Re: Problem with mysql_install_db

2004-04-10 Thread Boyd Lynn Gerber
Hi Mickey and others,

Here is the location of the lxrun information.

This is for lxrun.  MySQL does run in a native form on mysql and it uses 
gcc.  To build or run MySQL on OpenServer you need to install the 
libraries and linker from the OpenServer CD.  You also will need 
FSU-threads. in the manual has instructions for building or 
running binaries.  Please look at the manual.


Good Luck,

ZENEZ   1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah  84047

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ADODB.Connection - How do I open a DB, create if not there, open table, create if not there and add a single record?

2004-04-10 Thread Don Anthony
This should be simple, no?  I can't make it work


- bring up a panel to ask for MySQL User/Host/Password and save settings if
we get logged in.
- when we start (likely on a new machine) create a new Weather DB if it
doesn't exist
- when we start (  ) create a new TimeTable table if it doesn't exist
- loop through our one per hour loop and add new records as we go

I know this code is likely trash but it is my first attempt and I can find
no example how to do what I think should be simple.  THANKS!!

Main.bas:  (contains global vars)
Global gCnn As ADODB.Connection
Global pRs As ADODB.Recordset
Global SQL As String, UserName As String, UserPassword As String,
UserHost As String

Connect.frm:  (loaded on startup - verifies connection)
  Private Sub ClickConnect:
Set gCnn = New ADODB.Connection
Set pRs = New ADODB.Recordset

gCnn.ConnectionTimeout = 60
gCnn.CommandTimeout = 400
gCnn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

gCnn.Open DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; _
 user=  UserName _
 ;password=  UserPassword _
 ;server=  UserHost _

If gCnn.State = 1 Then
SaveSetting App.Title, Settings, UserHost, UserHost
SaveSetting App.Title, Settings, UserName, UserName
SaveSetting App.Title, Settings, UserPassword, UserPassword
frmWeather.Show vbModal
Unload Me  'we logged on OK, so we will save this info for next
MsgBox Unable to establish the connection. Check your settings and
try again., vbCritical, Error While Connecting
End If

frmWeather (Main Form):
gCnn.Open Weather
If gCnn.State  1 Then 'create database if it does not exist
 gCnn.Execute Create Database Weather, , adExecuteNoRecords
 gCnn.Open Weather
 If gCnn.State  1 Then
  MsgBox Failed to access Weather DB
 End If
End If
On Error GoTo loadstp

 `Time` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',  _
 `Temperature` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',  _
 PRIMARY KEY  (`Time`)  _
gCnn.Execute SQL, , adExecuteNoRecords 'create table if not exist


 pRs.Open SQL, gCnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

 [loop logic to loop every hour]
   With pRs
.Fields(Time) = Time()
.Fields(Temperature) = fromSendor
   End With
 [end loop logic]   
 Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

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2004-04-10 Thread Rodrigo Galindez
Hello list,
   I have to move a database in MSSQL to MYSQL, with the table 
structures and all the respective data. I tested one product to do this, 
SQLyog, and it works fine, except for some little problems with indexes 
and primary/secondary keys. I want to know if anyone have been dealing 
with the same problem to recommend me some suggestions/tips/tricks. Do 
you know another program/script/ways to do this migration ? I want to 
migrate everything from the original MSSQL database, like indexes, 
relationships, and so on. Can you guys recommend me some actions or tips 
to take ?
   Thanks in advance,

Rodrigo Galindez
Information Management Assistant
Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA)
Gral Paz 186 10 A
5000 - Cordoba - Argentina
Tel/fax 54-351-4256278
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UDF: how to get chracter set or convert stinrg to another character set

2004-04-10 Thread HIROSE, Masaaki
Hi all,

I have two question about UDF(User Defined Function)
(MySQL-4.1.1-alpha-Max-log and 4.0.18-log)

1. how to get character_set_* in UDF.

I want to get following character_set_* information in UDF.



2. how to convert character encoding in UDF.

eg: convert ujis stinrg which was provided by client to utf8.

Thanks for any help.

HIROSE, Masaaki

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Re: Question regarding defaults

2004-04-10 Thread Matt W
Hi Boyd,

Can I ask why it really matters? :-)  I would assume the DEFAULT value
is stored at creation time; but the end result would be the same either

BTW, I hate how MySQL's SHOW CREATE TABLE quotes DEFAULT INT-family
values. :-(  It shouldn't do that.


- Original Message -
From: Boyd E. Hemphill
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 9:49 PM
Subject: Question regarding defaults


 I have need to declare a column as type integer then default is at '0'
 (that is a string with a zero in it).

 An example may be:
 Create table foo (
 foo_id  int not null default '0'

 My question centers on the notion of implicit type conversion.  Is the
 server converting the type at the time the ddl (not really too big a
 deal) or is it doing the conversion at run time (i.e. each time a row
 inserted in the DB).

 Thanks for your time and expertise!

 Best Regards,
 Boyd E. Hemphill

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Re: Fulltext index is not being built with large database

2004-04-10 Thread Matt W
Hi sascha,

How's the space on your datadir partition (or wherever this table is)?
I believe MySQL creates the temp tables during ALTER in the DB
directory, not the tmpdir.

If the space there is OK, have you checked the error log for anything


- Original Message -
From: sascha mantscheff
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: Fulltext index is not being built with large database

 I'm trying to build a fulltext index on a table with about 4 million
 entries with 2 varchar and one text field.
 The indexing starts and runs for about 1/2 to 1 hour, then the process
 stops without any error message. And leaves me with no index. I
 for the size in tmp and redirected it to a partition with 50GB space
 (about 15 times as much as the database tables).
 Mysql runs on gentoo-linux 2.4 with 800MB RAM with server version

 Any clues, hints or tips?
 Thank you.

 sascha mantscheff

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Re: backup

2004-04-10 Thread Matt W
Hi Steve,

You might want to look at FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK.  That's a query
to run from mysql, but I'm sure you can get it to work in your shell
script (you need to maintain the MySQL connection while doing the
backup).  I don't know much about that, though.  I think you just run
UNLOCK TABLES when you're finished.


- Original Message -
From: Steve Sills
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:17 PM
Subject: backup

I want to use rsync to backup my db server, how do i lock all the tables
for all the db's to read only so i cando my backup, then unlock them
again.  It needs to be done from the command line, not the mysql
program.  Anyone have any ideas?  I have looked and couldn't find the
answer i was looking before.  Its running from a shell script, from my
backup machine.  Its currently setup to shut down the server, however i
don't want to have to do this.  Thanks in advance.

Steve Sills
Platnum Computers, President

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Re: Fulltext index is not being built with large database

2004-04-10 Thread sascha mantscheff
Hi Matt, thanks for the help.

Meanwhile the index has been built, and I assume it's a problem of 
terminal sessions:

At first I tried it with a remote mysql client issuing the ALTER TABLE 
command. This session was closed after some inactivity.

Then I logged in to the database host and retried - same result.

Then I packed the commands in a shell script which I ran with nohup - no 
results whatsoever. No error log entry, no index, no nohup.out.

Then I tried it again with a terminal session, but this time I configured 
the terminal program to send null bytes every 60 seconds to keep the 
connection open. And voila - after 19 hours the index was built. So it may 
be a flaw, a bug or even a feature in the mysql client/server protocol - I 
assume I'll never know.

But the index works, and it's speed, ease of use and maintainability will 
be strong arguments against htdig.


Am Sat, 10 Apr 2004 04:01:15 -0500 hat Matt W [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi sascha,

How's the space on your datadir partition (or wherever this table is)?
I believe MySQL creates the temp tables during ALTER in the DB
directory, not the tmpdir.
If the space there is OK, have you checked the error log for anything

- Original Message -
From: sascha mantscheff
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: Fulltext index is not being built with large database

I'm trying to build a fulltext index on a table with about 4 million
entries with 2 varchar and one text field.
The indexing starts and runs for about 1/2 to 1 hour, then the process
stops without any error message. And leaves me with no index. I
for the size in tmp and redirected it to a partition with 50GB space
(about 15 times as much as the database tables).
Mysql runs on gentoo-linux 2.4 with 800MB RAM with server version
Any clues, hints or tips?
Thank you.
sascha mantscheff

sascha mantscheff
51570 windeck
telefon +49-2292-922 492
telefax +49-2292-922 493
mobil +49-171-620 0380
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Re: Change the date format.

2004-04-10 Thread Egor Egorov
David Carlos Brunstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By these days I'm facing a system DB migration to MySQL (the last
 production version) and I have the followin problem. All the SELECTs
 sentences are all over the application, and for date/datetime filters
 are using the dd/mm/ format in the WHERE clause. Is the same in the
 INSERT/UPDATE statementes.
 I've studied with MySQL documentation, that use the -mm-dd format
 for the internal storage and for the data interchange with the clients.
 So the questions are: Is there any way to set the date/datetime format
 to MySQL engine, so the client can see it as dd/mm/? Is there any
 solution with no change to the client application code?

Use DATE_FORMAT() function to retrieve dates in the specific format:

But in this case you should rewrite your queries.

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2004-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2004-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have redhat 7.2 running on my server with plesk
i forgot mysql password for user root
so i reset it by following way

services mysqld stop
safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables 
mysqladmin -u root fulsh-privileges password newpassword

services mysqld restart.

now i can logon to mysql by root user

but i can not create and modify databases
it gives an error access denied for user [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i do not know how to recover root privileges

please help me

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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LIKE search on several fields

2004-04-10 Thread Tarik ANSARI

I have a database with fields :
- firstname
- lastname

And I want to do a search from the query string john smith in order to
find anyone having john in his firstname and smith in the lastname or smith
in the firstname and john in the lastname.

It tried :
SELECT * FROM members WHERE CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) LIKE

But it doesn't work

Thank you

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LIKE search with different orders

2004-04-10 Thread Tarik ANSARI
Hello again,

To follow my previous message, the CONCAT method does works, but now my
problem is to make a search where the order doesn't count : then to find
members whose firstname is john, lastname smith and vice-versa.

I would like to use an operator or a function for this, but I cannot
enumerate all possible combinations (in this case yes, because the query
only has 2 words, but with a query with 6 words it would make 6!
combinations then a very long query !).

Thank you

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Re: privileges

2004-04-10 Thread Brad Tilley
On Saturday 10 April 2004 08:15 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have redhat 7.2 running on my server with plesk
 i forgot mysql password for user root
 so i reset it by following way

 services mysqld stop
 safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables 
 mysqladmin -u root fulsh-privileges password newpassword

 services mysqld restart.

 now i can logon to mysql by root user

 but i can not create and modify databases
 it gives an error access denied for user [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i do not know how to recover root privileges

 please help me

I had the same problem a few weeks ago with RH 9. I backed up the databases 
in /var/lib/mysql and then removed the RH mysqld rpms. I then downloaded the 
latest binary installer (4.0.18) from and followed the 
directions to install it. Everything works fine now, and when privileges get 
screwed up (yes, believe it or not, I screwed them up again while trying to 
'secure' my db), I can rerun the script that sets up the mysql table and 
things are back to normal.

Best of luck,


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RE: LIKE search with different orders

2004-04-10 Thread Matt Chatterley

You might be best off using the FIND_IN_SET function (check the manual at for more information).

In short, if you replace all spaces in your string to search with commas,
you should be able to do something like:

SELECT * FROM xyz WHERE FIND_IN_SET(test_column, your string here)  0

Not 100% sure, as I haven't tried quite this approach!

Another, more long winded way might be to explode your string out into a
temporary table and compose a query which will bring back all matching rows
(by multiple joins to the temporary table).

FIND_IN_SET looks like a better alternative!



-Original Message-
From: Tarik ANSARI [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 April 2004 14:51
Subject: LIKE search with different orders

Hello again,

To follow my previous message, the CONCAT method does works, but now my
problem is to make a search where the order doesn't count : then to find
members whose firstname is john, lastname smith and vice-versa.

I would like to use an operator or a function for this, but I cannot
enumerate all possible combinations (in this case yes, because the query
only has 2 words, but with a query with 6 words it would make 6!
combinations then a very long query !).

Thank you

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ANN: - Conference Blog Collection and Image Gallery

2004-04-10 Thread Mike Hillyer
Hi All;

I would like to take a moment to announce the launch of This site is intended to serve as a resource for
the MySQL community as a blog collection and photo gallery related to the
2004 MySQL User Conference  Expo
( I will be posting
my User Conference related blog entries and photographs here and encourage
all other attendees to do so.

For those who cannot attend I hope this can give at least a little insight
into the happenings at the user conference. For those who will be there
hopefully you can get someone else's notes if they attend a session you
could not.

All content at will be under a Creative Commons
license (, so be sure you
are comfortable with the license terms before posting images in the gallery.
If you will be posting a blog entry, instructions as to sending a trackback
are located onsite. Since only blog excerpts are listed you need not worry
about your entire blog entries being under the Creative Commons license.

Once again, attendees please ping the site when blogging about the
conference, and I encourage you to post your photos in the gallery. I hope
everyone can benefit from this!

Mike Hillyer

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install: config root user fails

2004-04-10 Thread Douglas Dickinson
warning: complete db server newbie!
(I've done plenty of SQL  JDBC coding, but never
had to care about the server side until now ;-)
Installed the binary distribution packages for Mac OS X:
no problem.
But then when trying to configure the root user for the
db, cut and paste straight from Chapter 2 of the manual
$ mysqladmin -u root password asdf
$ mysqladmin -u root -h `hostname` password asdf
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'quickbeam.local' failed
error: 'Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server'
Please help point me in the right direction,
PS - I'm sure that this has come up before, but searching on
is currently broken (DP failed for all queries).

Mac OS X 10.3.3 (not server edition) on a PowerPC G5 dual 2GHz

$ uname -a
Darwin quickbeam.local 7.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.3.0: Fri Mar  5 
14:22:55 PST 2004; root:xnu/xnu-517.3.15.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC  Power 
Macintosh powerpc

$ mysqladmin version
mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.18, for apple-darwin6.8 on powerpc
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license
Server version  4.0.18-max
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 40 min 30 sec
Threads: 1  Questions: 5  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 6  Flush tables: 1  
Open tables: 1  Queries per second avg: 0.002

Network: the mac is (behind a LinkSys from the cable modem)


 Why, oh why, didn't I take the *blue* pill?
 Douglas D. Dickinson  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Change the date format.

2004-04-10 Thread David Carlos Brunstein
Hi Egor.

Thanks for your answer. I'm relatively new to MySQL.

Isn't any way -like an environment variable or configuration file
setting or something like that- to change the date format at the MySQL
side, not at client side ?

David Carlos Brunstein
System Analyst / Software Developer
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mail to: David _ Brunstein @ Yahoo . Com . ar
IM: DavidBrunstein @ Hotmail . Com

-Original Message-
From: Egor Egorov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: Change the date format.

David Carlos Brunstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By these days I'm facing a system DB migration to MySQL (the last 
 production version) and I have the followin problem. All the SELECTs 
 sentences are all over the application, and for date/datetime filters 
 are using the dd/mm/ format in the WHERE clause. Is the same in 
 the INSERT/UPDATE statementes.
 I've studied with MySQL documentation, that use the -mm-dd format 
 for the internal storage and for the data interchange with the 
 So the questions are: Is there any way to set the date/datetime format

 to MySQL engine, so the client can see it as dd/mm/? Is there any 
 solution with no change to the client application code?

Use DATE_FORMAT() function to retrieve dates in the specific format:

But in this case you should rewrite your queries.

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Useless index key cache

2004-04-10 Thread Haitao Jiang

Thanks to the reply from Sergei, I understand why
MySQL requires SAME block size on all indexes when
load index into cache

However, this feature basically useless for the table
that has any fulltext index. Based on what I've seen,
fulltext indexes use 2048 block size, whereas others
use 1024. So, at current time, we can not pre-load
index I right?

Anyway to make all index block size all the same, no
matter what type of indexes?

Thanks so much for any help!


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How can I avoid filesort with BETWEEN and ORDER BY

2004-04-10 Thread Steven Ducat
I am trying to optimize a query using both BETWEEN and ORDER BY but 
after months of reading and research I still can not get the hang of 
this. Details are as follows:

2 Tables

 `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `cat` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0',
 `title` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `description` text,
 `location` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `pcode` varchar(8) default NULL,
 `pcode_id` smallint(4) default NULL,
 `ph` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `email` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `date` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
 `price` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
 `email_priv` tinyint(1) default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `cat_pc_date` (`cat`,`pcode_id`,`date`),
 KEY `c_p_d` (`cat`,`pcode`,`date`),
 KEY `user` (`user_id`),
 KEY `cat_date` (`cat`,`date`)
CREATE TABLE `p_cat` (
 `id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
 `parent` mediumint(11) default '0',
 `lft` mediumint(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 `rgt` mediumint(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `LFT` (`lft`),
 KEY `PARENT` (`parent`)
Query as follows:

EXPLAIN SELECT p.* FROM p_cat c, p_ad p WHERE = AND c.lft 
| table | type  | possible_keys  | key  | key_len | ref  | 
rows  | Extra   |
| p | ALL   | cat_pc_date,c_p_d,cat_date | NULL |NULL | NULL | 
60002 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
| c | range   | PRIMARY,LFT   | LFT|
 3 | NULL | 1 | Using where   |

Is there any way I can get a query like this to avoid using a temporary 
table and filesort.


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upgrade which client?

2004-04-10 Thread Duke, Brian
I needed 5to do some subqueries. I had mysql-3.23. Somehow I thought
mysql4 included subqueries. Loaded mysql-4.0. Converted everything and
got it working except it doesn't do subqueries. Therefore we installed
mysql-4.1.1 6 hours of figuring out the permissions finally we got the
databases all fixed and now I can actually query the tables I see.


Now there is 1 error left that we're a little confused about. We logged
into the server locally via:

mysql -u root -p

It verifies the password and lets us in. We create the users for all the
php scripts via:

Mysqlgrant all on scratch.* to 'fred'@'localhost' identified by

And then when we run our php scripts the mysql-server says;


MySQL said: 

#1250 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
server; consider upgrading MySQL client

So what client is mysql-server talking about? Is it the php-mysql rpm or
the MySQL-client rpm. The server was installed as a standard binary
gunzip. We didn't see a mysql-client binary gunzip just the rpm.


Our box currently has the following services:




on a redhat9 os running a 2.4.20-30.9 kernel


to be fair we installed the mysql-client after we got the first error
message. Before that we had no mysql-client and addes users via
mysqladmin. I don't think I can upgrade the php-mysql any higher yet.
Can someone let us know what we need to upgrade?




Brian Duke

SS-Technical Customer Assistance

Level(3) Communications



RE: upgrade which client?

2004-04-10 Thread Duke, Brian

I needed to do some subqueries. I had mysql-3.23. Somehow I thought
mysql4 included subqueries. Loaded mysql-4.0. Converted everything and
got it working except it doesn't do subqueries. Therefore we installed
mysql-4.1.1 6 hours of figuring out the permissions finally we got the
databases all fixed and now I can actually query the tables I see.


Now there is 1 error left that we're a little confused about. We logged
into the server locally via:

mysql -u root -p

It verifies the password and lets us in. We create the users for all the
php scripts via:

Mysqlgrant all on scratch.* to 'fred'@'localhost' identified by

And then when we run our php scripts the mysql-server says;


MySQL said: 

#1250 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
server; consider upgrading MySQL client

So what client is mysql-server talking about? Is it the php-mysql rpm or
the MySQL-client rpm. The server was installed as a standard binary
gunzip. We didn't see a mysql-client binary gunzip just the rpm.


Our box currently has the following services:




on a redhat9 os running a 2.4.20-30.9 kernel


to be fair we installed the mysql-client after we got the first error
message. Before that we had no mysql-client and added users via
mysqladmin. I don't think I can upgrade the php-mysql any higher yet.
Can someone let us know what we need to upgrade?





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syntax error on create

2004-04-10 Thread warwick mayson


I am new to mysql and have a create script that when sourced throws a syntax error.

The script : 

CREATE TABLE employee (
  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE position (
  position_type INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL,

CREATE TABLE company (
  name VARCHAR(255) NULL,

CREATE TABLE company_position (
  PRIMARY KEY(company_id, position_id),
  INDEX company_id_FKIndex1(company_id),
  INDEX position_id_FKIndex2(position_id),
  FOREIGN KEY(company_id)
REFERENCES company(id)
  FOREIGN KEY(position_id)
REFERENCES position(id)

returns :

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds 
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'position(id)


Can anyone explain why this is happening ???

Thanks in advance.


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Too many server instances

2004-04-10 Thread Emmett Bishop
Howdy all,

I am having trouble configuring my server parameters
with my.cnf because there seems to be several mysql
server instances (mysqld processes) running on my
linux box. What I would like to do is bump up the
innodb_buffer_pool_size on the server to 512M (the box
has 3GB of RAM). The problem is that there seem to be
several instances of mysql server running concurrently
on the box. Each one of them allocates 512M for the
buffer pool and the box grinds to a halt, completely
out of RAM to do anything!

I've included a snippet of the top command display (I
hope that you can read it easily).

18913 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:01   3 mysqld
18914 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:00   1 mysqld
18915 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:01   1 mysqld
18916 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
 83:48   0 mysqld
18917 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  6:25   1 mysqld
18918 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:00   3 mysqld
18919 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:32   0 mysqld
18920 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
 12:05   1 mysqld
18921 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:00   3 mysqld
31277 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:24   3 mysqld
31807 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:00   0 mysqld
31808 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:02   0 mysqld
32211 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:00   0 mysqld
32212 mysql 15   0 30160  29M  2944 S 0.0  0.9
  0:00   2 mysqld

In windows when I run mysql as a service there is only
one mysql process running. The configuration settings
have proven to work quite well there because there is
never more than one mysql process. So, how do I have
only one instance of the server running at any given
time under linux? I'm starting mysql using the
mysqld_safe script through the command: service mysql

I'm pretty new to linux so perhaps that is where my
problem lies. Any ideas as to what I'm doing



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Do I specify a primary key to be primary, unique and index ?

2004-04-10 Thread Daniel Dammann - Axyswebs Ltd.
I learned that there are three types of indexes (PRIMARY, UNIQUE, and

Now assuming I create a performance-critical PRIMARY key, will I better have
to specify UNIQUE and INDEX for this column also !? It should be obvious
that a primary key is unique anyway, and an index as well, shouldnt it !?
Please note, I am not after saving disk space here, performance is all I am
after, and such a three-fold indexing exercise just seems redundant to me in
the best case scenario, or harmful even, am I right there !?

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sql join help

2004-04-10 Thread Michael Collins
I suppose this would be easier with subselects but I am using MySQL 4:

I want all orders that are of orderStatus 2 and whose orderitems 
contain a product that is in a productparent category greater than 2. 
An orderitem can only have one product, and that product has a single 
certain product parent (defined in the products table). This is how 
the tables are related:

members - orders - orderitems - products - productparents

I have tried the following, but I know it is not correct:

SELECT count(*) FROM orders AS o
LEFT JOIN members AS m USING (memberId)
LEFT JOIN orderItems AS oi ON (o.orderId=oi.orderId)
LEFT JOIN products AS p ON (oi.productId=p.productId) AND 
(p.productParentId  2)
WHERE (oi.orderId IS NULL) AND (o.orderStatus=2);

||| Michael Collins
||| Kuwago Inc  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
||| Seattle, WA, USA
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2004-04-10 Thread David Carlos Brunstein
Hi Rodrigo.

I'm facing a similar task but from Informix to MySQL. What I do is:

1. Obtain a SQL script to create the logical database (an Informix tool
give it). You can use Erwin, with reverse engineer and the save the

2. Add the Type=INNODB clause for each CREATE sentence. 

3. Divide the scritp into tow: one for the tables creation (with its
primary key)  (CreateDB.sql) and another one for the alter tables to
create the foreing keys (AlterDB.sql).

4. Create a script for loading data from TXT files. First you have to
save every table data from SQL Server into TXT files, then load them
into MySQL tables (LoadDB.sql).

5. Run the AlterDB.sql script (step 3).

It works fine to me.

David Carlos Brunstein
System Analyst / Software Developer
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mail to: David _ Brunstein @ Yahoo . Com . ar
IM: DavidBrunstein @ Hotmail . Com

-Original Message-
From: Rodrigo Galindez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:38 AM
Subject: MSSQL to MYSQL

Hello list,
I have to move a database in MSSQL to MYSQL, with the table 
structures and all the respective data. I tested one product to do this,

SQLyog, and it works fine, except for some little problems with indexes 
and primary/secondary keys. I want to know if anyone have been dealing 
with the same problem to recommend me some suggestions/tips/tricks. Do 
you know another program/script/ways to do this migration ? I want to 
migrate everything from the original MSSQL database, like indexes, 
relationships, and so on. Can you guys recommend me some actions or tips

to take ?
Thanks in advance,

Rodrigo Galindez
Information Management Assistant
Center for Human Rights and Environment (CEDHA)
Gral Paz 186 10 A
5000 - Cordoba - Argentina
Tel/fax 54-351-4256278

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