Re: Set variable depending on environment (or similar)

2022-01-21 Thread Jens John
On Thu, 20 Jan 2022, at 13:29, Chris Green wrote:
> I was thinking I might need to use muttLisp

Now _that's_ something I've missed so far. Looks neat. Though the only use I 
personally see at the moment is replacing repeat statements in muttrc with 
varying arguments (mailboxes ..., alias ...) with a list expansion.

Re: Set variable depending on environment (or similar)

2022-01-20 Thread Jens John
On Thu, 20 Jan 2022, at 10:52, Chris Green wrote:
> The first one is easy (I think?!) but how can I do the second one
> where my_hdr bears no relation to the hostname?

According to the mutt man page:

> It is also possible to substitute the output of a Unix command in an 
> initialization file.  This is accomplished by enclosing the command in 
> backticks (`command`).

In a very simple case, setting From: based on shell logic:

my_hdr From: `case "$(hostname --fqdn)" in echo 'Chris Green 
' ;; *) echo 'Chris Green ' ;;`

If you're always running from a shell that guarantees $HOSTNAME to be set, you 
could remove the subshell $(). You can also freely adjust the shell expression.

Another solution would be to reference an environment variable that always 
contains your email address. For example,

my_hdr From: "Chris Green <$EMAILADDRESS>"

with EMAILADDRESS= being set in the environment of any host you're using that 
muttrc on.

Re: NeoMutt Opinions

2021-12-23 Thread Jens John
On Wed, 22 Dec 2021, at 22:50, Oleg A. Mamontov wrote:
> The feature of neomutt that completely determines my choice is an
> elegant built-in integration with notmuch. Really worth to try.

Like Oleg I see the notmuch integration including the notmuch:// protocol for 
folders as the biggest selling point of notmuch these days plus the Lua 
scripting interface.

That being said, while I could see myself not being able to do without that 
much notmuch in a business setting where mutt would be front and center of my 
emailing and day-to-day work; for my private use, mutt is enough --- I use 
notmuch mainly for search across mailboxes and detailed search, and for that, 
these trusty macros have been in my muttrc for years unchanged and do the job:

macro generic,index,pager  \
  "mbsync -aqnotmuch new" "fetch mail"
macro index  \
  "set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode 
my_old_wait_key=\$wait_key nopipe_decode nowait_key\
  notmuch-mutt -r --prompt search\
  set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode 
wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key" \
  "notmuch: search mail"
macro index  \
  "set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode 
my_old_wait_key=\$wait_key nopipe_decode nowait_key\
  notmuch-mutt -r thread\
  set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode 
wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key" \
  "notmuch: reconstruct thread"

Most of my email processing these days is also happening server-side (starting 
from SPF, DKIM, DMARC, ARC and ending at Sieve) so that I simply do not need 
turing-complete script bindings via Lua in my MUA. This used to be different 
(msmtp > procmail > (filter chain) > mailbox, but not anymore.

Re: OT: "domain-level" email hosting services?

2021-10-23 Thread Jens John
On Sat, 23 Oct 2021, at 16:21, Bastian wrote:
> The stack I use is exim, spamassassin, dovecot on debian 
> stable since ~2006.

If somebody would set something up new today, I would recommend the following 
3-piece software stack:

1. postfix as the SMTP server and Let's Encrypt for a proper validated host SSL 

2. dovecot as the IMAP mailbox server

3. rspamd as the "policy engine". It can validate incoming SPF, DKIM, DMARC and 
ARCs which are all current best practice among the commercial email hosts, and 
it also can apply DKIM signatures and ARC seals to outgoing mail in a standards 
compliant way. The usual spam learning techniques are all implemented in 
rspamd, and it can interface with spamassassin, clamav etc as well. rspamd is 
very useful to prevent the piling up of different milters in postfix which work 
all differently.  

Re: Binding the pad-Enter key?

2021-09-27 Thread Jens John
On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 12:48:11PM -0400, Mark H. Wood wrote:
> I wanted to bind the Enter key on the numeric pad so that it works the
> same way as the Enter on the main key grid.  I entered ":exec
> what-key", hit pad-Enter, and was told that it is "Char = , Octal
> = 527, Decimal = 343".  So I entered ":bind generic 
> select-entry", got no error back, but pressing pad-Enter still results
> in "Key is not bound.  Press '?' for help."
> What am I missing?

Both the pad enter key and the main enter key yield for me an identical:

  Char = , Octal = 15, Decimal = 13

on German standard keyboard layout. Why do these yield different chars for you?
What keyboard layout are you using that it sends different keycodes for both
enter keys, and what terminal emulator with which terminfo are you using? To my
knowledge, all that can affect what a TUI application is seeing when you press a

If your keyboard layout does not have both enter and pad enter bound to 
to begin with, perhaps that would be the most straightforward way to go?

Re: Using Gmail IMAP with Mutt

2021-09-07 Thread Jens John
On Fri, Sep 03, 2021 at 06:59:23PM +0100, Steve Karmeinsky wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 07:21:30PM +0200 or thereabouts, Jens John wrote:
> > On Thu, 2 Sep 2021, at 19:12, David J. J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> > > What does gmail really want?  Gmail or GMail or something different?
> > > Thanks in advance for your replies and help.  I'm sorry I'm confused but
> > > it is confusing.
> > Accidentally, I think they changed something because by mbsync config broke
> > some time in August or July. I am now using "[Gmail]/All mail" & "[Gmail]
> > /Sent Mail" (sic: yes, mail lowercased and Mail uppercased for the other
> > folder. Previously, I had been using "[Gmail]/All Mail" (sic) (did no longer
> > work). If in doubt, I would recommend using Thunderbird or another IMAP tool
> > to check which folders a vanilla gmail account presents. Gmail is only a
> > legacy account for me so I'm not exactly keeping up to date with the
> > service.

Now this is very funny.

Today's IMAP pull with mbsync indicates that Gmail has changed its reported
folder names'/labels' capitalization. Again. After everything was fine for one
or two weeks.

  Error: channel gmail: slave [Gmail]/All Mail cannot be opened.
  Error: channel gmail: master [Gmail]/All mail cannot be opened.

As I don't really need my Gmail anymore I'll just remove Gmail from my sync
altogether. Personally, I find this inconsistency on Gmail's side highly
annoying. Their IMAP implementation is garbage. What a waste of time.

Re: Using Gmail IMAP with Mutt

2021-09-02 Thread Jens John
On Thu, 2 Sep 2021, at 19:12, David J. J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> What does gmail really want?  Gmail or GMail or something different?
> Thanks in advance for your replies and help.  I'm sorry I'm confused 
> but it is confusing.

Accidentally, I think they changed something because by mbsync config broke 
some time in August or July.

I am now using "[Gmail]/All mail" & "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" (sic: yes, mail 
lowercased and Mail uppercased for the other folder. Previously, I had been 
using "[Gmail]/All Mail" (sic) (did no longer work).

If in doubt, I would recommend using Thunderbird or another IMAP tool to check 
which folders a vanilla gmail account presents. Gmail is only a legacy account 
for me so I'm not exactly keeping up to date with the service.

Re: Search and download

2021-07-29 Thread Jens John
On Thu, 29 Jul 2021, at 16:37, Bastian wrote:
> On 29Jul21 09:38-0400, wrote:
> > Is "fetchmail" still a thing?
> Yup. at least for me. Should I change to a modern tool?

fetchmail is still getting regularly updated :) Though fetchmail does one-way 
sync = pull.

According to the OP's requirement for switching from "online IMAP" to "offline 
IMAP" he actually requires two-way as supported by offlineimap or (my preferred 
tool) isync/mbsync unless he is OK with local changes not being reflected on 
the IMAP server. 

@OP If speed is your only concern: have you already configured all available 
caching mechanisms (headers, messages) as explained in the mutt manual? Perhaps 
with the right cache use, the delay between mutt launching and going online 
wouldn't be as long anymore.

Re: Thank you for threading!

2021-07-23 Thread Jens John
On Thu, 22 Jul 2021, at 17:38, David Lowry-Duda wrote:
> Threading is amazing, it's true. It's something that mutt does correctly 
> and the big webmails don't do correctly.

Correction, it's something any other mail client simply does not in any 
bearable way. It's just so nice and tidy in mutt. Plus thread-level message 
management. And the guy who breaks Reply-To chains with his every time while 
also changing the subject beyond recognition? mutt has link-threads! I mostly 
use webmail these days for unrelated reasons but the magic of IMAP two-way sync 
allows me to fall back to mutt for wrangling my inboxes when I need to.

Re: Validate DKIM in Mutt?

2021-05-05 Thread Jens John
On Wed, 5 May 2021, at 15:38, Gregory Anders wrote:
> Has anyone attempted this, and if so would you be willing to share?

I had the following two setups related to that over time:

(a) When I had my own Postfix mail server, I had rspamd add a _short_ extra 
header to emails which pass DKIM validation.

(b) Similary, at my current paid email hosting, they automatically add a rather 
complex Authentication-Results header to incoming email that contains the 
required info. I had a Sieve script configured that adds, if dkim=pass, a short 
extra header just like in (a)

In both cases, I then just instructed mutt to show the short custom header when 
viewing email, in color, so it was easy to see which emails were authenticated 
and which were not.

DKIM validation is necessarily an online thing to do unless you know the 
current DKIM keys of the involved parties in advance, and/or do caching. Should 
you attempt DKIM authentication, I would not make it an ad-hoc validation at 
view time, but always at email reception time, since the DKIM keys for any 
party involved in the authenticated chain may also change over time without the 
DKIM selectors changing, or the parties take their old DKIM selectors offline 
after rotating (! you'd be surprised how many postmasters get so much wrong), 
so after some time, it is almost guaranteed for DKIM validation on already 
received messages to fail. In fact, I believe that if you do DKIM validation an 
hour after the email has been delivered over SMTP, it is already too late.

This is significantly different from offline and ad-hoc PGP signature 
validation, esp. more complex due to the many parties involved. You can still 
check if a signature of an expired key on an old message is good, but what do 
you do with a message that suddently starts failing DKIM authentication? In the 
latter case, the authentication result at view time is useless.

These days, I rely on the spam filter as a proxy for passing DKIM 

Re: Search and limit from command line

2021-03-20 Thread Jens John
On Sat, 20 Mar 2021, at 20:24, Julius Hamilton wrote:
> Thanks very much.
> I'm a beginner to this, so I'd appreciate being able to ask a few
> questions about setting this up.
> It asked for the path to my email archive. I had a folder on my desktop
> called Mail, but it's empty, and not connected to Mutt. I always just
> launch Mutt "live", and it connects to my gmail server, when I want to
> check my email.
> Do I need to somehow integrate Mutt with that archive folder for notmuch
> to work? How do I do that? Or should I give it somehow a different 
> path, into my Gmail?

These are the exact right questions to ask.

>From notmuch's website:

> Notmuch is not much of an email program. It doesn't receive messages (no POP 
> or IMAP support). It doesn't send messages (no mail composer, no network code 
> at all). And for what it does do (email search) that work is provided by an 
> external library, Xapian. So if Notmuch provides no user interface and Xapian 
> does all the heavy lifting, then what's left here? Not much.

So, notmuch can only read local email, and it needs to read the email 
completely in order to index everything; just mutt's IMAP header cache is not 
enough. You need to donwload all email for notmuch to read. This might even be 
good as an extra backup.

There are two ways I can think of:

(a) The way I am using. I do not use mutt's IMAP support; I use mbsync [1] to 
download all email from all my accounts, to ~/mail. I just use mutt to read the 
many mailboxes that are in ~/mail. After downloading the email, I can run 
`notmuch new` on ~/mail and index all new mail for search. mbsync supports 
two-way sync: it pulls the remote IMAP account to a local mailbox, but also 
supports pushing your local changes back to the remote, including moves, 
copies, flags and deletions - this means that while you might not be using IMAP 
in real time, there would still  be a way to retain the flexibility of IMAP.

(b) Just keep using mutt as-is, but always download an extra copy of all remote 
email using mbsync. For example, I run a systemd timer every 15minutes in the 
background which downloads all email and updates notmuch. This way, you do not 
need to ever worry about the sync. But then you're free to just use notmuch on 
the command line, or make some macros to use notmuch from within mutt like I 
posted earlier.


Re: Search and limit from command line

2021-03-20 Thread Jens John
On Sat, 20 Mar 2021, at 10:42, Julius Hamilton wrote:
> Hello Mutt users,
> I would like to know if there is a way to retrieve a list of emails from
> a particular user at stdout in bash, rather than launching the mutt
> application. Or, if one can launch mutt with the search already
> executed. I currently know how to launch mutt, and then search for a
> particular sender.
> Or, if someone knows commands from a similar tool to achieve this.

Use notmuch.

 $ notmuch search 'from:Julius Hamilton'
thread:00015cd4 25 mins. ago [1/1] Julius Hamilton; Search and limit 
from command line (inbox unread)

 $ notmuch search --format=json 'from:Julius Hamilton'
[{"thread": "00015cd4", "timestamp": 161622, "date_relative": "26 
mins. ago", "matched": 1, "total": 1, "authors": "Julius Hamilton", "subject": 
"Search and limit from command line", "query": 
["id:YFXDdAEhEL3NU0sj@localhost", null], "tags": ["inbox", "unread"]}]

I have integrated it with my mutt like so (I fetch email using isync/mbsync 
instead of using mutt's IMAP support):

macro generic,index,pager   "mbsync 
-anotmuch new" "fetch mail"
macro index  \
   "set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode 
my_old_wait_key=\$wait_key nopipe_decode nowait_key\
   notmuch-mutt -r --prompt search\
   set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode 
wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key" \
 "notmuch: search mail"
macro index  \
"set my_old_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode my_old_wait_key=\$wait_key 
nopipe_decode nowait_key\
notmuch-mutt -r thread\
set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode 
wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key" \
 "notmuch: reconstruct thread"

Macros given as a reference, not as an example of especially good scripting. I 
haven't touched or improved these definitions in years.

Re: textwidth/linewrap

2021-01-07 Thread Jens John
On Thu, 7 Jan 2021, at 18:25, tech-lists wrote:
> I guess lots of people would use mutt with vim-console.
> Can anyone tell me please what setting they use for line 
> wrapping? I thought in .vimrc it'd be
> set textwidth=72
> but that doesn't seem to work. Is it a setting in .muttrc
> or in .vimrc? Or an additional setting?

A syntax plugin may override your settings. I suggest trying the following line 
in your vimrc:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead mutt-* set tw=72 syntax=mail

Personally, I use

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead mutt-* set tw=72 autoindent noruler syntax=mail

Re: support autocrypt support in Debian and Ubuntu

2020-12-31 Thread Jens John

On Wed, 30 Dec 2020, at 13:11, Arsen STASIC wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there no one interested in autocrypt support in Debian or Ubuntu?
> cheers,
> -arsen

I marked myself as affected on the Launchpad bug. Not seeing anything moving 
too fast here though by nature of the upstream distros concerned.

Re: Inconvenient Signature Requirements

2020-05-05 Thread Jens John
On Mon, 4 May 2020, at 22:54, Kevin Monceaux wrote:
> My employer is trying to force me to downgrade to Outlook.  One of the
> powers that be came up with the brilliant idea of having a standard company
> signature, with logo, specific font requirements, etc.  Is there any way to
> include such a signature in e-mails sent from mutt?  Sadly, I suspect I
> already know the answer.

Note that in order to include such a signature, you'll also need to send the 
email as text/html. When composing a text/plain email and sending it, you then 
seem to need to generate a text/html MIME object and insert it into a 
multipart/alternative container. The recipient then will have the choice and 
see either the corporate design HTML or plain text (MUA will likely prefer the 
HTML version).

Current mutt has a convenient option for this, $send_multipart_alternative:

> If  set, Mutt will generate a multipart/alternative container and an 
> alternative part using the filter script specified in 
> $send_multipart_alternative_filter.  See the section “MIME 
> Multipart/Alternative” (alternative-order).

You should be able to get done what you want by implementing a 
$send_multipart_alternative_filter (for the protocol see man muttrc) that 
converts the message to proper HTML markup (including ) and includes the 
signature snippet. If the signature contains image data, it is possible to 
inline the image data into the HTML by using the src=data:image/jpeg;base64 
attribute of the  tag. This saves you from having to inject extra 
attachments with certain content dispositions into the message, and allows you 
to keep the filter clean from side effects.

This could be done real quick using Python; though I can also think of getting 
this done elegantly using pandoc: You'd specify the input format to be 
markdown, rst or similar, and pandoc will then emit HTML markup with paragraph 
markers etc, and your signature can be appended to the output file using a 
footer. Using pandoc with a HTML5 template file would be even simpler than 
piling up the command line switches; the template could look as simple as 
(first two lines are $send_multipart_alternative_filter protocol)

> text/html
> $body$
> $for(include-after)$
> $include-after$
> $endfor$

and as part of the include-after, pandoc will append any HTML snippet(s) you 
specify using --include-after-body= to the output as-is. Since pandoc works 
fine with reading from stdin and writing to stdout, this could make for a clean 
solution. pandoc has documentation as good as mutt so it should be easy to find 
your way around it. You'd have two changes: implementing the filter, and 
possibly a change in style how you format your messages (because Pandoc needs a 
recognizable markup input format) to match markdown, rich structured text, 
asciidoc etc.

Re: Inline PGP Within HTML

2020-04-26 Thread Jens John
On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 09:46:48PM -0500, David Engel wrote:
> IT guy refuses to install any Outlook plugin for them to properly
> handle encypted emails.

Outlook has pretty comprehensive, native support for encrypting and
signing with S/MIME. Perhaps your IT guy would be more open to just
using a well-documented Outlook feature? As mutt has support for S/MIME
too, this might be much more workable than insisting on PGP.

Re: Going

2020-04-04 Thread Jens John
On Sat, 4 Apr 2020, at 09:41, Vegard Svanberg wrote:
> Suggestions? What does everyone else do?

If you're already SSHing to your mutt instance, that is, using email 
online-only, it doesn't like like webmail would be the worst bet you could 
make. I can recommend; their webmail application can be driven 
100% by keyboard shortcuts [1] in all modes (index, reading, composition), the 
UI is very fast and response, layout-customizable in some degree, and their 
email capabilities are pretty much complete (MFA with app passwords, 
standards-compliant IMAP, Sieve/filters, SPF/DKIM, identity management, they 
have labels/tags a la G-Suite as well in their beta by way of their JMAP 
implementation). When compared to G-Suite, Office365, Rainmail, Roundcube, 
Zoho, Open-Xchange, and a few others I've tried, Fastmail is the fastest and 
most power-user friendly solution there is at the moment.

You buy these advantages with a lack of customizability: there's more of a 
take-it-or-leave-it component to it than to mutt, but I think that the same 
goes for Thunderbird, Sylpheed, and other GUI clients.

My personal setup is actually dual: I use Fastmail in the web client most of 
the time, and for server side search, but as part of my offline strategy, I 
always have a local setup with mutt, notmuch, 100% synced IMAP content using 
isync/mbsync. Effectively, I use both mutt on the desktop and webmail on the 
web. Works great together. 

So from personal experience, I'd recommend a dual mutt-desktop+imap plus 
webmail+imap setup that gives you all the advantages and none of the drawbacks. 
You'll have to evaluate the webmail offerings first, of course.


Re: conditional automatic cc header?

2020-04-01 Thread Jens John
On Wed, 1 Apr 2020, at 06:22, raf wrote:
> e.g. Add a CC header to whenever
> sending/replying/forwarding from unless the
> email is already going to

I think a combination of hooks or only a send2-hook could be used.

How about something along these lines (not tested):

send2-hook "~f !(~C" "my_hdr cc:"

I do not know if my_hdr would respect headers that are already there. For 
example, if you set a header using the editor CCing a few people, Fred should 
only be added.

Re: conditional automatic cc header?

2020-04-01 Thread Jens John
Apologies for answering a solved thread; I received raf's followup only after 
reconnecting to the server when sending my reply.


Re: Compiling a newer version than the latest .deb package

2019-06-02 Thread Jens John
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019, at 05:36, Frank Watt wrote:
> Am I to assume that I would have had sendmail in my environment at the
> time the deb was installed?  So I'd need to remove it so that I can
> compile mutt with built-in SMTP.  What else would I need to bear in
> mind?
> I'm a bit apprehensive about compiling code outside the control of a
> package manager, but I can't see a way around it -- unless someone has
> made a more recent .deb.

(Why not just upgrade your Debian or Ubuntu release?)

Anyway, whether sendmail (or compatible provider of it, such as postfix) is 
installed at compile time has, if I see it correctly, no bearing on whether the 
built-in SMTP client will be compiled or not. Just remember to select the 
configure flags you need – you likely want TLS support – and perhaps install 
into /usr/local or /opt/mutt if you compile from source.

A reasonable set of configure flags yielding a versatile mutt can e.g. be found 
at [1].


Re: Saving sent e-mails in INBOX for better threading?

2019-03-28 Thread Jens John
On Thu, 28 Mar 2019, at 13:32, Max Görner wrote:
> Could some readers of this list please share their opinion/experiences with
> me?

As someone who is only using mutt's threaded view, it's terrific and achieves 
exactly the behaviour I want from a mail client. mutt's way of displaying 
threads -- at least with Unicode characters -- also looks very tidy. 
Collapsing, splitting, merging threads is also a very convenient feature to 
have, especially in cases where the conversation partner or software breaks 
threading by applying worst practices on every occasion.

An issue is that when using multiple email clients, online IMAP must be used 
for all mailboxes (which I don't like -- I like to only pull IMAP to my local 
machine, which is the authoritative copy, and not push; also, I don't sync IMAP 
deletions from the server) OR you could just do it like I do, I BCC all 
outgoing emails to myself so I can have the same consistent inbox view from 

Multiple clients in my case means: mutt at home with isync (pull only), webmail 
from everywhere else.

Re: choices on reading HTML emails

2018-04-13 Thread Jens John
On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, at 21:34, Grant Edwards wrote:
> I have my mailcap entry set up so that "viewing" an html message uses
> w3m but "printing" an html message opens it in chromium

Many thanks for pointing me to the `print=` configuration option in mailcap!

I used to save the HTML message part manually and then open it in the browser 
for when the w3m rendering was not good enough, and was looking for a 
workaround to rebind the open action from the message part browser to call a 
GUI browser. Repurposing the print functionality is a neat trick.


Re: muttprint

2018-04-08 Thread Jens John

On Sun, Apr 08, 2018 at 01:51:36PM +0530, Kumar Appaiah wrote:

Currently, on Debian, my muttprint seems to work with Perl
5.26.1. Can you tell me what the problem you are facing might be?

Debian's version is heavily patched. OP may want to try the most recent 
Debian version after applying all patches (there are a dozen or so in 

Re: Mail checking a bit slow

2018-03-20 Thread Jens John
On Tue, 20 Mar 2018, at 05:17, David Woodfall wrote:
> Is there a way of speeding this up? I'm not using IMAP or anything,
> just plain maildir.

You should try `header_cache`. It worked wonders when I was still using a HDD 
and Maildir, reducing mailbox load times from ~4s to .5s for large maildirs. 
Not sure how much of a difference this would make on a system that already has 
SSD, but even then it's worth a try.

  Type: path
  Default: “”

  This  variable  points  to the header cache database.  If 
pointing to a directory Mutt will contain a header cache database file per 
folder, if pointing to a file that file
  will be a single global header cache. By default it is unset so 
no header caching will be used.

  Header caching can greatly improve speed when opening POP, IMAP 
MH or Maildir folders, see “caching” for details.

Re: How is mutt with multi-mega-byte mboxes?

2014-09-18 Thread Jens John
On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 04:19:12PM -0400, Mark Filipak wrote:
 How is mutt with multi-mega-byte mboxes? Have you found that having tens
 of thousands of messages in a single box is dangerous?
 Thank You.

I've had up to 40k messages in a mbox file, collecting debian-devel. The only
effect I noticed regarding mutt is that loading the box upon access took its due
time (my disk is quite slow). But the file itself didn't get corrupted by the
fault of mutt in any way.

That being said, since you're talking about 'multi-megabyte mboxes': my local
'sent' mbox is well over 1 gigabyte due to attachments -- this too doesn't seem
to be a problem at all.

Best regards,