Re: Can browser.xpi be split up into further modules? (was: Re: Howbig is Mozilla now?)

2002-03-25 Thread Bamm Gabriana

>So it wouldn't be bloatware if both the browser and composer elements
>were large rather then a large browser element and a small composer
>element (which, according to the above paragraph, is bloat)?

Look back a few posts, the point Bundy was making was
that it should be possible to download navigator only. And
you countered by saying that composer was small anyway.

If both navigator and composer were rather large and you
have to download both or nothing, then that would be still
be bloatware - because many megs were added without
giving you a choice.

Classic example is Windows with Internet Exploder bundled
in. Microsoft made the same argument you made - that IE
has many common functionalities with Windows.

On the other hand, if composer /was/ small, then Navigator
may have been poorly designed for it to reach 10 megs on
its own. Still bloatware - so many unnecesary megs.

It would /not/ be bloatware if Nav were less than 5 megs,
and each of the other components, no matter how large,
were optional downloads.

>Yup. So the big question really is, why not take the browser.xpi and
>split it up if it can be? If it can't be split up, how come? (general
>question to one and all rather then one directly at you :)

Um, wasn't that exactly the point of my post and Bundy's post
also? It appears you now agree. :)

Let me add, no matter how small composer may be, it should
still be placed in a separate module.

That way each component can just be "plugged and played". :)


Re: tabbed browser ideas

2002-03-25 Thread Bamm Gabriana

No, we were not referring to the logo. Haven't you used tabs?

Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Esben Mose Hansen

Chuck Simmons wrote:
(a + 1)(a - 1) = (a - 1) (factor it)
(a + 1) = 1 (cancel common factors)

>>If a is one as you said in the other post, (a-1) is zero and thus you'll
>>be dividing the expression by zero which is not allowed.
>>See link in my other post for more info.
> Just be very watchfull of division by zero. IEEE floating point always
> allows it because it makes sense. If a is not zero, a/0 is plus or minus
> infinity depending on the sign of a. If a is zero, a/0 is NAN. As it
> happens, these rules and a few others, though seeming silly, save hours
> in screwing around with exception handling in numerical analysis.
> Another good feature of IEEE floating point is it allows floating
> underflow which is another condition that makes sense (VAX floating
> point made floating underflow an error - a grievous architectural
> blunder which I never understood).

That would be the real numbers two-point completion (danish: 
fuldstændiggørelse). Believe me, this is *not* a simpler numberspace to 
equation solving in. Now you have to watch additions and subtraction as 
well as division and multiplication when doing calculations, as these 
are no longer injective. E.g., if \infty is +infinity and -\infty is 
minus infinity, and a,b is reel numbers then:
a/0=b/0 if a has the same sign as b.

However, sometimes it is a simpler numberspace to state theorems in. 
Also, as you state yourself, numerical analysis is sometimes simpler in 
this space.

regards, Esben

Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-25 Thread Senator Dan Burton

Pascal Chevrel wrote:

> Bundy a dit :

> > A much better and leaner

This is better?

> support staff who doesn't have the hate MS at
> > all cost attitude.

You are wrong!  I hang out in the Opera groups all the time.  Most of the people
in those groups really really really hate MS!  I mean they *really* hate em.  :)
And yes, a lot of the support staff.

Bundy is just a little man with a very small penis.

Opera and Moz are both absolutely excellent browsers.  It is rather stupid to
flame one or the other.

Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-25 Thread Bamm Gabriana

> Easier to change settings on the fly with Opera
> Faster loading pages
> WAY faster using the back/forward buttons
> Uses far, far less memory
> Can be run on slow computers like a 486
> Tons more skins/themes (if you care about such petty things)
> A much better and leaner support staff who doesn't have the hate MS at 
> all cost attitude.

First of all, just go around and really explore the Opera
website, you will find that they hate MS a lot more than

At least Moz was kind enough not to use the
website to attack MS. Opera is so blatant, it attacks MS
in articles found in its own website.

Secondly, Opera is all praise for Moz so I consider it
unwise to consider them as competition. Moz and
Opera have different niche markets.

Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-25 Thread Bamm Gabriana

> Easier to change settings on the fly with Opera
> Faster loading pages
> WAY faster using the back/forward buttons
> Uses far, far less memory
> Can be run on slow computers like a 486
> Tons more skins/themes (if you care about such petty things)
> A much better and leaner support staff who doesn't have the hate MS at 
> all cost attitude.

First of all, just go around and really explore the Opera
website, you will find that they hate MS a lot more than
Mozilla people do.

At least Moz was kind enough not to use the
website to attack MS. Opera is so blatant, it attacks MS
in articles found in its own website.

Secondly, Opera is all praise for Moz so I consider it
unwise to consider them as competition. Moz and
Opera have different niche markets.

Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-25 Thread Rob Allen

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bundy 
>So remove the chat and Javascript profiler and Mozilla is still over 10+meg

This brings up the more interesting question of "how big is Gecko?" as, 
to me, that's the bit that makes Moz stand head and shoulders above 
other browsers.


Re: DOM inspector

2002-03-25 Thread Gilles Durys

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 14:18:58 +0100, Brayan wrote:

> i have erased my dom inspector sidebar, how i can get it again? znx

Open the DOM inspector windows.
Then, edit->preferences.
And click on the "install sidebar" button.


Re: Scroll wheel works!

2002-03-25 Thread dman84

Roy R. Campbell, Jr. wrote:
> Parish wrote:
>> Garth Almgren wrote:
>>> I was just browsing Bugzilla when I noticed one of my pet peeve bugs 
>> Annoys the hell out of me too!
>>> (which I can't find the number for anymore) has disappeared in the 
>>> build I'm using (2002032203 Win32)! Yay!
>>> It was the bug where the first scrolling listbox on a page (typically 
>>> the CC list on Bugzilla) would steal the scrollwheel focus and 
>>> wouldn't relinquish until that list was off the page.
>> I've just done a CVS build (W2K) and I still have the problem ;-(
>>> To whoever managed to fix that one - THANKS! I really appreciate it!
>> Anyone know the bug number?
> It's bug #33732.  It's still in NEW status.

its on the most frequent bug list too - do browser > QA > Most Frequent 

Re: bug or feature... windows can resize!

2002-03-25 Thread dman84

Rxed wrote:
> I've resized compose window in mozilla mail, now it won't go back to
> normal. It somehow remembers the setting, I tried resizing/restarting, 
> resizing/composing, composing/resizing... any combination... it somehow 
> remembers the old setting and won't go back! What do I do?

probably see the minimizing window bug.. or something new, I've not 
seen.. try a new build, new profile, new directory.. delete registry 
keys first for mozilla and folders.  Tell us more, build id, 
platform.. what reproducable steps.. and then search for a bug # if you 
still see it.  after that file a new bug.


Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-25 Thread Bamm Gabriana

As proof of this, I searched the opera website for the word
"microsoft". Here were some pages from the results:

Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-25 Thread Bamm Gabriana

Rob Allen wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bundy 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> So remove the chat and Javascript profiler and Mozilla is still over 
>> 10+meg
>> Bloatware
> This brings up the more interesting question of "how big is Gecko?" 
> as, to me, that's the bit that makes Moz stand head and shoulders 
> above other browsers.
Interesting. How big /is/ it? :)


2002-03-25 Thread Doug Robbins

Nigel L wrote:
> theEskimo theme, for both Mozilla release 0.9.9 and +.

FYI, 'Eskimo' is generally disfavoured today. Aboriginal inhabitants of 
northern North America are generally known as 'Inuit', which is how they 
identify themselves. 

Re: Must fix for 1.0?

2002-03-25 Thread Gervase Markham

> It lacks a section: How to find bugs that can be "safely" taken. E.g. 
> from other parts of the's homepage (the QA section) I had 
> come under the impression that the "help-wanted" bugs was "free" --- and 
> this was not the case :-( My ears are still burning... my apologies, yet 
> again, to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for doing this.

Not at all. According to the bug activity, that bug was returned from 
ASSIGNED to NEW, and set to TM "Future" by kmcclusk last month. If Alex 
was in fact working on it, the bug should not have been in that state.

You did nothing wrong, and if he got angry, he had no right to be so. I 
presume it was by private mail, seeing as there are no comments in the bug.

I'm beginning to understand why mpt wants to get rid of default 
component owners. :-)


Re: How big is Mozilla now?

2002-03-25 Thread Martin Fritsche

Brian Heinrich wrote:

> Depends on your background, I s'pose.  HTML messages have their problems 
> (largely due to how e-mail clients mark 'em up, from what I can see), 
> and may not have any added utility over and above a plain-text message, 
> but, damn!, they're generally more readable.  Unless, of course, you 
> like reading messages that wrap every 40 characters or so. . . .

The length of a line has nothing to do with HTML or not.

Everyone who sends advertisement to me agrees to pay a fee of 10 Euro.

Re: Can browser.xpi be split up into further modules? (was: Re: How big is Mozilla now?)

2002-03-25 Thread CaT

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 04:31:32PM +0800, Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> >So it wouldn't be bloatware if both the browser and composer elements
> >were large rather then a large browser element and a small composer
> >element (which, according to the above paragraph, is bloat)?
> If both navigator and composer were rather large and you
> have to download both or nothing, then that would be still
> be bloatware - because many megs were added without
> giving you a choice.


> On the other hand, if composer /was/ small, then Navigator
> may have been poorly designed for it to reach 10 megs on
> its own. Still bloatware - so many unnecesary megs.

7meg and that's a poor assumption.

> It would /not/ be bloatware if Nav were less than 5 megs,
> and each of the other components, no matter how large,
> were optional downloads.

They are. So we're talking about a 2meg difference here. And you're
attacking it from a point of ignorance (at least so it seems - if you
HAVE looked into mozilla, the way it's structured, organised, the code
involved etc then I apologise).

> >Yup. So the big question really is, why not take the browser.xpi and
> >split it up if it can be? If it can't be split up, how come? (general
> >question to one and all rather then one directly at you :)
> Um, wasn't that exactly the point of my post and Bundy's post
> also? It appears you now agree. :)

No we don't. :) He's saying Mozilla IS bloat and I'm saying 'it'd be
interesting to find out why the design decision that was made, was made
and wether or not it is useful to change it, and if not wha noty'.

I have a feeling he too is attacking it from a point of ignorance (same
disclaimer and offer of apology applies here).

> Let me add, no matter how small composer may be, it should
> still be placed in a separate module.

Maybe. It depends on wether or not it complicates things. Neither of us
know enough about the layout of mozilla code (again, that disclaimer :)
Hence the question.

Now we have two options:

1. we can continue talking out of our arses or
2. see what it takes to get a possible answer to the question.

I'm gonna see about #2. Dunno about anyone else.

Oh. And if browser.xpi CAN be split up further without complicating
things then I doubt it'll happen before 1.0 as it would entail making 
a fsckingly big change that could break things.

SOCCER PLAYER IN GENITAL-BITING SCANDAL  ---  "It was something between
friends that I thought would have no importance until this morning when
I got up and saw all  the commotion in the news,"  Gallardo told a news
conference. "It stunned me."
Reyes told Marca that he had "felt a slight pinch."

Re: setup lost after mozilla run

2002-03-25 Thread Michal Kluka

Michal Kluka wrote:
> Hi!
> I have manually added following to my prefs.js:
> user_pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 8). Than I have
> started Mozilla & closed Mozilla and when I have looked into prefs.js
> again, my added pref was not there. Is that known bug or am I doing
> something wrong?
> Michal
> p.s. Using latest nigty build from 03/23/02.

  Pref is the same as default value, so this is probably the reason.


2002-03-25 Thread Christian Biesinger

Nigel L wrote:
> ...theEskimo theme, for both Mozilla release 0.9.9 and +.

Nice theme, I like it!
However... while hovering over menu entries, the currently selected item 
is not highlighted, it would be nice if you could fix this.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
  -- Benjamin Franklin

mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Dazzle

Is there anyway of getting Mozilla to check e-mail from a HotMail account?

Mozilla 0.9.9 on Windows and Linux.

all help appreciated,

Make a donation to Open Source support and development:
The Jesus Christ Cafe - an ebook not a religion -

best way for pop-ups

2002-03-25 Thread Dazzle

I want to stop javascript method when an HTML page loads or
when you leave one but I want it to work when I click on a link.

using Mozilla 0.9.9 on Windows and Linux. Which is the best way to implement

all help appreciated,

Make a donation to Open Source support and development:
The Jesus Christ Cafe - an ebook not a religion -

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Holger Metzger

Dazzle wrote:
> Is there anyway of getting Mozilla to check e-mail from a HotMail account?
> Mozilla 0.9.9 on Windows and Linux.
> all help appreciated,

Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)
Holger Metzger
Netscape 6 Tips:

Re: better looking icon in win32

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> If that's the case, then I can create one for you. Do you want the
> red dinosaur head or the 'M' logo, or both?

The dino head is fullpack.ico in the pack. I use that as my desktop icon .

The question is should I make 48x48 icons? How many people out there are 
using XP, mozilla, and have large icons?


Re: better looking icon in win32

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Jason Fleshman wrote:
> Ah.  Took a look at the source of the page; he has it in an onClick. 
> When the link that does the install showed up as already visited and 
> with the page's URL as its destination, I thought he might have just 
> linked the page back to itself.  Maybe he should use a JavaScript URL 
> instead to avoid confusing dumba**es like me :)
> --Jason

your wish is my command :þ


Re: I wish I had an email address with 'mozilla' in it...

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> Since only those working directly with Mozilla have
> addresses, I wish there was like a for moz lovers
> like me. If it's too long, would be fine. I would be
> contented with a forwarding address.
> What would it take to have something like this?
> I imagine this to be open to all, especially those who are in some
> way connected to the community, e.g. post in the newsgroups,
> makes comments in bugzilla, etc.
> What do you think?
> Bamm

Has mozilla in it!


Re: best way for pop-ups

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Dazzle wrote:
> I want to stop javascript method when an HTML page loads or
> when you leave one but I want it to work when I click on a link.
> using Mozilla 0.9.9 on Windows and Linux. Which is the best way to implement
> this.
> all help appreciated,
> Paul
> --
> Make a donation to Open Source support and development:
> The Jesus Christ Cafe - an ebook not a religion -

preferences>advanced>Scripts & Windows, uncheck Open Unrequested 
Winodows. No coding involved, and every time someone figures a way 
around it, they change it again. I haven't seen a pop up in four months :].


Re: better looking icon in win32

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Pratik wrote:
> On 3/24/2002 7:27 PM, Anthony Ewell wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Does anyone know of a download site to get a better looking
>> icon for the Windows version of Mozilla.  (The one that comes with
>> it looks like a cat on a snake's tail with glowing eyeballs.  Not
>> to mention that it is the same color as the default NT green desktop,
>> giving you only a pair of glowing eyeballs.)
>> It would be nice if the developers would give choice of several
>> in the icon setup.  I kind of like the red dinosaur that pops
>> up on the web site.

You might want to try my OTHER moz page as well, it isn't as easy to 
use, but it is cool.


The market's overall movement for the near term could continue to be basically flat

2002-03-25 Thread Zurich . Investment . Group
Title: Untitled Document




  Zurich Investment Group Newsletter



  Market Update
Quantitative Strategy


March 25, 2002.


Managing Director 
Zurich Investment Group



market appears to be working hard to do something but remains stuck in 
a range. The DJIA and Nasdaq both have good support and resistance levels 
within a few percentage points either way, and although the market may 
look volatile on an intra-day basis, the overall movement for the near 
term could continue to be basically flat for some time, in our opinion.
more subscribe here] 


  Market News 

  YORK -- The Dow broke a five-week winning streak as investors braced 
  for the first-quarter pre-announcement season, which kicks into 
  full gear over the next couple of weeks.
  more subscribe here]

  Market News

Fears over the government's reluctance to take additional anti-deflation 
steps dampened Tokyo's market sentiment, sending stock prices 
sharply lower Friday.
more subscribe here]

  Market News 

- After more than a month, where all signs pointed to recovery, 
investor enthusiasm seems to be waning as markets struggle to 
break out of their current trading ranges.
more subscribe here]

  Market Update 

1. Local consensus 
is for the TAIEX to range between 5,900 and 6,250 this week. Taiwan's 
economy is in a strong cyclical recovery phase. Taiwan's leading 
economic indicator (LEI) due out this Wednesday, forecast to continue 
rising. U.S. economic figures due out Tuesday, March 26 -- durable 
goods and consumer confidence. Thursday, March 28 -- final 4Q 
2001 real GDP growth number out. 

2. Taiwan domestic mutual funds average equity holdings 81.0% 
(up 0.54 percentage point); OTC funds average 87.0% (up 0.78 percentage 
point), as of March 22. No major change week-on-week.
more subscribe here]








  Senior Analyst


   The recovery 
is "different" in that it is front-loaded, the inventory 
drawdown ex

Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Bamm Gabriana wrote:

> It is.
> Let a = 1.
> a^2 = a (multiply both sides by a)
> a^2 - 1 = a - 1 (subtract 1 from both sides)
> (a + 1)(a - 1) = (a - 1) (factor it)
> (a + 1) = 1 (cancel common factors)
> 1 + 1 = 1 (substitution.)
> QED/ :)

1 + 2 = 3. Ergo 4 + 5 = 6.


Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Jay Garcia

On 03/25/2002 12:06 AM, Garth Wallace wrote:
> Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:
>> Ben Bucksch wrote:
>>> Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:
 Its not the system is bad. Its just different.
>>> Some things are objectively bad. "I don't have no car" (for "I have no 
>>> car") is just logically wrong. And "Your out of luck" instead of 
>>> "You're out of luck" is, by the definition of the language, wrong. I 
>>> admit that the latter error is easy to make. But the former is, I 
>>> think, a genuine American symptom.
>> The second second can be a matter of pronounciation, actually the same 
>> thing is being said. The southeastern part of the US prononces words 
>> much diffrently for the reast of the US. where people from around the 
>> Massachusetts/Vermont area come as close to sound like British as we can 
>> get without living in England. This area is in the northeast. I live in 
>> the Mid-atlantic area which is in between. When i talk I tend to have 
>> southern accent so I might end up sounding Like i am saying "your" for 
>> you're.
> It's not a matter of pronunciation. "Your" and "you're" are 
> homophones--they are pronounced exactly the same. It's a spelling 
> mistake, like spelling "read" (past tense) "red".

Well, "you're" is "you are" whereas "your" is an adjective.

Pronounciation varies. Here, the pronunciation is:

  Your - yor, yawr
  You're - yur, ure

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI


2002-03-25 Thread Jay Garcia

On 03/25/2002 1:26 AM, Nigel L wrote:
> ...theEskimo theme, for both Mozilla release 0.9.9 and +.

What's the "question" ???

Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
Novell MCNE-5/CNI-Networking Technologies-OSI

Re: better looking icon in win32

2002-03-25 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Jason Fleshman wrote:

> Ah.  Took a look at the source of the page; he has it in an onClick. 
> When the link that does the install showed up as already visited and 
> with the page's URL as its destination, I thought he might have just 
> linked the page back to itself.  Maybe he should use a JavaScript URL 
> instead to avoid confusing dumba**es like me :)

Most certanly not. The current way, people who have disabled JavaScript 
will still be able to use the link. If he made the link point to 
"javascript:(something)", they wouldn't.


Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:

> That does sound logical

Please! Do you really have to quote *20* lines and a *14* line signature 
just to add *1* line of text?


Re: I wish I had an email address with 'mozilla' in it...

2002-03-25 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> Since only those working directly with Mozilla have
> addresses, I wish there was like a for moz lovers
> like me. If it's too long, would be fine. I would be
> contented with a forwarding address.

Mpt uses an address. 

> What would it take to have something like this?

For someone to register the domain and set up a forwarding 
service. :-) I wouldn't expect AOL to pay for it, but 
doesn't seem to have anything against or 
using the name "Mozilla", so I don't think they would mind 

[Followup-To set to n.p.m.general.]


Re: best way for pop-ups

2002-03-25 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Dazzle wrote:
> I want to stop javascript method when an HTML page loads or
> when you leave one but I want it to work when I click on a link.

Edit|Preferences|Advanced|Scripts & Windows|Open unrequested windows.


mozilla icons question

2002-03-25 Thread Jonathan Wilson

Is there a reason that the icons at (other than the red dino 
head one..)
cant be brought into the tree as is and used to replace the ugly blue 
thing (on windows) or whatever it is on linux & mac?
They look much better than the current icons and would even look better 
than the "red dino" idea that is mentioned in various places. They also 
remind me of the icons for the 4.x versions of netscape (like the 
browser window icon with the ships wheel)

Unlike the other suggestion of using the red dino head as a generic icon 
(which has the problem mentioned in the appropriate bug where it cant be 
checked into the tree without causing trademark/trade dress problems for or whatever), these icons (except the dino head one) dont 
appear to use anything thats (C) or TM Also, since these 
are clearly created for mozilla specificly, one can assume (in absence 
of any other licence text anywhere on any of the pages or in any of the 
zips that goe with these icons or anything said by the creators of these 
wonderfull icons) untill told otherwise by the creators of these icons 
that they are happy for these icons to be used in mozilla and for them 
to be checked into the tree to replace the existing icons (and therefore 
be covered under the mozilla tripple licence setup).

Here are the reasons I can think of that may be why they are not using 
these: mozilla team think that the icons are not sutable or 
think that the proposal to use the red dino as an icon is better or that 
there is some better icon generally.

2.the icons (other than the red dino head one) still infringe on the (C) 
or TM of (e.g. the use of the little M in the corner of all 

3.there is a total artwork freeze in effect for some reason (if so, why)

4.the icons infringe on (C) or TM of other companies somehow (if so, 
what do they infringe on)

5.there has been something said somewhere that I havent seen from the 
creators of these icons that prevents their use at this time (if so, 
where has it been said)

6.even though these icons are (as far as I can tell) not affected by the 
copyright/trademark issues that the red dino idea is, and 
the dev team still need to talk to the lawyers about it for some reason 
(if so, why)

7.the icons cant go in untill bug 29856 has been fixed (something to do 
with not being able to tell the difference programmaticly between 
different windows under *nix) because this prevents using different 
icons for the different windows under *nix)

8.if these icons go into the tree then they will likely be associated 
with "mozilla the browser" and "the mozilla project" and whatever (same 
as how people will associate the netscape "N" or the IE "e" or the 
little "windows thingo" that appears next to the start button or the 
apple "apple with byte taken out" or whatever other icon with whatever 
program it goes with). If checked into the tree now, they will go in 
under the tripple license scheme. Therefore, these icons will be usable 
under the terms of the GPL, LGPL or MPL. If this is possible, someone 
will be able to use these icons for something totally unrelated to, mozilla, the mozilla project etc. People that see this 
unrelated thing could mistake it as being somehow related to mozilla 
because its using icons legally taken from mozilla. Therefore, 
regardless of what the creator of whatever icons eventually get used (be 
they these ones or other ones) says, any icon(s) that get used for 
mozilla thats intended to be a "permanent solution" must be checked in 
under a license that prevents said icon(s) from being used for something 
unrelated to mozilla.

9.the icons are going in but not untill 1.0 is branched (if so, why, 
given that these icons wont break anything)

10.some other reason, e.g. another bug that needs to be fixed first (if 
so, what is that reason)

Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Chuck Simmons

Jay Garcia wrote:
> Well, "you're" is "you are" whereas "your" is an adjective.
> Pronounciation varies. Here, the pronunciation is:
>   Your - yor, yawr
>   You're - yur, ure

I hope y'all's got this fig'red out now. :-)

By the way, "your" is the possessive case of the second person personal
pronoun "you" (I bet you think you can get my goat by making that
"ewe"). Ambrose Bierce had a more accurate view of the three cases for
personal pronouns. He referred to them as the dominative, the
objectionable and the oppressive.

... The times have been, 
 That, when the brains were out, 
  the man would die. ... Macbeth 
   Chuck Simmons  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Eric

at least as long as MS "permits" us to use Mozilla browsers to read 
Hotmail. There already have been stints in the past where only the 
Microsoft browser itself would work on :(


Holger Metzger wrote:
> Dazzle wrote:
>>Is there anyway of getting Mozilla to check e-mail from a HotMail account?
>>Mozilla 0.9.9 on Windows and Linux.
>>all help appreciated,
> Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)

Re: better looking icon in win32

2002-03-25 Thread Jason Fleshman

Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> Jason Fleshman wrote:
>> Bamm Gabriana wrote:
 And the link to the XPI file should be a javascript function to 
 trigger the installation process, instead of just linking to the 
 file itself. If you go to and do a little digging to 
 find the instructions, you can type the necessary javascript 
 commands into the JS console.

>>> The titlebar icons will work by just copying them to the proper
>>> directory: /chrome/icons/default/
>>> That's all the accompanying javascript does.
>>> By the way, xulplanet uses a cgi script to hide the the installation
>>> code so it is not possible to copy from there. :(
>> That's the page that shows how to make an XPI install file and shows 
>> the JavaScript needed to trigger the install.  It's in the gray box 
>> under "Install Triggers".  But as Jay pointed out, I misinterpreted 
>> the install link.  It works without user intervention anyway.
>> --Jason
> Thanks. Do you know of any tutorial on skins? I'm having trouble
> editing the css files.
> Bamm

Not a thing.  But I didn't know anything about XPIs until yesterday, so 
that doesn't mean much :)  The XUL Tutorial on XUL Planet lives at and is probably 
what you're looking for.  If I were you, though, I'd wait for Mozilla 
1.0 to come out -- if I understand right, they're not quite done 
tweaking XUL.


Re: better looking icon in win32

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Jonas Jørgensen wrote:
> Jason Fleshman wrote:
>> Ah.  Took a look at the source of the page; he has it in an onClick. 
>> When the link that does the install showed up as already visited and 
>> with the page's URL as its destination, I thought he might have just 
>> linked the page back to itself.  Maybe he should use a JavaScript URL 
>> instead to avoid confusing dumba**es like me :)
> Most certanly not. The current way, people who have disabled JavaScript 
> will still be able to use the link. If he made the link point to 
> "javascript:(something)", they wouldn't.
> /Jonas

I can't get it to work at all either way with javascript disabled. So it 
really doesn't matter, but since you asked, it's back to its original 
form except now it links to itself so people who like to look at the 
status bar can see it does something.


Re: mozilla icons question

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Jonathan Wilson wrote:
> Unlike the other suggestion of using the red dino head as a generic icon 
> (which has the problem mentioned in the appropriate bug where it cant be 
> checked into the tree without causing trademark/trade dress problems for 
> or whatever), these icons (except the dino head one) dont 
> appear to use anything thats (C) or TM Also, since these 
> are clearly created for mozilla specificly, one can assume (in absence 
> of any other licence text anywhere on any of the pages or in any of the 
> zips that goe with these icons or anything said by the creators of these 
> wonderfull icons) untill told otherwise by the creators of these icons 
> that they are happy for these icons to be used in mozilla and for them 
> to be checked into the tree to replace the existing icons (and therefore 
> be covered under the mozilla tripple licence setup).

The icons are released under a "I don't care unless you claim them as 
your own" liscense in which I don't care unless you claim them as your 
own or change them to something obscene and say they're mine. I'm sure 
some legal liscense covers this, but I have (perhaps unfounded) faith in 
the mozilla community that such a thing will never happen. I do not know 
about Giovanni, who came up with the design and made the navigator, 
composer, and mailnews icons (and has since made other icon designs 
which people like, though the set isn't as complete), but is 
perfectly free to stick the ones I made in (all the ones with a pic on 
the icons page).

> Here are the reasons I can think of that may be why they are not using 
> these:

> 3.there is a total artwork freeze in effect for some reason (if so, why)

I believe this is the case due to 6 and 8.

> 6.even though these icons are (as far as I can tell) not affected by the 
> copyright/trademark issues that the red dino idea is, and 
> the dev team still need to talk to the lawyers about it for some reason 
> (if so, why)
> 7.the icons cant go in untill bug 29856 has been fixed (something to do 
> with not being able to tell the difference programmaticly between 
> different windows under *nix) because this prevents using different 
> icons for the different windows under *nix)

I doubt this is the case, other stuff has been implemented for just 
windows (fullscreen, etc.) without great complaint it seems.

> 8.if these icons go into the tree then they will likely be associated 
> with "mozilla the browser" and "the mozilla project" and whatever (same 
> as how people will associate the netscape "N" or the IE "e" or the 
> little "windows thingo" that appears next to the start button or the 
> apple "apple with byte taken out" or whatever other icon with whatever 
> program it goes with). If checked into the tree now, they will go in 
> under the tripple license scheme. Therefore, these icons will be usable 
> under the terms of the GPL, LGPL or MPL. If this is possible, someone 
> will be able to use these icons for something totally unrelated to 
>, mozilla, the mozilla project etc. People that see this 
> unrelated thing could mistake it as being somehow related to mozilla 
> because its using icons legally taken from mozilla. Therefore, 
> regardless of what the creator of whatever icons eventually get used (be 
> they these ones or other ones) says, any icon(s) that get used for 
> mozilla thats intended to be a "permanent solution" must be checked in 
> under a license that prevents said icon(s) from being used for something 
> unrelated to mozilla.


Re: Have you seen a whole dinosaur drown?

2002-03-25 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Lancer, Blackbox, Johnny, Brayan... can't you just stick to one name?



2002-03-25 Thread Karl

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 07:36:04 -0330, Doug Robbins

>Nigel L wrote:
>> theEskimo theme, for both Mozilla release 0.9.9 and +.
>FYI, 'Eskimo' is generally disfavoured today. Aboriginal inhabitants of 
>northern North America are generally known as 'Inuit', which is how they 
>identify themselves. 

Not all Eskimos are Inuit. I am a member of the White minority living
in Bethel, in western Alaska. The majority of the people here are

Most of the Yupik here are not politically correct and refer to
themselves as Eskimos.


Re: better looking icon in win32

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Jason Fleshman wrote:
> Not a thing.  But I didn't know anything about XPIs until yesterday, so 
> that doesn't mean much :)  The XUL Tutorial on XUL Planet lives at 
> and is probably 
> what you're looking for.  If I were you, though, I'd wait for Mozilla 
> 1.0 to come out -- if I understand right, they're not quite done 
> tweaking XUL.

They have changed skins version to 1.0, which gives (if my understanding 
is correct) the go ahead for skinwriters to have at it. If you want your 
skin ready for 1.0, it wouldn't hurt to start developing now, any 
changes will most likely be a one character edit in the file. If you 
have CSS problems, pop over into #mozillazine on and you 
can get help, the people who hang out there are nice, especially if 
you're developing something.



2002-03-25 Thread Morten Nilsen

Jay Garcia wrote:
> What's the "question" ???

seems like he thinks this is npm.public-annonce :P

Morten Nilsen, aka Dr. P

We are the borg^]dbdbiMicrosoft.
Prepare to be assimilated^]dbiembraced and extended.
Resistance is futile^]dbdbdbiWe know you want it.

site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Eric seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies 
in the java applet that is started.
perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?

build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4

Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Holger Metzger

Eric wrote:
> seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies 
> in the java applet that is started.
> perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
> build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4

Site works fine for me, on W2K, using 0.9.9 Gecko/20020324 and Java
plugin 1.3.1_02
Holger Metzger
Netscape 6 Tips:

Re: best way for pop-ups

2002-03-25 Thread JTK

Dazzle wrote:
> I want to stop javascript method when an HTML page loads or
> when you leave one but I want it to work when I click on a link.
> using Mozilla 0.9.9 on Windows and Linux. Which is the best way to implement
> this.


Re: Can browser.xpi be split up into further modules? (was: Re: How big is Mozilla now?)

2002-03-25 Thread Bamm Gabriana

I agree with everything. :)

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Roope Lehmuslehto

Holger Metzger wrote:

>Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)
It doesn't work event at browser...

Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Klaus Krtschil

Eric wrote:
> seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies 
> in the java applet that is started.
> perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
> build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4
> Eric

No problems here 0.9.9 WinNT


Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Holger Metzger

Roope Lehmuslehto wrote:
> Holger Metzger wrote:
>> Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)
> It doesn't work event at browser...

It works absolutely fine in the browser.
Holger Metzger
Netscape 6 Tips:

Re: Can browser.xpi be split up into further modules? (was: Re: How big is Mozilla now?)

2002-03-25 Thread Patrick Gallagher

> If both navigator and composer were rather large and you
> have to download both or nothing, then that would be still
> be bloatware - because many megs were added without
> giving you a choice.
> Classic example is Windows with Internet Exploder bundled
> in. Microsoft made the same argument you made - that IE
> has many common functionalities with Windows.
> On the other hand, if composer /was/ small, then Navigator
> may have been poorly designed for it to reach 10 megs on
> its own. Still bloatware - so many unnecesary megs.
> It would /not/ be bloatware if Nav were less than 5 megs,
> and each of the other components, no matter how large,
> were optional downloads.

How big is the Nav module without debug code? Once you strip out all the 
development stuff, and leave just the actual program?

Mozilla is a big project, and I'm guessing there's a lot of labelling as 
to what everything does, what needs to be done, etc. inside of the 
codebase which would be removed or at least slimmed down a LOT in any 
commercial distribution (obviously a small number of people who know the 
code would need fewer instructions and lables than a large group of 
people from diverse backgrounds.) You can't really judge bloat until you 
see an optimized build.

Personally, I think separating a composer xpi would be a good idea - 
it'd obviously need to be installed for HTML functionality in mail-news, 
but I wouldn't be horribly upset if I couldn't compose mail/news in 
HTML. It'd just mean that I'd never see the "do you want to send this in 
HTML" message again.


Re: Uploading to FTP

2002-03-25 Thread Matthew Thomas

Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> > > There should be a pref:
> > > Dropping a file into an FTP folder should
> > > ( ) Open it
> > > (x) Upload it

For such an obscure option, you'd need to prefix it with an explanation.
I suggest the following.
| Mozilla's designers can't decide what should happen when a file or
| folder is dragged to a Navigator window where an FTP listing is being
| displayed. We know you're probably not a UI designer, but we'll dump
| the problem on you anyway, because we don't like you.
| What should Mozilla do when a file or folder is dragged to a Navigator
| window where an FTP listing is being displayed?
| (*) Open it
| ( ) Upload it
| ( ) Show me a nasty alert box

> > > If not, at least a user pref.

Naturally. It's quite ok to have a UI which is only acceptable to 1
percent of users, if it can be made acceptable to some of the other 99
percent by twiddling prefs which are too well-hidden for any of that 99
percent to know how to change.

> > Maybe a popup?
> >
> > "What do you want to do with this file? [Display] [Upload] [Cancel]"

Alerts don't work. As time goes on the number of alerts used in a
program should decline, not increase.

> Maybe both.

Dilbert: `So should we get lots of bad press by delaying our product for
  six months, or lose our future customer base by shipping now when the
  product has thousands of bugs?'
PHB: `Hmm ... Let's do both!'

> The popup would be fine the first time, but I should
> be able to configure it not to ask me again.

Hahahahaha. I could see that coming a mile off.

Matthew `mpt' Thomas, Mozilla UI Design component default assignee thing

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Mark Roberts

Holger Metzger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> had written:
| Roope Lehmuslehto wrote:
| > Holger Metzger wrote:
| >
| >> Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)
| >>
| > It doesn't work event at browser...
| >
| It works absolutely fine in the browser.

With the exception, for me at least (Moz 0.9.9 on Linux - installed
with RH 7.2 RPM) that the "Sign Out" button doesn't appear, nor
does its associated image map. Otherwise, it works OK. (As a side
note, Hotmail totally blows up on Opera, whether Linux or Win32!)

Mark Roberts |"We've listened to local radio all across the country. And...
Oakland, Cal.| the mental fare has been as generalized, as packaged, and as 
NO HTML MAIL | undistinguished as the food." 
   -- John Steinbeck, _Travels with Charley_ (1962)

Re: tabbed browser ideas

2002-03-25 Thread Neil

grayrest wrote:

> Unless there is an onChange event fired when the content of the 
> loading page changes, this feature cannot be done or will be so 
> complex that it'll slow down the whole browser or won't be possible. I 
> won't implement this feature unless said onChange event exists, and 
> then still probably won't because the feature isn't that valuable to 
> me, where as the bold would be. Can anyone say yes or no to onChange 
> existing?

You mean the event that updates the progress meter, onProgressChange?

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Christopher Jahn

And it came to pass that Roope Lehmuslehto wrote:

> Holger Metzger wrote:
>>Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)
> It doesn't work event at browser...

I use it daily in 0.9.8 Haven't gotten around to 0.9.9 yet, but 
yours is the first I've heard of a problem.

}:-)   Christopher Jahn
{:-( Dionysian Reveler
For those of you without hope, we have rooms with color TV, 
cable and air conditioning.
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Jason Fleshman

Mark Roberts wrote:
> Holger Metzger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> had written:
> | Roope Lehmuslehto wrote:
> | > Holger Metzger wrote:
> | >
> | >> Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)
> | >>
> | > It doesn't work event at browser...
> | >
> | 
> | It works absolutely fine in the browser.
> With the exception, for me at least (Moz 0.9.9 on Linux - installed
> with RH 7.2 RPM) that the "Sign Out" button doesn't appear, nor
> does its associated image map. Otherwise, it works OK. (As a side
> note, Hotmail totally blows up on Opera, whether Linux or Win32!)

I had that problem a while ago.  Someone pointed me to the image prefs. 
For Hotmail to work correctly, you need to have "Accept All Images" 
checked.  Hotmail, it seems, stores images on different servers so if 
your settings are different some images aren't requested.  I remember 
the Sign Out button being one of them.

On a (possibly) related note, sometimes I have trouble receiving 
attachments through Hotmail.  It frequently asks me to log in again when 
I click on the attachment.  Anyone have an idea what's causing that?


Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread phil

Site asks me to download "application/x-java-vm" - I don't have java 
installed in this build yet. - build 2002032321 on Linux.
Everything looks o.k.

Eric wrote:

> seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies 
> in the java applet that is started.
> perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
> build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4
> Eric

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread pda700

>(As a side note, Hotmail totally blows up on Opera, whether
Linux or Win32!)

Wrong! Opera (win32 v. 6.01) works fine with Hotmail- but it
advises you to 'upgrade' to IE5.0.

Web2pop will read hotmail (and other web-based emails) into
Netscape (and Opera). From

text cut off

2002-03-25 Thread Klaus G. Meyer

Mozilla 0.9.9

the text of links on the right side are cut off (about in the middle of the
A known bug or could i config something better?

regards K. Meyer

transfering mail between computers

2002-03-25 Thread user

I've just switched to a new computer and can't figure out how to move my 
(Mozilla 0.9.9) mail.  I've tried going to "Mail & Newsgroups Account 
Settings" > "Server Settings" and then copying all the files in the 
"Local directory" field.  When I put the files into the equivalent 
directory on new system, though, nothing works.

Somebody please tell me how to transfer the contents of an account 
folder on one computer to another computer.  I know this can be done. 
I'm desperate here.  Can't help but think this ought to be a lot easier 
and/or evident than it is.  Don't people need to do this all the time in 
business environments?  I know the salespeople at my company are 
constantly exporting/importing their mail between computers.  Thanks.

Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Reuben D Budiardja

I have java installed in my mozilla-0.9.9. But I still crash/hangs 
my mozilla when loading page that have java applet. Chat applet in 
yahoogroups ( is one example.

I just copied and/or  create sym link the plugins from the plugin folder for 
Netscape 4.x. This method used to work with mozilla 0.95 if I remember 
correctly. The same page can be access using netscape 4.x with no problem 
(and other page that use java applets).

Other plugins seems to work fine so far. I am using Redhat Linux 7.2, 
mozilla- installed from rpm. Haven't tried the window version yet.

Could anyone help with this, or investigate to confirm?

Reuben D. Budiardja

On Monday 25 March 2002 12:32 pm, phil wrote:
> Site asks me to download "application/x-java-vm" - I don't have java
> installed in this build yet. - build 2002032321 on Linux.
> Everything looks o.k.
> Phil
> Eric wrote:
> > seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies
> > in the java applet that is started.
> > perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
> >
> > build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4
> > Eric

Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread phil

OOPS - I just copied all of java into the plugins directory and now it 
crashes. Using 3/24 nightly with Linux 2.4.18 and preemptive patch.
Kills all Mozilla. :-(

Reuben D Budiardja wrote:

>I have java installed in my mozilla-0.9.9. But I still crash/hangs 
>my mozilla when loading page that have java applet. Chat applet in 
>yahoogroups ( is one example.
>I just copied and/or  create sym link the plugins from the plugin folder for 
>Netscape 4.x. This method used to work with mozilla 0.95 if I remember 
>correctly. The same page can be access using netscape 4.x with no problem 
>(and other page that use java applets).
>Other plugins seems to work fine so far. I am using Redhat Linux 7.2, 
>mozilla- installed from rpm. Haven't tried the window version yet.
>Could anyone help with this, or investigate to confirm?
>Reuben D. Budiardja
>On Monday 25 March 2002 12:32 pm, phil wrote:
>>Site asks me to download "application/x-java-vm" - I don't have java
>>installed in this build yet. - build 2002032321 on Linux.
>>Everything looks o.k.
>>Eric wrote:
>>> seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies
>>>in the java applet that is started.
>>>perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
>>>build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4


2002-03-25 Thread Nigel L

Christian Biesinger wrote:

> Nigel L wrote:
>> ...theEskimo theme, for both Mozilla release 0.9.9 and +.
> Nice theme, I like it!
> However... while hovering over menu entries, the currently selected 
> item is not highlighted, it would be nice if you could fix this.
author is Andre Standke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  .
 I'd suggest people move discussion to the Themes NG,.  It has been 
underutilized since there were no themes, but that's gonna change in a 
I get such a kick from the envelope that surges forward in MozMail 
Compose!Nigel L

Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Reuben D Budiardja

On Monday 25 March 2002 12:57 pm, phil wrote:
> OOPS - I just copied all of java into the plugins directory and now it
> crashes. Using 3/24 nightly with Linux 2.4.18 and preemptive patch.
> Kills all Mozilla. :-(
> Phil

Hmm, that's weird. I am going to try re-installing previous version of 
Mozilla tonight if I have a chance, and double check if my plugins (esp java) 
works with that.


> >
> >I just copied and/or  create sym link the plugins from the plugin folder
> > for Netscape 4.x. This method used to work with mozilla 0.95 if I
> > remember correctly. The same page can be access using netscape 4.x with
> > no problem (and other page that use java applets).
> >
> >Other plugins seems to work fine so far. I am using Redhat Linux 7.2,
> >mozilla- installed from rpm. Haven't tried the window version yet.
> >
> >Could anyone help with this, or investigate to confirm?

Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Simon Montagu

Jonas Jørgensen wrote:

> Bamm Gabriana wrote:
> > It is.
> >
> > Let a = 1.
> > a^2 = a (multiply both sides by a)
> > a^2 - 1 = a - 1 (subtract 1 from both sides)
> > (a + 1)(a - 1) = (a - 1) (factor it)
> > (a + 1) = 1 (cancel common factors)
> > 1 + 1 = 1 (substitution.)
> >
> > QED/ :)
> 1 + 2 = 3. Ergo 4 + 5 = 6.
> /Jonas

Prove that (a + b) (a - b) = a^2 - b^2
a * a = a^2
+ * - = -
b * b = b^2


Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Guenter Huerkamp

works for me with 2002032505 on winNT  with JRE 1.3.1_02
phil wrote:
> Site asks me to download "application/x-java-vm" - I don't have java 
> installed in this build yet. - build 2002032321 on Linux.
> Everything looks o.k.
> Phil
> Eric wrote:
>> seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies 
>> in the java applet that is started.
>> perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
>> build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4
>> Eric

Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Jonas Jørgensen

Simon Montagu wrote:

> Prove that (a + b) (a - b) = a^2 - b^2
> a * a = a^2
> + * - = -
> b * b = b^2

Given: x not equal to 0, y not equal to 0, Prove: x + y = 0.

Since x does not equal 0, then x + 1 does not equal 1, x + a does not 
equal a, x + y does not equal y.
But what is y? y is anything but 0.
Thus x + y is not equal to anything but 0.
Since x + y cannot equal anything but 0, x + y = 0.


Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Pratik

On 03/25/2002 10:52 AM, Eric wrote:
> seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem lies 
> in the java applet that is started.
> perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
> build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4
> Eric

I get the following exception on 2002032508 Linux

Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.3.1_02
Using JRE version 1.3.1_02 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = /home/???

c:   clear console window
f:   finalize objects on finalization queue
g:   garbage collect
h:   display this help message
l:   dump classloader list
m:   print memory usage
q:   hide console
s:   dump system properties
t:   dump thread list
x:   clear classloader cache
0-5: set trace level to 

TextScroll  v2.8.3
Copyright (C) 1998   Kevin Swan, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (0) must be > 0
at java.awt.image.SampleModel.(
at java.awt.image.Raster.createPackedRaster(
at java.awt.image.Raster.createPackedRaster(
at sun.awt.motif.MComponentPeer.createImage(
at java.awt.Component.createImage(
at vi.applet.textscroll.TextScroll.init(

Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread Nigel L

Klaus Krtschil wrote:

> Eric wrote:
>> seems to crash my mozilla. I think the problem 
>> lies in the java applet that is started.
>> perhaps someone can identify why this page keeps crashing my browser?
>> build 2002032408 on XP Pro with JRE 1.4
>> Eric
> No problems here 0.9.9 WinNT
> Klaus
Nor here rel 0.9.9 Win Me

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Mark Roberts

pda700 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> had written:
| >(As a side note, Hotmail totally blows up on Opera, whether
| Linux or Win32!)
| Wrong! Opera (win32 v. 6.01) works fine with Hotmail- but it
| advises you to 'upgrade' to IE5.0.

Never has worked for me...either Win32 v6.01...or Linux v6.0 TP3 or
Beta 1. The Win32 browser ties itself into a loop of the login page, 
the Linux versions of the browser just simply disappear. So I fall
back to Mozilla in those instances.
Mark Roberts |"We've listened to local radio all across the country. And...
Oakland, Cal.| the mental fare has been as generalized, as packaged, and as 
NO HTML MAIL | undistinguished as the food." 
   -- John Steinbeck, _Travels with Charley_ (1962)

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Holger Metzger

Am 25.03.2002 20:09 schrieb Mark Roberts:
> Never has worked for me...either Win32 v6.01...or Linux v6.0 TP3 or
> Beta 1. The Win32 browser ties itself into a loop of the login page, 
> the Linux versions of the browser just simply disappear. So I fall
> back to Mozilla in those instances.

Then you probably configured Opera to deny cookies from third party sites.

Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind.
(Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man)
Netscape 6 Tips:

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Bundy

Holger Metzger authored the following:
> Roope Lehmuslehto wrote:
>>Holger Metzger wrote:
>>>Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)
>>It doesn't work event at browser...
> It works absolutely fine in the browser.

Try checking the box to mark all messages.
It doesn't work under NS or Mozilla. It works with NS4, Opera, and of 
course IE.

Re: Is Mozilla/Netscape compatible with Comcast cable internet service?

2002-03-25 Thread David DeKok

Comcast told me (I cover this issue for my newspaper) that it is deliberate but
that they are thinking of adding Netscape support in the future. 

panda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> I have a problem at Comcast after swithing from thier @home sevice.
> Thier login screen is at
> This displays ok in Moz but shows as a blank page in Netscape 4.7.
> After loging in with Moz I get to:
> On this page  are several choices all work except for 'Member Services' 
> which shows as a blank page (using 2002022203 with win2K).
> Eveything works ok with IE.
> Anyone have any insight into this

site crashing mozilla?

2002-03-25 Thread Max Bentz

Could someone test this link?

I use W2k and 0.9.9 and mozilla always crashes.


Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread John Reyst

1. Doesn't work with the menu on
2. Shockwave doesn't appear to work (yet)
3. Sometimes when setting preferences to Autocomplete addresses as you
type them you hit the OK button but nothing happens
4. Imported IE Favorites have %20 in place of spaces in link names
5. Google Toolbar does not work
6. Password Manager prompts for password at really odd and annoying
7. Form Manager data should be accessable only after entering password
8. When adding sidebar items you need to close and re-open the sidebar
before you see it
9. When applying new themes you have to close/re-open Mozilla before
you see it
10. Why is the Print button to the right of the address field?
11. Find seems to work sporadically, not always finding the string I
am looking for
12. The presence/absence of a vertical scroll bar alters placement of
items centered on a webpage, IE does not.

Re: site crashing mozilla?

2002-03-25 Thread Eric

seems to work for me :
"Bei den über 2000 Programmen Ihres SuSE Linux Pakets kommt natürlich 
auch der Spaß am Spiel nicht zu kurz. Von einfachen Brettspielen über 
actionreiche Arcade-Klassiker bis hin zu eindrucksvollen 3D-Games 
bietet Ihnen SuSE Linux jede Menge Kurzweil."

using 2002032503on xp pro

Re: mozilla and hotmail

2002-03-25 Thread Bundy

Holger Metzger authored the following:
> Dazzle wrote:
>>Is there anyway of getting Mozilla to check e-mail from a HotMail account?
>>Mozilla 0.9.9 on Windows and Linux.
>>all help appreciated,
> Not in Mozilla Mail. But it works fine in the browser. :-)

Not True.

The check all box doesn't work. It only checks the first one. If you got 
60 emails of spam, you have to do a lot of clicking to use hotmail under 
Mozilla. It works fine with IE and gives you a warning but works fine 
with Opera.

Re: tabbed browser ideas

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Neil wrote:
> grayrest wrote:
> You mean the event that updates the progress meter, onProgressChange?

Yes, that's the one.


Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread Martin Fritsche

John Reyst wrote:
> 1. Doesn't work with the menu on

Seems to work here.

> 2. Shockwave doesn't appear to work (yet)

Did you install the plugin?

> 3. Sometimes when setting preferences to Autocomplete addresses as you
> type them you hit the OK button but nothing happens

Works fine here.

> 4. Imported IE Favorites have %20 in place of spaces in link names

I don't have IE.

> 5. Google Toolbar does not work

Ask Google for a toolbar for Mozilla.

> 6. Password Manager prompts for password at really odd and annoying
> times


> 7. Form Manager data should be accessable only after entering password

Isn't that covered by Master Password?

> 8. When adding sidebar items you need to close and re-open the sidebar
> before you see it

Never tested. How often do you add a sidebar?

> 9. When applying new themes you have to close/re-open Mozilla before
> you see it

How often do you change the theme? how do you change the theme in IE?

> 10. Why is the Print button to the right of the address field?

It's also there in IE.

> 11. Find seems to work sporadically, not always finding the string I
> am looking for

Maybe the string is not at your page? Works fine here.

> 12. The presence/absence of a vertical scroll bar alters placement of
> items centered on a webpage, IE does not.

You mean it cuts the page about the pixels of the scrollbar? And the 
content is hidden under the bar?

Everyone who sends advertisement to me agrees to pay a fee of 10 Euro.

Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread xanophile

as far as google is concerned, why not just use the sidebar tab?

Martin Fritsche wrote:
> John Reyst wrote:
>> 1. Doesn't work with the menu on
> Seems to work here.
>> 2. Shockwave doesn't appear to work (yet)
> Did you install the plugin?
>> 3. Sometimes when setting preferences to Autocomplete addresses as you
>> type them you hit the OK button but nothing happens
> ??
> Works fine here.
>> 4. Imported IE Favorites have %20 in place of spaces in link names
> I don't have IE.
>> 5. Google Toolbar does not work
> Ask Google for a toolbar for Mozilla.
>> 6. Password Manager prompts for password at really odd and annoying
>> times
> ???
>> 7. Form Manager data should be accessable only after entering password
> Isn't that covered by Master Password?
>> 8. When adding sidebar items you need to close and re-open the sidebar
>> before you see it
> Never tested. How often do you add a sidebar?
>> 9. When applying new themes you have to close/re-open Mozilla before
>> you see it
> How often do you change the theme? how do you change the theme in IE?
>> 10. Why is the Print button to the right of the address field?
> It's also there in IE.
>> 11. Find seems to work sporadically, not always finding the string I
>> am looking for
> Maybe the string is not at your page? Works fine here.
>> 12. The presence/absence of a vertical scroll bar alters placement of
>> items centered on a webpage, IE does not.
> You mean it cuts the page about the pixels of the scrollbar? And the 
> content is hidden under the bar?

Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread Esben Mose Hansen

John Reyst wrote:

You really should memtion your platform. It makes a difference, 
exspecially regarding plugins. I'm guessing windows of some flavor (due 
to the imported IE thingy... yuck ;-) )

> 5. Google Toolbar does not work

Yes it does, it's just not advertised as much:

BTW: Why do you whine so much? It's not as though anybody is keeping you 
from fixing any issues you may find. Check bugzilla...

regards, Esben (danish site)

Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread grayrest

Martin Fritsche wrote:
>> 5. Google Toolbar does not work
> Ask Google for a toolbar for Mozilla.

What functionality do you want from the google toolbar? Everything the 
google bar but pagerank has is already programmed into mozilla or can be 
done with a combination of bookmarks and bookmarklets. Most people (in 
my experience). My page has a variety of 
google bookmarks set up (all the ones I use), if I could figure out how 
to get mozilla to install the bookmarks when you clicked on them, 
nothing would be easier. However, you currently must set the links as a 
bookmark then add a keyword, how to do this is the first thing on the 
page. It isn't difficult.


Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread Sören Kuklau

On 3/25/2002 9:06 PM, Martin Fritsche apparently wrote exactly the
> John Reyst wrote:
>> 4. Imported IE Favorites have %20 in place of spaces in link names

> I don't have IE.

Bug fixed for 1.0.

>> 5. Google Toolbar does not work

> Ask Google for a toolbar for Mozilla.

Or, use the Google Sidebar. Or, use keywords for google. And so on.

>> 6. Password Manager prompts for password at really odd and annoying
>> times

> ???

Same here, "huh?" ;-)

>> 10. Why is the Print button to the right of the address field?

> It's also there in IE.

In a few weeks or months, you'll (finally ;-) ) be able to fully 
customize the toolbar(s).

Sören Kuklau ('Chucker')

Re: transfering mail between computers

2002-03-25 Thread sevatio

I agree, this has been a pain to transfer the mail from one machine to 
another.  Even if you put it in the right folder and the right file, it 
still does not see the mail.  Although, it can see any of the new mail 
which is quite odd.  What config file is responsible for orchestrating 
what MozMail sees and not see?


> I've just switched to a new computer and can't figure out how to move my 
> (Mozilla 0.9.9) mail.  I've tried going to "Mail & Newsgroups Account 
> Settings" > "Server Settings" and then copying all the files in the 
> "Local directory" field.  When I put the files into the equivalent 
> directory on new system, though, nothing works.
> Somebody please tell me how to transfer the contents of an account 
> folder on one computer to another computer.  I know this can be done. 
> I'm desperate here.  Can't help but think this ought to be a lot easier 
> and/or evident than it is.  Don't people need to do this all the time in 
> business environments?  I know the salespeople at my company are 
> constantly exporting/importing their mail between computers.  Thanks.

Small PopUp Square - ???

2002-03-25 Thread Sevatio

I'm using 0.9.9 with W98-2nd.  When I try to send a message at , it pops up a small square in the bottom right 
corner of the screen.  Instead, it should've popped up a window for me 
to click "OK".  I've tried fooling around with the 
/Advanced/Scripts&Windows without much luck.  Is this a bug & how can 
this be fixed?

Thanks in Advance,

Re: site crashing mozilla?

2002-03-25 Thread Jason Fleshman

Max Bentz wrote:
> Could someone test this link?
> I use W2k and 0.9.9 and mozilla always crashes.
> Thanks!

WFM, Win98/2002-03-21-03.


Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread Stuart Ballard

Sören Kuklau wrote:
> On 3/25/2002 9:06 PM, Martin Fritsche apparently wrote exactly the
> following:
> > John Reyst wrote:

> >> 6. Password Manager prompts for password at really odd and annoying
> >> times
> > ???
> Same here, "huh?" ;-)

I can understand this comment. Any smart person will keep their personal
data encrypted with a master password. If you do this, and if you don't
use Mozilla mail, Mozilla won't prompt for your master password until
the first time you go to a page with a stored password for it.

So far so good, but then you get sites like mozillaZine which include a
form with the password field on every "view comments" page. Which means
that the first time in a browsing session that you visit a mozillaZine
comments page, you get asked for a password. Never mind that you were
trying to *read* the comments, and had no intention of posting one.

I'm not sure what I think Mozilla should *do* about this - I've always
just chalked it up as the cost of having a secure password. Perhaps an
option to always prompt for the password when you first start mozilla?

Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread Jason Fleshman

John Reyst wrote:
> 1. Doesn't work with the menu on

The page uses broken JavaScript sniffing to determine how to control the 
menus.  If you have the desire/time, file an Evangelism bug at

> 6. Password Manager prompts for password at really odd and annoying
> times

Need more data on this one.  Password Manager seems to fire onLoad in 
Web pages.  So if you start one page loading then move to another tab or 
window, you might see the manager pop up unexpectedly.  It can also 
happen if you have Mail/News loaded and it checks for new messages the 
first time.

> 9. When applying new themes you have to close/re-open Mozilla before
> you see it

I thought that had been (mostly) fixed.  Oh well, I've been wrong before.

> 11. Find seems to work sporadically, not always finding the string I
> am looking for

There's a bug in Mozilla where if you click in the page content, 
searches only go from that point forward.  I don't remember if it's been 
fixed or not, and I'm too lazy to look it up.  Try clicking at the very 
top of the page before you search and see if that helps.

> 12. The presence/absence of a vertical scroll bar alters placement of
> items centered on a webpage, IE does not.

Well, yeah.  When the scroll bar appears, the display area gets smaller 
by [x] pixels.  Therefore, to stay centered the content must shift [x/2] 
pixels to the left.  Since IE always shows the scrollbar whether you 
need it or not, you don't see this in IE.


Re: site crashes mozilla

2002-03-25 Thread philbrunner

>On Monday 25 March 2002 12:57 pm, phil wrote:
>>OOPS - I just copied all of java into the plugins directory and now it
>>crashes. Using 3/24 nightly with Linux 2.4.18 and preemptive patch.
>>Kills all Mozilla. :-(
>Hmm, that's weird. I am going to try re-installing previous version of 
>Mozilla tonight if I have a chance, and double check if my plugins (esp java) 
>works with that.
I found my java (not Mozilla) problem; it may be yours as well.
When I copied to the 2002032321 plugins directory, 
I just used cp ... and it copied the symlinked file from java2 
subdirectory instead of copying the actual symlink 
into the java2/plugins directory; this caused Mozilla to crash when java 
was exercised. When I copied using  cp -a ..., the symlink was copied 
instead of the actual file and everything works just fine.

Apparently the MUST be a symbolic link into the 
file in java2/plugins!

To avoid this confusion in the future, I just put the java2 directory in 
a safe place and put the symlink in the 
~/.mozilla/plugins directory. With this installation, java is available 
when a new version is installed; no action is necessary.

Hope this helps you,

>>>I just copied and/or  create sym link the plugins from the plugin folder
>>>for Netscape 4.x. This method used to work with mozilla 0.95 if I
>>>remember correctly. The same page can be access using netscape 4.x with
>>>no problem (and other page that use java applets).
>>>Other plugins seems to work fine so far. I am using Redhat Linux 7.2,
>>>mozilla- installed from rpm. Haven't tried the window version yet.
>>>Could anyone help with this, or investigate to confirm?

Re: 0.9.8 under Linux = unusable

2002-03-25 Thread Peter Stein

In article ,
Peter Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Just installed 0.9.8 via RPM. Unfortunately it has a serious
>bug that IMHO renders it unusable: None of the pop up windows
>that require text will actually allow text entry. No cursor
>appears in the text field and if the pop up has an action
>button then that button is greyed out. FWIW, this bug was also
>present in Netscape 6.x, but it was not in Netscape 4.x 
>( 73 <= x <= 79 ). There's nothing exotic about my system and
>I run plenty of X apps without any problems. I'm astounded 
>that a milestone release contains such a fundamental bug.

I just downloaded 0.9.9 and it has the same problem.

This is after I submitted bug #125290 which after repeated
emails has gone completely ignored.

The message seems clear, if your bug doesn't affect those
working on the project you're wasting your time submitting
it. Apparently nobody cares.

Re: 0.9.8 under Linux = unusable

2002-03-25 Thread Patrick Gallagher

Peter Stein wrote:
> In article ,
> Peter Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Just installed 0.9.8 via RPM. Unfortunately it has a serious
>>bug that IMHO renders it unusable: None of the pop up windows
>>that require text will actually allow text entry. No cursor
>>appears in the text field and if the pop up has an action
>>button then that button is greyed out. FWIW, this bug was also
>>present in Netscape 6.x, but it was not in Netscape 4.x 
>>( 73 <= x <= 79 ). There's nothing exotic about my system and
>>I run plenty of X apps without any problems. I'm astounded 
>>that a milestone release contains such a fundamental bug.
> I just downloaded 0.9.9 and it has the same problem.
> This is after I submitted bug #125290 which after repeated
> emails has gone completely ignored.
> The message seems clear, if your bug doesn't affect those
> working on the project you're wasting your time submitting
> it. Apparently nobody cares.

why don't you fix it?

if you do a little searching around in bugzilla, you'll find a lot of 
bugs that are a lot more critical.

I'd fix it for ya if I could... but unfortunately I can't, due to a 
complete lack of programming skills. The problem isn't that nobody 
cares, it's that the person who does care most (you) hasn't fixed it yet.


Re: 0.9.8 under Linux = unusable

2002-03-25 Thread Pascal Chevrel

Peter Stein a dit :
> In article ,
> Peter Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Just installed 0.9.8 via RPM. Unfortunately it has a serious
>>bug that IMHO renders it unusable: None of the pop up windows
>>that require text will actually allow text entry. No cursor
>>appears in the text field and if the pop up has an action
>>button then that button is greyed out. FWIW, this bug was also
>>present in Netscape 6.x, but it was not in Netscape 4.x 
>>( 73 <= x <= 79 ). There's nothing exotic about my system and
>>I run plenty of X apps without any problems. I'm astounded 
>>that a milestone release contains such a fundamental bug.
> I just downloaded 0.9.9 and it has the same problem.
> This is after I submitted bug #125290 which after repeated
> emails has gone completely ignored.
> The message seems clear, if your bug doesn't affect those
> working on the project you're wasting your time submitting
> it. Apparently nobody cares.

It could be a XUL problem, try deleting your profile chrome forlder, the 
XUL.mfasl file then start mozilla to see if the problem still exists


Re: 0.9.8 under Linux = unusable

2002-03-25 Thread Martin Fritsche

Peter Stein wrote:

> I just downloaded 0.9.9 and it has the same problem.
> This is after I submitted bug #125290 which after repeated
> emails has gone completely ignored.
> The message seems clear, if your bug doesn't affect those
> working on the project you're wasting your time submitting
> it. Apparently nobody cares.

No, your problem could not be confirmed. I also cannot confirm it. 
Everything works fine here. Maybe you have some broken system libraries?

Everyone who sends advertisement to me agrees to pay a fee of 10 Euro.

Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread Martin Fritsche

Stuart Ballard wrote:

> I'm not sure what I think Mozilla should *do* about this - I've always
> just chalked it up as the cost of having a secure password. Perhaps an
> option to always prompt for the password when you first start mozilla?
> Stuart.

Preferences ->P&S ->Master Password ->Master Password Timeout

Everyone who sends advertisement to me agrees to pay a fee of 10 Euro.

Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Parish

Garth Wallace wrote:
> It's not a matter of pronunciation. "Your" and "you're" are 
> homophones--they are pronounced exactly the same. It's a spelling 
> mistake, like spelling "read" (past tense) "red".

I wonder. Do any other languages have the the scope for puns and other 
"word games" that English is so suitable for? Also, do they have the 
same phonetic clashes as English, e.g. yaw/you're/your, read/red, 
threw/through, rose/rows/roes.

An extreme example is this, which passes through just about every 
spellchecker (Mozilla's barfs only on chequer), and is phonetically 
correct, but grammatical garbage:

Sum of you may not sea any problems with the following:

The Spelling Chequer (or Poet Tree Without Mist Aches)

I have a little spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marks four my revue
Miss steaks eye cannot sea

Each thyme when eye have struck the quays.
I weight for it to say
If  watt eye rote is wrong or rite
It shows me straight a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two late
And eye can put the error rite
No I shall find it grate.

I've run this poem threw it
I'm shore yore policed to know
It's letter perfect in its weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.

"I would rather gnaw my leg off, pack the bleeding stump with salt,
  and run in a circle on broken glass than have to deal with any
  Microsoft product on a regular basis."
-- Dan Zimmerman,
  Vanderbilt University, when asked about Windows NT.

Anti-spam e-mail address, change _AT_, sorry for the inconvenience

importing ssl-certs by script

2002-03-25 Thread Georg Lutz


in our network we have a couple of servers using

We don't have official CA-signed certs, so the user has to manually
install the certificates when he connects the first time to a server.

Is there a convenient way to write/import certificates into mozillas db's without
user interaction? We have already a network logon script which set mail
server settings etc. in prefs.js .

Please CC since I am not subscribed.


Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Peter Stein

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?S=F6ren_Kuklau?=  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 3/23/2002 5:19 PM, Werner Purrer apparently wrote exactly the following:
>> On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 07:28:09 -0400, "Brayan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>i have heard: you can say in one word, almost an entire sentence
>>>is that true?
>> No german is not that far from english, we have compound words but it
>> doesn´t go that far.
>> Acutally english and german have lots of things in common, although
>> german is much harder to learn. It really has a fucked up grammar and
>> writing.
>*cough* no swearing
>German is a lot harder than English, yes, but there are even more 
>difficult languages. German is one of the most important languages - 
>after English, Chinese and Japanese.

As an Americanized German I'm not sure I agree that "German is a lot harder
than English". German is structured and precise when contrasted to English
which seems to have 5 exceptions for every rule. Also English is still
evolving with new words being added or redefined based on contemporary
usage. Which would you rather deal with, fewer rules which are complex,
or rote memorization of many exceptions? :-)

Regarding the compounding, I seem to recall an amusing newspaper article
which reported that the German government issued an edict limiting any
compounding used in official government business. This vaguely reminded
me of my aunt being strictly forbidden from speaking "Bayrisch" while
conducting Bavarian government business.

Everything's relative though. When compared to Icelandic which hasn't
changed in thousands of years German seems to have prominent English
attributes. :-)

Mit Gruss vom Land der unbegrennzten Moeglichkeiten, :-)

Peter Stein

Re: Annoying Things about 0.9.9

2002-03-25 Thread Stuart Ballard

Martin Fritsche wrote:
> Stuart Ballard wrote:
> > I'm not sure what I think Mozilla should *do* about this - I've always
> > just chalked it up as the cost of having a secure password. Perhaps an
> > option to always prompt for the password when you first start mozilla?
> >
> > Stuart.
> Preferences ->P&S ->Master Password ->Master Password Timeout

Except that none of the options do what I want. I already use "the first
time it's needed" but I want it to prompt me *before* that - when I
first start the browser - regardless of whether it's needed. Perhaps I
should set my start page to a page with a password on it...


Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Re: Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue Bugs? Ein Sabotuer?

2002-03-25 Thread Peter Stein

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Sören Kuklau wrote:
>> German is a lot harder than English, yes, but there are even more 
>> difficult languages. German is one of the most important languages - 
>> after English, Chinese and Japanese.
>And what is it that makes a language important?

Its prominence in the sciences? Not too long ago many US Universities
required German in their Chemistry/ChemE curricula. English clearly
is *the* international language of commerce, but other languages can
be significant for reasons other than the numbers of native speakers.
OTOH, since the reunification Germany's population is what, about 88
million? Clearly a significant percentage of the western world.

Peter Stein

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