Re: MySQL version 4.0.23 uses 99% of processor on FreeBSD 4.11

2006-07-17 Thread Jeremiah Foster
On Fri, 2006-07-14 at 09:47 -0300, Miles Thompson wrote:
 At 09:15 AM 7/14/2006, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
 Nearly once or twice a day the mysql daemon on our FreeBSD server has to
 be restarted since it is taking up most of the processor.
 That is about 3 hours and a billion rows examined. Is it likely that
 this is the source of my problems?
 I'd say YES. But first, how much time does it take if you remove the join 
 conditions for the LIKEs?

The time it takes after removing the two likes is 7 hours;

100 rows in set (7 hours 23 min 43.04 sec)

 There are two difficulties there:
  1. Use of LIKE with wildcard search forces a table scan, although 
 see [1] below.
  2. The two LIKEs are joined by an OR so
  Stdnsv will be scanned until the first condition is met, 
 and if it is fulfilled, then
  pl is scanned until the second condition is met. Full scan 
 on each table.
  Alternately ...
  If the first condition for Stdnsv is not met, then OR has 
 failed, but you will have a full table scan on the left hand side of the OR 
 Second, have you indexes on the columns which are being compared?

Yes, I believe when I ran EXPLAIN it showed the tables were indexed. I
will run explain again to make sure.
 Your memory usage is probably pretty high as well, as MySQL tries to do as 
 much work as it can in memory.

I will look into investing in more memory.
 Have you tried this:
 SELECT pp.art_num, pp.showprice as price, pc.custom_price,
  pc.custom_name, pc.custom_delivery, pd.instock, Stdnsv.Description
 FROM product_tags pt, products_prices pp, products_dists pd,
  filter_categories fc, product_linking pl, cds_Stdnsv Stdnsv
  Stdnsv.ProdID = pp.art_num AND
  pc.art_num = pp.art_num AND
  pp.art_num = pl.art_num AND
  pp.art_num = pd.art_num AND
  fc.filter_type_id = 1 AND
  fc.filter_id = pl.filter_id AND
  (Stdnsv.Description != 'None' OR Stdnsv.Description != '')
 GROUP BY pp.art_num
 ORDER BY pp.showprice DESC LIMIT 100;
 If that gives weird or unexpected results, try whacking off AND conditions 
 until it's fast, then think about why the query slows when they are 
 added.  Note the simple WHERE is an implicit LEFT JOIN.
 Also formulate time query, and time it, with   (Stdnsv.Description LIKE 
 '%Media%Center%' OR pl.art_num LIKE '%Media%
 Center%')  as the WHERE.
 Apologies if this has been too pedantic.
 Hope this is helpful - Miles Thompson

Miles, this has been extremely helpful, not at all pedantic. Thank you.
 [1] MySQL 4.0 does another optimisation on LIKE. If you use ... LIKE 
 %string% and string is longer than 3 characters, MySQL will use the Turbo 
 Boyer-Moore algorithm to initialise the pattern for the string and then use 
 this pattern to perform the search quicker.
 This is taken from 

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Re: slow mysql...

2006-07-17 Thread Chris

Ritesh Shetty wrote:


My mysql server sometime just slows responding to database queriesIt 
is as slow as less than 1 per sec.
But it speeds up by itself after some time , I have noticed that when it 
speeds up there are lot more MYsql thread than just one thread when it 
is slow.

Sounds like you have some queries running that aren't indexed properly.

Try enabling your slow-query-log and see what gets put into that, then 
you can work on fixing those queries.


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Re: Help: PHP won't connect to MySQL

2006-07-17 Thread Chris

Kay C. Tien wrote:

Hi All,

The simple script I'm testing works on a Linux server.  I got tired of 
having to upload and test them, so I decided to install MySQL on my 
computer, which is running Win XP.

MySQL works fine on it's own, I've set the the database and etc., but 
nothing happened when I tested the page. So I googled online and found 
out that I was missing  php_mysql.dll and libmysql.dll.  So I copied 
them into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder.  Then modified php.ini in the 
C:\WINDOWS by uncommented the php_mysql.dll extension and changed to 
extension_dir to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.  Rebooted and now I'm getting the 
following error:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could not 
be found. in Unknown on line 0

You have a version mismatch in your dll's.

One of them will be a dll for mysql 4 and one will be for mysql 5.

You installed php5 right? The dll included with that probably won't talk 
to mysql 4, only mysql 5..

I'd suggest removing both and installing php5 and mysql5 from scratch.

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Re: Mysql cluster so slow...

2006-07-17 Thread Chris

Xueron Nee wrote:

Hi all,

There is a table contains about 60,000 rows. where select from this
table with 'order by xxx' statement, it is tooo slow. but if i do it
without 'order by xxx', it works fine.

Is there any tips and suggestion for me? Thanks!

Add an index to the 'xxx' column?

That's not a lot of information to go on.

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Re: Table '' doesn't exist

2006-07-17 Thread Chris

thomas Armstrong wrote:

I created this very-simple '/etc/my.conf':


But it doesn't still work.

'/usr/local/mysql/var' hosts the data, but within 'mysql'
subdirectory, there are
only two files:
-rw-rw  1 mysql root0 may 30  2005 func.MYD
-rw-rw  1 mysql root 8877 may 30  2005 tables_priv.frm

Where are 'host.frm', 'host.MYD' and 'host.MYI'?

Hope you have a backup.

The myd file contains all of your data, so without it, you're out of luck.

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Re: arrays in stored procedures - pl. help

2006-07-17 Thread Chris

L P wrote:

say I have a need to add multiple rows at the same time.

for instance, say I'm collecting customer information and I want to add 3
addresses and 3 phone numbers at the same time for a customer.

The above is quite straightforward to accomplish when there is only one set
of data to deal with (one address / one phone number) - with simple data
types passed in as parameters.

What alternatives / options do I have to accomplish storing multiple 
sets of


insert into table(field1, field2, field3) values (value1, value2, 
value3), (value4, value5, value6);

Don't use arrays for storage, you'll lose a lot of performance.

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Re: load-file() doesn't work

2006-07-17 Thread Chris


I'm using MySQL 3.23.36 on RH 7.1. I've created a table photos (in
database album) with the following colums:


I'm running mysql from the command line:

mysql -u root

'root' has all privileges.
The file I'm trying to load is /home/fleet/image.jpg
It *is* world readable.

INSERT INTO photos (image) VALUES (load_file('/home/fleet/image.jpg'));

Gives no errors; but all I get in the column is NULL.


Shows column width to be 30.

I've tried every permutation of this statement I can think of, with NO
success.  MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.23.36. suggests:

mysql UPDATE photos
   SET image=LOAD_FILE(/home/fleet/image.jpg)
   WHERE id=1;

This produces exactly the same thing - no errors; but no data in the


show warnings;

produce anything after you try to import the file?

Does anything show up in your mysql logs (general or error logs) ?

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Re: I don't understand why SCSI is preferred.

2006-07-17 Thread Duncan Hill
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 20:58, Chris White wrote:

 performance?.  From what I know of MySQL, not really, because MySQL does a
 good amount of work in memory.  The only time I'd see disk access being a
 factor is if you had a large mass of swap/virtual memory.

I have to play with 300 gig of data (and growing).  MySQL cannot keep enough 
of the indexes in memory unfortunately - not when the index for one of the 
tables is 6 gig.

Whether you use SATA, PATA or SCSI (on the back of FC), the answer for speed 
is spindle rotation speed and number of heads.  There's a reason that the 
older HP9000 boxes used disk packs full of 9 GB drives - heads.  SCSI has the 
advantage (for now at least) of being designed in a manner that lets it 
do 'things' faster.

Oh, as a small example - the DB server attached to the SAN can pull data 
faster than my personal server, even though the personal server is only 
dealing with one request and the DB/SAN is dealing with hundreds per second 
(and the personal server is no slouch).  Fun to watch all the SAN disk lights 
light up when that happens.
Scanned by iCritical.

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Re: I don't understand why SCSI is preferred.

2006-07-17 Thread Cory

Duncan Hill wrote:
Oh, as a small example - the DB server attached to the SAN can pull data 
faster than my personal server, even though the personal server is only 
dealing with one request and the DB/SAN is dealing with hundreds per second 
(and the personal server is no slouch).  Fun to watch all the SAN disk lights 
light up when that happens.
What do you use on your SAN?  We're looking at deploying a SAN on our 
Linux MySQL setup.


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Mysqld-nt memory issue!

2006-07-17 Thread Novak Dusan ITICMC
Hi to all,


I am using MySql 5.0.15 windows version and java application to access
the database using MySql JDBC driver.


I come to one interesting issue regarding memory used by mysqld-nt
service and displayed in the task manager.


The service memory constantly increases as I write or read data from the

Either if I closes connection from java or closes the application memory
used by mysqld-nt service stays unchanged.


Can anyone help me with this issue?


The problem is when using application on PCs that are poor with RAM
memory and mysqld-nt service memory don't frees properly.


Can I INIT mysqld-nt servise from Java. I know I can stop and start
service but I don't like this solution, BUT the best solution would be
if someone 

could me provide the answer why mysqld-nt service behaves this was.


Thanks for help 








Random Table Lock

2006-07-17 Thread mysql

I am stumped by a table lock issue. First, some details.

I am running MySQL 5.0.22 on an AMD 64 machine.

mysqld -V outputs:

/usr/local/libexec/mysqld  Ver 5.0.22-debug-log for unknown-linux-gnu  
on x86_64 (Source distribution)

uname -a:
2.6.8-11-amd64-generic #1 Wed Jun 1 00:42:47 CEST 2005 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I compiled MySQL as follows ( from the docs ):

CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O2 CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS=-O2 -felide-constructors \
   -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
   --with-debug --with-extra-charsets=complex

The problem I am having is the following:

Randomly, on any DB or table within, a lock will remain in place after  
an insert. The insert could be something very simple, but it will fail  
to unlock the table. Following this failure, any other query that  
needs to lock the table afterwards ( updates/inserts ) will fail and  
will queue up - visible when doing a show full processlist. Killing  
the PID of that particular INSERT doesn't do anything. In fact, the  
only way to kill it and unlock the table is to do a kill -9 on the  
mysqld process.

This is what it looks like from within mysql:

| 448 | root | localhost | shopDani | Query   |  233 | update | insert  
into items set custID='X',item='y',qty='1' |

I am not sure from where to start tackling this issue and my first  
step was to recompile MySQL with debug support. I then managed to  
catch it happening in the debug log but I'm afraid it's not offering  
more details:

do_command: info: Command on socket (47) = 3 (Query)
dispatch_command: query: insert into items set  

thr_lock: info: 0x0
thr_lock: info: dellink: -1  r_locks: 0  w_locks: 1
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 311296  data_file: 217356  concurrent_insert: 1
unique_table: info: real table: store.items
mysql_lock_have_duplicate: info: no duplicate found
ha_myisam::start_bulk_insert: info: start_bulk_insert: rows 1 size 0
do_command: info: Command on socket (72) = 1 (Quit)

There is more data but I thought only this was relevant to this  
particular insert.

If anyone has any suggestions or clues, feel free to write back.

Thank you,

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Re: PHP won't connect to MySQL

2006-07-17 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I´m having the same trouble a long time ago and still looking for the 

Kay C. Tien [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu na mensagem 
 Hi All,

 The simple script I'm testing works on a Linux server.  I got tired
 of having to upload and test them, so I decided to install MySQL on
 my computer, which is running Win XP.

 MySQL works fine on it's own, I've set the the database and etc., but
 nothing happened when I tested the page. So I googled online and
 found out that I was missing  php_mysql.dll and libmysql.dll.  So I
 copied them into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder.  Then modified
 php.ini in the C:\WINDOWS by uncommented the php_mysql.dll extension
 and changed to extension_dir to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.  Rebooted and
 now I'm getting the following error:
 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could
 not be found. in Unknown on line 0

 I've checked the PATH in the System also, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 is
 there.  So why does it work??  It's been a very frustrating day.

 Help anyone?


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2006-07-17 Thread Karl Larsen
   I'm using mysql on Linux and all is going well but I can't find the 
proper way to write a CREATE VIEW. I'm using 4.1 and is this function 
still in mysql?

Karl Larsen

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How to copy a large innodb table

2006-07-17 Thread Dominik Klein
Recently I deleted ~200.000.000 rows out of a history table. Still there 
are 20.000.000 rows in the table.

So now I want to clear some discspace by copying the table, dropping the 
old one and renaming the copy afterwards.

Is there another (faster) way to do that and how does one copy such a 
large table?

Normally I would do
create table new like table old;
insert into new select * from old;

But this runs into this error: The total number of locks exceeds the 
lock table size.

So I wrote a shell script which creates the table and copies like this:
insert into new select * from old limit 100 offset 0
insert into new select * from old limit 100 offset 100
insert into new select * from old limit 100 offset 200
and so on.

But I'm not sure if this will produce an exact copy of my table and on 
top of that the seventeenth loop fails with the same error mentioned above.

Any help would be appreciated.


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RE: How to copy a large innodb table

2006-07-17 Thread Logan, David (SST - Adelaide)
Hi Dominic,

Why not just use an OPTIMIZE TABLE ? This will map to an ALTER table
command for an InnoDB table which will free the now unused space. From
the manual at

For InnoDB tables, OPTIMIZE TABLE is mapped to ALTER TABLE, which
rebuilds the table to update index statistics and free unused space in
the clustered index. 

and from Defragmenting a Table

snip snip

It can speed up index scans if you periodically perform a null ALTER
TABLE operation:


That causes MySQL to rebuild the table. Another way to perform a
defragmentation operation is to use mysqldump to dump the table to a
text file, drop the table, and reload it from the dump file.

snip snip


** _/ **  David Logan 
***   _/ ***  ITO Delivery Specialist - Database
*_/*  Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd
_/_/_/  _/_/_/    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   _/  _/  _/  _/     Desk:   +618 8408 4273
  _/  _/  _/_/_/  Mobile: 0417 268 665
*_/   **
**  _/    Postal: 148 Frome Street,
   _/ **  Adelaide SA 5001

-Original Message-
From: Dominik Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 17 July 2006 9:58 PM
Subject: How to copy a large innodb table

Recently I deleted ~200.000.000 rows out of a history table. Still there

are 20.000.000 rows in the table.

So now I want to clear some discspace by copying the table, dropping the

old one and renaming the copy afterwards.

Is there another (faster) way to do that and how does one copy such a 
large table?

Normally I would do
create table new like table old;
insert into new select * from old;

But this runs into this error: The total number of locks exceeds the 
lock table size.

So I wrote a shell script which creates the table and copies like this:
insert into new select * from old limit 100 offset 0
insert into new select * from old limit 100 offset 100
insert into new select * from old limit 100 offset 200
and so on.

But I'm not sure if this will produce an exact copy of my table and on 
top of that the seventeenth loop fails with the same error mentioned

Any help would be appreciated.


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2006-07-17 Thread James Sherwood

I have a question about on delete cascade.

If i have 2 tables such as this:


Table2foreinkey   name
name description

Now if I delete a row from table1 that has a foreign key from table 2 should it 
delete the row in table 2?


Re: How to copy a large innodb table

2006-07-17 Thread Dominik Klein
Thank you very much. I did not know this command. Well at least I never 
looked up what it does.

I'll give it a try and see how it works out.

Why not just use an OPTIMIZE TABLE ? This will map to an ALTER table
command for an InnoDB table which will free the now unused space. From
the manual at

For InnoDB tables, OPTIMIZE TABLE is mapped to ALTER TABLE, which
rebuilds the table to update index statistics and free unused space in
the clustered index. 

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2006-07-17 Thread Duncan Hill
On Monday 17 July 2006 13:26, Karl Larsen wrote:
 I'm using mysql on Linux and all is going well but I can't find the
 proper way to write a CREATE VIEW. I'm using 4.1 and is this function
 still in mysql?

If the MySQL manual for 4.1 does not list views as a feature of that version, 
odds are it doesn't exist.

Views are a V5+ feature.
Scanned by iCritical.

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Re: Help: PHP won't connect to MySQL

2006-07-17 Thread Kay C. Tien

At 05:37 PM 7/17/2006 Monday, Chris wrote:

Kay C. Tien wrote:

Hi All,
The simple script I'm testing works on a Linux server.  I got tired 
of having to upload and test them, so I decided to install MySQL on 
my computer, which is running Win XP.
MySQL works fine on it's own, I've set the the database and etc., 
but nothing happened when I tested the page. So I googled online 
and found out that I was missing  php_mysql.dll and 
libmysql.dll.  So I copied them into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 
folder.  Then modified php.ini in the C:\WINDOWS by uncommented the 
php_mysql.dll extension and changed to extension_dir to 
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.  Rebooted and now I'm getting the following error:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could 
not be found. in Unknown on line 0

You have a version mismatch in your dll's.

One of them will be a dll for mysql 4 and one will be for mysql 5.

You installed php5 right? The dll included with that probably won't 
talk to mysql 4, only mysql 5..

I'd suggest removing both and installing php5 and mysql5 from scratch.

That would explain it.  I'll try that.


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Re: load-file() doesn't work

2006-07-17 Thread Dan Buettner

Fleet, I'd also humbly suggest that the version you're using is VERY
old and you should update to at least the latest 3.23 (3.23.58 I
think), or 4.x, or maybe even 5.0 (production since last Fall).
Untold numbers of bugs fixed since 3.23.36.


On 7/17/06, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using MySQL 3.23.36 on RH 7.1. I've created a table photos (in
 database album) with the following colums:


 I'm running mysql from the command line:

 mysql -u root

 'root' has all privileges.
 The file I'm trying to load is /home/fleet/image.jpg
 It *is* world readable.

 INSERT INTO photos (image) VALUES (load_file('/home/fleet/image.jpg'));

 Gives no errors; but all I get in the column is NULL.


 Shows column width to be 30.

 I've tried every permutation of this statement I can think of, with NO
 success.  MySQL Reference Manual for version 3.23.36. suggests:

 mysql UPDATE photos
SET image=LOAD_FILE(/home/fleet/image.jpg)
WHERE id=1;

 This produces exactly the same thing - no errors; but no data in the


show warnings;

produce anything after you try to import the file?

Does anything show up in your mysql logs (general or error logs) ?

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2006-07-17 Thread Rhino
If I understand your question correctly - and I'm not sure I do - Table 2 is 
the parent and Table 1 is the child. In other words, there is a one-to-many 
relationship between the parent, Table 2, and the child, Table 1.

Therefore, if the parent table, Table 2, contains one row for each 
department of a company and the child table, Table 1, contains one row for 
each employee, we would have a situation like this:



Table 1 - EMPLOYEE


If I'm following you so far, you're asking what happens in the DEPARTMENT 
table if you delete an employee from the EMPLOYEE table? For example, if you 
delete employee 105 or even employee 101 from the EMPLOYEE table, will there 
be any impact on the DEPARTMENT table?

The answer is _NO_. The DELETE rule between a parent table and its child 
table controls what happens in the _child_ table if a row is deleted from 
the _parent_ table; deleting a row in the child table has no effect on the 
parent table.

Therefore, if you delete employee 105 from the EMPLOYEE table, the only 
effect is that employee 105 is removed from the EMPLOYEE table; there is no 
effect of any kind on the DEPARTMENT table. Ditto for employee 101 who is 
the only employee in department B01: only the employee 101 row is removed 
and there is no impact on the DEPARTMENT table at all.

If you want to see the DELETE rule between the tables take effect, you need 
to delete a row from the _DEPARTMENT_ table. If the DELETE rule in effect is 
CASCADE, as you have proposed, then deleting the B01 row from DEPARTMENT 
will also cause the deletion of all B01 rows in the EMPLOYEE table. By the 
same token, deleting the C01 row from the DEPARTMENT table will cause the 
deletes of _all_ of the C01 rows in the EMPLOYEE table.


- Original Message - 
From: James Sherwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: mysqllist
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 8:44 AM
Subject: ON DELETE CASCADE question


I have a question about on delete cascade.

If i have 2 tables such as this:


Table2foreinkey   name
name description

Now if I delete a row from table1 that has a foreign key from table 2 should 
it delete the row in table 2?


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Re: load-file() doesn't work [SOLVED]

2006-07-17 Thread fleet
The statement
INSERT INTO table (blob_column) VALUES

Produces no error; but fails to load the image file.

The image file (or other binary file, I assume) MUST reside in / or /tmp,
ie /image.jpg or /tmp/image.jpg. (At least in MySQL 3.23.36)

I *hope* this is a bug!

- fleet -

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Re: load-file() doesn't work [SOLVED]

2006-07-17 Thread Marc Alff

Hi Fleet

 The statement
 INSERT INTO table (blob_column) VALUES

 Produces no error; but fails to load the image file.

 The image file (or other binary file, I assume) MUST reside in / or /tmp,
 ie /image.jpg or /tmp/image.jpg. (At least in MySQL 3.23.36)

 I *hope* this is a bug!

   - fleet -


Just to check, is the /home partition actually mounted on the server,
and at the same place ?

In other words, does /home/fleet/image.jpg exists :
- when seen from the host running mysql
- when seen from the host running mysqld


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Re: load-file() doesn't work [SOLVED]

2006-07-17 Thread fleet
On Mon, 17 Jul 2006, Marc Alff wrote:

 Just to check, is the /home partition actually mounted on the server,
 and at the same place ?

 In other words, does /home/fleet/image.jpg exists :
 - when seen from the host running mysql
 - when seen from the host running mysqld

In answer to the above: to the best of my knowledge.  I haven't a clue how
to check that.  I'm a user, not a tech.  I have another small database
that produces an html output.  It places it in my $HOME directory without
any specific path instructions; so I'd have to say mysql and mysqld *do*
see the directories.

mysql is running on my home PC.  This particular PC is about 5 years old.
/home/fleet is my $HOME directory.  I'm launching mysql from $HOME using:
[~]$ mysql -u root
mysql was installed (by someone who presumably knew what they were doing)
when I purchased the computer.  I've never used it before now.

- fleet -

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Re: Help: PHP won't connect to MySQL

2006-07-17 Thread Kay C. Tien

At 05:37 PM 7/17/2006 Monday, Chris wrote:

Kay C. Tien wrote:

Hi All,
The simple script I'm testing works on a Linux server.  I got tired 
of having to upload and test them, so I decided to install MySQL on 
my computer, which is running Win XP.
MySQL works fine on it's own, I've set the the database and etc., 
but nothing happened when I tested the page. So I googled online 
and found out that I was missing  php_mysql.dll and 
libmysql.dll.  So I copied them into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 
folder.  Then modified php.ini in the C:\WINDOWS by uncommented the 
php_mysql.dll extension and changed to extension_dir to 
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.  Rebooted and now I'm getting the following error:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could 
not be found. in Unknown on line 0

You have a version mismatch in your dll's.

One of them will be a dll for mysql 4 and one will be for mysql 5.

You installed php5 right? The dll included with that probably won't 
talk to mysql 4, only mysql 5..

I'd suggest removing both and installing php5 and mysql5 from scratch.

Well, I reloaded both new versions.  Still the same error!  What 
gives?!  sigh


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INNODB Question

2006-07-17 Thread Tripp Bishop
Howdy all,

I'm trying to clean up a development server so that we
can retask it. I tried dropping a very large but no
longer necessary database that uses INNODB tables
exclusively. Unfortunately the disk usage on the box
didn't change. We're using a completely default MySQL
5.0.15 install on the box (a small centos linux box)
so we don't have innodb_file_per_table set in a my.cnf

So I've got two basic questions...

First, how can I get rid of the current ibdata file?
It's taking up a lot of space. Do any of the mysql
databases (information schema and mysql) use INNODB
tables? What's the correct procedure for freeing up
this disk space?

Second, are there still issues with
innodb_file_per_table and indexes or has that been
eradicated? It seems like it was a problem early on in
the mysql 4.1 life cycle. I just wanna be sure. Also,
Does innodb_file_per_table enhance performance (even
if the tablespaces are all on the same physical disk)?
Just curious.



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problem with double data

2006-07-17 Thread Obed Soto Déctor

Hi, i'm sorry for my english, i'm from México and i'm gonna do my best,

i've made a store procedure but i have some problems becouse when a
make a simple operation with double datas the result is not what i


cantidad_origen = 30.5
cantidad_ = 30.4
suma = 0

UPDATE detalle_tanque set cantidad = ( cantidad_origen - cantidad_ -
suma ) where id_detalle_transaccion = id_detalle_transaccion_origen
and ctl_no=ctl_no_origen;

cantidad = 0.101

i don't know what    im waiting

cantidad = 0.1

thanks  any help will be good for me

-- --- blog

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Re: Help: PHP won't connect to MySQL

2006-07-17 Thread Chris

Kay C. Tien wrote:

At 05:37 PM 7/17/2006 Monday, Chris wrote:

Kay C. Tien wrote:

Hi All,
The simple script I'm testing works on a Linux server.  I got tired 
of having to upload and test them, so I decided to install MySQL on 
my computer, which is running Win XP.
MySQL works fine on it's own, I've set the the database and etc., but 
nothing happened when I tested the page. So I googled online and 
found out that I was missing  php_mysql.dll and libmysql.dll.  So I 
copied them into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder.  Then modified 
php.ini in the C:\WINDOWS by uncommented the php_mysql.dll extension 
and changed to extension_dir to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.  Rebooted and 
now I'm getting the following error:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could 
not be found. in Unknown on line 0

You have a version mismatch in your dll's.

One of them will be a dll for mysql 4 and one will be for mysql 5.

You installed php5 right? The dll included with that probably won't 
talk to mysql 4, only mysql 5..

I'd suggest removing both and installing php5 and mysql5 from scratch.

Well, I reloaded both new versions.  Still the same error!  What 
gives?!  sigh

Did you make sure there were no dll's left after the uninstall? ie look 
for libmysql.dll and php_mysql.dll in all folders in your path.

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Re: problem with double data

2006-07-17 Thread Chris

Obed Soto Déctor wrote:

Hi, i'm sorry for my english, i'm from México and i'm gonna do my best,

i've made a store procedure but i have some problems becouse when a
make a simple operation with double datas the result is not what i

We can't tell much without seeing at least the stored procedure and the 
table schema(s).

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RE: problem with double data

2006-07-17 Thread Tim Lucia

 -Original Message-
 From: Obed Soto Déctor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 7:28 PM
 Subject: problem with double data
 Hi, i'm sorry for my english, i'm from México and i'm gonna do my best,
 i've made a store procedure but i have some problems becouse when a
 make a simple operation with double datas the result is not what i
 cantidad_origen = 30.5
 cantidad_ = 30.4
 suma = 0
 UPDATE detalle_tanque set cantidad = ( cantidad_origen - cantidad_ -
 suma ) where id_detalle_transaccion = id_detalle_transaccion_origen
 and ctl_no=ctl_no_origen;
 cantidad = 0.101

Looks like your standard floating-point rounding error.  See which
says:  A double-precision floating-point number is accurate to
approximately 15 decimal places.  If I counted right, the errant 1 at the
end is in place 15, so that is accurate to approximately 15 places.


 i don't know what    im waiting
 cantidad = 0.1
 thanks  any help will be good for me
 -- --- blog
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Incremental Backup

2006-07-17 Thread Kaushal Shriyan


I would like to know following 2 things.

1) if i would like to take mysql incremental backup weekly

cp /var/lib/mysql/ /backup/mysqlbak/

how can i do it by above command as i would like to run cron weekly
for take mysql backup.

i would like to take backup using cp command only as we have more then
1000 databases on one server.


Thanks and Regards


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Re: Incremental Backup

2006-07-17 Thread Dan Trainor

Kaushal Shriyan wrote:


I would like to know following 2 things.

1) if i would like to take mysql incremental backup weekly

cp /var/lib/mysql/ /backup/mysqlbak/

how can i do it by above command as i would like to run cron weekly
for take mysql backup.

i would like to take backup using cp command only as we have more then
1000 databases on one server.


Thanks and Regards


Hi -

The following, has been my experience:

A) That will not work.
B) Depending on the OS, this may never complete, as files may constantly 
still be written to
C) Depending on the OS, cp may not be able to take all of those 
directories for those 1000's of databases as arguments

D) If you were doing that, you'd use 'cp -r'

The best way to do it, and for maximum portability, would either be to 
create a replication slave which all this data would replicate to, 
allowing you to have pretty much a hot spare if configured properly, 
and alternatively using mysqldump so that you would not have to bring 
the server down, aside from maybe some row or table locking while the 
dump was running - which is completely subject based on how you're 
currently running.

Perhaps others here can school me on this a bit, as well, and provide 
some other options.  However, I thought I could at least give this one a 
shot :)


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