Re: find a particular record.

2007-06-29 Thread Alex Greg

I am doing this to move data from one table to other and getting below
How can check this particular record at this row number 921888 in dats_tem

insert into reports1.dats1 select * from dats_tem;

ERROR 1292 (22007): Incorrect datetime value: '-00-00 00:00:00' for
column 'P_LAST_SOLD_DATE' at row 921888

An extremely quick and dirty solution:

mysqldump -uusername -p -t --skip-opt database_name dats_tem | grep
INSERT | head -921888 | tail -1

replacing username with your username and database_name with your
database name, of course.

-- Alex

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Re: General Query Log -- No Timestamp

2007-06-29 Thread Alex Greg

On 6/26/07, Brown, Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The MYSQL general query log does not include timestamp of queries that
it logs because queries are logged many many seconds before they are

Which version of MySQL are you running? I'm running 5.0.22 on my
desktop, but I'm fairly sure that older versions included timestamps
in the general query log.

I just enabled mine to test this (by adding log = /var/log/mysql.log
to /etc/my.cnf) and it looks something like:

070629  8:17:44   6 Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on monitoring
 6 Query   set autocommit=0
 6 Query   select * from urls where active=y
070629  8:17:45   6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES
 6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES
 6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES
 6 Query   INSERT INTO results VALUES

-- Alex

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Re: MySQL Benchmarking

2007-03-15 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/14/07, Clyde Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

System Configuration: Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Fire E2900
System clock frequency: 150 MHZ
Memory size: 65536 Megabytes
CPU: 12 @ 1200 MHz

I'm looking for a tool that will allow us to determine the max number
of databases that can run in a single instance of MySQL on a pretty
beefy server( Spec above).

In total we will have about  ~40 MySQL
instances running on this server. Each instance of MySQL, there will
have between 30-60 individual databases supporting an OLTP
application. I know that there are no know internal limits that MySQL
have regarding the number of databases that can be created, but I
would like get my hands on a tool that can simulate the number of
databases and identify where we would potentially run into
performance issues.

As I mentioned above, your performance issues are going to come not
from the number of databases, but from (primarily) how well-designed
your database tables and queries are, and (secondly) how you configure
the mysql server(s).

One important factor to bear in mind is that with 40 separate MySQL
instances on the single 64GB server, you will have a maximum 1.6GB of
RAM per instance (excluding memory used by the O/S and other
applications). This will have to be divided up between the various
memory buffers (key_buffer, innodb_buffer_pool, etc.) allocated by
each mysql process, so you might want to reconsider if you really need
to run 40 separate mysql processes, or whether all the databases can
live in the same MySQL instance and thus probably make better use of
the available RAM.

With regards to stress-testing and benchmarking, two popular tools for
benchmarking MySQL servers are:

Super Smack:

We need to determine whether to have multiple
servers to support the ~40 instances or have all ~40 instances on the
same machine. Any help of ideas would be greatly appreciated with
this decision.

I would be inclined to have separate machines, rather than put
everything on one huge server. By spreading the data around, you are
reducing the risk if the one mega-machine were to become unavailable,
and also reducing resource contention (on the disks, CPU, RAM etc.).

-- Alex

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Re: how would mysqld restart affect dynamically set global variables?

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

We're running mysql 4.1.20.  If I understand the manual correctly, I can
change max_connections while mysqld is running without restart mysqld to
make the change take effect


But what if mysqld restarts later in some
other situations, like machine reboot, would my (global) change on
max_connections remain?

No; you'll need to put it in my.cnf in order for it to persist after
mysqld is shut down.

-- Alex

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Re: Repair query overloading server

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/8/07, Gary Sewell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having a problem with a single repair query seemingly taking over the
whole server. I'll try and explain….

Large table or 1.2m rows, running a repair on this causes the query queue to
grow and grow and finally max out.

The problem isn't table locks because no-one else is using the test database
I am repairing.

Assuming you're running both the test database and the live database
on the same physical server, it sounds like the problem could be that
the table repair is starving the disks I/O-wise, causing other queries
to run very slowly.

If at all possible, try and move the test database to its own physical
hard drive (or ideally, to its own hard drive on a separate disk
controller); that way, any disk-intensive table repairs won't affect
disk performance of the live database.

Or move the test database to its own server; running test and live
systems on the same physical server is asking for trouble!

Even the most simple
select queries on the live database are taking 500 secs!! I want the repair
to run but not to the detriment of other queries.

This problem will be a lot worse if the queries aren't well optimised;
have you checked them with EXPLAIN? 500 seconds does indeed sound a
bit excessive, even for a system under heavy disk I/O load.

Once the repair is over it can take about 3 minutes before the queue starts
to evaporate also, shouldn't it kick back into gear as soon as the repair is

In my experience, It can take a while for the kernel to re-balance
things. Caching of  MyISAM data pages is managed by the operating
system's page cache, and not by MySQL; if a large table has to be
re-built, this will most likely have an adverse effect on MyISAM
performance until things have balanced themselves out.

-- Alex

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Re: Innodb corruption help needed!

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/11/07, Jean-Sebastien Pilon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am running a mysql database server and we experienced a power failure.
The mysql server does not want to restart because innodb is corrupted.

Version info:

Mysql version 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge7-log
Debian sarge
Reiserfs filesystem

What I have tried:

- Ran reiserfsck to fix corrupted file system. It fixed some problems,
now says no corruption.
- Restarted mysql with no success
- Restarted mysql with innodb_force_recovery = 4 option, with no success
- Restarted mysql with innodb_force_recovery = 6 option, mysql starts,
but cannot access any data in my different schemas/tables

See below for mysql startup log

What should I do next ?

Unfortuantely, it looks like your InnoDB tablespace is beyond
recovery. If this data is critical and you don't have a backup, it
might be worth getting MySQL Enterprise Support for this server and
have them try and recover it -- see
for details.

Assuming you have a backup of your data and you want to get the server
back up and running so you can restore from this backup, you need to
shut down the server, delete the corrupted InnoDB tablespace and
associated .frm files, and start it up again (which will cause the
server to re-create the tablespace from scratch):

1. Shut down mysql (/etc/init.d/mysql stop on Debian, iirc)

2. Go into your data directory, and run:
a. rm -f ib*
b. for f in `find -name \*.ibd`; do b=`echo $f | sed 's/.ibd//g'`; rm
-f $b.ibd $b.frm ; done

3. Start the server again (/etc/init.d/mysql start on Debian, iirc)

4. Restore your backup (I'm assuming this is in a .sql file) by
running the relevant sections back through the mysql program.

By the way, a power outage shouldn't cause the InnoDB tablespace to
become corrupted like this, it's ACID-compliant. It's possible that
your disk system is doing some caching you don't know about, resulting
in MySQL thinking data is on disk (or guaranteed to be put on disk)
when it actually isn't. See
for details on how to test (and fix) this.

-- Alex

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Re: Default root password not blank?

2007-03-14 Thread Alex Greg

On 3/13/07, Merlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just compiled mysql4.1.22 on a suse 9.3 machine. All went fine, but
when I try to change the password I get prompted for one. So I hit
return as it is supposed to be blank, right? But it seems to be not:

/usr/local/mysql/bin # ./mysqladmin -u root -p password testpw
Enter password:
./mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

if I do the command without -p I get:
./mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'


./mysqladmin password testpw

-- Alex

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Re: Gaining statistics from MySQL

2007-02-21 Thread Alex Greg

On 2/20/07, Clyde Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm looking to find a way to determine the number of transactions
that a particular database is processing each min/hour/day/month/year

Looks like Com_commit is what you're looking for (though you can
replace commit with most other types of query, i.e. Com_select,

This is a counter, so you'll need to record the value periodically and
work out the differences for a period.

-- Alex

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Re: What is the db.opt ?

2006-12-11 Thread Alex Greg

Would like to know what is the archive db.opt.

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Re: Replication error: Unable to get certificate

2006-11-27 Thread Alex Greg

 Master_SSL_Allowed: Yes
 Master_SSL_CA_File: /root/.mysql/cacert.pem
 Master_SSL_CA_Path: /root/.mysql/
Master_SSL_Cert: /root/.mysql/client-cert.pem
 Master_SSL_Key: /root/.mysql/client-key.pem
  Seconds_Behind_Master: 0


SSL:3017771936:error:0200100D:system library:fopen:Permission

MySQL (which runs as the mysql user) isn't going to be able to read
the certificates out of root's home directory, which is only readable
by root.

Put the certificates somewhere where the mysql user can read them -
your data directory would be a sensible place.

-- Alex

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Re: How to keep myqsl backup server

2006-11-24 Thread Alex Greg

I need to create an application where i will be requiring a backup server
like when one server fails i can switch automatically to the other server
hosted somewhere else , now the data needs to be consistent on both the
servers, one sol is i keep automated backups on the primary server and
restore it by a script on the backup server

You want replication, which will automatically keep your data
up-to-date between two servers in near-real-time. See

Note: You will need to configure master-master replication if you want
to start writing to the other server if the master fails, otherwise
your data will be inconsistent.

but i need to know how will i
switch between servers and if i use domain names instead of ips how will i
make immediate switch.

You probably shouldn't use DNS entries for an application that
requires immediate fail-over; configure your application to connect to
an IP address, then change this IP address if you have to fail over to
the backup server.

-- Alex

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Re: Band width consume

2005-12-07 Thread Alex Greg
On 12/4/05, Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Friends

 Is their an Page with data of how much bandwidth mysql consume when using
 remote servers?

mysql show status like 'Bytes_%';
| Variable_name  | Value  |
| Bytes_received | 1718034415 |
| Bytes_sent | 2783965287 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This will give you an incrementing value that you can plot on a graph
using MRTG ( or similar.

-- Alex

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Data sync offline

2005-08-24 Thread Alex Greg

Our company is considering migrating some tablesfrom MyISAM to InnoDB,
as it has row-level locking and other improvements over MyISAM.

However, one of the things we do at the moment is rsync the MySQL data
directory to our development server every night over an 2Mbps ADSL
connection (as we have 40GB of data, downloading it all every night
isn't a viable option).

I am aware that you can't copy the InnoDB binaries around to different
installations. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we could
continue to do incremental downloads of this data over a slow


-- Alex

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Re: How to limit log space usage?

2004-09-17 Thread Alex Greg
Nico Sabbi wrote:
There are 3 GB of logs that no one needs anymore. Since the master knows 
that all
the slaves are correctly aligned up to a certain MASTER_LOG_POS, can't
it automatically remove the logs up to that position?
The problem here is that MySQL masters aren't necessarily aware of all 
their slaves, so it has no way of telling if they're all caught up with 
the replication.

The best way to solve this problem is to write a Perl script to connect 
to each slave periodically and check the current log, and then purge all 
the logs previous to the least-caught-up slave's current log.

-- Alex
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Re: problem installing without the server

2004-09-13 Thread Alex Greg
Juan Fernandez wrote:
Hi !!
I am trying to install mysql without the server on fedora:
when I issue the command :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] snort-2.2.0]# cd ../mysql-3.23.52
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-3.23.52]# ./configure --without-server
everything is fine but after I issue the command make I receive the

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-3.23.52]# make
message trounced

mysql.o(.text+0x1849): In function `com_source(String*, char*)':
: undefined reference to `errno'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [mysql] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/snortinstall/mysql-3.23.52/client'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/snortinstall/mysql-3.23.52'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

and if i issue the command  make install I receive:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-3.23.52]# make install
Making install in include

Message trounced

mysql.o readline.o sql_string.o completion_hash.o ../readline/libreadline.a
-lncurses ../libmysql/.libs/ -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -lz
-lcrypt -lnsl -lm -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
mysql.o(.text+0x1849): In function `com_source(String*, char*)':
: undefined reference to `errno'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [mysql] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/snortinstall/mysql-3.23.52/client'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
can someone Please help ?
I just need the client to use it with Snort IDS !!!
thanks !!
Just install the Fedora MySQL RPM (i.e. not mysql-server, etc) from the 
distribution CD.

-- Alex
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: problem installing without the server

2004-09-13 Thread Alex Greg
Juan Fernandez wrote:
I see 3 packges:
Which one to pick 

Thanks !!
-- Alex
-Original Message-
From: Alex Greg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 4:06 PM
To: Juan Fernandez
Subject: Re: problem installing without the server

Juan Fernandez wrote:

Hi !!
I am trying to install mysql without the server on fedora:
when I issue the command :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] snort-2.2.0]# cd ../mysql-3.23.52
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-3.23.52]# ./configure --without-server
everything is fine but after I issue the command make I receive the

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-3.23.52]# make
message trounced

mysql.o(.text+0x1849): In function `com_source(String*, char*)':
: undefined reference to `errno'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [mysql] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/snortinstall/mysql-3.23.52/client'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/snortinstall/mysql-3.23.52'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

and if i issue the command  make install I receive:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql-3.23.52]# make install
Making install in include

Message trounced

mysql.o readline.o sql_string.o completion_hash.o
-lncurses ../libmysql/.libs/ -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -lz
-lcrypt -lnsl -lm -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql
mysql.o(.text+0x1849): In function `com_source(String*, char*)':
: undefined reference to `errno'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [mysql] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/snortinstall/mysql-3.23.52/client'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
can someone Please help ?
I just need the client to use it with Snort IDS !!!
thanks !!

Just install the Fedora MySQL RPM (i.e. not mysql-server, etc) from the 
distribution CD.

-- Alex
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Duplicate entry breaks replication

2004-09-02 Thread Alex Greg
We recently moved to new servers, and also upgraded from MySQL 3.23 to 
4.0.20. We have one master database server and a second identical 
machine configured to replicate all databases from the master. 
Previously this has worked without a hitch, but we seem to be having 
some problems.

The way we did the transition was as follows:
1) On old database server, issued FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; command
2) Rsynced the data directory onto the new server (db1)
3) Locked the new database server
4) Rsynced the data directory onto the new server (db2)
5) Configured replication and started it up
This works, but we keep getting errors like Error 'Duplicate entry 
'53751556' for key 1' on query. Default database: 'archive'. I know 
what this means, but how come we are getting them if the two servers 
started off with an identical snapshot of data.

Also, should issuing an insert that fails in this nature break replication?
-- Alex
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Re: bad too many connections error (os x)

2004-09-01 Thread Alex Greg
Michael Winston wrote:
On Sep 1, 2004, at 9:10 AM, V. M. Brasseur wrote:

Michael Winston wrote:
We've been running into a pretty serious problem for the past several 
versions of mysql 4.0 running on OS X (both client and server).  
Every once in a while we wake up to find the too many connections 
error coming up.  There really aren't too many connections (we have 
our max set to 99) - it's the type of message that appears when a 
wrong password is used too many times (and I'm 100% sure this isn't 
Now, the problem is that once this message starts appearing we can't 
even connect with mysqladmin as root.  That extra connection that 
mysql promises doesn't exist.  The only way we can shut down mysql is 
to perform a 'kill -9' (then restart the server and repair all the 
And we can't reproduce this problem at will.  This is driving us nuts.
Before I report this as a bug I wanted to know if anyone else has 
seen something like this or has any suggestions of how to narrow down 
the problem.

We've run into this problem ourselves, also using 4.0 but on a 64bit 
AIX.  The problem we found was that some queries were firing off 
threads which never ended.  These threads blocked other threads, which 
blocked other threads...  A logjam resulted with all connections ended 
up being used by the offending threads.

The fix was to *ahem* fix our queries so they'd close their database 
connections once they were complete.  You may wish to do a code 
inspection and verify that every open connection has a matching close.

Hmmm.  All of our connections are coming from php-generated web pages.  
PHP automatically closes the connection at the end of the script.  
Unless I completely misunderstand how this stuff works.  Plus, this 
problem only happens once every few weeks.  If some of our queries are 
causing this, I would expect the problem to occur more often.

I'll look into this, though.
You'll also find this problem if you have some badly-optimised queries, 
or writes that take a long time to run on a frequently-accessed table. 
For example, if you have a table that frequently accessed and run a slow 
update on it, any thread trying to read from that table will block. If 
you get more selects happening to that table coming in while it's still 
locked, your number of connections in use will shoot upwards rapidly 
until the slow update finishes and the table is unlocked.

Have a look in your slow query log (or turn it on if it's not enabled) 
to look for any queries like this.

-- Alex
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Can't connect to MySQL server - Operation now in progress

2004-08-19 Thread Alex Greg
I'm noticing this error in various script of ours that run on the cron:
DBI connect('general:;mysql_connect_timeout=3','root',...) 
failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (115) at 
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/Shared/ line 214

This happens on a number of our servers, in different hosting centres, 
connecting to different database servers, running different versions of 
MySQL, so I don't think this points to any specific 
hardware/software/network issues.

One set of servers are running Red Hat Linux versions 6.2 to RHEL 2.1, 
networked over 10/100 ethernet, connecting to MySQL on a remote host 
(version 3.22.32) via Perl DBD::mysql.

Another set of servers are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, 
networked over 10/100 ethernet, connecting to MySQL on a remote host 
(version 3.23.55) via Perl DBD::mysql.

The third set of servers are running Fedora Core 1, networked over 
gigabit copper ethernet, connecting to MySQL on a remote host (version 
4.0.20) via perl DBD::mysql.

Any advice or pointers anyone can give on this would be greatly appreciated.
-- Alex
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Re: Database recovery

2004-04-07 Thread Alex Greg

 I have recently had a system crash that required the
 installation of a new hard drive. I have access to the
 files on the old hard drive, on which is a database I
 need to recover.

 I am running MySql 3.23.37 and all the tables in the
 database to be recovered are MyISAM.

 How can I recover the old database onto a new
 server with only file access? The documentation
 suggests to me that I need to copy all the *.frm,
 *.MYD, and *.MYI files. If this is the case, where
 should I copy them to on the new server?

Each table in MySQL is represented by a MYD, MYI, and frm file. These are collected in 
directories, each of which represents a
database. So copy the files, along with the directories they were in (which represent 
the databases), except for the mysql
database,  into the MySQL data directory. For example, if you used the RPM install, 
this directory will be /var/lib/mysql, or
wherever you extracted the binary install to if you've used the binary installation. 
Then restart MySQL, and it will pick up the

-- Alex

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Re: Maximum Database size

2004-03-12 Thread Alex Greg

 it depends ...

 For MyISAM tables max size is limited by the maximum filesize of your

Following on from that, the maximum file size you can have on 32-bit Linux is 2GB, 
unless your distro has LFS (Large File Support),
in which case is is much larger (terabytes, not sure exactly how big). I know that 
Fedora Core 1 has LFS, and RedHat Linux 9 might
do as well.

For Windows under NTFS, the file size limit is 2TB, on FAT32 it is 4GB.

-- Alex

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Re: Newbie - dependencies

2004-03-11 Thread Alex Greg
 Having just set up a RedHat Enterprise Server V.3 I am trying to add a MySQL
 database function.  I tried and failed using up2date (following instructions
 from RH), so downloaded the rpms and began to install by myself.  My input
 and the output is shown below:
 # rpm -i mysql-server-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm 
 error:Failed dependencies: is needed by mysql-server-3.23.58-1
 Suggested resolutions:
 # rpm -i mysql-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
 error:Failed dependencies:
 perl-DBD-MySQL is needed by mysql-3.23.58-1
 Suggested resolutions:
 # rpm -i perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3.i386.rpm
 error:Failed dependencies: is needed by perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3
 Suggested resolutions:
 Which takes me back to the second line and begins a loop. is in /usr/lib/mysql/ problably from the initial setup
 (before I found out that the mysql-server wasn't on the setup CDs).  I went
 for RHEL on the strength that it has up2date and I would not meet this kind
 of problem.
 Anyone got any ideas/get out of jail cards?

rpm -ivh perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3.i386.rpm mysql-server-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm 

-- Alex

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Re: Newbie - dependencies

2004-03-11 Thread Alex Greg
  Having just set up a RedHat Enterprise Server V.3 I am trying to add a 
  MySQL database function.  I tried and failed using up2date (following 
  instructions from RH), so downloaded the rpms and began to install by 
  myself.  My input and the output is shown below:
  # rpm -i mysql-server-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
  error:Failed dependencies: is needed by mysql-server-3.23.58-1
  Suggested resolutions:
  # rpm -i mysql-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
  error:Failed dependencies:
  perl-DBD-MySQL is needed by mysql-3.23.58-1
  Suggested resolutions:
  # rpm -i perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3.i386.rpm
  error:Failed dependencies: is needed by perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3 Suggested 
  resolutions: mysql-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
  Which takes me back to the second line and begins a loop. is in /usr/lib/mysql/ problably from the initial 
  setup (before I found out that the mysql-server wasn't on the setup 
  CDs).  I went for RHEL on the strength that it has up2date and I would 
  not meet this kind of problem.
  Anyone got any ideas/get out of jail cards?
 rpm -ivh perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3.i386.rpm mysql-server-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
 -- Alex
 Cheers for the reply Alex.  Tried your method and got:
 MySQL-server conflicts with mysql-server-3.23.58-1
 mysql conflicts with mysql-3.23.58-1

You have a previous version of MySQL installed, from the RPM's. To get rid 
of it, do:

rpm -e 'MySQL*'

first, then:

rpm -ivh perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3.i386.rpm mysql-server-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm 

 I tried 'locate' but could not find either file, so then tried 'rpm -e' of

When you use rpm -e, you  give it a package name (e.g. mysql-3.23.58-1.i386 or mysql) 
not a file name.

-- Alex

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Re: Hitting max_connections - safe to raise this?

2004-03-08 Thread Alex Greg
 Alex Greg wrote:
  Our main database server is a 2 x PIII 1.2Ghz with 1.5GB RAM and a 73GB SCSI 
  RAID-5 made up of 3 36GB disks. It does between 300
  1200 queries per second. The read to write ratio is about 4:1.
  My problem is that we're hitting our max_connections more and more frequently. Is 
  it safe to raise this to (say) 200, or will
  cause performance problems? Already the machine is using up a lot of swap; would 
  you recommend that I bump the RAM up to 2GB, or
  should I bring down the key_buffer_size in order to fit everything into physical 
  RAM? Should I be concerned about the load
  of the machine - it goes up to 6 at some points in the day.

 max_connections is more like a speed governor in a car. The default is set for
 use by a not so responsible teenager that may want to try to impress his
 girlfriend with his driving skills. If you are driving an ambulance, it's ok to
 raise the limit. Set it to 1000 or even 2000 and just watch your system to make
 sure you have enough resources.

Thanks for the advice :) My only concern about raising max_connections over 100 is 
resources; each MySQL thread takes up 70MB RAM,
and this machine is basically out of physical memory. There is around 400MB of stuff 
permanently lodged in swap (probably causing
the high I/O you mentioned); surely if I raise the number of connections, this will 
cause more stuff to be put into swap, and hence
cause performance to deteriorate? This is why I was thinking of raising the amount of 
physical RAM from 1.5GB to around 2.5GB-3GB -
what are your thoughts on this?

  Are there any other performance tips that anyone can give based on this 
  configuration? If you need more information, please let

 Spikes in connections are usually a symptom of inefficient queries. Police your
 slow log (turn on log-slow-queries and log-long-format) and explain every query
 you find there starting with the ones that examine most rows.

Thanks for the advice - I will endeavour to do this at some point this week.

 I also noticed very high system CPU. This usually means you are doing more I/O
 that you should. Ideal ratio (at least on Linux) is 70 % user/ 30% system. If
 you lean a lot more towards user, something is wrong with the libraries or
 mysqld itself to make it spin wheels, if you lean a lot the other way, you are
 probably scanning tables a lot.

Could this be caused by the machine swapping?

 Do not sweat over the server buffer size tuning too much - compared to query
 optimization, there is rarely much room for improvement over the defaults, but
 there is quite a bit more room for trouble if you get too excited. Tune them
 after your slow log is either empty or at least every query is accounted for.

Will do. Thanks very much for your advice, Sasha.

Best Wishes,

-- Alex

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Hitting max_connections - safe to raise this?

2004-03-03 Thread Alex Greg

Our main database server is a 2 x PIII 1.2Ghz with 1.5GB RAM and a 73GB SCSI RAID-5 
made up of 3 36GB disks. It does between 300 and
1200 queries per second. The read to write ratio is about 4:1.

My problem is that we're hitting our max_connections more and more frequently. Is it 
safe to raise this to (say) 200, or will this
cause performance problems? Already the machine is using up a lot of swap; would you 
recommend that I bump the RAM up to 2GB, or
should I bring down the key_buffer_size in order to fit everything into physical RAM? 
Should I be concerned about the load average
of the machine - it goes up to 6 at some points in the day.

Are there any other performance tips that anyone can give based on this configuration? 
If you need more information, please let me

Here is the output from top (at a fairly busy time of day):

  1:39pm  up 224 days,  8:09,  8 users,  load average: 2.20, 3.37, 3.44
101 processes: 96 sleeping, 5 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states: 16.0% user, 60.1% system,  0.0% nice, 22.1% idle
CPU1 states: 18.0% user, 72.1% system,  0.0% nice,  8.1% idle
Mem:  1545040K av, 1531936K used,   13104K free,   0K shrd,   17048K buff
Swap: 2061428K av,  421876K used, 1639552K free 1016380K cached

17727 root  18   0  1064 1060   824 R31.5  0.0   0:01 top
17733 mysql 10   0  426M 385M  356M S 4.3 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17634 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 2.1 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17720 mysql  9   0  427M 386M  356M S 2.1 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17746 mysql 10   0  426M 385M  356M S 2.1 25.5   0:00 mysqld
15257 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M R 1.6 25.5 360:19 mysqld
17725 mysql  9   0  427M 386M  356M S 1.6 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17730 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 1.6 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17741 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 1.6 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17750 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 1.0 25.5   0:00 mysqld
4 root  19  19 00 0 RWN   0.5  0.0   7:07 ksoftirqd_CPU1
15260 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 0.5 25.5  88:46 mysqld
29177 root   6   0   740  696   560 S 0.5  0.0   0:17 watch
17654 mysql  9   0  427M 386M  356M S 0.5 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17717 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 0.5 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17718 mysql  9   0  427M 386M  356M S 0.5 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17734 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 0.5 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17745 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 0.5 25.5   0:00 mysqld
17749 mysql  9   0  426M 385M  356M S 0.5 25.5   0:00 mysqld
1 root   9   0   488  440   424 S 0.0  0.0   3:24 init
2 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:05 keventd
3 root  19  19 00 0 RWN   0.0  0.0   7:20 ksoftirqd_CPU0
5 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0  93:38 kswapd
6 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 bdflush
7 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0  14:45 kupdated
8 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 scsi_eh_0
9 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0   0:00 scsi_eh_1
   10 root  -1 -20 00 0 SW   0.0  0.0   0:00 mdrecoveryd
   11 root   9   0 00 0 SW0.0  0.0 161:25 kjournald
  509 root   9   0   560  504   464 S 0.0  0.0   2:27 syslogd
  514 root   9   0   456  392   392 S 0.0  0.0   0:00 klogd
  713 root   9   0   392  336   336 S 0.0  0.0   0:00 mingetty
  714 root   9   0   392  336   336 S 0.0  0.0   0:00 mingetty
  715 root   9   0   392  336   336 S 0.0  0.0   0:00 mingetty
  716 root   9   0   392  336   336 S 0.0  0.0   0:00 mingetty
  717 root   9   0   392  336   336 S 0.0  0.0   0:00 mingetty
  718 root   9   0   392  336   336 S 0.0  0.0   0:00 mingetty

Here is the output of SHOW VARIBLES (minus character_sets):

mysql show variables;
| Variable_name   | Value  
| back_log| 200
| basedir | /usr/local/mysql-max-3.23.55-pc-linux-i686/
| bdb_cache_size  | 8388600
| bdb_log_buffer_size | 262144 
| bdb_home| /usr/local/mysql/data/ 
| bdb_max_lock| 1 

Re: Remove a RPM Installation

2004-03-02 Thread Alex Greg
 Please how can I remove a RPM installation. I used MySQL-server-4.1.1-1.i386.rpm to 
 install MySQL, but how can I delete it.

rpm -e MySQL-server-4.1.1-1.i386

-- Alex

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MySQL load balancing

2004-02-25 Thread Alex Greg

Currently our web infrastructure has one main MySQL server, to which connections are 
made by (mostly) mod_perl running under Apache
(on 3 different machines), and several other custom-built application servers on other 
servers (which have persistant connections,
and do both reads and writes).

This machine answers between 300 and 1200 queries per second, and the load average is 
generally around 3-5 (falling below 1
off-peak). We have max_connections set to 100, and are starting to hit this limit 
quite frequently. The machine is a dual PIII
1.2Ghz with 1.5GB RAM and a 73GB SCSI RAID-5 array, and it only runs MySQL.

I am intending on implementing a load-balancing solution, whereby we have a pool of 
around 3 slaves replicating off the main
database server. mod_perl scripts can then make a connection to a random slave, and 
send their read queries there. Hopefully we can
then scale this by adding more slaves to the pool.

Problem: all the mod_perl pages run a few write queries, so they will require a 
connection to the main database server. Since around
80% of our queries are reads, would you recommend that each script has two 
connections: one for read queries, and one for write
queries? We can determine which queries should be run on which connection using Perl.

I have looked at the master-master replication solution so that any machine in the 
replication pool can have write queries run on
it; unfortunately several of our tables use auto_increment fields, so this isn't an 

Any advice on this would be appreciated.

Alex Greg

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Which is MySQL optimised for - BETWEEN or AND?

2004-02-19 Thread Alex Greg

I have a select query which is selecting all records in a table (which has
around 8,000,000 rows in). time is a field of type time. Should I be using
= and = or BETWEEN to find records in a certain range? Which does MySQL
optimise for?

select time,price from csq where id = 12345 and date = now() and time  =
'10:00' and time = '11:00';

select time,price from csq where id = 12345 and date = now() and time between
'10:00' and '11:00';

Kind Regards,

-- Alex

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Re: Where is my typo?

2004-02-18 Thread Alex Greg
 I try to grand some rights by using GRAND

You want GRANT, not GRAND.

-- Alex

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Re: Installation Problem - PLEASE HELP

2004-02-18 Thread Alex Greg
 Hi all.  I am trying to install mySql on Solaris 2.6. I am getting the
following error during 'make':

 ld: fatal: library -lz: not found
 ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to
 make[2]: *** [] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/virtual/mysql-3.23.58/libmysql'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/virtual/mysql-3.23.58'
 make: *** [all] Error 2


It means that it didn't find the zlib library at link time. The configure
script found it and enabled the use of it, but when it came to linking it
somehow doesn't find it.

You can fix this by setting up your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or similar) to include
the path of your zlib.

-- Alex

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Re: Enabling Mysql in php

2004-02-16 Thread Alex Greg
 I haven't mysql enabled in php. How may I do it? I have php 4.0.4, mysql
3.23.36, both installed on linux RH 7.3.

Install the php-mysql RPM.

-- Alex

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Re: Restore And Dump

2004-02-16 Thread Alex Greg

 I am running two instances of mysql. They both run on different boxes, not

 Anyway, I have been developing on one machine, and trying to do a dump and
keep the other box updated with Database changes.

 I have ran this from the dev box.
 mysqldump --add-drop-table -u dbusername -p dbname  dbname.bak.dump
 // or better yet...
 mysqldump --opt -u dbusername -p dbname  dbname.bak.dump

 to get the latest dump. Then copy this to CD to reimport on the production
box. The only problem, is I don't seem to understand how to reimport, or use
this dump.
 Can anyone help.

On the production box:

mysql -u dbusername -p dbname  dbname.bak.dump

 PS, I have a lot of blobs and clobs within the Database. Is there anything
else I may be missing to keep these two synchronized?

These should be OK.

-- Alex

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Re: MySQL RPM Upgrade

2004-02-12 Thread Alex Greg
 we are currently running MySQL 4.0.15 w/InnoDB tables on a RH/Linux 9.0 and 
 would like to upgrade. the current RPM's installed are:
 do we need to upgraded ALL these RPM's??

No - you probably don't need bench, devel, shared or embedded. 

 and if so, will we still retain all 
 the current InnoDB data files and databases already setup if we upgrade ??


-- Alex

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Re: MySQL RPM Upgrade

2004-02-12 Thread Alex Greg
 Thx' Alex.

 do the old RPM's need to be removed first before upgrading ??

You can just do:

rpm -Uvh MySQL-*

in the directory with the new RPM's in - this will overwrite the old packages
with the new ones.

-- Alex

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