Re: Slow Query Question - Need help of Gurus.

2004-04-19 Thread Michael Stassen
Ben Dinnerville wrote:

You have a redundant clause in your query - the distinct is not needed when
you are doing a group by on the same field ('Call Svr Tag ID') - not sure
how the optimiser in MySQL will handle this. In some RDBMS's the duplicate
clause will be optimised down to 1 clause, so you wont cop a performance
hit, but just because you think an optimiser will do something is no reason
not to write the query right the first time - always makes it easier on the
optimiser and write the query with as few possible predicates and clauses as
DISTINCT is not a function you feed a column into.  It is a SELECT keyword 
which prevents duplicate rows.  For example,

  CREATE TABLE t (v1 int, v2 int);
  INSERT INTO t VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2);
  | v1   | v2   |
  |1 |1 |
  |1 |2 |
  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Once you add GROUP BY, you are guaranteed unique rows, one for each group, 
so DISTINCT adds nothing.

What indexes do you have on the table?
You need an index on the 'Journal Create Date' (PS identifiers with spaces
in the name are bad practice!).
An index on the Call_Svc_Tag_ID column may also assist with the group by
function - you need to run an explain to see what indexes are needed.
The indexes were listed at the bottom of the original post.  He already has 
indexes on `Journal Create Date` and `Call Svc Tag ID`, but MySQL will only 
use one index per table, so separate indexes won't help much.  He should 
definitely run an EXPLAIN.  I expect EXPLAIN will list both as possible 
keys, and which, if any, it picked.  What is needed, I expect, is a 
multi-column index on those 2 columns:

  ALTER TABLE 31909_859552
  ADD INDEX Tag_Created (`Call Svc Tag ID`, `Journal Create Date`);
Then try again:

  SELECT `Call Svc Tag ID`,
  Count(*) as counter,
 `Journal Create Date`
  FROM 31909_859552
  WHERE `Journal Create Date` between '2004-03-13' AND  '2004-03-16'
  AND `Call Svc Tag ID`'null'
  GROUP BY `Call Svc Tag ID`
  HAVING counter  3
  ORDER BY counter;
Note that sorting by the count can't use an index, so it will be slower than 
if you had ordered by `Call Svc Tag ID`.

Also, not sure how the optimiser and indexing in MySQL handles the between
predicate, but you might want to try doing a greater than equal to test and
a less than test in the place of the between test - eg
WHERE Journal_Create_Date = '2004-03-13' AND Journal_Create_Date 
MySQL handles BETWEEN just fine.  If you think about it, you explicitly set 
the range with BETWEEN, but the optimizer has to put the two inequalities 
joined with AND together to get the same range.  In other words, BETWEEN is 

In answer to one of the other follow ups, a count() should not result in a
full table scan when there are other predicates in the query - they will be
resolved first and then the count() will be done over the temporary result



-Original Message-

Hi All,
I have a huge Database which contains about 500,000 records, (will be
adding about 20-25k records every week)
I need to run group queries and output the same to a web interface. 
- At present a select takes anywhere from 20 seconds to 10 minutes on
such queries.
MySQL/MyISAM is designed to give fast SELECTS, so 10 minutes seems excessive.

What can I do?

Till now we were using MS Access, and no web based interface.
Running a normal MySQL 4.0 install on windows 2000, 256 MB RAM, 2.6 GHz
About 10 users at a time would be connecting initially.
I'm no Win2000 expert, but that doesn't sound like enough RAM, especially if 
the web server is on the same machine.  Ideally, you'd like your data cached 
in RAM, but this one table appears to be 100 Mb or so, not even counting the 
indexes.  With a query taking 10 minutes, I wonder if you're running out of 
memory and thrashing the disk.

I know theres a lot of tweaking possible with MySQL.
Please advise, because I would need a lot of such queries, fetching
through JSP, and displaying them in a presentable form.
Table Structure is as Follows:

Journal Created By  varchar(255)   No  
Case Substatus ID  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL
Case Status ID  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL
Call Rep Employee Name  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL
Call Rep Employee ID  varchar(10)   Yes  NULL
Call Rep DPS Login ID  varchar(10)   Yes  NULL
Call Rep Profile ID  varchar(15)   Yes  NULL
Call Rep Section Code  varchar(15)   Yes  NULL
Call Rep Country Code  char(3)   Yes  NULL
Journal Create Date  date   No  -00-00
Journal Create Time  time   Yes  NULL
Call Svc Tag ID  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL
Order Num of Svc Tag  varchar(255)   Yes  NULL   

Indexes: web site

2004-04-19 Thread SQL-Scripts.COm
Teh other day I posted an annoncement about my new web site
www.SQL-Scripts.Com .  It is a place were you can find SQL scripts for
database system.  You can even lodge your own scripts and help someone out

I have started a monthly contest on the site now.  The first people to lodge
20 new quality scripts in one month get a pick of the software prizes on
offer.  Currently we have one prize for Microsoft SQL , One for MySQL , One
for PostgreSQL and a new prize coming soon for Access.  To check out the
details of the contest please go to The details are on
the main page.

Thank-you for your time

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RE: Slow Query Question - Need help of Gurus.

2004-04-19 Thread Ben Dinnerville

The indexes were listed at the bottom of the original post.  
Woops, didnt see that far down, should have scrolled a little further :)

What is needed, I expect, is a 
multi-column index on those 2 columns:

   ALTER TABLE 31909_859552
   ADD INDEX Tag_Created (`Call Svc Tag ID`, `Journal Create Date`);

Definatly get an index across all queried fields, especially in this case
where there are only 2 columns in the result set, you may be able to avoid
hitting the data leaf's of the table all together and retrieve all info from
the index alone, saving you the added IO on the data leaf's

Then try again:

   SELECT `Call Svc Tag ID`,
   Count(*) as counter,
  `Journal Create Date`
   FROM 31909_859552
   WHERE `Journal Create Date` between '2004-03-13' AND  '2004-03-16'
   AND `Call Svc Tag ID`'null'
   GROUP BY `Call Svc Tag ID`
   HAVING counter  3
   ORDER BY counter;

The count(*) will be causing some havoc here, as all columns in the
underlying table(s) will have to be read in, negating any direct hits to the
index's and causing a lot more IO than is needed. Change it to a count on
one of the columns in the result set or simply a count(1) as counter -
will give you the same result without any IO.

Note that sorting by the count can't use an index, so it will be slower
if you had ordered by `Call Svc Tag ID`.
This is something that will need testing. Ordering on a varchar(255) column
(call svc tag ID) is going to be a lot more inefficient that ordering on a
numeric column, especially when the ordering is happening on the reduced
result set of the group by and predicate clauses, however the indexing
available on the real column may negate any deficit.

MySQL handles BETWEEN just fine.  If you think about it, you explicitly
the range with BETWEEN, but the optimizer has to put the two inequalities 
joined with AND together to get the same range.  In other words, BETWEEN
I am sure that MySQL does handle the between just fine, but this is not to
say that it will handle the between better that a gt / lt clause in this
particular scenario. I know the between sounds like it might be easier, but
internally the between is likely to be translated into a gt / lt clause by
the optimiser anyhow as the only way to check if something is between 2
values is the check if it is greater than the min and less than the max.
Just give the 2 different queries a go and see if there is any time

Also noticed that the table seems to be a fairly flat structure (hard to
tell defiantly from looking at one sample). By this I mean that there are a
lot of varchar(255)'s in the table, and looking at the naming of the
columns, these seem to be id type fields. You might be able to gain some
performance by normalising the database a little by moving some of the large
varchar fields out to a related table and referencing by a numeric type id,
this could greatly reduce the amount of data in your base table, especially
considering the number of rows you are talking about storing and could give
you an IO based performance increase. Once again, might need to test and
play around a little with different models here.

What kind of proportion of null values are you expecting for the Call Svc
Tag ID column? Depending on this, you may or may not be better off
restructuring the query to filter out the null values post grouping - eg as
an extra for the having clause having counter 3 and call svc tag id 
null) - My mind is not super clear on this one at the moment, but am not
sure if / how null values get indexed in MySQL (any feedback on this one
anyone?) another one that maybe only testing will show if it helps or not.
Also, are you looking for null values, or the word null in the column? 

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Managing users in different OS enviroments with MySQL

2004-04-19 Thread Jonas Lindén
Hello, Me and a few others are developing om linux boxes running MySQL 5.0.0. We often 
create users with different access rights on our  development boxes and then it often 
occours problems with users when our programs goes into production. I would like to 
find a common user enviroment for our database users. I was thinking that we could 
perhaps use our Active Directory service which is running on a windows server in our 

Would it be possible to avoid using MySQLs own mysql (mysql.user, mysql.db and so on) 
database and instead directly authenticate against our active directory? Or is that 
not a smart way to go? 

Any suggestions are welcome

Re: Slow Query Question - Need help of Gurus.

2004-04-19 Thread Matt W

- Original Message -
From: Ben Dinnerville
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:49 AM
Subject: RE: Slow Query Question - Need help of Gurus.


Then try again:

   SELECT `Call Svc Tag ID`,
   Count(*) as counter,
  `Journal Create Date`
   FROM 31909_859552
   WHERE `Journal Create Date` between '2004-03-13' AND  '2004-03-16'
   AND `Call Svc Tag ID`'null'
   GROUP BY `Call Svc Tag ID`
   HAVING counter  3
   ORDER BY counter;

 The count(*) will be causing some havoc here, as all columns in the
 underlying table(s) will have to be read in, negating any direct hits
to the
 index's and causing a lot more IO than is needed. Change it to a count
 one of the columns in the result set or simply a count(1) as
counter -
 will give you the same result without any IO.

COUNT(*) is not a problem.  It won't cause the data file to be read if
just the index can be used.  EXPLAIN will show the same plan for
COUNT(*) and COUNT(1).  :-)


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Re: column name contains #

2004-04-19 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Zhang Yu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am migrating an old Access database to MySQL. After
 migration, we'll keep using Access forms as front end,
 and MySQL as database.
 I experienced a strange problem when creating table
 with a column name id #, which is used by many
 queries in Access. My command is like this:
 create table t1 (`id #` int(11), `First Name`
 varchard(20) );
 I get this error:ERROR 1064: You have an error in your
 SQL syntax near '' at line 1
 Once I substituted # to ! or @, the command worked
 Is there any constraints with '#' for the column name?

What version of MySQL do you use? Forked fine for me:

mysql create table t1 (`id #` int(11), `First Name`
- varchar(20) );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql show create table t1\G
*** 1. row ***
   Table: t1
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
  `id #` int(11) default NULL,
  `First Name` varchar(20) default NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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Access denied for user 'lrmt@iidcm063' ( Using password: YES)

2004-04-19 Thread James, Joby (Joby)** CTR **
hi all
I have installed mysql and I created an users call lrmt and password
is lrmt. 
So from command line(mysql -u lrmt -p lrmt)  i can enter to mysql with out
any problem and also with mysql -u root -p socket.

I used this command to give permission to user
GRANT ALL ON database.* TO mysqlusername\@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysqlpassword'

But through script I cannot access the database it shows an error message
DBI connect ('','lrmt',...) failed: Access
denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) at test.cgi line 20.
This script is running from apache. The apache log file displays the same
message when I run the script through Internet browser. And also I got this
error message when I run this script from command line..

Please help me to solve the problem. to access database through
script what permission I have to set in mysql databases and table (user, db,
host, table) ..

if possible just send me the query that I can execute on mysql
database to solve this problem.
Regards joby james

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Re: row locking

2004-04-19 Thread Sahil Aggarwal
thanx for all the replies.

i found the solution with a single select and update, it was a simple
update(how did i miss tht???)
but what if i want to do a compelete transaction with row level locking
in consideration, as thr can be time lag between the queries(select and
update) so a row level locking.

On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 21:42, Paul DuBois wrote:

 At 18:57 +0530 4/16/04, Sahil Aggarwal wrote:
 hi all,
 i have select statements in my java code which are followed by updates
 in my Innodb table.
 the desired behaviour shud have been
 check and then update
 but because of tomcat accepting connections the above becomes
 check check update update
 i dont want to set the table locking, as it will make the system slower
 how can i set exclusive row locking until the update is finished?
 Have you tried using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?
 Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
 Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Sahil Aggarwal

Re: Learning curve

2004-04-19 Thread Brent Baisley
I hate to say this, but you may want to look into FileMaker if you 
don't know a lot about databases and programming. You'll be able to get 
things up to speed a lot quicker and other users would be able to learn 
it fairly easily to help you out. I often use FileMaker to prototype a 
database and then create the finished product in MySQL/PHP. It can 
handle you pictures and creating a web interface is just a button click 

On Apr 15, 2004, at 6:06 PM, Mike T. Caskey wrote:

My problem:  My databases are single-user systems for use in and would be difficult to roll them out to my entire 
team.  I don't want to install OO.o on everyones computer and I don't 
want to learn MS Access as it is known for being a temporary solution. 
 So I need something that can keep up with the times and can be rolled 
out easily (web interface?).  I also need to be able to append scanned 
images to records (PDF or JPEG?).  This is all pretty complex and I'm 
definitely not technically equipped to create this just yet.

Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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spatial woes

2004-04-19 Thread James S reid
hi - Ive posted this before but not had a satisfactory solution...
Im trying to load spatial data as OGC WKT into a geometry field but a number of rows 
consistently fail. I can se no reaspn for this other than their length - does anyone 
know what the size limit for insertion into a geometry field is (Im looking at 
polygons failing anywhere between 140K to 50K)...

Ive tried on msql on both a unix box and a win xp machien and get the same failures so 
I guess its something that Im missing ??

thoughts appreciated

james, edinburgh

To err is human... to programme is folly

key_buffer_size and INNODB

2004-04-19 Thread Emmett Bishop
Is the key_buffer_size server variable useful for
tuning databases that only have innodb tables or do I
need to use the innodb_buffer_pool_size variable for



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InnoDB Load Problem

2004-04-19 Thread Marvin Wright

Apologies in advance for the large post but I've tried to explain my problem
as much as I can.

I'm having load issues with my InnoDB server and am not sure what I should
try to resolve this problem.
The machine is redhat Linux 7.2 with dual processors, 4GB ram and about 32GB
disk space.
The MySQL version is 4.0.13.

The machine is used purely with InnoDB tables and has a few very large
tables acting as cache data.
I've allocated 10 data files each 2Gb, when busy the files are between 40%
and 60% used.

I have clients reading and writing to the tables constantly and these
clients do not see any performance degradation which I'm really happy about.

But every 10 minutes I run a cron job that deletes expired/duplicated
records from the tables.  This process seems to hammer the system.
I have 3 tables, table A, B and C.  Table A has a 1 to many relationship
with table B and table B has a 1 to many relationship with table C.
Table A is the master record table and holds the timestamp.

So, this cron job does a select to get expired records, this query is very
fast as retrieves anywhere between 5,000 and 50,000 records.
For each expired record it then starts a transaction, deletes all records
from C, deletes all records from B, deletes the master record from A and
then ends the transaction.  That's it.  This process takes about 5 minutes
if expiring a large number of records and can take the machines load average
to about 10.

Looking at top when this process runs I can see many mysql process but 1 or
2 are taking alot of CPU, 1 about 50% and 1 about 35%, sometimes the top one
can go up as high as 90%.

The my.cnf file for innodb is as follows

  innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M
  innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 15M
  innodb_log_file_size = 256M
  innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M

I've read the InnoDB tuning page ( ), there are a few
things I could try but I'd like to make sure that I'm on the right tracks.

  * Firstly I could put more queries into a single transaction.

  * Should I increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size ??, ( bare in mind there
is a 2GB limit on linux/GLIBC )

  * Change the innodb_flush_method to O_DSYNC

Any advice on the steps I should take would be greatly appreciated.
Please let me know if you require any additional information.

Best Regards,

Marvin Wright

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Re: Slow Query Question - Need help of Gurus.

2004-04-19 Thread Michael Stassen

Ben Dinnerville wrote:

Note that sorting by the count can't use an index, so it will be slower
than if you had ordered by `Call Svc Tag ID`.
This is something that will need testing. Ordering on a varchar(255) column
(call svc tag ID) is going to be a lot more inefficient than ordering on a
numeric column, especially when the ordering is happening on the reduced
result set of the group by and predicate clauses, however the indexing
available on the real column may negate any deficit.
The ordering happens on the reduced result set either way, so that isn't 
relevant here.  The key point is the index.  Without any index, it is 
certainly true that a varchar(255) should take longer to sort than an int, 
but in this case the varchar column is already sorted in the index, while 
the int is the result of a calculation.  No additional work is needed to 
sort the varchar, while the int must be sorted.  On the other hand, sorting 
ints is usually fast, so I don't think this should be a big factor.

MySQL handles BETWEEN just fine. If you think about it, you
explicitly set the range with BETWEEN, but the optimizer has to put
the two inequalities joined with AND together to get the same range.
In other words, BETWEEN is  easier.
I am sure that MySQL does handle the between just fine, but this is not to
say that it will handle the between better that a gt / lt clause in this
particular scenario. I know the between sounds like it might be easier, but
internally the between is likely to be translated into a gt / lt clause by
the optimiser anyhow as the only way to check if something is between 2
values is the check if it is greater than the min and less than the max.
Just give the 2 different queries a go and see if there is any time
I won't pretend to be an expert on the internals of the optimizer, but I 
think you are missing the value of the index.  Another way to tell if a 
value is between two others is to check its relative position in the index. 
 Both the between and the 2 inequalities define a range.  With the index, 
the optimizer need merely find the start and end of the range and then grab 
everything from the one to the other.  I am certainly in favor of testing, 
but I'd be surprised if you saw a measurable difference between the two.

Also noticed that the table seems to be a fairly flat structure (hard to
tell definitely from looking at one sample). By this I mean that there are a
lot of varchar(255)'s in the table, and looking at the naming of the
columns, these seem to be id type fields. You might be able to gain some
performance by normalising the database a little by moving some of the large
varchar fields out to a related table and referencing by a numeric type id,
this could greatly reduce the amount of data in your base table, especially
considering the number of rows you are talking about storing and could give
you an IO based performance increase. Once again, might need to test and
play around a little with different models here.
Excellent point.  Normalizing would help a lot.  Unless there are 500,000 
Call Reps, there's a LOT of wasted space in this table.  To make matters 
worse, the rows are variable length, so there's a penalty for wasted space. 
 At the least, the Call Rep info should be in its own table, and the 6 Call 
Rep columns should be replaced with an int column containing the Call Rep 
key.  Similarly, the Case Status and Substatus should be moved to their own 
table(s?).  If at all possible, all tables should be fixed length (CHARs) of 
a reasonable size (will you ever really have a 255 char Call Rep Employee 
Name?) rather than variable length (VARCHARs).  Usually, I'd say that disk 
is cheap, so go ahead and waste some space to save on time, but in this 
case, I expect we'll save so much space from normalizing that even changing 
VARCHAR to CHAR we'll still end up ahead spacewise.

Dropping any unused indexes could also help, in general.  For example, 
unless we need to select based on time of day without regard to date, the 
index on `Journal Create Time` is unlikely to be used.  In that case drop 
both date and time indexes and replace them with one multicolumn index.

Also, are you looking for null values, or the word null in the column?  
I noticed that too and forgot to mention it.


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Re: How can I detect the end of a replication cycle?

2004-04-19 Thread SGreen

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the delay in responding but I had to be out of town for the last
4 days and didn't have access to my mail.

Here is a recap for those who are just joining:
I have multiple branch locations that need to have their transactions
rolled up into a common statistics database. Each branch will host a master
database replicating their transactions to a central server (multiple
slaves, one per branch). The common statistics database needs to be kept as
up-to-date as possible. The changes to the common statistics database will
be replicated in a hub-and-spoke pattern (master at the central
server/slaves at each branch).

What Garth and I have been discussing are ideas for synchronizing an
external merge/process agent with a slaves replication activity. By
coordinating with each slave, I can extract the new records from the
central office's slaves and add the processed data to the statistics
database in as close to real-time as possible.

 On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 20:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 13:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I could frequently poll the slave servers using SHOW SLAVE STATUS or
   PROCESS LIST and watch for their status to change.
   I could start each slave with --log-slave-updates and watch the
   binlogs for changes.
   I could watch for the creation/deletion of the slave's relay logs.
   This seems to indicate that you are afraid of selecting rows on the
   slave that are in the middle of being updated from the master.  A
   update statement is still atomic, so you don't need to poll log files
   determine if an update statement has finished.
   On the other hand, if there is some set of multiple updates and
   that constitute a collection of data that you want to merge only when
  this collection is complete, you're better off finding a way to signal
   this through the database.  You could have the master lock the tables
   question until its finished and then the program quering the slave
   that when it gets a read lock, its will see the full set of data.
   could also have a status column or a status table that has a flag
   letting the program on the slave side know when the data is ready.
   If this is off the mark, maybe some example statements would help...
  [more snipping]
  Yes, I AM concerned about getting a partial update to the warehouse. I
  that transactions aren't logged until after they commit. If I use
  transactional boundaries to post multitable reports (for instance: an
  invoice takes two tables, one for the base information and one for the
  items) into the branch masters then they will arrive intact and I won't
  corrupt the central slaves. (That's NOT the issue I am worried about!)
  I am worried that if I start processing those new records from the
  database to the Warehouse before all of the records have been processed
  from the Relay Logs (lets say I started trying to merge records when I
  the relay log being created), I could miss some data (like the last few
  items on the invoice). That's why I am so worried about not merging
  the END of the cycle. I need to be sure that everything has been
  to my central slave BEFORE I can merge the latest updates with the
  warehouse database.
  I can lock a slave database so that it won't replicate in the middle of
  merging so I know that if I can catch a slave when it goes back to
  (Waiting for master to send event), I would have a complete set of
  I could use --log-slave-updates to copy the updates to the slave's
  and check that to see if I need to merge records( if slave status is
  waiting and the binlog is not empty then merge). Each merge could
  the binlog. However, there was a post from someone using binlogs for
  similar purpose that said that for 4.1.x+ the binlogs vary in size
  flushing so I don't know how reliable that would be as a check. How
could I
  tell when a binlog is empty?

 Using the binlog in this way will lead to a race condition.  What if
 another update comes in during the few milliseconds between your 'ready'
 check (an empty binlog and a 'waiting' status) and when you select those
 rows for processing?  Plus if MySQL does any buffering of its output to
 the binlog, you could be basing your check on seconds old data, further
 aggravating the problem.

 The only solution I can think of that won't cause a race condition is to
 lock your tables, but your program running on the slave database would
 have to be able to connect to the master.  Your slave program would lock
 the necessary tables on the master side, wait to receive the lock, wait
 until the slave had caught up, do your merge, then release the lock.
 Likewise, the code updating tables on the master would need to lock the
 tables while they write.  You make the process a little friendlier by
 creating a separate control table that the 

XFS or ReiserFS?

2004-04-19 Thread Don Dachner
Which filesystem is better for a MySQL server? I can't see the difference between 
All I need is a LFS that will handle a MyISAM table above the 4GB size level.
Running Linux 2.4 (or can install the latest ver if necessary) on 32 bit Intel 
My Linux books says XFS is the leader in supporting Access Control that a 
consideration for a MySQL server?

MySQL auth failure logging

2004-04-19 Thread mysql-archive
Is there a way to log authentication failures against the mysqld by
source IP and username attempted?

 Mark P. Hennessy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: column name contains #

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 20:43 -0700 4/17/04, Zhang Yu wrote:
Deal all,

I am migrating an old Access database to MySQL. After
migration, we'll keep using Access forms as front end,
and MySQL as database.
I experienced a strange problem when creating table
with a column name id #, which is used by many
queries in Access. My command is like this:
create table t1 (`id #` int(11), `First Name`
varchard(20) );
I get this error:ERROR 1064: You have an error in your
SQL syntax near '' at line 1
Once I substituted # to ! or @, the command worked
Is there any constraints with '#' for the column name?
For the server, no.  However, the mysql client also parses
statements (so that it can find statement delimiters and
send statements one by one to the server), and its parser
is confused by the construct (and a few others) prior to, um, ...
Well, I'm not sure prior to what.  Prior for 4.1, I believe.
I know that the statement you show above works in 4.1.2.
Or at least it works when you spell varchard correctly. :-)
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Datetime Default Value

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 13:30 -0400 4/18/04, Stormblade wrote:
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:17:00 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

 Stormblade wrote:

 Hey all,

 I'm currently converting a SQLServer 2000 database over to MySQL. I have a
 web application that currently uses SQLServer but will be using MySQL soon
 as I can get this done.
 I was able to match data types but so far I have not found a way to let the
 database handle setting the default value of a datetime field to the
 current date/time. Is this possible?
 Defaults must be constants, not functions, in MySQL.  So, except for the
 TIMESTAMP type, the answer is no.
I suspected as much. I wonder if they plan to add this in the future or if
there is some technical reason that they did not allow for this.
Actually, in MySQL 4.1.2, you'll be able to do this.  Currently, the
first TIMESTAMP column is set to the current timestamp when a record
is created by default *and* updated when any other column is changed.
In 4.1.2, you'll be able to decouple this (for one TIMESTAMP column in
the table), so that the column can be set to the current timestamp for
record creation, but not changed afterward unless you change it explicitly.
For example:

mysql create table t (ts timestamp default current_timestamp, i int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql insert into t (i) values(1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.18 sec)
mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |1 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)
mysql update t set i = i + 1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Note that the ts column did not change when the i column was updated.

This isn't documented in the manual yet, because I am still working on it.

 In my research I found 2 main suggestions:

 1. Use timestamp. While this suggestion is good for my modified fields it
 is not really suitable for the others which basically will get set once and
 that's it.
 You can preserve the value of a timestamp column by explicitly setting it to
 itself in an UPDATE.  Something like this:
UPDATE yourtable SET somecol='newvalue', timestampcol=timestampcol
Yea I saw that but then I'd have to guarantee that any SQL that updated did
this. I had visions of lots of pain in this case. It would only take a
single mistake to permanently remove the creation date.
 2. Use datetime but specify the date/time in your SQL. This is also not
 very suitable for two reasons. One is that it would require me to go
 through the web application and change all the SQL which I can do but
 rather not. The second reason is that this approach is dangerous. There is
 no guarantee that the database is on the same system as the web
 application. May not even be in the same timezone. So I prefer a more
 loosely coupled design.
 This need not be dangerous.  You can use the CURDATE() and NOW() functions
 to let the server define the date and time.  Something like this:
INSERT INTO yourtable (datecol, datetimecol, othercols...)
VALUES (CURDATE(), NOW(), othervals...);
for more.
Ok, I knew about the functions but what do you mean allow the server to to
define the date/time. If I use an SQL like you have above does the database
itself resolve those function then? If so then that's a good alternative.
Sure I'll have to modify some SQL but I can set the date field not to allow
null so that when they create a record they HAVE to supply a date.
Now on updates if I remember my SQL I don't have to specify the date and
it'll just leave it alone. So that means rather than changing all the SQL I
only really have to modify the Inserts.

 If I can't find any other way I will have to go with the second option but
 I'd really like to find out a better way if one exists.
 So, you have two choices: Use timestamp and change your code to preserve the
 timestamp in updates, or use datetime and change your code to set it to
 NOW() on insert.  Depending on your application, one of those may be easier
 to do (require fewer changes).  All else being equal, I'd recommend using
 datetime, as it is intuitively closer to what you want (self-documenting).
Yup that's what I think I will do. I will use timestamp only for when I
need a last modified type value and datetime for all else.
Thanks much. If the curdate and now functions use the system date according
to where the MySQL database is then that's the solution for me.
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)
My System:

Re: varchar 4 = char 4? Why?

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 15:26 -0400 4/18/04, Stormblade wrote:
Thanks for the explaination. Heh I should have realized that. varchars are
probably implemented as null terminated strings and so they need an extra
byte for the terminating char (Null or otherwise).
They're stored as a length byte + string contents.

Yeah it's definitely doing me a favor as my reason for varchar was space.
So what happens if I store a single char in a field of char(2)? Does it get
autofilled then? I saw an option for this so do I have to specify that this
field should get autofilled?
The answer to this is to do what you indicate you already know that
you should do in the next sentence. :-)  Spending some time in the column
types chapter will give you some useful background.
I'm definitely gonna have to read that manual you gave me the link to I
see. That default thing means I'm gonna have to re-do all the SQL in that
application. *sigh* I just knew I would. I fought a good fight I guess.
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 15:03:18 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

 In MySQL, the only practical difference between a CHAR and a VARCHAR is how
 it is stored.  CHARs are fixed-length, so they are fast but can waste space.
   VARCHARs are variable length, so they are slow but (usually) save space.
 That's the key here -- the only advantage to a varchar is the space savings.
   But, each varchar takes one more byte than the length of the string in
 order to store the length.  When your column is less than 4 characters, that
 extra byte makes a significant dent in your space savings, thus removing the
 sole advantage of varchar over char.  For example, it takes 2 bytes to store
 a CHAR(2) and 1 to 3 bytes to store a VARCHAR(2).  MySQL is trying to do you
 a favor by changing your column.  Whether you agree it's done you a favor or
 not seems to be a matter of opinion.
 You should definitely read the Silent Column Specification Changes section of
 the manual.
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)
My System:

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: column name contains #

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 20:43 -0700 4/17/04, Zhang Yu wrote:
Deal all,

I am migrating an old Access database to MySQL. After
migration, we'll keep using Access forms as front end,
and MySQL as database.
I experienced a strange problem when creating table
with a column name id #, which is used by many
queries in Access. My command is like this:
create table t1 (`id #` int(11), `First Name`
varchard(20) );
I get this error:ERROR 1064: You have an error in your
SQL syntax near '' at line 1
Once I substituted # to ! or @, the command worked
Is there any constraints with '#' for the column name?
For the server, no.  However, the mysql client also parses
statements (so that it can find statement delimiters and
send statements one by one to the server), and its parser
is confused by the construct (and a few others) prior to, um, ...
Well, I'm not sure prior to what.  Prior for 4.1, I believe.
I know that the statement you show above works in 4.1.2.
Or at least it works when you spell varchard correctly. :-)
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HELP!!! - FRM -Files are deleted

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 0:11 +0200 4/19/04, Gerd JuppJacke wrote:

I need fast help. My .frm-files are deleted on MyIsam MySQL. The other two
files types (myd and myi) of each table are still there but the frm-files
are deleted. The database does not work any more.
How can i reconstruct the database with the two types to save everything.
I assume you don't have the .frm files in a backup somewhere?

1. Determine why the .frm files got clobbered, so you can prevent it from
happening again.
2. Make a backup of the .MYD and .MYI files, in case of a mistake during
the following steps.
3. For each table to be restored, follow this procedure:
  a. In the shell, rename the .MYD and .MYI files.  For example:
 mv x.MYD x.MYD.orig
 mv x.MYI x.MYI.orig
  b. In the mysql program, issue the *exact* CREATE TABLE statement that
 will create a table with the same structure as the to-be-restored
table.  If you don't know what this statement is, you're out of luck.
  c. In the mysql program, issue a FLUSH TABLES statement.
  d. In the shell, rename the file from a. back to their original names:
 mv x.MYD.orig x.MYD
 mv x.MYI.orig x.MYI
  Table x should now be restored.  Repeat for the other tables.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HELP!!! - FRM -Files are deleted

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 0:11 +0200 4/19/04, Gerd JuppJacke wrote:

I need fast help. My .frm-files are deleted on MyIsam MySQL. The other two
files types (myd and myi) of each table are still there but the frm-files
are deleted. The database does not work any more.
How can i reconstruct the database with the two types to save everything.
I assume you don't have the .frm files in a backup somewhere?

1. Determine why the .frm files got clobbered, so you can prevent it from
happening again.
2. Make a backup of the .MYD and .MYI files, in case of a mistake during
the following steps.
3. For each table to be restored, follow this procedure:
  a. In the shell, rename the .MYD and .MYI files.  For example:
 mv x.MYD x.MYD.orig
 mv x.MYI x.MYI.orig
  b. In the mysql program, issue the *exact* CREATE TABLE statement that
 will create a table with the same structure as the to-be-restored
table.  If you don't know what this statement is, you're out of luck.
  c. In the mysql program, issue a FLUSH TABLES statement.
  d. In the shell, rename the file from a. back to their original names:
 mv x.MYD.orig x.MYD
 mv x.MYI.orig x.MYI
  Table x should now be restored.  Repeat for the other tables.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: varchar 4 = char 4? Why?

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 15:26 -0400 4/18/04, Stormblade wrote:
Thanks for the explaination. Heh I should have realized that. varchars are
probably implemented as null terminated strings and so they need an extra
byte for the terminating char (Null or otherwise).
They're stored as a length byte + string contents.

Yeah it's definitely doing me a favor as my reason for varchar was space.
So what happens if I store a single char in a field of char(2)? Does it get
autofilled then? I saw an option for this so do I have to specify that this
field should get autofilled?
The answer to this is to do what you indicate you already know that
you should do in the next sentence. :-)  Spending some time in the column
types chapter will give you some useful background.
I'm definitely gonna have to read that manual you gave me the link to I
see. That default thing means I'm gonna have to re-do all the SQL in that
application. *sigh* I just knew I would. I fought a good fight I guess.
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 15:03:18 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

 In MySQL, the only practical difference between a CHAR and a VARCHAR is how
 it is stored.  CHARs are fixed-length, so they are fast but can waste space.
   VARCHARs are variable length, so they are slow but (usually) save space.
 That's the key here -- the only advantage to a varchar is the space savings.
   But, each varchar takes one more byte than the length of the string in
 order to store the length.  When your column is less than 4 characters, that
 extra byte makes a significant dent in your space savings, thus removing the
 sole advantage of varchar over char.  For example, it takes 2 bytes to store
 a CHAR(2) and 1 to 3 bytes to store a VARCHAR(2).  MySQL is trying to do you
 a favor by changing your column.  Whether you agree it's done you a favor or
 not seems to be a matter of opinion.
 You should definitely read the Silent Column Specification Changes section of
 the manual.
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)
My System:

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Datetime Default Value

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 13:30 -0400 4/18/04, Stormblade wrote:
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:17:00 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

 Stormblade wrote:

 Hey all,

 I'm currently converting a SQLServer 2000 database over to MySQL. I have a
 web application that currently uses SQLServer but will be using MySQL soon
 as I can get this done.
 I was able to match data types but so far I have not found a way to let the
 database handle setting the default value of a datetime field to the
 current date/time. Is this possible?
 Defaults must be constants, not functions, in MySQL.  So, except for the
 TIMESTAMP type, the answer is no.
I suspected as much. I wonder if they plan to add this in the future or if
there is some technical reason that they did not allow for this.
Actually, in MySQL 4.1.2, you'll be able to do this.  Currently, the
first TIMESTAMP column is set to the current timestamp when a record
is created by default *and* updated when any other column is changed.
In 4.1.2, you'll be able to decouple this (for one TIMESTAMP column in
the table), so that the column can be set to the current timestamp for
record creation, but not changed afterward unless you change it explicitly.
For example:

mysql create table t (ts timestamp default current_timestamp, i int);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql insert into t (i) values(1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.18 sec)
mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |1 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)
mysql update t set i = i + 1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Note that the ts column did not change when the i column was updated.

This isn't documented in the manual yet, because I am still working on it.

 In my research I found 2 main suggestions:

 1. Use timestamp. While this suggestion is good for my modified fields it
 is not really suitable for the others which basically will get set once and
 that's it.
 You can preserve the value of a timestamp column by explicitly setting it to
 itself in an UPDATE.  Something like this:
UPDATE yourtable SET somecol='newvalue', timestampcol=timestampcol
Yea I saw that but then I'd have to guarantee that any SQL that updated did
this. I had visions of lots of pain in this case. It would only take a
single mistake to permanently remove the creation date.
 2. Use datetime but specify the date/time in your SQL. This is also not
 very suitable for two reasons. One is that it would require me to go
 through the web application and change all the SQL which I can do but
 rather not. The second reason is that this approach is dangerous. There is
 no guarantee that the database is on the same system as the web
 application. May not even be in the same timezone. So I prefer a more
 loosely coupled design.
 This need not be dangerous.  You can use the CURDATE() and NOW() functions
 to let the server define the date and time.  Something like this:
INSERT INTO yourtable (datecol, datetimecol, othercols...)
VALUES (CURDATE(), NOW(), othervals...);
for more.
Ok, I knew about the functions but what do you mean allow the server to to
define the date/time. If I use an SQL like you have above does the database
itself resolve those function then? If so then that's a good alternative.
Sure I'll have to modify some SQL but I can set the date field not to allow
null so that when they create a record they HAVE to supply a date.
Now on updates if I remember my SQL I don't have to specify the date and
it'll just leave it alone. So that means rather than changing all the SQL I
only really have to modify the Inserts.

 If I can't find any other way I will have to go with the second option but
 I'd really like to find out a better way if one exists.
 So, you have two choices: Use timestamp and change your code to preserve the
 timestamp in updates, or use datetime and change your code to set it to
 NOW() on insert.  Depending on your application, one of those may be easier
 to do (require fewer changes).  All else being equal, I'd recommend using
 datetime, as it is intuitively closer to what you want (self-documenting).
Yup that's what I think I will do. I will use timestamp only for when I
need a last modified type value and datetime for all else.
Thanks much. If the curdate and now functions use the system date according
to where the MySQL database is then that's the solution for me.
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)
My System:


2004-04-19 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Chad Attermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using HIGH_PRIORITY in my SELECTs to force queries to take predcedence over 
 due to replication.  I have recently implemented UNION in some of my queries to 
 queries like WHERE table1.column1=something OR table1.column2=somethingelse.

 Anyway, I first tried formatting my UNION query like (SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY ...) 
 (SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY ...) but the server complained about the placement of
 HIGH_PRIORITY.  I was finally able to get it to accept the query by only specifiying
 HIGH_PRIORITY in the first part of the UNION, like (SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY ...) UNION
 (SELECT ...), but it appears that my searches are not taking precedence as they 
 and as non-UNION queries do.  Could there be another explanation for why they are not
 taking precedence, or is there another way to specify HIGH_PRIORITY in UNION queries 
 make both sub-queries high-priority?

You can specify HIGH_PRIORITY in the first SELECT statement, but you are right 
HIGH_PRIORITY doesn't take any effect in queries with UNION.
Thank you for bug report!

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Re: when 4.1.2 release

2004-04-19 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Marek Lewczuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 when do you plan to release 4.1.2 version ?

It will be released in several weeks.

For technical support contracts, goto
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how to speed up a simple query?

2004-04-19 Thread Arthur Radulescu

I have a simple query on a table of about 1,000,000 records... The table is
optimized and the query is pretty simple at this moment... something like

select id,name,desc,cat,date from table where cat='12'

however I need to order the results by date desc... I have indexes on both
the cat and date (of type timestamp) fields however this operation is much
more slowly when I used the order So the result is something like this

select id,name,desc,cat,date from table where cat='12'
takes 0.7 seconds

select id,name,desc,cat,date from table where cat='12' order by date desc
takes 2.4 seconds

any ideea what I can do to help speeding up things? I was thinking that I
should recreate the table daily (something like

insert into temp select * from table order by date desc
delete from table
insert into table select * from temp

) and add the last records at the begining so the mysql database can
retreieve the first records the ones added last because this is my purpose
in fact

But I was wondering if you have any other ideas of how I could do this
because I am not to happy with such operations with such large tables...


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MySqld [problem]

2004-04-19 Thread Mozzi
When trying to start mysqld I get the following error

Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
/usr/bin/safe_mysqld: line 275: 32649 Segmentation fault  $NOHUP_NICENESS 
$ledir/$MYSQLD $defaults --basedir=$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION --datadir=$DATADIR 
$USER_OPTION --pid-file=$pid_file --skip-locking $err_log 21
040419 22:08:23  mysqld ended

I am on debian woody and upgraded with apt-get apgrade about two hours ago.
I am @ my wits end, so sorry if someone saw one of my previous posts.


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Getting an older version of MySQL

2004-04-19 Thread Lou Olsten

I'm currently running some instances of 4.0.18.  I read the following in the docs:

Beginning with MySQL 4.0.3, many server system variables are dynamic and can be set 
at runtime using SET GLOBAL or SET SESSION. You can also select their values using 

But when I look at the downloads page, I only have options for 4.0.18 (production) or 
4.1.1 (alpha).  

How do I upgrade my 4.0.18 to 4.0.3 or whatever the latest 4.0.x might be?



RE: Getting an older version of MySQL

2004-04-19 Thread Chris
4.0.18 is the latest 4.0.x release.

4.0.3  4.0.9  4.0.10  4.0.18

4.0.3 != 4.0.30

-Original Message-
From: Lou Olsten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:44 PM
Subject: Getting an older version of MySQL


I'm currently running some instances of 4.0.18.  I read the following in the

Beginning with MySQL 4.0.3, many server system variables are dynamic and
can be set at runtime using SET GLOBAL or SET SESSION. You can also select
their values using SELECT.

But when I look at the downloads page, I only have options for 4.0.18
(production) or 4.1.1 (alpha).

How do I upgrade my 4.0.18 to 4.0.3 or whatever the latest 4.0.x might be?



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RE: when 4.1.2 release

2004-04-19 Thread electroteque
Huh as in production ? 

 -Original Message-
 From: Victoria Reznichenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 5:52 AM
 Subject: Re: when 4.1.2 release
 Marek Lewczuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  when do you plan to release 4.1.2 version ?
 It will be released in several weeks.
 For technical support contracts, goto
 This email is sponsored by
__  ___ ___   __
   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Victoria Reznichenko
  / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB /
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Getting an older version of MySQL

2004-04-19 Thread Lou Olsten
Ah Ha!  Thanks!!!


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 5:14 PM
Subject: RE: Getting an older version of MySQL

 4.0.18 is the latest 4.0.x release.

 4.0.3  4.0.9  4.0.10  4.0.18

 4.0.3 != 4.0.30

 -Original Message-
 From: Lou Olsten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:44 PM
 Subject: Getting an older version of MySQL


 I'm currently running some instances of 4.0.18.  I read the following in

 Beginning with MySQL 4.0.3, many server system variables are dynamic and
 can be set at runtime using SET GLOBAL or SET SESSION. You can also select
 their values using SELECT.

 But when I look at the downloads page, I only have options for 4.0.18
 (production) or 4.1.1 (alpha).

 How do I upgrade my 4.0.18 to 4.0.3 or whatever the latest 4.0.x might be?



 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: web site

2004-04-19 Thread Greg
Announcing the release of a new web site :

At www.SQL-Scripts.Com you can find a collection of SQL Scripts for many
different database system.  Using our search system you can find scripts
that you need quickly and simply.  If you have scripts that you use why not
lodge them on our site.  If you lodge your script you could win a prize. In
addition to scripts there are many documents, news feeds and articles.

We have a monthly contest for the first people to lodge 20 scripts in one

Please help to make this site great.

Webmaster at

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2004-04-19 Thread Greg
Sorry no subject on the last email
Announcing the release of a new web site :

At www.SQL-Scripts.Com you can find a collection of SQL Scripts for many
different database system.  Using our search system you can find scripts
that you need quickly and simply.  If you have scripts that you use why not
lodge them on our site.  If you lodge your script you could win a prize. In
addition to scripts there are many documents, news feeds and articles.

We have a monthly contest for the first people to lodge 20 scripts in one

Please help to make this site great.

Webmaster at

mysqlclient missing

2004-04-19 Thread erricharl
I have installed binary version for aix 5.2 from and when i try to 
compile cyrus-sasl with mysql support it don't find mysqlclient libraries.

I use --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/ to build but i get:

checking for mysql_select_db in -lmysqlclient... no
configure: WARNING: MySQL library mysqlclient does not work

Doesn't it include client libraries ?

Re: Datetime Default Value

2004-04-19 Thread Stormblade
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 14:18:40 -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:

 At 13:30 -0400 4/18/04, Stormblade wrote:
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:17:00 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

  Stormblade wrote:

  Hey all,

  I'm currently converting a SQLServer 2000 database over to MySQL. I have a
  web application that currently uses SQLServer but will be using MySQL soon
  as I can get this done.

  I was able to match data types but so far I have not found a way to let the
  database handle setting the default value of a datetime field to the
  current date/time. Is this possible?

  Defaults must be constants, not functions, in MySQL.  So, except for the
  TIMESTAMP type, the answer is no.

I suspected as much. I wonder if they plan to add this in the future or if
there is some technical reason that they did not allow for this.
 Actually, in MySQL 4.1.2, you'll be able to do this.  Currently, the
 first TIMESTAMP column is set to the current timestamp when a record
 is created by default *and* updated when any other column is changed.
 In 4.1.2, you'll be able to decouple this (for one TIMESTAMP column in
 the table), so that the column can be set to the current timestamp for
 record creation, but not changed afterward unless you change it explicitly.

I am a bit confused. You say that in MySQL 4.1.2 you'll be able to do this.
What is this? I ask because what you replied to was me wondering about
the ability to use functions/macros as default values in MySQL but then you
continue on but talk about timestamp and what you can do with it. 

Are you talking about two different things here? Or are you telling me that
yes we will be able to assign functions for default values and in addition
to that timestamp can be used thusly..?

 For example:
 mysql create table t (ts timestamp default current_timestamp, i int);
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql insert into t (i) values(1);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.18 sec)
 mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |1 |
 1 row in set (0.04 sec)
 mysql update t set i = i + 1;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
 mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |2 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 Note that the ts column did not change when the i column was updated.
 This isn't documented in the manual yet, because I am still working on it.
 Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
 Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

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C++ Object Relational Mapper tool?

2004-04-19 Thread Eric Sword
Does anyone know of an open source tool like Torque or Hibernate for
Java that can generate C++ classes rather than Java?  We're starting a
project with a mySQL backend that involves both a C++ part and a Java
part.  I've searched high and low for such a tool/library and haven't
been able to find one which is very surprising considering I can easily
come across several for Java, VB, and even C#, PHP, etc. There are a few
commercial ones (currently evaluating Persistence EdgeXtend), but they
are largely overkill for what I need.



Eric Sword
Group Logic, Inc.
800.476.8781 (800.GROUP81)


Re: XFS or ReiserFS?

2004-04-19 Thread Daniel Kasak

Don Dachner wrote:

  Which filesystem is better for a MySQL server? I can't see the difference between them. 
All I need is a LFS that will handle a MyISAM table above the 4GB size level.
Running Linux 2.4 (or can install the latest ver if necessary) on 32 bit Intel platform.
My Linux books says XFS is the leader in supporting Access Control that a consideration for a MySQL server?

I've always 'felt' ( ie haven't benchmarked, but this has just been my
impression ) that ReiserFS was faster than XFS.
And no, Access Control Lists is not important for a MySQL server.


Daniel Kasak

IT Developer

NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060

T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989



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RE: MySqld [problem]

2004-04-19 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall
Can you start it with strace running and see where it fails? I suspect its
an issue with finding the group file. If this is the cause you will need to
build mySQL yourself.

Btw please send arch / version / system hardware spec.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mozzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 12:24 PM
 Subject: MySqld [problem]
 When trying to start mysqld I get the following error
 Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
 /usr/bin/safe_mysqld: line 275: 32649 Segmentation fault
 $ledir/$MYSQLD $defaults --basedir=$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION --datadir=$DATADIR
 $USER_OPTION --pid-file=$pid_file --skip-locking $err_log 21
 040419 22:08:23  mysqld ended
 I am on debian woody and upgraded with apt-get apgrade about two hours
 I am @ my wits end, so sorry if someone saw one of my previous posts.
 No Microsoft software was used,
 or employees hurt in creating this email.
 MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: XFS or ReiserFS?

2004-04-19 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall
Use JFS, unless your database server is going to have many many (on the
order of 10K) small tables use Reiser.


JFS hands down is faster for various mixed environments of reading / writing
/ random access etc.






-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kasak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 2:21 PM
To: Don Dachner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: XFS or ReiserFS?


Don Dachner wrote: 

Which filesystem is better for a MySQL server? I can't see the difference
between them. 
All I need is a LFS that will handle a MyISAM table above the 4GB size
Running Linux 2.4 (or can install the latest ver if necessary) on 32 bit
Intel platform.
My Linux books says XFS is the leader in supporting Access Control that a consideration for a MySQL server?

I've always 'felt' ( ie haven't benchmarked, but this has just been my
impression ) that ReiserFS was faster than XFS.
And no, Access Control Lists is not important for a MySQL server.

Daniel Kasak 
IT Developer 
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060 
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989 

RE: when 4.1.2 release

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 7:11 +1000 4/20/04, electroteque wrote:
Huh as in production ?
Surely you jest.  4.1.1 was an alpha release.  It's unlikely
that 4.1.x would go straight to production-level in a single
step.  I believe that 4.1.2 will also be an alpha release.
That said, I encourage you to go ahead and try it out.  It
has lots of bugfixes and new stuff:

 -Original Message-
 From: Victoria Reznichenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 5:52 AM
 Subject: Re: when 4.1.2 release
 Marek Lewczuk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  when do you plan to release 4.1.2 version ?
  It will be released in several weeks.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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RE: InnoDB Load Problem

2004-04-19 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall

 -Original Message-
 From: Marvin Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 8:55 AM
 Subject: InnoDB Load Problem
 Apologies in advance for the large post but I've tried to explain my
 as much as I can.
 I've read the InnoDB tuning page ( ), there are a few
 things I could try but I'd like to make sure that I'm on the right tracks.
   * Firstly I could put more queries into a single transaction.

That will help, increase your innodb_log_file_size and changed your
flush method to O_DIRECT - this avoids double writes. You can verify the
benefit of the change by looking at SHOW INNODB STATUS in the LOG IO

Also, look at your buffer pool hit ratio. If its close to 100% then there is
no need to raise the allocation of the buffer_pool. Next, make sure you disk
layout is okay. Ensure that your not saturating on IO. Next make sure your
not doing queries like SELECT count(*) FROM table -- this is bad.

Finally look at which queries are slow. Make sure that your indexes are

One last note if your doing many many small quiries think about tweaking
your innodb_thread_conncurrency setting -- Ignore
innodb_thread_io_conncurrency unless you want to change code.

Dathan Vance Pattishall
Sr. Database Engineer / Sr. Programmer 
Friendster Inc.

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Re: Datetime Default Value

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 17:55 -0400 4/19/04, Stormblade wrote:
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 14:18:40 -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:

 At 13:30 -0400 4/18/04, Stormblade wrote:
On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:17:00 -0400, Michael Stassen wrote:

  Stormblade wrote:

  Hey all,

  I'm currently converting a SQLServer 2000 database over to 
MySQL. I have a
  web application that currently uses SQLServer but will be 
using MySQL soon
  as I can get this done.

  I was able to match data types but so far I have not found a 
way to let the
  database handle setting the default value of a datetime field to the
  current date/time. Is this possible?
  Defaults must be constants, not functions, in MySQL.  So, except for the
  TIMESTAMP type, the answer is no.
I suspected as much. I wonder if they plan to add this in the future or if
there is some technical reason that they did not allow for this.
 Actually, in MySQL 4.1.2, you'll be able to do this.  Currently, the
 first TIMESTAMP column is set to the current timestamp when a record
 is created by default *and* updated when any other column is changed.
 In 4.1.2, you'll be able to decouple this (for one TIMESTAMP column in
 the table), so that the column can be set to the current timestamp for
 record creation, but not changed afterward unless you change it explicitly.
I am a bit confused. You say that in MySQL 4.1.2 you'll be able to do this.
What is this? I ask because what you replied to was me wondering about
the ability to use functions/macros as default values in MySQL but then you
continue on but talk about timestamp and what you can do with it.
Are you talking about two different things here? Or are you telling me that
yes we will be able to assign functions for default values and in addition
to that timestamp can be used thusly..?
Sorry if I wasn't clear.  One of the things you wanted to do was have
a column that is set automatically to record-creation time when the
record is created, but not updated automatically when the record is
updated later.  You will be able to do this in 4.1.2 with TIMESTAMP,
which is what the example below demonstrates.
This applies only to TIMESTAMP. You will not otherwise be able to specify
functions as default values.

 For example:

 mysql create table t (ts timestamp default current_timestamp, i int);
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql insert into t (i) values(1);
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.18 sec)
 mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |1 |
 1 row in set (0.04 sec)
 mysql update t set i = i + 1;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
 mysql select * from t;
| ts  | i|
| 2004-04-18 14:15:08 |2 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 Note that the ts column did not change when the i column was updated.

  This isn't documented in the manual yet, because I am still working on it.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: MySQL 5.0.0-alpha-max-debug running on localhost as ODBC@localhost

2004-04-19 Thread Marvin Cummings
I'm not actually getting an error. I'm simply unable to access any of my
databases while logged in as [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'd like to change this and
specify what account is used to establish a connection. How and where do I
make this change in MySQL? 


-Original Message-
From: Egor Egorov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: MySQL 5.0.0-alpha-max-debug running on localhost as

Marvin Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This appears when I attempt to open phpMyAdmin. It doesn't matter what
 account I set in the file, I continue to get this error.
 do I change this so that another account logs in to the localhost? I
 unfortunately had to reboot my server and this became the result. I notice
 that I can log in to MySQLCC and the command line as root without a

What error do you get?

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create table problems??

2004-04-19 Thread Andy B

i am trying to create this table:
CREATE TABLE rnjresort_events (
  Id int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  Type enum('Annual','OneTime') binary NOT NULL default 'Annual',
  StartDate varchar(200) binary NOT NULL default '',
  EndDate varchar(200) binary NOT NULL default '',
  Name varchar(100) binary NOT NULL default '',
  County varchar(50) binary NOT NULL default '',
  Notes varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
  StartingDay varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  StartingMonth int(2) default NULL,
  StartingYear year(4) default NULL,
  EndingDay varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  EndingMonth int(2) default NULL,
  EndingYear year(4) default NULL,

it was created on a test server (mysql 4.1-alpha) and needs to be created on
the real server (mysql 4.0.18)...

i try and do a \. events2.sql to run the script its in to create it and all
i end up getting on the real server is this:
error 1064: syntax error. check the manual for the correct syntax to use for
your version of mysql near default 'Annual',   StartDate varchar(200) binary
NOT NULL default '',
  EndDate varchar(200) bina

any ideas what could be the problem with this? the table unfortunately needs
to be created exactly as it is shown above... i wondering if the default
'' sections of the column defines are giving it the problem...shrug

any ideas...?


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Re: create table problems??

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 19:09 -0400 4/19/04, Andy B wrote:

i am trying to create this table:
CREATE TABLE rnjresort_events (
  Id int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  Type enum('Annual','OneTime') binary NOT NULL default 'Annual',
  StartDate varchar(200) binary NOT NULL default '',
  EndDate varchar(200) binary NOT NULL default '',
  Name varchar(100) binary NOT NULL default '',
  County varchar(50) binary NOT NULL default '',
  Notes varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
  StartingDay varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  StartingMonth int(2) default NULL,
  StartingYear year(4) default NULL,
  EndingDay varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  EndingMonth int(2) default NULL,
  EndingYear year(4) default NULL,
it was created on a test server (mysql 4.1-alpha) and needs to be created on
the real server (mysql 4.0.18)...
i try and do a \. events2.sql to run the script its in to create it and all
i end up getting on the real server is this:
error 1064: syntax error. check the manual for the correct syntax to use for
your version of mysql near default 'Annual',   StartDate varchar(200) binary
NOT NULL default '',
  EndDate varchar(200) bina
any ideas what could be the problem with this? the table unfortunately needs
to be created exactly as it is shown above...
Why is that?

If that's really true, then you cannot do it.  ENUM does not support
BINARY in 4.0.  (In addition, the CHARSET table option at the end is 
not supported, though that will just be ignored.)

If you have to create the table *exactly* as shown above, you're requiring
backward compatibility that does not exist.  If you can make some changes,
then declare the table like this:
CREATE TABLE rnjresort_events (
  Id int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  Type enum('Annual','OneTime') NOT NULL default 'Annual',
  StartDate varchar(200) binary NOT NULL default '',
  EndDate varchar(200) binary NOT NULL default '',
  Name varchar(100) binary NOT NULL default '',
  County varchar(50) binary NOT NULL default '',
  Notes varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
  StartingDay varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  StartingMonth int(2) default NULL,
  StartingYear year(4) default NULL,
  EndingDay varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  EndingMonth int(2) default NULL,
  EndingYear year(4) default NULL,

 i wondering if the default
'' sections of the column defines are giving it the problem...shrug

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Datetime Default Value

2004-04-19 Thread Stormblade
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 17:36:50 -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:
 Sorry if I wasn't clear.  One of the things you wanted to do was have
 a column that is set automatically to record-creation time when the
 record is created, but not updated automatically when the record is
 updated later.  You will be able to do this in 4.1.2 with TIMESTAMP,
 which is what the example below demonstrates.
 This applies only to TIMESTAMP. You will not otherwise be able to specify
 functions as default values.

Ok thanks. Hmm. Will timestamp's value range be increased so that it can
store the same range of dates as datetime? 
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

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Re: key_buffer_size and INNODB

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 9:45 -0700 4/19/04, Emmett Bishop wrote:
Is the key_buffer_size server variable useful for
tuning databases that only have innodb tables or do I
need to use the innodb_buffer_pool_size variable for
The buffer controlled by key_buffer_size is used only
for MyISAM and ISAM tables.
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Datetime Default Value

2004-04-19 Thread Paul DuBois
At 20:23 -0400 4/19/04, Stormblade wrote:
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 17:36:50 -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:

 Sorry if I wasn't clear.  One of the things you wanted to do was have
 a column that is set automatically to record-creation time when the
 record is created, but not updated automatically when the record is
 updated later.  You will be able to do this in 4.1.2 with TIMESTAMP,
 which is what the example below demonstrates.
 This applies only to TIMESTAMP. You will not otherwise be able to specify
 functions as default values.
Ok thanks. Hmm. Will timestamp's value range be increased so that it can
store the same range of dates as datetime?
Not that I know of.

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
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Gripe with MySQL

2004-04-19 Thread Stormblade
Ok. Love MySQL and I will be using it for my personal use and recommending
it to clients as a lower cost alternative. I've only been using it for a
very short time but there one major gripe I have with it and I believe it's
just a design thing.

MySQL seems to put the burden of error checking and such on the client.

- All fields have a default value even when I don't tell it to?
- Allow Null will only result in an error if I explicitly try to set the
field to null.

These are the two things that I really dislike. I think it's a poor design
to rely on clients only for error checking. MySQL supports foreign keys.
This is good because the database handles referential integrity. But it
shouldn't stop there. I should also be able to tell the database not to
allow a field to be empty/null and it should not put anything in there that
I have not told it to.

One scenario I can think of is this. My company uses MySQL as it's
database. Different departments implement various interfaces to this
database. All it would take is ONE client to have ONE bad SQL and although
the insert works (Thanks to default values being put in) the data is not

I've only been working with MySQL for a little bit so this is just my first
impressions. I'll be very happy to be told I'm wrong or that future updates
(5.0 perhaps) will change some of the things I've mentioned.

Relying on clients for database integrity is a bad idea in my experience.
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

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Load Data Local Infile confusion

2004-04-19 Thread Dan Cumpian

I have a client that can connect to either a local or remote MySQL server. 

LOAD DATA INFILE works fine on a local server, but obviously fails when a
remote server is used. When I add LOCAL to the command, I get: The used
command is not allowed with this MySQL version

I am using 4.0.18.

The client is written using Delphi. What do I need to do to get this command
to work with either server?


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2004-04-19 Thread Dan Cumpian


I have a client that can connect to either a local or remote MySQL server. 


LOAD DATA INFILE works fine on a local server, but obviously fails when a
remote server is used. When I add LOCAL to the command, I get: The used
command is not allowed with this MySQL version


I am using 4.0.18.


The client is written using Delphi. What do I need to do to get this command
to work with either server?




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Key file

2004-04-19 Thread Mark Susol | Ultimate Creative Media
On one database, I keep seeing similar errors related to the key file for
the different tables.

1034 Incorrect key file for table:
Can't read key from filepos: 672768
error 5 when fixing table
Can't copy datafile-header to tempfile, error 9

How do I diagnose if the database file structure is corrupt?

What do these errors in key file point to as a root cause?

MySQL 4.0.17

Mark Susol

MySQL General Mailing List
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Key file

2004-04-19 Thread Mark Susol | Ultimate Creative Media
On one database, I keep seeing similar errors related to the key file for
the different tables.

1034 Incorrect key file for table:
Can't read key from filepos: 672768
error 5 when fixing table
Can't copy datafile-header to tempfile, error 9

How do I diagnose if the database file structure is corrupt?

What do these errors in key file point to as a root cause?

MySQL 4.0.17

Mark Susol

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Gripe with MySQL

2004-04-19 Thread Marc Slemko
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Stormblade wrote:

 Ok. Love MySQL and I will be using it for my personal use and recommending
 it to clients as a lower cost alternative. I've only been using it for a
 very short time but there one major gripe I have with it and I believe it's
 just a design thing.

 MySQL seems to put the burden of error checking and such on the client.

 - All fields have a default value even when I don't tell it to?
 - Allow Null will only result in an error if I explicitly try to set the
 field to null.

 These are the two things that I really dislike. I think it's a poor design
 to rely on clients only for error checking. MySQL supports foreign keys.
 This is good because the database handles referential integrity. But it
 shouldn't stop there. I should also be able to tell the database not to
 allow a field to be empty/null and it should not put anything in there that
 I have not told it to.

Yup, it is a bad idea, and thankfully it seems to be slowly improving
as more and more people try to use mysql as a more serious database.

However, keep in mind that it is not an adhoc arbitrary decision,
but it based on a very fundamental traditional mysql design fundamental:
not to support transactions because they aren't required most of
the time, or so the claim goes.  While there are a few mysql storage
engines now that do support transactions, and at least one is in
widespread use, this history explains why it is the way it is.

If you don't support transactions, what do you do if you are running
a statement that updates multiple rows and get an error with one
row? If you just abort the whole statement, it is really ugly since
then you leave the statement half executed.  If you try to be able
to undo the entire statement, it is really ugly because without
transactions you are unlikely to have the backend support for doing
that or for avoiding dirty reads, etc since that is one of the
fundamentals of what a transaction is.  So ... you bravely soldier

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Gripe with MySQL

2004-04-19 Thread Stormblade
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 20:17:38 -0700 (PDT), Marc Slemko wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Stormblade wrote:
 Ok. Love MySQL and I will be using it for my personal use and recommending
 it to clients as a lower cost alternative. I've only been using it for a
 very short time but there one major gripe I have with it and I believe it's
 just a design thing.

 MySQL seems to put the burden of error checking and such on the client.

 - All fields have a default value even when I don't tell it to?
 - Allow Null will only result in an error if I explicitly try to set the
 field to null.

 These are the two things that I really dislike. I think it's a poor design
 to rely on clients only for error checking. MySQL supports foreign keys.
 This is good because the database handles referential integrity. But it
 shouldn't stop there. I should also be able to tell the database not to
 allow a field to be empty/null and it should not put anything in there that
 I have not told it to.
 Yup, it is a bad idea, and thankfully it seems to be slowly improving
 as more and more people try to use mysql as a more serious database.
 However, keep in mind that it is not an adhoc arbitrary decision,
 but it based on a very fundamental traditional mysql design fundamental:
 not to support transactions because they aren't required most of
 the time, or so the claim goes.  While there are a few mysql storage
 engines now that do support transactions, and at least one is in
 widespread use, this history explains why it is the way it is.
 If you don't support transactions, what do you do if you are running
 a statement that updates multiple rows and get an error with one
 row? If you just abort the whole statement, it is really ugly since
 then you leave the statement half executed.  If you try to be able
 to undo the entire statement, it is really ugly because without
 transactions you are unlikely to have the backend support for doing
 that or for avoiding dirty reads, etc since that is one of the
 fundamentals of what a transaction is.  So ... you bravely soldier

Ah this makes sense. Although for me I wouldn't have done it this way even
if I hadn't planned on supporting transactions but that is because of my
personality and the type of programming I usually did. My concerns were
almost always with reliability, maintainability. Sure speed was a concern
but not as much as the other two. 

But I can understand (If not agree with) the decision at least. Speed was
more of a concern and with them not supporting transactions this makes
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
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ByteFX and blob

2004-04-19 Thread fbeltran
Does any one knows how to store and retrieve files in blob columns using 
VB .Net with ByteFx?