
2001-07-21 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

Too bad it's not your list to make that decision, but 

mysql - the database written and owned by MYSQL AB
 On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 01:13:15PM +0100, Mark Tiramani wrote:
   Since these issues are between two private companies, please take
   your discussions off this list. It is none of our business. By
   all means, tell us the result.
  This discussion most certainly is our business.
 No it's not. MySQL is owned by MySQL AB. The fact that you
 get to use their code under GPL has no bearing on their
 commercial discussions. All these posts to this list only
 serve to inflame the situation.
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2001-07-19 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

 the same time, a NuSphere-controlled doesn't strike me 
 as a disaster, provided they can do it with out shooting 
 themselves in the foot, as they are doing now.


There using it as a marketing ploy to dup the public.

The should have released their GPLed extentions on rather than, but they are
unwilling to do this because they feel they have the
right to be seen as the originators of MYSQL.


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2001-07-19 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO


MYSQL owns their trademark

Fact, what NuShpere brought form MYSQL is irrelevant as loing as they
are infrringing on the MYSQL Trademark...and they were going to do WORSE
until the public heat.

Until they apologies fo the GPL violation, and then the Trademark 
infringment, they are pound scum

and deserve no support attention, or benifit of any doubt.

   I think you see evil people, conspiracies and other unwanted stuff 
   when in fact there are only misunderstandings and opposing 
   I'm with Bob Hall on this one. Excellent statement Bob!
  Their is no conpsirisy, there is only one company trying to 
  steel the good name of another company through immoral (and 
  illegal) activities.
  Nusphere has no justffication, defense or right to take a product 
  and push it on the public through the use of some elses 
  trusted trademark...
 It's not. There was an agreement. Nusphere paid money for that
 MySQL sold SOMETHING to them, that much is clear. Have you seen the
 Do you have 100% proof that MySQL did not sell the right to use their
 (yet to be approved)
 trademark!? Temporary or otherwise? What makes you think this is not a
 case of Swedish and 
 American laws and/or cultures clashing? 
 I do not think you have seen the agreement, and I do not think you have
 enough information to make a 
 sound and unbiased judgement in this matter. You have a right to your
 own opinion, ofcourse, as long as you 
 realize that they are just that - opinions. Not facts. 

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2001-07-19 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

You are, of course, welcome to your opinion, and to the expression of said
opinion.  You are also liable to be judged on the basis of that expression, and
 frankly, your expression leaves me wondering about your wisdom and your
analytical capabilities, not to mention your social skills.

What - you work for NuShpere.  My analysis of this affair is correct.

It comes down to trust
I do not trust Brit, and man who has abused the GPL, abused the MYSQL
trademark, and broke the trust between the two partners.

What do I base that trust on
6 years of contant communication and dependency of the MYSQL
staff and my PERSONAL relationship with Monty and his Fella's
as he called them.

Furthmore, the assumption that under any condition NuSphere BROUGHT the right
to open up shop directly under the MYSQL name and conduct independent sales,
promotion and business, is damn off the wall, far fetched, and ridicules to 
asume, that you'd have to be a complete utter moron to beleive this report,
and in addition, the report should be playing tomorrow afternoon on the 
Opra show, and be reported right next to the alien abduction story in the
National Enquirer.

Furthermore, their behavior secondary to this, and the proposition that they 
opened the site as a Community site flies right in the face
of the proposition forwarded by NuShpere that they opened the site with full
rights to do so under previous agreements because they purchased control
over the MYSQL trademark because they did in secret, then protested they had
they right ot, after saying it was a communitee site, and then finally, they
release they're Gemini code on it, only after 100's of people complained that
they were violating the  GPL.

This is NOT the actions of an honest person...period...


We need NuSphere to admit their wrongs, make a blanket apology, and
everyone can call a no harm no foul, and forget it happened.


- End of forwarded message from Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO -

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2001-07-19 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO


Aside from being incorrect about the process of tradmarking in the 
US and the ability to defend a trademark while awaiting registry,
all these above websites are not claiming to be the official
place to download and collaberate on MYSQL.

Only is promoting itself as THE place to download
the database program.


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2001-07-13 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

The greatest asset to using the MYSQL product over the years has been
this mailing list and Monty's personal efforts to answer almost every 
question, no matter how stupid or repetitive, patiently and accurately.

It's blown my mind to see him working so hard on handling the enormous
communications on this list.  He alone has given more technical support,
provided more training, and is responsible for more enlightenment than
the entire Tech Support hotline of MicroSoft.

All that work is essentially values in the good name MYSQL provides
for the code base.

Nusphere, IMO, in this matter, is a theif, in addition to clearly
violating the GPL under a ridicules pretense.

Monty Widus, even GPL Czar... are you out of your mind

Give me a break.

When NuShpere was in NYC for the last Linux expo, they gave a presentation
on Gemini.  They clearly indicated that they are hacking at the MYSQL code 
base.  They said NOTHING about making these estenssions propiatory only,
and insisted that they planned on a server oriented business model through

This action by them is a 100% turn around.

SHAME SHAME SHAME on youi, NuSphere,  for burning up valuable
and scarce economic resources on legal mumbo jumbo NuSphere 
has ZERO chance on winning.  And if they did win, the entire 
Free Software movemnt would undermined.


 I would like to whole heartedly add my support to this statement, I feel
 that Gerry has summed up perfectly everything I would like to say. We have
 been using MySQL for well over a year now and have found it to be a fast,
 reliable, efficient and scalable product. I happily recommend the use of it
 to colleagues and use it in my corporate work and when advising charities.
 The efforts of the developers shine through in the excellent performance of
 this product. It is sad to see people taking advantage of their efforts and
 I feel that MySQL AB has not in any way besmirched the principles of open
 source by taking the actions they have taken. 
 best wishes and keep up the wonderful work, you are much appreciated
 Dr Christopher Thorpe
 Information Architect
 Middlesex House
 34-42, Cleveland Street
 W1P 6LB
 T 0207 631 9184
 -Original Message-
 From: Gerry Sweeney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 7:15 AM
 Subject: RE:
 Monty and all at MySQL,
 I am sorry to hear about this most unfortunate situation. It is sad to see
 that NuSphere have taken it upon themselves to attempt to steal your
 intellectual property and try to benefit from all of the MySQL team's 
 hard work. My company has been licensing using MySQL for development of
 our products for the past 18 months or so and I have had nothing but good 
 things to say about MySQL. You are a credit to the open source community 
 and I believe you have found the perfect balance with MySQL for both
 open source and commercial users. 
 Your comments that you totally rely on the trust of your users is admirable 
 and very much appreciated by many people I am sure. However, being the human
 race, there are always people that are going to take liberties and abuse
 such trust. I hope that your legal defence is swift and successful and
 does not cause too much disruption to your day to day business.
 As far as I am concerned, if NuSphere are selling a product derived from 
 MySQL, then they should be paying a license fee to ensure that
 the professionals that are responsible for the creation of MySQL can 
 continue to develop MySQL. 
 We *embed* MySQL into our products and pay commercial license fees for the
 use of MySQL. Having dealt with MySQL at a commercial level, I can honestly
 say that, there is absolutely no excuse for what NuSphere have done. Your
 licensing policies have been totally fair, non-restrictive and realistic.
 Needless to say, You have our full support and rest assured I, or anyone
 who works at my company will not have anything to do with either
 or NuSphere now or in the future. 
 Kind Regards
 Gerry Sweeney
 Hornbill Systems Limited
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Re: Re:

2001-07-13 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO


  Now most of us in/using Open Source probably do not _really_
  understand the meaning and ramifications of the GPL.  We _think_
  we know, and we certainly have a feeling about what the GPL
 Oh Bull
 Making a derived work from a GPL product and not releasing it under the
 GPL is the very definition of a GPL violation,
 Ironically, Richard Stallman's take is, in a legal sense,
  crystal clear compared with the GPL.  NuSphere indicated that
  is was going to put their products under the GPL.  They have
  indicated that Gemini will be GPL's.  Are they to be punished
  for being late in doing so? 
They are releasing the produce for sale and it MUST be imediately
 released under the GPL.
 Read the licence.
 NuSphere supports Open Source
  and is public on this position.
 Not that I see so far.
  The irony of this situation is that it _may_ be to the advantage
  of the Open Source community if NuSphere is not knee-jerked
  pilloried, and tarred and feathered out of the minds of the
  Open Source community.  
 Their in violation and sued out of existence.

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Re: MySQL License

2001-03-06 Thread Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

You can charge for any GPL'ed product you wish too.


On 2001.03.05 22:31:41 -0500 Jeff Platzer wrote:
 Maybe someone can help me out with MySQL's commercial license.
 If MySQL server has a GPL license and MySQL client libraries have LGPL
 licenses, how can a paid commercial license be required for products that
 incorporate LGPL MySQL client libraries and depend on the GPL MySQL
 server?  Does this not violate the GPL and LGPL license terms?  
 MySQL commercial applications should be similar to Linux commercial
 applications that use the LGPL Linux shared libraries and depend on the
 GPL Linux OS.  No Linux paid license can be required in this case. 
 However, the developer can charge for the commercial application in this

Brooklyn Linux Solutions


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Persistant Connection

2001-02-09 Thread Ruben I Safir - Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

Good Morning:

We have a system of databases (in the plural) which number in the hundreds
on individual servers.  I want to open a persistant connection on the server
and switch databases without closing the handle in DBI and reopening it.

Is this possible without getting a rollback warning using DBI?


Brooklyn Linux Solutions


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2001-02-04 Thread Ruben I Safir - Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO

What exactly is now the relationship between NuShpere and MYSQL/TSX.  Who is
working on the Gemini COde and the documentation?


Brooklyn Linux Solutions


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