[mpls] MPRB 9-07-05 highlights part 3

2005-09-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Petitions and Communications

Commissioner Dziedzic mentions the debut of the MPRB song by Charlie 
McGuire at the Lake Harriet Bandshell and that the next evening is the 
first official meeting of the DeLaSalle CAC.  This leads to a 
discussion of the CAC and how it will be run, who gets to vote etc...

Commissioner Hauser reports she doesn't understand why everyone thinks 
she wants to sell land and that she was approached by a developer and 
never heard from them again regarding the GasWorks Bluff site.  She is 
glad the neighbors came up with the plan and hopes the staff can work 
out any pollution, maintenance and labor issues  ( what labor issues??? 
 are the unions against Americorp volunteers helping these folks build 
their park???)

Commissioner Erwin will be looking into the charge of the DeLaSalle CAC

Commissioner Fine has a patron wondering if the parking passes are 
transferable (from old car to newly purchased)  He has also been 
getting many calls regarding the Gas Works Bluff site and since it 
isn't even on the radar why are folks getting so concerned (HINT:  Ask 
the Nicollet Island Residents about the heads up they received 
regarding the football stadium for DeLaSalle)

Regular Meeting Adjourns at 7:45

Admin and Finance Committee

Discussion of Fertilizer ( for the fall season to fill in so less weeds 
in spring per GM Schmidt)

Administrative Tickets ( motion passes to pursue without report  on 
agenda for the next meeting)

2006 Budget Schedule presented by GM Sigglekow

Commissioners choose to follow previous year's pattern and rank their 
priorities on a survey ( though the survey is compiled by staff so 
whose priorities are these really???)

Adjourned 8:00

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

next meeting  TONIGHT

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RE: [Mpls] Re: Felien on Zimmermann

2005-09-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Again, I will ask the same question I asked last time.  Dean Zimmermann is 
alleged to have accepted a bribe from the developer of the project at 24th and 
Chicago to vote to approve more retail businesses on the first floor of the 
project.  But Zimmermann voted against approving additional retail on the first 
floor of the project.
   How can you be guilty of accepting a bribe to do something if you didn't do 
it?  Where is the bribe and what is the crime?
   Robert Halfhill   Loring Park  



-- Michael Atherton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Doug Mann wrote:

 The FBI was poised to go to a grand jury when they raided 
 Zimmermann's house, then backed off. They evidently didn't 
 have the critical hard evidence of a quid pro quo before or 
 after the raid. And now that the FBI has blown the cover 
 on its sting operation, it is unlikely to catch its prey with 
 any new traps. 

Not to keep harping on this, but rather to show the irrationality
of Mr. Mann's line of thinking:  The fact that the FBI hasn't moved
on an indictment says almost nothing about the guilt or innocence
of Councilmember Zimmermann.  In fact, the apparent lack of
activity may be indicative of Mr. Zimmermann's cooperation. I guess
Mr. Mann doesn't watch The Sopranos. ;-)

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[mpls] 9-07-05 MPRB HIghlights part 2

2005-09-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning committee
Presentation of the West River Road Plan from the Plymouth Av Bridge to 
the BNSF RR Bridge  
http://www.minneapolisparks.org/documents/design/AboveFalls.pdf ( the 
.pdf is 25 pages and is very detailed) is presented by Mike Kimble ( 
formerly of planning now head of community and governmental relations 
for the MPRB).  He describes the planning process including a CAC that 
met over a 1 year long process with staff and the consultants.  He also 
stated that the plan had been approved by AFCAC (Above the Falls 
Citizen Advisory Committee) and that the Met Council had approved the 
park part.   There were many speakers following Mr. Kimble as part of 
the public hearing including Meg Fourney who was chair of the CAC and 
Tim Baylor the developer of the Riverview Towers ( just North of the 
Taj Ma headquarters) and many other residents.  Their concerns included 
a turn around prior to their building ( to keep traffic to a minimum) 
and moving the restroom shelter to a less secluded area, mainly nearer 
where the River Rats perform for safety reasons and of course loss of 
street parking with the parkway redesign.  Total estimated cost... $10 
million, money so far $3,000,000 from the Mississippi Watershed 
Organization. There was also some concern about drug use nearer the 
secluded area of the RR bridge and Commissioner Dziedzic stated that 
with the park police so close that will end, to which the audience gave 
a resounding NO.

Commissioner Hauser asked if the raingarden that was for the Riverview 
Tiwers was being paid for by the MPRB to which Mr. Baylor replied that 
it was funded by Riverview's developers.


 Rosemary Knutson, past president of the West Bank Community Coalition, 
said it appears to the WBCC Bluff
Street Park Task Force that the park board would like to sell the 8 
acre derelict piece of land next to her
building. She said she had spoken before the park board in August 2000 
on the same issue.
Then-commissioner Dean Zimmerman opposed the sale. The WBCC formed the 
task force last fall to encourage the
park board to preserve the bluff as native open space rather than sell 
the parkland for real estate
development. The neighborhood was “virtually unanimous” in support of 
the $45,000 park plan as
designed by a consulting landscape design firm, the least expensive of 
three proposed designs
 Four issues: 1) This is the only significant amount of flat park land 
on this stretch of river bluff. 2) Does this
organization [the park board] work with residents to protect the 
environment? 3) Does this organization
[another rhetorical question … I think it was broader, like does the 
park board work with citizens at all?]
4]Cedar-Riverside is densely populated … and id interrupted as she has 
gone over her 3 minutes per President Olson.

- Ann Forsyth, director of the Metropolitan Design Center at the 
University of Minnesota said the task
force had asked her for free technical assistance in developing a park 
plan. There were steps taken
1) task force; 2) a stakeholders survey, held at neighborhood 
organization’s annual meeting; 3) Three
options, least expensive chosen. To learn more about free help, go to 
www.designcenter.umn.edu and click on “design assistance.”

- Karen Swenson of Groundwork Minneapolis said her organization works 
to turn blighted sites into open
space parkland. The Gas Works Bluff site had been included on a list of 
feasible sites they developed
some time ago (BF Nelson was another site on their list). They helped 
arrange for AmeriCorps crew to be
available to work on Bluff Street Park next spring, and found funds for 

- Elizabeth Hopwood asked commissioners to keep the property as park 
rather than condos. Most residents
are Somalian refugees who take their kids out to play in the evenings 
and increased traffic from further
real estate development would endanger them. She wants “open space for 
people from the Seven Corners area to utilize.”

- Arthur Renander of Riverview Towers, thanked the board for the 
opportunity to speak, then
said “This is a [park] board in crisis,” well on its way to selling off 
valuable park land. He called the
current commissioner whose district includes the Gas Works Bluff site 
[Comm. Marie Hauser] a “closet
supporter” of selling the land to condo developers, whose support was a 
cover for the rest of the board to
approve the sale. He said the rumored sale price was far below the 
land’s value. “An election can’t come

soon enough!” he said. “Our plan is incredibly simple.”

- Bob Johnson,  said he lived at Riverview Towers for 24 years, 
1979–2003. He cited the
great improvements to the area brought by the construction of West 
River Parkway, but said Gas Works
Bluff was the site of a coal gas tank, and a 100-foot diameter concrete 
slab is still there. He said five
years ago there began a movement for creating a park there, which he 
said would be a “great misuse” [of

[mpls] 9-07-05 MPRB HIghlights Part 2 1/2

2005-09-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Back to reports of Officers...  Jon Oyanagi River District Manager, 
Thanks to corp. sponsors of the Safe Streets Program, General Mills, 
Target, Cub and the Minneapolis Foundation.  Spoke about the reverse 
groundbreaking at Folwell (?) Park where the tennis courts are coming 
out and a soccer field is going .  Working on reviving ice hockey on 
the Northside.

Minnehaha District: Doing a big housecleaning of the Rec Centers and 
has partnered with the Midtown Latino Organizing Project  to sponsor a 
family night  and have already rounded up 4 soccer teams in the effort.

The board moves onto consent business and discusses funding another 
hour of cable time through the end of the year.  Commissioner Fine 
points out the extra expense and the commissioners vote to pay for the 
additional hours ( $40/hour for 7 more meetings this year for an 
expense of $280 )  During which they will run the newly produce park 
commercials...  what political theater. NRP funding for air 
conditioning at Folwell Park is approved.

Unfinished Business:  Commissioner Young reports that the Water Quality 
Task Force is developing indicators for sustainability.

New Business: Superintendent Gurban speaks of the 9/11 tribute at Lake 
Harriet and mentions the Salvation Army wishing to collect for 
hurricane Katrina victims through the sale of vigil candles ( the MPRB 
forgoes their usual cut)

New Business:  Commissioner Fine suggests delaying any planning around 
Lake Calhoun until their can be a review of past CAC information etc.. 
and suggests avoiding any piecemeal planning.  It is suggested that 
money to do planning for this be put into the 2006 budget  ( gosh 
really... just who was it pushing all those projects who is now 
backpedaling before the fall elections)

Commissioner Dziedzic claims there are a lot of election year rumors 
flying around ( not rumors sir, just not flattering information for 
some majority incumbents)

End Part 2 1/2

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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RE: [Mpls] Re: Felien on Zimmermann

2005-09-21 Thread Michael Atherton
Robert Halfhill wrote: 

Again, I will ask the same question I asked last time.  
 Dean Zimmermann is alleged to have accepted a bribe from the 
 developer of the project at 24th and Chicago to vote to 
 approve more retail businesses on the first floor of the 
 project.  But Zimmermann voted against approving additional 
 retail on the first floor of the project.
How can you be guilty of accepting a bribe to do something 
 if you didn't do it?  Where is the bribe and what is the crime?

My primary concern here is not Dean Zimmermann, it's a system
that allows and, in many ways, benefits selfishness over
the general welfare.  To that extent, criminal culpability
is secondary and ethical values primary.  If Mr. Zimmermann
were to deny the events detailed in the affidavit, I would
back off, but until he does so I'm assume they are accurate.
In my view, those events show a clear lack of judgment and
a lack of ethical values.  Come on!  Greens are suppose to
be opposed to the evil influences of corporations and business
on government and the environment.  We're talking about
the undue influences of cash campaign donations on the political
process here.  Whether Mr. Zimmermann was an effective instrument
of those influences is irrelevant to me: according to the affidavit
he took the money.

Besides, while I'm not a lawyer, I suspect that Mr. Zimmermann
could still be charged with conspiracy and bribery even if
he never effectively completed his end of the alleged quid pro quo.
The key here is whether he accepted the money in exchange for
influence.  And personally, even if he had intended all along
to do exactly the same, accepting cash with the implication that
it would affect an outcome is just as unethical.

However, if I were a supporter of Mr. Zimmermann's and he were
to publicly deny the events in the affidavit, he would still have
my vote.  He has a right to be assumed innocent.  That would be
my strategy, come out strong and portray myself as a fighter for
a just society and a victim of cooperate America...but you've gotta 
have the capital to do that, because if you don't you're going
to look like one giant sleaze ball.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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[mpls] MPRB 9-07-05 highlights part 2

2005-09-21 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Planning committee
Presentation of the West River Road Plan from the Plymouth Av Bridge to 
the BNSF RR Bridge  
http://www.minneapolisparks.org/documents/design/AboveFalls.pdf ( the 
.pdf is 25 pages and is very detailed) is presented by Mike Kimble ( 
formerly of planning now head of community and governmental relations 
for the MPRB).  He describes the planning process including a CAC that 
met over a 1 year long process with staff and the consultants.  He also 
stated that the plan had been approved by AFCAC (Above the Falls 
Citizen Advisory Committee) and that the Met Council had approved the 
park part.   There were many speakers following Mr. Kimble as part of 
the public hearing including Meg Fourney who was chair of the CAC and 
Tim Baylor the developer of the Riverview Towers ( just North of the 
Taj Ma headquarters) and many other residents.  Their concerns included 
a turn around prior to their building ( to keep traffic to a minimum) 
and moving the restroom shelter to a less secluded area, mainly nearer 
where the River Rats perform for safety reasons and of course loss of 
street parking with the parkway redesign.  Total estimated cost... $10 
million, money so far $3,000,000 from the Mississippi Watershed 
Organization. There was also some concern about drug use nearer the 
secluded area of the RR bridge and Commissioner Dziedzic stated that 
with the park police so close that will end, to which the audience gave 
a resounding NO.

Commissioner Hauser asked if the raingarden that was for the Riverview 
Tiwers was being paid for by the MPRB to which Mr. Baylor replied that 
it was funded by Riverview's developers.


 Rosemary Knutson, past president of the West Bank Community Coalition, 
said it appears to the WBCC Bluff
Street Park Task Force that the park board would like to sell the 8 
acre derelict piece of land next to her
building. She said she had spoken before the park board in August 2000 
on the same issue.
Then-commissioner Dean Zimmerman opposed the sale. The WBCC formed the 
task force last fall to encourage the
park board to preserve the bluff as native open space rather than sell 
the parkland for real estate
development. The neighborhood was “virtually unanimous” in support of 
the $45,000 park plan as
designed by a consulting landscape design firm, the least expensive of 
three proposed designs
 Four issues: 1) This is the only significant amount of flat park land 
on this stretch of river bluff. 2) Does this
organization [the park board] work with residents to protect the 
environment? 3) Does this organization
[another rhetorical question … I think it was broader, like does the 
park board work with citizens at all?]
4]Cedar-Riverside is densely populated … and id interrupted as she has 
gone over her 3 minutes per President Olson.

- Ann Forsyth, director of the Metropolitan Design Center at the 
University of Minnesota said the task
force had asked her for free technical assistance in developing a park 
plan. There were steps taken
1) task force; 2) a stakeholders survey, held at neighborhood 
organization’s annual meeting; 3) Three
options, least expensive chosen. To learn more about free help, go to 
www.designcenter.umn.edu and click on “design assistance.”

- Karen Swenson of Groundwork Minneapolis said her organization works 
to turn blighted sites into open
space parkland. The Gas Works Bluff site had been included on a list of 
feasible sites they developed
some time ago (BF Nelson was another site on their list). They helped 
arrange for AmeriCorps crew to be
available to work on Bluff Street Park next spring, and found funds for 

- Elizabeth Hopwood asked commissioners to keep the property as park 
rather than condos. Most residents
are Somalian refugees who take their kids out to play in the evenings 
and increased traffic from further
real estate development would endanger them. She wants “open space for 
people from the Seven Corners area to utilize.”

- Arthur Renander of Riverview Towers, thanked the board for the 
opportunity to speak, then
said “This is a [park] board in crisis,” well on its way to selling off 
valuable park land. He called the
current commissioner whose district includes the Gas Works Bluff site 
[Comm. Marie Hauser] a “closet
supporter” of selling the land to condo developers, whose support was a 
cover for the rest of the board to
approve the sale. He said the rumored sale price was far below the 
land’s value. “An election can’t come

soon enough!” he said. “Our plan is incredibly simple.”

- Bob Johnson,  said he lived at Riverview Towers for 24 years, 
1979–2003. He cited the
great improvements to the area brought by the construction of West 
River Parkway, but said Gas Works
Bluff was the site of a coal gas tank, and a 100-foot diameter concrete 
slab is still there. He said five
years ago there began a movement for creating a park there, which he 
said would be a “great misuse” [of

RE: [Mpls] Re: Felien on Zimmermann

2005-09-21 Thread Michael Atherton

I want to make it clear that the only difference
I believe there is between Mr. Zimmermann and other
members of the council is that Mr. Zimmermann was not
properly briefed on the proper syntax for accepting
contributions.  Really, we're talking about the difference
here in a few verbs and adjectives.  Say it right and
you're reelected, say it wrong and you're in court.
The DFL has so much more experience in these matters.
The smart DFLers know the difference between an NRP
home improvement loan and a little bit of free plumbing.
I'll not forget my impression of Joe Biernat hand in the 
cookie jar attitude, Why me? Why can't I end up with
a great cooperate job after I leave office?  

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] Latest Vikings Stadium Proposal

2005-09-21 Thread Sheldon Mains
A little known fact:
Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington was paid for and built by the City of
Minneapolis in the early 1960's in an effort to get a major league baseball
team for the Minneapolis side of the river when both Minneapolis and St.
Paul were working on getting a team. (I am not sure of the funding structure
but I think it was municipal bonds paid for by stadium income)

 (I have always questioned whether we really got a major league team.)

Sheldon Mains
Seward Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota 
 How long were the Vikings in Bloomington before coming to Minneapolis?
 Chris Johnson

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[Mpls] Park Board Meeting Tonight, 5:00pm

2005-09-21 Thread Chris Johnson

Please attend tonight's Park Board meeting, Wednesday, September 21.

When:   5:00pm
Where:  2117 West River Road (just north of the Broadway intersection).


As is typical, the agenda is sparse.  But one never knows what may actually be 

The official agenda documents in Adobe Acrobat PDF format can be found at this 
link:  http://www.minneapolisparks.org/default.asp?PageID=37calid=314

Agenda Items of note:
* Approval of the Schematic Design for Phase 1, West Bank, Above the Falls -- 
a Master Plan for the upper river in Minneapolis, Plymouth Avenue to the BNSF 
railroad bridge.

* Introduction of Dawn Sommers, the pricey new PR person, busily putting 
positive spin on the controlling faction incumbents achievements to help their 
 election campaigns.  Oh wait, she's presumably working for the Park Board 
and hence that taxpayer.  It's just a coincidence that a bunch of recent PR 
and advertising items directly address items the controlling faction promoted, 
and for which the board has been roundly criticized.

Don't miss the fun and excitement as your tax dollars are spent on somebody 
else's budget priorities.

Chris Johnson
http://MplsParkWatch.org/   We deserve a better Park Board.

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[Mpls] Wireless Minneapolis

2005-09-21 Thread Becca Vargo Daggett
More on the wireless proposal. I've mostly spared the List my missives,  
but I thought this one might be of some interest.

Becca Vargo Daggett

Why We Need a Democratic Information Network in Minneapolis

Reason #5: To Renew Citizens’ Confidence in Minneapolis’ Decision  
Making Process

Minneapolis is moving toward approving a privately owned citywide  
broadband network without having done its homework.  Despite having  
spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, no information is available  
that explains to its households and businesses why that decision was  
made and what types of alternative ownership structures are available.

Compare this non-transparent and information-scarce decision-making  
process with that used by Saint Louis Park.

In May, the City Council contracted with Virchow, Krause  Company to  
study the technical and financial feasibility of a new network, and  
examine options to ensure reasonably priced access. The consultant has  
been instructed to examine several potential operational models,  
including private, public, and non-profit partners. This same  
consultant did the Moorhead Public Services' feasibility study for a  
publicly owned wireless network, which MPS subsequently built.

In July, Saint Louis Park held a Town Hall meeting, where attendees  
heard the results of informal citizen surveys conducted in April, and a  
telephone survey conducted in June. The wireless study plan was  
discussed at the meeting.

In mid-September a summary of the consultant's final report was posted  
on the city’s web site, along with a staff report. The City Council has  
scheduled a study session for the report on September 26.

Minneapolis, on the other hand, has not held a single public meeting on  
its citywide wireless proposal. It included only institutional  
stakeholders in its “community stakeholder meetings” (board members  
from Minneapolis parks, libraries, schools, etc.). Oddly, no one from  
MTN was included in the wireless meetings, even though one role of  
MTN’s board is to advise the City on telecommunications issues.

None of the consultant’s reports are publicly available. The staff  
report on which the City Council based its decision to authorize the  
department of Business Information Services is a PowerPoint  
presentation containing no data or discussion of possible ownership  

The differences between the decision making process in Saint Louis Park  
and Minneapolis are stark. One city is considering all its options; the  
other dismissed public ownership a priori. One city is including  
citizens in its process; the other is not. The differences are even  
more startling when one considers that Minneapolis' project will be a  
much larger undertaking, both because it has a larger population and  
because it expects to obtain many city services through the proposed  

Renewing citizens’ confidence in Minneapolis’ decision-making process –  
one more reason we need a democratic information network in  

To read more on Why We Need a Democratic Information Network in  
Minneapolis, visit


Saint Louis Park
Telephone survey of residents and businesses
Publicly available information:  Staff Report: Wireless Study,  
http://www.stlouispark.org/Publications/StaffWireless.pdf Consultant's  
Feasibility Study,  

Town Hall Meeting on wireless study plan
Council will decide based on study evaluating private, public, and  
non-profit ownership, as well as technical, market and financial  
Amount paid to Virchow Krause  Company for a wireless Internet service  
feasibility study: $58,750

Representatives of city boards and offices surveyed on communications  
Publicly available information:  Staff Report: Wireless Broadband  
Internet Services Report,

Staff Report: Bridging the Digital Divide

No public meetings
Council approved City staff's recommendation of private ownership.  
Limited documentation of decision making process – no documented  
discussion of ownership
Amount of contract with rClient to advise the Business Information  
Services department on several information projects, including the 311,  
911, and wireless technology initiatives: $425,000

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Re: [Mpls] A Sustainable Minneapolis

2005-09-21 Thread Gary Hoover

Aaron N. wrote, in part:

We must make these steps now and lay the groundwork for the
post-petroleum Minneapolis economy while becoming sustainable.  This is
what our campaign means by making Your Vote Count For...A Sustainable

Peace is possible!

I agree, Aaron.  Thanks to you for actually talking about the real world 
we live in.  The Oz-like spin world of manipulation and seduction from the 
big public relations firms hired to shape our mental and emotional landscape 
is about to collide once again with Mom Nature in the Gulf of Mexico.

The price of natural gas is between $12.83/MMbtu and $15.43/MMbtu right now. 
Wholesale gas is at $2.09/gal again. Electricity and home heating costs are 
likely to double or more this winter. Our lives in Minneapolis relate to oil 
and natural gas production much as fish relate to water.  Katrina and Rita 
are the result of the fever we've given Mother Earth.  These storms will hit 
Minneapolis in may ways.  We will appreciate energy and materials we have 
previously taken for granted.  The poor will be hit especially hard. 
Homelessness may very well increase this winter.

We Minneapolitans are awash in energy and materials from oil and natural 
gas.  The GOM production may be largely shut in for considerable time --  
weeks or months.  Hurricane season is not over.  Next year's hurricane 
season may hit hard as well.  Minneapolis, like the rest of the nation, is 
tied to this  fossil fuel production like a junkie in full-blown denial.  We 
are about to see the costs of our favorite high rise significantly.

Rita looks bigger than Katrina:  check out this image from the weather 


Bloomberg has a good article about the potential effects of Rita.  Note that 
they look to Matthew Simmons, founder and CEO of Simmons  Company 
International, for evaluation.  I recommend that Minneapolis edemocracy list 
members check out the Powerpoint presentations available on Simmons' website 
with regard to the implications of peak oil as well.  Katrina and Rita 
give us a sample of what is coming in the next 3 years or so.  Here's the 
Bloomberg article.


We are like a family facing some difficult times. Sustainable development is 
not optional.  Learn all you can about sustainable living.  Demand that 
sustainability be the first priority at every level of government.  Vote 
Green.  Most importantly, live Green.

If we are fortunate, Rita will meander southward and disorganize -- not 
likely.  No matter Rita's path, our path should be clear by now.  Local 
energy, food, and water self reliance, sustainable over time.

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst -- Gary Hoover 

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[Mpls] Re: Felien on Zimmermann

2005-09-21 Thread Tim Bonham

   How can you be guilty of accepting a bribe to do something if 
you didn't do it?  Where is the bribe and what is the crime?

   Robert Halfhill   Loring Park
The crime is accepting a bribe.  Even if an official is 
dishonest enough to double-cross the briber, and not deliver the 
goods, it was still a crime to accept the bribe.

Also, the concealing of this bribe money, by leaving it off the 
campaign finance reports, is another crime that is alleged.

Mr. Felien's claim that Zimmerman was 'just holding the cash, because 
he thought it was fishy, and intended to return it later', even if 
true, would be another violation of the law.  Candidate Committees 
are required to deposit contributions into their bank account 
'promptly', and specifically within 10 days of receiving them.

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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Re: [Mpls] Re: Felien on Zimmermann

2005-09-21 Thread wmmarks

Tim Bonham wrote:

Also, the concealing of this bribe money, by leaving it off the 
campaign finance reports, is another crime that is alleged.

I think the operative word here is alleged. The affidavit the FBI 
presented to a judge for the warrant to seize Zimmermann's computer and 
campaign records asserts that Cooperating Witness Gary Carlson wore a 
wire and a camera for the first time on June 6 (affidavit Item #7).

I interviewed Zimmermann and his wife today. Zimmermann and Jenny 
Heiser (Mrs. Zimmermann) both agree that Dean Zimmermann could have met 
Carlson on June 6th, as the affidavit claims, but that there were over 
100 people in the room with Zimmermann and Carlson at the time because 
it was Zimmermann's birthday party. The Zimmermann's also agree that 
Zimmermann said, money, money, money. They further claim that his 
saying so was in answer to the shouted question from one attendee, What 
do you want for your birthday, Dean?

The FBI affidavit does not include any mention that there were over 100 
people who heard Zimmermann say, money, money, money or what prompted 
the remark or in what setting the remark was made. Readers of the 
affidavit  are led, through this omission, to believe that the meeting 
on June 6 was just between Zimmermann and FBI cooperating witness Gary 
Carlson. This FBI omission in Item #7 seriously compromises the 
integrity of the entire affidavit. The intended audience for the 
affidavit is a judge who can issue a warrant.

I have no idea whether Zimmermann took or or did not take a bribe, I 
don't really know the man. However, an answer directed at 100 people to 
a question asked by one of them does not, in my mind, equate to 
requesting a bribe. It would be very difficult for Zimmermann to assert 
that 100 people heard his 'money, money, money' statement unless it was 
true. My question is: who stands to gain?

Mr. Felien's claim that Zimmerman was 'just holding the cash, because 
he thought it was fishy, and intended to return it later', even if 
true, would be another violation of the law.

Yes it would, but this particular law is honored in the breech as often 
as it is followed to the letter and is commonly corrected in the 
following report or by amending the original report at a later date 
after discovering the omission. I do not believe it is considered a 
hanging offense to have omitted a donation, so long as it is corrected 
at a later date.

WizardMarks, Central

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