[Mpls] 1700 miles away

2003-03-29 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   How is it that someone from 1700 miles away can write in and try
to influence 'Minneapolis specific'?
   I guess us 'rich' local crowd should just hunker down and
implement exclusionary rules for all these outside agitator types who only
want to manipulate and exploit us to dazzle their preverted psycho
  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: costs

2003-03-29 Thread James E. Jacobsen

  I think the Governor is absolutely right about charging those arrested
in protests to pay the police costs before being dismissed.
  In a time when both City and State governments are besieged with
budget problems and have to do layoffs -in police and fire departments, then
those who want to challenge civil order, and protest the common defense of
the country, necessitating extra police duties -as well as court costs-
should pay those costs.
 The idea that police are there just for the rich is another misguided
rationalization as the Mayor and Council have total power over the police
and in 24 of the past 26 years, we have had Frazer and Belton as Mayor, I
didn't perceived they were caring only for those who had conserved their own
financial position.
 Three or four times I have gone to the police station to inform them
about some needle freaks with kids and each time was told 'Oh, you just want
us to help you with your property, We aren't interested in helping you with
your property'.
 Maybe thousands of protesters can 'come forward' now and get arrested
and provide revenues such as to restore the whole budget.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] intellectually dead

2003-03-21 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   Those kids will have dislike and disdain for the 'programmers'
when they become aware of it all, -the Hitlerian charactor of Hussien and
the whole story which will come out like vomit for decades -and of which
they will be informed in their future educational experience.
   Was there any Americans -any kids from the Minneapolis schools
protesting when the United States went to war to destroy Hitler??  My mother
says that at Roosevelt it was quite the opposite.   Does anyone of older
generations now wish they had protested the American actions against Hitler
and the Nazis of WWII, -mass murderers of millions of Jews, Poles, Russians
and etc.? -Hussien paying to kill Jews in recent years.
   Our action to get rid of Sadam Hussien is a great humanitarian
effort on behalf of the Iraqis, the Arabs, the world -and our own country,
and city-ref 9/11- and the protest craziness, here in Minneapolis and
elsewhere is badly stereotyped in events of decades ago and intellectually
dead to current issues.
   James Jacobsen  //   Whittier

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[Mpls] messmakers

2003-03-17 Thread James E. Jacobsen
  The rental properties or their owners don't make the messes, some
of the people living there and also the people living accross the street -or
the other side of town- stop at the curb to change their kids diapers and
throw he loaded ones out onto the curb- or they just through out their trash
anyplace.  Sometimes people living in rentals are really bad, I have seen
them cut their screens and then just through milk bottles and such out the
  When I had some rental properties I drove a pickup and I
continually had trash in the pickup, as everytime I drove to the property I
would find trash to pickup.
  Problem has been that the city, in trying to help nonprofits get
the properties, has villianized the owners while deifying the tenants so
that some people just throw out their garbage and leave it for others to
clean up.
  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] sparta

2003-03-13 Thread James E. Jacobsen
Now is the time for Spartan mentality in the city.
There is great merit in the ethics and idealogy of Sparta, and the
public could and would get oriented to it and enthused about it.
People are into no fat food and walking and running -around the
lake, all of which kind of thinking easily would transfer to handling of
finances of the city, and would solve the budget problems.
   Instead of hanging out at the Athenean public bath and continuously
feasting on  grapes carried in by city servants,--or as I saw once in an
all you can eat Friday fish deal, where the obese guy with his wife and kids
sat there, the guy yelling every 10 minutes, 'more fish'-,People become
self sufficient and are working for improvement, both personal and public.
   The economy, -federal, state and local, -to include the stock market-
is just waiting for the Iraq thing to happen and get over with, after
which -when Ford stock is selling for six and seven dollars a share (it went
up 10% yesterday), it all will go straight up and all budgets will improve.
   But transfering to a Spartan outlook is very much needed now and,
like vegetarian food, will be very much appreciated once given the taste
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: huffy puffy

2003-03-12 Thread James E. Jacobsen

  Neighborhood 'executive director', Roberta Englund writes a huffy
puffy letter condemning the attempt at balancing the budget, threatening
'voter action' if anything in her neighborhood gets its city funding
diminished by a penny.  Of course she gets a hefty salary as the
neighborhood 'director', so she is defending both her turf and her paycheck.
 She didn't suggest where they should get the money to keep her
neighborhood library open (webber cambden), she might have discussed where
they could get the money to keep her salary paid, otherwise she's apt to get
trimmed the same as all else.
  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] libraries

2003-03-12 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 Follow up on 2nd library item,  -In Minneapolis all summer they
have ice cream trucks that go around and parental types give their kids a
dollar or two to buy the stuff and throw the wrappers in the street.  Lots
of other things kids get money for,  if they are serious about books, I
doubt that a 50 cent charge would be seen as at all prohibitive.
 All for today.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] libraries

2003-03-12 Thread James E. Jacobsen
  What about the public radio and television, they are always raising
money.  whether or not the libraries charge 50 cents for checking out a
book, they could find ways to raise money to support themselves, -selling
small items, etc., etc..
 They could offer space to Starbucks on rental or percentage basis.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: libraries

2003-03-12 Thread James E. Jacobsen

  I have a suggestion for the city budget crunchers -and pertaining
to the library system- Why not start to charge a small fee for checking out
a book?  An amount like 50 cents.  Also, they could sell stuff in the
library, greeting cards, papers or discard   books, even t-shirts.
 In the art gallery business some years ago there was the Rifle
Sport gallery (so named because it was located upstairs from a place on
lower Hennepin (old block E) where you shoot rifles for sport).  It is
difficult to impossible to get a gallery to pay it's way as lots of
galleries, a few people come and look and nobody buys a thing.
 So this Rifle Sport Gallery went to selling under-a-dollar priced
items, hand printed greeting cards, t-shirts, I don't know what all, but
through that business they got more shoppers and art buyers and they
survived for a time.
 Kind of in line with the planned new library where some eating
places plus some retail is plannned to help with revenue.
 I used to go to the Central Library downtown -usually on some
mission to get some particular info- and it was disgusting the outer hall
way was used by the bums to stay warm -or cool- and usually you could smell
the urine -the bums were usually drunks too.  I wouldn't criticize the bums
so much as the library and city for having been so defunct about the
function of their facilities.
I never heard of any law saying the libraries can't sell and promote
stuff, like the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, -periodically they have some
particular art, like 65 landscapes from a particular artist or a 'group' of
art of whatever kind and they give out notices about it, often it is
borrowed art so it has to go back eventually,
--Why couldn't the libraries promote subject matter, tell something
interesting about it, like medievel history, Francis Hackett biography of
Henry the 8th, or such like that, early history of China, -or maybe the
ancients, like Egyptian, Greek and Roman history, maybe they could
promote -for a time- all books on Atlantis or of 'the gods from outerspace',
stuff that would intrigue and attract patrons.  Then they could sell stuff
on the subject matter as well as to have books to check out on it.
   Why are those people paid huge salaries to just sit there in these
tombs of books -not promote anything or take in money to help pay the bills.
I know public libraries in America got started with Andrew Carnegie funding
them, but that shouldn't mean that forever they just do nothing but dust
books and draw pay.
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Nicollet Lake debacle

2003-03-09 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 Seems to me the city could secure 20 year leases for the new
developments to go on Nicollet and Lake Street, and use the leases to secure
bond issue to do the project.  I recall that Cub foods wants to go in there,
and I suppose KMart, -since they have stayed amidst bankruptcy, probably
would come back in, if not Walmart would do well, and smaller shops and
cafes, -more fast foods- too could be attracted in at shorter leases.  The
whole project could be oriented some to the Asian, Latino and Somalie
populace in the area.
 The whole deal could be arranged securely so that the revenue
pays the costs and contributes to the city also.
 The city system seems just too overbloated -with too much
personal and high pay- to function in all these problem scenarios.   I have
seen it where typicals get 'important' jobs with good pay and they become
too 'important' to take their calls, talk to people, and really work with
such tasks before the city.   I have seen them walking around with their
noses up trying to look important, -avoiding talking to people.  Of course
they don't know much anyway and probably just don't want to disgrace
themselves by saying something.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] outside cold

2003-03-09 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 So let's say that you -one guy- are really going to solve the
worlds problems, and you get a large bag of twenty dollar bills and go stand
in the street between Marshall Fields and IDS and give out a twenty dollar
bill to each person who comes by and will take one.
 At first you will be an oddity, people will just walk past.  But
then when you manage to get a few twenties into peoples hands, word will
spread like fire and soon you will have a line up.  Before too long you will
get knocked in the head and the bag of twenties will disappear.
 If you institutionalize the idea that every one must have a place
to sleep and live, then you will have people from six states away coming
here to live for free.  It is just like with welfare, word was that we had
people carpooling and busing here from far off to get on and collect free
It isn't the nature of people to be parasitical.  But if they just
don't have much and freebies are available it is easy to develop the freebie
habit and forget the 'accomplishment' attitude.
My own grandfather who, built his first house and lived in 'Ford
Town', though he went through the depression pennyless, -worked chopping
wood for a dollar a day- he died in his ninties a millionaire from hard work
and very smart investing.  We used to snicker as in the Carter years when
they gave away cheese, he never missed going to get free cheese.  They built
another house out on the river and through all the years I would go out
there and in that time he would cut off a block of cheese and give it to me.
One time the block of cheese was wrapped in a paper that had -in my
Grandmothers handwriting, the banks and certificate numbers of their
Certificates of Deposits.
Interesting thing is that downtown at one 'soup kitchen', I have
seen reports on CCO, talking to people in the line, getting their hardship
story.  Accross the street, just steps away, is a high rise hotel with a
super luxury cafe, set in atrium, in which you can go in and order
breakfast, get paper, sit and watch big screen CNN, and there is no till,
you don't pay.  Of course that is for hotel patrons but they advertised that
the public is welcome also, I have been there several times for nice
breakfast, no charge.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] library / budget

2003-03-08 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 Not building the library would not solve the budget problem, as the
library, like a stadium- would be funded with a bond issue.   Holding off on
library construction likely would save some out of pocket city expense which
would be helpful in short run, but building the library -like building a
stadium- would provide jobs and some razamataz for the city which would be
helpful in revenue gathering.
 Of course, the bond issue, added to already existing city debt
would not be helpful.  I think the city should hold off for one or two
years, by then should have the budget situation organized and then should
proceed with building the library.
 All these people, though, with hundred thousand plus
salaries, -even police types, -and not even high ranking- should be
considered, -including head of the library- getting $120,000.  those
salaries could and should be trimmed
 The idea of using the Sears building for a library has some merit
though there would be huge expense to make it work.  The whole building
would have to be renovated, etc., etc., They can't just abandon the
architectural work already done on the planned library, they already have
the library in the temp. location, best to leave it there.
 The Sears building will find a purpose, probably when light rail
comes through it will develop, could be a mix of commercial and office.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] budget

2003-03-05 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   The city budget as detailed in the very good City Page article is a
real challenge to City Hall, RT et al.
I don't know if there is budget soft ware for cities but there is
for banks and they allow the entity to target in on a p&l figure and hit it
to the dollar.  The software puts the planner through every revenue and
expense item, allows adjustment that usually is not significant to the
citizen consumer but through the whole entity -or city- allows the budget to
come out right.
   Instead of layoffs among city employees, they could just not do
rehiring and then do small accross the board paycuts.  Even the CMs could
take small pay cuts on their own salaries that ballooned up in these 'fat'
years.  And rental charges on such as the convention center, farmers market
and the theatre industry -the city has gotten into- could take some small
increases in revenue.
  Before all that budget process though is some real revenue
oportunities such as the property tucked away in the MCDA could be -some of
it- offered for sale, which would bring in revenue on the sale but also
restart the properties on the tax roles.
 I recall investigative reporting on city employees who would pull those
orange wagons out to some street, set them up like they were doing
infrastructure work and then take of for a two week fishing trip.  I recall
those orange things sitting there everyday with nothing apparent happening
 I have heard the same old talk that 'well, they just have to raise
taxes'.  That is part of the problem, they have just kept raising spending
every year for Christmas tree spending bills and then raise taxes until our
property taxes are far higher than small towns and surrounding states which
has then caused the rents to go up in dramatic fashion as shown in the
'first apartment' letters.  It just wouldn't be facing reality to again
raise property taxes and would have larger future negative affects such as
driving people out of town.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] embers, bur king & McDs

2003-03-01 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   Also, about the Embers and Bur 'king -as kids call it- no
surprise they both went.  Neither had been at all customer appreciative.
   Similiar with the McDonalds at 24th and Nicollet.  With all the
razamataz on Nicollet, how long will the McDonalds stay viable verses the
economic value of the lot space.
   James Jacobsen // 'Whittier'

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[Mpls] realities

2003-03-01 Thread James E. Jacobsen
The Mayor has a tough job right now of balancing the city budget.
Nobody can blame hizzoner for the budget situation, everybody cries and
gripes anyway in a rip and tear effort to get money to soothe their alleged
woes and assuage their egoes.
If taxes were low and the city had a surplus budget, RT would be
well in fashion and mainly because everyone would rightly expect they might
get something out of city hall.
   I would bet the big majority -that doesn't write on the 'list'- are
patient and appreciative of the Mayor's efforts.
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Rybak meeting

2003-02-28 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 The RT letter shows how uninformed general comments are on the Mpls
-about paralleling the consideration level of drivers on the streets and
freeways for other motorists.
 Here is the Mayor trying to be conscientious and fair about dealing
with all parts of the community and every kind of bullying and unfair
comment takes place at the meeting and afterwards -on the list   - and pray
tell at what purpose??
I don't know what the purpose is of continually trying to gutter
snipe at such as the Mayor, especially when he is only trying to improve the
situation and going overboard to do it.
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] re: antiwar events at UofM

2003-02-18 Thread James E. Jacobsen

  (second time with this -with some corrections)
  Yah, students, especially, get sucked into every kind of
  exploitation and dumb promotion.
  When I was at the University majoring in cold war history, I had
  endure 'U.S. Twentieth Century' history, three quarters, two of them I
  Berman and Noble, -were working their guts out to make the kids think the
  United States was a bad outfit, Theodore Roosevelt was really Hitler in
  disguise, so on and so on.
   There are a lot of older-than-student types that never got their
  egoes built up enough in the real world so they go back and try to be
  Gods,  -build up followings.
   When I was there Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda were there every
 few weeks and some group was advertising big womens's meetings on
 Masturbation,  -then they cancelled the meeting because lots of guys were
 calling up to help. (Believe it or not, that is true, I worked at the
 Admissions Office and people were exclaiming under their breath about it.)
  So I suppose some non proffessorial types will be holding meetings
 on campus and trying to give the kids as warped as possible of an outlook
 and attitude towards their country and the world.
  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] re: antiwar events at UofM

2003-02-18 Thread James E. Jacobsen
Yah, students, especially, get sucked into every kind of
exploitation and dumb promotion.
When I was at the University majoring in cold war history, I had to
endure 'U.S. Twentieth Century' history, three quarters, two of them I had,
Berman and Noble, -were working their guts out to make the kids think the
United States was a bad outfit, Theodore Roosevelt was really Hitler in
disguise, so on and so on.
 There are a lot of older-than-student types that never got their
egoes built up enough in the real world so they go back and try to be
ods,  -build up followings.
 When I was there Gloria Steinem and Jane Fonda were there every few
weeks and some group was advertising big womens's meetings on
asturbation,  -then they cancelled the meeting because lots of guys were
calling up to help. (Believe it or not, that is true, I worked at the
Admissions Office and people were exclaiming under their breath about it.)
 So I suppose some non proffessorial types will be holding meetings
on campus and trying to give the kids as warped as possible of an outlook
and attitude towards their country and the world.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] protesters

2003-02-17 Thread James E. Jacobsen
If it is fair for the anti wars to say the things they are saying
then it is fair also to say that they are a treasonous bunch of idiots and
liars;  They are working against their own country and nation -and people,
and in faver of a Saddam Hussien and his Hitlerian dreams of being King of
the middle east, controlling the opec oil -and yes, taking the income for
his own military-, annilating Isreal and exposing the very protesters
, -through suicide bombers- ($25000 paid to the families) to their own death
or dismemberment wherever people congregate.
We have freedom of speech and opinion in this country.  Others have
their rights and I have mine.
 This is only partly a Minneapolis germane letter, though more
germane than the letters saying nasty things about the President and etc.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] protests

2003-02-16 Thread James E. Jacobsen

 Since in the 8 years of Clinton when the country went to war
several times and without ever a big todo -or hysteria-  about it from the
'organizers' and the 'local people in the streets', ie Hennepin Ave., I must
presume that local and all over the country this is like a football game,
one side against the other and with whatever tactics.
We know the tactics on Democrat side as we have seen them the
past 60 years, -and protesting, demonstrating in the streets is one of them-
to try and beat down the 'other side', never mind that it is about their
doing their Constitutional duty of defending the country and its people.
   The more this goes on the more we know the game and the tactics.
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] duct tape, etc.

2003-02-14 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 May all the smart bombs find their intended destinations, 
  and Happy Valentine's Day. 
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] d-e-f-a-u-l-t

2003-02-11 Thread James E. Jacobsen
  I have to comment on Vicky's suggestion that the city default on
it's bonds.  I don't think that is at all necessary.
 Yah, there is a severe budget problem, but solving it is the best
and most needed medicine for the city.
 The past 25 years, as I have struggled to pay property taxes, I
would find in the paper, news about how the city had paid out 8 million or
ten million to buy this or that piece of real estate junk -pidgeons flying
through it and with no plan as to what to do with it.  Then I would see how
they had written a check of $50,000 to some guy in a small restaurant NE,
his Dad had been a DFL biggey, and they liked to go there for coffee etc..
 Then you got the social services mania, people coming here from all
over the world because the hand outs are the best.
 The city is now forced to get into sensible perspectives in its
budget.  You can't blame the new Governor nor the nearly new Mayor, they are
locked in by law to a balanced budget.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] too cheap to haul

2003-02-08 Thread James E. Jacobsen
Yah, it's  been that way for a long time.
 If you have major work in a building which requires a container
box, its ok at first but give it a month -time enough for area to notice the
box- and they start dumping there as if it was a county dump.  I redid a
fire damaged building once at 25th and Chicago and towards the end, I had to
just take the box out early and quit on it as it really was being used as a
free dump.
On smaller scale, most people are respecting and don't do it but I
had one neighbor once who continually put junk -discard tires, tree
branches, etc. on my yard.
 There should be some place to refer these kind of problems as it
really is purposeful bad conduct.  It would be a good function of the local
police precinct office, and just the possibility of somebody getting caught
at it -or even questioned-likely would greatly diminish the problem.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] RT

2003-02-05 Thread James E. Jacobsen

   Complex thing the Mayoralty is, there always will be stuff that
people both like and dislike.
   In the budget process, there is a limit to funds available.  What
can the city do, plant money trees?  They actually do that with such as the
convention center, farmers market and prospectively stadiums and etc., those
concessions actually supply most of the city revenues.
   In the City, -like with the State- they have to make the
expenditures fit into the revenue amounts though.  In shortfall years like
this, there has to be spending cuts.  It isn't the Mayor's -or the new
Governor's fault.  That just is the job they are in.
   In budget process, there always will be a mix of likes and
dislikes, -depending on who is -or isn't- getting rained on with city money-
same as with political organizational things, -supporting -or opposing-
whatever candidates.
   It is still early in RT's incumbency, I think from the start he
has had good press and good popularity, and with time that will
strengthen -and not because of a 'political machine' he controls, but
because of really working with the city and it's people.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] re: anti war resolutions

2003-01-31 Thread James E. Jacobsen
  --Reference Phylliss Kahn's discussion of the anti war resolutions
today and back in Viet Nam era--
  The Viet Nam 'war' was a definite and -now- generally acknowledged
government fau pax, it wasn't the first instance of people being opposed to
a war though was a very appropriate public protest action.   I was in the
army then and I refused to carry a weapon.
  The discussion of leaders of the Viet Nam era protests in reference to
and in organization of protest to any present day military action the
Commander in Chief and staff -in compliance with constitutional requirement
they provide for the common defense- deem necessary is -like most
stereotypes- mistaken conventional wisdom.
  Will all these protesters and their organizers give blood and
contribute public service if again in the United States -or some other
country- lots of people get killed by the parties the US sees as a threat?
 The 9/11 episode being in New York City,  Minneapolitans could feel
untouched.  What if again a similiar thing happens and it is again in some
other state or states, or in some other country where all the death and
destruction takes place,  do we Minneapolitans just go on protesting our
government efforts to stop it??
 I know only what I get in good cross section of media reports, backed
by lots of non fiction reading.  I don't access government intelligence that
would make me an authority,  neither do -I am sure- any of the protesters.
I saw the Kuwaity takeover and the oil fields set on fire, I saw on the TV
and in printed photographs and articles, I saw reports of the Iraqy military
parked up against the Saudi borders.
 I have seen enough definite evidence on medias to give good credibility
to the Bush address, forget about Viet Nam, that's ancient history.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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2003-01-28 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   I also think it is germane (spelling correct?), for the reason that
any war action is in context of the government doing it's Constitutional
duty of providing for the common defense, without which, the president could
be impeached, and we could get another 9/11, and it could happen here in
Minneapolis and with Minneapolis people endangered by it.  I expect that
Saddam Hussien would happily pay families of suicide bombers $25,000 each
for such activities within the United States -and in Minneapolis- as well as
he does in Isreal.
   The comment that President Bush just wants to get the oil is
purposefully false argument.  I am sure the Iraqy's would like to loose the
restrictions on selling their oil, and any refineries, -American or foreign-
would buy the crude and pay market price for it.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] tax // rep

2003-01-22 Thread James E. Jacobsen
I meant my last post as dealing with what I see as misinformation in
discussion of local city representation,  -and the comparisons with other
states and cities.   Other than for that purpose it would have been totally
not germane.
And while I am at it, in Texas, huge amount of families, -old and new-
including the Bushes- are intermarried with Latinos.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] re: tax but less rep

2003-01-22 Thread James E. Jacobsen
  I have been in Texas a lot and I know that not only are the
Latinos -in Austin and other towns- a big part of the populace from a long
ways back but they all get along awfully well with whatever Germans or other
'Anglos' -and have, since the Texans took it away from the Mexicans -shortly
after the Battle of the Alamo- and which pleased the Mexican people there
and they  keep on coming out of Mexico to live and work there and elsewhere
in the USA.  I was told once by a Mexican girl that in Mexico people get
elected to public office and then they build big mansions outside of town
with all the money they get.
  There are lots of police and all other public servants -to include
in politics- that are Latino -Henry B. Gonzalez was for example-
  In Rio Grande Valley, they have big bill boards saying; 'Welcome
Winter Texans' meaning northern Anglos.  The Latinos are 95% of the populous
and -I am sure- of the government representatives- and they all get along
  The idea that some white political hacks have been conspiring in
Texas cities to keep the Latinos out sounds like misinformation to me.
  I heard once that even Lady Bird Johnson was some Latino.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: flyovers

2003-01-21 Thread James E. Jacobsen

I have never commented on the Lake Street 'flyovers' project,-it
does seem like a lot of money to spend -though not from city budget- though
I tend to look forward to seeing it as improvement.
   One issue that I haven't seen mentioned by all those against it
is the reduction of ambulance time in coming off the freeways going to the
hospital.  How many people suffered or died in the last 40 years from too
long of an ambulance ride?
   Improving access should also improve the local economy and
enliven the area, and which couldn't suffer from more cars, -we are at the
max already with that- and improving access would lesson the amount of time
the cars are running to get where they are going.
  Also about transportation, I like the letter from Pamela Taylor
about lite rail.  With common administrative work, the lite rail should work
well and be likewise helpful.  Probably those who were against it will ride
it and like it.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] re: Northwest

2003-01-20 Thread James E. Jacobsen
This is just your ordinary unavoidable sleaze factor typical of big
companies with thousands of employees.  Probably Northwest Airlines had no
overall corporate intent to give you this treatment.  Probably all airline
personal are grabbing at money since they have been having financial
problems in the industry.  I went to Seattle on Northwest for my cousin's
funeral a few years ago and I was treated very good by the airline.
Big companies like this always have employee problems, they usually
have a whole department to deal with such.   I have had major
problems -clerical type- with major corporates that are based here in
Minneapolis and I just talk to someone higher and it has always gotten
worked out well.
   We are fortunate in having Northwest based here in Minneapolis.  I
was told yesterday by a retired NW pilot that United Airlines -he had heard-
likely would Chapter Seven,  NW likely would survive.
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] Re: Iraq // Saudi etc.

2003-01-16 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 Not Minneapolis germain.   

 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] protest

2003-01-15 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 I am fine with moderate protests, I have participated in them.
 But the situation here is that America has been hit by major
terrorism killing thousands of totally uninvolved innocent people and doing
mass destruction within the country.  As well as the 9/11 event in New York
City, a similiar thing was narrowly averted in Seattle on Millinium New
years.  Medias reported after 9/11 that Teleban types had checked out the
Mall of America for similiar treatment.
   The country declared to seek out terrorist threatening organizations
and destroy them.  In that effort they have sent over 200,000 troops now to
the Gulf region.
   You can protest US actions to stop terrerism but what if then we get
more terrorism.  What if we get thousands of totally innocent, uninvolved
people killed by terrorism right here in Twin Cities Metro area and these
people, -young or old-protested against trying to stop terrorism.
This is a huge issue and name calling by protesters against people
who don't agree with them and would prefer to be terrorism free is only
indicative of their own mental insecurity.
    James E Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] protest

2003-01-13 Thread James E. Jacobsen

I was trying to get someplace, attempting to travel on Lake
Street about noon Saturday and was badly delayed by the protesters taking up
the whole street and blocking traffic.  2400 sounds about right.
 I think who ever is organizing these kids to parade under these
banners should be the first to get killed in any future terrorist
activities.  They could go to Isreal where Saddam Hussien is paying families
of suicide bombers $25000 each.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] Green/green

2002-12-17 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   Ref the 'Greens', and the 'Republicrats' and all the brewing stew
of city politics, The last city election, I favored the greens because they
were an alternative to the machine.
   I know all the machine types say there is no machine, but these
people wouldn't be convicted and then acting all innocent as saints, if
there isn't a machine in place.  (That's like the mob doesn't want people to
think there is a mob and that they are in it)
  I don't think, though, there is a lot of 'Greens' who are all that
'green', they mainly are looking for alternative to machines.  Basically, I
think there should be democracy, -that is that I and others are respected in
saying what we think about it, generally and technically.
 And being in the 6th Ward, I am not trying to be involved in any
way in 3rd Ward politics.
 James Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] Fw: mppoa

2002-12-12 Thread James E. Jacobsen

 In the 1980's, I had a telemarketer as tenant on Nicollett and they
were making these calls to raise money 'in support' of the police.  They
also said they supported the Fire department.  They organized concerts and
called people to sell tickets for the concerts and the money was to go to
some kind of support for the Police and Fire Department.
They appeared to be a sleazy set up and they had from 6 to 10 people
working on the phones and with a fast turnover.  They were only there a few
months and left.  They basically were straight with me, paid their rent and
caused no trouble but I wasn't sure about them being on the level.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] casinos

2002-12-06 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   Legions of people like to go to the casinos, even though it is a
give away of their money,
-lots of them don't care about that, pensioners and others don't mind
spending fifty bucks at the casino as a form of entertainment.
   I personally don't like them, and never play.
   When occasionally walking through Treasure Island, it has
occurred to me that it gives lots of people something to do with their time.
If the Casino wasn't there, they might be working on their house or
something like that but they also might be getting into trouble.  The casino
is a sort of adult day care center.
  Lots of negatives about the casino, it vacumns money out of the
community, that otherwise might be spent at the store and etc.
  Also, as a state budget shortfall solution, it gives easy way out
for the legislature, lets them continue to spend more than they should, they
would become dependant on the casino as source of government funding, then
overspend on that.
  For City and State, a downtown or mall casino has both up and down
sides.  It might serve well if with restraint and if we had a conservative
legislature that would avoid future budget shortfalls and not be addicted to
casino revenues, but I doubt it would be that way.  Most of the legislature
is habitually like a hog eating crab apples, they will go for whatever they
can get and more.
  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] resolutions of antiwar groups

2002-12-05 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   In midst of the towers burning, Saddam Hussein commented that
America deserved the attack.  Then it is common news stated in medias that
Saddam Hussien upped the payment he gives to suicide bomber families from
$10,000 to $25,000. Also, there are lots of shadowy rumors of Iraq being
involved with Al Qaeuda and Iraq agents meeting with Bin Laden agents.  We
know that Hussien hates the United States and we are his chief ambition for
international vandalism.  It is written also that his chief admired
historical charactor and wannabe is Adolf Hitler.
  If a mobster guy wants you rubbed out, he isn't likely to come
over and just shoot you, movies portray them sending their 'hit man' to do
the job and paying him a nice 'fee' of maybe ten grand while the mob guy
lays around the pool talking on the phone.  In that scenario, do you say
then that 'Oh, the mobster had nothing to do with it' and we should just let
him go about his 'business?'  And then one day, the Mall or the downtown,
here or in some other city is hit and those of us who survive all just wring
our hands some more.
  No Thanks, I am for getting rid of Saddam like I would have been
for getting rid of Hitler.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] resolutions of antiwar

2002-12-04 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   If a 747 was hyjacked and crashed into the Mall of America on a
busy day, -with some 30,000 gallons of fuel on board- or into the IDS Tower-
actions reported to have been actually considered, with Bin Laden Luitenants
being in the city and going to the mall-  then I expect all of these
sanctimonious -hollier than thou- pronunciations of anti war declarations
against the guy who pays $25000 to families of each suicide bomber- would be
gone like ghosts in the night.
  James Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] state deficit, local problems

2002-12-04 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   If local gov't aids from the state constitute 30% of the city
budget and the state, with about 30 billion dollar biannual budget -has
deficit of 4.5 billion to get rid of (that's 2.25 billion per year), --there
is apt to be some 'revenue inhancing' actions which cuts the amount by a
billion or more. (cuts it down to 1.75 billion or less per year)  Likely the
30% of state input to city budget won't be entirely eliminated.  Maybe it
will be cut to 20%.
  The city budget is in area of one billion per year
(corrections welcome). The city income does not come mainly from taxes, the
last I saw a city budget it was less than half came from property taxes.
Large amount comes from the vast assortment of 'concessions' such as the
convention center, Farmers Market and such, then the fees and etc., beyond
that the finance department can look at the whole expense budget and find
items to trim and find ways to economize.
City and State financial planning though, should not ignore the
effects of Keynsian Theory of economics, which says plan the budget to
enhance not reduce revenues.  If taxes are too high business will be driven
out, reducing not increasing revenues, and if fees are too high, users will
be driven out, reducing instead of increasing general revenues, and etc.
A previous governor who left the State in a deficit budget had
spent $400,000 to plant flowers (weedpatches) around the freeways in path of
the Gorbachev visit.  That category of expenditures should be looked at
first by both the State and City.
The budget is a substantial project in all years, major
attention should always be given to it, without which, of course the
city -and state- will have such problems.

   James Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] conviction

2002-11-22 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 It used to be that the city or county would prosecute any suspected
public servant (no names mentioned)  and they all would get acquitted.  And
anyone else, however obnoxious, like the Alexanders with their porno
business- just went on and on getting the city more and more smut
enshrowded.   --This while the property owners, working 7 days a week,
usually stretched for money -and up to their armpits in a sewage problem-
were continuously denigrated in and out of court by city officials and the
Then the feds started to act and off go the Alexanders and then the
Council Members 1 and 2.  And both during a Republican Administration in
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] the conviction

2002-11-21 Thread James E. Jacobsen

   How could a 'great' city like Minneapolis have two of its Council
Members, in successive years, get felony convictions for their conduct in
office? And both members apparently thinking they were good and honest and
doing the right thing?
   Would it occurr to anyone that there is something wrong with the
viscious politics as usual: -the-inside-crowd-gets-greased down - and forget
about the 'outsiders'?
   I talked with a use-to-be-friend who works for a connected to the
city north side non profit and I about got beat up for even asking about
Biernat, she told me Biernat is good and did nothing wrong.
  James Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] dredging

2002-11-20 Thread James E. Jacobsen
You wouldn't have to dredge the river but then if you don't it is
subject to changing course.  I have read that long back, the Mississippi
followed a course through the Cedar/Ilse/Calhoun, Harriet lakes area.
The Missouri is like that, it silts up and in the spring, big ice
jams on the silt are the occasion for change, sending the river around the
jam and then finding its own way.  The Missouri valley is usually about
three miles wide and the river snakes it's way within that and has course
changes every year.
Also, about historical use of the river, I think the river is the
reason the metro is here.  It was steam boat stops that occasioned the first
settlements on rivers edge.  And steam boats were freighters.  There
probably never was a time in the metro's history without 'freighters' on the
   Also, the 'freighters', or freight industry was occasion for the
cities to develop, -to boom in the homestead days as all the new farm
population needed all the lumber -from up north- and hardware from Chicago
factories, though which was freighted through Minneapolis St Paul and
wholesaled out to the small towns.
   Then grain and cattle were freighted back to and through the cities.
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] pay issues at grocerys

2002-11-14 Thread James E. Jacobsen
I used to mainly buy groceries at the Rainbow store near Lake
and Hennepin, but it is such an ordeal getting through the cashier stations,
waiting usually always at least 20 minutes, I changed my preference to store
at 82nd and about Xerxes in Bloomington.  I also much prefer going to the
Wedge Coop Grocery at 22nd and Lyndale.  Lunds is good too.
   It is obvious at the Lagoon ave Rainbow, they have for years had
a personal problem, like that they probably draft people from under the
bridge to come up and work for food, that's how bad it has looked a lot of
the time, and of course they are horridly slow.  A few times I had to just
walk out of there as I couldn't keep standing there indefinitely waiting for
people to stand looking at and waiting for each other.
  Those stores have about 15 cashier station lines and seldom more
than 3 or 4 open for business and usually with long lines waiting behind the
working stations.  I often have thought that store -and a few others- would
benefit greatly by offering a few dollars more per hour for their help.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] property taxes

2002-11-14 Thread James E. Jacobsen

 I used to own 2217 Nicollet Ave, catagorized as 
office mansion.  Built in 1920s it is well designed and attractive 
building and I had it maintained well, though in late 1980s, the crack/street 
crime problem got bad, which brought purse thieves into the building and then an 
exit of my lease and rental deals until my gross income from the building was 
about equal to the monthly taxes, and that being a time of real estate 
depression, I couldn't get new rentals. 
  I talked to 
the city tax appraiser about it, invited him for tour of the 
building and was surprised to learn that it was like a football game, 
the appraisers were out to keep the tax revenues up whatever the situation 
with the building.  
  After explaining 
the depressed situation and citing fact that gross rents were only as 
much as the taxes and hearing the tax appraiser's attitude I asked 
him, 'Isn't that a confiscatory tax policy?' and he said, "Oh 
yah, there are lots of buildings that way".  
  I talked to Kris 
Nelson, then head of Whittier Alliance and his words of wisdom were that 'there 
has to be a shakeout'.  Of course the city was contributing extra 
money to Whittier Alliance for director of crime issues (Gloria 
somebody) and to really illiminate crime in Whittier, which was making my 
building untenable. 
  I did go for the 
tax appeal hearing and got the valuation knocked down by $75,000 which was 
some help.  There was a continuous parade of people in at 
the Government Center appealing their tax rates at that time.  
James Jacobsen  // Whittier

[Mpls] Fw: property taxes

2002-11-14 Thread James E. Jacobsen

   I used to own 2217 Nicollet Ave, catagorized as office mansion.
Built in 1920s it is well designed and attractive building and I had it
maintained well, though in late 1980s, the crack/street crime problem got
bad, which brought purse thieves into the building and then an exit of my
lease and rental deals until my gross income from the building was about
equal to the monthly taxes, and that being a time of real estate depression,
I couldn't get new rentals.
  I talked to the city tax appraiser about it, invited him for tour
of the building and was surprised to learn that it was like a football game,
the appraisers were out to keep the tax revenues up whatever the situation
with the building.
  After explaining the depressed situation and citing fact that
gross rents were only as much as the taxes and hearing the tax appraiser's
attitude I asked him, 'Isn't that a confiscatory tax policy?' and he said,
"Oh yah, there are lots of buildings that way".
  I talked to Kris Nelson, then head of Whittier Alliance and his
words of wisdom were that 'there has to be a shakeout'.  Of course the city
was contributing extra money to Whittier Alliance for director of crime
issues (Gloria somebody) and to really illiminate crime in Whittier, which
was making my building untenable.
  I did go for the tax appeal hearing and got the valuation knocked
down by $75,000 which was some help.  There was a continuous parade of
people in at the Government Center appealing their tax rates at that time.
 James Jacobsen  // Whittier


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[Mpls] prac's role in 58B, DFL etc.//taxes, theft by govt.

2002-11-13 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   More reason's why I never vote for DFLs --though Republicans
aren't much better and we have yet to see the Greens at it.  If they were
qualified for their jobs, we wouldn't have the problem at all.
   James  Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] good times bad times

2002-11-07 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   Re: sabataging power lines, I said I didn't have a clue about it
except what Prof. Berman said the other night on Almanac.  I never did
fraternize -hang out- with the types you describe.  I never had anything to
do either with driving Honeywell out of town.
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] good news / bad news

2002-11-07 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 Reference Wellstone and the Hy Berman statement on Almanac, the
power line protesters were tying explosives to one leg of the power towers,
it was shown on news, the destruction.  They said it cost $240,000 each
tower destroyed.   I think the way they stopped it was to order the highway
patrols -guarding the towers- to shoot to kill.
 James Jacobsen  // Whittier


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[Mpls] good news bad news

2002-11-07 Thread James E. Jacobsen

The word sabatage wasn't used but the implication was very much that
Wellstone was the 'head of the operation'.  Perpich had sent Berman to talk
to Wellstone -their both being proffs- to get him to quit with it and when
Wellstone said  'no way', Perpich was upset.  They wouldn't have had this
discussion if Wellstone was just one of a group of 'stand there' protesters.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] good news / bad news

2002-11-07 Thread James E. Jacobsen
 I had no clue about connect between Wellstone and the Crookston
powerline sabatage until the other day -after the plane crash, I saw
University History Prof Hy Berman on Almanac telling about it and telling
about Wellstone as being the main charactor behind dynamiting the towers and
that then Gov. Perpich -who Berman worked for as kitchen Cabinet- sent
Berman to talk to Prof Wellstone to get him to quit and Wellstone said 'no
way', after which Perpich went into a rage and was voted out of office in
the next election.   I was told that it was openly discussed at the
Wellstone 'Memorial' also.
As to my experience with the politics on the West Bank, I won't go
into it further but Mr. 'Wizard' marks would gain by a lot of learning about
Minneapolis, the West Bank and Democrats and in some kind of historical
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] good news / bad news

2002-11-06 Thread James E. Jacobsen
   I will say about the election that I used to be a strong
Democrat.  When living on the West Bank and a student, I was a member of the
PAC and participated in several DFL campaign activities.
   But then like most of the student crowd, I was looking to move
on, I wanted to buy a house and ended up buying a four plex on a GI loan and
then two duplexes in need of repair and for low down payment.
  With that I became persona non gratta on the West Bank.  I was
like 'investigated' and found to own property and I then became subject of
phony but worrisome law suits which I won easily though at some expense and
loss of 20 pounds.
  With all of that, I was totally poisoned on the 'DFL'  and haven't
voted for any Democrat candidate since.
  Further, when I found out that Wellstones were involved as
organizers of the Crookston power line sabatage some 25 years ago -though I
had met and talked to Mondale long back, and thought well of the Mondales,
no way would I vote Democrat.
  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] re: lawn signs

2002-11-05 Thread James E. Jacobsen
  I was told by Council Member Slater in the 1970s that it is
illegal for anyone to put any kind of posters -including campaign posters-
on utility poles, traffic signal poles or the like.
  James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] vouching

2002-11-05 Thread James E. Jacobsen
  Once at Whittier Park, 2600 Grand Ave South Minneapolis, in
the crowd of voters there I overheard one person say, well I don't live here
but I want to vote for my friend who is candidate here.  She had the voucher
lined up and they went through and voted.  Of course, likely she had already
voted where ever she lived.   All that's needed -then or now- is a person
accompanying them who does have the credentials, and that person just
vouches for the other person and they all vote, no questions asked.
This was in mid 1980's, likely the candidate was DFL as in the
city most all office holders were then DFL.  I wondered how many other
voters were doing that.  And I wondered how many office holders got elected
that way.
The practice is pantently dishonest and voter fraud and the
people doing it have to be aware of that.  They are participating in theft
of an election.  The dishonest votes are votes against democracy itself.
I think there should be an effort to either catch fraudulent
voters -and give them maximum penalty or just preventing them from voting if
they have no evidence at all of where they actually live.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier.


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[Mpls] wild animal safari

2002-10-28 Thread James E Jacobsen
I got a rabbit in my back yard and there usually is a pidgeon or
two around, like a whole mess of pidgeons hang out in the big parking lot at
Lake and Nicollet.
Deer come all the way into the city at night often.  They have
been taken out of alleys live in the 24th and Nicollet area, They come into
town following the parkway and then the lakes Harriet-Calhoun-Cedar, will
get them near to Loring and then anywhere around there.
Black bears and cougars have been sighted in the burbs and My
malamute named Wolffie is closest thing to a real wolf, she likes to sleep
out on the back porch and watch and hear the excitement all night
long -wolfs being nocturnal.  She'll give a few wuff wuffs if there is
something she doesn't approve of.
James Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] re: incon- conservatives

2002-10-25 Thread James E Jacobsen

   I would 
say, though I agreed little with Senator Wellstone,  that it is a 
heartbreak that the Senator, his wife and daughter as well as the other 
five people perished now and in this way.   
   The few who 
create roadside villians here, I challenge you to state what -reference to the 
grass roots of Minneapolis- did Senator Wellstone do specifically to help, 
what great battles did he fight, Who did he help in valiant 
James Jacobsen  //  

[Mpls] re: libraries need readers

2002-10-19 Thread James E Jacobsen
 It is a numbers game.
 Maybe 60% of people read enough to sometimes visit the library and
make use of it.  Of these maybe 15% would be avid users. The other 40 per
cent number can go up and down slightly but through the decades probably 40%
has been about usual.
 If the civilization and culture is progressing as it should, or
improving slightly each decade then the 40% number should decrease, and in
the 1950s and 1960s it was generally thought the 40% was shortly going to
zero, though as Vicky implies, it has been likely on the increase the past
30 years.
People involved in the school system -our Minneapolis School system-
should think seriously about this and ask what major issues are we -they-
wrong on.
   This is another of the issue groups that can be a discussion of
statewide or nationwide significance, though it certainly is applicable -as
I am talking here about- in Minneapolis.
   It surely is worth it to have the library, if only for the 60%.  It
is again like baseball, if only 60% are interested and want to go to the
game, are the other 40% within their rights to -like with the library- stand
up and oppose there being a baseball park or a library?
   James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] billy

2002-10-10 Thread James E Jacobsen

 I am no Billy Graham patron, though I see no reason for a negative
 In past decades, lacking neon,  I am not sure that anyone even knew
that building was Billy Graham,  The street, around the Graham center was
the worst, with junky bars, xx and so on.  Then Billy came to town, got his
picture taken with the Downtown Council and shortly, a few hundred million
investment and the whole Hennepin Ave is very good, which has been a great
self improvement for the city.
The place must employ a few hundred people.  Don't know that it pays
taxes.  It sure hasn't caused any trouble that I ever heard of and they did
use the Dome Stadium, which must have contributed something to the erstwhile
baseball park revenue.
And like winning baseball, they do draw a big crowd.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier


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[Mpls] puc

2002-10-08 Thread James E Jacobsen

  I raised issues of crime to include corporate sleaze in banks and
utilities, and some people wrote back that that had nothing to do with
  I don't agree.
  The utilities, mainly the phone service, isn't going to hell, it
is already there and that affects everyone who uses a phone.  I am talking
about Minneapolis.
  I don't know how you ever get a phone service but to get one
changed is near to impossible.   The phone service is regulated by the
public utilities commission which is regulated by the governor and
  I know the problem.  Shyster companys want to make more money.
(shyse is a Norwegian word which means what a dog leaves when he humps his
back).  They buy out other companies, merge offices, fire lots of people to
where one person, with help of recording message system-is answering phones
for three states, that's on people calling with change orders, service
problems, etc.
 It is the Public Utilities Commission's job to see that the
utilities operate satisfactorily in serving the public with their government
granted monopoly.  Not only is their service no good, but both Quest and the
electric Excel have been mentioned often as having currupt executives and
being potentially bankrupt, while Reliant the company that bought Minnegasco
has already done another name change, meaning what -who knows?
I would say the PUC has been asleep on the job and politicians who
are supposed to be monitoring it all have been too absorbed with their press
notices to care a hoot about the PUC and issues thereof.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier


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[Mpls] Gastov's

2002-10-07 Thread James E Jacobsen

 I was at the Gastov's, and had some German food and drink, I knew and
met about three people there connected with the Minneapolis List.  Am sure
there was a lot more listers there.
The meet is a good thing, though two things;
01.  It should be in a warm place, room of its own,
02.  It should have sign in sheet and name tags so that everyone can see
   who everyone is and to lend basis for speaking with each other.
I didn't stay much as my Grandma was dieing that night, though it would
be fun to do it again better.
James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Twins

2002-10-07 Thread James E Jacobsen

 Ref. Jim Graham's letter in regard to the Twins, he makes a good
observation about handicapped and house bound types.  I have thought the
city or the Sports commission
-or whoever- should make cheaper tickets available and free transport on bus
or lite rail for those to attend the games.  such would boost the gate and
generally add to the community.
 As to having the city or any government entity buy the Twins, I
think that would be a collosal mistake.  I doubt the Twins have been a
profitable business for the Pohlad's, except as a tax write off.  Carl
Pohlad, though, must have had something to do with the Twins winning the two
previous World Series, first ever since early 1960s.  I just don't think the
city government would be anything to run a pro baseball team.  Who would do
it?, the Council or certain council members? or RT? Would there be another
big agency like MCDA to administer the team?  If they aren't being harassed
to death someone will buy the team.
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] mpls protest organizers

2002-10-04 Thread James E Jacobsen

    The last 
war -in Yugoslavia area- resulted in no combat deaths at all.  

    The idea 
of equating an action now dealing with a wanna be Hitler- Sadam 
Hussien with Viet Nam is as antequated idealogically as it is 
For the Walter Mittys fantacizing themselves as great political 
leaders changing the course of history, whatever war to get rid of a guy 
who pays $25 thousand to families of suicide bombers will likely be over before 
they get up in the morning.  
James Jacobsen  // Whittier

[Mpls] Fw: mpls protest organizers

2002-10-04 Thread James E Jacobsen

The last war -in Yugoslavia area- resulted in no combat deaths at
The idea of equating an action now dealing with a wanna be Hitler-
Sadam Hussien with Viet Nam is as antequated idealogically as it is
 For the Walter Mittys fantacizing themselves as groundswell
political leaders changing the course of history, whatever war to get rid of
a guy who pays $25 thousand to families of suicide bombers will likely be
over before they get up in the morning.
 James Jacobsen  // Whittier

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[Mpls] new library

2002-10-04 Thread James E Jacobsen

Just a 
positive comment about all the commenters -back seat architects? I 
think it is good to get it all hashed out about a major building like 
    At the 
University they had a Coffman Student Union.  In the 1970s they spent 
some $25 million in a major rebuilding and improved it some but then 
in recent years they are spending 39 million to rebuild it again, 
saying it just didn't feel right.    
buildings like that should last for centuries.  Like the remodeled 
City Hall and the Government Center- both of those should still be just 
great buildings a century and more from now.    
  Of course technology 
will continue to bring changes in bldg requirements.  Some otherwise 
good structures,  -like the domed Stadium- can become totally outmoded 
for commercial and technological 
  James Jacobsen // 

[Mpls] new library

2002-10-04 Thread James E Jacobsen

Just a positive comment about all the commenters -back seat
architects? I think it is good to get it all hashed out about a major
building like that.
At the University they had a Coffman Student Union.  In the 1970s
they spent some $25 million in a major rebuilding and improved it some but
then in recent years they are spending 39 million to rebuild it again,
saying it just didn't feel right.
   Major buildings like that should last for centuries.  Like the
remodeled City Hall and the Government Center- both of those should still be
just great buildings a century and more from now.
  Of course technology will continue to bring changes in bldg
requirements.  Some otherwise good structures,  -like the domed Stadium- can
become totally outmoded for commercial and technological reasons.
  James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] tax/revenue

2002-10-03 Thread James E Jacobsen

   On budget issues -local and national- it can and with voter interest-
likely will be brought under control again.
   The governments need to keep taxes down and -in case or local
property taxes- reduce them so as to promote and not strangle off
prosperity -the governments funding engine -that's Keynesian Theory of
   The city, if they choose, can reduce the budget by enough to get by
for a few -like five- years, while debt -and attendant expense- is reduced
and revenue -through new construction properties on line and increased other
revenues- is increased.
   On federal level an effort to get rid of Saddam Hussien wouldn't cost
anywheres near $200 billion.  On the day they start the action -with
beaucoup cruise missles already paid for- they likely would have it
accomplished by 7 am with mop up work left. There would be a lot of expense
having troops in Iraq for a period though that likely would be mostly other
country troops and expense.
   Of course there is the profiteer -from government- crowd that wants
the cost high as the money goes into their pockets, and they mainly are the
ones preaching about what the costs will be.
   As example, in southern Texas when the bridge to South Padre Island
was knocked out a year ago, the boat taxi guys -being paid by federal
government and acting very inside knowledgable- said it likely would take a
year to get the bridge repaired.  It was done in a few months.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: felien

2002-10-02 Thread James E Jacobsen

   Eddie Felien refers to Wells Fargo as the 'new tenant' in the
Honeywell Campus,  He refers later in the same letter to the 'purchase' by
Wells Fargo etc..
   Is this Felien's thinking that the buyer and owner of a property is a
  James Jacobsen  // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: get to gether

2002-09-25 Thread James E Jacobsen

I would participate in a list get together, even at the Hard
Rock, -if it don't costed me too much- and if it is on a workable night for
me, like a Tuesday thru Thursday but not the 2nd Thursday.
James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] democracy

2002-09-25 Thread James E Jacobsen

  If it 
is cool to say that the US is bad for discussing and intending to 
defend itself from 9/11 types, -our own city and yes the mall -with lots of 
Minneapolitans always in the Mall- a possible terrorist target- then it is 
at least equally cool to say that the US -to avoid the 9/11 type 
of massive destruction right here in Minneapolis- is very good and appropriate 
to do what the President and now the Congress is talking about and moving ahead 
with reference Iraq.  
 The issue here is not 
Iraq, the terrorists, or the war against them.  The issue is 
democracy.  Yah, others have a right to their opinions, I didn't 
say otherwise, glad that they speak up and identify 
James Jacobsen // Whittier.  

[Mpls] Fw: democracy

2002-09-25 Thread James E Jacobsen

  If it is cool to say that the US is bad for discussing and intending
to defend itself from 9/11 types, -our own city and yes the mall -with lots
of Minneapolitans always in the Mall- a possible terrorist target- then it
is at least equally cool to say that the US -to avoid the 9/11 type of
massive destruction right here in Minneapolis- is very good and appropriate
to do what the President and now the Congress is talking about and moving
ahead with reference Iraq.
 The issue here is not Iraq, the terrorists, or the war against them.
The issue is democracy.  Yah, others have a right to their opinions, I
didn't say otherwise, glad that they speak up and identify themselves.
James Jacobsen // Whittier.

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[Mpls] Iraq problem

2002-09-25 Thread James E Jacobsen

I noticed the downtown high rises mostly had their decorative lights off
for a few nights around 9/11.   This wasn't to save electricity.   The Anti
Americans -and anti Minneapolitans- on the list are identifying themselves.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: talking trash

2002-09-24 Thread James E Jacobsen

   I agree with Fred that the trouble didn't come from the group
 homes, it came from little neighborhood 'underworlds' where people hung
 used and dealt in dope, and looked for people and places on which to
 their thievery -often people with whom they trafficked in drugs. Good area
 to have a double barrel 12 guage.
 2200 Pleasant was source of such activity, there were others.  The
 police -and inspectors- were not interested, -did nothing, and were against
 anyone -like myself- trying to get police help in dealing with the problem.
Whittier Alliance considered those types their little darlings
 because they helped drive owners (like Steve) out of the area so as to free
 it up for Whittier Alliance acquisition, and which then gave them
 opportunity for 'developer fees' in their pockets and lots of city grants
 and loans and etc.
On subject of group homes, they aren't all that much trouble, they
 generally are well supervised.  The managements keep track of the people
 often they have group activities with supervisor, etc.
There is an issue though of being too many group homes.  If it gets
 so that group homes are on lots of blocks, then desirability of the other
 houses on the market is diminished,  property values are affected, and
 has a beginning of down cycling effect on the neighborhood.
   There are lots of areas in the city where group homes could do well
 and not affect a neighborhood, like by a railroad or industrial plant etc..
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: crime

2002-09-10 Thread James E Jacobsen

 Like I said before, if the Mayor needs to save money, he could just
take a few million out of the police budget, and make a lot of life size
police cut outs and post them around the town, the cut outs would do as much
as the police and drink less coffee, and if live police are around
also, -drinking their coffee-  then the crime rate should diminish from the
psychological effect of the cut outs.  I think it is clever idea.
 Anything would be better than this false notion of police
protection when they only protect by their image and presence.  Everyone
saying -from experience- that the police do nothing about burglaries -even
when they have the culprit in possession of the stolen goods.  And then us
paying steeper taxes all the time, the police being big tax expense item.
What is outrageous too is that some local politicians have
campaigned time after time with their little brochures promising 'police
protection' and to 'get tough on crime' and steadily through the decades
they serve, -machine politics usually prevailing-  crime gets worse.
   There has to be some way to improve on this.  Getting rid of machine
politics is a big start.  revising the city and county welfare policies so
as not to be attracting dependant types to the city
-thus lowering the unemployment rate- would help also.
   Gradually it will happen because the status quo is just too retardo.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: stadium

2002-09-09 Thread James E Jacobsen

  Again ref the Stadium issues:

  01.   The stadium, besides for baseball -inevitably will house -as the
current one has- rock concerts, Billy Graham, and all kinds of civic
activities, and it is the wavering tens of thousands of people that will go
there all paying a ticket price -- and all of which defines it as a civic
facility.  Do good and constructive citizens rant and rave that such a place
be paid for by a private individual or companies??
 02.   After all the arguments for or against whatever funding for the
stadium, when the final deal is set for construction,  there will be a bond
issue, -just like the for the last stadium and any school or public
building- which will raise all the money needed for construction and
completion of the stadium and all of it coming from the private sector,
likely a big chunk of the bonds will be funded happily by Carl Pohlad
himself, or his banks.  And then the bonds will be paid off by stadium
revenues over the life of the stadium.
 03.   Any restaurant or other tax levied to make it look good for bond
issue, though unnecessary in paying off the stadium bonds, will not be
 James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] crooks

2002-09-06 Thread James E Jacobsen

  A few weeks ago somebody made a statement about the Kennedys,
Rockefellers etc that they were crooks, I didn't disagree as I know that for
instance, Franklyn Delano Roosevelt's mother's family, the Delanos -as well
as numerous other good family names- made lots of money pushing opium into
the Orient in context of the early last century episode in which the Queen's
navy fired cannon into Chinese harbors to force them to accept the West
shiping and selling drugs into China.
 To put it in context of Minneapolis though, does anyone know of any
instance of big time crooks operating in the city and stealing from
 How about the banks; Wells Fargo and TCF advertise 'Free Checking',
then when you deposit they don't credit you for so many days, but having
deposited you write checks to pay a few bills, the check hits the bank in
hours and there being no money there, -the deposit not having been credited,
they bounce a bunch of your checks, charge you $30. per check and then the
notice doesn't come out to you for a few extra days, in which time you the
customer -fat dumb and happy- are writing a check or two in the pool hall or
maybe the grocery store or to buy overshoes for your kid, and then when you
find out, the bank has reaped hundreds of dollars in fees from your 'free'
checking account.
The overdraft and nsf fees make up as much or more as the 'earnings' of
the banks -large and small- while the old time functions of the
banks -getting their earnings from interest on credits -or loans- which they
do little of anymore, is a joke.
The banks have charters issued by State and Federal Government on which
they have to be convincing that they will serve their community, and so they
spend $35 per month putting adds in neighborhood papers, they keep a
scrapbook of the adds and show it to regulators to evidence compliance with
Community Reinvestment Act law.
Some of them do some little bit of community investment but little to
justify being the depository for all the thousands of wage earners and
depositors up and down the streets.
Anybody got any combat stories about banks?   Attorneys are as bad or
worse for robbing people.  Anybody got any good Minneapolis attorney
James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] pulse letter

2002-09-04 Thread James E Jacobsen

Bravo, except that a large percentage of these people -inner city-
are 'new in town', -transient-lots of them are well intentioned, -Curt
Carlson and millions of others through decades, including myself have been
this route and made good-  most of them are well intentioned but they don't
really know the city.
   Lots of people who live in Whittier are unaware of Whittier and
uninterested, -let alone of 'downtown'.  They have other interests and
concerns such as getting an occupation, making a living.  And then some of
them are drug dealers and such and they too, have no interest in local long
term planning. Most people have no interest in getting access to the public
trough, they just would like to get promoted at their job at
Target, -typically.
   People in neighborhoods should of course have access and something to
say and they can be helpful and in some instances they can lead the way, but
the 'future of the neighborhood' just thrown in the laps of the residents
isn't always going to result in a lot.  The planning and long term vision
thing is a necessity.
   James Jacobsen  // Whittier

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[Mpls] rascism

2002-09-04 Thread James E Jacobsen

 Reference letter from Former Speaker of the House in which she
asks, 'From whom did you hear this first hand account, everything probably
did go pretty well for many of the whites.  For blacks who didn't mind
staying away from the voting booths, drinking from their own water fountains
and suing their own washrooms standing in the back of the bus--'--in ad

It is against list rules to reveal sources etc, I know I can believe
the sources, have you made inquiry to disprove?
   Actually, I did not say the blacks had a nirvana type situation -any
more than the whites did, you have to see it all in context that in the
1950s they were less than a century away from slavery, and there was a lot
left to work out in terms of the race relations and etc, but after the 1954
Supreme Court decision and subsequent civil rights activities the
communities went from a workable ambiance in which people talked to each
other to that of two opposing armed camps.
   Do you think that was an improvement?
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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Fw: [Mpls] rascism

2002-09-03 Thread James E Jacobsen

 I said that in Minneapolis, if you want to be in politics, you go
into the street and yell racism, -ample evidence of that.  Nobody mentioned
what I said about South Africa where the black majority is now running the
whites out.
   Anyone who says that the Scandinavians and what ever other ethnic
group -oh, including the blacks- who didn't immediately get real close and
friendly with other ethnic groups, are 'bad' --you are not living in the
real world.
 I will just say that reference my comment about southern cities,
particularly Memphis before the civil rights thing got going big, somebody
direct mailed me this really nice and stereotype challenging letter:
> FYI: I lived in Memphis in the 50's and I agree that race relations were
involved, nuanced and pretty peaceful. I don't have time to write at length
right now about my experiences as a little Southern white girl - I'm at
work - but I will try to later. It was a good time to be a kid and a very
good place to grow up. The racial good will I experienced then has stayed
with me for a lifetime.
> Oh, a very good film is "The Long Walk Home." Captures a lot of the
dignity and strong relationships of that time.
James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] rascism

2002-08-29 Thread James E Jacobsen

  About the southern cities scenario, I didn't say they had
integrated social events or that the blacks or the whites wanted to totally
interact socially, I doubt they did. I got that from my sister and brother
in law, who, as new PHD, they went to work at St Judes of Memphis, rented a
place and that's what their neighbors told them, that previously, the blacks
and whites had good working relations.
  I said you should read an old southern novel, and check out
Bernard Baruch.  Actually, Baruch entertained members of congress and the
President at his anti bellum plantation at Hobcow,  Franklin Roosevelt
himself spent a good month there late in his time of office and during which
they would go to church, of course on Sunday and the only church there was
the black's church with the black preacher and they went and it is fun
reading the discussion of it.
 The people carping about rascism are the ones who know and have
thought little of the background of it all.   Having read a lot of the
histories, when I see people here and now in Minneapolis who think they
still are fighting the civil war, I am not charmed.
As to the white - black relationship being often one of employer and
employee -same as the white white relationship is often as
employer-employee- that is a big step up from master - slave, and nobody can
argue that today opportunity -for school employment and good life- is not
open to people of any race color or religion, at least in America.
James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] racism

2002-08-29 Thread James E Jacobsen

Reference 'racism' in Minneapolis, It should be considered that the
cities here started as a solidly Scandinavian, European stock community and
it should be normally expected that afro types would be culture and
community different.  The reverse, as in South Africa, where the major
population is black, they are literally chasing the whites out.
I have noted from long back that in Minneapolis, if you want to be
in politics, just run out in the street and yell rascism and hey, you are in
politics.  Such type of politics does lots more harm than good.  Such people
should read an old southern novel and get some reality about it all.
   I heard first hand that before the 1954 major civil rights
activities, in Southern cities there was harmony between the whites and
blacks, a lot of blacks had domestic work jobs with the whites, the blacks
and whites circulated amongst each other and all went well, no crime
problems, everyone got along.   Then after 1954, it became two armed camps,
no more interaction and the whites suddenly all having big guard dogs.
  It is interesting to read about Wall Streeter Bernard Baruch, when he
bought 'Hobcow',  a large anti bellum Southern plantation -as vacation and
hunting preserve, and it was populated still, by a few hundred black
families.  Baruch kept everything as it was, he sort of governed the place,
made it work well and handled matters of all kinds for the blacks and helped
them -if they wanted- to transition to a northern city and have work there.
 The story is pertinant as a lesson to Minneapolis, as if some of the
activist crowd read of it they might gain a much less abrasive and more
successful manner of dealing with whatever issues they have and the city
would be a more easily governed community and lots more congenial place for
everyone to live.
 James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] lite rails

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

        Re: suggested 
negatives about light rail, the same was said of the construction of the 
Government Center at cost of about 55M in early 1970s.  
Board chair and GC proponent, Richard O. Hansen, -whose 29 year 
career as board member started with county functioning out of one 
large room in basement of city hall- was hounded out of office 
mainly over that and very dumb suggestions he got under the table payments on 
the construction.  Hansen said he was clean as the driven snow, 
-probably was.  
building at first stood alone away from the other high rises 
and Hansen said that if just one new building went up next to the 
GC, the resultant property tax would eventually pay 
for it.  
I expect that after a year or two of light rail operations the 
negatives will become users and very much appreciative of it and the 
overall story of the Light Rail will be similiar to the 
   And I expect 
that the reported dull and urbane 29th street rail corridor will 
eventually become the light rail line accross Minneapolis. 
James Jacobsen // Whittier   

[Mpls] re: neighborhood fundraising

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

 It was my suggestion and efforts to hold 'Benefit Boogie' in the
Old Fire House on the West Bank, 1975.  We got Willie Murphy and Bees to
play for free and took in $1100.00.  But then a local neighborhood mugwug
just took the money and walked, I never heard a thing of where it went or
what was done with it.  I sure would never be involved with something like
that again.
With all the disappearing money from neighborhood groups, I think
any kind of 'fund raising' gambling deals should be shy'd away from totally.
 James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: lite rails

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

Re: suggested negatives about light rail, the same was said of the
construction of the Government Center at cost of about 55M in early 1970s.
Board chair and GC proponent, Richard O. Hansen, -whose 29 year
career as board member started with county functioning out of one large room
in basement of city hall- was hounded out of office mainly over that and
very dumb suggestions he got under the table payments on the construction.
Hansen said he was clean as the driven snow, -probably was.
The building at first stood alone away from the other high rises and
Hansen said that if just one new building went up next to the GC, the
resultant property tax would eventually pay for it.
I expect that after a year or two of light rail operations the
negatives will become users and very much appreciative of it and the overall
story of the Light Rail will be similiar to the GC.
   And I expect that the reported dull and urbane 29th street rail
corridor will eventually become the light rail line accross Minneapolis.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] light rail delay

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

    Not so 
unusual the lite rail delay, whatabout the Crosstown interchange freeway 
that was supposed to be getting improved. 
I, at least, am glad to see that the project is in 
progress and eventually will be 'on line', and I wish they would do the 
same with the Crosstown.  
James Jacobsen // 

[Mpls] 'The Property owner'

2002-08-19 Thread James E Jacobsen

        As to 
comments ref: the paper affiliated with the Property Rights Group that is being 
superceeded by the 'Watchdog', the paper was of course called 'The Property 
Owner', it was put out, edited and published by me, It ran 
for three years, it quit early this year for reason that though it had 
good readership, --was even subscribed to by the historical societies 
of Minnesota and Wisconson--  the editor and publisher, 
-myself- was also, of necessity, the funder of about half the costs of the 
   The Property 
Owner could easily have paid for itself in ad revenue, and continued 
functioning but there was a lot of politics as people in or out of the 
group whose ox wasn't kissed up to adequately would complain to 
advertisers and potential advertisers, attempting to kill the 'Property 
   In that 
context, I felt that, even though the paper should run continuous,  three 
years was a long enough run to get that discussion 
started.   Unbeknownst to me in coming up with the "Property Owner" 
concept, there was a previous paper called the "Property Owner", put out in the 
1940s and 50s.  I had the honor of meeting the person, in his late 
90s, who did that paper, Ed 
   I know Ray 
Whebbe from long back and I know for sure that he will be getting paid 
for whatever his work is and will not be shelling out for printing and 
   I was 
told they were going to use 'personal adds', and etc., to fund 
the Watchdog. I am not sure what all that dog is going to watch and 
what will get by it with no bark at all.   It should be known though 
that I and the "Property Owner" have nothing to do edit and management 
wise, with the new paper, the 
  James Jacobsen // 

[Mpls] Fw: poverty

2002-08-15 Thread James E Jacobsen

  Though some African Americans might well have the problem of not
being good 'employees', It wasn't African Americans I had observed, they
were mainly white.  And stop giving me the rationalizations.  Any
restranteur will tell you the average time of employment for a dish washer
is about 3 weeks, the ones who are still there after three weeks get
promotion and raise in pay, and the more dependable they are the more they
go up.
  In 1965 (thats 37 years ago) the LBJ admin. got war on poverty
legislation passed and this country since has done more for the poor than
any country ever and where are we now, reference poverty and associated
problems, --all the numbers are bigger--, and with continued shootings,
crime, drugs, etc..
 Figure it out.
 James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Re: Wizard?marks

2002-08-14 Thread James E Jacobsen

Wizard?mark says:
 "The Kennedy's did not get wealthy by honest means.  Nor did the
Bushes, the Carnegies, the Rockerfellers, etc."

  I know there are real crooks out there.
  I suppose then you are using this unfounded statement to say that
people should not try to -or be held to- getting rid of poverty for
themselves and by using honest means?
 Could you give us some dishonest means you would suggest people
avail themselves to, like, do you mean drug dealing, theft, etc.??
 James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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[Mpls] Re: Garwood // Brandon Lacy & poverty

2002-08-14 Thread James E Jacobsen

   --"The image of people sitting on their porches lazily toking up on
the government dime is mythological." --
  I have seen exactly that often, as a Minneapolis property owner.
  People about 19, perfectly healthy, good looking, and smart,
getting up around noon, slogging their way accross the street to corner
grocer (with help wanted sign on door) to get their milk, bread and beer.
 That is the female, then the male, and usually more than one over
time are there living off the welfare money, they smoke a little as
afternoon and evening wears on.  Then the guys would get on the $200 a month
General Assistance and go for 6 months or a year or two, and then they would
begin to look at the SSI thing, and I saw some perfectly healthy able guys
in their early to mid twenties get on SSI.   All this while Asians and
Latinos wisp around in small new cars, going to their jobs etc.
 -And I only had one 4plex to which this lifestyle was applicable-.
 As econ student at UND in 60s, I favored the welfare thing,
thinking it was all legit and supporting the economy, but experience changed
my mind, as I saw the abuse, the wasted lives and the deliberate conniving.
 And I have heard similar discussion from police officers.
 James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: Brandon Lacy & Poverty

2002-08-14 Thread James E Jacobsen

   Poverty is not something that I or the government gets rid of for
you.  Poverty is something that you and each person gets rid of for
themselves.   The government doesn't do it.  The government, with the money
you get from it, only gets you mired more deeply into poverty.  The check
you receive from government is free money, easily spent on drugs, subjecting
you to arrest, jail, being shot, etc..
 Further, don't have kids expecting to get paid for that by the
government.  Go to work, get out of poverty before having the kids.  The
taxpayer has no obligation nor interest in paying you for having kids.
 Not too many convenience stores and other businesses aren't looking
for help.
 You (anybody) first have to adopt a conscientious (look it up in
dictionary, or ask an older person) attitude about doing what you are to get
paid for, like showing up for work, doing what the job requires, etc.
 Nothing and nobody is going to get rid of poverty for you but
yourself, and by honest means.   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] Fw: Oil shortage??

2002-08-09 Thread James E Jacobsen

 The city and County -the whole metro area, in terms of buses etc.,
should convert vehicle fleets to natural gas, or better yet -if they can-
liquid natural gas.  The conversions are not a major retrofit, doable in gas
stations, which also would supply the product.  There is no shortage of the
fuel from within the United States, it is cheaper than gasoline or diesel,
and it is pollution free.  The process and facilities are already there and
some fleets in the city are already converted. When driving on freeway, just
notice the fuel tanks on trucks, some have one or two smaller tanks, thats
for natural gas.
The maps of nearby Eastern Montana and West North Dakota are solid
with natural gas resources, and from 3 or 4 levels.  The resources are known
because when oil wells are drilled they are logged or recorded and on file
with the counties.
In just about any township, a well could be drilled in each section
(36) and find gas in every well.  The wells are linked up to central station
with some tanks and an LNG plant and then it is only an issue of getting the
LNG to the cities.  And that could be done by truck or rail.  There used to
be protests about the danger of the product to explosion but truth is it is
not so dangerous, I am told you could pour your coffee cup full of LNG and
light a match to it and it would lightly flame away -wouldn't explode.
   In lots of other countries, including China, they are working towards
use of LGN.
   By converting to LGN, the Twin Cities could become free of oil import
   James E Jacobsen // whittier

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[Mpls] re: Phaedrus

2002-08-02 Thread James E Jacobsen

    If you look at it from a 
statistical view, 
 first,   She had a 
     Doesn't mean she is a criminal, 
   maybe 20% chance.
 2nd.   She shot a 
  Definite criminal 
act 100%  chance
 3rd.    She shot below the 
vest.  Implies 
80%  chance
 4th.    She could have 
been blowing weed and didn't mean to do 
20%   chance 
percentage   220%  divided by 4 
gives 55% chance it being a criminal act and that's being generous.  

Jim  // Whittier 

[Mpls] horn towers

2002-08-02 Thread James E Jacobsen

        I have heard 
for at least a decade back that Horn Towers was being used to house younger 
problem people and that there was commomly a crime element there.  

    I was in 
the towers once to visit a women I knew who, age about 40, somehow was 
living there, she wasn't a criminal type but I had occassion -on entry- to 
see a very grimmy image of the place, grimmy types lurking and seeming to be 
waiting for something.  
   And this 
women, age 60, -gimme a break- she was carrying a gun and she not only shot a 
cop to death, she knew to shot below the vest.  
   Oh they didn't 
think she was a criminal type, maybe it was medication!!, etc.  --It 
was a criminal act with criminal preperation and criminal 
   Jim // 

[Mpls] Officer Schmidt

2002-08-02 Thread James E Jacobsen

     Just a 
comment:  It is a sad thing that this officer Schmidt is deprived of her 
future life in being killed at the Horn Towers.  She was 
apparently well liked at the complex and fact that she was shot below the vest 
implies no amatuer status with the person who did it. 
 The Horn Towers is 
an attractive and well located complex that could and should serve 
well for senior housing.  It is time to clean that place out, just get 
rid of any crime element there.  Is this an issue of 
Jim // Whittier 

[Mpls] tickets & lots more

2002-08-01 Thread James E Jacobsen

 What I said was "the light rail will make the populace less subject 
to traffic and parking tickets".   
    I didn't 
say that maybe 99% of people -instead of taking the light 
rail-  might not choose to go down town and violate the parking 
laws so as to get parking, and maybe other tickets also, I just 
was implying that the light rail will give people the options 
of avoiding all the traffic and parking 
   I really think 
that after a year or more of 'intro' period, that lots of people will 'discover' 
light rail and will get into using it on regular basis for the above reasons 
among others and thus avoid feeding meters, tickets, fines, accidents 
and etc.   
    Jim // 

[Mpls] re: Lickness / tickets

2002-08-01 Thread James E Jacobsen

light rail system -much as so many people 'railed' against it- will make 
the populace less subject to such parking and traffic 
there is a new thing now in traffic court, the judge doesn't even come 
into court, a pedestrian type announces that people get in line to 
talk to prosecutor and if you don't have tickets on your record you can just pay 
and keep it off the record.  
an improvement, though a lot of the 
tickets are not justified and should be thrown out anyway, like in heavy freeway 
traffic, a ticket for changing lanes without signaling.  -a person 
would be dead in a week if they aren't watching in mirror 
and signaling for dear life.  
    Jim // 

[Mpls] re: avidor

2002-07-23 Thread James E Jacobsen

place for Lake Street Light Rail is the 29th Street rail corridor, off the 
street (for much greater safety)  though easily accessible 
and stretching west to Hopkins and beyond and then east into St Paul.  
And the whole thing is already there  -they wouldn't have to dig and build 
   Jim // 

[Mpls] Best Gov

2002-07-22 Thread James E Jacobsen

Tim Penny will be far the best for Minneapolis, St Paul, Bloomington, Duluth, 
Owatonna, Ely and all the countryside and the towns as well, because he is 
an experienced, intelligent person, is well thought out on every issue, and 
because he is not a machine politician, merely trying to keep the 'organization' 
thing going.   
James E Jacobsen // Whittier

[Mpls] new in towners

2002-07-22 Thread James E Jacobsen

Re:  Libby & Rybak on Stadium, Goodman, et 
   To all 
you new in town types, it was that way also with the current domed stadium, 
there would be like two scrufty antistadiumers that some how got WCCO over 
to interview and they were saying build homes not domes.  To each one of those there was 100,000 that did like the idea 
of a new dome stadium for baseball and etc.   I think it went on for at 
least a decade and never would quit as everytime a legislative committee 
didn't quite pass it, they got all kinds of mail from people like me who 
thought they weren't making good use of their own dome, maybe we could play 
baseball under that one.  And since they did build the existing 
stadium I haven't heard or read of any terrible problems because of 
   James E 
Jacobsen // Whittier

[Mpls] Re: Sasaoka letter back

2002-07-18 Thread James E Jacobsen

     I heard 
Mayor Frazer -about 10 years ago- say it costs the city about $50,000 per year 
for each cop out there, that would include police expenses beyond just the 
payroll.  Also, he said it cost about $50,000 for each squad car, 
after it was outfitted and with maintainence.  
Probably those costs are actually higher now.  
The police cut outs idea is funny but I'll bet it would bring some percentage of 
crime reduction.  The cut out would suggest that the real thing 
is nearby.  
James E Jacobsen // Whittier

[Mpls] police

2002-07-17 Thread James E Jacobsen

  I have had fair 
amount of experience with the police in 31 years of living in South 
Minneapolis and lots of it was good. There are lots of good police 
officers.  I have had good discussions with them and good and 
honest suggestions about things. 
  But, like with 
any entity employing hundreds of people, there always will be some 
  When I bought my 
house 26 years ago, the neighbor accross the street, -a couple in their 90's- 
they had owned the original hardware store where Electric Fetus is 
now. The guy told me how some thugs got 
in, pointing guns at them and were going through the house looking for 
money.  He managed to call the police and they happened to be right in the 
block so they came in just as the robbers were casually walking away.  

  He told me the 
police had to take a report first while the thugs were just getting in their car 
and driving out like they were on their way to church.  Of course they 
never caught up with them -and didn't want to.  
  In numerous issues 
and problems with small time crime, I never saw anyone get caught or 
even pursued.  I learned to only report small time breakins and theft for 
purposes of insurance claim.  
 Of course there is 
politics and differing directions taken by the Mayor and Police Chief, but not 
much difference in the on the street police activity.  Their 
presence on the street -at $50,000 per officer per year- is their main 
strategy for deterence.  
 I have often thought if 
the city needed to cut its budget the police is one catagory that, if 
they cut out a few million dollars, I don't know how we would be any worse 
off.  They could put plywood cutouts of police strategically around the 
town and really get police bang for the buck.
 James E Jacobsen // 

[Mpls] airport noise

2002-07-16 Thread James E Jacobsen

  Ref:  Barb Lickness's letter about 
airport noise:
Grandparents lived in the Ford Town -just where the new runway is being built- I 
was there a lot through late 1940's and early Fifties until they moved to 
Overlook in Bloomington.  
Uncle and Cousins liked the airplanes but often we would be sitting there in the 
living room talking and an airplane would rev up and it got so loud, that 
you absolutely couldn't hear the person in front of you talk and the windows 
would be rattling.  It was a complete war zone, My Grandpa got a few 
letters in the Star & Trib then about it.  
Granddad told me long later that during the Depression when they had 
no money, he used to go out there at night with a 30/30 rifle 
and shoot multiple ducks with one shot while a plane was reving 
   They voted 
with their feet, they moved and sold.
cousin though, became a pilot and was captain of a 757 for Northwest.  I 
asked him if they should move the airport or not.  He said well, now most 
of the take offs and landings are over the river anyway and they have jillions 
of dollars invested there, and wherever they moved to, it would 
just build up again anyway to the same problem.  
  James E 
Jacobsen // 

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