Re: Maildir & 'c'

2001-05-03 Thread Frank Derichsweiler

On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 08:07:36AM -0700, Mike E wrote:

> OK, so a multiple-boxed maildir setup would look like
> ~/mail/maildir/new/
>  list1/new/
>  list2/new/
> and so on?
> and then you would 'c' and choose between 'maildir', 'list1' and 'list2'
> as mailboxes.
You got it !

Just another tip (as alos shown in the documentation)
Use something like the following in your .muttrc 
  mailboxes ~/Maildir/  `echo $HOME/MuttMail/Maillist/*`
and after pressing "c" mutt will show you the 'next' box with new
(Within $HOME/MuttMail/Maillist/ a  find . -type d gives
[and so on ...]


BTW: A _BIG_ "THANKS A LOT" to the mutt developers! Since I have
switched to using mutt email is much more fun for me !

Re: Maildir & 'c'

2001-05-03 Thread Mike E

* Frank Derichsweiler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 02:59:07AM -0700, Mike E wrote:
> > 
> > When changing folders in maildir, how do you select the *directory* (eg.
> > cur/) rather than opening it while in the 'c' folder-selection mode?
> IMHO a Maildir-formatted mailbox is a directory "d" which contains cur, new
> and tmp subdirectories. You just change to "d" (using the c key press)
> and mutt detects that it is a maildir mailbox.

OK, so a multiple-boxed maildir setup would look like


and so on?

and then you would 'c' and choose between 'maildir', 'list1' and 'list2'
as mailboxes.

Once I figure this all out I'm going to write up a page -- this topic
(using Maildir w/ mutt) is in need of more documentation.

Thanks for the reply,

Re: Maildir & 'c'

2001-05-03 Thread Frank Derichsweiler

On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 02:59:07AM -0700, Mike E wrote:
> When changing folders in maildir, how do you select the *directory* (eg.
> cur/) rather than opening it while in the 'c' folder-selection mode?

IMHO a Maildir-formatted mailbox is a directory "d" which contains cur, new
and tmp subdirectories. You just change to "d" (using the c key press)
and mutt detects that it is a maildir mailbox.


Maildir & 'c'

2001-05-03 Thread Mike E

Hi, I'm playing with mutt+Maildir and I can't find an answer to this:

When changing folders in maildir, how do you select the *directory* (eg.
cur/) rather than opening it while in the 'c' folder-selection mode?
Even using c =cur/ (w/ or w/o the '/') reports that /path/to/cur/ isnt'
a mailbox. All the respective variables (mbox_type, folder, spoolfile)
are set correctly afaict.
