Re: [MLO] feature request: sync manual sort of todo list

2014-12-18 Thread Andrei Bacean
Hi John

All your tasks are stored in a file on your pc (let's call it the "Database")

To see the tasks from that file we have to ask MLO the following "hey MLO, show 
me my tasks, in the order in which they are stored in the Database". We do not 
have to ask really, for this the developers of MLO have created the ALL TASKS 
button. We press it, and the MLO will ask (will send a query) to the database 
and will show to you all your tasks. The magic is, if you change the tasks 
order in the ALL TASKS view, MLO will send this changes to the database, and 
the sort of your tasks inside of the database will be changed accordingly.

Let's suppose you want to see the tasks with some contexts, in this case you'll 
have to create a query (view) which will show to you the tasks you need. But in 
this case, the sorting of tasks will not be send to the database. And the 
database structure (order off tasks will remain unchanged).

So, to conclude, the query is a request of information from a database.

Sorry for my poor English, hope the information is helpful

Best regards
Andrei B

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Re: [MLO] feature request: sync manual sort of todo list

2014-12-18 Thread John Smith
Hi Andrei B

Yes, on the disk will be the order in which the tasks were entered. And
there will be some type of sorting in effect a sorting layer applied to the
data to given you the sort order for the All Tasks button output.

And if you apply a context filter the sort order is not changed, yes?

What I meant by what do you mean by a query was whether it had a specific
meaning in MLO terms as opposed to something that looked similar but which
nonetheless was NOT a query. Either way as far as I can see a MLO 'View' is
something very similar to 'a query' or 'a report'. i.e. it is a request for
data from the MLO database that can be filtered and grouped. It can also be
sorted automatically - OR it can have a manual sort order to it. However as
far as I can see there is only ONE manual sort order working on any
database at a time, no?


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Re: [MLO] feature request: sync manual sort of todo list

2014-12-18 Thread Lisa Stroyan
The outline has a fixed order that can be used as a sort order. That
transfers to Android. There is a separate concept called manual sort which
is specific to each view allowing, for example, me to drag my morning tasks
around without messing with the outline (fixed) order.
On Dec 18, 2014 11:15 AM, "John Smith"  wrote:

> Hi Andrei B
> Yes, on the disk will be the order in which the tasks were entered. And
> there will be some type of sorting in effect a sorting layer applied to the
> data to given you the sort order for the All Tasks button output.
> And if you apply a context filter the sort order is not changed, yes?
> What I meant by what do you mean by a query was whether it had a specific
> meaning in MLO terms as opposed to something that looked similar but which
> nonetheless was NOT a query. Either way as far as I can see a MLO 'View' is
> something very similar to 'a query' or 'a report'. i.e. it is a request for
> data from the MLO database that can be filtered and grouped. It can also be
> sorted automatically - OR it can have a manual sort order to it. However as
> far as I can see there is only ONE manual sort order working on any
> database at a time, no?
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RE: [MLO] feature request: sync manual sort of todo list

2014-12-18 Thread Dwight Arthur
Hi, John.


Since I started writing this, there have been good answers to your question 
from Andrei B and Lisa. I agree with their posts but I think mine goes further, 
so I’m posting it. I should really edit it to remove the parts the prior posts 
have already addressed but I’m out of time for this, so I’m sending it with my 
apologies. Here are several issues that I cannot address, perhaps others can. 
Look at the end of this post for places where I say “I don’t know”. Thanks.


In one of my first posts to you I mentioned the importance of understanding the 
difference between the order tasks are in when you look at the outliner, versus 
the order tasks are in when you look at a view that takes a filtered subset of 
your tasks and sorts them.


Your database of tasks is arranged in a tree structure. When you look at the 
“all tasks” view you see all of your tasks in their outline positions. This 
does not necessarily have anything to do with the locations of the tasks on 
disk. Neither is it a sort that has been applied to the tasks. It’s an outline 
and every task has its place in the outline. 


The outline is synched across all of your platforms. When you move a task from 
one position to another in the outline, this is synched and affects the task’s 
position on all of your other platforms. Try this experiment. Be sure your 
desktop and mobile are fully synched (I usually do this by synching one to the 
cloud, then synching the other to the cloud, the synching the first one a 
second time. Now, disconnect your desktop from the Internet (turn off all wired 
and wireless connections.) On the desktop, pick a task and move it to a 
different place on the outline. Now, on the mobile, pick the same task (still 
in its original position) and move it to a new place different from its 
original place and also different from where you put it on the desktop. This 
will create a synch conflict. Synch conflict resolution works well on desktop 
but not mobile (yet) so we need to sync the mobile first. Sync the mobile to 
the cloud, making sure that the desktop is still disconnected from the 
internet. When the mobile sync is done, connect the desktop to the internet and 
sync to the cloud. You should get a “resolve sync conflict” popup. Find the 
task that you voved and click on the three dots in the Details column. You will 
see a Task Difference popup showing the task as it exists on local and remote. 
If this has all worked, you will see a difference in the coded value used to 
track the task’s location in the outline.


If you are looking at a view that is showing everything in its outline 
position, you are free to drag any task anywhere at any time, and the change 
will be permanent across all platforms. I am not 100% sure of this but I think 
that you are seeing the outline if hierarchical view is enabled and sort is 
[none] with the manual sort checkbox unchecked.


Many useful views are flat views (ie have hierarchy turned off) and some field 
named in the sort area. These views are known to people who used MLOv3 as to-do 
views. In these views, the order of the tasks has nothing to do with the 
position of each task in the outline. If you drag a task to a different 
position, it is now no longer where it should be according to the selected 
sort, which is a problem to be solved. Two possible solutions: (1) put the task 
back where the sort wants it to be, and tell you to stop trying to move it, or 
(b) decide that you didn’t really want the specified sort, you wanted to be 
able to move stuff around yourself, so check the “manual sort” box, ignore the 
other sort parameters, and let you put the tasks wherever you want. Sometimes 
when you move tasks in a flat view you get a popup asking you if you want to go 
to manual sort, other times it just quietly turns on manual sort. I’m not sure 
what determines which will happen.


When a view has a manual sort, you can move the tasks around and when you come 
back you will find them still in the same order. I hardly ever use manual sort 
so I don’t know whether or not the revised order persists only in one workspace 
or whether it will appear when you open the same view in a different workspace. 
I also don’t know whether or not saving a view will help. I do know that if you 
have several workspaces and each workspace contains a different manually sorted 
view, you can sort each workspace differently and they will all persist 
separately. In other words, it is not true that there is only one manual sort, 
there can be many.


I have read several people saying that the manual sort in the active starred 
view gets synched to mobile, so it must be true. I know that there are other 
views that use manual sort on the desktop, do any of them also exist on mobile 
and if so, does the manual sort sync for them as well? I don’t know. Even more 
interesting, on the current IOS release you can export a view from desktop and 
import it on your iPhone or iP

Re: [MLO] feature request: sync manual sort of todo list

2014-12-18 Thread John Smith
Hi All

Let me try another tack and state where I am and how I am trying to use

I am finding that entering individual Importance and Urgency for individual
tasks seems to take too long... so I am trying to store the what I will
call 'priority' (which roughly speaking I am using to mean a conflation of
both Importance and Urgency) by manually moving tasks around within the
"Outline > All Tasks" view in MLO Windows.

If I move stuff around in MLO Windows, yes the resulting order appears in
MLO Android.

So far so good.

I have also discovered that if I create a view based on Outline > All Tasks
but first having changed the filter to be Filter > General > Next Actions,
before saving the View in question, not only will this View match the
current manually created sort order in  Outline > All Tasks, but also I am
able to move tasks up and down the page (i.e. changing the order on the
page) *and* have this new order appear whenever I go back to Outline > All
Tasks. (And unsurprisingly this new order will appear in MLO Android both
things are synced.)

This is good too, because it means I can freely change the 'priority' of
tasks simply by manually changing the sort order when I am in Filter >
General > Next Actions.

What seems odd though is that if I create a View using Filter > General >
*Active* (instead of *Next Actions*), then MLO will not let me move stuff
around without the popup appearing. In fact that's not quite true because I
can move stuff around *within* a project, it's just that MLO wont let me
move stuff around in the root directory without the warning message.

Any thoughts?

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 10:43 PM, Dwight Arthur  wrote:
> Hi, John.
> Since I started writing this, there have been good answers to your
> question from Andrei B and Lisa. I agree with their posts but I think mine
> goes further, so I’m posting it. I should really edit it to remove the
> parts the prior posts have already addressed but I’m out of time for this,
> so I’m sending it with my apologies. Here are several issues that I cannot
> address, perhaps others can. Look at the end of this post for places where
> I say “I don’t know”. Thanks.
> In one of my first posts to you I mentioned the importance of
> understanding the difference between the order tasks are in when you look
> at the outliner, versus the order tasks are in when you look at a view that
> takes a filtered subset of your tasks and sorts them.
> Your database of tasks is arranged in a tree structure. When you look at
> the “all tasks” view you see all of your tasks in their outline positions.
> This does not necessarily have anything to do with the locations of the
> tasks on disk. Neither is it a sort that has been applied to the tasks.
> It’s an outline and every task has its place in the outline.
> The outline is synched across all of your platforms. When you move a task
> from one position to another in the outline, this is synched and affects
> the task’s position on all of your other platforms. Try this experiment. Be
> sure your desktop and mobile are fully synched (I usually do this by
> synching one to the cloud, then synching the other to the cloud, the
> synching the first one a second time. Now, disconnect your desktop from the
> Internet (turn off all wired and wireless connections.) On the desktop,
> pick a task and move it to a different place on the outline. Now, on the
> mobile, pick the same task (still in its original position) and move it to
> a new place different from its original place and also different from where
> you put it on the desktop. This will create a synch conflict. Synch
> conflict resolution works well on desktop but not mobile (yet) so we need
> to sync the mobile first. Sync the mobile to the cloud, making sure that
> the desktop is still disconnected from the internet. When the mobile sync
> is done, connect the desktop to the internet and sync to the cloud. You
> should get a “resolve sync conflict” popup. Find the task that you voved
> and click on the three dots in the Details column. You will see a Task
> Difference popup showing the task as it exists on local and remote. If this
> has all worked, you will see a difference in the coded value used to track
> the task’s location in the outline.
> If you are looking at a view that is showing everything in its outline
> position, you are free to drag any task anywhere at any time, and the
> change will be permanent across all platforms. I am not 100% sure of this
> but I think that you are seeing the outline if hierarchical view is enabled
> and sort is [none] with the manual sort checkbox unchecked.
> Many useful views are flat views (ie have hierarchy turned off) and some
> field named in the sort area. These views are known to people who used
> MLOv3 as to-do views. In these views, the order of the tasks has nothing to
> do with the position of each task in the outline. If you drag a task to a
> different position, it