Re: why can't innodb_log_file_size change

2003-10-27 Thread Chris Tucker
You should be able to do this by:
1) Stopping the server cleanly
2) Removing the log files
3) Restarting the server with the new log file sizes set in your .cnf

Dathan Vance Pattishall wrote:
Trying to increase my innodb_log_file_size I get this message
031027 16:01:02  InnoDB: Data file ./ibdata2 did not exist: new to be
031027 16:01:02  InnoDB: Setting file ./ibdata2 size to 2000 MB
InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
InnoDB: Progress in MB: 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
InnoDB: Error: log file ./ib_logfile0 is of different size 0 5242880
InnoDB: than specified in the .cnf file 0 78643200 bytes!
031027 16:01:57  Can't init databases
031027 16:01:57  Aborting
031027 16:01:57  InnoDB: Warning: shutting down a not properly started
 InnoDB: or created database!
031027 16:01:57  /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete
The mysql doc says this:

Size of each log file in a log group in megabytes. Sensible values range
from 1M to 1/nth of the size of the buffer pool specified below, where n
is the number of log files in the group. The bigger the value, the less
checkpoint flush activity is needed in the buffer pool, saving disk I/O.
But bigger log files also mean that recovery will be slower in case of a
crash. The combined size of log files must be  4 GB on 32-bit
computers. The default is 5M. 
It doesn't say anything about not being able to increase the size of the
log file after its been set.
Any work a rounds?
- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.

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Replication of foreign key constraint names (InnoDB) inconsistent

2003-10-22 Thread Chris Tucker
  It is possible to get into a situation where foreign key constraints 
on a replication slave have different labels to the same foreign key 
constraint on the master.  This normally causes replication to fail when 
a drop of a foreign key on the master is attempted (although presumably 
it could, in a particularly unfortunate circumstance, drop the wrong 
constraint for a given table).

  Run the following on the master:
  Then, on the slave run:
  And finally, on the master, run:
If you now go into the master and look at the SHOW CREATE TABLE output 
for table t3 you should see something like:

*** 1. row ***
   Table: t3
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t3` (
  `c` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`c`),
while in the slave you will see:

*** 1. row ***
   Table: t3
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t3` (
  `c` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`c`),
Note the constraint name on the master is `0_15` while on the slave it 
is `0_17`.


There are two workarounds at present:

1) Don't ever create a foreign key anywhere on the slave (unless it 
comes through the binlog from the master).  This works fine until 
someone makes a mistake...

2) Accept that replication will halt.  Drop the key from the master, 
then manually drop the key from the slave; set the slave skip counter to 
1 and restart the slave.  This is something of a problem if 100% uptime 
is expected/required.

I would imagine this problem would also manifest if restoring a slave 
from a mysqldump of a master, or using any other mechanism that is not 
guaranteed to create the foreign keys in exactly the order they were 
created on the master.

Making the parser and InnoDB foreign key management systems aware of 
constraint names being indicated in the foreign key definition would 
eliminate this problem: if I could reliably use a SHOW CREATE TABLE on 
the master and be guaranteed that either the table will create with the 
same foreign key labels, or will fail with an error if the labels are 
already in use elsewhere, then the problem will go away.  If the 
constraint names also held the name of the table to which they are tied, 
the problem of collisions would also disappear: for example, CONSTRAINT 
`test_t3_0_15` would be a suitable label for the key on table t3 in 
database test.

Submitter-Id:	submitter ID
 organization of PR author (multiple lines)
MySQL support: none
Synopsis:	Foreign key label replication inconsistent
Severity:	serious
Priority:	[ low | medium | high ] (one line)
Category:	mysql
Class:		[ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Release:	mysql-4.0.15-standard (Official MySQL-standard binary)
Server: /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.15, for 
pc-linux on i686
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.0.15-standard-log
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 10 min 59 sec
Threads: 3  Questions: 30  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 17  Flush tables: 1 
Open tables: 1  Queries per second avg: 0.046
C compiler:2.95.3
C++ compiler:  2.95.3
	machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.18-3smp #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 
07:27:31 EDT 2002 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

Some paths:  /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake 
/usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/specs
gcc version 2.96 2731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-113)
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=pentiumpro'  CXX='gcc' 
CXXFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=pentiumpro -felide-constructors'  LDFLAGS=''  ASFLAGS=''
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Oct 13 16:32 /lib/ 
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1260480 Mar  5  2003 /lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root  2312442 Mar  5  2003 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  178 Mar  5  2003 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--prefix=/usr/local/mysql' 
'--libexecdir=/usr/local/mysql/bin' '--with-comment=Official 
MySQL-standard binary' '--with-extra-charsets=complex' 
'--with-server-suffix=-standard' '--enable-thread-safe-client' 

Re: 2 Query with same criteria giving different number of rows

2003-10-22 Thread Chris Tucker
You're getting a distinct on just the prod_num in the first query, but 
are requesting distinct prod_num, description, line, and content in the 
second one: if any of those last three columns are different between 
rows, you will see ones additional to the count you get in the first 
query.  You either need to count the same set of distinct columns in the 
first query or GROUP BY prod_num in the second.

Hector Del Curto wrote:
I have this 2 queries:

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(LEFT(p.prod_num,5))) FROM products p, tlines l,
prod_line pl WHERE l.Line = 'Solaris' AND AND pl.prod_id =
SELECT DISTINCT(LEFT(p.prod_num,5))as prod_num, p.description AS
description,l.Line as line,l.Content as content FROM products p, tlines l,
prod_line pl WHERE l.Line = 'Solaris' AND AND pl.prod_id =
The only difference between them is that in one I want the count of rows and
on the other I want the columns.
When I run the queries I get for example 24 as result of the count and on
the other query I get 26 records.
In those 26 records I get 2 prod_num duplicated when I'm asking for
Now, the other thing is if I only leave the prod_num column the number of
rows are the same, if I add another column it changes to 26.
I know I have some duplicates on the second table, and that's affecting the
results, but I don't know why.
Any hint on why is that happening?


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Inconsistent replication of a DELETE in InnoDB

2003-07-03 Thread Chris Tucker

As I understand it any statement that fails with a foreign key error should not 
be written to the binlog and subsequently should not execute on the slave. 
Referring to the InnoDB manual, section 4.5:
	If a statement fails, for example, because of a foreign key violation, then 
the statement is not written to the binlog, and consequently not replicated to 
the slave

Based on this I am wondering why I might get the following entry in my binlog:

#030702 17:17:14 server id 1  log_pos 564513531 Query 
thread_id=6313269   exec_time=0 error_code=1217
use image;
SET TIMESTAMP=1057191434;
delete from image.image_records where image_collection_id=228;

(where error_code=1217 is, according to, ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED).

This then leads into another issue.  Because this command was written to the 
binlog it was executed on the slave.  Presumably it resulted in the same return 
code (1217), as one mght expect with consistent data between master and slave, 
as the slave replication did not halt.  However, it appears that the order in 
which InnoDB deletes records is non-deterministic, because a different set of 
rows were removed from the slave than from the master (suggesting they were 
deleted in a different order).

This again makes me wonder why such a statement could make any permanent change 
to either the master or the slave, as I would expect the transaction in which it 
runs to be rolled back when the command fails.  Is this an issue in the InnoDB 
transaction model that is known?

For some background info:
This table uses self-referencing foreign keys (pigs ear joins): row x in the 
table can reference row y.
There are no cascading delete/update rules on the foreign key
MySQL version is 4.0.12, running on Redhat 7.3
In grepping several gigs of logfiles this is the only occurence of 
error_code=1217 that I can find.

I've not had a chance to experiment heavily with reproducing this issue but will 
attempt to do so shortly and raise an appropriate report with suitable schema 
and data if necessary.  For now, if anyone could shed some light I'd be most 

Chris Tucker
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Re: incorrect SUM() results

2003-06-27 Thread Chris Tucker
You're running a join on table two which will result in the following set (if 
you remove the group by and sum()s):

ABCCORP 500, 150, 350  (from table 1, row 1, join table 2, row 1)
ABCCORP 500, 50,  300  (from table 1, row 1, join table 2, row 2)
ABCCORP 500, 50,  250  (from table 1, row 1, join table 2, row 3)
ABCCORP 300, NULL,NULL (from table 1, row 2, no match in table 2)
If you sum those up you'll see that the results MySQL is giving are correct. 
Unfortunately I don't think you can do what you want to do without subselects or 
using two queries: effectively, you want to sum a set of summations.  Try using 
a query like:
SELECT TABLE1.accountno,
TABLE1.invtotal as INVTOTAL,
 LEFT JOIN TABLE2 ON TABLE2.invoiceno = TABLE1.invoiceno
 GROUP BY TABLE1.accountno, TABLE1.invoiceno
 ORDER BY TABLE1.accountno

and then do:
SELECT accountno, sum(invtotal), sum(invtotal) - sum(balance)
  FROM my_results
 GROUP BY accountno;
I've not tested that, but it should do something like what you want.

Shaun Callender wrote:

 I'm using mySQL 4.0 trying to solve what I think is a simple problem.

 to calculate the balance by account #
 can this be done without the use of temporary tables ?
 TABLE 1 contains
 TABLE 2 contains
 there can be multiple payment records associated with an invoice
TABLE 1 : ABCCORP, 1000, 500$
TABLE 1 : ABCCORP, 1001, 300$
TABLE 2 : ABCCORP, 1000, 150$, 2003-01-01
TABLE 2 : ABCCORP, 1000,  50$, 2003,02-01
TABLE 2 : ABCCORP, 1000,  50$, 2003,03-01
select TABLE1.accountno,
   SUM(TABLE1.invtotal) as INVTOTAL,
LEFT JOIN TABLE2 ON TABLE2.invoiceno = TABLE1.invoiceno
GROUP BY TABLE1.accountno
ORDER BY TABLE1.accountno
the result set will show which is wrong.
It should be
How can this be done correctly ?

Shaun Callender (RSA Software Inc.)

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Re: droping foreign key

2003-06-10 Thread Chris Tucker
Upgrading to 4.0.13 will allow you to drop foreign keys.  The innodb manual has 


Joe Gaffney wrote:
Can someone help with trying to remove a foreign key constraint from a
table.  Each time I run the alter table statement to drop the foreign key I
get the following error:
Error Code : 1005
Can't create table
Here is the table structure and the alter table statement I am executing:


CREATE TABLE `cgg_goals` (
  `GOAL_ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `GOAL_DESC` varchar(100) default NULL,
  `HOUSEHOLD_ID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `RISK_LEVEL_ID` int(11) default '0',
  `GOAL_TYP_ID` int(11) default NULL,
  `YRS_TO_TARGET` double default '0',
  `TARGET_VALUE` double default '0',
  `MONTH_INFLOW` double default NULL,
  `MONTH_OUTFLOW` double default NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (`RISK_LEVEL_ID`) REFERENCES `cgg_risk_level_def`
  FOREIGN KEY (`GOAL_ID`) REFERENCES `cgg_goal_def` (`GOAL_ID`),
) TYPE=InnoDB;
I'm using version 4.0.12 running of Win2000

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Re: alter table blocks other tables!

2003-06-09 Thread Chris Tucker
You say you are using replication.  In this situation, if you make an update to 
the master (using ALTER...) that takes a long time, this will get serialized 
into the binary log as normal and block all subsequent queries from executing on 
the slave until it has completed.  One of the issues with MySQL replication is 
that it serializes the queries from the master into a single stream.

I've done a rather poor job of explaining this.  It's easiest understood when 
you think about how replication works: the master serializes commands out to a 
log file, which is then read, command by command, by the slave (on 4.0 servers 
by an IO thread, on 3.23 servers by a combined IO/SQL thread).  The slave then 
executes each command as it comes in, command by command.  If the next command 
takes a long time, it will be a long time before the following command can be 
executed.  Imagine you have two commands in the queue that take the following times:
1) ALTER some big table : 303 secs
2) UPDATE some table SET some important thing : 1 sec

The ALTER will begin executing on the slave and will not complete for 303 
seconds.  For this time, no more commands will be read from the slave and 
executed: it will wait until the ALTER is complete, and then carry on again. 
This is necessary to maintain consistency (imagine the UPDATE modified the same 
table that was just ALTER'd).

Anyway, that may explain your problem.  Or it may be way off base. :)  Hope it 
helps a little,


Dan Edwards wrote:
I have a mysql server containing multiple databases, one of the 
databases is very important that it is not slowed down by other 
databases. This database is used for a real time game server (card 
games), and any stalls causes all players to stall, they hate that. I've 
mostly solved this problem with a master/slave setup. The problem now is 
the other databases in the same mysql instance are getting larg. When I 
make changes to them with alter table, it can slow down and even block 
queries to the other databases for minutes at a time. My question is how 
do I prevent alter table in one database from blocking queries in 
another database? What I need is some way to say that any queries to 
this database (or specific tables) have top priority, always.

Thanks for any assistance!

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Re: mysql query output get wrapped

2003-06-04 Thread Chris Tucker
The pager option can be used to accomplish this (if you don't mind having things 
running through, e.g., less).  When I need to do this I just do:
mysql \P less -S
mysql my query here

You'll get unwrapped output (the -S option to less tells it to truncate rather 
than wrap over-long lines).

You can use anything you like as your pager (as far as I can tell): all it has 
to do is take some input on the input stream and write its output out to the 
output stream.  It is up to the pager how it does this: in the example of less 
it will paginate and not wrap.  Other pagers can be used to achieve different 
results, processing the stream however you like, based on your needs.

Asif Iqbal wrote:
mysql select * from Tickets limit 1;
| id | EffectiveId | Queue | Type   | IssueStatement | Resolution | Owner
| Subject   | InitialPriority | FinalPriority | Priority | Status   |
TimeWorked | TimeLeft | Told| Starts | Started | Due
| Resolved | LastUpdatedBy | LastUpdated | Creator | Created
| Disabled |
|  5 |   5 | 4 | ticket |   NULL |   NULL |16
| RE: phonebook |  10 |80 |   10 | resolved |
0 | NULL | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | NULL   | NULL| 1970-01-01
00:00:00 | NULL | 1 | 2001-04-17 18:38:02 |   1 |
2001-04-17 18:26:46 |0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Is there a way I can get the output unwrapped

something like this

mysql select * from Tickets limit 1 \G
*** 1. row ***
 id: 5
EffectiveId: 5
  Queue: 4
   Type: ticket
 IssueStatement: NULL
 Resolution: NULL
  Owner: 16
Subject: RE: phonebook
InitialPriority: 10
  FinalPriority: 80
   Priority: 10
 Status: resolved
 TimeWorked: 0
   TimeLeft: NULL
   Told: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
 Starts: NULL
Started: NULL
Due: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
   Resolved: NULL
  LastUpdatedBy: 1
LastUpdated: 2001-04-17 18:38:02
Creator: 1
Created: 2001-04-17 18:26:46
   Disabled: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Except I want it Horizontally



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Re: mysql query output get wrapped

2003-06-04 Thread Chris Tucker
What platform are you on?  If you're on windows you probably won't have less 
installed, in which case you'll need to either (a) install it or (b) use a 
different pager (not sure what you'll have with windows, you'd have to 
independently research it).  I'm assuming that what you want is to have the list 
of column names as your first row, then each row thereafter on a single line in 
your display window (i.e. no wrapping of those lines on display).  If you need 
to get column names into the output for each cell, then you'll need to do some 
post-processing of your own.


Asif Iqbal wrote:
That works with \G switch , but without the \G switch Istill get it
wish I can remeber the switch

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Chris Tucker wrote:

The pager option can be used to accomplish this (if you don't mind having things
running through, e.g., less).  When I need to do this I just do:
mysql \P less -S
mysql my query here
You'll get unwrapped output (the -S option to less tells it to truncate rather
than wrap over-long lines).
You can use anything you like as your pager (as far as I can tell): all it has
to do is take some input on the input stream and write its output out to the
output stream.  It is up to the pager how it does this: in the example of less
it will paginate and not wrap.  Other pagers can be used to achieve different
results, processing the stream however you like, based on your needs.
Asif Iqbal wrote:

mysql select * from Tickets limit 1;
| id | EffectiveId | Queue | Type   | IssueStatement | Resolution | Owner
| Subject   | InitialPriority | FinalPriority | Priority | Status   |
TimeWorked | TimeLeft | Told| Starts | Started | Due
| Resolved | LastUpdatedBy | LastUpdated | Creator | Created
| Disabled |
|  5 |   5 | 4 | ticket |   NULL |   NULL |16
| RE: phonebook |  10 |80 |   10 | resolved |
0 | NULL | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | NULL   | NULL| 1970-01-01
00:00:00 | NULL | 1 | 2001-04-17 18:38:02 |   1 |
2001-04-17 18:26:46 |0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Is there a way I can get the output unwrapped

something like this

mysql select * from Tickets limit 1 \G
*** 1. row ***
id: 5
   EffectiveId: 5
 Queue: 4
  Type: ticket
IssueStatement: NULL
Resolution: NULL
 Owner: 16
   Subject: RE: phonebook
InitialPriority: 10
 FinalPriority: 80
  Priority: 10
Status: resolved
TimeWorked: 0
  TimeLeft: NULL
  Told: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
Starts: NULL
   Started: NULL
   Due: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
  Resolved: NULL
 LastUpdatedBy: 1
   LastUpdated: 2001-04-17 18:38:02
   Creator: 1
   Created: 2001-04-17 18:26:46
  Disabled: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Except I want it Horizontally



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Re: mysql query output get wrapped

2003-06-04 Thread Chris Tucker
Are you using the -S switch to less?  Note that it's a capital S, not lower 
case.  Does the output get properly sent through the less pager (i.e do you have 
to page through the results that get selected)?  Check the manpage for less on 
your machine and find out what the truncate lines option is, if it is different 
(highly unlikely).  Or try a different pager.  Make sure you execute your SQL 
command using \g or ;.  Make sure you don't have anything funky set in your 
client section of your my.cnf that may mess with pagers/output.  See whether 
using tee (\T filename) tees the output into the specified output file without 


Asif Iqbal wrote:
I am on solaris 2.8 sparc. You less works fine if I use \G switch. But I
want (as you explained) list of column names in one line in first row and
the results are thereafter in single rows instead of getting wrapped.
Like I said wish I remebered the swithc for that

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Chris Tucker wrote:

What platform are you on?  If you're on windows you probably won't have less
installed, in which case you'll need to either (a) install it or (b) use a
different pager (not sure what you'll have with windows, you'd have to
independently research it).  I'm assuming that what you want is to have the list
of column names as your first row, then each row thereafter on a single line in
your display window (i.e. no wrapping of those lines on display).  If you need
to get column names into the output for each cell, then you'll need to do some
post-processing of your own.

Asif Iqbal wrote:

That works with \G switch , but without the \G switch Istill get it
wish I can remeber the switch

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Chris Tucker wrote:

The pager option can be used to accomplish this (if you don't mind having things
running through, e.g., less).  When I need to do this I just do:
mysql \P less -S
mysql my query here
You'll get unwrapped output (the -S option to less tells it to truncate rather
than wrap over-long lines).
You can use anything you like as your pager (as far as I can tell): all it has
to do is take some input on the input stream and write its output out to the
output stream.  It is up to the pager how it does this: in the example of less
it will paginate and not wrap.  Other pagers can be used to achieve different
results, processing the stream however you like, based on your needs.
Asif Iqbal wrote:

mysql select * from Tickets limit 1;
| id | EffectiveId | Queue | Type   | IssueStatement | Resolution | Owner
| Subject   | InitialPriority | FinalPriority | Priority | Status   |
TimeWorked | TimeLeft | Told| Starts | Started | Due
| Resolved | LastUpdatedBy | LastUpdated | Creator | Created
| Disabled |
|  5 |   5 | 4 | ticket |   NULL |   NULL |16
| RE: phonebook |  10 |80 |   10 | resolved |
0 | NULL | 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | NULL   | NULL| 1970-01-01
00:00:00 | NULL | 1 | 2001-04-17 18:38:02 |   1 |
2001-04-17 18:26:46 |0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Is there a way I can get the output unwrapped

something like this

mysql select * from Tickets limit 1 \G
*** 1. row ***
   id: 5
  EffectiveId: 5
Queue: 4
 Type: ticket
IssueStatement: NULL
   Resolution: NULL
Owner: 16
  Subject: RE: phonebook
InitialPriority: 10
FinalPriority: 80
 Priority: 10
   Status: resolved
   TimeWorked: 0
 TimeLeft: NULL
 Told: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
   Starts: NULL
  Started: NULL
  Due: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
 Resolved: NULL
LastUpdatedBy: 1
  LastUpdated: 2001-04-17 18:38:02
  Creator: 1
  Created: 2001-04-17 18:26:46
 Disabled: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Except I want it Horizontally



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Re: help creating foreign keys

2003-06-03 Thread Chris Tucker
Read the Foreign Key section of the InnoDB manual 
( it explains why you may get 
an error code 150.  Particularly:

Both tables have to be InnoDB type and there must be an index where the
foreign key and the referenced key are listed as the FIRST columns.
InnoDB does not auto-create indexes on foreign keys or referenced keys:
you have to create them explicitly.
So you need to have an index on the column foo_id in table bar.

If you're running MySQL 4.0.13 you can get information on the last cause of a 
foreign key error using show innodb status.  When working with InnoDB, and 
particularly features specific to InnoDB, I'd strongly recommend reading the 
InnoDB manual on, as it covers most common issues like this one.


Justin Scheiber wrote:
Hello, I want to create the following tables - where a foriegn key 
references an auto_incremented primary key of another table.  In my 
simple logic, it seem like such a thing should be possible -- after all, 
i just need the value of the referenced primary key.  I know you can't 
have 2 auto_increment columns in a table,  and I have read up on the 
errno: 150 but it still seems like this should be possible.Do I need 
to rethink the table structure?  Or do I just not understand something 

create table foo (
 foo_idint unsigned auto_increment,
 foo_value int,
 primary key(foo_id)
) type=innodb;
create table bar (
 bar_idint unsigned auto_increment,
 foo_idint unsigned,
 bar_value int,
 primary key (bar_id),
 foreign key(foo_id) references foo(foo_id),
) type=innodb;
ERROR 1005: Can't create table './test/bar.frm' (errno: 150)


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Re: Query log/binlog inconsistency

2003-05-30 Thread Chris Tucker
Thanks for your response (and yours also, Jeremy).  Both are spot on in terms of 
recognising it as a transaction commit issue.  It turns out a developer was 
opening a transaction long before the query in question executed and had 
neglected to either commit it or roll it back: subsequently, the PHP page 
completed execution, the connection was dropped, and the transaction was 
implicitly rolled back.  It's amazing how long it can take to find such a simple 
result: I only wish I had thought a little more a little earlier about what the 
binlog actually stores (namely records of transactions that have been committed!).

Thanks again,
Heikki Tuuri wrote:

- Original Message - 
From: Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Query log/binlog inconsistency

On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 05:05:38PM -0700, Chris Tucker wrote:


I'm running into an issue on MySQL 4.0.12 (not tested on other
releases) using an InnoDB table type, where an update query is
getting written to the query log but never being propogated as far
as the binlog.  The query is also not updating the DB, though
according to the connection layer (PEAR DB) it is affecting rows as
one would expect.  Running the query through a command line (logged
in as the same user, from the same box, etc.) works as expected,
writing to the query log, updating the DB, and then writing to the

The fact that the it doesn't show up in the binlog *and* it never
affects you data is good.  That means the binlog is working
properly. :-)

At present it seems the failure to write to the binlog is almost
certainly because something is failing between the arrival of the
query at the DB server (as signified by the entry in the query log)
and the committing of the data (as would be signified by the data
being appropriately modified and the binlog being written to).

My question is essentially: what could fail between these steps that
would: 1) not be reported back to the calling agent 2) not be logged
to the db error log 3) not happen when running directly through the
MySQL command-line client but happen when running through an
(admittedly rather questionable) PHP library when the queries
received by the DB are verifiably the same in every apparent aspect
(through inspection of the query log).
The first thing that comes to mind is that the abstraction layer
you're using forgets to COMMIT the data, so InnoDB rolls it back and
never write the query to the binlog.

Jeremy's explanation is plausible. If the PHP library runs in the
AUTOCOMMIT=0 mode, then the query is executed and reports modified rows, but
when the connection ends mysqld rolls back the transaction because it was
not explicitly committed.
Also note that a deadlock or a lock wait timeout error rolls back the WHOLE
current transaction. But I assume you did not get any of these errors or
other errors?
It would help if you could post the relevant query log excerpt.


Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Transactions, foreign keys, and a hot backup tool for MySQL
Order MySQL technical support from

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!
MySQL 4.0.8: up 114 days, processed 3,574,615,610 queries (360/sec. avg)

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Re: Problem starting mysql server

2003-05-30 Thread Chris Tucker
You should probably also take a look at your error log (dbmaster.err)'ll 
tell you in much more detail why mysqld ended rather than continued running as 
expected.  Often this will be something as simple as your directory permissions 
not being set right on your data dir...


Nick Arnett wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Rehaz Golamnobee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:41 AM


I have just upgraded my MySQL from version 3.23 to 4.0.13.

However I cannot start the server. When I type mysqld_safe  I
get the following :
[1] 1730
Linux:/# starting mysqld-max daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
030529 11:10:51 mysqld ended
[1]+ Done   mysqld_safe

Sounds like it's never starting up at all, which explains why you can't
connect to it.  First thing I'd do is check your config file.   Are you
using the same config file as you did with 3.23?  If so, you almost surely
need to update it to suit 4.x, working from the examples that came with it.
I don't recall details, but I'm quite sure that there are variable settings
that will cause this behavior.
You might first try one of the generic sample config files that came with
your new version, just to see if it'll start up properly.  Then try
modifying one variable at a time, restarting after each.

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Re: InnoDB backup - the best way.

2003-05-29 Thread Chris Tucker
Alternatively, use InnoDB Hot Backup:
This will let you take a real-time backup of your InnoDB tables without 
taking the server down.


Rafal Jank wrote:
Dnia Wed, 28 May 2003 12:57:59 +0200
Jarek Jarzebowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] zezna/a co nastpuje:


I have MySQL 4.0.12 working on Debian Linux box. DB server uses MYISAM 
and InnoDB tables. MySQL docs shows what is the best way to backup 
InnoDB tables but I don't want to shutdown db server every backup time.

I suppose it is not a good idea to just copy database files and innodb 
log files to the safe place because of unwanted rollbacks danger.

What if I use mysqldump to backup databases data, and then I copy innodb 
log files to the safe place? I suppose I should flush tables first.

You can mysqldump InnoDB tables too. Copying InnoDB files (data or redologs)
without shuting down mysql is a bad idea.
You can also use mysql replication if you have spare server and do a cold
backup from it.

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Query log/binlog inconsistency

2003-05-29 Thread Chris Tucker

I'm running into an issue on MySQL 4.0.12 (not tested on other releases) using 
an InnoDB table type, where an update query is getting written to the query log 
but never being propogated as far as the binlog.  The query is also not updating 
the DB, though according to the connection layer (PEAR DB) it is affecting rows 
as one would expect.  Running the query through a command line (logged in as the 
same user, from the same box, etc.) works as expected, writing to the query log, 
updating the DB, and then writing to the binlog.

At present it seems the failure to write to the binlog is almost certainly 
because something is failing between the arrival of the query at the DB server 
(as signified by the entry in the query log) and the committing of the data (as 
would be signified by the data being appropriately modified and the binlog being 
written to).

My question is essentially: what could fail between these steps that would:
1) not be reported back to the calling agent
2) not be logged to the db error log
3) not happen when running directly through the MySQL command-line client but 
happen when running through an (admittedly rather questionable) PHP library when 
the queries received by the DB are verifiably the same in every apparent aspect 
(through inspection of the query log).

If anybody has an idea as to what may be happening, or better yet has seen this 
problem and maybe even has a solution, I'd be delighted to hear it.  Further, if 
anyone can provide more details on what happens between the query log being 
written and the bin log being written (a rough process flow of what happens in 
the DB internals) that would be of great help (even if just to improve my 
knowledge of this stuff).

Thanks in advance,
Chris Tucker
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Re: Multi-row insert

2002-09-20 Thread Chris Tucker

 Why don't you use the load data command to import the data in to mysql? 
 I've done this successfully for about 56,000 records. I currently don't 
 have a larger data set, so that is definitely not a limit I hit.

The server I need to load data into is replicated: load data with a
local infile doesn't work across a replicated server on 3.23.x, and I
can't place the file onto the master prior to running the load.  Once we
are able to migrate to 4.0.x that problem will go away and I am planning
to rewrite to use that approach.


 Server uname -a:
 Darwin localhost 5.5 Darwin Kernel Version 5.5: Thu May 30 14:51:26 PDT 
 2002; root:xnu/xnu-201.42.3.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh powerpc
 MacOS 10.1.5
 MySQL version:
 On Thursday, September 19, 2002, at 06:55 PM, Chris Tucker wrote:
  I'm having some trouble with a sizable (but certainly not huge)
  multi-row insert statement.  I can successfully execute the query with
  up to 7365 rows, but any more and it fails
 Brent Baisley
 Systems Architect
 Landover Associates, Inc.
 Search  Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
 p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
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Multi-row insert

2002-09-19 Thread Chris Tucker


I'm having some trouble with a sizable (but certainly not huge)
multi-row insert statement.  I can successfully execute the query with
up to 7365 rows, but any more and it fails (ERROR 2006: MySQL server has
gone away).  More complete info:

Total working query size: 1047426 bytes
wait_timeout variable: 28800
Table type: MyISAM
Columns: 13, including: 4 VARCHAR, 7 INT (varying sizes), 1 TEXT, 1

This fails through the mysql client copy/paste, mysql client using a
piped file (mysql filename), and through Perl DBI.  

Server uname -a:
Linux test-db 2.4.7-10 #1 Thu Sep 6 17:27:27 EDT 2001 i686 unknown

Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)

MySQL version:

I'd be appreciative of any advice regarding limits that may exist on the
amount of data that can be run through a single multi-row insert.  The
easy fix for me right now is to split into multiple multi-row inserts
(splitting at 1000 rows/query seems to be working fine), but I'd rather
get the proper solution or file a bug if need be.


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Re: table creation error with innodb/ sql,query

2002-09-17 Thread Chris Tucker

Using indices will slow down inserts/updates on columns, and will use
some amount of storage space (dependant on the size of the columns
indexed, the number of columns indexed, etc.).  However, they
significantly improve performance when doing lookups in a table, which
is especially important when executing joins (as you will most likely be
doing between two tables tied by a foreign key).  Thus, even if InnoDB
did not require you to have an index on your FK columns (which it
absolutely does), it almost certainly makes sense to have indices there


On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 02:03, kayamboo wrote:
 Thanks a lot Chris
 It worked for me.
 But I refered somewhere , that using excessive index will eat up resources.
 So is it mandatory to use index even if I am not using them for something
 like search?
 Kayamboo Suresh
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Tucker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: kayamboo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 5:35 PM
 Subject: Re: table creation error with innodb/ sql,query
  InnoDB requires that you have an index on both ends of a foreign key
  constraint.  Thus, you need to index the type field of the person
  table.  Change your create statement to:
  CREATE TABLE person(
 dob DATE,
 INDEX (type),
  And you should have no problems (note that if type was not the primary
  key on the relation table you would also have to explicitly declare an
  index for that column).
  On Mon, 2002-09-16 at 22:45, kayamboo wrote:
   Hello experts
   I am trying to create innodb tables with foreign key relations but I get
   error 150 meaning that foregin key constraint can't be established.
   Here are  the statements
   relation(type) ON DELETE CASCADE ) TYPE = INNODB ;
   But if I remove the type = innodb in the second statement, it is
   Then I am using the ALTER TABLE syntax to create innodb tables.
   Any advice to avoid this alter table syntax? Or my create statement is
   Thanks in advance
   Kayamboo Suresh
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Re: UPDATE syntax dummy question...

2002-09-03 Thread Chris Tucker

You need to escape the ' mark in your string.  The query should be:
update vbooth_data set optionText='Not at all, I''m waiting for the
other shoe to drop' where (pollID=34 AND voteID=3);

Note the '' within the string: the first tick escapes the second one. 
If you're more comfortable with C-style escaping, you can use \' instead
(but this isn't so portable).

Also, you shouldn't really be specifying your pollID and voteID as
strings: take out the tick marks around those.  Otherwise you're adding
pointless (albeit small) load for the server to cast the string to an


On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 10:31, Matthias Trevarthan wrote:
 I'm trying to perform an update on a php poll table.
 Here is the table description:
 mysql describe vbooth_data;
 | Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | pollID  | int(11)  |  | | 0   |   |
 | optionText  | char(50) |  | | |   |
 | optionCount | int(11)  |  | | 0   |   |
 | voteID  | int(11)  |  | | 0   |   |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 And here is my update query:
 update vbooth_data set optionText='Not at all, I'm waiting for the other shoe 
 to drop' where (pollID='34' AND voteID='3');
 When I hit Enter, it gives me this prompt:
 And nothing I input will do anything. I end up having to exit with CTRL-C or 
 CTRL-D. I know this is probably a simple syntax issue, but what am I doing 
 wrong?? And what is mysql looking for with that ' prompt? Thanks!
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RE: Allowing a whole class C to access mysql server?

2002-08-26 Thread Chris Tucker

If you don't want to do any username checking (just checking a password)
you can use a blank username.  Easiest way to do this is probably
something along the lines of:
UPDATE mysql.user SET user = '' WHERE user ='temp' AND host =

Then anyone coming from the 192.168.1.* C-class will be able to access
by just specifying a password.  You may have to be a little careful that
using a blank username doesn't kill any other perms you have set up:
read the docs about the order in which things are matched to determine
appropriate user perms.


On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 16:15, Adam Ryan wrote:
 How can I get this to allow access from any user with the correct passwd
 to the main mysql server?  Any user for the 192.168.1% class with a
 correct passwd.  
 It seems I can't have a wildcard for the user statement below?
 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Tucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 6:58 PM
 To: Adam Ryan
 Subject: Re: Allowing a whole class C to access mysql server?
 GRANT SELECT ON db.* TO user@''
 should do the trick: you just specify the IP you want to allow and the
 netmask to apply to it after the /.  You could also use: GRANT SELECT ON
 db.* TO user@'192.168.1.%' as documented in the manual
 (  Documentation on the netmask
 method can be found at
 On Sun, 2002-08-25 at 14:25, Adam Ryan wrote:
  I am trying to have a whole class C access the mysql server on the 
  network.  The class C needs to access many different database names.  
  So adding an entry for each Ip address wouldn't work.  Does anyone 
  know how I can go about this?
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Re: SQL JOIN Challenge - Help Please

2002-08-25 Thread Chris Tucker

Actually, you should be able to get the data in one query: in general,
any time you are doing a restriction on some value being in a set of
values (such as order_id not in some list built from a subselect) you
can rewrite the query using LEFT OUTER JOIN's.  In this case, the
solution would be something like:

  FROM orders o
   INNER JOIN transaction_log t
   ON o.order_id = t.order_id
  AND t.event_log_id = 1
 LEFT OUTER JOIN transaction_log t2
 ON t.order_id = t2.order_id
AND t2.event_log_id = 3
 WHERE t2.order_id IS NULL;

The way this works is to join across the transaction_log table twice:
first, to retrieve all rows that reference the given order and have an
event log id of 1, and second to retrieve all rows that reference the
given order id and have an event log id of 2.  We then restrict to get
only those rows that do not have valid values in the second join's
results (namely, those transactions that have an event id of 1, from the
initial (inner) join, but do not have a corresponding event id of 3,
from the second (outer) join).  

On Sun, 2002-08-25 at 09:43, Brian Moon wrote:
 Ok, I did not make the correlation between what rows you wanted and what the
 data was.  You are not getting this in one query.  It would require a
 sub-select.  However, simple, but possibly slow queries will get it.
 select * from transaction_log where event_log_id=3
 get those back and
 select order_id from transaction_log where order_id not in ({id list})
 The list could be pretty big I guess.
 - Original Message -
 From: Paul Maine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 7:02 AM
 Subject: RE: SQL JOIN Challenge - Help Please
 | This is deceptively simple, and I very much appreciate your suggestion -
 | it doesn't work.  Your suggestion still returns records that I should not
 | see. Once again, there is a one to many relationship between an order_id
 | the order_id in the transaction response table. Please see my original
 | email.
 | Thank you
 | Paul
 | sql query
 | -Original Message-
 | From: Brian Moon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 | Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 12:11 AM
 | To: Paul Maine; MySQL MySQL
 | Subject: Re: SQL JOIN Challenge - Help Please
 | If I read right, this is a pretty basic join so I am assuming that you
 | never done a join in your life.
 | select
 | distinct order.order_id
 | from
 | order
 | inner join
 | transaction_log on
 | order.order_id=transaction_log.order_id and
 | transaction_log.event_log_id  3
 | Brian.
 | - Original Message -
 | From: Paul Maine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2002 7:31 PM
 | Subject: SQL JOIN Challenge - Help Please
 | | I have an order table and a transaction log table. The order table has
 | | order_id and a number of other columns that are not germain to my
 | question.
 | | The transaction log has an order_ID and an event_log_id column. The
 | id
 | | from the order table will have a one to many relationship to the
 | | data in the transaction log table. The event_log_id is an integer that
 | | assumes a value of 1 if the credit card is authorized, a value of 2 if
 | | credit card is denied or some other type of error, and a value of 3 if
 | | credit card is delay captured.
 | |
 | | I need to create a query that would return all of the order.order_ids
 | | are authorized but have not been delayed captured. How can I accomplish
 | this
 | | task?
 | |
 | | Thank You
 | | Paul
 | | sql query
 | |
 | |
 | | -
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Re: Allowing a whole class C to access mysql server?

2002-08-25 Thread Chris Tucker

GRANT SELECT ON db.* TO user@''
should do the trick: you just specify the IP you want to allow and the
netmask to apply to it after the /.  You could also use:
GRANT SELECT ON db.* TO user@'192.168.1.%'
as documented in the manual
(  Documentation on the netmask
method can be found at


On Sun, 2002-08-25 at 14:25, Adam Ryan wrote:
 I am trying to have a whole class C access the mysql server on the
 network.  The class C needs to access many different database names.  So
 adding an entry for each Ip address wouldn't work.  Does anyone know how
 I can go about this?
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