send-hook persistence (Was: Re: different from addresses based on recipients)

1999-10-03 Thread Troy Davis

Making progress.  These settings:

set reverse_name

# if it's To: or CC: * or originating from the stuff folder,
# be From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and add a sig
# if it's not From: [EMAIL PROTECTED], nuke the sig and go back to normal From:
folder-hook =stuff 'set signature=~/.sig'
folder-hook =stuff 'my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'

send-hook '~C stuff\.com' 'my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook '!~f troy@stuff\.com' 'my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
send-hook '~f troy@stuff\.com' 'set signature="~/.sig"'
send-hook '!~f troy@stuff\.com' 'set signature=""'

works nicely when replying to messages that were sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  At 
least, until I reply to a message that was sent to to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Then 
it won't use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of the mutt session.  It does
still evaluate the signature settings correctly though.  Suggestions?

FYI, if anyone cares, I was unable to make a hook 'unset signature' or 'set
hostname=""'.  Feature limitation or user error I don't know, but
the same hook worked triggered fine if I was doing 'set signature="~/.sig"'
or 'set realname="Me"'.  'set signature=""' also worked.



Re: different from addresses based on recipients

1999-10-02 Thread Troy Davis

On Sat, 02 Oct 1999, Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1) If in the folder "stuff", or if sending email to any
> address, use
> - a From header of "From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> - a signature ~/.sig
> 2) Otherwise, use
> - a From header with reverse_name (the address that the email was sent to)
> - no signature


> folder-hook .  'send-hook . "source default-settings"'
> folder-hook =stuff 'send-hook . "source stuff-settings"'
> send-hook   "~t @stuff\.com" 'source stuff-settings'
> set reverse_name
> in file default-settings:
> unmy_hdr From
> unset signature
> in file stuff-settings:
> my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> set signature=~/.sig

Using that has the following behavior:

- The ~t @stuff\.com hook is never executed, ie, even mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
goes through as the default address, not [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- When I change to the stuff folder, mail goes out as [EMAIL PROTECTED],
but never changes back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] when I move to other folders.



Re: different from addresses based on recipients

1999-10-02 Thread David DeSimone

Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to change the From: address based on a message's recipient (ie,
> based on what it gets when it prompts for To: and Subject:)?
> I played with send-hook with no luck.

That's strange, because send-hook is exactly what you would use to
accomplish this.

Perhaps you could post what you tried to do.

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
UX WTEC Engineer |PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

Re: different from addresses based on recipients

1999-10-02 Thread Mikko Hänninen

Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Fri, 01 Oct 1999:
> 1. In the folder "stuff", use the signature file ~/.sig and the address 
> otherwise, use the default From: address and no sig
> 2. On any new message or replies to *, use the address
> otherwise, default From: address
> 3. On any new message or replies From: [EMAIL PROTECTED], use the signature file
> ~/.sig
> otherwise, no sig
> 4. Reply to *all* messages with the realname set to Troy Davis but using the
> address that the message was sent to if it's one of my alternates -- a 
> halfbaked reverse_name.

Hmmm, ok, so you want basically 2 different behaviours:

1) If in the folder "stuff", or if sending email to any
address, use
- a From header of "From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
- a signature ~/.sig

2) Otherwise, use
- a From header with reverse_name (the address that the email was sent to)
- no signature

So let's see...

folder-hook .  'send-hook . "source default-settings"'
folder-hook =stuff 'send-hook . "source stuff-settings"'
send-hook   "~t @stuff\.com" 'source stuff-settings'
set reverse_name

in file default-settings:
unmy_hdr From
unset signature

in file stuff-settings:
my_hdr From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
set signature=~/.sig

All of the above is untested, but I hope it works. :-)  You might be
able to get away without using 2 extra rc files, but I think it makes
things clearer.  I would advise against playing with hostname and
rather to create the From header that you want yourself with my_hdr.

Hope this helps,
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
Inertia makes the world go round.

Re: different from addresses based on recipients

1999-10-01 Thread Troy Davis

On Fri, 01 Oct 1999, David DeSimone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's strange, because send-hook is exactly what you would use to
> accomplish this.

That's what I thought as well, but it seemed like the send hook was being
executed when the message was being sent, after the headers had been
generated.  The change in From: addresses was reflected on the next message I
composed, but not the one that I'd composed that met the To: rule.

> Perhaps you could post what you tried to do.

I did on 9/28, with the subject "recipient-based hooks".  It's inserted below.
Specifically #3, but advice on any question would be appreciated.


Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 19:56:50 -0700
From: Troy Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: recipient-based hooks


I'm trying to achieve the following 4 behaviors:

1. In the folder "stuff", use the signature file ~/.sig and the address 
otherwise, use the default From: address and no sig

2. On any new message or replies to *, use the address
otherwise, default From: address

3. On any new message or replies From: [EMAIL PROTECTED], use the signature file
otherwise, no sig

4. Reply to *all* messages with the realname set to Troy Davis but using the
address that the message was sent to if it's one of my alternates -- a 
halfbaked reverse_name.

Towards #1, #2, and #3, I have:

set reverse_name
set alternates=troy@(|

# defaults
send-hook . "unset signature"
send-hook . "set hostname=''"

# if it's To: or Cc: *, make it From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook '~C stuff\.com' "set hostname=''"

# if it's From: [EMAIL PROTECTED], use the sig
send-hook '~f troy@stuff\.com' "set signature=~/.sig"

# defaults
folder-hook . "set hostname=''"
folder-hook . "unset signature"

# if it's in the encoding folder
folder-hook =stuff "set hostname=''"
folder-hook =stuff "set signature=~/.sig"

This has some definite inconsistencies.  I think the biggest problem is that
send-hook is just that: evaluated when the message is sent.  I want it to be
evaluated for the current message, when I hit reply or enter the To: address
(ie, when it puts me into the body editing).

Is there a hook like that is evaluated early enough in the message that I can
make these determinations?

I may be entirely missing something - if anyone does this or something like
it, examples are welcome.

As for #4 above, I have no idea.  Do I need to code a reverse_addr?

Thanks for any help.


