Percona Live

2012-12-12 Thread Johan De Meersman
Hey you lot, 

I'm currently being brainwashed with Oracle internals, so to keep a semblance 
of sanity I'm throwing this out here :-) 

I'd just like to thank the nice Percona people for successfully throwing 
together the second edition of Percona Live London. It was, if anything, even 
more interesting than the first edition, and I had great fun discussing all the 
techie stuff with the right people. 

Not to mention trying to figure out what the hell this other Johan dude was 
talking about when he was explaining how to optimize the entire stack from CPU 
to instance. The man clearly knows what he's talking about. Me, not so much :-p 

So, again, thank you for making this happen, and I'll definitely be there again 
next year :-) 

Anyways, off to analyze selfish reads and other mayhem again. 


My love for you is like a cockroach: 
It's mostly active at night, 
It frightens the elderly, 
And it is completely impervious to nuclear weapons. 

Re: Help with left outer join

2012-12-12 Thread Shawn Green

On 12/11/2012 7:22 PM, wrote:

... (Are all the distinct ids really needed? When one joins on a
field with the same name in both tables, one may use 'USING', and
only the common field, with neither NULL, shows up in the output.)

This is a perfectly acceptable naming convention to use. For example if 
you have a field on the `art` table that references the ID column of the 
`person` table to indicate the owner and another field to indicate the 
person who created the art, you might want to use the names 
`owner_person_id` and `artist_person_id` to keep them separate from the 
`id` column used to uniquely identify the work of art itself.

In this design pattern, each table has a numeric ID column (string-based 
primary keys are perfectly legal but have their drawbacks and should be 
used with care) and to reference it from another table you can use the 
pattern parenttable_id.  It keeps your naming conventions clean and 

If I were to try to use a USING operator in my opening example, I would 
be trying to match the PK fields of two separate types of data.

(the USING example)
SELECT ... FROM art INNER JOIN person USING(id)...

Let's say that I renamed the id fields to art_id and person_id to make 
them table-specific. This still fails because a person's identifier as 
an owner is not the same as a work of art's creator. It also does not 
allow me to use the `person` table more than once in a single query.

(FAIL: a renamed USING example)
FROM art
INNER JOIN person USING(person_id) --- does this refer to the owner or 
the creator of the art?

(the name template example)
FROM art
INNER JOIN person owner
  on art.owner_person_id =
INNER JOIN person artist
  on art.artist_person_id =

I admit I am a control freak when it comes to the accuracy of my 
queries, the integrity of my data, and the ease of maintenance for my 
SQL statements. Because of this, I much prefer the regular 
predictability of the ANSI JOIN syntax (demonstrated above) for any JOIN 
except for an intentional Cartesian product.  For that case alone, I 
prefer a comma join

(Cartesian product example)
FROM table1, table2

Not only is the ANSI syntax the only way to specify an OUTER join (such 
as LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN) it forces the author of the statement to 
recognize that they do or do not have an ON clause for this table 
relationship.  Separating the same conditions into a WHERE clause makes 
it very easy to overlook a table relationship and accidentally create a 
Cartesian product which can often devastate query performance. It is 
perfectly legal to use the comma-join syntax with MySQL but I strongly 
recommend against it just because it can only be used for INNER joins or 
CROSS joins and because it forces you to put your relationship 
conditions in the WHERE clause.

Another strike (to me, anyway) against the comma join is that in order 
to process joins more like the specifications in the SQL standards, we 
demoted the precedence of the comma operator with 5.0.12. These changes 
also affected the behavior of the USING and NATURAL JOIN operators.

Shawn Green
MySQL Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
Office: Blountville, TN

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Re: Handlersockets - mutex_delay contention

2012-12-12 Thread Manuel Arostegui

Just for the record, I found the problem and overcome the contention.
The key was: innodb_thread_concurrency

Quoting the documentation:
innodb_thread_concurrency is the variable that limits the number of
operating system threads that can run concurrently inside the InnoDB
engine. Rest of the threads have to wait in a FIFO queue for execution.
Also, threads waiting for locks are not counted in the number of
concurrently executing threads.

When the tests started, we set it to the recommended value: 2xNumber of
I tried also setting it up with a crazy number

Only when I disabled it (set global  innodb_thread_concurrency = 0;) the
reads went crazy and I was able to do 1.1M reads per second :-)
The CPU is now the bottleneck (which makes sense) and reached around
93-94%, at that point I am not able to go over 1.1M r/s.

The mutex_delay never appeared again after disabling the transactions limit.


2012/12/7 Manuel Arostegui

 Hello all,

 I am testing handlersockets performance in a 5.5.28-29.1-log (Percona)
 These are the enabled options:

 loose_handlersocket_port = 9998
 loose_handlersocket_port_wr = 
 loose_handlersocket_threads = 48
 loose_handlersocket_threads_wr = 1

 The machine has 24 (Xeon - 2.00GHz) cores and 64GB RAM. We are using
 bonding to make sure the ethernets aren't limiting us here (we get around

 We are able to handler around 500K requests per second using handler
 socket plugin. Even though it looks pretty impressive number, it's still
 not close to the 750K ones Yoshinori is able to get (
 The machine is acting a normal slave in a cluster - receiving normal
 traffic from our site (we do this on purpose to see how many requests we
 can handle in a normal workload environment)

 Obviously we're not expecting to get similar numbers as our tests aren't
 the same.
 However, doing a bit of profiling to try to determine what's the
 bottleneck here we've seen this:

 CPU: Intel Architectural Perfmon, speed 2000.26 MHz (estimated)
 Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit
 mask of 0x00 (No unit mask) count 10
 samples  %image name   symbol name
 *2163868  24.2065  mysqld   mutex_delay*
 6945407.7696  mysqld
 build_template(row_prebuilt_struct*, THD*, TABLE*, unsigned int)
 6264057.0074  mysqld   buf_page_get_gen
 6076646.7978  mysqld   rec_get_offsets_func
 4809375.3801  mysqld   cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match
 4120814.6098  mysqld   btr_cur_search_to_nth_level
 3654024.0876  mysqld   rec_init_offsets
 3560643.9832  mysqld   page_cur_search_with_match
 3108193.4770  mysqld   row_search_for_mysql
 2742483.0679  mysqld   row_sel_store_mysql_rec
 2084662.3320  mysqld   my_pthread_fastmutex_lock
 1858532.0791  mysqld
 ha_innobase::index_read(unsigned char*, unsigned char const*, unsigned int,
 1829392.0465  mysqld   pfs_mutex_enter_func
 1543691.7269  mysqld   mtr_memo_slot_release
 1385581.5500  mysqld   page_check_dir
 1316221.4724  mysqld   dict_index_copy_types
 1011621.1317  mysqld   srv_conc_force_exit_innodb
 72754 0.8139  mysqld
 ha_innobase::change_active_index(unsigned int)
 65191 0.7293  mysqld   my_long10_to_str_8bit
 62574 0.7000  mysqld   btr_pcur_store_position
 61900 0.6925  mysqld   pfs_mutex_exit_func
 51889 0.5805  mysqld   Field_long::pack_length() const
 49073 0.5490  mysqld   srv_conc_enter_innodb
 44079 0.4931  mysqld
 38998 0.4363  mysqld   Field_tiny::pack_length() const
 38868 0.4348  mysqld   rec_copy_prefix_to_buf
 36292 0.4060  mysqld
 ha_innobase::innobase_get_index(unsigned int)

 That mutex_delay is eating quite a big % of the time.
 I have not been able to find what is that related to. Does anyone has a
 clue about what's it and if there's a way to improve and overcome it?


Re: Help with left outer join

2012-12-12 Thread Larry Martell
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Shawn Green wrote:
 On 12/11/2012 7:22 PM, wrote:

 ... (Are all the distinct ids really needed? When one joins on a

 field with the same name in both tables, one may use 'USING', and
 only the common field, with neither NULL, shows up in the output.)

 This is a perfectly acceptable naming convention to use. For example if you
 have a field on the `art` table that references the ID column of the
 `person` table to indicate the owner and another field to indicate the
 person who created the art, you might want to use the names
 `owner_person_id` and `artist_person_id` to keep them separate from the `id`
 column used to uniquely identify the work of art itself.

 In this design pattern, each table has a numeric ID column (string-based
 primary keys are perfectly legal but have their drawbacks and should be used
 with care) and to reference it from another table you can use the pattern
 parenttable_id.  It keeps your naming conventions clean and predictable.

 If I were to try to use a USING operator in my opening example, I would be
 trying to match the PK fields of two separate types of data.

 (the USING example)
 SELECT ... FROM art INNER JOIN person USING(id)...

 Let's say that I renamed the id fields to art_id and person_id to make them
 table-specific. This still fails because a person's identifier as an owner
 is not the same as a work of art's creator. It also does not allow me to use
 the `person` table more than once in a single query.

 (FAIL: a renamed USING example)
 FROM art
 INNER JOIN person USING(person_id) --- does this refer to the owner or the
 creator of the art?

 (the name template example)
 FROM art
 INNER JOIN person owner
   on art.owner_person_id =
 INNER JOIN person artist
   on art.artist_person_id =

 I admit I am a control freak when it comes to the accuracy of my queries,
 the integrity of my data, and the ease of maintenance for my SQL statements.
 Because of this, I much prefer the regular predictability of the ANSI JOIN
 syntax (demonstrated above) for any JOIN except for an intentional Cartesian
 product.  For that case alone, I prefer a comma join

 (Cartesian product example)
 FROM table1, table2

 Not only is the ANSI syntax the only way to specify an OUTER join (such as
 LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN) it forces the author of the statement to recognize
 that they do or do not have an ON clause for this table relationship.
 Separating the same conditions into a WHERE clause makes it very easy to
 overlook a table relationship and accidentally create a Cartesian product
 which can often devastate query performance. It is perfectly legal to use
 the comma-join syntax with MySQL but I strongly recommend against it just
 because it can only be used for INNER joins or CROSS joins and because it
 forces you to put your relationship conditions in the WHERE clause.

 Another strike (to me, anyway) against the comma join is that in order to
 process joins more like the specifications in the SQL standards, we demoted
 the precedence of the comma operator with 5.0.12. These changes also
 affected the behavior of the USING and NATURAL JOIN operators.

Thanks very much Shawn for this very informative post. I learned SQL
in the early 1980's and I was not taught the JOIN syntax, only the
comma join and WHERE. It's really just force of habit that I write
queries that way. I will try very hard in the future to break that
habit and use the JOIN syntax.

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Re: Help with left outer join

2012-12-12 Thread Larry Martell
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:48 PM, Peter Brawley wrote:
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'data_tool.category_id' in 'on clause'
But category_id is a column in data_tool.

 Then a bit of reordering is required ...

 SELECT, ep, wafer_id, lot_id,
date_time, data_file_id,,
bottom, wf_file_path_id,,
 FROM data_cst
 RIGHT JOIN data_cstimage   ON = data_cst.image_measurer_id
 INNER JOIN data_tool   ON = data_cst.tool_id
 INNER JOIN data_target ON = data_cst.target_name_id
 INNER JOIN data_measparams ON =
 INNER JOIN data_category   ON = data_tool.category_id
 WHERE data_cst.target_name_id IN (38018, 29947, 28330)
   AND data_cst.date_time BETWEEN '2012-09-01 00:00:00' AND '2012-09-07
 ORDER BY target_name_id, ep, wafer_id, lot_id, date_time;

Your query worked exactly like my original one - i.e. when
data_cst.image_measurer_id is NULL I don't get that data_cst row. But
I changed the RIGHT JOIN to a LEFT JOIN and then it was doing exactly
what I wanted. Thanks for all the help!

 On 2012-12-11 5:11 PM, Larry Martell wrote:

 SELECT, ep, wafer_id, lot_id,

date_time, data_file_id,,

bottom, wf_file_path_id,,


 FROM data_cst

 RIGHT JOIN data_cstimage   ON =

 INNER JOIN data_target ON = data_cst.target_name_id

 INNER JOIN data_measparams ON =

 INNER JOIN data_category   ON = data_tool.category_id

 INNER JOIN data_tool   ON = data_cst.tool_id

 WHERE data_cst.target_name_id IN (38018, 29947, 28330)

AND data_cst.date_time BETWEEN '2012-09-01 00:00:00' AND '2012-09-07

 ORDER BY target_name_id, ep, wafer_id, lot_id, date_time;

 Thanks very much for the reply. This is giving me:

 ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'data_tool.category_id' in 'on clause'

 But category_id is a column in data_tool.

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Re: Help with left outer join

2012-12-12 Thread Larry Martell
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 7:22 PM, wrote:
 2012/12/11 16:19 -0500, Larry Martell 
 I have this query:

 SELECT, ep, wafer_id, lot_id,
date_time, data_file_id,,
bottom, wf_file_path_id,,
 FROM data_cst, data_target, data_cstimage, data_measparams,
  data_category, data_tool
 WHERE data_cst.target_name_id IN (38018, 29947, 28330)
 AND data_cst.date_time BETWEEN '2012-09-01 00:00:00' AND '2012-09-07 00:00:00'
 AND = data_cst.target_name_id
 AND = data_cst.image_measurer_id
 AND = data_cst.meas_params_name_id
 AND = data_tool.category_id
 AND = data_cst.tool_id
 ORDER BY target_name_id, ep, wafer_id, lot_id, date_time

 My problem is that when data_cst.image_measurer_id is NULL I don't get
 that data_cst row even though all the other part of the where clause
 are TRUE. I understand why that is, but in that case I want the row,
 but with NULL in the column. I think I need a left
 outer join, but I've been messing with this for hours, and I can't get
 the syntax right. I've googled it, but all the examples are simple
 with just 2 tables. Can someone help me with this?
 Modern forms do not give a left join if one uses WHERE-clause to reduce a 
 full cross-join to an inner join. It is better to start with something like 

 FROM data_cst JOIN data_target
 ON = data_cst.target_name_id JOIN data_cstimage
 ON = data_cst.image_measurer_id JOIN data_measparams
 ON = data_cst.meas_params_name_id JOIN
  (data_category JOIN data_tool
 ON = data_tool.category_id)
 ON = data_cst.tool_id

 but I am not too sure where to bracket data_tool. When you have put it into 
 a 'FROM'-clause with 'JOIN', not comma, separating the tables, with the same 
 outcome as now, then you have to decide before which 'JOIN' to put the 
 'LEFT'. Maybe you want it between data_cstimage and data_measparams.

 (Are all the distinct ids really needed? When one joins on a field with the 
 same name in both tables, one may use 'USING', and only the common field, 
 with neither NULL, shows up in the output.)

I'm not familiar with the USING clause. I'll have to look into that. Thanks!

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Re: Foreign-key naming

2012-12-12 Thread hsv
When I wrote my comment after Larry Martell s problem, I already suspected it 
was somewhat out of place because to his problem it did not apply.

 2012/12/12 08:25 -0500, Shawn Green 
This is a perfectly acceptable naming convention to use. For example if you 
have a field on the `art` table that references the ID column of the `person` 
table to indicate the owner and another field to indicate the person who 
created the art, you might want to use the names `owner_person_id` and 
`artist_person_id` to keep them separate from the `id` column used to uniquely 
identify the work of art itself.

In this design pattern, each table has a numeric ID column (string-based 
primary keys are perfectly legal but have their drawbacks and should be used 
with care) and to reference it from another table you can use the pattern 
parenttable_id.  It keeps your naming conventions clean and predictable.

If I were to try to use a USING operator in my opening example, I would be 
trying to match the PK fields of two separate types of data.

(the USING example)
SELECT ... FROM art INNER JOIN person USING(id)...

Let's say that I renamed the id fields to art_id and person_id to make them 
table-specific. This still fails because a person's identifier as an owner is 
not the same as a work of art's creator. It also does not allow me to use the 
`person` table more than once in a single query.

(FAIL: a renamed USING example)
FROM art
INNER JOIN person USING(person_id) --- does this refer to the owner or the 
creator of the art?

(the name template example)
FROM art
INNER JOIN person owner
  on art.owner_person_id =
INNER JOIN person artist
  on art.artist_person_id =

Well, you're right, a work can refer to people in at least two different 
aspects, there is the work's author, and the work s owner. Neither is 
appropriate for the same name as found in a list of people, because now a 
distinction is made in the undifferentiated mass. And, yes, in general I 
suspect that if in one table there are more foreign-key references to the same 
key in another table, there is enough difference in aspect that none of them is 
fittingly so named as in the original table.

What if neither author nor owner directly referred to people, but, instead, 
author referred to a table of artists, with their training  style listed, 
and owner referred to a table of owners, with preferred styles of work 
listed? These tables in the end would refer to people; shall their references 
bear a name distinct from the key in the original table's?

I believe that for every chain of foreign-key references from one table to 
another, if there is no other chain of foreign-key references from that one 
table to that other table (and no design-change that changes this is likely!), 
it is quite all right if along the chain each foreign-key reference and the key 
to which each refers have the same name. The nice thing about USING and NATURAL 
is that in a query only one coalesced field is yielded. I find it not quite 
right to pick between one field or another to yield when both are alike unless 
one of them is NULL.

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Re: using LIMIT without ORDER BY

2012-12-12 Thread Akshay Suryavanshi
I am not sure, but if its a MyISAM table, it should be ordered by the
records insertion order, and in case of InnoDB it should be ordered by the
clustered index, not necessarily it should be a defined one.

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 12:58 PM, jiangwen jiang jiangwen...@gmail.comwrote:

 hi, all:

 There's a confusion. I want to get all the data in table t by pages, using
 Limit SQL without ORDER BY:
 SELECT * FROM t Limit 0,10
 SELECT * FROM t Limit 10, 10

 Is it right without ORDER BY?
 Is there any default order in table t, to make suer I can get all data in
 the table?

