Re: trouble with group by and similar tables

2008-06-06 Thread Eben

Hi Joerg,

Joerg Bruehe wrote:

Hi Eben, all !

Eben schrieb:

I have the following tables:




I then have the following query:
SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score
FROM table1, table2
WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
AND table2.id1 =

This works fine and returns each record in table1, grouped by id, 
with the sum of scores from table2.  However, when I do this query:

SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score, SUM(table3.score) 
as table3_score

FROM table1, table2, table3
WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
AND table2.id1 =
AND table3.id1 =

The sum'd score values go crazy, reflecting #s that aren't logical.  
Is the issue that table2 and table3 are identical table structures, 
or that I simply don't understand how the group by is really working 

Any advice is appreciated,

Sounds weird, and I have no obvious explanation / don't see anything 
you obviously did wrong.

Please tell us the MySQL version you are using, it might help.

It is MySQL 5.0.22

Could you describe a bit more exact what you mean by "go crazy" ?

An expected resultset from the first query would look something like:

id1   table2_score
1  20

However, if I then add in the join for table3, nevermind adding in the 
SUM statement in the SELECT, it becomes:

id1   table2_score
1  1500

Is it just that from your data you expect different values, do you get 
invalid values, or more than any sum of your values could be, or what ?

The score values go much higher than they should, the numbers should be 
relatively low, i.e. 20 50 etc... instead when both tables are joined 
in, the numbers increase to 1210, 1540, etc...

Do both summed values "go crazy", or does it still work for the table2 
part ?

Both summed values go much higher

I propose to check that a join between table1 and table3 works 
correctly, like that between table1 and table2 does.
(I would like to know whether it is a problem with table3 by itself, 
or with the three-table join.)

The individual joins work fine, so if I just join table2 or table3, I 
get back the expected numbers, it's only when I have both tables joined 
in the statement that it becomes a problem.



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trouble with group by and similar tables

2008-06-05 Thread Eben

I have the following tables:




I then have the following query:
SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score
FROM table1, table2
WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
AND table2.id1 =

This works fine and returns each record in table1, grouped by id, with 
the sum of scores from table2.  However, when I do this query:

SELECT,SUM(table2.score) as table2_score, SUM(table3.score) as 

FROM table1, table2, table3
WHERE table1.some_field = 'value'
AND table2.id1 =
AND table3.id1 =

The sum'd score values go crazy, reflecting #s that aren't logical.  Is 
the issue that table2 and table3 are identical table structures, or that 
I simply don't understand how the group by is really working here...?

Any advice is appreciated,

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help with count in grouped query

2008-01-10 Thread Eben

I have this query:

SELECT,table.field_1,table.field_2,COUNT(table.field_1) as total
FROM table
WHERE MATCH table.field_1 AGAINST ('some text')
GROUP BY table.field_1,table.field_2

which returns aggregate results like:

1, data..., data..., 3
2, data..., data..., 1
3, data..., data..., 5

I want to be able to do count of the total records brought back by this 
query... but since I am using the group by I can't use COUNT() in the 
desired way.  So let's say this query returns 15 records, how might I 
refactor this query so I can just get back one record showing that it 
returned 15 results?

Any suggestions or pointers are appreciated


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help wit query optimization (cont'd)

2008-01-04 Thread Eben

I left something out, the query looks like:
FROM table_2
LEFT JOIN table_1 ON table_2.shared_id = table_1.shared_id
WHERE MATCH table_2.field AGAINST ('value')
AND table_2.current = 1
AND table_2.shared_id IN (SELECT shared_id FROM table_1_view)
LIMIT 0,10

The resultset is paginated on the front end using the 
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS functionality...


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help with query optimization

2008-01-04 Thread Eben


I have a query that has to run on a full text indexed table with many 
millions of records.  I'm trying to figure out some optimizations for 
it.  Here's the general query:

FROM table_2
LEFT JOIN table_1 ON table_2.shared_id = table_1.shared_id
WHERE MATCH table_2.field AGAINST ('value')
AND table_2.current = 1
AND table_2.shared_id IN (SELECT shared_id FROM table_1_view)

Some details:
1. table_1.shared_id and table_2.shared_id are indexed
2. table_2.current is an indexed tinyint
3. table_1_view is derived from a query like:

SELECT shared_id
FROM table_1
WHERE some_field LIKE 'some_value%'

table_1 is a relatively small table i.e. < 100k records
table_2 is massive with > 10 million records

Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated


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mysql crashing on osx 10.3.9

2006-03-18 Thread Eben Goodman
I'm running a dual G5 xserve with OSXS 10.3.9.  Mysql version 4.0.24 
(the version that ships with the OS).  For many months now mysql has 
been stopping/crashing about twice a week.  It's primary purpose in life 
is to provide the database for a minimally used Horde webmail setup.

I've looked at the logs, and can find nothing that offers any indication 
of what is causing it to go down.  I can also attest that it is truly 
dead, it is not present in the process list, and doing mysqladmin ping 
reports that there is no running server. Can anyone suggest additional 
steps for troubleshooting?


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load balacing in a replicated environment

2005-01-21 Thread Eben Goodman
I am considering setting up replication for a loaded database that has 
to perform thousands of heavy selects every day.  I want to have a 
master with one way replication to multiple slaves.  But I also want to 
be able to load balance connections across the multiple slaves.  What 
options exist to enable a web server (apache) and or a web application 
(php/perl) to do load balancing so not all queries are sent to the same 
slave server, but distributed across all available slaves?  One quick 
and dirty idea would be to have a script that manages the database 
connection layer, and based on time of day or something passes a 
different server address through... but there must be sexier ways to 
handle this sort of thing?

any advice is appreciated.
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Re: processes and threads question

2005-01-18 Thread Eben Goodman
I appear to be running kernel 2.4.x
ps -ax only shows one mysqld thread
John McCaskey wrote:
Did you upgrade to a 2.6.x linux kernel as well? Threads get hidden in a
normal ps aux command starting in 2.6 and show as a single process.  If
this is the case do ps aux -L and you will see the threads as well.
On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 13:15 -0500, Eben Goodman wrote:

I used to run mysql 3.x on Redhat, and would on any given day have 
anywhere from 5 to 30 mysqld process/threads going depending on 
traffic.  I upgraded to mysql 4.0.17 on a dedicated redhat box, and now 
it only ever shows 1 mysqld process/thread that uses max cpu and 
consumes a good deal of memory.  This is all fine, but I'd like to 
understand what has changed and why I'm not seeing multiple threads like 
I used to under 3.x?

Any insight is appreciated.

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processes and threads question

2005-01-18 Thread Eben Goodman
I used to run mysql 3.x on Redhat, and would on any given day have 
anywhere from 5 to 30 mysqld process/threads going depending on 
traffic.  I upgraded to mysql 4.0.17 on a dedicated redhat box, and now 
it only ever shows 1 mysqld process/thread that uses max cpu and 
consumes a good deal of memory.  This is all fine, but I'd like to 
understand what has changed and why I'm not seeing multiple threads like 
I used to under 3.x?

Any insight is appreciated.
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Re: Error: 1040 too many connections

2005-01-12 Thread eben
I had the same error for quite some time, the issue seemed to be server
resources not being able to kill off connections quickly enough.  We had a lot
of traffic and some pretty slow queries.  Optimizing the queries bought us some
time, but ultimately we had to upgrade hardware.  This bought us about a year
and we are against the wall again now with the 1040 issue.  We are probably
going to get another server and set up replication. 

I'd be interested to hear anyone elses stories around this issue, it's been
quite a headache for us...


> Hi,
> MySQL 4.0.14
> This may have been queried a lot here.
> We get this error and after re-starting the server
> (MySQL) it seems to go away for a while.
> As per instructions we have changed the max connection
> in the My.ini to 500 (max_connections=500). 
> MySQLAdmin displays connections = 120.
> Is there anything else we can do to deal with this
> issue?
> regards
> ___ 
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query syntax in new mysql query browser

2004-12-09 Thread Eben
I have a sql script that issues a bunch of truncate statements to purge 
a database in development.  The script looks like:

truncate table table_1;
truncate table tabel_2;
truncate table table_3;
and so on...
I can load this script as a single query in the old mysql_front (version 
2.2) GUI and it runs fine.  However the same query loaded into MySQL 
Query Browser fails after the first line.  Is there a way to structure 
the syntax differently so I can run the multiple truncates in one query 
via Qeury Browser?

Any advice is appreciated,
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inserting and displaying unicode characters

2004-11-02 Thread Eben
I'm running mysql 4.1.7 on linux. I recently made the upgrade from 4.0.1 
to 4.1.7 to get the additional character sets support. I have data 
getting inserted that has various unicode characters embedded such as 
the Registered Trademark symbol, and various foreign language characters.

my tables are innodb and I set them to use utf-8, macroman and macce 
character sets, and the unicode characters still display in the browser 
as the incorrect symbols, such as: ‡Ž’—œ Ëéíñô. If I set the browser to 
unicode character encoding, then most of the characters display as black 
diamonds with question marks in them.

I am pretty new to this unicode situation and any suggestions/advice 
would be greatly appreciated.

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lots of connections and RAM

2003-11-18 Thread Eben Goodman
for a server that is configured for 500 to 1000 max_connections, how 
much RAM is recommended to support this?

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Re: storing large integers properly

2003-08-14 Thread Eben Goodman
yes, some do end in 'x' as I just discovered.  Thanks to everyone for 
the input, I have decided to convert to varchar and re-index.  

Keith C. Ivey wrote:

On 5 Aug 2003 at 9:49, Eben Goodman wrote:


The data type of the field I am
storing this info in is a bigint(16) unsigned.  It appears that isbns
that start with 0 are going in as 9 digit numbers, the 0 is being
ignored or stripped.  I have experienced this before with integer data
types ignoring leading 0s.  I'm wondering how to address this?  Should
I change the field to a varchar or char data type?

Yes.  Phone numbers, zip codes, Social Security numbers, etc., are 
generally stored as strings, not integers, since they can have 
leading 0s and you're not going to do calculations on them.  Besides, 
don't some ISBNs end in 'X'?


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storing large integers properly

2003-08-05 Thread Eben Goodman
I am storing book isbn numbers in a table.  isbn numbers are 10 digit 
numbers and many start with 0.  The data type of the field I am storing 
this info in is a bigint(16) unsigned.  It appears that isbns that start 
with 0 are going in as 9 digit numbers, the 0 is being ignored or 
stripped.  I have experienced this before with integer data types 
ignoring leading 0s.  I'm wondering how to address this?  Should I 
change the field to a varchar or char data type?

Any advice is appreciated,

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Re: too many connection error driving me nutz, need advice

2003-07-17 Thread Eben Goodman
This comment confuses me:

I have seem some sites code that actually open multiple connections to the
same database..
If I am using php's mysql_connect() function, then every time a query is 
run this function gets run.  Wouldn't this mean that for every query a 
new "connection" is opened to the same database?  




Suggestion.. make a small script called closeall.php .. basically it has
some code to force closed the mysql connection opened (be sure to run a
close for all openened handles)
I have seem some sites code that actually open multiple connections to the
same database..
Add this file into php.ini under the script_prepend part (gets run after
all other scripts are done) ..  Perhaps something is getting left open/not
closing properly?

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Eben Goodman wrote:


I run a site that gets a fair amount of traffic throughout the day.  For
days at a time the site runs smoothly, and then, at seemingly random
intervals I get the mysql error "Too many connections".  The only
solution for this is to stop the mysql service and restart it.  I
changed the max_connections variable to allow for 300 connections
instead of the default 100.  When I view processes when the error occurs
the process list is totally flooded with mysql processes.
I am using php to establish connections and using the mysql_connect()
function, not mysql_pconnect.  I used to use the pconnect function and
it seemed to produce the Too many connections error more frequently.
I'm at a bit of a loss with this, any tips on how to address this are
greatly appreciated.


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too many connection error driving me nutz, need advice

2003-07-17 Thread Eben Goodman
I run a site that gets a fair amount of traffic throughout the day.  For 
days at a time the site runs smoothly, and then, at seemingly random 
intervals I get the mysql error "Too many connections".  The only 
solution for this is to stop the mysql service and restart it.  I 
changed the max_connections variable to allow for 300 connections 
instead of the default 100.  When I view processes when the error occurs 
the process list is totally flooded with mysql processes.

I am using php to establish connections and using the mysql_connect() 
function, not mysql_pconnect.  I used to use the pconnect function and 
it seemed to produce the Too many connections error more frequently. 
I'm at a bit of a loss with this, any tips on how to address this are 
greatly appreciated.



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too many connections error

2003-07-15 Thread Eben Goodman
I have been getting the following error consistently every few days:

Warning: Too many connections in /path/to/connection.php

I altered the max_connections in my.cnf to allow for 300 connections.  I 
am not using persistent connections with php.  I used to use them but 
got this too many connections error all the time, so I switched to 
non-persistent connections, but they don't seem to be getting killed 
off?  I am using php to connect.

has anyone else dealt with this issue?  Should I perhaps be closing the 
mysql_connect() after running each query?

any advice is appreciated.

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