Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

2000-04-07 Thread a.beevendorp

You're quite correct. There was an English version of TED released as well
as a Dutch one. Don't have it though.

GreeTz, BiFi

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in nieuwsbericht
> At 21:36 20/07/99 +0200, you wrote:
> >> Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line (for
> >> readibility's sake!)?
> >
> >Well if you want a text-editor I suggest Ted, very good although it has
> >Dutch menus, which may be a problem (but I think not).
>   I think I saw somewhere an English-version of Ted... Or am I wrong?
> Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura |
> -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
> UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  Sola Fide  |
> MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
> Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |
> After B5... Phrase found painted in a wall in Brasilia: "Remember Biri"
> MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
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RE: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-22 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 12:50 PM 7/21/99 +0200, you wrote:

>   I like WBASS2, for small pieces of code. I like the editor, it sort
>of 'auto-formats' (I think...could be another one) so I don't have to worry
>about it. 

WBASS2 does autoformatting. But I wouldn't recommend it, it has a lot of
bad features:
- label length limit of 6 characters
- source length limit of about 20K, even though the source is tokenized,
this is not enough (especially comments take lots of space)
- it puts your source in mapper page 1, so a BLOAD in BASIC overwrites it
- ASCII load/save is very slow
- for some strange reason, the monitor can't handle the SCC instrument area

I worked with WBASS2 for a long time before I had Compass, but nowadays I
only touch it to convert old sources from WBASS2 format to ASCII format.


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-22 Thread MkII

>> I'll have a dekko at it (now I'm deaf btw!) 8;)
>Well as if I care. You don't nead your ears to program.

But I *LOVE* to hear the key click as I type! 8:D

>> That is, something like 8 spaces per colonless label (so you can fit it in
>> the same line), 5 per instruction (the longer mnemonics HALT, DJNZ, etc.
>> have 4 chars) and a suitable space for comments without touching the
>> instruction paramenters.
>Oh yes, that's good.
>I already thought... what layout is the using?
>But after all it seems that you are quite normal. Hehe...

I could tell you something about my "normality". Heh... 8;)

>> Mmm... me and the lot of 6502/Z80 coders back in the very early 80s were
>> using that layout! See Terminator part 1 robot listings 8;)
>Nono... I made a mistake. You use the very same layout as all others. It
>just looked different because your mailer messed up.

And your emailer has not those IR robot view backdrops! 8:D

Huh... that's going a bit off-topic! Sh! 8:*

Kiss you lot.


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-21 Thread MkII

>I'm not sure what I'm looking at is the same you typed. You used TABs in
>this e-mail and my reader may have a different tab width than yours.
>This is what I see (I replaced tabs by spaces):

It's not the same, so I'll drop tabs further on for assembler.

>The format I use:
>  LD   A,B
>Never label and code on a single line. It's practical when inserting a
>line, removing a line or cutting/pasting lines.

Nice to see everyone has its own definite style. Personally I'm pretty
demanding and always work with an editor capable of dealing with labels +
code on a single line in a comfortable way (like the fab DevPac editors for
ST & Amiga).

For me the air in the sources is the most important issue when it comes to
readibility, and I find separate labels a bit confusing.

As the most edited labelled lines are the first of the subroutines, I
usually use separate labels just this way:



I'm practical, but visually appealing 8:)

>By the way, MS Word can do variable tabs, but I don't think it qualifies as
>a  good text editor... ;)

Definitely not 8:)


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-21 Thread Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro

At 21:36 20/07/99 +0200, you wrote:
>> Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line (for assembler
>> readibility's sake!)?
>Well if you want a text-editor I suggest Ted, very good although it has
>Dutch menus, which may be a problem (but I think not).

I think I saw somewhere an English-version of Ted... Or am I wrong?

Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - ICQ UIN:3635907 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]|_Sola  Scriptura | -M.Sc. Numerical Modelling (hope so!)  |_ Sola Gratia  |
UFF - Niteroi - RJ - Brazil  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  Sola Fide  |
MSX, ST, B5, X-F, Anime, Christian, Maths, CuD, Linux!_|  Solo Cristi  |
Christian, Rock, Comics, Transformers, and hate M$!  | Soli Deo Gloria |

After B5... Phrase found painted in a wall in Brasilia: "Remember Biri" 

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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-21 Thread Laurens Holst

> >>
> >You've never tried Compass didn't you.
> Nope. Mainly for historical reasons.
> I've been usign the DevPac developer environment in all 8 and 16-bit
> computers I own since 1985 and it has always proved to be the best
> (integrated "100% written in optimized assembler" editor, variable tabs,
> colonless labels, tons of output formats and options (including
> built-in disassembler, debug info, FAAASSSTT!).

Compass is faster.
WBASS is the fastest, though. However, you can't use it with large sources.

Anyway, I'll send you the beta-version from the MCCM CD so you can try it
out if you like it (I wouldn't know why not). Ok yes David I don't wanna

> The great thing is that visuals & functionality of DevPac is THE SAME on
> all computers (ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amiga...).
> I even use the editor to edit TEXT FILES! It searches and replaces 100
> times faster that any other!

ED sucks. Ted is much easier, and besides, you can also edit text in
COMPASS. And it has 4 sourcebuffers so you can use 4 sources at the same
time. Very useful for copying already existing code into another source or
having fast access to docs.

> I came across GEN80 and MON80 at Funet, but haven't found the whole DevPac
> package (which should include editor and BIOS/BASIC/BDOS include
> files).

Oww... Well, I have it all **somewhere**.
That is I really have to search my archives for it, and I don't really feel
like that.


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-21 Thread Laurens Holst

> >> Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line (for
> >> readibility's sake!)?
> >
> >Well if you want a text-editor I suggest Ted, very good although it has
> >Dutch menus, which may be a problem (but I think not).
> Why is it not available in plain english? It's not a big problem but feels
> a bit  uncomfortable and gives software a bit too much of a "public
> look.

Well actually it absolutely isn't public domain. But it is old, and there is
no support anymore, you can't order it. So just download it on the M.E.P.
and if you'd like to, follow the instructions (donate some money on the
giro-account of the Dutch Multiple Sclerose Stichting, an illness which i.e.
the famous Frank Druijff of former MCCM is suffering from).

> >But if you're programming assembler: GO GET COMPASS!!!
> >(Yes, I'm shouting!)
> I'll have a dekko at it (now I'm deaf btw!) 8;)

Well as if I care. You don't nead your ears to program.

> >??? So you want different TAB settings per instruction???
> My message was messed up (by your reader or my poster). I don't want
> different tabs per instruction but per line field.
> LD   A,B  ; BAR
> That is, something like 8 spaces per colonless label (so you can fit it in
> the same line), 5 per instruction (the longer mnemonics HALT, DJNZ, etc.
> have 4 chars) and a suitable space for comments without touching the
> instruction paramenters.

Oh yes, that's good.
I already thought... what layout is the using?
But after all it seems that you are quite normal. Hehe...

> >Well, if you want readability I suggest you drop your entire current
> >and go start a new one:
> Mmm... me and the lot of 6502/Z80 coders back in the very early 80s were
> using that layout! See Terminator part 1 robot listings 8;)

Nono... I made a mistake. You use the very same layout as all others. It
just looked different because your mailer messed up.

> >Foobar: lda,b
> >djnz  Foobar
> >
> >Some prefer to have the labels on seperate lines because it's easier when
> >inserting/deleting instructions but I don't; the CTRL-L keycode of
> >is very useful.
> Just like me! It's a bit messier if you have a poor editor, which is not
> our case, huh? 8;)

I have an editor far from poor... The one of Compass!

> >Also, I use lowercase characters for the code (but uppercase is nice
> >and lower+uppercase-characters for Program-labels (like Foobar), and
> >uppercade-labels for data:
> >DATA:   DB#FF
> Well, it's almost mandatory to use lowercase for 68000-like assembler,
> since it resembles a high level language:
> FooBarLongLabel movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2/a5,-(sp)   * Foo bar loong comment
> eori.b  #$25,$22(a0,d0.l)  * Foo bar looonger comment
> That in uppercase would be DEADLY!
> But I personally prefer 8-bit assembler in uppercase. It looks more
> consistent, and opcodes ain't that messy to become unreadable. Again, see
> Terminator. Robot listins wouldn't be as impressive in lowercase 8;)

Well as I said it's all about personal preferences.

> >I really hope you take over these programming-habits because it really
> >your source much easier to read, it really makes a difference!
> As I've said it was a problem of TAB conversion between our mailing
> programs. My habits are just "classic" early 80s stuff: uppercase &
> varitabs. Nothing that messy. They were actually stroking listings on
> teletypes so the code had to be real readable! *:D


> And btw I'm quite proud of my crystal clear assembler. I even don't put a
> single comment mixed with my code if it's not a matter of life/death! I
> prefer a short and clear header description, clear labels and equates, the
> right amount of "air" and choosing only the best way to do things (there's
> only one, so there's no chance of misunderstanding).


> I also prefer notes, diagrams and algorithms off the source, even though
> I'm proud of my ASCII art 8;)

Groovy baby yeah!

~Grauw "rented Austin Powers yesterday"

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 visit the Datax homepage at
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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-21 Thread Alex Mitsio Sato

MkII wrote:
> I've been usign the DevPac developer environment in all 8 and 16-bit
> computers I own since 1985 and it has always proved to be the best
> (integrated "100% written in optimized assembler" editor, variable tabs,
> colonless labels, tons of output formats and options (including S-records),
> built-in disassembler, debug info, FAAASSSTT!).
> The great thing is that visuals & functionality of DevPac is THE SAME on
> all computers (ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amiga...).
> I even use the editor to edit TEXT FILES! It searches and replaces 100
> times faster that any other!
> I came across GEN80 and MON80 at Funet, but haven't found the whole DevPac
> package (which should include editor and BIOS/BASIC/BDOS include definition
> files).

If you really want the full package of DevPac, why not contact Hisoft
for this soft?
2 years ago I contact them to talk about Devpac and they told me which
they don't have this in stock to sell, but I hope you can get a copy
talking with David Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>0, he is the only one that
really knows about the MSX in Hisoft.
By the way, what do you thing about try to convince them to make DevPac
a public domain software or put it into GPL or something else???
Hey peoples! I tried it, but since I live too far, my english was
terrible and I was only one guy, I failed.
May you all get it... Who knows?

Best Regards

Alex Mitsio Sato

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RE: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-21 Thread Patrick Kramer

> I've been usign the DevPac developer environment in all 8 and 16-bit
> computers I own since 1985 and it has always proved to be the best
> (integrated "100% written in optimized assembler" editor, variable tabs,
> colonless labels, tons of output formats and options (including
> S-records),
> built-in disassembler, debug info, FAAASSSTT!).
> The great thing is that visuals & functionality of DevPac is THE SAME on
> all computers (ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amiga...).
> I even use the editor to edit TEXT FILES! It searches and replaces 100
> times faster that any other!
> I came across GEN80 and MON80 at Funet, but haven't found the whole DevPac
> package (which should include editor and BIOS/BASIC/BDOS include
> definition
> files).
I think I have the package...but I would have to look through some
floppies. It includes at least ED80 (if I'm right), the editor.
Just tell me if you want it.
I like WBASS2, for small pieces of code. I like the editor, it sort
of 'auto-formats' (I think...could be another one) so I don't have to worry
about it. 


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-20 Thread MkII

>> Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line (for assembler
>> readibility's sake!)?
>Well if you want a text-editor I suggest Ted, very good although it has
>Dutch menus, which may be a problem (but I think not).

Why is it not available in plain english? It's not a big problem but feels
a bit  uncomfortable and gives software a bit too much of a "public domain"

>But if you're programming assembler: GO GET COMPASS!!!
>(Yes, I'm shouting!)

I'll have a dekko at it (now I'm deaf btw!) 8;)

>??? So you want different TAB settings per instruction???

My message was messed up (by your reader or my poster). I don't want
different tabs per instruction but per line field.

LD   A,B  ; BAR

That is, something like 8 spaces per colonless label (so you can fit it in
the same line), 5 per instruction (the longer mnemonics HALT, DJNZ, etc.
have 4 chars) and a suitable space for comments without touching the
instruction paramenters.

>Well, if you want readability I suggest you drop your entire current layout
>and go start a new one:

Mmm... me and the lot of 6502/Z80 coders back in the very early 80s were
using that layout! See Terminator part 1 robot listings 8;)

>Foobar: lda,b
>djnz  Foobar
>Some prefer to have the labels on seperate lines because it's easier when
>inserting/deleting instructions but I don't; the CTRL-L keycode of Compass
>is very useful.

Just like me! It's a bit messier if you have a poor editor, which is not
our case, huh? 8;)

>Also, I use lowercase characters for the code (but uppercase is nice too),
>and lower+uppercase-characters for Program-labels (like Foobar), and
>uppercade-labels for data:

Well, it's almost mandatory to use lowercase for 68000-like assembler,
since it resembles a high level language:

FooBarLongLabel movem.l d0-d3/a0-a2/a5,-(sp)   * Foo bar loong comment
eori.b  #$25,$22(a0,d0.l)  * Foo bar looonger comment

That in uppercase would be DEADLY!

But I personally prefer 8-bit assembler in uppercase. It looks more
consistent, and opcodes ain't that messy to become unreadable. Again, see
Terminator. Robot listins wouldn't be as impressive in lowercase 8;)

>I really hope you take over these programming-habits because it really makes
>your source much easier to read, it really makes a difference!

As I've said it was a problem of TAB conversion between our mailing
programs. My habits are just "classic" early 80s stuff: uppercase &
varitabs. Nothing that messy. They were actually stroking listings on
teletypes so the code had to be real readable! *:D

And btw I'm quite proud of my crystal clear assembler. I even don't put a
single comment mixed with my code if it's not a matter of life/death! I
prefer a short and clear header description, clear labels and equates, the
right amount of "air" and choosing only the best way to do things (there's
only one, so there's no chance of misunderstanding).

I also prefer notes, diagrams and algorithms off the source, even though
I'm proud of my ASCII art 8;)

Kiss you lot.


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-20 Thread MkII

>MkII wrote:
>You've never tried Compass didn't you.

Nope. Mainly for historical reasons.

I've been usign the DevPac developer environment in all 8 and 16-bit
computers I own since 1985 and it has always proved to be the best
(integrated "100% written in optimized assembler" editor, variable tabs,
colonless labels, tons of output formats and options (including S-records),
built-in disassembler, debug info, FAAASSSTT!).

The great thing is that visuals & functionality of DevPac is THE SAME on
all computers (ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, Amiga...).

I even use the editor to edit TEXT FILES! It searches and replaces 100
times faster that any other!

I came across GEN80 and MON80 at Funet, but haven't found the whole DevPac
package (which should include editor and BIOS/BASIC/BDOS include definition

Kiss you lot.


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-20 Thread Laurens Holst

> Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line (for assembler
> readibility's sake!)?

Well if you want a text-editor I suggest Ted, very good although it has
Dutch menus, which may be a problem (but I think not).

But if you're programming assembler: GO GET COMPASS!!!
(Yes, I'm shouting!)

If you've once worked with it you never want to work with something else.
It's an integrated programming-environment featuring Assembler, disassembler
and monitor, with fast & easy access.
You can save to all kinds of formats and even to sectors!!!
It's p-e-r-f-e-c-t.
Well, almost. Release 2.0 will be.


??? So you want different TAB settings per instruction???
Well, if you want readability I suggest you drop your entire current layout
and go start a new one:

(when using a proportional emailbrowser):

Foobar:  ld  a,b
 djnz   Foobar

(when using a non-proportional emailbrowser):

Foobar: lda,b
djnz  Foobar

Some prefer to have the labels on seperate lines because it's easier when
inserting/deleting instructions but I don't; the CTRL-L keycode of Compass
is very useful.

Also, I use lowercase characters for the code (but uppercase is nice too),
and lower+uppercase-characters for Program-labels (like Foobar), and
uppercade-labels for data:

I really hope you take over these programming-habits because it really makes
your source much easier to read, it really makes a difference!


  email me: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ICQ: 10196372
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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-20 Thread Maarten ter Huurne

At 01:40 PM 7/20/99 +0200, you wrote:

>Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line (for assembler
>readibility's sake!)?

I'm not sure what I'm looking at is the same you typed. You used TABs in
this e-mail and my reader may have a different tab width than yours.

This is what I see (I replaced tabs by spaces):


But anyway, I think Compass allows to use a "tab mode" that should be
acceptable to most people.

The format I use:

  LD   A,B

Never label and code on a single line. It's practical when inserting a
line, removing a line or cutting/pasting lines.

By the way, MS Word can do variable tabs, but I don't think it qualifies as
a  good text editor... ;)


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RE: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-20 Thread Boon, Eric


>Is there any good text editor with variable tabs per line
>(for assembler readibility's sake!)?

Eh, it might be my reader messing up, but do you _really_ find that
I prefer:

djnz  Foobar ; _I_ love this ;-)

(non-caps, labels on separate line)


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Re: Text editor w/ varitabs

1999-07-20 Thread David Heremans

MkII wrote:
You've never tried Compass didn't you.

David Heremans


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