ANN: Database Workbench 2.8.6 released

2006-05-22 Thread Martijn Tonies
Ladies, gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular database development tool:

Database Workbench 2.8.6 has been released today!

Download a trial at:
What's new?:
Full list of features and fixes:

We've still got a spring sale with 25% discount on all our products!

Database Workbench supports:
- Borland InterBase ( 4.x - 7.x )
- Firebird ( 1.x, 2.0 )
- MS SQL Server/MSDE ( v6.5, 7, 2000, 2005, MSDE 1  2, SQL Express )
- MySQL 4, 4.1, 5.0
- Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g )
- NexusDB ( 2.05 )

If you experience any problems with this new version, don't 
hestitate and either go to the website and send a support email 
or email directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


- NexusDB 2 support
- Microsoft SQL 2005 support
- MySQL 5 support
- Two-way Visual Query Builder
- Increased Oracle support
- New SQL Insight
- Create INSERT script from ODBC datasource
- TIFF support in BLOB Editor

Enhancements and bugfixes related to Import/Export, DataPump,
Code Editors, SQL Insight, NexusDB module performance and much

Thank you for your support,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - the database developer tool for professionals
Upscene Productions

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Let's make a difference

2006-05-22 Thread Sreedhar Kharidehal

I'm doing a little something for the earth, and I thought I'd invite
you to join me:[EMAIL 

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Let's make a difference

2006-05-22 Thread Sreedhar Kharidehal

I'm doing a little something for the earth, and I thought I'd invite
you to join me:[EMAIL 

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Hello how to connect MySQL with Visual Foxpro

2006-05-22 Thread VenuGopal Papasani

Hi all,
 I have got a database in mysql and i need to use the gis and that was in
VFOXPRO.I need to display my data which is mysql on the map which database
is in VFoXPRO.Is there any way to have communication betweeen these two DBs.

Thanks and regards,

Re: Hello how to connect MySQL with Visual Foxpro

2006-05-22 Thread Ehrwin Mina

Hi Venu,

I would like to know the OS your using (for mysql server), BTW if 
your using window. Try installing the myodbc and configure it so that 
vfoxpro can communicate with it.

check this site:

At 06:28 PM 5/22/2006, VenuGopal Papasani wrote:

Hi all,
 I have got a database in mysql and i need to use the gis and that was in
VFOXPRO.I need to display my data which is mysql on the map which database
is in VFoXPRO.Is there any way to have communication betweeen these two DBs.

Thanks and regards,

Ehrwin C. Mina

Chikka Phils. Inc.

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This message and any attachment are confidential and may be 
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transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and 
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not accept liability for any omissions or errors in this message 
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this message is free of viruses and does not accept liability for any 
damages caused by any virus transmitted therewith.

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I can't connect to mysql server with PHP

2006-05-22 Thread fool.ben
Hi everybody!
I've install a mysql server on my computer. The operating system is Redhat 
fedora core 4. The version of the mysql server is 4.1.3 Beta. I wanna connect 
to the server using the following statement:
The server returned the error 2002:
2002 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
I was suggested that the server may not running, or the sockect is wrong. But 
when I run the following statement, there was no error occured:
localhost#/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -S/var/mysql/lib/mysql.sock
Can anyone help me?

Re: I can't connect to mysql server with PHP

2006-05-22 Thread gerald_clark
fool.ben wrote:

Hi everybody!
I've install a mysql server on my computer. The operating system is Redhat 
fedora core 4. The version of the mysql server is 4.1.3 Beta. I wanna connect 
to the server using the following statement:
The server returned the error 2002:
2002 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 

The user running the php connection does not have permissions to open

I was suggested that the server may not running, or the sockect is wrong. But 
when I run the following statement, there was no error occured:
localhost#/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -S/var/mysql/lib/mysql.sock

Here you are root, so you have permissions.

Can anyone help me?

Fix your permissions or move your socket to a directory that is world


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Re: Find ids that are NOT in other two tables.

2006-05-22 Thread Jay Pipes

Yesmin Patwary wrote:

  Greatly appreciated your kind help.  Would it work, if I rewrite your query as below to remove all records from company_db that don't have any relation to other two tables?  

FROM company_db c
LEFT JOIN person p
ON c.company_id = p.company_id
LEFT JOIN customer cu
ON c.company_id = cu.company_id
WHERE p.company_id IS NULL
AND cu.company_id IS NULL;

  I am not sure if this join query will remove records from other tables.

The DELETE statement can specify which tables you want to delete from. 
Specify the table you want to delete from before the FROM keyword.  And, 
yes, the query works properly, as the example below indicates :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mysql -uroot -p test
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 5.0.18-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.21 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.05 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2),(4),(6),(8),(10);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (3),(5),(7),(9),(11);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql DELETE t1 FROM t1
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM t1;
| id |
|  2 |
|  3 |
|  4 |
|  5 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM t2;
| id |
|  2 |
|  4 |
|  6 |
|  8 |
| 10 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql SELECT * FROM t3;
| id |
|  3 |
|  5 |
|  7 |
|  9 |
| 11 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Hope this answers your questions!



Jay Pipes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yesmin Patwary wrote:

Dear All,

Need to find ids that are NOT in other two tables. With the help of PHP scripting and three queries I am able to do the task. Can this be done with one mysql query? 

Below are current quires: 

SELECT DISTINCT company_id FROM company_db
SELECT company_id FROM person WHERE company_id=\$company_id\
SELECT company_id FROM customer WHERE company_id=\$company_id\

Use outer joins:

SELECT DISTINCT c.company_id
FROM company_db c
LEFT JOIN person p
ON c.company_id = p.company_id
LEFT JOIN customer cu
ON c.company_id = cu.company_id
WHERE p.company_id IS NULL
AMD cu.company_id IS NULL;

Jay Pipes
Community Relations Manager, North America, MySQL Inc.
Roaming North America, based in Columbus, Ohio
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]mob: +1 614 406 1267

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Re: limit

2006-05-22 Thread Jay Pipes

Hi Eko!

It shouldn't be an issue with table size.  More likely, it is due to 
duplicate records in the import file.  Can you post the SHOW CREATE 
TABLE for your table in full (including primary key information)?  Also, 
any output from your import run would be useful.


Jay Pipes
Community Relations Manager, North America, MySQL Inc.
Roaming North America, based in Columbus, Ohio
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]mob: +1 614 406 1267

Are You MySQL Certified?
Got Cluster?

Eko Budiharto wrote:

  I have a database from dbf file that has almost 100 thousands records, when I 
import them into mysql, it is only imported 13359 records.
  my table structure is like this:

  `faktur` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `tgl` date default NULL,
  `tgl_terima` date default NULL,
  `kontan` varchar(1) default NULL,
  `cust` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `slm` varchar(3) default NULL,
  `term` bigint(3) default NULL,
  `muka` decimal(8,2) default NULL,
  `disc1` decimal(4,2) default NULL,
  `ndisc1` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
  `ppn` decimal(4,2) default NULL,
  `mtr` decimal(8,2) default NULL,
  `netto` decimal(12,2) default NULL,
  `ket` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `total` decimal(12,2) default NULL,
  `f_pajak` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `tgl_pajak` date default NULL,
  `ncust` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `wil` varchar(3) default NULL,
  `so` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `satuan` varchar(1) default NULL,
  `post` varchar(1) default NULL,
  `vlt` varchar(3) default NULL,
  `tukar` decimal(4,2) default NULL,
  `sj1` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `sj2` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `sj3` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `sj4` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `sj5` varchar(10) default NULL,
  `disc2` decimal(4,2) default NULL,
  `ndisc2` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
  `disc3` decimal(4,2) default NULL,
  `ndisc3` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
  I am wondering how I can enlarge the capacity of the table.
  I am looking forward to a favorable reply from you. Thank you.

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Re: aha! replication breaking due to duplicate queries

2006-05-22 Thread sheeri kritzer

As an addendum to this -- this was solved.  The master and slave were
out of sync.


On 5/19/06, Jeremy Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Sheeri,

 So I've seen replication break a few times due to duplicate queries.
 A few times it was around a server crashing, but I thought perhaps it
 was because of the crash.  (ie, master sends a query, crashes, and
 then tries to send the query again when it comes back up).

 But in the past 16 hours, it's happened twice.  Both times, no crash.
 No network problems that we know of.  No other query problems.

 Therefore, we've deduced it's in the code -- it's trying to insert a
 field with a duplicate primary key.  I've sent that off to the
 developers, who will hit things with sticks.

 However, why does MySQL transfer over DML queries that fail?  If they
 have an error, shouldn't they not replicate?  This seems like a very
 large bug to me.

It shouldn't, except in *very* limited circumstances (where you've
already shot yourself in the foot a few times, generally).

I have seen a case quite a few times where the slave hiccups and
apparently runs the same query twice.  Is it possible that this is what
you're seeing?

Is your system replicating a mix of large (images, maybe) and small
(single-row) updates?



Jeremy Cole
MySQL Geek, Yahoo! Inc.
Desk: 408 349 5104

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Re: innodb files

2006-05-22 Thread sheeri kritzer

Well, you're going to need to state how big a record is, what OS
platform you're using, what MySQL version you're using, and exactly
what error message you get when you're trying to insert that 5th

Your my.cnf would help, too.


On 5/22/06, Eko Budiharto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I still confuse how store very large database with innodb engine in mysql. I 
already activate one file per table (that will creates its own file per table 
.idb file), but I only can store 4 records only. Do you mind if someone can 
tell me how to store very large database with innodb engine in mysql?

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Re: Find ids that are NOT in other two tables.

2006-05-22 Thread Ben Liu

Uh, I don't have anything to add to this thread except that this was
the *exact* problem I was trying to solve and this really helped me a
lot. Thanks guys.


On 5/22/06, Jay Pipes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yesmin Patwary wrote:

   Greatly appreciated your kind help.  Would it work, if I rewrite your query 
as below to remove all records from company_db that don't have any relation to 
other two tables?

 FROM company_db c


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Re: Crypt Functions

2006-05-22 Thread sheeri kritzer


Hi Guys,

Can somebody enlighten me on AES_CRYPT  AES_DECRYPT functions on
MySQL. I noticed that you can mention DES key file in mysqld statup
options. how does the AES works?

is there any one who used these functions (production systems)?

Thanx in Advance,


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

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Need guidance with perfomance improvement...

2006-05-22 Thread Eugene Kosov

Hi, list!

I have a little table (about 0.5 milloin records) which is kind of 
queue. My perl script takes records from it one by one and does somes 

Here's my table structure:

mysql desc queue;
| Field| Type| Null | Key | Default 
  | Extra  |

| id   | int(10) unsigned|  | PRI | NULL 
  | auto_increment |
| status   | tinyint(4)  |  | MUL | 0 
| processor_id | int(10) unsigned| YES  | MUL | NULL 

... some other data ...

This table, of course, has some indecies:

mysql show indexes from queue;
| Table| Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name 
 | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | 
Comment |

| queue|  0 | PRIMARY  |1 | id 
 | A |  522756 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | 
| queue|  1 | status   |1 | status 
 | A |   3 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | 
| queue|  1 | processor_id |1 | processor_id 
| A |  522756 | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE  | 

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Perl scripts runs a query like 'UPDATE queue SET status=1, 
processor_id=XXX WHERE status=0 LIMIT 1'. Whis query shoud (and uses as 
we can see in following EXPLAIN result) `status` index and work rather 
fast. But.. It becomes slower and slower. I don't understand why.

mysql explain select * from certificates where status=0;
| id | select_type | table| type | possible_keys | key| 
key_len | ref   | rows  | Extra   |

|  1 | SIMPLE  | queue| ref  | status| status | 
  1 | const | 52740 | Using where |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Despite row numbers to scan (in EXPLAIN results) I think query should 
work fast because of 'LIMIT 1'. And it works. A query like 'SELECT * 
FROM queue WHERE status=0 LIMIT 1' works very fast. But in case of 
update I see that it's not so fast.

mysql show processlist;
| Id   | User | Host  | db   | Command | Time | State 
  | Info 

| 3257 | root | localhost | certificates | Sleep   |  247 | 
  | NULL 
| 3261 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |0 | Locked 
  | SELECT id, domain FROM queue WHERE status='1' AND 
processor_id='10580' LIMIT 1 |
| 3262 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |1 | Locked 
  | UPDATE queue SET status='1',  processor_id='10584' 
WHERE status='0' LIMIT 1|
| 3263 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |1 | Locked 
  | SELECT id, domain FROM queue WHERE status='1' AND 
processor_id='10588' LIMIT 1 |
| 3264 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |1 | Locked 
  | SELECT id, domain FROM queue WHERE status='1' AND 
processor_id='10590' LIMIT 1 |
| 3265 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |1 | Locked 
  | UPDATE queue SET status='1',  processor_id='10592' 
WHERE status='0' LIMIT 1|
| 3266 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |1 | Locked 
  | UPDATE queue SET status='1',  processor_id='10604' 
WHERE status='0' LIMIT 1|
| 3267 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |1 | Locked 
  | UPDATE queue SET status='1',  processor_id='10614' 
WHERE status='0' LIMIT 1|
| 3268 | root | localhost | 

Need to replicate my DB on 5 branches into 1 DB at HO - Urgent

2006-05-22 Thread Winanjaya - CBN
Dear Expert,

I am very new to MySQL replication, I need to replicate my DB on 5 branches 
into 1 DB at Head Office.


MyDB at Branch A need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch B need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch C need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch D need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch E need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
FYI, every table has Branch Id, so it won't be duplicate record!

I really need advise .. how to do such replication on MySQL 5..what should I do 
in my my.ini?

Any prompt reply would be appreciated ! .. Thanks a lot in advance



Re: Sparse 1.0b - framework for MySQL programs

2006-05-22 Thread Daniel Orner


According to the CC license,
Creative Commons licenses are not intended to apply to software. They 
should not be used for software.
So I'm not entirely sure why you're recommending it. ^^; It is 
released under the GPL.


Keith Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 Hi Daniel.

 Distribute it under the CC license?


 In theory, theory and practice are the same;
 in practice they are not.

 On Fri, 19 May 2006, Daniel Orner wrote:

 From: Daniel Orner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Sparse 1.0b - framework for MySQL programs

I'd like to announce the first release of Sparse, a new way to create
 MySQL programs without actually programming anything! Sparse takes 
care of

 handling the SQL data, navigation, displaying errors, input validation,
 and caching. Using a few extra HTML tags allows surprising power, yet
 remains easy to use and very customizable. It can save a lot of time and
 effort during development! It's especially well-suited for creating 

 back-ends of sites that use MySQL.
This means that you can actually create entire MySQL-backed programs
 without using a single line of PHP code. However, more complex forms and
 queries can be easily integrated with PHP code as well.

 The Sparse homepage is here:

Besides looking for beta testers, I'd also like to know the best 
way to

 spread the word about it, so if anyone has any comments or help they can
 offer, please do so!

 --Daniel Orner

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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dump stored procedure

2006-05-22 Thread Alain Roger


I would like to make a dump of my database.
however, i have some stored procedure and they are not exported to the *.txt
file i've created via mysqldump.

So, how can i dump stored procedure ?

thanks a lot,


Re: dump stored procedure

2006-05-22 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (May 22), Alain Roger said:
 I would like to make a dump of my database.
 however, i have some stored procedure and they are not exported to the *.txt
 file i've created via mysqldump.
 So, how can i dump stored procedure ?

Add the -R flag to mysqldump:

-R, --routines  Dump stored routines (functions and procedures).

Dan Nelson

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RE: mysql4.0

2006-05-22 Thread Robinson, Eric
Does mysqlcheck sometimes repair problems that it does not report? I've
seen a few instances where running mysqlcheck -r -f fixed application
problems even though it reported all tables OK.


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Re: Need to replicate my DB on 5 branches into 1 DB at HO - Urgent

2006-05-22 Thread sheeri kritzer

Only with MySQL 5.0 is multi-master replication possible.  Guiseppe
Maxia has a wonderful article about it at:


On 5/22/06, Winanjaya - CBN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Expert,

I am very new to MySQL replication, I need to replicate my DB on 5 branches 
into 1 DB at Head Office.


MyDB at Branch A need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch B need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch C need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch D need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
MyDB at Branch E need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
FYI, every table has Branch Id, so it won't be duplicate record!

I really need advise .. how to do such replication on MySQL 5..what should I do 
in my my.ini?

Any prompt reply would be appreciated ! .. Thanks a lot in advance



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Re: Need to replicate my DB on 5 branches into 1 DB at HO - Urgent

2006-05-22 Thread Kishore Jalleda

On 5/22/06, Winanjaya - CBN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Expert,

 I am very new to MySQL replication, I need to replicate my DB on 5 branches 
into 1 DB at Head Office.


 MyDB at Branch A need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
 MyDB at Branch B need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
 MyDB at Branch C need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
 MyDB at Branch D need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
 MyDB at Branch E need to be replicated to MyDB at Head Office
 FYI, every table has Branch Id, so it won't be duplicate record!

 I really need advise .. how to do such replication on MySQL 5..what should I 
do in my my.ini?

 Any prompt reply would be appreciated ! .. Thanks a lot in advance



On 5/22/06, sheeri kritzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Only with MySQL 5.0 is multi-master replication possible.  Guiseppe
Maxia has a wonderful article about it at:


The solution to his setup is not Multi-Master replication (even in
Multi-Master replication any single instance of MySQL can have atmost
one master), but a Slave with Multiple Masters, which offcourse is not
possible unless he plans to run five different mysqld instances (diff
ports and diff data dirs...) on the same box,

Kishore Jalleda

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Re: Sparse 1.0b - framework for MySQL programs

2006-05-22 Thread Keith Roberts
Thankyou for pointing that out Daniel.



On Mon, 22 May 2006, Daniel Orner wrote:

 From: Daniel Orner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Sparse 1.0b - framework for MySQL programs
 According to the CC license,
 Creative Commons licenses are not intended to apply to software. They
 should not be used for software.
 So I'm not entirely sure why you're recommending it. ^^; It is
 released under the GPL.
 Keith Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hi Daniel.
  Distribute it under the CC license?
  In theory, theory and practice are the same;
  in practice they are not.
  On Fri, 19 May 2006, Daniel Orner wrote:
   From: Daniel Orner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Sparse 1.0b - framework for MySQL programs
 I'd like to announce the first release of Sparse, a new way to
   MySQL programs without actually programming anything! Sparse
 care of
   handling the SQL data, navigation, displaying errors, input
   and caching. Using a few extra HTML tags allows surprising
   power, yet
   remains easy to use and very customizable. It can save a lot of
   time and
   effort during development! It's especially well-suited for
   back-ends of sites that use MySQL.
 This means that you can actually create entire MySQL-backed
   without using a single line of PHP code. However, more complex
   forms and
   queries can be easily integrated with PHP code as well.
   The Sparse homepage is here:
   Besides looking for beta testers, I'd also like to know the
 way to
   spread the word about it, so if anyone has any comments or help
   they can
   offer, please do so!
   --Daniel Orner

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

LEFT JOIN Multiple Tables

2006-05-22 Thread Scott Baker
I have four tables that I join to get one record set about a
customer. They are: UserInfo, ExtraAddr, DslInfo, and DslExtra.

Specifically the main tables are joined with:

SELECT * FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

I've been adding more data to other tables and LEFT JOINING to get
the data (since it's optional).

FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d
LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID
WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

However it appears this syntax is not valid in MySQL 5.x (It works
on 4.x). I need to LEFT JOIN *two* tables, but I can't seem to get
it. I just LEFT JOIN the DslExtra table in the above example it
works just fine, it's only when I try and do the second that I get
an error.

Unknown column 'u.UserID' in 'on clause'

Can I not do this type of multi table left join with 5.x? Or do I
need to recraft the query?

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Re: LEFT JOIN Multiple Tables

2006-05-22 Thread Peter Brawley


FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d
LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID
WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

However it appears this syntax is not valid in MySQL 5.x

Right, as the 5.x docs say, 5.x wants ISO-compatible explicit joins, ie

FROM UserInfo u
LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID;



Scott Baker wrote:

I have four tables that I join to get one record set about a
customer. They are: UserInfo, ExtraAddr, DslInfo, and DslExtra.

Specifically the main tables are joined with:

SELECT * FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

I've been adding more data to other tables and LEFT JOINING to get
the data (since it's optional).

FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d
LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID
WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

However it appears this syntax is not valid in MySQL 5.x (It works
on 4.x). I need to LEFT JOIN *two* tables, but I can't seem to get
it. I just LEFT JOIN the DslExtra table in the above example it
works just fine, it's only when I try and do the second that I get
an error.

Unknown column 'u.UserID' in 'on clause'

Can I not do this type of multi table left join with 5.x? Or do I
need to recraft the query?


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Re: LEFT JOIN Multiple Tables

2006-05-22 Thread Scott Baker
Perfect. This is exactly what I needed. Is there some place I get
some more documentation on the specifics of the ISO-compatible
queries? Might save me some hair-pulling-out in the future.


Peter Brawley wrote:
FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d
LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID
WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;
However it appears this syntax is not valid in MySQL 5.x
 Right, as the 5.x docs say, 5.x wants ISO-compatible explicit joins, ie
 FROM UserInfo u
 LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
 LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID;
 Scott Baker wrote:
 I have four tables that I join to get one record set about a
 customer. They are: UserInfo, ExtraAddr, DslInfo, and DslExtra.

 Specifically the main tables are joined with:

 SELECT * FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

 I've been adding more data to other tables and LEFT JOINING to get
 the data (since it's optional).

 FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d
 LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
 LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID
 WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

 However it appears this syntax is not valid in MySQL 5.x (It works
 on 4.x). I need to LEFT JOIN *two* tables, but I can't seem to get
 it. I just LEFT JOIN the DslExtra table in the above example it
 works just fine, it's only when I try and do the second that I get
 an error.

 Unknown column 'u.UserID' in 'on clause'

 Can I not do this type of multi table left join with 5.x? Or do I
 need to recraft the query?


Scott Baker - RHCE
Canby Telcom System Administrator

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Re: LEFT JOIN Multiple Tables

2006-05-22 Thread Peter Brawley


  Perfect. This is exactly what I needed. Is there some place I get
some more documentation on the specifics of the ISO-compatible
queries? Might save me some hair-pulling-out in the future.

See 'Changes in 5.0.12' on the Joins manual page




Peter Brawley wrote:


FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d

  LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID
WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

  However it appears this syntax is not valid in MySQL 5.x

Right, as the 5.x docs say, 5.x wants ISO-compatible explicit joins, ie

FROM UserInfo u
LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID;



Scott Baker wrote:

  I have four tables that I join to get one record set about a
customer. They are: UserInfo, ExtraAddr, DslInfo, and DslExtra.

Specifically the main tables are joined with:

SELECT * FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

I've been adding more data to other tables and LEFT JOINING to get
the data (since it's optional).

FROM UserInfo u, DslInfo d
LEFT JOIN DslExtra e ON d.DslID = e.DslID
LEFT JOIN ExtraAddr a ON a.UserID = u.UserID
WHERE u.UserID = d.UserID;

However it appears this syntax is not valid in MySQL 5.x (It works
on 4.x). I need to LEFT JOIN *two* tables, but I can't seem to get
it. I just LEFT JOIN the DslExtra table in the above example it
works just fine, it's only when I try and do the second that I get
an error.

Unknown column 'u.UserID' in 'on clause'

Can I not do this type of multi table left join with 5.x? Or do I
need to recraft the query?



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Performance Available

2006-05-22 Thread Jan Gomes
Hy Guys,

I have a simple structure of tables, howewer has 50 million of registers and 
2,5 GB of data.
The table is MyIsam and has 4 integer fields and 1 Text field, one primary key 
with two integer fields
and one btree index with one integer field.

There is a select in this table using an index(with one integer field), whith a 
set value
for this field ( select * from table where field in 
(value1,value2,value3,value4,etc) ).

This select has delay 4s average.

Is this a good time for the select ? How can I run this select in less time?

I had make this optimization:

1-Compress the index
2-sort the index with myisamchk

PS.: This table is read-only, hasn't an insert, update or delete.

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Re: Need guidance with perfomance improvement...

2006-05-22 Thread Dan Buettner

Hi, Eugene!

I suspect that you have run into locking issues with your table, which I 
am guessing is a MyISAM table.  MyISAM provides only table-level locking 
- that is, only one write operation can occur at any time on the table. 
 Other operations are blocked until their turn comes.

It appears you have about 10 threads or processes running against this 
table, which is enough to introduce performance problems.

Some suggestions:

1 - while your current select query is reasonably fast, it likely could 
be faster.  It's using an indexed column (status), but it's not a very 
good index (no offense).  There are only a few possible values, so the 
index isn't terribly helpful in locating matching records.  If possible, 
you could re-write your perl scripts to do selects and updates against 
the ID column (primary key), which should be much faster.  This may be 
enough to alleviate your locking problem; not sure.

2 -

Eugene Kosov wrote:

Hi, list!

I have a little table (about 0.5 milloin records) which is kind of 
queue. My perl script takes records from it one by one and does somes 

Here's my table structure:

mysql desc queue;

| Field| Type| Null | Key | Default 
  | Extra  |

| id   | int(10) unsigned|  | PRI | NULL   | 
auto_increment |
| status   | tinyint(4)  |  | MUL | 0   
| processor_id | int(10) unsigned| YES  | MUL | NULL   

... some other data ...

This table, of course, has some indecies:

mysql show indexes from queue;

| Table| Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name 
 | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | 
Comment |

| queue|  0 | PRIMARY  |1 | id  | 
A |  522756 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  |   |
| queue|  1 | status   |1 | status  | 
A |   3 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  |   |
| queue|  1 | processor_id |1 | processor_id 
| A |  522756 | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE  | |

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Perl scripts runs a query like 'UPDATE queue SET status=1, 
processor_id=XXX WHERE status=0 LIMIT 1'. Whis query shoud (and uses as 
we can see in following EXPLAIN result) `status` index and work rather 
fast. But.. It becomes slower and slower. I don't understand why.

mysql explain select * from certificates where status=0;

| id | select_type | table| type | possible_keys | key| 
key_len | ref   | rows  | Extra   |

|  1 | SIMPLE  | queue| ref  | status| status |   1 
| const | 52740 | Using where |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Despite row numbers to scan (in EXPLAIN results) I think query should 
work fast because of 'LIMIT 1'. And it works. A query like 'SELECT * 
FROM queue WHERE status=0 LIMIT 1' works very fast. But in case of 
update I see that it's not so fast.

mysql show processlist;

| Id   | User | Host  | db   | Command | Time | State 
  | Info|

| 3257 | root | localhost | certificates | Sleep   |  247 | 
  | NULL|
| 3261 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |0 | Locked 
  | SELECT id, domain FROM queue WHERE status='1' AND 
processor_id='10580' LIMIT 1 |
| 3262 | root | localhost | certificates | Query   |1 | 

Re: Need guidance with perfomance improvement...

2006-05-22 Thread Dan Buettner

Hi, Eugene!

Sorry, my last post was sent too soon.

I suspect that you have run into locking issues with your table, which I 
am guessing is a MyISAM table.  MyISAM uses table-level locking - that 
is, only one write operation can occur at any time on the table.  Other 
operations are blocked until their turn comes.

It appears you have about 10 threads or processes running against this 
table, which is enough to introduce performance problems in your case.

Some suggestions:

1 - while your current select query is reasonably fast, it likely could 
be faster.  It may be that it's taking 0.9 seconds and feels fast, but 
perhaps it could be 0.09 seconds instead - and that's not something a 
human can really tell the difference on.  It's using an indexed column 
(status), but it's not a very good index (no offense).  There are only a 
few possible values in 500,000 records, so the index isn't terribly 
helpful in locating matching records.  If possible, you could re-write 
your perl scripts to do selects and updates using the ID column (primary 
key), which should be faster than the status column alone.  This may be 
enough to alleviate your locking problem; not sure.

2 - Switch to an InnoDB table, which should allow concurrent SELECT and 
UPDATE commands.  This is a fairly big change if you're not used to 
InnoDB tables, so read up on this first.

3 - Depending on how you use this table, running OPTIMIZE TABLE 
periodically may help performance.  Updates and deletes on a MyISAM 
table can cause a fragmented table and poor performance.  In my last job 
I had a table with many thousands of INSERT and subsequent UPDATE 
operations every day, and it would regularly become fragmented to the 
point where performance was 1/4 of what it should have been.  I started 
running an OPTIMIZE TABLE command every few hours, took a couple of 
seconds each time, and performance stayed good.

Hope this helps, Eugene.


Eugene Kosov wrote:

Hi, list!

I have a little table (about 0.5 milloin records) which is kind of 
queue. My perl script takes records from it one by one and does somes 

Here's my table structure:

mysql desc queue;

| Field| Type| Null | Key | Default 
  | Extra  |

| id   | int(10) unsigned|  | PRI | NULL   | 
auto_increment |
| status   | tinyint(4)  |  | MUL | 0   
| processor_id | int(10) unsigned| YES  | MUL | NULL   

... some other data ...

This table, of course, has some indecies:

mysql show indexes from queue;

| Table| Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name 
 | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | 
Comment |

| queue|  0 | PRIMARY  |1 | id  | 
A |  522756 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  |   |
| queue|  1 | status   |1 | status  | 
A |   3 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  |   |
| queue|  1 | processor_id |1 | processor_id 
| A |  522756 | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE  | |

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Perl scripts runs a query like 'UPDATE queue SET status=1, 
processor_id=XXX WHERE status=0 LIMIT 1'. Whis query shoud (and uses as 
we can see in following EXPLAIN result) `status` index and work rather 
fast. But.. It becomes slower and slower. I don't understand why.

mysql explain select * from certificates where status=0;

| id | select_type | table| type | possible_keys | key| 
key_len | ref   | rows  | Extra   |

|  1 | SIMPLE  | queue| ref  | status| status |   1 
| const | 52740 | Using where |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Despite row numbers to