Re: archives de listes [was: Re: Salut les djeuns]

2002-09-10 Thread menfin

Cedric Duval a dit (02/09/10 14:57) :
 C'est purement subjectif, mais je suis un peu allergique à l'interface
 web. Bien sûr, ça peut être pratique pour une recherche particulière.
 Mais dans ma vision utopique, des archives par mois au format mbox
 (g|b)zipé seraient fournies, que chacun puisse les consulter
 confortablement avec son logiciel de mail favori.

Tout à fait d'accord avec ce point de vue.


Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible,
 alors ils l'ont fait. [Mark Twain]
 Quelqu'un ici a dit qu'il y avait une patch pour fider les bugs
 de RedHat5 sur leur page ( ) mais j'ai ps trouver ou qqun
 pourrias me shooter l'adresse svp?
 -+- Psionic in Guide du Linuxien pervers, Tous drogués !! -+-

Description: PGP signature

Re: Archives de la liste

2002-09-10 Thread Loïc Minier

Aurélien Beaujean [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tue, Sep 10, 2002:

 PS: c'est vrai qu'une archive par mois au format mbox serait le
 bienvenu. Quelqu'un se dévoue pour nous faire un petit script à base de
 de cron et de grepmail pour que je les publient sut ? :)

   J'ai bien un bidule qui ressemble sous la main :

 Tous les jours je vérifie qu'il n'y a pas de mail vieux de plus de N
 jours dans une liste de boîtes.

 Inconvénient majeur : il fonctionne sur les boîtes au format Maildir,
 et pas mbox.

 Explication : si vous voulez supprimer un mail d'une boîte assez grosse
 avec formail, il faut l'utiliser en filtre et en même temps l'appeler
 pour récupérer le champ Date: dans les headers ce qui implique soit
 une boucle en n² (ou n est le nombre de messages à traiter dans la
 boîte) ou bien une duplication de la boîte (dans ce cas autant utiliser

   Cependant, j'ai converti mes boîtes au format Maildir, et
 c'est un vrai bonheur. Il est plus rapide de déplacer, supprimer
 un message, surtout dans ce genre de scripts. En plus il est
 possible de faire des constructions shell agréables comme
 for message in mailbox/cur/*; do ... done

   Bref, j'attache mon bousin, il me permet de supprimer les messages
 de listes archivées sur le net pour que les boîtes ne grossissent pas
 trop. Ça peut servir à quelqu'un.

   Je suppose que c'est _beaucoup_ plus facile à faire dans le cas
 où on duplique la mbox sans supprimer de message, en gros c'est un
 formail -s.

   Enfin, la solution qui tue dans ce cas particulier :

  * mutt
  /var/www/mutt/`date +%y-%m`-mutt

 ... ou quelque chose d'approchant en intégrant les précédentes
 propositions de procmail.



# deletes mail older than a specified date in mailboxes in Maildir
# format

TEMP=`getopt -o vh --long verbose,help -n $0 -- $@`

[ $? != 0 ]  (echo Terminating... 2; exit 1)

eval set -- $TEMP


while true ; do
case $1 in
-v|--verbose) VERBOSE=1; shift;;
-h|--help) echo Usage: $0 [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help]; exit 0; shift;;
--) shift; break;;
*) echo Internal error!; exit 1;;

[ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]  echo $1

say processing $1
(rmdir ~/mail/$1/cur/ 2/dev/null  mkdir ~/mail/$1/cur/) \
|| for j in ~/mail/$1/cur/*
   k=`formail -x Date  $j`
   d=`date -d $k +%s`
   if [ $d ]
   delta=$(($3 - $d))

   if [ $delta -gt $2 ]
   rm -f $j
   echo problem with $j in $i 2


for i in \
2-h \
via/anciens \
via/batavia \
via/bruit   \
via/perms   \
via/roots   \

del_box $i 1814400 `date +%s`   # 21 days from now

for i in \
debian/security \
via/fw/firewall \
via/fw/top-50-ext   \
via/fw/top-50-proxy \
vl/announce \
vl/libdvbpsi-devel  \
vl/libdvdcss-devel  \
vl/libdvdplay-devel \
vl/vlcs \
vl/vlcs-devel   \
via/nt  \
via/via \

del_box $i 604800 `date +%s`# 7 days from now

Sourcing scripts, screen flashes.

2002-09-10 Thread Ryan Sorensen

Since I've added source lines for a couple scripts, when I start up
mutt, the screen flashes several times.

source ~/.mutt/hooks/ ~/.Mail/lists/|
source ~/.mutt/hooks/ ~/.Mail/people/|

That sort of thing.

Anything I can do to avoid this?

Re: Following URLs under Cygwin-mutt

2002-09-10 Thread JeeBak Kim

Hi Thomas,

* Thomas Baker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020909 23:03]:
 I have used various workarounds -- at one extreme, switch to
 Mozilla and re-type the URL -- but this is really inefficient
 if the task is to click my way through, say, a blog bulletin
 from Red Rock Eater (with lots of URLs).

Hmm... does copy and paste not work in your cygwin environment?
Are you using the cygwin dos console?  You might want to install
the rxvt cygwin package.  It's much more friendlier ;).

 It sounds like Gary Johnson's suggestion above (calling
 Mozilla from w3m) could do the trick, though I guess what
 I'd really like to do is hand the message off immediately to,
 say, the mailer in Netscape or Mozilla.

I refrained from commenting until other more experienced people
responded first.  If you want to use mozilla in Windows to visit
the embedded urls in your text e-mail, you had the answer in
your first post in this thread.  You mentioned urlview:

and that you couldn't use it in cygwin for some reason.  I've
compiled it successfully in cygwin and it works perfectly as it
does in unix.  After compiling and installing urlview in your
cygwin environment, add lines in your $HOME/.muttrc, example

  macro index ,\Cb |urlview\n Extract a URL, and queue for later download
  macro pager ,\Cb |urlview\n Extract a URL, and queue for later download

and finally create a file called $HOME/.urlview with:

  # Sample urlview(1) configuration file

  # regular expression to use to match URLs
  REGEXP ht|f)tp)|mailto):(//)?[^ \t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t]

  # command to invoke for selected URL
  COMMAND /cygdrive/c/Program Files/

  #COMMAND netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)

Note the COMMAND path to mozilla is from a default install in
Windows.  Change this to match your setup.

I hope this helps!

-- jbkim

Re: Following URLs under Cygwin-mutt

2002-09-10 Thread Thomas Baker

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 11:45:27PM -0700, JeeBak Kim wrote:
 * Thomas Baker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020909 23:03]:
  I have used various workarounds -- at one extreme, switch to
  Mozilla and re-type the URL -- but this is really inefficient
  if the task is to click my way through, say, a blog bulletin
  from Red Rock Eater (with lots of URLs).
 Hmm... does copy and paste not work in your cygwin environment?
 Are you using the cygwin dos console?  You might want to install
 the rxvt cygwin package.  It's much more friendlier ;).

Yes, I do have this, and it works, but it comes up with
a small font, default screen colors, doesn't seem to read
my bash-environ settings, etc.  Is all of this explained
somewhere in one place (a book about XWindows??), or do you
have to chase down the solutions to these various problems
one-by-one through the man pages...?  This is what has kept
me using the cygwin dos console, which looks terrific since
I customized the colors and fonts by right-clicking for the
WIN2000 window properties.
 and that you couldn't use it in cygwin for some reason.  I've
 compiled it successfully in cygwin and it works perfectly as it
 does in unix.  After compiling and installing urlview in your

As a non-programmer, I have not had good experience with
compiling, but this one did compile right out of the box.

 I hope this helps!

This is a huge leap forward, many thanks!  It's not quite
ideal, in my opinion, because there are extra keystrokes
involved in scrolling down and finding the URL again out
of its original context.  This is not a problem if there
are just three or four URLs, but looks like it could get a
bit tedious if working through a mail message that mentions
60 or so emails, such as a Red Rock Eater bulletin.  Also,
Netscape or Mozilla mail would show an already-clicked-on
link in a different color, and that seems not to be the case
with urlview.

But I'm not complaining... -- this is worlds better than what
I have been doing!


Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven  mobile +49-171-408-5784
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft  work +49-30-8109-9027
53754 Sankt Augustin, Germanyfax +49-2241-144-1408

Re: Following URLs under Cygwin-mutt

2002-09-10 Thread Thomas Dickey

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 08:01:33AM +0200, Thomas Baker wrote:
 It sounds like Gary Johnson's suggestion above (calling
 Mozilla from w3m) could do the trick, though I guess what
 I'd really like to do is hand the message off immediately to,
 say, the mailer in Netscape or Mozilla.

or lynx - depending.  I noticed the 'M feature in w3m last year and added
comparable functionality to lynx - repeating the 'external' viewer lines
in lynx.cfg makes it display a menu when invoking the external viewer.
For example

EXTERNAL:ftp:w3m %s:TRUE
EXTERNAL:file:w3m %s:TRUE
EXTERNAL:http:w3m %s:TRUE

EXTERNAL:ftp:netscape %s:TRUE
EXTERNAL:file:netscape %s:TRUE
EXTERNAL:http:netscape %s:TRUE

Thomas E. Dickey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

new mail in sent-mail

2002-09-10 Thread Keith Robinson


Every time I send an email, my sent-mail box gets tagged with a new-mail N.  This is 
good for *all* of my other mail directorys, but not not for sent-mail.

I've tried various things in my .muttrc but to no avail.  Is there any way of getting 
it so that this does not happen?

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


Re: new mail in sent-mail

2002-09-10 Thread darren chamberlain

* Keith Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2002-09-10 08:40]:
 Every time I send an email, my sent-mail box gets tagged with a
 new-mail N.  This is good for *all* of my other mail directorys, but
 not not for sent-mail.

Do you have send-mail in $mailboxes?


Maybe that's the only truth in the world.
Not the Bibles or poetry or philosophy but just the old jokes.
-- Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson

Re: new mail in sent-mail

2002-09-10 Thread Erik Simon

Hi Keith

What you could do instead of recording mail via the record variable
is use fcc-hook. I do it to record my email in various places based
on the addresses I send to. e.g. for mutt-users I have

fcc-hook ~L mutt-users =archive-mutt-users

This way, the message is not tagged as new in the destination (I
think). What you would do to store in sent-mail is

fcc-hook . =sent-mail

But why does it annoy you to have messages marked as new in
sent-mail? Do you have mutt to check sent-mail for new messages
(sent-mail in mailboxes)?



Changing attachment mime type

2002-09-10 Thread Bruno Lustosa

Hello, I found what seems to be a bug.
Well, it IS a bug. Don't know if it is mutt's or LookOut's.

I received a message from someone using outlook containing an email
attached (*.eml). Unfortunately, outlook sends the attachment as
application/octet-stream, so mutt can't really recognize it
Then I open the message in mutt, hit ctrl-e and change the type to
message/rfc822. After opening the message again, it displays its
contents normally. Inside this attached message, there is an attached
windows media movie (*.wmv). And AGAIN, it shows up wrongly, this time
as a text/plain. And there comes what I think might be a bug in mutt.
In the pager, it displays the attachment as:

[-- Type: video/x-ms-wmv, Encoding: base64, Size: 1.0M --]
[-- video/x-ms-wmv is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]

However, hitting v to view the message's attachments shows the
attachment as:

I 3 no description [text/plain, 7bit, 1.4M]

Apparently, mutt displays the message correctly in the pager display
(correct type, correct size). In attachment menu, it shows up encoded
(bigger size, text/plain).
I tried hitting ctrl-e in attachment menu to change it's type to
video/x-ms-wmv, but it stills shows the same (only thing that changes is
the text/plain to video/x-ms-wmv, but content is still the same,
I know I can just save it to a file and try to decode it manually using
the usual mime tools, but I wanted people to know about it, and
enlighten me if this is not a bug in mutt (of course, the brokeness of
outlook could do anything!).

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ UIN: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil  |

Description: PGP signature

Compose macro question

2002-09-10 Thread Pedro Alves


  I want to make a compose macro that verifies the from-address and changes
the fcc according to that value...

  perhaps something like:

  compose V if ( from == 'foo@bar' )then {Fcc = '=bla'}

  Can you give me a hand on this?

  Thanks a lot

Pedro Miguel G. Alves   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
THINK - Tecnologias de Informação
Tel:   +351 21 412 56 56  Av. José Gomes Ferreira
Fax:   +351 21 412 56 57 nº 13 1495-139 ALGÉS

Re: Compose macro question

2002-09-10 Thread Michael Tatge

Pedro Alves ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
   I want to make a compose macro that verifies the from-address and changes
 the fcc according to that value...
   perhaps something like:
   compose V if ( from == 'foo@bar' )then {Fcc = '=bla'}
   Can you give me a hand on this?

What about fcc-hooks?

...and scantily clad females, of course.  Who cares if it's below zero
(By Linus Torvalds)


Re: Compose macro question

2002-09-10 Thread Pedro Alves

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 04:08:44PM +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:
 Pedro Alves ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) muttered:
I want to make a compose macro that verifies the from-address and changes
  the fcc according to that value...
perhaps something like:
compose V if ( from == 'foo@bar' )then {Fcc = '=bla'}
Can you give me a hand on this?
 What about fcc-hooks?

fcc hooks don't automatically update when I change from address. I change
the from address often and I can't fill the configuration file with all the
possible addresses. I'm not seeing other way..

Pedro Miguel G. Alves   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
THINK - Tecnologias de Informação
Tel:   +351 21 412 56 56  Av. José Gomes Ferreira
Fax:   +351 21 412 56 57 nº 13 1495-139 ALGÉS

Re: Mutt guessing wrong encoding for outgoing PDFs?

2002-09-10 Thread Brian Grayson

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 09:42:21AM -0700, Michael Elkins wrote:
 Brian Grayson wrote:
I downloaded 1.4 on Friday just to see, and the same problem
  occurs.  The fundamental problem is once the CTE code sees a
  nonzero value of lobin, it goes into quoted, regardless of
  whether hibin is nonzero.  The following patch does the right
  thing for my testcase here, but I don't know if there's a good
  reason why the lobin/quotable check currently ignores whether
  there are any hibins or not.
After a bit of inspection, the file rep.5k has hibins and
  _no_ lobins, and hence goes properly into 8bit encoding.  But
  the file rep1k has a lobin (0x0b at offset 0x340, for example),
  so it short-circuits into quoted-printable.  Try mailing the
  base64-encoded version of that to yourself, and it should
  choose quotable, even in 1.4.
 Thanks for the extra info.  I looked into this more closely, and I see
 that there are a couple of factors that come into play into this
 situation.  First, I noticed that your PDF attachment was labeled
 improperly as text/plain.  This is not so bad in itself, but that
 piece of code that checks for which transfer encoding to use assumes
 that it really is text, which is a problem.  Since there was no
 extension to the file, Mutt fell back into making a guess as to whether
 or not the file was of type text/plain or appliation/octet-stream.  Mutt
 guessed text/plain because it saw only a few lobins in the file.
 However, Mutt failed to notice that there were bare CRs in the file when
 choosing the transfer encoding.  The attach patch checks info-binary
 even for the text/plain case.  I just tested this and it correctly chose
 base64 encoding for the file.

  Argggh!  I found out the fundamental problem.  It's not with
the encoding type -- quoted-printable should be fine even in
the presence of 8-bit characters (right?), except we have an Exchange
server as our mail server.  The Exchange mail server is
apparently un-encoding the quoted-printable attachment, and
then re-encoding it buggily.

  I visually verified this by telnet'ing to the SMTP port, and
cut-and-pasting a MIME mail with a quoted-printable attachment.
If I send that mail to \bgrayson, I get different results than
if the mail goes through our Exchange server.  So it appears to
me that Exchange goes into the mail message and mucks around,
and manages to also corrupt some mail while it's in there

  For example, I sent (and received from \bgrayson):
%PDF-1.2=0D%=E2=E3=CF=D3=0D=0A317 0 obj=0D =0D/Linearized 1 =0D/O 319 =0D=/H [ 
728 767 ] =0D/L 363450 =0D/E 62838 =0D/N 100 =0D/T 356991 =0D =0Dend=
obj=0D xref=0D317 16 =  

  When I let Exchange touch it, I end up with:
317 0 obj=0D =0D/Linearized 1 =0D/O 319 =0D/H [ 728 767 ] =0D/L =
363450 =0D/E 62838 =0D/N 100 =0D/T 356991 =0D =0Dendobj=0D=

  So, for a solution, is there an easy way for me to tell mutt,
Never use quoted-printable because the world unfortunately has
Exchange servers?  Has anyone else seen this problem?

  Thanks.  And sorry about the wild goose chase -- I didn't
realize until now that quoted-printable should be able to
handle arbitrary binaries without corruption (at least I
_think_ it should be able to do so).

  (Microsoft just lost more respect from me.  Which is amazing,
since I didn't think there was any more to lose!)


local date

2002-09-10 Thread Keith R. John Warno


Is there any intuitive way to get the ``Date:'' header (as shown in the
pager) to always show the time converted to my local time zone, or GMT,
or any given time zone so long as it's consistent across all messages?


Re: local date

2002-09-10 Thread Mark J. Reed

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:09:05PM -0400, Keith R. John Warno wrote:
 Is there any intuitive way to get the ``Date:'' header (as shown in the
 pager) to always show the time converted to my local time zone?
Well, I don't know how intutive it is, but there is an easy way to do it.
Simply replace %d with %D in the value of the $index_format
configuration variable.  If you have't specified a custom $index_format,
the default is %4C%Z%{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l)%s, so if you set it to
%4C%Z%{%b %D} %-15.15L (%4l)%s you should be good.

That is, you need to put 

set index_format=%4C%Z%{%b %D} %-15.15L (%4l)%s

in your .muttrc or .mutt/muttrc.

Mark REED| CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348  USA   | +1 404 827 4754 
Q:  What do you call a blind pre-historic animal?
A:  Diyathinkhesaurus.

Q:  What do you call a blind pre-historic animal with a dog?
A:  Diyathinkhesaurus Rex.

Re: local date

2002-09-10 Thread Mark J. Reed

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:48:19PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 Simply replace %d with %D in the value of the $index_format
Whups, I lied.  I mean, that would be correct if you were using
%d *outside* of %{...}, but stuff inside %{...} is strftime(3) format
characters, not mutt format characters.  To use local time
instead of sender's time with the same strftime format, 
just change the {} to []:

set index_format=%4C%Z%[%b %d] %-15.15L (%4l)%s

Mark REED| CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atlanta, GA 30348  USA   | +1 404 827 4754 
Disk crisis, please clean up!

Re: local date

2002-09-10 Thread Gary Johnson

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:58:54PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:48:19PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:

 set index_format=%4C%Z%[%b %d] %-15.15L (%4l)%s

To see the local time as well as the date in the pager, you might also
want to set 'pager_format'.  This is what I use:

set pager_format=%4C %Z %[!%b %e at %I:%M %p]  %.20n  %s
# This format is arranged more
# like the index_format and
# includes the local time at
# which the message was sent.
# Default: -%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n   %s


Gary Johnson   | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Spokane, Washington, USA |

Re: local date

2002-09-10 Thread Keith R. John Warno

  - On Tue, 10.Sep.2002, 13:58EDT, Mark J. Reed uttered:
 On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:48:19PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
  Simply replace %d with %D in the value of the $index_format
 Whups, I lied.  I mean, that would be correct if you were using
 %d *outside* of %{...}, but stuff inside %{...} is strftime(3) format
 characters, not mutt format characters.  To use local time
 instead of sender's time with the same strftime format, 
 just change the {} to []:
 set index_format=%4C%Z%[%b %d] %-15.15L (%4l)%s

Ah yes this works well for the index itself.  Thanks!  However it would
be useful to do the same conversion-to-local-TZ for the 'Date:' header
in the pager.  Any ideas?


Re: local date

2002-09-10 Thread Keith R. John Warno

  - On Tue, 10.Sep.2002, 15:05EDT, Gary Johnson uttered:
 On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:58:54PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:48:19PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
  set index_format=%4C%Z%[%b %d] %-15.15L (%4l)%s
 To see the local time as well as the date in the pager, you might also
 want to set 'pager_format'.  This is what I use:
 set pager_format=%4C %Z %[!%b %e at %I:%M %p]  %.20n  %s
 # This format is arranged more
 # like the index_format and
 # includes the local time at
 # which the message was sent.
 # Default: -%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n   %s

D'oh!  That's the trick.  Thanks a bunch to you and Mark for the quick

I'll RTFM... again.  :) 

Isn't it time we care and lose the hate
 Understand our fears
 -- Dream Theater, Blind Faith

mutt + procmail + qmail

2002-09-10 Thread Michael P. Soulier

Hey people,

I just starting using qmail with Maildir format. I'm a long-time Mutt,
Procmail and mbox user. Does anyone have an example .procmailrc file, and
.muttrc file, for working with Maildir format?


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to Unix
HTML Email Considered Harmful:

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt + procmail + qmail

2002-09-10 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020911 01:13]:
 I just starting using qmail with Maildir format. I'm a long-time Mutt,
 Procmail and mbox user. Does anyone have an example .procmailrc file, and
 .muttrc file, for working with Maildir format?

# cat ~/.qmail
|preline procmail -t ~/.procmailrc

# cat ~/.procmailrc

#cat ~/.muttrc
mailboxes ~/Maildir/

This requires a version of procmail that understands Maildir and an
existing Maildir (use maildirmake). Note that procmail has a slightly
non-standard way of handling Maildirs (at least the version I'm using...)

Johan Almqvist

Re: mutt + procmail + qmail

2002-09-10 Thread Michael P. Soulier

On 11/09/02 Johan Almqvist did speaketh:

 # cat ~/.qmail
 |preline procmail -t ~/.procmailrc
 # cat ~/.procmailrc
 #cat ~/.muttrc
 mailboxes ~/Maildir/

I take it that your other mail folders then would be sub-folders of
~/Maildir? My sysadmin recently told me that was a bad idea. 

Can I see a filtering example from your .procmailrc? Say, to filter this
mailing list?


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to Unix
HTML Email Considered Harmful:

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt + procmail + qmail

2002-09-10 Thread Iain Truskett

* Michael P. Soulier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [11 Sep 2002 09:58]:
 On 11/09/02 Johan Almqvist did speaketh:

 Can I see a filtering example from your .procmailrc? Say, to filter
 this mailing list?

* ^Sender: owner-mutt-(dev|users)

Basically, it's just like an mbox line, only you have the slash at the
end. It's also important that you create any maildirs rather than just
assume procmail will create them.


Re: mutt + procmail + qmail

2002-09-10 Thread Keith R. John Warno

  - On Tue, 10.Sep.2002, 22:00EDT, Keith R. John Warno uttered:
 (Every dir below ~/Mail is assumed to be in maildir format; this picks
 up things like sent-mail and postponed and other fcc locations, so mutt
 winds up claiming things like 'new mail in =sent-mail' after sending a
 mail out, but this is OK for me.)

Hrmm well actually not for =sent-mail, which is a good thing.  But it
does alert about 'new mail' in =postponed which is not a bad thing
either. :)


Isn't it time we care and lose the hate
 Understand our fears
 -- Dream Theater, Blind Faith

Re: mutt + procmail + qmail

2002-09-10 Thread Keith R. John Warno

  - On Tue, 10.Sep.2002, 19:58EDT, Michael P. Soulier uttered:
 On 11/09/02 Johan Almqvist did speaketh:
  # cat ~/.qmail
  |preline procmail -t ~/.procmailrc
  # cat ~/.procmailrc
  #cat ~/.muttrc
  mailboxes ~/Maildir/
 I take it that your other mail folders then would be sub-folders of
 ~/Maildir? My sysadmin recently told me that was a bad idea. 

Smack your sysadmin.  Maildir format, that is 'extended maildir' format,
happily allows for nested maildirs.  You wind up with structure that looks


.bar is obviously a 'sub-folder' of foo; extended-maildir-aware mail
clients should strip the dot and just show it to you as 'bar'.  mutt,
from what I've seen, doesn't do this.  It shows you verbatim: foo/.bar/,
which is fine for me.  :)

I don't use procmail but rather maildrop which knows about maildirs
(extended), along with qmail.  My ~/.qmail:

$ cat .qmail
# simple one-liner

I've got maildrop delivering to ~/Mail/INBOX/ by default (ie, when no
other rule is satisfied).  List mail winds up in a structure like:

Note that ~/Mail/lists/ is itself a maildir (although I don't use it for
receiving mail currently).

The ~/.mutt/muttrc contains:

set folder=~/Mail
set mbox_type=Maildir
set spoolfile=~/Mail/INBOX
mailboxes `mdirs`

`mdirs` is a simple shell script to find all the maildirs:
exec find ~/Mail -type d -mindepth 1 \
\( -name tmp -o -name cur -o -name new \
   -prune \) \
-o \
\( -type d -mindepth 1 -printf '%p ' \)

(Every dir below ~/Mail is assumed to be in maildir format; this picks
up things like sent-mail and postponed and other fcc locations, so mutt
winds up claiming things like 'new mail in =sent-mail' after sending a
mail out, but this is OK for me.)

Anyway, good luck!  Sorry I don't have any procmail recipes. :/
