Distinct max() and separate unique value

2009-10-20 Thread Eric Anderson

I'm trying to formulate a query on a Wordpress database that will give 
me the highest 'object_id' with the highest 'term_taxonomy_id', 
something like:

| max(distinct object_id) | term_taxonomy_id |
|1503 |  127 |
|1494 |  122 |

But I just can't seem to get there?

select max(distinct object_id), term_taxonomy_id from 
wp_term_relationships where term_taxonomy_id IN (122,127) group by 
term_taxonomy_id, object_id order by term_taxonomy_id desc, object_id 

| max(distinct object_id) | term_taxonomy_id |
|1503 |  127 |
|1481 |  127 |
| 300 |  127 |
|1503 |  122 |
|1494 |  122 |
|1470 |  122 |
|1468 |  122 |
|1205 |  122 |
|1062 |  122 |
| 316 |  122 |
| 306 |  122 |
| 228 |  122 |
| 222 |  122 |
| 216 |  122 |
| 211 |  122 |
| 184 |  122 |
| 155 |  122 |
| 149 |  122 |
| 134 |  122 |
| 128 |  122 |
| 124 |  122 |
| 119 |  122 |
| 113 |  122 |
| 109 |  122 |
| 105 |  122 |
|  93 |  122 |
|  91 |  122 |
|  87 |  122 |

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Re: Distinct max() and separate unique value

2009-10-20 Thread Eric Anderson

On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, DaWiz wrote:

I would try:

select max(object_id), term_taxonomy_id
group by term_taxonomy_id
order by term_taxonomy_id;

max(column) returns a single value so distinct is not needed.
The group by and order by should only have columns thaqt are displayed and 
that are not aggregate columns.

You end up with the same object_id.

select max(object_id), term_taxonomy_id from wp_term_relationships where 
term_taxonomy_id IN (122,127) group by term_taxonomy_id order by 

| max(object_id) | term_taxonomy_id |
|   1503 |  122 |
|   1503 |  127 |

I'm trying to formulate a query on a Wordpress database that will give me 
the highest 'object_id' with the highest 'term_taxonomy_id', something 

| max(distinct object_id) | term_taxonomy_id |
|1503 |  127 |
|1494 |  122 |

But I just can't seem to get there?

select max(distinct object_id), term_taxonomy_id from wp_term_relationships 
where term_taxonomy_id IN (122,127) group by term_taxonomy_id, object_id 
order by term_taxonomy_id desc, object_id desc

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Copying tables between databases

2008-10-09 Thread Eric Anderson

I've got two databases Foo and Bar.  Both databases have a table called 
'zoop_t'.  Foo's is the master copy (i.e. the one that gets updated) 
and Bar needs to be updated if/when changes are made.

Currently, I'm mysqldump'ing that table from Foo at midnight via cron 
and feeding it back into Bar via cron.

Is there a way to set up real-time replication of that table?


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 Eric Anderson Mac and Bumble   Bumble Cash
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Re: Replication

2006-10-06 Thread Eric Anderson

replicates only updates that use the specified table in the given 
database.  If any wild cald patterns specified, then match the 
specified database and table name patterns. Tells the slave thread to 
restrict replication to statements where any of the updated tables 
match the specified database and table name patterns.

I tried this, and it's not replicating.

Tells the slave thread not to replicate a statement where any table 
matches the given wildcard pattern.

So to replicate only the merge_t table, try

set-variable= binlog-do-db=DatabaseB
set-variable= replicate-wild-do-table=DatabaseB.merge_t

Except that you can't replicate a MRG table.

to replicate all the tables except  merge_t

set-variable  = binlog-do-db=DatabaseB
set-variable   = replicate-wild-do-table=DatabaseB.%
set-variable  = replicate-wild-ignore-table=DatabaseB.merge_t

Ref:  http://www.mysqlpress.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/replication-options.html

Yes, this works, but as I said in my message, I don't want to replicate 
all the tables, just one.

This DOESN'T work:

set-variable= binlog-do-db=DatabaseB
set-variable= replicate-do-table=DatabaseB.bar_t

Though it should.  I suspect that it's because of the MRG table, but I 
don't know what's wrong or how to fix it.

(I should note this is Mysql 4.1.22)


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 Eric Anderson Mac and Bumble   Bumble Cash
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2006-10-05 Thread Eric Anderson

I'm having a problem with my replication settings in my.cnf.  I know 
it's probably something stupid.

I've got an existing database configured to replicate as follows:

set-variable= binlog-do-db=DatabaseA
set-variable= replicate-do-table=DatabaseA.foo_t

and that replicates that one single table just fine.

I'm trying to replicate a single table from another database:

set-variable= binlog-do-db=DatabaseB
set-variable= replicate-do-table=DatabaseB.bar_t

but nothing gets replicated.  There is a MRG table in DatabaseB though, 
but adding the following:

set-variable= binlog-do-db=DatabaseB
set-variable= replicate-do-table=DatabaseB.bar_t
set-variable= replicate-ignore-table=DatabaseB.merge_t

doesn't help.  The following works though:

set-variable= binlog-do-db=DatabaseB
set-variable= replicate-wild-do-table=DatabaseB.%
set-variable= replicate-ignore-table=DatabaseB.merge_t

but that replicates all tables except for the MRG table and I'd rather 
not replicate all the tables.  Any ideas?


WANT TO MODEL FOR MAC  BUMBLE?  APPLY AT http://casting.macandbumble.com
 Eric Anderson Mac and Bumble   Bumble Cash
  ICQ 3849549   http://www.macandbumble.com  http://www.bumblecash.com
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Re: solaris build mysql from source using gcc

2006-09-01 Thread Eric Anderson

Well if you'd share your specific problem I'm sure someone can help, but
more importantly why are you building from source anyway?  There are
binary builds for most Solaris platforms, including 2.10.

Sorry I meant 10 theremy solaris experience comes from the 'old days' 
before they went and dropped the 2. from the version scheme.

Here's my config.nice for Solaris 2.x on Sparc with gcc:

CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O3 CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS=-O3 -felide-constructors 
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql 
--localstatedir=/usr/local/mysql/data --libexecdir=/usr/local/mysql/bin 
--with-extra-charsets=complex --enable-thread-safe-client --enable-loca
l-infile --disable-shared --without-innodb 

Just in case anyone's curious, here's my config.nice for Solaris 2.x on 
x86 with gcc:

CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -march=pentiumpro CXX=gcc 
CXXFLAGS=-O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors 
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -march=pentiumpro ./configure 
--prefix=/usr/local/mysql --localstatedir=/usr/local/mysql/data 
--libexecdir=/usr/local/mysql/bin --with-extra-charsets=complex 
--with-unix-socket-path=/tmp/mysql.sock --enable-thread-safe-client 
--enable-local-infile --disable-shared --without-innodb 
--with-named-curses-libs=-lncurses --with-client-ldflags=-all-static 

Couple of notes: I build without INNODB and ncurses is installed.  This 
works great... very stable.

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MERGE table problem

2006-08-24 Thread Eric Anderson

I've got a master (Master) with a MERGE table of foo_t (comprising of 
bar_a, bar_b, bar_c) in database 'Igloo'.

There are 5 slaves that replicate the Igloo table, but ignore the 
Igloo.foo_t table.

This setup was working fine.  If the Master server crashed or had a 
prblem for some reason, I could always:


The Master's motherboard failed last night, and after getting the server 
back up, replication seems to be broken.  The LOAD DATA FROM MASTER 
command fails on ALL slaves with:

mysql load data from master\g
ERROR 1188 (HY000): Error from master: 'Can't find file: 'foo_t.MRG' (errno: 2)'

I've myisamchk'd all the tables on the Master server.

I've dropped the 'foo_t' table and recreated it.

Still get the above error on ALL slaves..

It seems to me there's definitely a problem on the Master server but I'm 
just not sure what it is...?

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Slave to multiple masters?

2005-12-28 Thread Eric Anderson

Are there any plans to address multiple masters to a single slave?  I've 
been Googling this and it seems like it's a fairly desired feature.  Or 
has this been addressed in 5.x?

I know you can run multiple mysqld's on the slave, but it could (should) 
be done in a thread on the slave.


 Eric Anderson Mac and Bumble   Bumble Cash
  ICQ 3849549   http://www.macandbumble.com  http://www.bumblecash.com
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Replacted MERGE table?

2005-04-05 Thread Eric Anderson
Here's a question for you guys: is it possible to have a replicated 
table of type MERGE?

Server: WWW1
Table: A.local_table (MASTER)
replicates to:
Table: B.www1 (SLAVE)
Server: WWW2
Table: A.local_table (MASTER)
replicates to:
Table: B.www2 (SLAVE)
where B.www1 and B.www2 are type MERGE?
Then I could a SELECT on the type merge (B.www1,B.www2,etc)?  Possible? 
The more I look at it, the more complicated it looks.  (sigh)

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Date query question

2004-01-10 Thread Eric Anderson

I don't have much experience working with dates in Mysql; I've always
prefered to manage dates in code, so bear with me.

I've got the following definition (yes, no indexes right now):

  datestamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  remote_addr char(16) NOT NULL default '',
  request_uri char(128) NOT NULL default '',
  remote_agent char(32) NOT NULL default '',
  domain char(32) NOT NULL default '',
  http_referer char(128) NOT NULL default '',
  query char(64) NOT NULL default '',
  status int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  spider_type int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

And what I'm looking to be able to do is to be able to sum up totals
based on date, whether it be today, yesterday, last week, last month,

I'm currently using 4.0.14, so I don't have access to certain functions
(like date()), otherwise I'd be able to do something like this:

FROM se_t WHERE date(datestamp)=date_sub(curdate(),interval 7 day)

Is there an easier/cleaner/better way of doing this?  Or should I just
upgrade Mysql?  (how stable is 4.1.x?)

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Very strange problem

2003-11-07 Thread Eric Anderson

A little explaination:

We've got two servers, e450 (3.23.47) and 1U (4.0.14).  These two
machines have a private connection between them ( and

The e450 is the master server, and the 1U has a copy (no replication)
of some basic data, so it can run server-intensive pages.  However, it
needs to connect back to the e450 to insert some data.

Everything runs fine until the e450 does something that blocks other
threads (including the threads that are connecting from the 1U) on the
table 'vip_t'.

Let's say for example that I run a lengthy query on table 'vip_t' which
causes all the other threads to be blocked while that query runs.

The threads connecting from the 1U ( all start to block up
as expected, but when the length query on the e450 stops running, the
threads from the 1U stay blocked, and all NEW threads end up in a
limbo state:

| 726136 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726135 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726134 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726138 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726140 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726142 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726143 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726148 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726149 | nobody   | localhost   | bm   | Sleep  | 11   | 
 | NULL  |
| 726150 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726153 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726158 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726161 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726164 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726170 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726172 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726173 | nobody   | localhost   | bm   | Sleep  | 4| 
 | NULL  |
| 726181 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726185 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726191 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |
| 726201 | unauthenticated user | | NULL | Connect| NULL | 
login| NULL  |

No connections from 1U ( are possible - they just hang, even
the interactive client just hangs.

In order to clear things, I have to shutdown both httpd and mysql on
both machines and restart them.  And on the e450, mysql will not shut
down completely.  'mysqladmin shutdown' just hangs (ostensibly waiting
for the above threads to clear).  I end up flushing everything and
killing both mysql and the starting script.

I'm sure the solution is to upgrade the e450's version of mysql first
because that seems to be where the problem is, but I hate to do it at
gunpoint.  I'm wondering if anyone else has heard/seen any of these

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RE: Very strange problem

2003-11-07 Thread Eric Anderson
 Is anything being logged in the error log?


My 'wait_timeout' was set to 120 seconds, I reduced that down to 60
seconds but I don't think that will help because once it gets stuck in
this blocked thread thing, it never recovers.. any subsequent
connections never actually process, until the max_connections are hit.
It's very strange.. :-/

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This is confusing..?

2003-11-06 Thread Eric Anderson

Given the following table:

CREATE TABLE campaign_t (
  acct_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  site_id tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  ref_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  datestamp char(10) NOT NULL default '',
  raws int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  uniques int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  trial_signups int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  full_signups int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  annual_signups int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (acct_id,site_id,ref_id,datestamp),
  KEY acct_id (acct_id),
  KEY site_id (site_id),
  KEY ref_id (ref_id),
  KEY datestamp (datestamp)

How come it doesn't use the 'datestamp' index on this query:

mysql explain SELECT * FROM campaign_t WHERE datestamp  20041105\g
| table  | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   | Extra  |
| campaign_t | ALL  | datestamp | NULL |NULL | NULL | 438166 | where used |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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RE: This is confusing..?

2003-11-06 Thread Eric Anderson
 Can you send show keys from campaign_t.
 I bet you can solve your problem by running analyze table.

What's the syntax for 'show keys'?


 Eric Anderson - ICQ: 3849549 - San Diego, CA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mac and Bumble   | http://www.macandbumble.com
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIP BumbleCash | http://vip.bumblecash.com
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   do, I'll be right there to borrow money from you! -- Bart Simpson

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Re: This is confusing..?

2003-11-06 Thread Eric Anderson
 Possibly because datestamp and 20041105 have different datatypes.
 There's an implicit data conversion required for the comparison, which
 in some cases prevents use of an index. Try writing '20041105' rather
 than 20041105 and see if that makes a difference.

Nope.. :-/

mysql explain SELECT * FROM campaign_t WHERE datestamp  '20041105'\g
| table  | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   | Extra  |
| campaign_t | ALL  | datestamp | NULL |NULL | NULL | 438473 | where used |

I think someone's onto something though regarding the 'optimize'

The above selection is actually a DELETE, and it results in about a 3%
deletion of the table per day.  This has been running for months (if not
years) with no optimization.  Is it possible that this table is so

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RE: This is confusing..?

2003-11-06 Thread Eric Anderson
 Can you send show keys from campaign_t.
 I bet you can solve your problem by running analyze table.

mysql show index from campaign_t\g
| Table  | Non_unique | Key_name  | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | 
Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Comment |
| campaign_t |  0 | PRIMARY   |1 | acct_id | A |   
 1898 | NULL | NULL   | |
| campaign_t |  0 | PRIMARY   |2 | site_id | A |   
 5621 | NULL | NULL   | |
| campaign_t |  0 | PRIMARY   |3 | ref_id  | A |  
109627 | NULL | NULL   | |
| campaign_t |  0 | PRIMARY   |4 | datestamp   | A |  
438511 | NULL | NULL   | |
| campaign_t |  1 | acct_id   |1 | acct_id | A |   
 1898 | NULL | NULL   | |
| campaign_t |  1 | site_id   |1 | site_id | A |   
   36 | NULL | NULL   | |
| campaign_t |  1 | ref_id|1 | ref_id  | A |   
54813 | NULL | NULL   | |
| campaign_t |  1 | datestamp |1 | datestamp   | A |   
   76 | NULL | NULL   | |

I have no idea how to interpret this..

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Excluding records?

2002-12-19 Thread Eric Anderson

If I've got the following two tables:

CREATE TABLE password_log (
  time_stamp int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  remote_host char(15) NOT NULL default '',
  remote_user char(50) NOT NULL default '',
  status smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (remote_host,remote_user,status),
  KEY time_stamp (time_stamp),
  KEY remote_user (remote_user),
  KEY status (status)

CREATE TABLE exclude_log (
  ip_block char(15) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (ip_block)

# Dumping data for table 'exclude_log'

INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('152.163.188');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('152.163.189');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('152.163.206');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('152.163.207');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('195.93.64');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('195.93.65');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('195.93.66');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('195.93.72');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('195.93.73');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('195.93.74');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('205.188.208');
INSERT INTO exclude_log VALUES ('205.188.209');

And I want a list of everything in the 'password_log' table that doesn't
match up with any entry in the 'exclude_log' table, something along the
lines of:

select remote_user, substring_index(remote_host,'.',3) As ip_subnet from
password_log, exclude_log where remote_user != '-' and status=200 and
substring_index(remote_host,'.',3) != exclude_log.ip_block group by
ip_subnet order by remote_user, ip_subnet\g

| remote_user   | ip_subnet   |
| adamvernau| 207.79.8|
| amos  | 24.53.232   |
| badmilk   | 62.57.227   |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | 80.103.137  |
| beerbomb60| 12.80.11|
| BogusBob  | 65.58.37|
| brendenm123   | 172.190.203 |
| brize | 217.39.73   |
| bruneau   | 195.242.80  |
| chicken   | 24.101.127  |
| cracking  | 213.122.143 |
| DanielNoble   | 172.151.183 |
| DESIO | 204.213.78  |
| diamond   | 4.60.97 |
| dlgeo | 68.42.127   |
| ewing | 195.29.35   |
| fnadeau   | 64.228.196  |
| frogman   | 67.234.8|
| fujerome  | 156.143.132 |
| geno6969  | 65.58.94|
| gravy01   | 81.86.119   |
| iftkharmaan   | 62.255.64   |
| jamesz| 204.186.14  |
| jaysap| 12.235.160  |
| karak | 80.63.120   |
| kevin | 152.163.188 |
| kevin | 152.163.189 |
| kevin | 152.163.201 |
| kjelljanssonx | 213.66.154  |
| ksm70512  | 172.195.152 |
| leinad| 210.120.128 |
| leinad| 66.68.138   |
| lemurs| 24.60.185   |
| leolebr   | 81.48.138   |
| Malakon   | 24.186.21   |
| martisr   | 217.39.29   |
| matglew   | 81.98.84|
| mikeestela| 129.106.169 |
| Mirhos| 80.11.19|
| newyork   | 62.134.74   |
| ordinary3 | 12.37.234   |
| pcomdh| 212.185.249 |
| pp-hosereed   | 24.61.65|
| pp-lobeneath  | 67.82.86|
| prodrifter72  | 66.75.124   |
| RbrtMackay| 81.77.108   |
| revrendpoe| 65.43.0 |
| rockey| 62.64.135   |
| rockey| 80.225.68   |
| stwgolfer | 64.221.53   |
| thebear   | 205.188.208 |
| thebear   | 205.188.209 |
| tooms | 63.225.249  |
| ulyanov   | 12.5.196|
| WHATSUP   | 172.173.81  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 80.143.42   |
| xmartyx   | 68.5.149|
| xym180| 216.41.132  |
| zook10| 213.89.57   |
59 rows in set (0.03 sec)

As you can see, I still end up with records from the 'exclude_log'
table.. ?

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Can someone explain this?

2002-12-05 Thread Eric Anderson

Dec 3rd, 2002

mysql select sum(trial_signups) from campaign_t where datestamp='20021203'\g
| sum(trial_signups) |
| 64 |

Dec 4th, 2002

mysql select sum(trial_signups) from campaign_t where datestamp='20021204'\g
| sum(trial_signups) |
|100 |

And a full detail of Dec 3rd shows the following (CORRECT):

mysql SELECT site_id, sum(raws) As RawHits, sum(uniques) As UniqueHits,
sum(trial_signups) As Sales FROM campaign_t WHERE datestamp =
'20021203' AND datestamp = '20021203' GROUP BY site_id\g
| site_id | RawHits | UniqueHits | Sales |
|   1 |   37171 |  25137 |31 |
|   2 |1645 |   1010 | 0 |
|   3 |8590 |   6353 | 1 |
|   4 | 729 |610 | 0 |
|   5 |   2 |  2 | 0 |
|   6 | 430 |180 | 0 |
|   7 |2280 |   1460 |14 |
|   8 |2680 |   1608 |14 |
|   9 |3310 |   2349 | 1 |
|  10 |   17341 |   7038 | 3 |

Yet the same request for the next day drops a TON of records (FAILED):

mysql SELECT site_id, sum(raws) As RawHits, sum(uniques) As UniqueHits,
sum(trial_signups) As Sales FROM campaign_t WHERE datestamp =
'20021204' AND datestamp = '20021204' GROUP BY site_id\g
| site_id | RawHits | UniqueHits | Sales |
|   1 |6231 |   3672 | 1 |
|   2 | 143 | 96 | 0 |
|   3 | 256 |128 | 0 |
|   4 |  16 | 11 | 0 |
|   6 |   9 |  9 | 0 |
|   7 |  88 | 45 | 2 |
|   8 |1801 |   1055 |11 |
|   9 |2805 |   1979 | 2 |
|  10 |2251 |669 | 0 |

It's JUST the date '20021204'.. the rest of the dates (for the past 4
months) have been working fine.

Any ideas?

The simple fix is to write some code to detect if the start date equals
the end date and modify the query, but why does it work for every other
datestamp?!?  Very weird.


 Eric Anderson Wild Web Amateurs CyberIron Bodybuilding
  ICQ 3849549   http://www.wildwebamateurs.com  http://www.cyberiron.com
 You've got the brain and talent to do anything you want, and when you
   do, I'll be right there to borrow money from you! -- Bart Simpson

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MySQL connect failure

2002-11-18 Thread Eric Anderson

I will occasionally get the following message in some of my cronjobs:

Mysql-connect(database=mb_pw;host=localhost) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL 
server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (146) at /usr/home/members/filter/Filter.exe 
line 15
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (146)

/usr/local/mysql/include/my_base.h defines error #146 as:

my_base.h:#define HA_ERR_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT 146

But I don't lock any of my tables, and it usually happens for two
different databases.  Is there any kind of general locking that might
take place?

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Mysql SELECT question (LEFT JOIN?)

2002-11-14 Thread Eric Anderson

Assume two tables:

CREATE TABLE block_ip (
  datestamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  remote_addr char(15) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (remote_addr),
  KEY datestamp (datestamp)

CREATE TABLE brute_force (
  datestamp int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  remote_addr char(15) NOT NULL default '',
  remote_user char(35) NOT NULL default '',
  KEY remote_addr (remote_addr),
  KEY datestamp (datestamp),
  KEY remote_user (remote_user)

Contents of the 'brute_force' table (remote_addr):

Contents of the 'block_ip' table (remote_addr):

Can someone help me with the query that will select all the
'remote_addr' rows from 'brute_force' that are NOT in the 'block_ip'

Something like:

select brute_force.* from brute_force, block_ip where
brute_force.remote_addr != block_ip.remote_addr

maybe?  I have a feeling it's some sort of left join, and I was never
very good at those.  :-/

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Re: Crashing under high load

2002-08-02 Thread Eric Anderson

 Well, most programs, in my experience, will keep running, even if load
 is 200, they just run slowly since they aren't getting processor load.

How's the memory?  Typically things (especially Mysql) croak if they
bonk on memory - if you're into the swap on high load, you're screwed.


 Eric Anderson Wild Web Amateurs CyberIron Bodybuilding
  ICQ 3849549   http://www.wildwebamateurs.com  http://www.cyberiron.com
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   do, I'll be right there to borrow money from you! -- Bart Simpson

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RE: MySQL hardware concerns

2002-07-30 Thread Eric Anderson

On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Adam Nelson wrote:

 Seems to me like a better architecture might be:

 N apache servers with mysql clients
 1 Master Mysql Server
 1 Slave Mysql Server/admin/backup server

 If you have 5 slave servers (one on each apache server), that would
 cause much more traffic on the internal network than each apache
 machine just being a client and running the queries on the master
 server.  We do the kind of traffic you're talking about with the above
 architecture and it works great (plus you're not administering N+1
 mysql servers with all their security/maintenance issues).

 Having the database totally removed from the internet is definitely

 I highly recommend the DL360 G2 from compaq/HP with dual 1.4Ghz
 processors and 1 GB ram and raid 1 scsi drives.  This machine is more
 expensive than the generic equivalent, but it's 100% worth it.

 If you're looking to double or triple your traffic, you may need to
 think about a dl380 with quad processors (but that's probably overkill

Uhh.. either way, why wouldn't you just double-NIC it (one public NIC,
one private NIC) and run a private network to keep the database off the

And if you '--skip-networking' the mysql slaves aren't exposed to the
Net either (rightly so).

Personally, I think having the data pushed out to the slave servers is
the way to go, since if something happens to the master server (even a
reboot) the slaves will continue to serve pages because of the local


 Eric Anderson Wild Web Amateurs CyberIron Bodybuilding
  ICQ 3849549   http://www.wildwebamateurs.com  http://www.cyberiron.com
 You've got the brain and talent to do anything you want, and when you
   do, I'll be right there to borrow money from you! -- Bart Simpson

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RE: SELECT .. OR from multiple tables

2001-08-15 Thread Eric Anderson

  How about a UNION query...?

 Too bad MySQL doesn't support them yet ;)

 Oops...sorry...I see it is on the TODO list.

 Would a MERGE table not achieve the same result as a UNION query?  It
 appears that a MERGE table acts like a VIEW.

 Eric if your Current and Temporary tables have identical structure, you may
 consider a MERGE table as an option.

Unfortunately, they are not similar.

I appreciate everyone's assistance - I just created two quick SQL
SELECTS testing whether or not the value was in either table and I'm
over it.  As always, I was looking to minimize SQL calls but in this
case it's not a big deal - it's not a high-volume transaction.

Thanks everyone for all your help and suggestions.


  Eric Anderson  Online Net-Entertainment, Inc  CyberIron Bodybuilding
   ICQ 3849549   http://www.on-e.comhttp://www.cyberiron.com

  ..and then my doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much
   if I just kept my finger outta there! -- Ralph Wiggum

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SELECT .. OR from multiple tables

2001-08-14 Thread Eric Anderson

I've got two tables, Current and Temporary, Current has a row with
login='keric', Temporary doesn't.

The following query:

mysql select * from Current, Temporary where Current.login='username'
or Temporary.login='username'
- \g
Empty set (0.01 sec)

obviously doesn't work.  I want to know if that row exists in either
table in one SQL call.  Maybe it's just me today..



  Eric Anderson  Online Net-Entertainment, Inc  CyberIron Bodybuilding
   ICQ 3849549   http://www.on-e.comhttp://www.cyberiron.com

  ..and then my doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much
   if I just kept my finger outta there! -- Ralph Wiggum

 You've got the brain and talent to do anything you want, and when you
   do, I'll be right there to borrow money from you! -- Bart Simpson

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Re: SELECT .. OR from multiple tables

2001-08-14 Thread Eric Anderson

 Your query will work in every case, EXCEPT when either Current or
 Temporary has 0 rows, because then there's nothing to join. I'm not sure
 if doing a join is a clean way of doing this though.

 If you know that Current will never be empty (but temporary might be),
 then this query would work:

 SELECT * FROM current
 LEFT JOIN temporary ON 1=1
 WHERE current.login = 'keric'
 OR temporary.login = 'keric'

 That won't work if Current is empty.

 There's got to be a better way of doing this though... anyone else want to
 take a crack at this problem?

Sorry, the most likely scenario is that neither table has the value, but
either Current or Temporary could have it, though not both at the same

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One-way data transfer

2001-04-04 Thread Eric Anderson

Let's say I've got a database on primary server (cluster1) and
periodically I need to purge data from it to a remote archive database.
What's the best way?  I thought about replication, but I don't want the
data to stick around in the cluster1 database.  Is a dump via SSH the
best/easiest way?

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Mysql and NAS?

2001-01-12 Thread Eric Anderson

I've done quite a bit of searching but I've not run across any
experiences with multiple Mysql servers running on separate computers 
using the same data files off a NAS server.  Anyone?

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