Re: 'reload .muttrc' removes parens around no-of-lines in index

2000-05-21 Thread Russell Hoover

On Sun 05/21/00 at 09:12 PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen

> Sounds like you have different settings for the $index_format in a
> stand-alone "set index_format" command and in folder-hooks.

This was indeed the problem.  Thanks.


Re: 'reload .muttrc' removes parens around no-of-lines in index

2000-05-21 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Russell Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 21 May 2000:
> I've noticed recently that when I'm looking at mutt's index, and I do a
> 'reload .muttrc', suddenly the parentheses around the number-of-lines field
> disappear.


> If I change folders (or even 'change' into the same folder), the parens and
> zeros are re-added.

Sounds like you have different settings for the $index_format in a
stand-alone "set index_format" command and in folder-hooks.

My suggestion is that you should check your folder-hooks for any
commands which change $index_format.  Then make sure the format is set
to your liking in both the initial "set" and in the folder-hooks.

As for what formatting to use, you can see the value of $index_format

  :set ?index_format

Or if it's too long to fit on a single line, you can do:

  :set index_format=

... where  is a single keypress, to get the current value in the
edit buffer.  This way you can then look at the value and compare the
differences between the two versions.

Hope this helps,
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
(You can have your cake) XOR (You can eat your cake)

'reload .muttrc' removes parens around no-of-lines in index

2000-05-21 Thread Russell Hoover

I've noticed recently that when I'm looking at mutt's index, and I do a
'reload .muttrc', suddenly the parentheses around the number-of-lines field
disappear.  Also, a zero gets added to the date field just-to-the-left-of
the number representing days of the month consisting of a single digit.

In other words, the index goes from looking like this:

 20 r T 05/ 9   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( 50) Re: Receipt for payment
 21  s  05/ 9   Thomas Roessler  ( 85) [Announce] mutt-1.2 is out.
 22 r + 05/ 9   Teddi Longardt   ( 10) Thank you!
 23   F 05/ 9   Russell Hoover   ( 21) Panix's Message of the Day

to looking like this:

 20 r T 05/09   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   50  Re: Receipt for payment
 21  s  05/09   Thomas Roessler85  [Announce] mutt-1.2 is out.
 22 r + 05/09   Teddi Longardt 10  Thank you!
 23   F 05/09   Russell Hoover 21  Panix's Message of the Day

If I change folders (or even 'change' into the same folder), the parens and
zeros are re-added.  I much prefer the display *without* the parens (less
cluttered) and *with* the zeros -- the display I get when do the I 're-load

My question to the list is:  How can I get the preferred display to show at
all times, not just when I reload muttrc?

I have 'reload .muttrc' mapped to ESCAPE-e:

# Reload the .muttrc with ESC e:
macro  index\ee   ":source ~/.muttrc\n""\"ESC e\" reloads the muttrc"
macro  pager\ee   ":source ~/.muttrc\n""\"ESC e\" reloads the muttrc"

and index_format set so:

# Format of the lines in the index:
  set  index_format="%3C %Z %[%m/%d]   %-20.20n  %3l  %s"

The zeros in the date (or lack thereof) would seem to have to do with
the strftime on my system, but the strftime man says:

%dis replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].

In other words the manpage assumes that the leading zero is always already

I'm using mutt-1.2i, S-Lang 1.4.1, procmail-3.14 and zsh-3.0.7 on NetBSD 1.4.2_ALPHA.

Any takers?

[panix6:~] mutt -v
r4 Sunday 000521 07:25:24
Mutt 1.2i (2000-05-09)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: NetBSD 1.4.2_ALPHA [using slang 10401]
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To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
To report a bug, please use the muttbug utility.
