Re: delete help

2003-12-07 Thread tech
Thank you for taking the time to reply
I am using version 4.1 as can be seen from the out put below
mysql  Ver 13.5 Distrib 4.1.0-alpha, for portbld-freebsd5.1 (i386)
Also I am unsure of the syntax for what you suggest
>Are you aware that you are using a nested sql query which isn't available
>until version 4.1?
>Try splitting the delete into multiple steps 1) populate a temp table with

>the id's you want to delete then 2) use the temp table data to delete the
>- Original Message - 
>From: "tech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 3:16 AM
>Subject: delete help
>> I hope someone can help, I am a newbe as sql and need a some help
>> I can by using this command at mysql prompt |select ACCTSESSIONID from
>> where ACCTSESSIONTIME='0';| get a list that I then need to delete
>> but when I used the following I keep get errors
>> delete from radiuslog where ACCTSESSIONID = any (select ACCTSESSIONID from

>> where ACCTSESSIONTIME='0');
>> I can not delete the record by just deleting the record with the 0
>> as this would only delete the Stop and not the
>> start record with the same ACCTSESSIONID from this radiuslog
>> -- 
>> MySQL General Mailing List
>> For list archives:
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Re: How can I share the MySQL data and where data and index files are stored

2003-12-07 Thread Bhartendu Maheshwari
I accepted the performance issue but I don't want two separate copies of
data, I only want on every SQL command the MySQL daemon reads/writes
from/in the file. How can I force MySQL daemon to do the same?


On Sun, 2003-12-07 at 18:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Bhartendu Maheshwari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/12/2003
> 07:56:26:
> > I am doing some work in High Availabilty. We have two real servers(just
> > 2 PC's) and we want the both PC to run MySQL but uses one common
> > database data file. We have one NAS server, we will keep all the data
> > file there and mount it on local system and try the MySQL, things are
> > half way done I mean I am able to access the data files, table and now
> > its data too but the problem its not writing in file at the same time
> > and there are some problem in closing the files.
> >
> > When I checking the table using 'myisamchk' it show the below results:-
> >
> >
> *
> > Checking MyISAM file: pi_dispatcher.MYI
> > Data records:   3   Deleted blocks:   0
> > myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table
> > properly
> > - check file-size
> > - check key delete-chain
> > - check record delete-chain
> > - check index reference
> > MyISAM-table 'pi_dispatcher.MYI' is usable but should be fixed
> >
> *
> >
> > My problem is I want the MySQL will write all the data in the file after
> > every command and close the files properly, nothing in buffers and
> > cache. How can we do that, I tried with --flush but its not helping
> > much, is there any good options?
> You can force MySQL to flush its tables to disk with FLUSH TABLES.
> However, this would, I think, cripple performance. I really don't think
> MySQL is designed to work this way. The database files are intended to be
> accessed only by one program. This is what myisamchk is telling you -
> another program is using the tale it is trying to check, which means that
> it may well be invalid.
> What I think you need, and what I use for this same purpose, is
> replication. This means that you not only have two MySQL's running, but you
> have two copies of the data on different disks. Since I have two copies of
> the data, I don't bother to RAID it, which cuts costs back down to nearly
> the same as doing it with a single block of high-availability disks. There
> is the further advantage (which I haven't exploited yet) that, which all
> queries must go through the master, selects can go to the slave(s).
> Alec
> -- 
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
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Re: delete help

2003-12-07 Thread Matthew

Are you aware that you are using a nested sql query which isn't available
until version 4.1?

Try splitting the delete into multiple steps 1) populate a temp table with
the id's you want to delete then 2) use the temp table data to delete the

- Original Message - 
From: "tech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 3:16 AM
Subject: delete help

> I hope someone can help, I am a newbe as sql and need a some help
> I can by using this command at mysql prompt |select ACCTSESSIONID from
> where ACCTSESSIONTIME='0';| get a list that I then need to delete
> but when I used the following I keep get errors
> delete from radiuslog where ACCTSESSIONID = any (select ACCTSESSIONID from
> I can not delete the record by just deleting the record with the 0
> as this would only delete the Stop and not the
> start record with the same ACCTSESSIONID from this radiuslog
> -- 
> MySQL General Mailing List
> For list archives:
> To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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delete help

2003-12-07 Thread tech
I hope someone can help, I am a newbe as sql and need a some help
I can by using this command at mysql prompt |select ACCTSESSIONID from radiuslog
where ACCTSESSIONTIME='0';| get a list that I then need to delete
but when I used the following I keep get errors 
delete from radiuslog where ACCTSESSIONID = any (select ACCTSESSIONID from radiuslog
I can not delete the record by just deleting the record with the 0 ACCTSESSIONTIME
as this would only delete the Stop and not the 
start record with the same ACCTSESSIONID from this radiuslog

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Re: Lost connection to MySQL server during query - pls help

2003-12-07 Thread Kiky
Thank you so much guys, for your attention and help.
I'm upgrading my MySQL to 4.0.16 as suggested.


- Original Message -
From: "Paul DuBois" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "miguel
solorzano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Kiky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 12:56 AM
Subject: RE: Lost connection to MySQL server during query - pls help

> At 10:44 -0600 12/5/03, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> >[snip]
> >Please upgrade you MySQL Windows client to 4.0.16 there is a bug
> >with net_read_timeout and net_write_timeout on 4.0.15 that
> >disconnect when the query takes more than 30 secons.
> >[/snip]
> >
> >Can you elaborate on this, we have not seen this problem
> See the "Bugs fixed" section of:
> --
> Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
> Madison, Wisconsin, USA
> Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: Speed difference between boolean full-text searches and full-text searches

2003-12-07 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Nov 27, Uros Kotnik wrote:
> Executing this SQL, takes ~5 sec.
> select, cds.title, tracks.title from artists, tracks, cds 
> where artists.artistid = tracks.artistid and cds.cdid = tracks.cdid 
> and MATCH ( AGAINST ('madonna') 
> and MATCH (cds.title) AGAINST ('music') 
> and MATCH (cds.title) AGAINST ('mix') 
> and MATCH (cds.title) AGAINST ('2001')
> limit 1001
> and this, ~40 sec.
> select, cds.title, tracks.title from artists, tracks, cds 
> where artists.artistid = tracks.artistid and cds.cdid = tracks.cdid 
> and MATCH ( AGAINST ('madonna' IN BOOLEAN MODE) 
> and MATCH (cds.title) AGAINST ('"music mix 2001"' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
> limit 1001
> Same result but the speed difference is quite a different, why is that ?

What does EXPLAIN show for both queries ?

And are you sure the numbers are correct, the first query - the one
without "IN BOOLEAN MODE" - is faster ? I would expect the opposite.


   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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Re: MySQL installation with SuSE Linux 9.0 and YaST

2003-12-07 Thread Bernard Clement
Hello Franz,

On Sunday 07 December 2003 12:42, Franz Edler wrote:

I do not have specific experiences with SuSE 9.0 (stiil waiting for it from my 
distributor) but I do with previous versions of SuSE (7.x and 8.x),

> I am not very experienced with Linux, but SuSE Linux 9.0 and YaST makes it
> very comfortable for me to install various SW-packages. Therefore I try to
> install also MySQL with YaST.
> There are MySQL packages (Version 4.0.15) included in SuSE Linux 9.0
> distribution and I try to install the server and the client with YaST.
> But after installation of these packages with YaST - which is the easy part
> - one has to configure various parameters for MySQL to work properly e.g.
> create the database files, define group and user, grant access ...
> Unfortunately the MySQL-manual (which is a big document) does not give any
> guidelines for installing with YaST.

Unfortunately you cannot use YaST to confiture MySQL.  Although your may want 
the server to start at boot time and that is done in the "System->Run Level 
Editor" in YaST.
> After several times re- and de-installing mysql and also SuSE-Linux itself
> I still have troubles to get the server running.

What kind of troubles?  Probably this is the place this group can start to 
help you.
> Has anyone already done a MySQL-installation with SuSE Linux 9.0 and YaST?
> Is there any "quick installation guide" for this task?

I think you have done all it could be done using YaST.

You need now to jump into the documentation of MySQL.

I will suggest that you read the tutorial in section 3 of MySQL's 
documentation. (URL:

> I would be very happy to get some help.

Hope I have been usefull.
> Franz


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Specs for a dedicated MySQL server

2003-12-07 Thread Defryn, Guy
Hi there,


I have been asked to investigate a solution to offer MySQL to our staff.
I am not sure how many people will make use of it at this stage.
Most people would most likely use it as a backend for message boards

And to store information on whatever they are doing. I am sure it will
be for web purposes only.

I cannot see the need for transactions etc.


My employer usually goes for HP DL380 G3 servers. Any tips on
redundancy, backup etc?

Also, Is there anyone who uses Windows on a Mysql production server? I
want to use FreeBSD or Linux but that might not be up to me. 

What License do I need? Basically we are an ISP for our departments





Re: Licence question

2003-12-07 Thread Chuck Gadd
Yves Goergen wrote:

(1) I want to start a (small, non-free) webhosting service and offer
webspace with PHP support and a MySQL database account. There will be some
standard tariffs that include a database account but I'm going to make them
available as extra upgrade, too, for a monthly fee. Do I need a MySQL
license for this use? I guess no, but I'm not really sure.
I do not think so.   You can download and install a GPL copy of MySql,
and let anyone you want use it.  You are not shipping or distributing
any part of MySql.  Your customers are simply users of your server.
(2) If I'm planning to choose MySQL as DBMS for future software I code in my
one-man-company, instead of MS Access, I'd need to compile the MySQL client
libraries into my application. Another way could be the ODBC interface, but
If the software was written for use BY your one-man-company, than no.

But if you are selling this software to a client, then yes, they would
need a commercial license.  The license is "per server", so either you
or your client could purchase the license.   If your client was going to
install MySQL on two seperate servers, then two licenses would need to
be purchased.  If your client already had a commercial MySql license,
then they wouldn't need to purchase another license to use your app.
for this use? (Of course, they pay for my programs.) I guess yes, but what
in detail? Me for the client libraries? I haven't found pricing information
Typically, MySQL AB doesn't sell a license for the client libraries.  The
commercial license is a complete package, server and client.   If your
intention is to ship a functional MySql app, and just have the client
download the GPL server, you would just need to purchase the commercial
server.  Having the client download/install the server is basically
just an attempt at getting around the commercial license.
But, early in this thread, the situation where someone might ship an
application that could optionally connect up to many different databases.
MySql isn't required for the app to run, but the app COULD connect to
MySql if it was there.   That is a case where a specific CLIENT
license might be applicable.On the MySql site, on the Pricing
page, it says:
"MySQL Client Prices

For circumstances where a MySQL client license is required, please
contact us for a quote."
So maybe they can deal with that scenario.

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Re: table corruption with certain (valid) insert statements

2003-12-07 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Nov 27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Description:
> The included sql test script (output of mysqldump 10.2 (create table
> statement and insertion of 250 records into this table) with added
> check for table integrity) results in corrupted table and error
> message 'Found key at page 36864 that points to record outside
> datafile' when checked with 'check table' or myisamchk.

Ok, confirmed and fixed.

Actually table was not at all corrupted, but old checking code wasn't
recognising new fulltext index tree structure correctly.

It's all fixed now - in 4.1.2.

Thank you.


   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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Re: Licence question

2003-12-07 Thread Yves Goergen
So this is getting really confusing now...

I have two quite explicit questions to this and I hope there are some
experts listening on this list who can answer them.

(1) I want to start a (small, non-free) webhosting service and offer
webspace with PHP support and a MySQL database account. There will be some
standard tariffs that include a database account but I'm going to make them
available as extra upgrade, too, for a monthly fee. Do I need a MySQL
license for this use? I guess no, but I'm not really sure.

(2) If I'm planning to choose MySQL as DBMS for future software I code in my
one-man-company, instead of MS Access, I'd need to compile the MySQL client
libraries into my application. Another way could be the ODBC interface, but
I have no idea about how that works. Then, I'd tell the company, they need a
MySQL server. I wouldn't integrate it into my software installation, but
could offer the service of installing it on their server, if they can't do
it theirselves. Again, do I or the other company need a commercial license
for this use? (Of course, they pay for my programs.) I guess yes, but what
in detail? Me for the client libraries? I haven't found pricing information
on the MySQL website. And the other company for the entire server? Or is
this free use (though commercial)? And isn't the client library included in
the full license?

I'd be thankful about any clear answers on these issues.

On Sunday, December 07, 2003 10:32 AM CET, Chuck Gadd wrote:
> No.  The instructor at the MySql training class I attended, who is an
> employee of MySql AB, specifically mentioned this example.  In the
> case of a website, you are not distributing Mysql or any MySQL
> library or components to your end users.   So no MySql Commercial
> license is required.
> (...)
> (...)

Yves Goergen
Please don't CC me (causes double mails)

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MySQL installation with SuSE Linux 9.0 and YaST

2003-12-07 Thread Franz Edler
I am not very experienced with Linux, but SuSE Linux 9.0 and YaST makes it
very comfortable for me to install various SW-packages. Therefore I try to
install also MySQL with YaST. 

There are MySQL packages (Version 4.0.15) included in SuSE Linux 9.0
distribution and I try to install the server and the client with YaST.

But after installation of these packages with YaST - which is the easy part
- one has to configure various parameters for MySQL to work properly e.g.
create the database files, define group and user, grant access ... 
Unfortunately the MySQL-manual (which is a big document) does not give any
guidelines for installing with YaST.

After several times re- and de-installing mysql and also SuSE-Linux itself I
still have troubles to get the server running. 

Has anyone already done a MySQL-installation with SuSE Linux 9.0 and YaST?
Is there any "quick installation guide" for this task?

I would be very happy to get some help.


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Re: Licence question

2003-12-07 Thread Kaarel

"You need a license if you sell a product designed specifically for 
use with MySQL or that requires the MySQL server to function at all. 
This is true whether or not you provide MySQL for your client as part 
of your product distribution."

Does this mean that I must make all of my web sites non-commercial?
(since I use mySQL as my main DBMS)
I believe no, if it is your company's web site and your clients (along 
with other web surfers) are simply visiting the websites. On the other 
hand, if your company builds and then sells a web site for another 
company and the website needs a mysql database to function at all (a 
dynamic web site that uses mysql specific SQL for example) then i'm not 
sure that you can get away without making your siurce GPL or buying a 
commercial MySQL license.

According to this I can even redistribute mySQL under the terms of GPL
and even to get money from such business. Which doesn't comply with
the text from the mySQL's website...
You can even modify the MySQL source and sell the modified version of 
MySQL in excange for money BUT you must do all this under the terms of 
GPL which means publishing the source code with your modifications. And 
of course you must find people that are willing to give the money to YOU 
instead of MySQL AB.


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Re: Timestamp

2003-12-07 Thread jeffrey_n_Dyke

i've used FROM_UNIXTIME with success.  you can also supply a format.



  Mike Blezien 


   Subject:  Timestamp 

  12/07/2003 12:23 


  Please respond to





what is the best way to convert a TIMESTAMP value to a value
similar to a DATETIME value ??


Thunder Rain Internet Publishing
Providing Internet Solutions that work!
Quality Web Hosting

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2003-12-07 Thread Mike Blezien

what is the best way to convert a TIMESTAMP value to a value 
similar to a DATETIME value ??


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Providing Internet Solutions that work!
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Db design

2003-12-07 Thread Ron McKeever

I have a db(logs) that I have been working on. This db has tables that are
created every month, they are Nov03,Dec03,Jan04, etc..
Each month/table has about 480,000,000 records. Data file is about 80GB the
index file is about 40GB.
Mysql/apache run on a Dell 2550 4gb ram 2cpu's OS - RH 9. I also Raid 5'ed
my Dell which has the mysql 4.0 binarys/apache2.0/php stuff to retrive the
data. I also have the data files on a Netapp which is nfs'ed using tcp, it
is also on a gigabit network, netstat -i never shows collisions.

My tables(MyISAM) have 9 columns, they are all char. type and the tables are
fixed. Every night the tables are loaded with the previuos days
data.. The table has 6 indexs which are length specified.

I'm not that happy with the performance
Using myisampack does this improve querys if a table is myisampacked?? Also
the table cant be compressed until the new month.

Has anyone else had mysql db data files on a Netapp or nfs'ed? and if so
could they share there config tips? Also any Mysql my.cnf tips, I basically
used the my.huge.cnf file.


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Re: Licence question

2003-12-07 Thread Kaarel

"You need a license if you sell a product designed specifically for 
use with MySQL or that requires the MySQL server to function at all. 
This is true whether or not you provide MySQL for your client as part 
of your product distribution."

Does this mean that I must make all of my web sites non-commercial?
(since I use mySQL as my main DBMS)
I believe no, if it is your company's web site and your clients (along 
with other web surfers) are simply visiting the websites. On the other 
hand, if your company builds and then sells a web site for another 
company and the website needs a mysql database to function at all (a 
dynamic web site that uses mysql specific SQL for example) then i'm not 
sure that you can get away without making your siurce GPL or buying a 
commercial MySQL license.

According to this I can even redistribute mySQL under the terms of GPL
and even to get money from such business. Which doesn't comply with
the text from the mySQL's website...
You can even modify the MySQL source and sell the modified version of 
MySQL in excange for money BUT you must do all this under the terms of 
GPL which means publishing the source code with your modifications. And 
of course you must find people that are willing to give the money to YOU 
instead of MySQL AB.


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2003-12-07 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Dec 07, Chris Elsworth wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 01:48:08PM +0100, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
> > > What is WITH QUERY EXPANSION? I found no details in manual.
> > 
> > Fixed.
> > "WITH QUERY EXPANSION" is now documented.
> I'm sorry, but I must be blind. Where is it on
> ?
> Did someone forget to update the site? ;)

No, it's done automatically, though not immediately.
Please, try again.


   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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Re: string comparison query

2003-12-07 Thread Chris Elsworth
On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 12:11:21AM -0500, Alex Khordos wrote:
> I am trying to work out the query to retrieve city name based on the zip
> code in the second table.
> How can I compare two strings? I tried LIKE in my query but it did not work.

Use SUBSTRING to cut down the extended zipcode to 5 characters, then
you can use a standard = comparison:
WHERE (SUBSTRING(table2.zip_code,0,5) = table1.zip_code)


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2003-12-07 Thread Chris Elsworth
On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 01:48:08PM +0100, Sergei Golubchik wrote:

> > What is WITH QUERY EXPANSION? I found no details in manual.
> Fixed.
> "WITH QUERY EXPANSION" is now documented.

I'm sorry, but I must be blind. Where is it on ?

Did someone forget to update the site? ;)

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string comparison query

2003-12-07 Thread Alex Khordos
Hello All

I have two tables
Table: 1
| city  | zip_code |
| New York  | 12354|
| New York  | 12355|
| New York  | 12356|
| New York  | 12357|
| New York  | 12358|
| New York  | 12359|
| New York  | 12353|

Table: 2
| zip_code   |
| 12345-1526 |

I am trying to work out the query to retrieve city name based on the zip
code in the second table.
How can I compare two strings? I tried LIKE in my query but it did not work.

Thank you in advance for the help.

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Re: How can I share the MySQL data and where data and index files are stored

2003-12-07 Thread Alec . Cawley

Bhartendu Maheshwari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/12/2003

> I am doing some work in High Availabilty. We have two real servers(just
> 2 PC's) and we want the both PC to run MySQL but uses one common
> database data file. We have one NAS server, we will keep all the data
> file there and mount it on local system and try the MySQL, things are
> half way done I mean I am able to access the data files, table and now
> its data too but the problem its not writing in file at the same time
> and there are some problem in closing the files.
> When I checking the table using 'myisamchk' it show the below results:-

> Checking MyISAM file: pi_dispatcher.MYI
> Data records:   3   Deleted blocks:   0
> myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table
> properly
> - check file-size
> - check key delete-chain
> - check record delete-chain
> - check index reference
> MyISAM-table 'pi_dispatcher.MYI' is usable but should be fixed

> My problem is I want the MySQL will write all the data in the file after
> every command and close the files properly, nothing in buffers and
> cache. How can we do that, I tried with --flush but its not helping
> much, is there any good options?

You can force MySQL to flush its tables to disk with FLUSH TABLES.
However, this would, I think, cripple performance. I really don't think
MySQL is designed to work this way. The database files are intended to be
accessed only by one program. This is what myisamchk is telling you -
another program is using the tale it is trying to check, which means that
it may well be invalid.

What I think you need, and what I use for this same purpose, is
replication. This means that you not only have two MySQL's running, but you
have two copies of the data on different disks. Since I have two copies of
the data, I don't bother to RAID it, which cuts costs back down to nearly
the same as doing it with a single block of high-availability disks. There
is the further advantage (which I haven't exploited yet) that, which all
queries must go through the master, selects can go to the slave(s).


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2003-12-07 Thread Sergei Golubchik

On Dec 04, Mirza wrote:
> Hi,
> In 4.1.1. new features there is:
> * Added `MATCH ... AGAINST( ... WITH QUERY EXPANSION)' and the
>  `ft_query_expansion_limit' server variable.
> What is WITH QUERY EXPANSION? I found no details in manual.

"WITH QUERY EXPANSION" is now documented.

Thanks for spotting this.

   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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log-bin option question

2003-12-07 Thread Brian Leung
i enable option log-bin in my mysql db server so that i can use the log to recover the 
transaction which did not backup.
But, except for the binary log file hostname-bin, i found another file 
hostname-bin.index. What is the function of it?


Re: what about foreign keys?

2003-12-07 Thread Martijn Tonies

> Hi there I have some trouble with MyISAM tables. I
> have found that supports 3 different types of the 1:1
> relation.
> a)1:1
> b)1:1 (Non-Identyfying)
> c)1:1 (Descedent Obj.)
> What all these about?
> What type of tables do u use normally?

I'm unsure of what you're trying to ask - perhaps you can
explain in more detail? What is it that you're trying to do?
What problems are you experiencing?

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions

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Re: Licence question

2003-12-07 Thread Chuck Gadd
Ivan Cukic (Foment) wrote:
"You need a license if you sell a product designed specifically for 
use with MySQL or that requires the MySQL server to function at all. 
This is true whether or not you provide MySQL for your client as part 
of your product distribution."

Does this mean that I must make all of my web sites non-commercial?
(since I use mySQL as my main DBMS)
No.  The instructor at the MySql training class I attended, who is an
employee of MySql AB, specifically mentioned this example.  In the case
of a website, you are not distributing Mysql or any MySQL library or
components to your end users.   So no MySql Commercial license is
#2 (allowing free use) from the licensing page would apply to any
normal website.
#3b (requiring a commercial license) would cover a non-gpl product
built using mysql drivers to connect to mysql, regardless of
whether or not you ship the mysql server with your app.
I suppose that if you used some non-GPL driver in your app, and
didn't ship the Mysql server or any libraries, then there is
nothing requiring a commercial license.  But I'm not sure if
there is such a driver out there.
I think the MySql licensing page is intentionally ambigous (at
least slightly), to get more people to buy the commercial
license.  In fact, there are several places on the page that
pretty much admit this.
Here's a link to the page, and two parts referenced above:

"2. Free use for those who never copy, modify or distribute

As long as you never distribute (internally or externally) the MySQL
Software in any way, you are free to use it for powering your
application, irrespective of whether your application is under GPL or
other OSI approved license or not.
3. Commercial use for everyone else

If your application is not licensed under GPL or compatible OSI license
approved by MySQL AB and you intend to distribute MySQL software (be
that internally or externally), you must first obtain a commercial
license to the MySQL software in question.
More specifically:

a) If you include the MySQL server in your non Open Source application,
you need a commercial licence for the MySQL server
b) If you include one of the MySQL drivers in your non Open Source
application (so that your application can run with MySQL), you need
a commercial licence for the driver(s) in question. The MySQL
drivers currently include an ODBC driver, a JDBC driver and the
C language library.
c) If you use MySQL Software within your organisation and you don't
 want to risk it falling under the GPL license, you are welcome to
purchase a commercial license.
d) Many users opt for the commercial licence simply because under
it MySQL AB takes responsibility for its products. Under the GPL
licence, there are no warranties or representations from the
developer (i.e. from MySQL AB)."

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Re: Licence question

2003-12-07 Thread Ivan Cukic (Foment)
"You need a license if you sell a product designed specifically for use 
with MySQL or that requires the MySQL server to function at all. This is 
true whether or not you provide MySQL for your client as part of your 
product distribution."
Does this mean that I must make all of my web sites non-commercial?
(since I use mySQL as my main DBMS)
This part is surely not covered by GPL. Especially because GPL doesn't
cover commercial aspect of software.
GPL > Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
GPL > have the freedom to distribute copies of free software
GPL > (and charge for this service if you wish),
According to this I can even redistribute mySQL under the terms of GPL
and even to get money from such business. Which doesn't comply with
the text from the mySQL's website...

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view warnings?

2003-12-07 Thread Bryan Harris

I'm pretty new to MySQL, but I already like it.  Kudos to the developers!

I recently did a mysqlimport on a few data files, and it came back with over
4000 warnings.  How can I actually see what the warnings were?  I'm still
not sure what it was upset about...


- Bryan

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Re: How can I share the MySQL data and where data and index files are stored

2003-12-07 Thread Bhartendu Maheshwari
Dear Alec

Thanks for the quick response.

I am doing some work in High Availabilty. We have two real servers(just
2 PC's) and we want the both PC to run MySQL but uses one common
database data file. We have one NAS server, we will keep all the data
file there and mount it on local system and try the MySQL, things are
half way done I mean I am able to access the data files, table and now
its data too but the problem its not writing in file at the same time
and there are some problem in closing the files. 

When I checking the table using 'myisamchk' it show the below results:-

Checking MyISAM file: pi_dispatcher.MYI
Data records:   3   Deleted blocks:   0
myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table
- check file-size
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- check index reference
MyISAM-table 'pi_dispatcher.MYI' is usable but should be fixed

My problem is I want the MySQL will write all the data in the file after
every command and close the files properly, nothing in buffers and
cache. How can we do that, I tried with --flush but its not helping
much, is there any good options?


On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 20:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Bhartendu Maheshwari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/12/2003
> 14:40:29:
> > I know at the time of table creation mysql creates 3 file .frm, .MYD,
> > .MYI and is stored in the path given by --datadir=, I want to know
> > when I call insert row then where is this data goes I mean in which file
> > it stores. I want to shared the database files but when I do this it
> > shares only the table definition not the table data, shows tables are
> > empty. So can anyone please help in sharing the table data.
> The table definition is in the .frm file, the raw table data in the .MYD
> file and the indexes in the .MYI file.
> HOWEVER, it is very dangerous to share these files. MySQL performs
> extensive internal caching, so that it is rarely possible to know when
> these files are up-to-date while mysqld is running. Sharing the data files,
> rather than sharing the mysqld server, is not to be recommended at all.
> Could you perhaps explain what you are trying to achieve? There is quite
> likely to be a better way to achieve it.
>   Alec
> -- 
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