No Subject

2000-05-11 Thread Carlos Puchol

> From: Manoj Kasichainula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: mime types when attaching files not working
> On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 12:35:51PM -0500, Carlos Puchol wrote:
> > hi, it appears i the setting of proper mime types does not
> > work when attaching files. i am attaching two files a ps file and
> > a gif file. you will see that one comes out as text/plain and the
> > other as applica/octet-stream.
> > 
> > i have tried with all ~/.mutt* files removed . mine is a regular
> > redhat 6.2 installation. further it seems like all the settings
> > are ok in the /etc/mime.types file:
> I just found this a few days ago helping a friend. Red Hat's mutt
> build is broken (because they don't use the BuildRoot functionality
> correctly when compiling their RPM).
> > SHAREDIR="/var/tmp/mutt-root/etc"
> > SYSCONFDIR="/var/tmp/mutt-root/etc"
> This is the evidence of that.

hi, thanks for your tip.
it looks like the problematic part of the rpm spec is this one:

make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr \
  sharedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
  sysconfdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
  docdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/doc/mutt-%{version} install

i don't know much about rpms, but
i have tried removing the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT, and what
happens is that when the install time comes,
it tries to overwrite stuff in /etc, naturally, however,
i always compile rpms as a uder, never as root, to
prevent percisely these kinds of security violations.
do you have any suggestions?

alternatively, are there any suggestions of
some place to get some decent
(s)rpms that of mutt 1.2?

thanks for your help,

++ carlos

Re: Three question items

2000-05-11 Thread Eugene Lee

On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 11:15:12PM +0100, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:
:I found reformatting in vi (vim, to be precise) is very easy when you simply
:mark all lines to be reformatted (visual mode) and then press 'gq'. Voilà -
:nicely formatted paragraph with lines in ideal length.

Unfortunately, it doesn't handle quoted text at all.  I like the utility
'par', because it does so.  So I can transform the above quote to this:

:I found reformatting in vi (vim, to be precise) is very easy when you
:simply mark all lines to be reformatted (visual mode) and then press
:'gq'. Voilà - nicely formatted paragraph with lines in ideal length.

by just piping the lines to an external filter, 'par -gqr 72'.  :)

Eugene Lee

Re: printf like sequences for folder_format

2000-05-11 Thread Marius Gedminas

On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 11:33:43PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
[... Maildir is not for everyone ...]
> > less convenient (no progress indication while opening and no line
> > counting).
> Huh?  I get progress indication when opening a Maildir folder, every 10
> messages, which means the counter is basically just a blur...

I mean there's no percent display.  With mbox you see: 
`Reading ... 310 (10%)', with Maildir you only see the number of
messages.  Psychologically this makes the waiting seem longer ;)

> No line counting?  That's just a procmail rule away.  Although if you
> don't want to use procmail (or maildrop), I guess it's a problem then.

(Actually, I think all my saved mails have Lines: headers, so it's not
an issue for me).

Maildir sure has many of advantages (like faster saving when you delete
a single message from the beginning of a folder, etc.), but they are not
applicable to my situation.  Mbox seems better for mail archives
(faster, smaller, and they are mostly read-only anyway).

Marius Gedminas
"Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment".
(seen in a posting in

making mutt packages.

2000-05-11 Thread Thomas Roessler

On 2000-05-11 02:05:48 -0500, Carlos Puchol wrote:

> %install
> rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
> make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr \
>   sharedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
>   sysconfdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
>   docdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/doc/mutt-%{version} install

> i don't know much about rpms, but
> i have tried removing the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT, and what
> happens is that when the install time comes,
> it tries to overwrite stuff in /etc, naturally, however,
> i always compile rpms as a uder, never as root, to
> prevent percisely these kinds of security violations.
> do you have any suggestions?

I'd suggest you use the DESTDIR mechanism.  That is, you
./configure mutt with the directories you want on the
target system.  Then, when it comes to installing things,
you type:

make DESTDIR=/what/ever/path/you/want install

(At least, that's the mechanism Debian uses, and I'm sure
Marco would have complained if DESTDIR doesn't work
smoothly from the distributed makefiles.)


Re: your mail

2000-05-11 Thread Frank Derichsweiler

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 02:05:48AM -0500, Carlos Puchol wrote:
> alternatively, are there any suggestions of
> some place to get some decent
> (s)rpms that of mutt 1.2?
Do you insist do get a (s)rpm? If not, i would recommend to get the
.tar.gz and build it yourself, as described in the docs.

You can use rpmfind, too.


Re: making mutt packages.

2000-05-11 Thread Carlos Puchol

Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd suggest you use the DESTDIR mechanism.  That is, you
> ./configure mutt with the directories you want on the
> target system.  Then, when it comes to installing things,
> you type:
>   make DESTDIR=/what/ever/path/you/want install
> (At least, that's the mechanism Debian uses, and I'm sure
> Marco would have complained if DESTDIR doesn't work
> smoothly from the distributed makefiles.)

thanks. i did not realize that the archives posted
a solution for this (redhat rawhide).

i apologize in cuadruple: for sending the original message
twice (one apparently went through despite not being
subscribed in the list, or per courtesy of the owner),
in the second for sending my follow up without a subject
(i am running fast on low gas, i guess), third for the several
typos and finally for not looking far enough back in the archives.


++ carlos

Re: your mail

2000-05-11 Thread AG

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Carlos Puchol wrote:

| hi, thanks for your tip.
| it looks like the problematic part of the rpm spec is this one:
| %install
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
| make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr \
|   sharedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
|   sysconfdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc \
|   docdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/doc/mutt-%{version} install
| i don't know much about rpms, but
| i have tried removing the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT, and what
| happens is that when the install time comes,
| it tries to overwrite stuff in /etc, naturally, however,
| i always compile rpms as a uder, never as root, to
| prevent percisely these kinds of security violations.
| do you have any suggestions?

It is the $RPM_BUILD_ROOT that allows users to build rpms.  The install is
all done under $RPM_BUILD_ROOT and then that prefix is stripped by by RPM
in the %files section.  The problem arises when somebody hardcodes a path
that should be $RPM_BUILD_ROOT into part of the spec file.

| alternatively, are there any suggestions of
| some place to get some decent
| (s)rpms that of mutt 1.2?
| thanks for your help,
| ++ carlos

``$spool'' or ``$spoolfile''

2000-05-11 Thread Chris Green

There is a slight 'infelicity' in the mutt manual as it doesn't seem
to know whether to call the mail spool $spool or $spoolfile.  For
example it says in the description of shortcuts:-

! refers to your ``$spool'' mailbox

but there isn't a $spool variable, it's $spoolfile.  There are other
places where $spool is used too.  It's not a disaster but it might be
a little confusing for a newcomer.


Ues of TAB key

2000-05-11 Thread Chris Green

The use of the TAB key in mutt seems not to be documented too well, or
maybe I'm missing something.

In the browser bindings the manual says that the TAB key is bound to
*both* check-new and toggle-mailboxes.  In actual fact in mutt it's
bound to toggle-mailboxes but maybe this is only because that binding
is done after the other one so supersedes it.

In addition I can't find any reference to the use of TAB for browsing
IMAP folders, is this specific to IMAP or does it work anywhere?
Experimenting seems to suggest that 'c' followed by TAB does the same
as 'c' followed by '?' on local folders.


Version 1.2 - any differences from 1.1.13?

2000-05-11 Thread Chris Green

Are there any significant fixes in version 1.2 compared with version
1.1.13, and/or will I lose anything by going to version 1.2?


'browser' - what is it?

2000-05-11 Thread Chris Green

Well, I sort of know what the 'browser' is but there's nowhere in the
manual that actually tells you.  There is also nowhere that tells you
how to get to the [file] browser.

Are the only ways to it 'c' followed by '?' and 's' followed by '?' or
are there other ways there?  There's also no indication of *what*
files it browses - i.e. where does it start from?


Re: Three question items

2000-05-11 Thread Mrinal Kalakrishnan


Eugene Lee typed:
> :I found reformatting in vi (vim, to be precise) is very easy when you simply
> :mark all lines to be reformatted (visual mode) and then press 'gq'. Voilà -
> :nicely formatted paragraph with lines in ideal length.
> Unfortunately, it doesn't handle quoted text at all.  I like the utility
> 'par', because it does so.  So I can transform the above quote to this:

Oh, sure it does! Use the following commands:

set comments=n:>
set formatoptions=tcrq

That should let you format even the quoted text using `gq'.

Mrinal Kalakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux 2.2.15 || PGP:B1E86F5B || Mutt 1.3i (2000-05-09) || VIM 5.5 
"Besides, I think [Slackware] sounds better than 'Microsoft,' don't you?"
(By Patrick Volkerding)

Newbie to Mutt: How can I get Menus with buttons

2000-05-11 Thread splaw

Hi All,

Can anybody tell me how I can get the nice menu buttons on
the top and text menus at the bottom as seen on the screen shot
at URL.

I was only able to get a text menu on top of the screen. 
Thanks for your help.I have compiled  2 versions with Slang and 
ncurses-5.0 (without c++), but both of them are the same.

Any help ? Thanks.

Law Syn Pui
Agilent Technologies  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(A subsidary of Hewlett Packard Company)

How add to address for mailing list semi-automatically?

2000-05-11 Thread Frank Derichsweiler

Hi List,

I am subscribed to some mailing lists. Every list has its own
(maildir) folder. Incomming messages are sorted by the delivery
agent. Further on I added all the addresses to the subscribe variable
(mutt 1.2). Therefore reply to the author of a message and replying to
the list works fine.
Now I would like to be abe to create a header with To:
 by pressing e.g. M. Pressing m should produce a
template with empty To: field. Therefore setting a my_hdr in a
folder-hook is not appropriate for me.

How can I do that?


Re: Version 1.2 - any differences from 1.1.13?

2000-05-11 Thread Thomas Roessler

Actually, the code base is identical.

On 2000-05-11 09:26:09 +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 09:26:09 +0100
> From: Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Version 1.2 - any differences from 1.1.13?
> Mail-Followup-To: Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> User-Agent: Mutt/1.1.13i
> Are there any significant fixes in version 1.2 compared with version
> 1.1.13, and/or will I lose anything by going to version 1.2?
> -- 
> Chris Green ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>   WWW:


Re: Newbie to Mutt: How can I get Menus with buttons

2000-05-11 Thread Frank Derichsweiler

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:55:51AM +0800,  wrote:
> Can anybody tell me how I can get the nice menu buttons on
> the top and text menus at the bottom as seen on the screen shot
> at URL.
AFAIK the buttons are provided by eterm. Thers should be an eterm mode
for mutt. Try searching at


Priority set to urgent possible?!

2000-05-11 Thread Hans Dietmar Jäger

Hi folks!

As an old elm-user I miss the function "set priority for an outgoing

In elm there was just before sending an email the option called
"p)riority" with possible values e.g. "urgent" and so on.
I miss this function in mutt. Is it hidden in any menue?!

Thanks in advance

Hans Dietmar Jäger
Bankakademie e.V., KPE, Oeder Weg 16-18, 60322 Frankfurt, 069-154008-257

Re: Version 1.2 - any differences from 1.1.13?

2000-05-11 Thread Hall Stevenson

> Are there any significant fixes in version 1.2 compared with version
> 1.1.13, and/or will I lose anything by going to version 1.2?

Although I don't use either version (yet), 1.1.13 is a *development* version
of mutt. They use the same version numbering as the Linux kernel (and other
software, I'm sure). Features were likely added a few versions prior and
releases since then mostly involved bug fixes possibly introduced by these
new features. When the "problems" were taken care of, someone said "Let's
release it" and simply changed the version number.


Re: Newbie to Mutt: How can I get Menus with buttons

2000-05-11 Thread Hall Stevenson

- Original Message -
From: "Frank Derichsweiler"
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: Newbie to Mutt: How can I get Menus with buttons

> On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:55:51AM +0800,  wrote:
> > Can anybody tell me how I can get the nice menu buttons on
> > the top and text menus at the bottom as seen on the screen shot
> > at URL.
> >
> AFAIK the buttons are provided by eterm. Thers should be an eterm mode
> for mutt. Try searching at

I doubt there will be much info at mutt's site. Try these instead: or

Good luck,

Re: ``$spool'' or ``$spoolfile''

2000-05-11 Thread David Ellement

On 000511, at 09:13:18, Chris Green wrote:
> There is a slight 'infelicity' in the mutt manual as it doesn't seem
> to know whether to call the mail spool $spool or $spoolfile.  For
> example it says in the description of shortcuts:-

This should change the remaining references to $spool to $spoolfile.

David Ellement

--- manual.sgml.head.orig   Thu May 11 07:50:24 2000
+++ manual.sgml.headThu May 11 07:47:03 2000
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@
 the command is executed, so if these names contain  (such as ``='' and ``!''), any variable
 definition that affect these characters (like  and )
+name="$folder"> and )
 should be executed before the User defined headers
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@
-! -- refers to your  (incoming) 
+! -- refers to your  (incoming) mailbox
 > -- refers to your  file
 < -- refers to your  file
 - or !! -- refers to the file you've last visited

Re: How add to address for mailing list semi-automatically?

2000-05-11 Thread Christian Ordig

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 08:09:06AM +0200, Frank Derichsweiler wrote:
> Now I would like to be abe to create a header with To:
>  by pressing e.g. M. Pressing m should produce a
> template with empty To: field. Therefore setting a my_hdr in a
> folder-hook is not appropriate for me.
maybe I misunderstood you, but pressing L should do the stuff...


btw.: are you really studying in our "Bundeswehr"?! ;_)

Christian Ordig | Homepage: 
Germany |eMail: Christian Ordig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 PGP signature

Re: mutt-1.2: imap/ssl certificates

2000-05-11 Thread Tommi Komulainen

On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 02:05:30PM +0200, Andre Wobst wrote:
> I've troubles with the imap ssl certificates, saved in the file
> certificate_file, which I set to ~/.mutt.certificate_file in my
> ~/.muttrc. If I do so, I can accept a certificate not only once but
> always (otherwise this option isn't available). The certificate is
> stored in the file ~/.mutt.certificate_file. But next time I start
> mutt again, it asks me again for the certificate check. If I accept it
> again, the certificate is again added to the file
> ~/.mutt.certificate_file and it is exactly the same like before -- now
> stored twice in the same file. How can I store the certificate that
> way, that mutt acceptes it automatically next time -- what's wrong in
> the way I'm doing it?

You're the second person reporting this erratic behaviour. Unfortunately
I have no idea what is going on. The certificate checking is done
completely with SSL-library functions. So, either I'm doing something
wrong, or those functions are broken on your platform. I think the first
option is more likely but I'm yet to figure out why it goes wrong, and
only in some cases.

Feel free to send any suggestions directly to me or to mutt-dev mailing

Tommi Komulainen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 'browser' - what is it?

2000-05-11 Thread Christian Ordig

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 10:08:12AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> Well, I sort of know what the 'browser' is but there's nowhere in the
> manual that actually tells you.  There is also nowhere that tells you
> how to get to the [file] browser.
this should be the directory listing you get by pressing c
> Are the only ways to it 'c' followed by '?' and 's' followed by '?' or
> are there other ways there?  There's also no indication of *what*
> files it browses - i.e. where does it start from?
the browser should appear everywhere you need access to folders or files,
so you will also get the "browser" when attaching files.
I am using a macro bound to key "y" which shows all the mailboxes marked
to be receiving mails. it's done like this:
macro "y" "c?\t" 


Christian Ordig | Homepage: 
Germany |eMail: Christian Ordig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 PGP signature

Re: 'browser' - what is it?

2000-05-11 Thread Chris Green

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 05:17:46PM +0200, Christian Ordig wrote:
> > Are the only ways to it 'c' followed by '?' and 's' followed by '?' or
> > are there other ways there?  There's also no indication of *what*
> > files it browses - i.e. where does it start from?
> the browser should appear everywhere you need access to folders or files,
> so you will also get the "browser" when attaching files.

OK, but as far as I can tell when using it, the browser starts off
from where it previously left off.  This isn't what one always (often)
wants, it would be better if it was possible to 'home' the directory
from which it starts.


Re: ``$spool'' or ``$spoolfile''

2000-05-11 Thread Mikko Hänninen

David Ellement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 11 May 2000:
> This should change the remaining references to $spool to $spoolfile.

Isn't that patch the wrong way around?  You want *all* the references
to be $spoolfile, not $spool.  (Although I'd be all for renaming the
Mutt variable too, but for compatibility reasons it might be a bad

> -name="$folder"> and )
> +name="$folder"> and )

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
cat, n.: A lap-warmer with a built-in buzzer.

Re: 'browser' - what is it?

2000-05-11 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Chris Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 11 May 2000:
> Well, I sort of know what the 'browser' is but there's nowhere in the
> manual that actually tells you.  There is also nowhere that tells you
> how to get to the [file] browser.

I would imagine that the answer is that you can enter the [file] browser
from anywhere where you get a prompt asking for a file/folder name.

> Are the only ways to it 'c' followed by '?' and 's' followed by '?' or
> are there other ways there?

Also c (copy), at least.

> There's also no indication of *what*
> files it browses - i.e. where does it start from?

It starts from Mutt's current directory, which doesn't change while Mutt
is running.  (This is AFAIK.)

There's also a setting for specifying the files-to-hide regexp, I forget
what it's called, but by default Mutt doesn't show files beginning with
a ".".

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
Bumper sticker: Alcohol and calculus don't mix.  Never drink and derive.

Re: Priority set to urgent possible?!

2000-05-11 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Hans Dietmar Jäger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 11 May 2000:
> In elm there was just before sending an email the option called
> "p)riority" with possible values e.g. "urgent" and so on.
> I miss this function in mutt. Is it hidden in any menue?!

There's no direct support for this in Mutt.

You can however add a Priority header yourself into the email, for
example with the "edit with headers" command.

You can also use the my_hdr command to add this header, although
you can't do it from the compose menu unfortunately, you need to
do it before you start message composition.  And then you can remove
the header with unmy_hdr.

I'd say the best way would be to use "edit with headers".

And oh, there's no standard specifying the possible values for this
header.  I've mostly seen "urgent" and "high" used, and of course
"bulk", "junk" and "list" for list emails.

Hope this helps,
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
If it wasn't for C, we'd be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL.

Re: printf like sequences for folder_format

2000-05-11 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 11 May 2000:
> I mean there's no percent display.  With mbox you see: 
> `Reading ... 310 (10%)', with Maildir you only see the number of
> messages.  Psychologically this makes the waiting seem longer ;)

Oh right.  It shouldn't be difficult to add a display like that to
Maildir though?  I mean, you can find out how many files there are in
advance, and you don't even need to worry about the messages being
different sizes since only the mail headers get read, anyway.

> Mbox seems better for mail archives
> (faster, smaller, and they are mostly read-only anyway).

Indeed, Maildir is not a mail archive format, it wasn't designed as
such.  Doesn't mean that I can't use it like that, though. :-)

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
"Personally, I want my computer's memory to be more reliable than mine."  /.

index indicator

2000-05-11 Thread Kelly Scroggins

How do I change the index indicator from an arrow on the left side of
the screen to a bar that extends all the way accross the screen.

I want it to highlight the entire message line.


Re: making mutt packages.

2000-05-11 Thread Bennett Todd

2000-05-11-03:13:38 Thomas Roessler:
> I'd suggest you use the DESTDIR mechanism.  That is, you
> ./configure mutt with the directories you want on the
> target system.  Then, when it comes to installing things,
> you type:
>   make DESTDIR=/what/ever/path/you/want install

Thanks; that's nicely simpler than what I'd been using before, with
prefix= and docdir= settings. With that tweak, I think my Mutt spec
file may just be simple enough, close enough to generic, to deserve
consideration for inclusion in the Mutt distribution. If you were to
place the spec file anywhere inside the tarball --- e.g. in
contrib/redhat/mutt.spec --- anywhere, as long as the filename ends
in .spec --- then RPM users who download the tarball could
automatically build the rpm by going

sudo rpm -ta mutt-1.2i.tar.gz

One other tweak that I'd encourage considering. If there were some
way you could rig the "make install" process so it doesn't bomb off
in the middle if it can't make mutt_dotlock sgid mail or whatever,
then the spec file could specify the correct perms, and a full
successful rpm build would run fine as any normal, non-privileged
user, and privs would only be needed for the actual install. I
believe I've specified the right perms in the spec file, so the only
reason this build has to be run as root is to prevent the make
install step from failing.


Name: mutt
Version: 1.2i
Release: 2
Group: Applications/Mail
License: GPL
Summary: The Mutt Mail User Agent
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-rpmroot

Mutt is a small but very powerful full-screen Unix mail client. Features
include MIME, POP3, multiple mailbox formats, colour, message threading,
scoring, and bindable keys.

This is the International version of mutt *with* PGP support.

%setup -n mutt-1.2
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--enable-pop \
--enable-imap \

make keymap_defs.h

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/{bin,etc,man/man1,doc/mutt-%{version}}
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f | \
xargs file | \
awk -F: '/not stripped/{print $1}' | \
xargs strip

* Thu May 11 2000 Bennett Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  - Release 2
  - switched to use DESTDIR, thanks to Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  - fixed perms on mutt_dotlock
  - removed /usr/share/mutt, it wasn't being used any more
* Wed May 10 2000 Bennett Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  - Initial wrap

%attr(2755,root,mail) /usr/bin/mutt_dotlock
%doc /usr/man/man*/*
%doc /usr/doc/mutt
%config /usr/etc/*

 PGP signature

Re: index indicator

2000-05-11 Thread Steve Zinck

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:06:09AM -0500, Kelly Scroggins wrote:
> How do I change the index indicator from an arrow on the left side of
> the screen to a bar that extends all the way accross the screen.

  Type: boolean
  Default: no

  When set, an arrow ("->") will be used to  indicate
  the  current entry in menus instead of hiliting the
  whole line.  On slow network or  modem  links  this
  will  make  response  faster  because there is less
  that has to be redrawn on the screen when moving to
  the next or previous entries in the menu.

so, simply comment out "set arrrow_cursor" in your ~/.muttrc


Re: index indicator

2000-05-11 Thread Mrinal Kalakrishnan


Kelly Scroggins typed:
> How do I change the index indicator from an arrow on the left side of
> the screen to a bar that extends all the way accross the screen.
> I want it to highlight the entire message line.

The variable is $arrow_cursor. Just add this in .muttrc:

unset arrow_cursor

Mrinal Kalakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux 2.2.15 || PGP:B1E86F5B || Mutt 1.3i (2000-05-09) || VIM 5.5 
>Ever heard of .cshrc?
That's a city in Bosnia.  Right?
(Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of commands.)

Re: ``$spool'' or ``$spoolfile''

2000-05-11 Thread David Ellement

On 000511, at 18:33:18, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> David Ellement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 11 May 2000:
> > This should change the remaining references to $spool to $spoolfile.
> Isn't that patch the wrong way around?

Yes, I got diff backwards.

David Ellement

--- manual.sgml.head.orig   Tue May  9 08:23:01 2000
+++ manual.sgml.headThu May 11 07:50:24 2000
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@
 the command is executed, so if these names contain  (such as ``='' and ``!''), any variable
 definition that affect these characters (like  and )
+name="$folder"> and )
 should be executed before the User defined headers
@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@
-! -- refers to your  (incoming) mailbox
+! -- refers to your  (incoming) 
 > -- refers to your  file
 < -- refers to your  file
 - or !! -- refers to the file you've last visited

Re: Priority set to urgent possible?!

2000-05-11 Thread Lars Hecking

> And oh, there's no standard specifying the possible values for this
> header.  I've mostly seen "urgent" and "high" used, and of course
> "bulk", "junk" and "list" for list emails.


   5.7.  P -- Precedence Definitions

 I don't think any other MTA than sendmail actually uses the Precedence:
 header. As such, this header is effectively useless on non-sendmail
 systems, unless people (ab)use it for message prioritisation at MUA level.

 [ sendmail uses the Precedence: header to assign queue priorities, so
   that, for instance, message with Precedence: first-class are sent out
   before messages with Precedence: bulk, typically mailing lists. Get
   the full scoop in the sendmail operations guide, Section 4.3 Queue
   Priorities. ]

Re: index indicator

2000-05-11 Thread Thomas Roessler

unset arrow_cursor

On 2000-05-11 09:06:09 -0500, Kelly Scroggins wrote:
> Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 09:06:09 -0500
> From: Kelly Scroggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: index indicator
> X-Mailer: Mutt 1.0pre3us
> How do I change the index indicator from an arrow on the left side of
> the screen to a bar that extends all the way accross the screen.
> I want it to highlight the entire message line.
> Thanks,
> Kelly


Re: index indicator

2000-05-11 Thread Sebastian Helms


* Kelly Scroggins wrote on 11 May 2000:

> How do I change the index indicator from an arrow on the left side of
> the screen to a bar that extends all the way accross the screen.

unset arrow_cursor

"No worries." - Rincewind

Sebastian Helms   -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP available)

Re: How add to address for mailing list semi-automatically?

2000-05-11 Thread billy chan

[00.05.11 08:09] Frank Derichsweiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Now I would like to be abe to create a header with To:
>  by pressing e.g. M. Pressing m should produce a
> template with empty To: field. Therefore setting a my_hdr in a
> folder-hook is not appropriate for me.

Check out "lists" command. 

Re: Priority set to urgent possible?!

2000-05-11 Thread Eugene Lee

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 06:49:33PM +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
:Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mentioned:
:> And oh, there's no standard specifying the possible values for this
:> header.  I've mostly seen "urgent" and "high" used, and of course
:> "bulk", "junk" and "list" for list emails.

But there's no RFC for it, is there?

Eugene Lee

/tmp persists to be used

2000-05-11 Thread Corey G.

It seems that Mutt wants to leave temp files hanging around in /tmp.
This confuses me because I have the following in my .muttrc.

set tmpdir = ~/tmp

However, I continue to find files lingering around in /tmp.  Even
though these files are read only for myself it's generally good to clean
up after yourself and not invite people to try to read your temp files.

Could it possibly be "VIM" that is leaving these files?  If so, does
anyone know the option to move it's temporary file?

Here is what I keep finding in /tmp. Platform is RedHat 6.1.

-rw---   1 cgaffney cgaffney0 May  2 14:44
-rw---   1 cgaffney cgaffney  148 May  2 15:37
-rw---   1 cgaffney cgaffney0 May  2 15:47
-rw---   1 cgaffney cgaffney0 May  2 15:47
-rw---   1 cgaffney cgaffney0 May  2 16:19

Best Regards,

Re: /tmp persists to be used

2000-05-11 Thread Telsa Gwynne

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 06:19:21PM -0500 or thereabouts, Corey G. wrote:
> However, I continue to find files lingering around in /tmp.  Even
> though these files are read only for myself it's generally good to clean
> up after yourself and not invite people to try to read your temp files.

> Could it possibly be "VIM" that is leaving these files?  If so, does
> anyone know the option to move it's temporary file?
> Here is what I keep finding in /tmp. Platform is RedHat 6.1.
> -rw---   1 cgaffney cgaffney0 May  2 14:44
> mutt-monster-27733-3

On my RH 6.1 box with mutt-1.0pre3i and a muttrc that doesn't set a
tmpdir and sets joe as the editor, I have much the same: files of the 
style mutt-aloss-31900-47~

[hobbit@aloss ~]$ ls /tmp | grep mutt | wc -l


It must be vim, because I'm sure it's joe that's leaving mine:
that appended tilde is generally a good hint :) 

Similarly, I use xv for viewing images, but when using it from
mutt I get messages of the style, "Can't open /tmp/mutt-7893252"
and a "Bummer!" dialogue box from xv. I don't really know what's
going on here, but it happens so rarely that I always forget :)


Re: Ues of TAB key

2000-05-11 Thread Corey G.


When you have listed your mailboxes via whatever command you bound it
too, for me it's "l", like Pine, you can hit tab to list those mailboxes
that you indicated in the .muttrc file as explicit mailboxes to check.
When I hit "tab" in this menu, it does not show any mailboxes that were
not given an explicit path, shows only those mailboxes with expicit
paths, and takes me to the mailbox that has new messages, if any.

For example, with the two entries below, if I hit tab, the perl mailbox
disappears and only the mutt mailbox is left showing.  If there were
more it would jump to the mailbox with any new messages or to the perl
mailbox if a new message arrived. 

mailboxes perl
mailboxes ~/mail/mutt 

Is this what you were questioning or did I miss your point(s)?
I do not use IMAP and therefore have no comment about IMAP at this time.

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:23:56AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> The use of the TAB key in mutt seems not to be documented too well, or
> maybe I'm missing something.
> In the browser bindings the manual says that the TAB key is bound to
> *both* check-new and toggle-mailboxes.  In actual fact in mutt it's
> bound to toggle-mailboxes but maybe this is only because that binding
> is done after the other one so supersedes it.
> In addition I can't find any reference to the use of TAB for browsing
> IMAP folders, is this specific to IMAP or does it work anywhere?
> Experimenting seems to suggest that 'c' followed by TAB does the same
> as 'c' followed by '?' on local folders.
> -- 
> Chris Green ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>   WWW:
---end quoted text---

Best Regards,

Re: /tmp persists to be used

2000-05-11 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Telsa Gwynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Fri, 12 May 2000:
> It must be vim, because I'm sure it's joe that's leaving mine:
> that appended tilde is generally a good hint :) 

But his files didn't seem to have a ~ in the end, so it's possible they
aren't backups.  On the other hand, they could be...  It's certainly one
possible source.

It should be possible to tell joe (or any editor) not to do backups.
And for vim, it's certainly possible to do it so that it doesn't do
backups when editing certain kind of files: I do it by using a separate
vimrc file for email editing.  I'm sure it could be done with just a
single .vimrc but this works for me. :-)

> Similarly, I use xv for viewing images, but when using it from
> mutt I get messages of the style, "Can't open /tmp/mutt-7893252"
> and a "Bummer!" dialogue box from xv. I don't really know what's
> going on here, but it happens so rarely that I always forget :)

This is probably because you have things set up so that after starting
xv, the control returns back to the calling script (and then Mutt), so
that Mutt will continue running and xv won't "hold it up".  This is
generally a good thing, so you can view the text of the email while xv
is displaying the image.  The problem occurs when xv is slow in starting
up and Mutt deletes the temporary file before xv has a chance to read
it, and therefore the file doesn't exist when xv gets around to looking
for it.

There's a work-around for this, which is more of a kludge than anything
else, but which works very well for me: I put a "sleep 5" in the image
viewing entry in my mailcap, like this:

image/*; xv %s & sleep 5

That way there is a 5 second delay before the viewer exits, and xv has
more time to load up that image from disk before Mutt deletes it...
(Another case of cleaning up temporary files, actually...)

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
"If you're not impossible to tolerate, you're not trying hard enough."

Re: /tmp persists to be used

2000-05-11 Thread Michael Tatge


On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 06:19:21PM -0500, Corey G. wrote:
> It seems that Mutt wants to leave temp files hanging around in /tmp.
> This confuses me because I have the following in my .muttrc.
> set tmpdir = ~/tmp
> However, I continue to find files lingering around in /tmp.  Even
> though these files are read only for myself it's generally good to clean
> up after yourself and not invite people to try to read your temp files.

I just tested this on RH 6.2 with joe as editor. Mutt uses the given
tmpdir=~/tmp and the mutt-* files are correcly deleted when the mail is
sent. Perhaps you set wrong permission for the tmpdir?
> Could it possibly be "VIM" that is leaving these files?  If so, does
> anyone know the option to move it's temporary file?

Do you have a sort of auto-save enabled? If you save the file manually
and abort sending in mutt the file won't be deleted.

PGP-fingerprint: DECA E9D2 EBDD 0FE0 0A65  40FA 5967 ACA1 0B57 7C13

Solaris random device

2000-05-11 Thread Sam Roberts

Somebody seems to already have ported the Linux random.c to Solaris,
of which there was discussion recently. Sorry for the cross-post,
I can't remember which list the discussion was on.

> So we used to other option and now there is an improved version of the
> sun /dev/random code available at
> It now cooperates with gpg - at least the 'make check' does not fail or
> hang

Sam Roberts, sroberts at uniserve dot com,

Re: How add to address for mailing list semi-automatically?

2000-05-11 Thread Frank Derichsweiler

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 05:12:26PM +0200, Christian Ordig wrote:
> On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 08:09:06AM +0200, Frank Derichsweiler wrote:
> > Now I would like to be abe to create a header with To:
> >  by pressing e.g. M. Pressing m should produce a
> > template with empty To: field. Therefore setting a my_hdr in a
> > folder-hook is not appropriate for me.
> maybe I misunderstood you, but pressing L should do the stuff...
pressing L means: reply to the list.
I would like to start a new thread, i.e. create a mail with no
reference to old ones. This one should have the list address in the to
header field.
I know that I can use aliases etc. But I would like to have one key
press in order to create a new mail with proper to header field. 
Using the my_hdr to is not appropriate because then I have to delete
the to header in case where I would like to reply as a personal mail!


Re: How add to address for mailing list semi-automatically?

2000-05-11 Thread Frank Derichsweiler

On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 03:40:12AM +0800, billy chan wrote:
> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 03:40:12 +0800
> From: billy chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: How add to address for mailing list semi-automatically?
> Mail-Followup-To: billy chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [00.05.11 08:09] Frank Derichsweiler 
> > Now I would like to be abe to create a header with To:
> >  by pressing e.g. M. Pressing m should produce a
> > template with empty To: field. Therefore setting a my_hdr in a
> > folder-hook is not appropriate for me.
> Check out "lists" command. 

AFAIK the lists command is used for *replying* to the list. I would
like to create a new mail, i.e. no reference to another mail etc.

I have already set the subscribe option, I can send reply to the
list. But then I get the In-Reply-To: header field which is stupid for
a new thread in the list ...
