Re: Navicat MySQL GUI for Linux version 8.0.23 is released.

2008-01-30 Thread Barry Newton
Hmm.  Speaking of Navicat, does anybody out there have an easy way to 
scrub the control coding from scripts developed under Navicat?  I expect 
that they're there mostly for coloration on displays, but it's kind of 
obnoxious when you want to do anything else with them.



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Re: Sun and mysql

2008-01-17 Thread Barry Newton

Olaf Stein wrote:

I am still amazed by the fact that youtube is worth 1.5 billion and MySQL
AB barely 1 billion. Did they sell under price? Or does Google just have way
to much many to spend/waste?

Greetings from the just wondering...
MySQL A.B., so far as I know, derives income from training, pubs sales, 
and enterprise support, with expense for salaries,  space leases (at 
least some staff work from home), and  equipment.  The value of such an 
organization is inevitably based on somebody's best guess about future 
revenues. I'm encouraged about the prospects of MySQL when I remember 
that Sun is a major sponsor of open source application software.



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Re: MySql CPU 100%

2008-01-08 Thread Barry Newton

Nik wrote:

I've posted below the output of  STATUS and SHOW GLOBAL STATUS.  Any
and all comments would be much appreciated as to how we can get
performance back on track.

Wow. . .200 logins?  511 open tables?  277+ million sort rows?  On a
single PC host?  And you're complaining about performance?  On the face
of it, it sounds like you/'re letting the public beat hell out of that
machine, and maybe it needs a little help.


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Re: Search for column value in a string variable?

2008-01-06 Thread Barry Newton

OK, never mind.  I finally found the 'locate' function.  I knew it had
to be there somewhere!



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Search for column value in a string variable?

2008-01-05 Thread Barry Newton
Hi. . .I'm trying to be lazy and write a query where I stuff a list of 
names into a variable (@namelist), and then try to find items in column 
lastname which appear anywhere in that list.  It doesn't want to work, 
and even regexp isn't working, though that's probably my fault.  Any 
suggestions?  I'm completely open to various possibilities of delimiters 
in the namelist.

Obviously this would let me reuse the query over and over, just changing 
the one line.



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Re: Determining number of vowels in a string

2007-05-31 Thread Barry Newton

I'd rather do it in a sql statement rather than using a scripting language.

I'm thinking you might be able to do one select, accumulating 5 
siubstring counts (a,e,i,o,u) into 5 variables, and then sum the 
counts?  I'll leave the testing to you. . .:-)

Barry Newton

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Re: Integrity on large sites

2007-05-25 Thread Barry Newton

B. Keith Murphy wrote:
Here is the kicker.  Each box was a top of the line Sun server that 
had 32 processors and 32 gigs of RAM.  They could handle up to 64 
procs and 64 gigs.  And each cost well over a million dollars for 
the hardware alone.  Running Oracle on it must have cost over 
100,000 dollars for software licenses.  Granted this was in 2001, 
but the licensing cost for Oracle haven't gone down any that I am 
aware of...and the hardware cost will still be quite steep to do 
this type of thing.

You youngsters may not realize that there were billing applications 
serving millions of customers long, long before there were any kind 
of database management systems.  They employed concepts called flat 
files and batch processing.  And they ran on machines far weaker 
than anything any of you have on your desk today.  Even under 
something like MS Windows, it would be absolutely possible to 
configure 3-5 high speed printers and knock out 100,000 bills per 
hour from an Intel single CPU box.  You really have no appreciation 
of how much power you actually have at your disposal.

Barry Newton

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2007-05-08 Thread Barry Newton
I hope this isn't a silly question, or something covered in a FAQ. . 
.but is there any reason to not have at least some primitive print 
formatting commands in MySQL?  Or am I missing something blindingly obvious?


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Re: Trouble connecting to server

2007-04-23 Thread Barry Newton

At 11:36 AM 4/23/2007, Drew Burchett wrote:

I have a mysql v 5.0 server running on Suse Linux 10.1.  It has been
running steadily and properly for several months now.  However, when I
came in this morning, my network card in the machine was bad.  I
replaced the card and reconfigured the network, but ever since then, I
can only connect to mysql by using localhost.  If I try to connect using
the IP address, it simply hangs.  If I do a netstat -aln | grep '3306',
it shows mysql listening on all IP addresses, and it shows the
connection to itself with the flag SYN_SENT.  But that's as far as it
goes.  I've restarted the machine several times in vain hopes that it
might kickstart something.  I've also tried connecting from other
machines, which seems to work perfectly.  Any suggestions on how to
proceed troubleshooting this?

Reconfigured the network. . .Is it possible that the old IP address 
is no longer the one assigned to the machine?  DHCP?  Just a thought.


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Re: [LICENSING] why so hazy? Comparing to Samba.

2007-02-22 Thread Barry Newton

At 05:00 PM 2/22/2007, mos wrote:

 On the other hand, if you developed a web application that ran 
on MySQL (an accounting package say) and you want to distribute it 
to 1000 MySQL users without giving them your source code, then you 
will need a MySQL AB license for each copy ($595,000 in total) even 
if you give the software away for free.

The last line of the license notice reads:  Contact MySQL AB if you 
need clarification of these terms or if you need

to ask about alternative arrangements. 

This kind of suggests to me that they're willing to talk.  I expect 
that as long as you're willing to pay *something*, there's probably a 
lot of room for negotiation.  It's distinctly not in their interest 
to eliminate collateral development efforts.  And there are already 
several products out there which do connect with MySQL and cost  $100.

Barry Newton

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Re: Any good free Case tools for MySQL 5.x?

2006-12-12 Thread Barry Newton

mos wrote:

FabForce doesn't work with MySQL 5 because of the new password 
encryption. Fabforce never lets me connect to a database. I suppose I 
could revert back to the old PW mgt scheme but that may weaken the security.

There was an earlier post on this list which discussed new vs old password 
management.  The gist is, that the configuration switch controls how 
*future* passwords are constructed.  So, you can switch to old passwords, 
configure 1 userid for Fabforce with any privileges you choose, and switch 
to new passwords again.  None of your existing arrangements are disturbed, 
but you can now use the single old-style userid to connect with DBD4, and 
keep your production users as secure as possible.

I've just done this on Win XP, and it works very nicely.

Barry Newton

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Re: Re: Performance Question And Problem

2006-11-23 Thread Barry Newton

At 10:47 PM 11/23/2006, John Kopanas wrote:

That is awesome... thanks.  I still am not sure exactly though why
this take 2 seconds while my methond took over a minute for the same
amount of rows.  In essence don't the two methods do the same things?

No.  Your approach was executing the subquery 2000 times for the 2000 
records in your company file.
And will run 500,000 times when you go to production data.  Somebody with 
better math than I should try to project that.

His prep query runs once, and his update query runs once.  Scales very nicely.

Barry Newton

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Re: Some questions on Storage engine

2006-08-22 Thread Barry Newton

At 10:20 PM 8/22/2006, Chris wrote:

You can't store them in memory.

Despite what the doc says, I posted a working script here a couple of weeks 
ago which creates temporary tables with engine=Memory.  Either my 
specification was being ignored in favor of some default--with no error 
indication, or somebody forgot to document a new feature.

This has only been tried by me on Win XP.


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Re: Running Totals?

2006-08-04 Thread Barry Newton
Well, I said earlier that if I found a solution to this, I'd post it.  Here 
it is, with many thanks to Nicholas Bernstein's timely July 7 post to the 
doc on user variables:

It's not particularly elegant, it just gets the job done.   If there is a 
cleaner way to do this, I'm not ashamed to be educated.


*  Compquery.sql -- Compare Current Year Reg Numbers and Money to Prior Year */


Drop Table If Exists Montable, Montable2;

Create Temporary Table Montable engine=memory
Select  Monthname(DatePaid) Month, Year(DatePaid) Year, count(*) as 

Extract(Year_Month from DatePaid) Monindex,
Sum(Amount) as Paid
From capclave2005reg
where ( amount  0)
Group by Monindex;

Create Temporary Table Montable2 engine=memory
Select  Monthname(DatePaid) Month, Year(DatePaid) Year, count(*) as 

Extract(Year_Month from DatePaid) Monindex,
Sum(Amount) as Paid
From Capclavepresent
where ( amount  0)
Group by Monindex;


Set @cumreg=0, @cumreg2=0, @cumpd=0, @cumpd2=0;

Select   Month,  Year,  Registrations, Paid RegIncom,
 Monindex, @cumreg:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + Registrations  RegYearToDate, @cumpd:= 
@cumpd+Paid RegIncomeYTD

From Montable


Select   Month,  Year,  Registrations, Paid RegIncome,
 Monindex, @cumreg2:[EMAIL PROTECTED] + Registrations  RegYearToDate, @cumpd2:= 
@cumpd2+Paid RegIncomeYTD

From Montable2  ;

Barry Newton

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Re: Running Totals?

2006-08-03 Thread Barry Newton

At 04:15 PM 8/3/2006, Brent Baisley wrote:
You might look into WITH ROLLUP. That could easily give you cumulative 
totals for the year, but off the top of my head I can't think of a way to 
get it for the months.

- Original Message - From: Barry Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:29 PM
Subject: Running Totals?

Back with another registration db question:

Have a convention database which tracks people as they register all year 
long; the actual convention is held in October.  I've got a fairly simple 
query which shows how many people registered in each calendar 
month--useful to compare to prior year to see if we're at least on track 
with our count.

It would make life easier if I could also show a column with the 
cumulative count for each month.  The existing output is:

That's what happens with ROLLUP.  I'm looking into a possible subquery 
approach just now.  If it works, it will be worth it's own post.


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Running Totals?

2006-08-02 Thread Barry Newton

Back with another registration db question:

Have a convention database which tracks people as they register all year 
long; the actual convention is held in October.  I've got a fairly simple 
query which shows how many people registered in each calendar month--useful 
to compare to prior year to see if we're at least on track with our count.

It would make life easier if I could also show a column with the cumulative 
count for each month.  The existing output is:

| Month | Year | Registrations | Monindex |
| October   | 2004 |23 |   200410 |
| December  | 2004 | 5 |   200412 |
| January   | 2005 | 9 |   200501 |
| February  | 2005 |11 |   200502 |
| April | 2005 | 2 |   200504 |
| May   | 2005 |48 |   200505 |
| June  | 2005 |45 |   200506 |
| July  | 2005 |10 |   200507 |
| August| 2005 |17 |   200508 |
| September | 2005 |58 |   200509 |
| October   | 2005 |97 |   200510 |

The cumulative column would ideally show 23,28,37, etc.

Also, if anyone has a better way to keep the different years apart than the 
'monindex' column, or at least to suppress displaying it, I'll be really 

The existing query is:

Select Monthname(DatePaid) Month, Year(DatePaid) Year, count(*) as 
Registrations, Extract(Year_Month from DatePaid) Monindex

From capclave2005reg
Where year(DatePaid)=2004 and (amount  0 or Dealer = 'Y')
Group by Monindex


Select Monthname(DatePaid) Month, Year(DatePaid) Year, count(*) as 

Extract(Year_Month from DatePaid) Monindex
From capclave2005reg
where year(DatePaid)=2005 and (amount  0 or Dealer = 'Y')
Group by Monindex;


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Re: Running Totals?

2006-08-02 Thread Barry Newton

At 11:10 PM 8/2/2006, Peter Brawley wrote:


It would make life easier if I could also show a column
with the cumulative count for each month.

Set @cum - 0;
  Monthname(DatePaid) Month,
  Year(DatePaid) Year,
  Count(*) as Registrations,
  Extract(Year_Month from DatePaid) AS Monindex,
  @cum := @cum + Count(*) AS 'Year to date'
From capclave2005reg
Where year(DatePaid)=2004 and (amount  0 or Dealer = 'Y')
Group by Monindex ;


Looked promising, but gets me the following, which isn't quite right:

| Month | Year | Registrations | Monindex | Year to date |
| October   | 2004 |23 |   200410 |   23 |
| December  | 2004 | 5 |   200412 |5 |
| January   | 2005 | 9 |   200501 |   14 |
| February  | 2005 |11 |   200502 |   16 |
| April | 2005 | 2 |   200504 |7 |
| May   | 2005 |48 |   200505 |   53 |
| June  | 2005 |45 |   200506 |   50 |
| July  | 2005 |10 |   200507 |   15 |
| August| 2005 |17 |   200508 |   22 |
| September | 2005 |58 |   200509 |   63 |
| October   | 2005 |97 |   200510 |  102 |


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Re: swapping column values in update

2006-08-01 Thread Barry Newton

At 06:35 PM 8/1/2006, Martin Jespersen wrote:

I just ran the following sql (on mysql 4.1.20):

  update tbl set col1=col2, col2=col1

To my surprise, mysql updates col1 via col1=col2 before reading it for use 
in col2=col1, so I end up with the same value in both columns, which, of 
course, was not my intention. Thinking about it, this behavior in mysql 
makes perfect sense, so thats not the issue.

If this is a one-time operation, it would seem easier to rename the 
columns.  In some cases, even if it's a little more frequent than that.


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RE: mysql + LVS highjacked (mysql + NFS ramfs)

2006-07-25 Thread Barry Newton

At 02:05 PM 7/25/2006, Winn Johnston wrote:

after talking to a few people on the #mysql irc
someone suggested using NFS to create a ramfs to get
100GB+ RAM shared memory to load the entire database
into the RAM. Can anyone offer any Pros or Cons to
this setup, drawing from personal expierence?

-winn johnston

Do you really mean 100Gb RAM?  Is that actually possible today?


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How to query on part of a date column?

2006-07-20 Thread Barry Newton
I've got a table of people who registered for a convention.  Each person 
has a registration date, kept in a standard date field.  How do I select 
for people who registered in a particular month or year?  The obvious tests 

Select * from Capclave2005reg
Where Year('Date Paid') = 2004;

return no rows.  I can extract any piece of that date I want in a SELECT, 
but can't seem to use it in a WHERE clause at all.  There has to be 
something really obvious that I'm missing?

Barry Newton

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