Show table status

2005-08-17 Thread DePhillips, Michael P

Does anyone know where (c-api functions perhaps) SHOW TABLE STATUS
gets its info from?  

Specifically, the new columns added in 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, are they the
result of underlying c-function changes, new functions, or something


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2005-07-17 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
I just upgraded to 4.1.12 from 4.0.22 and my timestamps changed formats to 
%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
So I added the following lime to my my.cnf file
Which is the format I prefer, I  restart the server and my time stamps still 
appear as 
%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
The 'show variables' command now confirms that the format is what I defined in 
the my.cnf but the output of the query does not change...
What am I missing?

RE: datetime/timestamps/4.1.12

2005-07-17 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Nevermind - duh -datetime is not timestamp (oneday I fullfill my promise to 
myself and not work on Sundays when my 'duh' level is a bit higher). 
Sofrom what I gather, the backward compatibility comes in the form of 
adding a +0 (string to int).
This is most inconvenient and annoying.
Any plans on rectifying this, or has anyone found a workaround, or are we left 
to go SIOH (hint OH stands for our hat) :-}

-Original Message- 
From: DePhillips, Michael P 
Sent: Sun 7/17/2005 11:05 AM 
Subject: datetime/timestamps/4.1.12

I just upgraded to 4.1.12 from 4.0.22 and my timestamps changed formats 
%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s 
So I added the following lime to my my.cnf file 
Which is the format I prefer, I  restart the server and my time stamps 
still appear as 
%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s 
The 'show variables' command now confirms that the format is what I 
defined in the my.cnf but the output of the query does not change...

What am I missing? 

dateTime vrs. Timestamp

2005-04-05 Thread DePhillips, Michael P

Am I gaining anything by using a timestamp instead of using dateTime and
calling now(), for example, increased performance, better indexing, etc.
I guess another way to ask this is does the MySQL internals handle a
timestamp more efficiently than a dateTime.


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Replication - Too many master threads -BUG?

2004-06-15 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Hi -

perhaps this is a bug - but I figure I'd try here first in case I'm doing
something wrong.

Master is 4.0.20 - slave connect and replicate fine, HOWEVER, for each
binlog dump a new thread gets created and the old one is NOT released.
Within a couple of days my master sever is flooded and allowing no more

Status of all threads (most recent and old are Has sent all binlog to
slave; waiting for binlog to be updated)

Is it me or should I report a bug?


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Replication died

2004-06-09 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Hello -


I just upgraded my master to 4.0.20  from 3.23.54 (ran the
mysql_fix_privileges script)


My slaves are all 4.0.[16,17,18]



All seems well EXCEPT the Slave_IO_Running will NOT start.



All my slave a stuck at the point prior to the upgrade.


Error logs reveal nothing out of the ordinary.


I'm baffeled, anybody have some insight???





RE: Replication died

2004-06-09 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Never mind...I've fixed it.


 -Original Message-
 From: DePhillips, Michael P
 Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 4:17 PM
 Subject: Replication died
 Hello -
 I just upgraded my master to 4.0.20  from 3.23.54 (ran the
 mysql_fix_privileges script)
 My slaves are all 4.0.[16,17,18]
 All seems well EXCEPT the Slave_IO_Running will NOT start.
 All my slave a stuck at the point prior to the upgrade.
 Error logs reveal nothing out of the ordinary.
 I'm baffeled, anybody have some insight???

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Replication Madness

2004-01-23 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Hi Folks


Every now and again one of my slaves try's to connect to its master via its
ip address as opposed to its dns name.  This causes a problem because the ip
address does not have credentials on the master, therefore, connection
refused -replication ends -databases out of sync- angry users- we all
know the rest.  The switch is random both temporally and machine wise.  Are
there any ideas on why this is happening or what needs to be done to prevent


Perhaps this is a bug and should be reported as such?




RE: Replication Madness

2004-01-23 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Thanks for the reply.

I agree with your first solution but I feel this is very limiting.  I would
like be able to connect with a dns name with assurance that it will succeed.
I think this is a reasonable feature to request.  I have, for example, a DNS
Round Robin used for load sharing.  It is essencial here that the DNS name

For clarity below is the error message I receive when the system goes down.
The connections were made perfectely well with dns prior to the mysterious
switch - I guess the question remains why is it switching?

040119 12:01:16  Slave I/O thread: error reconnecting to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3336': Error: 'Host '' is not
allowed to connect to this MySQL server'  errno: 1130  retry-time: 60
retries: 86400

(Numbers and letter changed intentionally.)

-Original Message-
From: Mikael Fridh
To: DePhillips, Michael P; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 1/23/2004 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Replication Madness

I'm not sure I quite follow you here.

I think you mean that when the slave connects to the master, sometimes
master does not resolve the address the slave has - thus failing because
don't have grants for the slave's IP address..

Generally I think it's a bad idea to be dependent on a dns lookup, the
should be for the proper Ip adress(es) instead.
A name server look up always have the risk of failing (unless it's set
retry endlessly)

You could try a worse solution - put the slave's IP address in the HOSTS
file on the master. That way (IF the OS reads the host file before it
queries a name server) it will always identify the slave's hostname.
But like I said, that's the bad solution I think...


- Original Message - 
From: DePhillips, Michael P [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:00 PM
Subject: Replication Madness

 Hi Folks

 Every now and again one of my slaves try's to connect to its master
 ip address as opposed to its dns name.  This causes a problem because
 address does not have credentials on the master, therefore, connection
 refused -replication ends -databases out of sync- angry users- we
 know the rest.  The switch is random both temporally and machine wise.
 there any ideas on why this is happening or what needs to be done to

 Perhaps this is a bug and should be reported as such?



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new install failure

2003-11-12 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
HI list


When installing mysql 4.16 on debian linux 2.4.20-20.8smp

I get the following errors...



031112 16:05:08  mysqld started

031112 16:05:08  InnoDB: Started

031112 16:05:08  Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Can't find file:
'./mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)

031112 16:05:08  Aborting



host.frm is in mysql/data where it belongs,


any idea why this is happening?



RE: new install failure

2003-11-12 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
That did it thanks Pete

I need to my installs earlier in the day ;)

-Original Message-
From: Peter Lovatt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:44 PM
To: DePhillips, Michael P; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: new install failure

Have you checked permissions - the files should be owned by mysql


-Original Message-
From: DePhillips, Michael P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 November 2003 21:38
Subject: new install failure

HI list

When installing mysql 4.16 on debian linux 2.4.20-20.8smp

I get the following errors...


031112 16:05:08  mysqld started

031112 16:05:08  InnoDB: Started

031112 16:05:08  Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Can't find file:
'./mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)

031112 16:05:08  Aborting


host.frm is in mysql/data where it belongs,

any idea why this is happening?


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Master/Slave Replication

2003-10-18 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Hi List

I'm having trouble start a slave.  All seems to be configured well as per
show slave status, I issue a

mysql slave start;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

and nothing happens, show slave status sill says slave is not running.

Any insght??


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copy database

2003-09-30 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
HI List,


Using version 4.0.15


I'm trying to copy a database. Copy db1 to (new) db2.


So I created db2.


And then tried the following and got the subsequent errors.


# mysqldump --add-drop-table db1 | mysql db2 


ERROR 1064 at line 399: You have an error in your SQL syntax near

  KEY dataID(dataID)

) TYPE=MyISAM' at line 15



# mysqldump --opt db1  | mysql db2 

ERROR 1065 at line 23: Query was empty


Any insight would be very helpful






4.0.13/Solaris9 - 64 bit or 32 bit

2003-08-27 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Hi all,


I'm upgrading a mission critical production server with Solaris 9 and mysql
4.0.13 and was wonder if I should install as 64 bit or 32 bit.


I couldn't find much recent discourse on the subject, perhaps some of you
have some experience, known pit falls, ideas or suggestions


Thanks, I know general questions like this are tougher to answer.



MYI file difference

2003-07-16 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Hi All,


I tarred up the data directory from mirror1 data base - slave. Copied the
tarball to mirror2 with the hopes of rebuilding mirror2 - another slave.
Backed up the data directory from mirror2 into old and untarred mirror1


Then I did a diff -r against another mirror and the diff came back with 


Binary files old/blahblahblah.MYI and data/blahblahblah.MYI differ,


For all the .MYI files.


Any insight as to why these indexes are different?




RE: MYI file difference

2003-07-16 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
To be a bit clearer,

should the MYI index files betweened two slaves of a mirrored database be

I would think they would be identical, right?

-Original Message-
From: DePhillips, Michael P
Sent: 7/16/2003 6:18 PM
Subject: MYI file difference

Hi All,


I tarred up the data directory from mirror1 data base - slave. Copied
tarball to mirror2 with the hopes of rebuilding mirror2 - another slave.
Backed up the data directory from mirror2 into old and untarred mirror1


Then I did a diff -r against another mirror and the diff came back with 


Binary files old/blahblahblah.MYI and data/blahblahblah.MYI differ,


For all the .MYI files.


Any insight as to why these indexes are different?




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create table...checksum = 1

2003-07-08 Thread DePhillips, Michael P
Hey Folks


I'm having a tough time finding any information in the available
documentation about this feature.  Does anyone out there have a bit of
insight as to what exactly it does. 


Docs says MySQL will store a checksum for each row if this is 'on'  - that's
about all I can find. 


Some general questions are:


Where is it stored?

Is it assessable?

How is the checksum verified  between two databases - e.g., in a
master/slave environment?

Which technology is used (MD5 etc.)?


An even more general is, what would be a scenario in which I would use this
feature?  I'm thinking it would be nice to verify data traveling across a
client server environmentbut I may be wrong.


Any insight?


