-net] Merlin in Minneapolis

2011-02-01 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Today at 2:30 pm there was a Merlin sitting in a tree at the corner of
Broadway St NE and 3rd St NE.

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Minneapolis Merlin

2011-02-17 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Spotted the Merlin chasing a bird across Broadway Ave near 3rd st Ne.
Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Holy buckets of eagles!

2011-03-18 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Three of us drove down to Wabasha and into Wisconsin looking for Peregrines
and eagles. We got exactly what we wanted. At the rest area in Lake City we
had atleast 70 BAEA sitting out on the ice. By the end of the day we had
>150 eagles! The Wisconsin side was just as productive and included in one
cluster of soaring eagles our first of the year Turkey Vulture. We spotted a
number of Peregrines sitting in the bluffs on the Wisconsin side of the
river as well. It is really cool to see these birds hanging out on cliff
faces instead of on man made structures. On the way home we stopped off at
Lake Byllesby to see what was on the lake. Most of the waterfowl had moved
out, but there were still a few groups hanging out including N.Pintail,
Gadwall, N.Shoveler, and Common Goldeneye as well as plenty of Canda Geese.
At the entrance to Lake Byllesby we also spotted a few Eastern Bluebirds!
Kestrels, Kildeer, and RW Blackbirds were out in numbers throughout the day
as well. Spring is here! Can I get an amen!!

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Great Egret

2011-04-03 Thread Nicholas Tangen
FOY Great Egret flew over 101 near Valley Fair this morning. Also blue winged 
teal on the river near the Landing.

Nick Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] Baker Golf Course

2011-04-11 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Today at Baker Golf Course
 30+ Am white pelicans fly over
FOY Eastern towhee
8 Sandhill cranes
Nick Tangen
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[mou-net] Ritter Park

2011-04-17 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Amber Burnette and I birded Ritter in Lakeville and had a few FOYs.

Great crested Flycatcher
Swamp Sparrow
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
YB Sapsucker
Fox Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Yellow rumps were around in good numbers.

Nick Tangen
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[mou-net] G Yellowlegs

2011-04-25 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Four G. Yellowlegs in the flooded field behind Mama G's in Corcoran. 
Intersection of 30 and 116.

Nick Tangen
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[mou-net] Banding at Ritter

2011-05-01 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi all!

We had our banding program at Ritter in Lakeville today and spent most of it
fighting some really irritating winds. We didn't have many birds in the nets
but we had a ton of FOY stuff flying about. Here are the notables;

Yellow-rumped Warbler - tons of em
Palm Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Black and White Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Least Flycatcher (probable)
House Wren
Clay-colored Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Barn Swallow
Eastern Towhee
Ruby-crowned Kinglets - good numbers and two in the nets!

Most of the warblers were feeding on floating vegetation near the shore of
the little lake/pond. It was interesting to see the butter-butts belly deep
in the water. Not a great day for banding but an awesome day for birding!

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Forster's terns

2011-05-02 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Two Forster's terns flying over the FOC at French Regional Park in Plymouth 
this morning.

Nick Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] Lake Calhoun

2011-05-02 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi all,
I stopped by Lake Calhoun for a little look after work. Spotted a good
number of Horned and Pied-billed Grebes, Red-breasted Mergansers, and
Yellow-rumps. Also present was a lone Red-necked Grebe, a Spotted Sandpiper
and a Common Loon.

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Terns

2011-05-04 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Caspian and Forster's terns at French Regional Park near boat landing.

Nick Tangen
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[mou-net] Black-throated Green Warbler

2011-05-06 Thread Nicholas Tangen
One singing at the District Nursery (Crow Hassan) this afternoon.

Nick Tangen
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[mou-net] BIRDS!

2011-05-07 Thread Nicholas Tangen
So today started out with a Spring Bird Count for the Landing Minnesota
River Heritage Park (not just for history buffs anymore). It was their Civil
War day as well so we were birding amongst Union soldiers. Let me tell you
this park is a great spot. We ended the count around 1:30 with 54 species!
Some highlights include;

Brown Thrasher
American Redstart
Blue-gray Gnatcatchers - these guys were everywhere in the Oak Savanna
restoration area
Great-crested Flycatcher
Yellow Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler!!

Since we felt we were on a roll the wife and I decided to keep on keeping on
and headed to the Bass Ponds/Old Cedar Bridge. We didn't get the number of
warblers that have been reported previously, but still had a good haul

Common Yellowthroat
Forster's Tern
Yellow Warbler
Spotted Sandpiper
Northern Waterthrush
Nashville Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Ruddy Duck
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Greater Yellowlegs
Black and White Warbler
Long-billed Dowitcher
Lesser Yellowlegs

Stopped briefly at T.S. Roberts as well.

Magnolia Warbler

We ended the day with a total of 85 species! This was a great day!

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] North Mississippi Regional Park

2011-05-09 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Stopped by after work and had a decent haul including;
Yellow Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Black and White Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Yellow-rump Warbler
Warbling Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Baltimore Oriole
Great-crested Flycatcher

Nick Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] Great Blue Herons

2012-03-15 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Two GBHs flew over hwy 95 about a mile east of princeton.

Nick Tangen
Minneapolis MN
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[mou-net] Virginia Rail

2012-05-12 Thread Nicholas Tangen
A small group went to the Old Cedar Bridge this morning and spotted a Virginia 
Rail off the end of the boardwalk. Good numbers of Marsh Wrens and Yellow 
Warblers as well.

Nick Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] St. Paul Birding

2009-01-09 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi everyone,
I live right in downtown St. Paul and I was wondering if anyone knew of some 
good places to go birding that would be within a reasonable distance to me. I 
don't own a car so somewhere I could get by bus would be preferred. I know I 
can get to the Wildlife Refuge but I would like to find some places maybe a 
little closer to me. Thanks a bunch.

Have a great day
Nick Tangen

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[mou-net] St. Paul birding

2009-01-10 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for all of your help. I've got a lot of places to explore. 
I'll let you know what I see. Thank you.
Nick Tangen

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[mou-net] Minneapolis birding

2009-08-18 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi all,
I just moved to Minneapolis from St. Paul a few months ago and was wondering 
where there might be some good birding locations. I am in Uptown and do not 
have a car so I need to be able to bike or use public transit. Any tips would 
be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch.
Nicholas Tangen

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[mou-net] Thank you/Minneapolis Birding

2009-08-19 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi again,
I wanted to say thank you to everyone for your help. I'll start getting out to 
these places and let you know what I see. Thanks again.
Nicholas Tangen

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[mou-net] Saturday Birds

2009-08-24 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi all,
Kristin Snobeck and I went down to the Old Cedar Bridge Saturday and saw the 
Gray Catbird
Ruby Throated Hummingbird- Three or four of these nearly crashed into the back 
of Kristin's head while chasing eachother
Marsh Wren
Am. Redstart
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Song Sparrow
N. Shoveler
House Wren
Bald Eagle
Great Crested Cormorant
Cedar Waxwing
Emp. Flycatcher
We also saw quite a few Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, both male and female.

The highlight actually wasn't avian. While walking down the boardwalk we nearly 
ran right into a young White Tailed Deer. It moved a few feet from us but then 
resumed eating as if we weren't there at all. On the way back to the parking 
lot later on we ran into two more ( I think one was the same one from the 
boardwalk) who seemed pretty interested in what we were doing. They walked 
right at us, stopped maybe ten feet from us, then decided they had seen enough 
and took off. 
This was Kristin's first time birding and she had a great time. When we got 
back to my apartment she sat down and started reading one of my field guides 
and is already excited for the next outing!

Nicholas Tangen

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[mou-net] Sharpie

2009-08-25 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi all,
Last night at Kristin Snobeck's apartment a Sharp Shinned Hawk presented 
himself right outside the kitchen window. 
Nicholas Tangen

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[mou-net] Saturday Birding

2009-08-31 Thread Nicholas Tangen
On Saturday Kristin Snobeck and I went down to the Old Cedar Bridge and I had a 
pretty good day. Once again we saw the young white tailed deer off the 
boardwalk and Kristin got some pretty good pictures. We also found a snapping 
turtle about the size of a quarter struggling to make it to the water. 
Birds seen:
Green Heron
RT Hummingbird
Pied Billed Grebe
Common Yellowthroat
American Redstart
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher
E Phoebe
Northern Shoveler
Cedar Waxwing
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
Loads of Great Crested Cormorants

Nothing terribly exciting but a very fun day. 
Nicholas Tangen

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[mou-net] NE Minneapolis

2010-09-13 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Hi all,
I just moved to NE Minneapolis and was wondering if anyone has some
suggestions for birding locations nearby. Any suggestions would be very
helpful. Thanks!
-Nicholas Tangen

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[mou-net] Old Cedar Bridge

2010-09-19 Thread Nicholas Tangen
My fiance (Kristin) and I went down to the Old Cedar Bridge after that
disappointment of a football game. Beautiful day! Species of interest;

Lincoln Sparrow
Eastern Pewee
Yellow-rumped Warbler- first of the year
Palm Warbler- first of the year
Nashville Warbler
Blue-headed Vireo
Pied Billed Grebe
American Wigeon
Wood Duck
House Wren
4 sp. of woodpecker-N.Flicker, Red-bellied, Hairy, Downy
Ring-billed Gull
Franklin's Gull

Great day of birding!
Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] sharpie

2010-09-24 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Watching a sharp shinned hawk fighting the wind in the parking lot of
Paideia Academy in Apple Valley. My ten year old sister doesn't seem
as interested as I am. - nicholas tangen

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Cliff Fen Park/Duluth

2010-10-10 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Had good numbers of sparrows at Cliff Fen Parktoday... Harris, Swamp, White
Crowned, White Throated and Juncos. The fiance and I were in Duluth/Superior
yesterday. The wind was pretty fierce by the lake. On the Wisconsin Point we
saw Am. Tree Sparrows. Duluth side we had Rusty Blackbird, Common and Red
Breasted Mergansers, a lone Bufflehead, Lapland Longspurs, White Crowned,
White Throated Sparrows. We also had one Franklin's Gull hanging with a
hundered or so Ring-billed Gulls. Hawk Ridge was pretty quiet when we
stopped by. We did have a Common Raven fly over, and we spotted a banded
chickadee along the road.

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Ground Dove

2010-10-20 Thread Nicholas Tangen
The Common Ground Dove was seen this morning at 0800 in the same spot
as yesterday.

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Old Cedar Bridge

2010-10-29 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Walked around for a few hours at the Old Cedar Bridge. Good diversity of
waterfowl including; Trumpeter Swan, Northern Pintail, Gadwall, Green-winged
Teal, Scaup sp. (lesser?), Northern Shoveler, Wood Duck. I also saw three
Pileated Woodpeckers and a Red-tailed hawk trying to eat a meal while being
chased by crows. It was good to get outside after being cooped up most of
the week.
Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Surf Scoter Lake of the Isles

2010-11-02 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Today at 3:30 Sarah Joppe and I found a Surf Scoter on Lake of the Isles
near Lake of the Isles Pkwy E and James Ave S.

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Surf scoter

2010-11-03 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Chet Myers sent me an email to say the surf scoter was found again on Lake of 
the Isles at 10:45. The bird was on the south end of the lake alone and is an 
adult female. 
Nick Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] Long tailed duck Vadnais Lake

2010-11-03 Thread Nicholas Tangen
The long tailed duck was present at 2:45 today on the west end of Vadnais Lake. 
He was mingling with common goldeneyes and a whole bunch of ring necked ducks. 
This was a lifer for me and I couldn't have asked for a better observation. 
That is one cool bird! Thanks to the pair of fellow birders who helped me spot 
him! Also present on the lake was a hooded merganser and a lone canvas back. 
Nicholas Tangen
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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[mou-net] Chain of Lakes

2010-11-08 Thread Nicholas Tangen
I trooped around the Chain of Lakes this afternoon after work. Beautiful day
out. Not much out of the ordinary.
Common Loon- one on Lake Calhoun
Surf Scoter- Seen on lake of the Isles near Lake of the Isles Pkwy and James
Roberts Sanctuary had a small flock of Cedar Waxwings and a few Brown

Nicholas R Tangen
(651) 808-7067

"In wildness is the preservation of the world." - Henry David Thoreau*

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[mou-net] Townsend's Solitaire

2010-11-12 Thread Nicholas Tangen
I relocated the Townsend's Solitaire at Vadnais lake that was reported earlier 
today. The bird was feeding in the line of junipers where it was spotted this 
morning. Thanks to Gail W for the heads up. 
Nick Tangen
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[mou] eagle nest

2007-03-15 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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 I have seen a pair of bald eagles sitting in and around a nest right off 
of Hwy 36 just before the exit for 61. 
  Nicholas Tangen
  St.Paul MN 

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 Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.  
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
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 I have seen a pair of bald eagles sitting in and 
around a nest right off of Hwy 36 just before the exit for 61.   
 St.Paul MN  

 Looking for earth-friendly autos?  http://autos.yahoo.com/green_center/;_ylc=X3oDMTE4MGw4Z2hlBF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDZ3JlZW5jZW50ZXI-";>Browse
 Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.  

[mou] turkey vulture and cooper's hawk

2007-03-20 Thread Nicholas Tangen
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I saw my first turkey vulture of the year yesterday flying across hwy 36. On 
sunday I took a quick search for the Dakota County Gyr but was unsuccessful, 
but in my parent's front yard in rosemount I spotted a Cooper's hawk.
    Nicholas Tangen

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I saw my first turkey vulture of the year yesterday flying across hwy 36. 
On sunday I took a quick search for the Dakota County Gyr but was unsuccessful, 
but in my parent's front yard in rosemount I spotted a Cooper's 
 Nicholas Tangen 

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