Re: Load Balance on MySql

2007-01-18 Thread Shain Lee

Thanx for the information , but i wanted to go for a long term plan and for a 
fixed solution. bcause little by little that load getting high.
please need some mysql expertise help.

Thank you,

Ady Wicaksono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Lee
better you start  to benchmark your system using tools like

You will find out, what boundary you hit, if you hit max thread,
reduce thread stack size but very careful on this stuff :)

On 1/18/07, Shain Lee  wrote:
 Hi Friends ,

 I have huge WAP content database and it's included with wallpapers, 
 ringtones, games ...etc.That content database getting hits more that 1000 
 /sec. This is  actually massive.
 My Webserver s are Tomcat and  apache  , because  some applications written 
 in java and some are php . perl. Hence i needed to use that both wap 
 servers.Due high load for the content database ,it's getting 
 hang/stuck/panic. I couldn't even restart the mysql service. I have restart 
 the machine , no any other way to release the stucked load.

 OS - RHEL :  2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp
 MySql - 4.1.7





 Now , i have to think about any perfect load balancing method , i can't 
 duplicate the databse in another machine. It's directly conflict with serving 
 contents for each request.

 can somebody help me on it ? what would be the perfect way to have a balance 
 the load ?
 How can we take the statics of mysql databse ? is there any open source 
 product available ?

 Thanx in advance,

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Re: Load Balance on MySql

2007-01-18 Thread Nils Meyer

Hi Shain,

Shain Lee wrote:

Now , i have to think about any perfect load balancing method , i can't 
duplicate the databse in another machine. It's directly conflict with serving 
contents for each request.
Why not use replication? If you don't want to do it on application level 
(seperate reads from writes by using two database connections), you 
might want to try out multi-master replication. It is somewhat tricky to 
setup as there are problems with auto_increment, but that is documented 
in mysql documentation.

You could then use any load balancing solution you desire to spread load 
between servers.

can somebody help me on it ? what would be the perfect way to have a balance 
the load ?
How can we take the statics of mysql databse ? is there any open source product 
available ?
In recent MySQL 5.0 versions, there is the mysqlreport command line 
tool, which shows various statistics. As you are using mysql 4.1, you 
can't use it. You can try monitoring SHOW STATUS output. I would 
especially be interested in your query cache statistics as you have a 
very large cache.

Do you store the content in the database or just links to files?


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Question about index usage

2007-01-18 Thread Michaël de Groot
Hi guys,


I have a question about index usage in MySQL.


I have a query:

MYSQL: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [webstats] EXPLAIN SELECT sum(users) as 
page_id FROM webstats.stats_hour where page_id LIKE 'vipPage_%' and site =
'spelpuntVip' and date  1166353093 group by page_id ORDER BY totaal_uniek


| id | select_type | table  | type  | possible_keys |
key  | key_len | ref  | rows   | Extra


|  1 | SIMPLE  | stats_hour | range | date,page_id,pageId_site_date |
date |   4 | NULL | 833057 | Using where; Using temporary; Using
filesort |


1 row in set (0.05 sec)

And a table stats_hour with indexes:


| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name  | Seq_in_index |
Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null |
Index_type | Comment |


| stats_hour |  0 | year_mon_day_hour_pageId_site |1 |
year| A |NULL | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  0 | year_mon_day_hour_pageId_site |2 |
mon | A |NULL | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  0 | year_mon_day_hour_pageId_site |3 |
day | A |NULL | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  0 | year_mon_day_hour_pageId_site |4 |
hour| A |NULL | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  0 | year_mon_day_hour_pageId_site |5 |
page_id | A |NULL | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  0 | year_mon_day_hour_pageId_site |6 |
site| A |NULL | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | date  |1 |
date| A |  525625 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | mon   |1 |
mon | A |  14 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | page_id   |1 |
page_id | A |   23053 | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | hour  |1 |
hour| A |  28 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | day   |1 |
day | A |  36 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | day_mon_year_pageId_site  |1 |
day | A |  36 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | day_mon_year_pageId_site  |2 |
mon | A | 426 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | day_mon_year_pageId_site  |3 |
year| A |1342 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | day_mon_year_pageId_site  |4 |
page_id | A |  328515 | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | day_mon_year_pageId_site  |5 |
site| A |  328515 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | pageId_site_date  |1 |
page_id | A |   23053 | NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | pageId_site_date  |2 |
site| A |   23892 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |

| stats_hour |  1 | pageId_site_date  |3 |
date| A | 2628125 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE
| |



I don’t understand why MySQL doesn’t use the pageId_site_date index.


Maybe someone here can explain this issue to me or know a 

Re: Strange InnoDB Deadlock Behavior

2007-01-18 Thread Juan Eduardo Moreno


I assume that your principal databases are INNODB databases.


On 1/17/07, Jason J. W. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Juan,

Just wanted to touchbase and see if you had any suggestions based on
the my.cnf and machine config. Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

On 1/15/07, Juan Eduardo Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Send me a my.cnf in order to view your configuration ( using innodb
 engine). Send me a configuration of your machine ( CPU and Memory).


#password   = [your_password]
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

# *** Application-specific options follow here ***

# The MySQL server

# generic configuration options
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
datadir = /node1_css_mysql
basedir = /opt/mysql-5.0.27
# back_log is the number of connections the operating system can keep in
# the listen queue, before the MySQL connection manager thread has
# processed them. If you have a very high connection rate and experience
# connection refused errors, you might need to increase this value.
# Check your OS documentation for the maximum value of this parameter.
# Attempting to set back_log higher than your operating system limit
# will have no effect.
back_log = 50

# Don't listen on a TCP/IP port at all. This can be a security
# enhancement, if all processes that need to connect to mysqld run
# on the same host.  All interaction with mysqld must be made via Unix
# sockets or named pipes.
# Note that using this option without enabling named pipes on Windows
# (via the enable-named-pipe option) will render mysqld useless!

# The maximum amount of concurrent sessions the MySQL server will
# allow. One of these connections will be reserved for a user with
# SUPER privileges to allow the administrator to login even if the
# connection limit has been reached.

# Modified by Juan
max_connections = 256

# Maximum amount of errors allowed per host. If this limit is reached,
# the host will be blocked from connecting to the MySQL server until
# FLUSH HOSTS has been run or the server was restarted. Invalid
# passwords and other errors during the connect phase result in
# increasing this value. See the Aborted_connects status variable for
# global counter.
max_connect_errors = 10

# The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value
# increases the number of file descriptors that mysqld requires.
# Therefore you have to make sure to set the amount of open files
# allowed to at least 4096 in the variable open-files-limit in
# section [mysqld_safe]

# Modified by Juan
table_cache = 256

# Enable external file level locking. Enabled file locking will have a
# negative impact on performance, so only use it in case you have
# multiple database instances running on the same files (note some
# restrictions still apply!) or if you use other software relying on
# locking MyISAM tables on file level.

# The maximum size of a query packet the server can handle as well as
# maximum query size server can process (Important when working with
# large BLOBs).  enlarged dynamically, for each connection.

# Modified by Juan
max_allowed_packet = 32M

# The size of the cache to hold the SQL statements for the binary log
# during a transaction. If you often use big, multi-statement
# transactions you can increase this value to get more performance. All
# statements from transactions are buffered in the binary log cache and
# are being written to the binary log at once after the COMMIT.  If the
# transaction is larger than this value, temporary file on disk is used
# instead.  This buffer is allocated per connection on first update
# statement in transaction

# Modified by Juan
#binlog_cache_size = 1M
max_binlog_size= 1

# Maximum allowed size for a single HEAP (in memory) table. This option
# is a protection against the accidential creation of a very large HEAP
# table which could otherwise use up all memory resources.
max_heap_table_size = 64M

# Sort buffer is used to perform sorts for some ORDER BY and GROUP BY
# queries. If sorted data does not fit into the sort buffer, a disk
# based merge sort is used instead - See the Sort_merge_passes
# status variable. Allocated per thread if sort is needed.

# Modified by Juan
sort_buffer_size = 1M

# This buffer is used for the optimization of full JOINs (JOINs without
# indexes). Such JOINs are very bad for performance in most cases
# anyway, but setting this variable to a large value reduces the
# performance impact. See the Select_full_join status variable for a
# count of full JOINs. Allocated per thread if full join is found
join_buffer_size = 2M

# How many threads we should keep in a cache for reuse. When a client
# disconnects, the client's threads are put in the cache if there aren't
# more than thread_cache_size threads from before.  This greatly reduces
# the amount of 

SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Nuno Oliveira

Hi All,

I'm working on a Intranet database with a few tables to allow all
the workers from the company to access it.

However, I'm facing a problem with a QUERY. I've did try to use
JOIN but I'm not able to get the results I need...

I have 3 tables (concerning this problem):

Table 'Quotes'

Table 'Clients'

Table 'Products'

After filling the info to table quotes, I would like to do a QUERY
to SELECT a specific QuoteID and also to JOIN to the result the
client information (being ClientID the relation) and also to JOIN
the information of the product if available (being QuoteID the

The problem is that if there is no data in table 'Products' that
matched QuoteID from table 'Quotes' than, the field 'QuoteID' is
returned empty.

I would like to do a SELECT that would return all the fields in the
'Quotes' table plus the client info and plus the product info but
only if available. If product info is not available I would like to
get a result having all 'Quotes' info and 'Clients' info.

My query is:

SELECT * FROM `Quotes` LEFT JOIN (`Products`,`Clientes`)
  ON (`Products`.`QuoteID`=`Quotes`.`QuoteID`
  AND `Clientes`.`ClientID`=`Quotes`.`ClientID`)
  WHERE `Quotes`.`QuoteID`=6936

Any suggestion?


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Re: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Davor Dundovic

I would like to do a SELECT that would return all the fields in the
'Quotes' table plus the client info and plus the product info but
only if available. If product info is not available I would like to
get a result having all 'Quotes' info and 'Clients' info.

My query is:

SELECT * FROM `Quotes` LEFT JOIN (`Products`,`Clientes`)
  ON (`Products`.`QuoteID`=`Quotes`.`QuoteID`
  AND `Clientes`.`ClientID`=`Quotes`.`ClientID`)
  WHERE `Quotes`.`QuoteID`=6936

Try this:

  ON (`Products`.`QuoteID`=`Quotes`.`QuoteID`)
  WHERE `Quotes`.`QuoteID`=6936


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Re: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Nuno Vaz Oliveira

From Davor:

Try this:

ON (`Products`.`QuoteID`=`Quotes`.`QuoteID`)
WHERE `Quotes`.`QuoteID`=6936

Still the same... :(

When a QuoteID from Quotes is not available as QuoteID from Products
the result I get gets an empty QuoteID.

It seems that it saves the QuoteID from the last table it worked with...

Should I change the order of the tables in the query?

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Re: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Nuno Oliveira

Olexandr Melnyk wrote:

I din't know about listiтg multiple tables in the JOIN clause up to now, 
but anyways it looks like QuoteId from the Products table is overriding 
the same field from the Quotes table. Try to replace the asterisk with 
an explicit list of fields you want to get. 

Hi, thanks for the reply (you should reply to the list also)

Do you mean that I should replace SELECT * FROM with SELECT field1,
[field2],[...] FROM?

If so, I need to specify the table name like SELECT Clients.Name correct?

Also, how can I access to Quotes.QuoteID and Products.QuoteID?

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RE: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Chris Boget
 Do you mean that I should replace SELECT * FROM 
 with SELECT field1, [field2],[...] FROM?


 If so, I need to specify the table name like SELECT 
 Clients.Name correct?

You only need to do that when 2 tables have the same column name.  In
general, though, it's good practice to always include the table name
when joining multiple tables.

 Also, how can I access to Quotes.QuoteID and Products.QuoteID?

Use aliases (which can be anything; I'm just replacing the '.' with a
'_' below)

  Quotes.QuoteID AS Quotes_QuoteID,
  Products.QuoteID AS Products_QuoteId


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RE: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Nuno Vaz Oliveira

From Chris,

Do you mean that I should replace SELECT * FROM with SELECT field1,
[field2],[...] FROM?


If so, I need to specify the table name like SELECT Clients.Name

You only need to do that when 2 tables have the same column name.  In
general, though, it's good practice to always include the table name
when joining multiple tables.

Also, how can I access to Quotes.QuoteID and Products.QuoteID?

Use aliases (which can be anything; I'm just replacing the '.' with a
'_' below)

Quotes.QuoteID AS Quotes_QuoteID,
Products.QuoteID AS Products_QuoteId

After Olexandr Melnyk proposition to specify all the fields instead of
SELECT * FROM and after Chris Boget letting me know how to have
multiple columns with the same name from different tables by using
aliases, I've been able to accomplish what I want! :)

However, after having it working correctly, I've noticed that I was
no using 3 or maybe 4 columns of each table so, in the columns list
I've only set those that I needed.

By doing that, I stopped the need for aliases (since I'm only including
Quotes.QuoteID and not including Products.QuoteID) and I can still
reffer to the columns by their real name. Anyway, i'ts allways good
to know that aliases exist, what they are and what they're for.

So, for now I'll say thank you all and I'll probably come back.


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Replication help, please

2007-01-18 Thread Mikhail Berman
Dear List,
As recently as last Sunday  January 14, 2007, we have enabled
replication between two servers in our organization.
The master server runs MySQL 4.1.10a, the slave runs 5.0.18.
Since then, we have had a number of interruptions in replication when
the slave server stopped replicating for different reasons. 
I was able to fix the problems pointed out by the error log on the slave
server, but I am witnessing strange behavior on the part of the slave. 
Every time, I look up slave status using show slave status, I see the
value of Seconds_Behind_Master getting bigger nor smaller as one would
I am pasting actual reports of show slave status at the end of this
Could anyone help me to find out why the slave reports such thing, and
how to overcome it.
mysql show slave status\G;
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_Host: saruman
Master_User: alatarreplica
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: SB2000-bin.000139
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 857395571
 Relay_Log_File: alatar-relay-bin.05
  Relay_Log_Pos: 190740012
  Relay_Master_Log_File: SB2000-bin.000139
   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Replicate_Do_DB: secdocs
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 190663065
Relay_Log_Space: 858304045
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 285342
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
No query specified
mysql show slave status\G;
*** 1. row ***
 Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
Master_Host: saruman
Master_User: alatarreplica
Master_Port: 3306
  Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: SB2000-bin.000139
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 857395745
 Relay_Log_File: alatar-relay-bin.05
  Relay_Log_Pos: 190740012
  Relay_Master_Log_File: SB2000-bin.000139
   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Replicate_Do_DB: secdocs
 Last_Errno: 0
   Skip_Counter: 0
Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 190663065
Relay_Log_Space: 858304221
Until_Condition: None
  Until_Log_Pos: 0
 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 285344
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
No query specified

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Mikhail Berman
Ives Group

Re: SELECT from 3 tables - Need help

2007-01-18 Thread Olexandr Melnyk

2007/1/18, Nuno Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi, thanks for the reply (you should reply to the list also)

Heh, that was the default Gmail behaviour.

Do you mean that I should replace SELECT * FROM with SELECT field1,

[field2],[...] FROM?

It is generally a good pratice to keep away from queries with asterisks in
production systems. And, as Chris mentioned, it is also recommended to
always specify the table name for multi-table queries.

Olexandr Melnyk,

Connecting from a remote computer

2007-01-18 Thread Kay C. Tien

Hi All,

This is a dump and simple question but I can't seem to get it to 
work.  How do I enable a user to be able to connect from a remost 
host using MySQL Administrator?  I added % but once signed in, I 
still can't access the user panel in the administrator.


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Re: Connecting from a remote computer

2007-01-18 Thread Nuno Vaz Oliveira

Hi All,

This is a dump and simple question but I can't seem to get it to work.
How do I enable a user to be able to connect from a remost host using
MySQL Administrator?  I added % but once signed in, I still can't
access the user panel in the administrator.


I don't know if I can help but MySQL users have some privileges ans one
of the configurations on the privileges of a user is the host from where it
can connect.

If the user is configured to connect only from localhost you won't be able
to connect as that user from a remote machine.


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Re: Connecting from a remote computer

2007-01-18 Thread Chris White
Just to toss something else in here.  A lot of times you  have a server 
that you can connect to by ssh, but because of firewalls, can't access 
mysql through.  If you can, however, connect to the database through 
ssh, you can do port forwarding.  In *nix systems it should be something 
like this:


This will forward requests from port 3306 locally to port 3306 on  If you're on windows, you can also do port forwarding 
through putty:

This becomes pretty easy when you get the hang of it.  You can also do like:


if you're, say, running a local mysql instance.  As a reminder 
connections will have to occur to localhost, not the server.  Hope this 

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Query skips one set of records

2007-01-18 Thread Miles Thompson

The query displayed below performs flawlessly, except for these two records:

7364M0174000250510  Invoice 2006-12-13  
2006-12-13  2006-12-31
7365M01740  002506  5   Invoice 2006-12-13  2006-12-13  

Here's the table structure:

pay_method   varchar(8)
monthly_cost decimal(11,0)
anniv_bill_date  date
fetch_date   date

This query:

	IF( ( monthly_cost = 10 ), ( SUM(( monthly_cost * 2.00 ) + 200 ) ), ( SUM( 
monthly_cost * 12.00 ) ) ) AS Amount

FROM subinfo
MONTH(anniv_bill_date) = 12 AND
MONTH(fetch_date) = 12 AND
YEAR(fetch_date) = 2006 AND
pay_method = 'Invoice'
GROUP BY member_id

Should return Amount as $280 : ( 10*2 ) + 200 for the first record plus 5 * 
12 for the next one.

Instead it is returning $180.

Other records which have similar conditions are processed with no 
difficulty. Is this kind of intermittency a bug in MySQL 3.23?

If anyone has any suggestions, then I would love to know it. If I execute a 
test query without the SUM() function and GROUP BY, but using all of the 
other WHERE conditions, these two records are flawlessly selected from the 
data set. With SUM() and GROUP BY - wrong results, for only these two.

Suggestions or hints will be welcome.

I can now upgrade to MySQL 4.x, so I will do that.

Regards - Miles Thompson

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Re: Connecting from a remote computer

2007-01-18 Thread Kay C. Tien
I got it working perfectly on a Linux server, but my boss wants this 
on a Windows IIS server.  sigh

The remote connection seems to be working now but I have another 
problem now... the page is not doing anything - doesn't seem to be 
connecting to the database, but I got no error messages 
whatsoever.  The page just indicated Done on the bottom. The 
mysql_connect.php file is listed below.  Is there a privilege problem 
or is there something else I need to enable?

Much thanks.

?php # Script - mysql_connect.php

// This file contains the database access information for the 
database. This file also establishes a connection to MySQL and 
selects the database.

// Set the database access information as constants.
define ('DB_USER', 'username);
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'userpass');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', 'databasename');

// Make the connnection and then select the database.
$dbc = @mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) OR die ('Could 
not connect to MySQL: ' . mysql_error() );
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) OR die ('Could not select the database: ' . 
mysql_error() );

// Function for escaping and trimming form data.
function escape_data ($data) {
global $dbc;
if (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) {
$data = stripslashes($data);
return mysql_real_escape_string (trim ($data), $dbc);
} // End of escape_data() function.

At 10:53 AM 1/18/2007 Thursday, Chris White wrote:
Just to toss something else in here.  A lot of times you  have a 
server that you can connect to by ssh, but because of firewalls, 
can't access mysql through.  If you can, however, connect to the 
database through ssh, you can do port forwarding.  In *nix systems 
it should be something like this:


This will forward requests from port 3306 locally to port 3306 on  If you're on windows, you can also do port forwarding 
through putty:

This becomes pretty easy when you get the hang of it.  You can also do like:


if you're, say, running a local mysql instance.  As a reminder 
connections will have to occur to localhost, not the server.  Hope this helps.

RE: Connecting from a remote computer

2007-01-18 Thread Jerry Schwartz
If you have that short a script to test wit, try it from the command line.
Your HTML might be obscuring the error messages.


Jerry Schwartz
Global Information Incorporated
195 Farmington Ave.
Farmington, CT 06032

860.674.8796 / FAX: 860.674.8341

 -Original Message-
 From: Kay C. Tien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:32 PM
 To: Chris White
 Subject: Re: Connecting from a remote computer

 I got it working perfectly on a Linux server, but my boss wants this
 on a Windows IIS server.  sigh

 The remote connection seems to be working now but I have another
 problem now... the page is not doing anything - doesn't seem to be
 connecting to the database, but I got no error messages
 whatsoever.  The page just indicated Done on the bottom. The
 mysql_connect.php file is listed below.  Is there a privilege problem
 or is there something else I need to enable?

 Much thanks.

 ?php # Script - mysql_connect.php

 // This file contains the database access information for the
 database. This file also establishes a connection to MySQL and
 selects the database.

 // Set the database access information as constants.
 define ('DB_USER', 'username);
 define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'userpass');
 define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
 define ('DB_NAME', 'databasename');

 // Make the connnection and then select the database.
 $dbc = @mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) OR die ('Could
 not connect to MySQL: ' . mysql_error() );
 mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) OR die ('Could not select the database: ' .
 mysql_error() );

 // Function for escaping and trimming form data.
 function escape_data ($data) {
  global $dbc;
  if (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) {
  $data = stripslashes($data);
  return mysql_real_escape_string (trim ($data), $dbc);
 } // End of escape_data() function.

 At 10:53 AM 1/18/2007 Thursday, Chris White wrote:
 Just to toss something else in here.  A lot of times you  have a
 server that you can connect to by ssh, but because of firewalls,
 can't access mysql through.  If you can, however, connect to the
 database through ssh, you can do port forwarding.  In *nix systems
 it should be something like this:
 This will forward requests from port 3306 locally to port 3306 on  If you're on windows, you can also do port forwarding
 through putty:
 This becomes pretty easy when you get the hang of it.  You
 can also do like:
 if you're, say, running a local mysql instance.  As a reminder
 connections will have to occur to localhost, not the server.
  Hope this helps.

MySQL General Mailing List
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[Fwd: RE: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query]

2007-01-18 Thread William R. Mussatto
Please post to the list not to me personnally.
 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query From:  
 John Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Thu, January 18, 2007 10:24
To:  William R. Mussatto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I optimized every table after I first imported the data.  The tables were
probably in use, off and on for testing, for about a week after the
optimize table was ran on every table before I noticed this problem. I'm
not saying the problem didn't exist within that week, I'm just saying I
didn't notice it ;) .

Another thing.  Does the query optimizer keep any sort of statistics and
use them to make decisions for future queries on the same table?   If so,
then that could be the problem because we have certain fields, containing
only numbers, but were previously setup as varchars for some unknown
reason.   I changed them all to int types but some queries in obscure
parts of our applications are still querying this field as if it were a
character field, using LIKE, etc.  I'm slowly but sure tracking those down
and fixing them, I'm just curious if that could have anything to do with
this strange behavior.


John A.

-Original Message-
From: William R. Mussatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query

Just a thought, did you try running Optimize Table from the MySQL
Administrator.  I'm thinking that when you restarted it re-examined the
table statistics and was able to pick a better index.
On Wed, January 17, 2007 14:31, John Anderson said:

 mysql SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(rb.subscription_id) as

 -   SUM(rb.grace_price) as recurring_cc,

 -   COUNT(sb.subscription_id) as single_cc_count,

 -   SUM(sb.initial_amt) as single_cc

 - FROM customerdetail a

 -   LEFT JOIN recurringbilling rb

 - ON a.subscription_id = rb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN singlebilling sb

 - ON a.subscription_id = sb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN (global.subscriptionExchangeRate as ser INNER JOIN
 global.currencyCodes as cur)

 - ON (a.subscription_id = ser.subscriptionId AND
 ser.billedCurrencyCode = cur.currencyCode)

 - WHERE client_accnum = '12345'

 -   AND a.trans_timestamp

 -   BETWEEN '2007010800' AND '20070108235959';


 | recurring_cc_count | recurring_cc | single_cc_count | single_cc |


 |  4 |   119.80 |   0 |  NULL |


 1 row in set (0.40 sec)

 mysql explain SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(rb.subscription_id) as

 -   SUM(rb.grace_price) as recurring_cc,

 -   COUNT(sb.subscription_id) as single_cc_count,

 -   SUM(sb.initial_amt) as single_cc

 - FROM customerdetail a

 -   LEFT JOIN recurringbilling rb

 - ON a.subscription_id = rb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN singlebilling sb

 - ON a.subscription_id = sb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN (global.subscriptionExchangeRate as ser INNER JOIN
 global.currencyCodes as cur)

 - ON (a.subscription_id = ser.subscriptionId AND
 ser.billedCurrencyCode = cur.currencyCode)

 - WHERE client_accnum = '12345'

 -   AND a.trans_timestamp

 -   BETWEEN '2007010800' AND '20070108235959';



 | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys
 | key | key_len | ref   | rows |



 |  1 | SIMPLE  | a | range  |
 client_idx,trans_idx,accno_trans_idx,accnumactive,accsubactive |
accno_trans_idx | 7   | NULL  |4 |
 where; Using index |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | rb| eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 | |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | sb| eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 | |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | ser   | ref| PRIMARY,billedCurrencyCode |
PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 | |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | cur   | eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 2   | global.ser.billedCurrencyCode |1 |
Using index  |

FW: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query

2007-01-18 Thread John Anderson
I optimized every table after I first imported the data.  The tables
were probably in use, off and on for testing, for about a week after the
optimize table was ran on every table before I noticed this problem.
I'm not saying the problem didn't exist within that week, I'm just
saying I didn't notice it ;) .

Another thing.  Does the query optimizer keep any sort of statistics and
use them to make decisions for future queries on the same table?   If
so, then that could be the problem because we have certain fields,
containing only numbers, but were previously setup as varchars for some
unknown reason.   I changed them all to int types but some queries in
obscure parts of our applications are still querying this field as if it
were a character field, using LIKE, etc.  I'm slowly but sure tracking
those down and fixing them, I'm just curious if that could have anything
to do with this strange behavior.


John A.

 -Original Message-
 From: William R. Mussatto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 5:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [PART 2/2] InnoDB - Different EXPLAINs for same query

 Just a thought, did you try running Optimize Table from the MySQL
 Administrator.  I'm thinking that when you restarted it re-examined
 table statistics and was able to pick a better index.
 On Wed, January 17, 2007 14:31, John Anderson said:

 mysql SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(rb.subscription_id) as

 -   SUM(rb.grace_price) as recurring_cc,

 -   COUNT(sb.subscription_id) as single_cc_count,

 -   SUM(sb.initial_amt) as single_cc

 - FROM customerdetail a

 -   LEFT JOIN recurringbilling rb

 - ON a.subscription_id = rb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN singlebilling sb

 - ON a.subscription_id = sb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN (global.subscriptionExchangeRate as ser INNER JOIN
 global.currencyCodes as cur)

 - ON (a.subscription_id = ser.subscriptionId AND
 ser.billedCurrencyCode = cur.currencyCode)

 - WHERE client_accnum = '12345'

 -   AND a.trans_timestamp

 -   BETWEEN '2007010800' AND '20070108235959';


 | recurring_cc_count | recurring_cc | single_cc_count | single_cc |


 |  4 |   119.80 |   0 |  NULL |


 1 row in set (0.40 sec)

 mysql explain SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(rb.subscription_id) as

 -   SUM(rb.grace_price) as recurring_cc,

 -   COUNT(sb.subscription_id) as single_cc_count,

 -   SUM(sb.initial_amt) as single_cc

 - FROM customerdetail a

 -   LEFT JOIN recurringbilling rb

 - ON a.subscription_id = rb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN singlebilling sb

 - ON a.subscription_id = sb.subscription_id

 -   LEFT JOIN (global.subscriptionExchangeRate as ser INNER JOIN
 global.currencyCodes as cur)

 - ON (a.subscription_id = ser.subscriptionId AND
 ser.billedCurrencyCode = cur.currencyCode)

 - WHERE client_accnum = '12345'

 -   AND a.trans_timestamp

 -   BETWEEN '2007010800' AND '20070108235959';



 | id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys
 | key | key_len | ref   | rows |



 |  1 | SIMPLE  | a | range  |
 client_idx,trans_idx,accno_trans_idx,accnumactive,accsubactive |
 accno_trans_idx | 7   | NULL  |4 |
 where; Using index |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | rb| eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | sb| eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | ser   | ref| PRIMARY,billedCurrencyCode
 | PRIMARY | 8   | company.a.subscription_id  |1 |

 |  1 | SIMPLE  | cur   | eq_ref | PRIMARY
 | PRIMARY | 2   | global.ser.billedCurrencyCode |1 |
 Using index  |



 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 mysql show index from customerdetail;


Re: Query skips one set of records

2007-01-18 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Jan 18), Miles Thompson said:
 The query displayed below performs flawlessly, except for these two records:
 7364  M0174000250510  Invoice 2006-12-13   2006-12-13 
 7365  M01740  002506  5   Invoice 2006-12-13  2006-12-13

 Here's the table structure:
 pay_method   varchar(8)
 monthly_cost decimal(11,0)
 anniv_bill_date  date
 fetch_date   date
 This query:
   IF( ( monthly_cost = 10 ), ( SUM(( monthly_cost * 2.00 ) + 200 ) ), 
   ( SUM( monthly_cost * 12.00 ) ) ) AS Amount
 FROM subinfo
   MONTH(anniv_bill_date) = 12 AND
   MONTH(fetch_date) = 12 AND
   YEAR(fetch_date) = 2006 AND
   pay_method = 'Invoice'
   GROUP BY member_id
 Should return Amount as $280 : ( 10*2 ) + 200 for the first record
 plus 5 * 12 for the next one. Instead it is returning $180.

Not for me:

mysql create table subinfo ( member_id varchar(6), member_sub_id varchar(6),
 pay_method varchar(8),monthly_cost decimal(11,0), anniv_bill_date date, 
 dtCreated date, fetch_date date);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql insert into subinfo values 
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SELECT member_id, member_sub_id, IF( ( monthly_cost = 10 ), 
(SUM(( monthly_cost * 2.00 ) + 200 ) ), ( SUM( monthly_cost * 12.00 ) )) 
AS Amount FROM subinfo WHERE MONTH(anniv_bill_date) = 12 AND
MONTH(fetch_date) = 12 AND YEAR(fetch_date) = 2006 AND pay_method =
'Invoice' GROUP BY member_id;
| member_id | member_sub_id | Amount |
| 7364  | M01740| 220.00 |
| 7365  | M01740|  60.00 |
2 rows in set (0.10 sec)

mysql select version();
| version() |
| 3.23.58   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I get the same result on 5.1.14, too.  Try selecting count(*) along
with the other columns in your query and verify that another record
isn't sneaking in and getting totalled up.

Dan Nelson

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Question about index usage

2007-01-18 Thread Chris

Michaël de Groot wrote:

Hi guys,


I have a question about index usage in MySQL.


I have a query:

MYSQL: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [webstats] EXPLAIN SELECT sum(users) as 
page_id FROM webstats.stats_hour where page_id LIKE 'vipPage_%' and site =
'spelpuntVip' and date  1166353093 group by page_id ORDER BY totaal_uniek

How many results does this query return:
select count(*) from webstats.stats_hour where page_id LIKE 'vipPage_%';

How many rows in the table?

It could be that this grabs too many rows and it's easier for mysql to 
look at the data rather than the index.

Try an index on (page_id, site, date) and see how that goes.

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