[Mpls] GetBoB

2005-05-19 Thread David Weinlick
Tonight's GetBoB forum on local government was a great success, and I 
want to thank everyone who came out for it.  I was also pleased to see 
all of the candidates who joined us.  Between the panel and the 
audience, we had four current Park Board commissioners and two 
non-incumbent hopefuls.  We had Wally Swan on the panel, and one of his 
hopeful successors, Carol Becker, who chimed in a few times to add 
helpful information.  On the panel we had Colin Hamilton, Executive 
Director of the Friends of the Minneapolis Public Library, but board 
candidates Alan Hooker and Rod Krueger showed up to hear the 
discussion.  Given the size of the room, tonight's event was almost as 
chock full of candidates as our fall candidate fairs will be.  Beyond 
the candidates, however, it was wonderful to see and hear from so many 
wonderfully insightful and educated residents of our city.  We look 
forward to working with all of you in the future.

Our organization, GetBoB,  is a non-partisan organization dedicated to 
helping citizens better understand their local government.  In 
particular, the organization arose out of a concern that many voters 
enter the voting booth with very limited knowledge of the lesser known 
offices, such as the Board of Estimate and Taxation.  We recognized 
that many voters never have the opportunity to learn about candidacies 
that aren't covered in much of the media, such as judicial races.  We 
run a number of projects throughout the year, and those interested in 
learning more can check out our web site at www.getbob.org.

I want to make a clarification, however, as there appear to be some 
rumors floating around about our organization.  GetBoB is short for 
Getting to the Bottom of the Ballot.  We came up with the name GetBoB 
two years ago, because Getting to the Bottom of the Ballot isn't 
particularly catchy.  We considered the idea of developing a sort of 
mascot, BoB, who was a voter struggling to understand local government.

Apparently, some people came to the conclusion that BoB was Park Board 
commissioner Bob Fine, and that GetBoB was out to get him.  I'm not 
exactly sure how this got started, but I would like to put it to rest.  
GetBoB has no relationship to Bob Fine, positive or negative, other 
than that those of us involved in GetBoB believe that the position he 
holds deserves to be better understood.  We imagine that Bob Fine will 
join us at our candidate fairs this fall, but we imagine that any other 
candidates will do so as well.

I hope this clarifies the lack of relationship between GetBoB and the 
other Bob.  Thanks again for all of you who came out to see us.

David Weinlick
Getting to the Bottom of the Ballot
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Re: [Mpls] Community Ownership of the Twins

2005-05-19 Thread Mark Snyder
On 5/18/05 12:40 PM, "Don Jorovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David is correct, there is to be a managing partner with 25% to 35%
> of the interest in the team.  This complies with the needs of Major
> League Baseball, which wants to have a single representatives to go
> to their meetings

That's all that Major League Baseball requires in their ownership structure
is a single representative to go to their meetings? Sorry, but I'm not
buying that and I think it's incredibly disingenuous to to even suggest such
a thing. 

If it were that simple, we would have community-owned MLB franchises all
over the place.
> Here is a link to Senate File 900, Ellen's bill (the two bills are the same):
> http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/bin/bldbill.php?bill=S0900.0&session=ls84

For those who don't like bill text, here's a summary for Rep. Kahn's bill
(HF1368) that cuts through some of the obtuse language and gets to the
point: http://ww3.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/bs/84/HF1368.html

What's missing is any reference to what Major League Baseball actually has
for ownership requirements. Nor have either Rep. Kahn or Sen. Anderson
provided any indication that they have attempted to gain feedback from the
Twins or MLB officials as to how this proposal would be received.

Don't get me wrong, I would gladly line up to buy a share or two in the
Minnesota Twins if a viable community ownership proposal came forth, if for
no other reason than to have a stock certificate I could hang up at my

But again, let's make sure that such a proposal is grounded in reality
rather than wishful thinking. If it hasn't gotten the thumbs-up from the
Twins and/or MLB, then wishful thinking is all you've got because there's no
way for the State of Minnesota to compel the Twins or MLB to participate in
a community ownership venture.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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Re: [Mpls] Where's R.T.? (no clear plans for a second term)

2005-05-19 Thread Mark Snyder
On 5/18/05 10:12 AM, "Greg Abbott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is a big problem for voters trying to evaluate the candidates.
> For example, the Police Federation flyer that was mailed to DFL
> delegates before the convention claimed that another 90 cops are
> scheduled to be cut in R.T.'s future budget projections, on top of
> the 150 or so that have already been cut.  Is this true?  I may have
> missed it, but I have yet to hear anyone from the Mayor's Office deny
> it.  And if R.T. does deny it, who's to say that he won't change his
> mind after the election (again) and implement the cuts?

As I pointed out last week, the budget for the Minneapolis Police Department
has been increased during the Rybak administration, not cut. As for the
Police Federation's claims, the Minneapolis Mayoral Update that I received
yesterday stated pretty clearly that Mayor Rybak has no intentions of
cutting police. 

Here's an excerpt for those who are not subscribed for it:

"Public safety is and will continue to be my top priority.  Under my
leadership the Police Department's budget has increased by over 14 percent -
nearly $13 million more each year - despite the City's loss of $37 million
annually in local government aid from the State.
We have significantly increased the public safety presence downtown with
unprecedented combined patrols of Metro Transit, the Hennepin County
Sheriff's office and the Minneapolis Police Department.  We have created the
STOP Division, a strategic team of officers who are deployed quickly to hot
spots across the City as needed.  For example, when there was a rash of
robberies in Uptown the STOP Division was deployed and helped make key
arrests. Since STOP was deployed we have seen a noticeable drop in serious
crime in the geographic area they are working in each week, parts of town
that span four different Police Precincts on both the north and south sides
of Minneapolis.
We have needed to find new ways of doing business, but we also do need
additional resources for public safety.  This is why we have put an
additional $1 million annually into public safety from 2004 cost-savings, it
is why we are in the process of hiring a recruit class of new officers, and
it is why I am insisting that there will be no reductions to the police
force in 2006." 
Therefore, if the Police Federation wants to cast blame on someone for
officer reductions, it would seem that they should go look at their own
contract negotiators who apparently haven't taken seriously the city's
budget woes in light of LGA cuts, inherited debt, reductions in property
taxes for commercial properties, etc.

Other unions that represent city employees worked in partnership with the
city, in light of the financial challenges inherited by Rybak and our
current Council, to keep a lid on rising salaries and benefits, which in
turn, makes it easier to maintain staffing levels.

Question: Didn't the Police Federation also endorse Pawlenty for governor in
2002? If so, that really worked out well for them, didn't it?
> Peter, unlike R.T., has a track record of following through on his
> political objectives (Exhibit A: light-rail).
> No candidate is perfect, but at least with Peter what you see is what
> you get.

I get a kick out of how McLaughlin and his supporters like to paint Rybak as
someone who takes more credit for stuff than he deserves while also going
out and doing the exact same thing. McLaughlin repeatedly boasts about how
he brought us LRT. 

Now while he deserves a lot of credit for laying the groundwork for LRT, if
there's any one person who deserves credit for actually getting the deal
done and making it happen, that would be former Governor Jesse Ventura, who
basically held the State Legislature hostage until they agreed to finally
approve funding for constructing and operating the rail line.

Apparently, McLaughlin's "great relationship" with the Legislature and
experience in "getting things done" that we've heard so much about just
wasn't enough if it took Ventura's strong-arm tactics to make LRT a reality.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park

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[Mpls] In Ballot Box: More on Saturday's Rybak walk-out

2005-05-19 Thread Craig Cox
In Ballot Box: More on Saturday's Rybak walk-out
McLaughlin field director Andy Pomroy, Tim Bonham, and new DFL city 
chair David Weinlick weigh in on the controversy surround the Rybak 
walk-out at Saturday's city convention.

Go to  and click on Ballot Box
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer
Support the independent media! Pick up your neighborhood newspaper!
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[Mpls] MPPA and Nye's

2005-05-19 Thread Aaron Klemz
Both sides of this debate make terrible arguments.

My favorites are all featured on this thread:

Neither sides' predictions of the effect of the law
have come to pass, and we will never know for certain
if they do. The MPPA explicitly BANS collecting
information about crimes committed by permit holders,
so we will never have any statistics on the question.
Interestingly, Boy Governor (TM) uses the absence of
statistical evidence about the commission of crimes by
permit holders to justify passing a law that will
subsequently make it impossible to know if they commit
any crimes. But I would guess that the number is quite
small, with some notable anecdotal exceptions (Nye's
shooting, the incident where the guy shot up the car
his friend was driving). 

That said, defenders of the MPPA have absolutely zero
evidence that any crime has been prevented or foiled
by permit holders. The "studies" that purport to prove
that are baseless and no one has demonstrated anything
approaching a causal link between more liberal carry
laws and decreased crime.

I really love the "shooter ceased to be law abiding
when he shot the bouncer" argument. This is why the
whole "law abiding citizens" trope is bunk: even if
someone has a clear record when they receive a permit,
this doesn't mean that they won't commit a crime with
their gun. And it only takes one to shatter someone's

Basically, the MPPA is a marketing ploy for the gun
industry. After it was first passed, gun stores
reported a surge in sales of smaller "carrying"
handguns. Most of the folks who purchased already
owned other guns. Like most things the NRA supports,
the MPPA and the Castle Doctrine laws are designed to
boost sales for the folks who really bankroll the NRA
and benefit from its lobbying efforts - gun sellers
and manufacturers.

And on the streets of Minneapolis the MPPA will have
as close to zero impact on crime as possible, and very
few incidents like the Nye shooting will happen. And
the winners, as always, will be the manufacturers and
sellers of guns. 

aaron klemz

Aaron Klemz, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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[Mpls] MPPA and Nye's

2005-05-19 Thread Steve Cross
I think that Aaron Klemz's analysis of the effect of the gun law is 100% 
on the mark.  That said, I have two, "Yeah, buts"

(1) The thing that really drives me nuts about the law is all the 
blankety-blank signs that are required.  I could probably adjust to the 
knowledge that there are primitives around who carry deadly weapons on a 
regular basis despite this being a civilized society that depends upon 
police rather than "self-help" to prevent crime.  But being constantly 
"assaulted" by the "No guns allowed" signs in Minneapolis and St. Paul 
that remind me of all the guns that are around is just too much.  
Reportedly, the whole signage business was designed to make so obnoxious 
that people wouldn't put up the signs.  Instead, most people found that 
having people carrying deadly weapons around was the more obnoxious choice.

(2) The simple fact is that most places in Minneapolis and St. Paul have 
actually posted the "No guns allowed" signs.  And what that means for 
the gun carriers that there is almost NO destination into which they can 
take their artillery.  So, are they politely taking their guns back to 
their cars and leaving them (as did the perp in the Nye's case)?  The 
answer, I fear, is that the gun carriers are ignoring the signs and just 
continuing to pack heat inside -- signs or no signs.  And, if so, that 
means that the "law abiding citizen" argument is just so much trash 
talk.  Unfortunately, proving that fact would require frequent sweeps at 
places to frisk everyone for guns to see if they are defying the law by 
carring guns where "no gun" signs are posted.  And that makes a bad 
situation even worse.

I admit that incidents such as the one that occurred at Nye's have been 
a lot less frequent than I thought they were going to be.  But, the 
question still is, how frequent do such incidents have to be before the 
gun law is determined to be a dumb policy for Minneapolis or anywhere else?

Steve Cross
Prospect Park
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[Mpls] Fwd: RE: [midtwon exchange] media advisory

2005-05-19 Thread Annie Young
I was asked to post this message to the list so here goes.
Annie Young
East Phillips
From: "rashard zanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Annie Young'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [midtwon exchange] media advisory
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 10:25:11 -0500
Commssioner, I don't know how to post this on the issues list.  I lurk
but never post
Could you copy it to the list for me?
For May 19, 2005
Midtown Exchange Building, Former Sears Building, Opens for Community
Get an Insider's Peek at the Model Condo Units
An open house for neighbors and community members will take place at 5
p.m. at Midtown Exchange on Thursday, May 19, showing the significant
progress that has been made over the past few months at the property.
Nearly 400,000 hours of labor has been invested thus far, with an
estimated 275,000 hours until the site is completed.

New walls, atriums, and elevator shafts outline the new floor plans
inside the historic 1928 building. Exterior brick restoration shines
with the addition of new windows that provide breathtaking views of
Minneapolis.  The walls of the new structures (the Sheraton Hotel and
parking ramp) are also quickly rising. As the site continues its
evolution, the media is invited to take an inside look, including tours
of model condo units. Please note that if
5 p.m. on May 19 does not work, personal tours can be arranged at any

. With approximately one million square feet, this property is
similar in size to the IDS Center.
. The 1964 warehouse that straddled the Midtown Greenway is now
gone, bringing more natural light to the bike/pedestrian path. Continued
construction work also reveals the connections both the 1928 structure
and new hotel will have to the Greenway and to Abbott Northwestern and
Children's Hospitals.
. Two new atriums, now in the finishing stages, will add more
light to the building's interior, both in the office space and
residential units.
. More than 800 construction workers per day work on various
building features, keeping the project on schedule.
. Sears, Roebuck & Co. opened nine mail-order and retail centers
around the country from 1910 to 1928 and only one has been in continual
use. Three have been redeveloped, with Minneapolis soon to be the
fourth. Two have been demolished and two remain vacant.

. Insider's peek at the progress that has been made and the
scope of the work being done, including tours of model condo units that
show what living in the building will be like.
. Members of surrounding neighborhoods and communities viewing
construction progress from the inside and outside, commenting on the
progress to date.

5 p.m., Thursday, May 19   Intersection of
Chicago Ave. and Lake St., South Minneapolis
Arrive on-site by 4:45 p.m. Tours will enter the building by 5 p.m.
(once the tours enter, there will be no safe way to catch up). Parking
will be available on the west side of the site, accessible from Chicago
Avenue north of Lake Street, until that parking is full.  Additional
parking will be available north of the Midtown Greenway, accessible from
Chicago Avenue south of 28th Street, until that parking area is full.
Thereafter, no further reserved parking will be available.  We will
break into groups of 10-15, depending on total attendance. Wear
comfortable shoes, without high heels.

Kristin Heinmets / Sarah Voigt* on-site contact
Padilla Speer Beardsley
Office: 612-455-1749 / 612-455-1784
Mobile: 651-335-1897 / 651-470-6187
Editor's Note: If you cannot make the tour at 5 p.m. on Thursday, please
note that a personal tour for you and a camera can be arranged at a
different time.

This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
service. http://www.messagelabs.com
Rashard Zanders
Community Editor
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
3744 4th Ave. S.
Mpls. MN 55409
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Annie Young
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:20 AM
To: mpls@mnforum.org
Subject: [Mpls] Rain and Trees!
As much as you personally may "not" be liking all this rain please
that the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has just finished
2600 new trees of 41 varieties throughout the city on parkways and
boulevards.  The TREES are loving all this rain.  Trust me on this one!
Annie Young
East Phillips
Seeking re-election to the Park Board - 2005

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[Mpls] MnDOT's planned expansion of I-94 Commons

2005-05-19 Thread mclemore
I went back this morning and re-read CM Lilligren's editorial in the 
Southwest Journal from a month or so ago.  It's called "Connect the 
(Mn)DOTS," and it does just that.  I know absolutely nothing about 
the 10-year transportation action plan he mentions ("Mobility 
Minneapolis"), but I'm hoping the city puts itself in the "driver's 
seat" ASAP. 

Lilligren had it right all along.  I had hoped it was a "worst case" 

Here's the link, if anyone is interested: 
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[Mpls] GetBoB discussion forum

2005-05-19 Thread David Weinlick
Hopefully, this is the end of my clarification on the panel last night. 
 The panel included the following speakers:

Jim Bernstein, Chair of the Charter Commission--gave an overview of the 
city charter and how the independent boards fit together

Wally Swan, VP Board of Estimate & taxation--explained why it matters 
who serves on the board, and how it affects our lives

Colin Hamilton, Executive Director Friends of the Minneapolis Library 
Board--talked about the work of both the Library Board and the FMPL, 
and talked about where the battle for libraries needs to be fought

Vivian Mason, District 4 Park Board Commissioner--talked about the 
different priorities that Park Board members can place in the wide 
world of Park & Recreation, and how the Board has worked to balance 
budget constraints with the desires of Minneapolis residents

We look forward to seeing everyone on August 31.
David Weinlick
Getting to the Bottom of the Ballot
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[Mpls] May showers bring ...

2005-05-19 Thread Steven Clift

As a new homeowner, I am admiring people's garden design and plants. 
The bulbs I planted last fall are blooming and so are the dandelions.

For those who have spent years toiling in their yards and boulevards, 
as a whole how do folks think the yards of Minneapolis look this 

Also, I wonder who has the best kept yard in the city or where the 
most colorful front yard bulb collection is blooming?

Steven Clift
^   ^   ^^
Steven L. Clift-   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
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Re: [Mpls] Where's R.T.? (no clear plans for a second term)

2005-05-19 Thread wmmarks
Mark Snyder wrote:
As I pointed out last week, the budget for the Minneapolis Police Department
has been increased during the Rybak administration, not cut. 

Increased budget does not necessarily mean increased numbers of officers.
WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] May showers bring

2005-05-19 Thread Steve Brandt
Steven Clift asks how the yards of Minneapolis look this spring, and where the 
best ones are.

In a word, green.
Lots of rain always helps.
There was more winter kill than normal due to light snow cover.
But anyone who's bothered to reseed should be seeing fresh grass reappearing.
For the best boulevards, contact the city's Committee on Urban Environment.
It runs the Blooming Boulevards program.
You're always welcome to come inspect mine.

Steve Brandt
Two-time BB winner 

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[Mpls] Mpls pension issues

2005-05-19 Thread Phyllis Kahn
David Brauer  stated in an issues post:
"Peter's platform is more police and fire and permanent NRP funding. 
It's MUCH more exciting than R.T.'s * but the problem for this voter is 
that I still can't figure out how he can pay for it. All I've heard is 
a reliance on a one-time, $25 million pension plan that is dead, dead, 
dead at the legislature * and besides, as Mark Snyder astutely noted, 
the concept only pushes out the pension debt, where it gets bigger, 
rather than paying it off."

As the House author of the police pension legislation and much other pension  
legislation there is much to criticize in the city's handling of (and actions  
that caused) the various  pension problems and admittedly the city council 
deserves as much criticism as the mayor. But the mayor is responsible for 
taking a strong position in opposition. First of all the issue is not dead, 
dead, dead as the author proclaims. Just look at the House language to SF 427 
to see its reincarnation. The law would have been worth $24-40 million net 
present value on the life of the fund. By waiting a year the 2006 reduction in 
city pension costs will be about $15 million (loss of about 6 million). We do 
believe there is a negotiated agreement and a version of the bill we could have 
passed last year will now be passed. Perhaps the city convention shed some 
light on the issue. My major concern is to lessen the city's need to bond for 
pension payments. (Non tax exempt  bonds that will put a greater debt on the 
city in the future then the extended date for full funding of the fund). If we 
pass the pending pension legislation, this need may even disappear.

Phyllis Kahn  State Rep 59B

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[Mpls] What's Buzzin' @ Your Minneapolis Public Library

2005-05-19 Thread Krueger, Rodney
What's Buzzin' @ Your Library is the theme of the 2005 Summer Reading program 
at the Minneapolis Public Library.  This year the library has partnered with 
the Minneapolis Public Schools and the Park and Recreation Board to help 
promote reading during the summer months.  Special events and programs will be 
held throughout the city this summer.  Marshall Field's has agreed to sponsor 
the summer reading program as part of their "Fields Go Read" initiative.  

Thank you to Marshall Field's and to the Friends of the Minneapolis Public 
Library for their support.

Studies show students who read over the summer perform better in school than 
those who don't read during their summer break. Reading opens up worlds of 
imagination, builds positive attitudes about learning, and develops skills 
needed for success in school and in life. That's why Minneapolis libraries, 
schools, and parks, along with Marshall Field's, are teaming up to motivate 
kids to keep reading and visiting their public library all summer long, with 
special events, fun activities, cool prizes, and plenty of great books. 

Children up to age 12 can join the What's Buzzin' at Your Library? program, 
which runs from June 6 to August 20, 2005. Children who sign up receive a gift 
bag of summer reading fun, including a library card holder, a colorful reading 
record, and a summer-long events calendar. Children who read ten or more books 
over the summer will receive a child-size book pack. 

The What's Buzzin' program will kick off with parties that include 
performances, face painting, costumed characters, giveaways, and more. The 
party on Friday, June 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Sumner Community 
Library in north Minneapolis will include a Vikings player appearance. On 
Saturday, June 11 there will be kickoff parties at Hosmer, Pierre Bottineau, 
and Nokomis Libraries from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

A "bug hunt" and other activities over the summer will keep kids coming back 
for more. Free shows feature juggling and jokes, magic and music, stories and 
songs, puppets and bugs. Some of the performances are bilingual and have 
multicultural appeal, some present animals or insects, and all promote reading 
and learning in a fun way. 

Kids ages 12-18 can join the Tune in at Your Library teen summer reading 
program and get a free starter kit with a cool gift. Each time they submit a 
book review, creative writing, or artwork they can enter a drawing for gift 
certificates and other prizes. A series of free workshops for teens at 
libraries will feature manga, poetry, cultural celebrations, music, martial 
arts, and astronomy. 

Take your kids to the library this summer & see What's Buzzin!

Web 4 Kids:  www.mplib.org/wfk  Web 4 Teens: www.mplib.org/wft

General Information: Visit your library, call 612-630-6000, or www.mplib.org

Thank you,

Rod Krueger
Library Board / Nokomis East


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[Mpls] In Ballot Box: Samuels declines to appear at 5th Ward candidate's forum

2005-05-19 Thread Craig Cox
Samuels declines to appear at 5th Ward candidate's forum
Citing scheduling conflicts and other concerns, Council Member Don 
Samuels declined to appear at 5th Ward candidates' forum tonight.

Go to: 
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer
Support the independent media! Pick up your neighborhood newspaper!
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RE: [Mpls] Call Pawlenty re: conceal-carry and Nye's

2005-05-19 Thread Michael Atherton

David Brady wrote:

> I believe the man wasn't carrying his gun on him it was 
> in his car  so I don't see how the law has anything to 
> do with it? Anyone can carry a  gun in there car license or 
> no license.

Not only can anyone carry a gun in their car, anyone can
carry a gun on their person.  Do people really believe that
criminals (or others) don't carry guns when feel the need
to?  I knew several people in L.A. who always carried guns 
regardless of whether they had licenses or not.  I don't 
think the gun law has any impact whatsoever on whether
criminals carry guns.  And in the case of the bouncer who
was shot, whether the killer had a license or not is most
likely irrelevant. I sure you could find many cases of
bouncers being killed by unlicensed guns.

David Gadberry wrote:

>  If you are in a situation where deadly force might be required to 
>  protect yourself or a loved one do you actually think that 
>  the police will be around to deal with the situation???  
>  Of course not - the police can't (and shouldn't) be everywhere.

The probability of the average citizen using a gun to protect themselves
from criminal assault is about the same as winning the lottery.  The
probability of being killed by someone with a license to carry one is 
even smaller.  This all breaks down to whether you "feel" carrying guns
is a good idea or not.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[Mpls] Where's R.T.? (no clear plans for a second term)

2005-05-19 Thread Gregory Reinhardt
When the PD had 930 officers, the budget was $98 M.  Today the PD budget is 
$102 M with approximately 780 officers.  There are negotiated wage increases, 
health care, fuel, and other costs which rise each year.  Bottom line, it takes 
$4 M more, to police with 150 officer less.

G.W. Reinhardt


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Re: [Mpls] Where's R.T.? (no clear plans for a second term)

2005-05-19 Thread Christy Nicklas
I was under the impression that at least part of the decrease in cops, 
especially cops walking a beat, was due to the federal (Clinton) cop money 
getting cut. I believe Clinton was responsible for getting Minneapolis an 
extra 100 cops patrolling the neighborhoods and the Bush administration cut 
that program. 
 At any rate, there may well be more city money in the police budget and 
less overall money in the budget, due to a lack of the federal funds. I'm 
not sure exactly how it all works.
 Christy Nicklas

On 5/19/05, Gregory Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> When the PD had 930 officers, the budget was $98 M. Today the PD budget is 
> $102 M with approximately 780 officers. There are negotiated wage increases, 
> health care, fuel, and other costs which rise each year. Bottom line, it 
> takes $4 M more, to police with 150 officer less.
> G.W. Reinhardt
> Excelsior
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[Mpls] Minneapolis pensions...

2005-05-19 Thread George Janssen
Rep. Kahn's concern for the taxpayer of Minneapolis is hypocritical at 
least and disingenuous at best.  Here is a lawmaker who could have and should 
have shown leadership when the Minneapolis Police Relief Association (MPRA) 
Pension Fund was criminally looted of nearly $10 million dollars seven years 
ago.  Because those responsible for the loss were "connected DFL'rs" she and 
other politicians were willing to give them a pass.  Any meaningful criminal 
and/or civil investigation was avoided and even thwarted by those who were 
charged with protecting the public treasury.  The loss to the Minneapolis 
taxpayer was estimated at the time to be at least $50 million by then city 
finance director John Moir.  Due to ongoing mismanagement of the fund, the 
draining of millions by various law firms and lawyers and the down turn of the 
financial markets, the cost to the Minneapolis taxpayer is now many times that 

Yet Rep. Kahn would extend the life of this drain on the public treasury 
and golden goose for lawyers and money managers another 10 years.  In "saving" 
the Minneapolis taxpayer $25 million (which is questionable)  an extended fund 
would cost the Minneapolis taxpayer many more millions.  But, Rep. Kahn and 
other politicos would continue to receive their political contributions and 
other largess from the fund.  This windfall would end if they did they did the 
right thing for the MPRA members and the Minneapolis taxpayer and removed all 
the MPRA funds to the state for administration.  

The MPRA would be kept self managed by the 70 or so politicians who receive 
donations from this fund strictly for self serving purposes.  There is only 
selfish reasons for keeping this fund from joining the 48 other fire/police 
funds administered under PERA.  The Minneapolis taxpayer be damned!  

George Janssen
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RE: [Mpls] 5th Ward Elections

2005-05-19 Thread Dennis Plante
From The Star Tribune:
Hodges said Wednesday that his comments were taken out of context and that 
they weren't politically motivated.

Samuels knows "we're not out trying to kill somebody," Hodges said. "There 
must be a serious lack of cultural understanding on his part."

Lack of cultural understanding has nothing to do with this.  The point that 
is missed here is that it is a cable television show, being broadcast to 
however chooses to view the program.  I am willing to take Booker at his 
word that HIS intention is not to "kill somebody".  However, there is no 
real way to determine how the myriad of viewers interpreted what THEY were 

In a day and time when people are senselessly killed in schools, in 
fast-food restaurants, on our streets and in their own yards, to even use 
this type of speech is inexcusable.  I am trying to put myself in ths shoes 
of Don Samuels, or his wife.  I shudder at the thoughts that must be going 
through their minds at this time.  Far-fetched?  Click-on the link below.

It was a mean-spirited and spitefull attack on a man that espouses 
peace-full solutions to very tough social problems.  Uniting the masses 
through hate-mongering and vindictiveness is NOT a solution, it only adds to 
the problems we ALL face.

Having lived on the northside for the last 8 years I am beginning to wonder 
just how effective these so-called, self-appointed spokespeople of the black 
community are at uniting people into an effective, collective unit.  Or, 
more importantly, just how much of the "silent mass" they actually have the 
approval of...

People like Don Samuels and Keith Ellison and Jonathan Palmer and Neva 
Walker and Rev. Terrill and many others, have rolled-up their sleeves and 
are DOING the work and fighting the good fight to bring about measurable and 
meaningfull change.  THEY are uniting people and bringing attention to the 
issues that need to be addressed.  Quit being counter-productive to the 
process and assist them.

dennis plante
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[Mpls] Re: Mpls Digest, Vol 17, Issue 48

2005-05-19 Thread Becca Vargo Daggett
Mark Snyder wrote:
But again, let's make sure that such a proposal is grounded in reality
rather than wishful thinking. If it hasn't gotten the thumbs-up from the
Twins and/or MLB, then wishful thinking is all you've got because 
there's no
way for the State of Minnesota to compel the Twins or MLB to 
participate in
a community ownership venture.

The Star-Tribune wrote on Wednesday:
Dozens of amendments were considered during the marathon hearing, but 
few were adopted. The most significant provision added would give 
preference to community ownership of the Twins should they be sold 
after moving into the new ballpark.

Rep. Phyllis Kahn, DFL-Minneapolis, who has unsuccessfully promoted 
community ownership for years, described Tuesday's amendment as "a 
wimped-down version" that "doesn't interfere at all with the stadium 

It would award a right of first refusal to a community ownership 
corporation whose lead stockholder could control no more than 35 
percent of common shares, with at least half of all shares held by 
entities with no more than 1 percent each. It also would require a 75 
percent vote of stockholders to move the team outside Minnesota or 
disband it via league contraction.

*After Twins Sports Inc. President Jerry Bell said the provision "looks 
like something that could be workable," it was adopted on a lopsided 
voice vote.*

Becca Vargo Daggett
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Re: [Mpls] Where's R.T.? (no clear plans for a second term)

2005-05-19 Thread Becca Vargo Daggett
These are the budget figures Mark posted on May 13:
> Minneapolis Police Department budget
> 1997: $80,927,832
> 1998: $87,468,554
> 1999: $89,933,005
> 2000: $94,448,175
> 2001: $95,286,294
> 2002: $99,551,497
> 2003: $99,448,921
> 2004: $99,487,569
> 2005: $102,481,580
Assuming these are the right budget numbers (see below), all of the 
increase in Rybak's budget came in 2005. That's about 1 percent a year 
on average. Inflation is what?

Here's an excerpt for those who are not subscribed for it:
"Public safety is and will continue to be my top priority.  Under my
leadership the Police Department's budget has increased by over 14 
percent -
nearly $13 million more each year - despite the City's loss of $37 
annually in local government aid from the State.
Where does that figure come from? Not from the police budget above.
I have no dog in this particular fight. I was put off by McLaughlin at 
first because he is the police machine candidate. But numbers are 

Becca Vargo Daggett
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Re: [Mpls] Mpls pension issues

2005-05-19 Thread Becca Vargo Daggett
Thanks, Rep. Kahn, for partly explaining that. But can someone explain 
to me why the Mayor has opposed it?

Becca Vargo Daggett
(who normally wouldn't be such a lazy citizen, but currently has too 
many balls in the air to learn all about Mpls. pensions)
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[Mpls] 5th Ward Elections

2005-05-19 Thread Michellehill64
I disagree with your opinion. I think the blame lies with both Hodges and 
Samuels. My ancestors are direct descedants of the "field Negro". The group 
the house slave snitch off, for trying to escape, causing severe punishment. 
Calling oneself a field slave or a house Negro is counterproductive no matter 
who says it.

I am willing to believe that Hodges and Samuels were both taken out of 
context. Leaders in our community come in all shades, sizes and with different 
views. We have to learn to respect all opinion, even if we don't agree. Great 
leaders to me are Rev. Jerry McAfee, who has changed the life of many gang 
and drug dealer. There is Mr. Ronald Edwards, Spike Moss, Francine Chakolis, 
Evelyn Eubank, Council Person Natalie Johnson-Lee, Council Person Don Samuels 
Representative Keith Ellison and yes Booker Hodges and Al Flowers. 

If they coud only work together.
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[Mpls] Airport Expansion: Airlines lose $17, 000/Minute - "Canary In the Mineshaft"

2005-05-19 Thread Gary Hoover
Even msnbc reports the obvious. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7912084/  

 We need to "powerdown" our infrastructure in every way:  this means that we 
need to avoid investing more in "corporate welfare" for such energy-intensive 
industries as airlines.  We also need to invest quickly in energy-efficient 
mass transit.  We need to avoid corporate welfare for such energy-intensive 
boondoggles as the Twins "Stadium Tax."  Instead, we need to invest in 
energywise infrastructure and clean alternatives to fossil fuel sources.

We should not pass any new regressive taxes in Hennepin County or Minneapolis.

Any new taxes must be applied to clean local energy, local organic agriculture 
(including urban agriculture) and energy-efficient transit and urban design.

We are at a place where the old paradigms are no longer applicable.  Only the 
Greens have any sense of this.  The Democrats are once again trying to suck up 
all the energy for change and direct it toward pointless exercises in 

Watch the Democrats skewer anyone who dares to object to throwing money away on 
the airport and professional sports entertainment industries when we need 
instead to shape new infrastructure for a new time.

Will the Twins fly the team around the nation for games when airline tickets 
are forced to reflect real energy costs of flying, let alone the environmental 

If airlines lose $17,000/minute now, what will happen when they go bankrupt and 
leave another swath of retirees with half-pensions and broken promises? Will we 
subsidies all of the billionaire and millionaire CEOs who refuse to deal with 
energy and environment as anything other than "externalities?"  Will 
Minneapolis taxpayers foot the bill for health care and housing for former 
Northwest Airlines employees while former top executives float away with golden 
parachutes?  Will we be able to keep subsidizing a Twins team that cannot now 
afford to pay its own way as a private corporation?

The alternative is clear: use local community resources for local clean energy 
development, local sustainable farming development, and local sustainable 
transportation development.

Who amoung the Mayoral candidates and City Council candidates are talking about 
these very real-world options for action?

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice, from Lynnhurst for now --Gary Hoover
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[Mpls] Upcoming 8th Ward Forum - A Question of Money

2005-05-19 Thread Pamela Taylor
There is a mailing that has gone out about an upcoming 8th Ward Candidates 
Forum which is being put on by the following groups: Madd Dads (V.J. Smith's 
nnprofit), Community Collaboratives (Pauline Thomas' nonprofit), and Councilman 
Lilligren's office.  
Apparently, there is a huge fee for participation in this forum.  Gold 
Sponsorship ($1,000) allows you a table, your name on the banner, and another 
benefit which I have forgotten, and participation in the forum.  Silver ($500) 
allows the same named benefit, minus the one I cannot remember, and 
participation in the forum.  Bronze ($250) allows you a table, and 
participation in the forum.
I am wondering what nonprofit groups are doing accepting money from political 
campaigns?  And, is any of this going to councilman Lilligren's campaign 
coffers?  I am asking a serious question, not trying to be funny. If all ten 
candidates were to pay for Gold Sponsorship that's $10,000.  I have a problem 
with that.  I don't think the candidates should pay to discuss the issues.  I 
see this also, as an unfair way to weed out candidates.  I can see paying a 
small fee $10) toward defraying the cost of renting tables in which to put 
literature on, or something of that nature, but the other figures are 
ridiculous.  If the sponsoring organizations have to pay that much in rental 
costs to mount this forum, IMHO they should pick another spot.
What do other listmembers think?
Pamela Taylor

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RE: [Mpls] Mpls pension issues

2005-05-19 Thread David Brauer
Becca writes:

> Thanks, Rep. Kahn, for partly explaining that. But can someone explain
> to me why the Mayor has opposed it?

Here's some readable source material written on the pension question by
reporter Scott Russell - who has covered the matter for years:


>From the story, which references a tense conversation at City Hall:

The mayoral meltdown came during talks on one potential pension fix.

Rice, a private attorney who has lobbied for years on police pension issues,
helped get a bill through the Legislature that extended the city's deadline
to fully fund the police pension.

The city's annual payments would shrink -- from $31 million for the police
fund next year to $16 million, Rice said. The city would also get more time
for the stock market to follow historic trends and rebound -- potentially
cutting into the massive long-term borrowing.

However, as part of the deal, MPRA members would get a pension hike and
other benefits -- raises some city officials found hard to swallow while the
fund is drowning in red ink.

Rice said if the pension fund only agreed to extend the deadline and did
nothing else, pension members would get fewer potential bonus checks when
good times return.

Rybak said he wants a plan to simultaneously address the three city pension
funds -- for police, firefighters and other city employees. He didn't want
to fix the problem by "playing back-room politics at the Capitol."

Rice said MPRA tried to talk to city officials; they wouldn't listen.

...there's more background on the fix in the story.

There's another piece on the Council's rejection of the plan late last year:


David Brauer
Editor, SW Journal & Skyway News

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[mpls] pension funds and political connections

2005-05-19 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
George Janssen wrote:
 But, Rep. Kahn and other politicos would continue to receive their 
political contributions and other largess from the fund.  This 
windfall would end if they did they did the right thing for the MPRA 
members and the Minneapolis taxpayer and removed all the MPRA funds to 
the state for administration.

The MPRA would be kept self managed by the 70 or so politicians 
who receive donations from this fund strictly for self serving 
purposes.  There is only selfish reasons for keeping this fund from 
joining the 48 other fire/police funds administered under PERA.  The 
Minneapolis taxpayer be damned!

Wonder how these funds are linked?  Check out the link below.
And some more links for fun...
In fact go to the site and check out all of your local political types 
that serve in a state office here.

After the primary I imagine that Hennepin County will have the reports 
for the candidates for city offices which list individual donors over 
$100.  Pre-primary are when the first forms are due.   This will be the 

"Follow the money"
Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
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Re: [Mpls] Upcoming 8th Ward Forum - A Question of Money

2005-05-19 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski
Having put together 2 pre-primary DFL forum in Wards 2 and 3 I think 
that the cost is excessive, but if it is a fundraiser for these 
non-profits it should be billed as such rather than as a candidate 

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
Treasurer SD59 DFL
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[Mpls] Upcoming 8th Ward Forum - A Correction

2005-05-19 Thread Robert Lilligren
Pam Taylor writes:
There is a mailing that has gone out about an upcoming 8th Ward Candidates

First a correction about the event. It is the fourth annual Southside Family
Festival and Get Out the Vote! It is on Saturday, July 30 from 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. at Green Central Park. It is a day of music, games, prizes, food,
vendors, community awards, voter registration and voter education.

This is a festival that my office has sponsored each year since I was
elected, along with other area organizations, as a response to the lower
voter turnout in my ward. The idea is to attract neighborhood folks -
especially young people and kids - get those who are eligible registered to
vote, get candidates and elected officials to the community to interact and,
hopefully create a higher level of political involvement in a core city

The festival has been very successful, about doubling in size each year. We
do seek sponsors and contributors to cover costs. There is mic time for
candidates and there has been discussion about having an 8th Ward
candidate's forum along with the other activities, though the candidate's
forum is hardly the sole or central activity.

Please come and participate. It is always a good time. I hope this clears up
any misunderstandings.

Robert Lilligren
Council Member Ward 8
Candidate Ward 6
Phillips West

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Re: [Mpls] Upcoming 8th Ward Forum - A Correction

2005-05-19 Thread Pamela Taylor

Robert Lilligren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pam Taylor writes:
There is a mailing that has gone out about an upcoming 8th Ward Candidates

First a correction about the event. It is the fourth annual Southside Family
Festival and Get Out the Vote! It is on Saturday, July 30 from 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. at Green Central Park. It is a day of music, games, prizes, food,
vendors, community awards, voter registration and voter education.

This is a festival that my office has sponsored each year since I was
elected, along with other area organizations, as a response to the lower
voter turnout in my ward. The idea is to attract neighborhood folks -
especially young people and kids - get those who are eligible registered to
vote, get candidates and elected officials to the community to interact and,
hopefully create a higher level of political involvement in a core city

The festival has been very successful, about doubling in size each year. We
do seek sponsors and contributors to cover costs. There is mic time for
candidates and there has been discussion about having an 8th Ward
candidate's forum along with the other activities, though the candidate's
forum is hardly the sole or central activity.

Please come and participate. It is always a good time. I hope this clears up
any misunderstandings.

Pamela Taylor says:

Yes, that clears it up quite nicely, thank you!  Just wanted to be clear that 
there was no funny fiscal business going on.  I would suggest that just because 
there are so many 8th Ward candidates running that a forum separate from this 
event would fare much better.  However, it is a good idea for the candidates to 
get out and mingle with the community, and would be a great time to advertise 
when the next forum would be held. 

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)


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[Mpls] A death threat against Don Samuels? NAACP connections

2005-05-19 Thread Socialist2001
Minneapolis Council member claims threat by TV commentators 
Terry Collins and David Chanen, Star Tribune May 19, 2005

Minneapolis City Council Member Don Samuels filed a complaint with police 
Tuesday about perceived threats stemming from comments made on a cable-access 
show hosted by two black community activists [Al Flowers and Booker Hodges].

[Ten paragraphs deleted]

"... people like Council Member Samuels ... you know it's simple," Hodges 
said. "We as a people, one in Minneapolis, have to unite. And we have to learn 
from, like, [slave rebellion leader] Nat Turner's mistake, and we have to kill 
the house-[epithet]. We got to kill them."And that's what we're doing on this 
show -- we trying to kill a house-[epithet]." 

[Full text at]

Not mentioned in the strib article: Booker Hodges is the 2nd vice president 
of the Minneapolis NAACP branch. Flowers and Hodges are cousins. Hodges is 
employed by Al Flowers.  Four of the other 6 Minneapolis NAACP branch officers 
have close ties to Flowers: The first vice president (mother), secretary 
assistant secretary (niece and employee), and assistant treasurer (sister and 

In September 2003 Al Flowers was arrested and beated by Minneapolis police, 
and then suspended from the NAACP for 2 years on the basis of a false 
allegation by NAACP officers that Flowers disrupted an NAACP meeting, engaged 
threatening behavior, etc. The NAACP also pressed charges. Findings by the 
that Flowers had not engaged in the complained of behavior put Flowers in a 
position to sue the NAACP for physical injuries, damage to his reputation, 
etc. But he did get members of his extended family (and employees) installed as 
NAACP branch officers.

-Doug Mann, King Field
Candidate for 8th ward city council
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