Intelligent/Word-Sensitive Wrapping in Pager?

2011-12-27 Thread Michael Graham

Hope everyone had a great Xmas.
  I’ve been playing with the pager’s wrapping so that it doesn’t
wrap to the width of my terminal, but rather to 72 characters wide.  In
my .muttrc I’ve set “set wrap = 72”, but it doesn’t intelligently break:
it breaks in the middle of words sometimes, which is not what I want.
  I’ve achieved what I want in vim by adding the following to my
.vimrc file:

  set wrap
  set linebreak
  set nolist
  set textwidth=0
  set wrapmargin=0

Any idea how to get mutt’s pager to behave the same?


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Re: Intelligent/Word-Sensitive Wrapping in Pager?

2011-12-28 Thread Michael Graham

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 04:56, Tim Gray wrote:

Do you have smart_wrap set?

I didn’t, but now I do, and it appears to be working.  Thanks for the fix.

Many thanks,

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Re: font setting

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Graham

On 22/01/2012 18:35, Ravi Uday wrote:

How can I automatically set the color and font type in my outgoing mails when I 
use mutt to send emails. Like i need all my msgs in blue, italisize and 

Do you mean you want to set it so that the *recipient* sees the 
underlining, blue test, &c.?  If that is what you mean, then it sounds 
like you want to send email in HTML format, which I’m pretty certain 
mutt doesn’t do.

  Mike__ __ __
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/  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /  Raconteur, Mostly
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Re: font setting

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Graham

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 18:29, Ravi Uday wrote:

Is there any plans for mutt to release this kind of font/html support ?

Whilst I don’t speak for the mutt devs, I would doubt it.

Anyother way to do this or any other mail client which I could use

Thunderbird () would be a good choice if you’re 
determined to send HTML email: it’s free, and cross-platform.

 Mike__ __ __
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   /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /  Raconteur, Mostly
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Re: Can sent log log attachments?

2011-08-30 Thread Michael Graham
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 03:25, David Woodfall wrote:

> Hi is it possible to somehow record in 'sent' if and what attachment
> has been sent?
>   Sometimes I wonder if I forget to attach something as I'm happens to
> all of us at some time.

Do you mean display in the pager whether there’s an attachment included with 
the message?  When I send attachments, they *are* included in the copy saved to 
my “Sent Messages” folder, and I can view it on a message by message basis, but 
there’s no indicator or flag in the pager to show that a message has an 


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Re: Can sent log log attachments?

2011-09-01 Thread Michael Graham
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 05:52, David Woodfall wrote:

> Hmm strange. I have no attachment info at all. I don't really want to include 
> a copy of the attachment though, just log if one was sent or not.

I see the following when I view the actual message itself:

> [-- Attachment #2: photo.PNG --]
> [-- Type: image/png, Encoding: base64, Size: 238K --]
> [-- image/png is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]

I don’t mind saving a copy of the attachments I sent (I don’t send many, and 
they’re usually not very large), but I can understand the desire not to save 
them.  Loathe as I am to praise it, Lotus Notes can be set to automatically 
remove attachments and inserts a line saying, “[Attachment ‘X’ removed by 
Michael Graham/Blah/BLAH]”.  Not sure if it logs sent attachments in one 
central location though.
  Anyway.  One of the other respondents to the list had a handy vim script 
that looks like it does what you want, but I appear to have accidentally 
deleted his email…


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Re: Mac Command Line and mutt

2011-09-13 Thread Michael Graham
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 17:07, Leo Vegoda wrote:

> […] In my experience it works the same on whichever OS you choose as long as 
> you build in all the bits and pieces you need.

That’s my experience too.  I use it on my Mac, and also on a Linux VPS (which 
I’m using now), and I haven’t had any issues with either.  The .muttrc is the 
same for both, and it works without problems the way I have it set up (YMMV).

> For the latter issue, you might want to look at the different package 
> management systems available for Mac OS, including Fink and MacPorts, to find 
> out which versions they have available.

I installed it on the Mac using Fink, and had no problems with it.  If I recall 
correctly, the MacPorts copy was an older version.


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Re: any possibility of Mutt (or Mutt-like) for Android?

2011-10-21 Thread Michael Graham
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 06:11, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> Man, that sounds pretty painful.  mutt is so keyboard dependent and unless 
> you had a physical keyboard on your Android device, the mutt folks would have 
> to do a lot of interface work.

I’ve tried using mutt via SSH on my iPhone (different OS, but similar device) 
and it’s pretty unpleasant, so I’m not sure mutt on Android (cybermutt?) would 
be much good.
  What WOULD work, at least in the ten seconds I’ve spent thinking about 
it, is an email client with a built-for-Android interface that uses the 
contents of your .muttrc for settings, send-hooks, etc.  It wouldn’t *look* 
anything like mutt, but it would (mostly) behave like it.

Mike | “A camel is a horse designed
by a committee.” — Larry Wall

Re: Multiline mailbox entries [was Mutt (or Mutt-like) for Android?]

2011-10-21 Thread Michael Graham
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 22:42, Patrice Levesque wrote:

> I regularly use mutt/vim via connectbot (ssh client) on an android phone, 
> equipped with a physical keyboard, and it's not *that* bad.  Vim being modal, 
> thumb-typing works ok; all you need is a way to send Escape and maybe Ctrl 
> once in a while.

I think it’s the lack of physical keyboard that would kill the idea on most 
Android and iOS devices.  Using Prompt on iPhone, you lost nearly all of the 
screen to the keyboard, and can only see a couple of lines at a time.  It’s 
“useable”, after a fashion, but it’s definitely far from ideal.


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Re: add Bcc for lists but not regular e-mail?

2011-10-22 Thread Michael Graham
On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 12:32, Jim Graham wrote:

> Ok, but, back to the original question:  Is there a way that I can configure
Mutt to set Bcc: to me for lists that I've defined, but not for "normal" e-mail?

I’m no expert on them at all (I only started playing with them yesterday to
choose a sig based on recipient), but have you considered a send-hook?
Something like this *might* work:

> send-hook "my_hdr Bcc:"

It should maybe read "set my_hdr Bcc:".  As I said, I’m not an
expert at all, so hope this at least points you in the right direction.


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Re: IMAP fetch header failed

2011-10-23 Thread Michael Graham
On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 10:48, du yang wrote:

> > At first, build up some labels so that you can search mailing list, then 
> > move to differentt labels. As much as I know, you can make some filter some 
> > mailing list to different  on gamil.
> > Then you will have a little mails in INBOX. 
> > Then when you want to check out mailing list. you can switch mailbox to 
> > those labels.
> Thanks for your suggestion. 
> This is a fine workaround if no way to make mutt work itself. I will try this 
> if I can't find a way to solve on mutt's side.

I’m with Stardiviner on this one: I don’t think this *is* really a fault in 
mutt.  I don’t think mutt was designed to handle that many emails in a single 
  You may be best trying to use something like procmail to process the amil 
according to criteria into folders and go from there.  As for how you’d set 
that up, though, I’m not sure.


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Re: 'r' to lists -- was "Re: add Bcc for lists but not regular e-mail? (fwd)"

2011-10-23 Thread Michael Graham
On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 20:05, Chip Camden wrote:

> My only excuse is that I'm getting old.  So I put this in my .muttrc:
> message-hook .'bind pager l list-reply; bind pager r reply'
> message-hook ~l   'bind pager r list-reply; bind pager l reply'
> Now 'r' does what I want most of the time, and 'l' does the unusual.

That looks really handy.  Thanks.
  As for excuses, I have none; I’m just “blessed” with a memory like a 
sieve and a brain that functions maybe 20% of the time.


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Re: IMAP fetch header failed

2011-10-24 Thread Michael Graham
On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 05:06, du yang wrote:

> Yes, I can try to workaround the problem as Stardiviner suggests. But to make 
> mutt more error-tolerant I think mutt still has something to be improved. 

I agree that mutt could do a better job of handling it, but all the MUAs I’ve 
ever used extensively (Thunderbird, Lotus Notes, Outlook, Apple Mail) have had 
a similar problem of choking up once mailboxes reach the high thousands.  I’m 
not going to delve into the philosophy of whether sorting that much mail is a 
job for mutt or for another, specialised mail filing/sorting application.
  You should file a bug report/feature request, and in the meantime, you’ll 
probably have to fall back on Stardiviner’s workaround until it gets fixed.


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Re: IMAP fetch header failed

2011-10-24 Thread Michael Graham
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 02:09, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> Garbage. I have over 70,000 emails in my account, over 40,000 of which are in 
> the debian-users mailing list folder. I just recently reinstalled my 
> computer, and had to re-fetch all 40K headers, and while it took a while to 
> do so over IMAP, it did so successfully, without hiccup.

Then perhaps Du Yang’s problem was caused by a bad/dropped connection?


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“No authenticators available” [1.5.20 on CentOS 6]

2011-10-25 Thread Michael Graham
I’ve got mutt installed on my VPS running CentOS 6 (installed using yum), but I 
can’t get it to send mail.  It reads it just fine, and I can make changes to 
the IMAP server without issue, but can’t send.
  Using the default sendmail mechanism, it appears to send just fine, but 
never arrives.  I tested a variety of different recipients, but no luck with 
any of them; it just seems to disappear.  It does appear in my sent mail folder 
  To get around this, I tried using SMTP, but get the error “No 
authenticators available”, and it refuses to send on a second, third, and 
fourth attempt.
  Any ideas how I can fix this?


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Nested FoldersAccessible witOfflineIMAP

2011-10-29 Thread Michael Graham
I’ve been trying to set up OfflineIMAP to sync my mail to my machine into a 
Maildir set of folders.  So far, mostly works, but I can’t access nested 
folders — only the top-level folders.  I used ‘/’ as the seperator so that 
OfflineIMAP would create local nested folders.
  My .muttrc has the following:

set   mbox_type =Maildir   
set   pager_stop   
set   folder   ="~/.mail"  
set   spoolfile="+INBOX"   
set   record   ="+Sent Messages"
set   postponed="+Drafts"  
set   mask ="!^\\.[^.]" 

I think the problem is with the mask, but I’ve tried mucking around with it to 
no avail.
  Anyone know what it should read?  Or if it’s not the mask, then what the 
problem is?


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Re: Nested Folders Not Accessible With OfflineIMAP

2011-10-29 Thread Michael Graham
On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 15:40, Michael Graham wrote:

> I’ve been trying to set up OfflineIMAP to sync my mail to my machine into a 
> Maildir set of folders.  So far, mostly works, but I can’t access nested 
> folders — only the top-level folders.  I used ‘/’ as the seperator so that 
> OfflineIMAP would create local nested folders.
>   My .muttrc has the following:
> set   mbox_type =Maildir   
> set   pager_stop   
> set   folder   ="~/.mail"  
> set   spoolfile="+INBOX"   
> set   record   ="+Sent Messages"
> set   postponed="+Drafts"  
> set   mask ="!^\\.[^.]" 
> I think the problem is with the mask, but I’ve tried mucking around with it 
> to no avail.
>   Anyone know what it should read?  Or if it’s not the mask, then what 
> the problem is?

I’ve been researching this a little further, trying to get it fixed, but still 
haven’t made any progress.
  I followed a Maildir guide on the mutt wiki (<>), 
making sure I removed the trailing whitespace from the \s, but it still doesn’t 
work.  Hitting enter on one of the folders I *know* has subfolders (which I can 
navigate to with the cd command, still just opens that folder.
  When I exit, I see this in the terminal printed several times, just after 
the command to start mutt:

sh: line 0: [: missing `]'

I tried fixing it, but I know nothing about shell scripting, so I couldn’t seem 
to strike upon the required placing for the missing `.
  Anyone know how to fix?


PS: The subject line in the original email got mangled by my VPS’s copy of 
mutt, so I’ve fixed it this time around.  Apologies if this breaks your 

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Re: Nested Folders Not Accessible With OfflineIMAP

2011-10-30 Thread Michael Graham
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 03:06, du yang wrote:

> Are the last one script?
> There is one space missing in it. the if condition should be like
> if [ -x $folder ];
> instead of
> if [ -x $folder];
> Is that your problem?
> The first one script looks having no problem on syntax after removing tailing 
> space.

Hi Du Yang,

I tried making the fix you suggested, but it still hasn’t workedi — I still 
can’t access the nested folders.  I don’t get the previous error in printed in 
the terminal on exit, but I now get this: 

sh: line 0: [: too many arguments
sh: line 0: [: /Users/mike/.mail/Deleted: binary operator expected
sh: line 0: [: /Users/mike/.mail/Sent: binary operator expected
Mailbox is unchanged.

I suspect “Deleted” and “Sent” are “Deleted Messages” and “Sent Messages”.  I 
use these mailboxes because my iPhone created them and I can’t work out how to 
make it use other folders.
  Any other ideas on how to fix this?


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Re: Nested Folders Not Accessible With OfflineIMAP

2011-11-01 Thread Michael Graham
On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 12:01, du yang wrote:

> I think the error is mostly caused by the space in the directory names. 
> Try to use a double-quote mark for variable $folder in if condition.
> if [ -x "$folder" ];

Hi Du Yang,

Thanks for the above; it fixed the terminal errors, and now I’m running it 
without anything being printed to the terminal on exit.
  However, it’s *still* not letting me traverse the nested folders using 
the browser — I just end up in the top-level folder.  I can go there directly 
using macros (I have one, ga, set to get me to the current year’s archive 
  My .muttrc is now as follows:

   set   mbox_type =Maildir
   set   pager_stop
   set   folder="~/.mail"
   set   spoolfile ="~/.mail/INBOX"
   set   record="~/.mail/Sent\ Messages"
   set   postponed ="~/.mail/Drafts"
   set   mask  ="!^\\.[^.]"

mailboxes ! + `\
 for file in ~/.mail/.*; do \
   box=$(basename "$file"); \
   if [ ! "$box" = '.' -a ! "$box" = '..' -a ! "$box" = '.customflags' \
   -a ! "$box" = '.subscriptions' ]; then \
 echo -n "\"+$box\" "; \
   fi; \
done; \
 for folder in ~/.mail/*; do \
   if [ -x $"folder" ]; then \
 box=$(basename "$folder"); \
 for file in ~/.mail/$box/.*; do \
box2=$(basename "$file"); \
if [ ! "$box2" = '.' -a ! "$box2" = '..' -a ! "$box2" = 
'.customflags' \
 -a ! "$box2" = '.subscriptions' ]; then \
   echo -n "\"+$box/$box2\" "; \
fi; \
 done; \
fi; \

Any ideas on why I can’t burrow down into the lower-level folders using the 

Many thanks,

 __ __ __
/ /_  ___ _/ /__ _/ / _  __
   /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /Raconteur, Mostly
  /_/\_\\___/_/  \_,_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/___/ 

Re: Nested Folders Not Accessible With OfflineIMAP

2011-11-02 Thread Michael Graham
On Wed, Nov 02, 2011 at 05:10, du yang wrote:

Hi Du Yang,

> There is minor error in your script.
> The if condition's syntax is incorrect, it should be like as writing below. 
> (Note the quote mark position.)
> if [ -x "$folder" ]; then

I’ll make that change and see if it works.

> The intention of the script is to generate first level mailboxes start
> with '.' as well as the sub-level mailboxes(mbox or maildir) which starts 
> with '.'(except
> '.', '..', '.customflags', '.subscriptions'). 
> Note to show the sub-level mailboxes it requires the first level folder
> not start with '.'. Is this you want?

I don’t really mind whether the first-level folder starts with a ‘.’ or not; I 
only chose “.mail” so it would keep my Finder a little tidier.

> I have some tests with the script. there is a maildir folder structure
> created as below,
> # find .maildir/
> .maildir/
> .maildir/list
> .maildir/list/.c
> .maildir/list/.a
> .maildir/list/.b
> .maildir/inbox
> .maildir/.mbox
> .maildir/.list
> .maildir/.list/.c
> .maildir/.list/.a
> .maildir/.list/.b
> # ./ 
> "+.list" "+.mbox" "+list/.a" "+list/.b" "+list/.c"
> # ./ 
> "+.list" "+.mbox" "+.list/.a" "+.list/.b" "+.list/.c"
> The's  result should be the author's expectation. the is assume 
> that the first level folder starts with '.' when showing sub-level mailboxes. 
> Both of them are attached.

None of my sublevel mailboxes start with a ‘.’ — they’re just regular 
mailboxes.  A quick ls shows:

drwx--   7 mike   238B 31 Oct 18:58 Accounts/
drwx--   5 mike   170B 31 Oct 18:58 Archive/
drwx--  14 mike   476B 31 Oct 18:58 Archives/
drwx--   5 mike   170B 31 Oct 18:58 Deleted Messages/

Is that where my problem is?  Should I force offlineimap to generate sublevel 
mailboxes that start ‘.’?

Thanks once again for all your help,

 __ __ __
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Re: word wrap of quotes

2011-12-12 Thread Michael Graham
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 17:52, Patrick Shanahan wrote:

> I know that I can set line wrapping at a particular line length or a value 
> less that the display line length, but both of these disreguard quote 
> indicators and make viewing/reading quotes very sloppy.  Is there a method to 
> intelligently wrap quoted material?

Do you mean when composing, or when viewing?  Nano does a good job of wrapping 
intelligently when quoting material, even several layers deep, but that’s only 
during composition of the message.

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