Re: Problem with pine (i want to use mutt)

2000-03-23 Thread Michael Thies

Hi all,

I have solved the problem by using procmail, and I'm happily all

Michael Thies  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Haben Sie sich an meine Anweisungen gehalten, als das Boot
kenterte???" - "Nein, ans Boot..."

Re: Problem with pine (i want to use mutt)

2000-03-22 Thread Michael Thies

Mikko Hänninen hat ueber "Re: Problem with pine (i want to use mutt)" geschrieben: 
 What's "pine-format"?  Doesn't Pine use standard unix mbox files?

Hmm? I don't know.
If I use setting spoolfile, and/or starting mutt with "-f INBOX" I get
INBOX is not a mailbox.

 Pine doesn't control the mail delivery, so nothing you can change in
 Pine will help.  The delivery location is controlled by whatever mail
 delivery program is used (/bin/mail, procmail, the MTA's own, etc.)

OK. I thought, that maybe pine is corrupting something in the system,
maybe the sysadmin has done that.

The INBOX-File has at the beginning two lines with

then 30 empty lines, an interessant line with the date:
22-Mar-2000 18:44:19 +0100,636;-

and then the "normal" mail.

Maybe it is a feature from tmail-4.1(10)  or sendmail on this host.

I will ask the sysadmin, but he is on vacation till end of march.

thanx for all the answers
Michael Thies  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Der Physiklehrer möchte die Wirkung des Magneten erklären.
Einleitend fragt er: "Was hebt Gegenstände vom Boden auf und
fängt mit 'M' an?" - "Meine Mutter!"

using empty my_hdr?

2000-01-24 Thread Michael Thies

Hi You all,

I wonder, if I could use a my_hdr-command in my .muttrc defaultly like
send-hook . "my_hdr Return-Receipt-To: "
and appending the specific email-adress in my editor, when I want to
get a return-receipt?
Just like the Cc:, Bcc: or Reply-To: .

Using a send-hook defined above, my mutt tells me something about
"ignoring empty header field: Return-Receipt-To:"

I'm using mutt-1.0pre4 (ok, I could switch to a newer version, but
would this bring me help?).

Has anybody any idea, how to realize this?

Michael Thies  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Meine persönliche Mutprobe: Nachts vorm Bahnhof dem Taxifahrer
eine Adresse nennen, die ungefähr 6,50 DM entfernt liegt.
Harald Schmidt

Re: from-header and bounces .-(

1999-10-19 Thread Michael Thies

Hi all,

just half a year ago, I mentioned, if it would be possible, to change
the resent-from: Header.

Randall J. Million wrote about "Re: from-header and bounces .-(": 
 There is no way via variable or my_hdr that you can set the Resent-From
 header. I found the pice of code in the source and o not currently have
 the time to figure out enough about the rest of the code to make a patch
 that allows this "whoami" variable to be set. If any one has the time,
 this would be much appreciated, since it could remove the necessity for
 a "my_hdr From:" also.

I wonder, if it will be possible soon? maybe in the 'real' 1.0 ?

Or are there others, who may have a solution for that wish?

Michael Thies  

Schonbezüge sind immer noch besser als gar kein Gehalt!

Re: Editing a bounced message

1999-10-13 Thread Michael Thies

Mikko Hänninen hat ueber "Re: Editing a bounced message" geschrieben: 
 My guess is this:
 1. Edit the message you want to bounce (with the edit-message function),
 change it to your liking, and use w(write) to write it back to the same
 or some other folder.

And quit that message without postponing it. .-)

 2. Find that *edited* message (in the same folder, or by changing to
 that other folder where you saved it in step 1) and bounce that with
 the normal bounce function.

thx, that works, but as You mentioned, it is an arghful method .-(

Maybe it will be in some future release one feature for mutt.

Michael Thies  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Was heißt Zeugnis auf arabisch? - Der-wisch!

Re: Editing a bounced message

1999-10-12 Thread Michael Thies

David DeSimone hat ueber "Re: Editing a bounced message" geschrieben: 
 Seems like it would be just as easy to use edit-message, change the
 message around, then when you're done, go ahead and bounce the
 resulting edited message.  Doesn't sound too difficult, and works with
 current code.

Thats not the way (I think) rex wanted it. And I could need this
feature too.
If I edit a message and send it, I get a second X-Mailer-Header (mine)
and don't have those "resent-from|date|to" Headers in it .-(

Maybe someone could make it clear to me, what David mean with "and
bounce the resulting editing message"

How could I bounce that message? Changing the To-Header?

Michael Thies  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Auf, auf und auf!
Laßt uns von Tonne zu Tonne eilen!
Wir wollen dem Müll
eine Abfuhr erteilen!
 Heinz Erhardt

pgp2.6.3 signing mails the old way?

1999-05-17 Thread Michael Thies

Hi all,

I use a macro 

macro compose S "Fpgp +verbose=0 -fast +clearsig=on\ny^T^Uapplication/pgp; 
format=text; x-action=sign\n" # To pgp-sign the old way :)

to sign mails with my pgp 2.6.3 the old way, i.e. not pgp/mime.
And the receive of that mail can't handle withit, because he is using
CrossPoint under DOS.

If I sign my mail with pgp on a shell (pgp -st filename) and reload
the message to my editor and send it, he can handle it.

trying to use a "-t" in the macro couldn't change the behaviour...

Has anybody hints for that "problem" ???

Michael Thies  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ist es nicht auch Schicksal, dem Lauf der Dinge etwas
   Claudio di Martini

how to mark bounced and forwarded msg's?

1999-05-17 Thread Michael Thies

Hi all,

I wonder, if I can mark messages, I have bounced or forwarded to
others with 'b' or 'f' just like a 'r' after replieing a mail?

Is this possible within 0.95.4i? Or any newer version?

Or could it it get into a wishlist?

Michael Thies  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ich könnte manchmal vor Glück eine ganze Allee von
Purzelbäumen schlagen.
 Heinz Erhardt