Re: segmentation fault

2001-07-11 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

What is mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz?  Breughel, did you really type that exact 
thing on the command line, because if you did, I believe the instructions 
you followed intended for you to replace the VERSION-OS with your actual 
VERSION and OS.  For example:

gunzip mysql-3.23.39-pc-solaris.tar.gz | tar xvf

Perhaps you could provide an EXACT listing of what you typed, instead of 
one where you just approximate what you typed.  It does look on the surface 
however, assuming that you did type everything correctly, that there is a 
problem with your binary file.  Without more information however, it is 
difficult to say.

And Gerald Clark, why couldn't you have been a little more kind in the way 
you asked for clarification?
And Kris Amy, why couldn't you have been less foul-mouthed in your 
attempting to correct Gerald, and further more, why couldn't you have tried 
to help Breughel (assuming you are able)?

Sheesh people, everyone on here is trying to help others out, and 
WITHOUT CHARGE - IT IS FOR FREE - this is not our job, and nobody, I mean 
nobody is obligated to help anyone at all, so can we please try to stay 
civil, and patient, and treat others like we would like to be treated?

Thank you very much.


At 12:41 AM 7/12/01 +1000, Kris Amy wrote:
Maybe it's about time you stopped being a fuckwit and read the whole message
dip shit.


-Original Message-
From: Gerald Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Breughel Macabuhay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, 12 July 2001 12:36
Subject: Re: segmentation fault

 I really don't believe you downloaded mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz.
 How can anyone help you if you hide what you are doing?
 Breughel Macabuhay wrote:
  I am a just a solaris newbie. I tried installing mySQL
  3.23.39 on solaris 8 (intel). I followed these steps(I
  used GNU tar):
  #groupadd mysql
  #useradd -g mysql mysql
  #cd /usr/local
  #gunzip  /path/to/mysql-VERSION-OS.tar.gz | tar xvf
  #ln -s mysql-VERSION-OS mysql
  #cd mysql
  #chown -R root  /usr/local/mysql
  #chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/data
  #chgrp -R mysql /usr/local/mysql
  #chown -R root /usr/local/mysql/bin
  #bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql 
  And this happened:
  # Starting mysqld daemon with databases from
  Segmentation Fault - core dumped
  010711 16:21:08  mysqld ended
  Can anybody help?
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 Gerald L. Clark
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Re: Problem with count() - URGENT

2001-07-03 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Just to point out, you did not describe t2 in this email, but you have 
redescribed t1 again, and not table t2.

Also, from looking at your query, I can see the following things:  If you 
did not have the where condition checking for the timestamp, then you would 
get the entry for four since there would be no condition to filter it 
out.  You have placed the where clause on a t2 field however, and in the 
case of the extra empty row for the four value which would be added by 
the left join operation, it does NOT match the where clause (since it has 
no timestamp value), and therefore it is not included in the query.  You 
need to change the where clause to return true for any rows that do not 
exist in t2 and which have no timestamp.  If, instread you modify the where 
clause in your query to say:

where t2.t='2001-07-03 15:03:43' OR t2.t IS NULL

I believe you're query would work.

At 04:49 PM 7/3/01 +0200, Ireneusz Piasecki wrote:
I have 2 tables:
1) t1
mysql describe t1;
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id | int(3)  |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| number | varchar(10) | YES  | | NULL||
2 rows in set (0.19 sec)

mysql select * from t1;
| id | number |
|  1 | one|
|  2 | two|
|  3 | three  |
|  4 | four   |
4 rows in set (0.20 sec)

2) t2
mysql describe t1;
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id | int(3)  |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| number | varchar(10) | YES  | | NULL||
2 rows in set (0.19 sec)

mysql select * from t2;
| id | id_t1 | t   |
|  1 | 1 | 2001-07-03 15:03:34 |
|  2 | 1 | 2001-07-03 15:03:34 |
|  3 | 1 | 2001-07-03 15:03:34 |
|  4 | 2 | 2001-07-03 15:03:34 |
|  5 | 3 | 2001-07-03 15:03:34 |
|  6 | 3 | 2001-07-03 15:03:34 |
6 rows in set (0.31 sec)

I make the folowing query:

select t1.number,count(t2.id_t1) from t1 left join t2 on 
where t2.t='01-07-03 15:03:34' group by t1.number;

I see:

| number | count(t2.id_t1)   |
| one|   3 |
| three  |   2 |
| two|   1 |

What happend with column number and value four
What is correct query to have result below, but where clausule must stay:

| number | count(t2.id_t1)   |
| one|   3 |
| three  |   2 |
| two|   1 |
| four|   0 |


Ireneusz Piasecki
KomNet s.c
tel: 0 606 356 235

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Re: Daemon crashing (I'm going nuts here)

2001-06-14 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

The only thing I could suggest is that the version of MYSQL you have is not 
compatible with something else that is running, like PHP perhaps, or even 
the version of Linux/Kernel/C-libraries.  You are experiencing very strange 
problems, and these types of things are typically caused by incompatibility 
issues between different software packages.

At 11:48 AM 6/13/01 -0400, Walker, Brian wrote:
I'm at wits end here, I've been through the documentation multiple times,
asked questions on this list, but I still cannot get this server running.
I've restarted the server and everything.

The only thing I know is that the mysqld daemon crashes when I try to start
it.  I could not have another one running since I couldn't start the thing
to begin with!

Here is what happens:

[root@www /usr]# bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql 
[1] 26103
[root@www /usr]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
010612 08:37:33  mysqld ended

I have to press Ctrl-C to get a prompt back.

Here's what the error log says:

010612 08:17:53  mysqld started
010612  8:17:53  Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: Address already in
010612  8:17:53  Do you already have another mysqld server running on port:
3306 ?
010612  8:17:53  Aborting

010612  8:17:53  /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

010612 08:17:53  mysqld ended

There is nothing using 3306 because I can telnet to it (per the manuals
instruction on this error message)

The one last thing I can think of is that something is outdated on my system
when it comes to glibc and libc versions.  Here is the output from mysqlbug.
Let me know if something catches your eye.

Release:   mysql-3.23.38 (Official MySQL RPM)

 machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: Linux 2.2.14C5 #1 Mon May 8 10:14:32 PDT 2000
i586 unknown
Architecture: i586

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc
GCC: Reading specs from
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)
Compilation info: CC='egcs'  CFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mpentium'
CXX='egcs'  CXXFLAGS='-O6 -fno-omit-frame-pointer \
-felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -mpentium'  LDFLAGS=''
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Apr 27 17:33 /lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  4101836 Sep  5  2000 /lib/
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 20273284 Sep  5  2000 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  178 Sep  5  2000 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure  --disable-shared
--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static --with-client-ldflags=-all-static
eley-db --without-innodb --enable-assembler --with-mysqld-user=mysql
--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --prefix=/ -\
-with-extra-charsets=complex --exec-prefix=/usr --libexecdir=/usr/sbin
--sysconfdir=/etc --datadir=/usr/share --localstatedir=/var/\
lib/mysql --infodir=/usr/info --includedir=/usr/include --mandir=/usr/man
'--with-comment=Official MySQL RPM'

Any ideas?
Brian Walker

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RE: Inserting 307,284 lines. Is this ok?

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

If I'm not mistaken, MySQL can handle millions or even billions of rows, 
and there is no real limit to the number that reside in a single table.  So 
Mike Mike relax, you are using a serious database here, not a little toy :)


At 01:20 PM 6/5/01 -0500, Johnny Withers wrote:
At boot time you can pass a flag to lilo to force
a certian amount of ram..
i think it's something like this:

lilo: linux mem=256

307,000 rows in mysql is easy, mysql can handle
a lot more rows than that.

You shouldn't have any trouble with this amount of data.

Johnny Withers
p. 601.853.0211
c. 601.209.4985

-Original Message-
From: Mike Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: Inserting 307,284 lines. Is this ok?

I was wondering if inserting 307,284 is to much to put
into one table. Can MySQL handle this? Its a 70MEG
File.  I have a 550 with 256MEG ram but it only shows
64.  I don't know how to make it show 256 and running
redhat 6.1. The table has 12 colums and does not have
much data in each record.  My question is should I
break this up into a couple of tables so that each
table will have say 50,000 records and I can just
search through them with dates.
Thanks for any help.

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Re: events that i can trigger on intervals.

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Sure, that is easy.  Just add a column to your room assignment table called 
something like RELEASE_TIME, and put into that column the time you want 
the room to be released.  Then, whenever you want to release rooms, execute 
you mark a status flag, do an update instead of a delete.  Since PHP is 
primarily intended for web applications, it might be better to execute this 
SQL statement via a Perl script that is triggered automatically as a CRON 
job, assuming you are using a real operating system like Unix or Linux.  If 
you are using Windows, then you will have a tougher time since the 
operating system is severely lacking in basic services like true batch 
jobs, powerful scripting languages, etc.  I have been a Windows developer 
ever since 3.0 came out, and I recently got introduced to the wonderful 
world of Linux.  The differences are staggering.  Hope this helps.


At 11:27 PM 6/5/01 +0500, Hasan Niyaz wrote:

I have a room inventory. Clients can block rooms them but I want to 
release them after a specified time if they do not release them
normally via the given link. I want to be able to trigger an event to 
release the rooms after the time limit.
Is there any way I can do this with MySQL or PHP.


ps. I use a PHP interface.

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Re: MAC OS X Server

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Apple has tested MySQL on MAC OS X to the best of my knowledge.  Given that 
MAC OS X is essentially FreeBSD Unix with a pretty wrapping, it makes sense 
that MySQL would work easily.  If someone said MySQL worked on MAC OS 9, or 
older, I would be more cautious.

At 02:42 PM 6/5/01 -0800, Angela Neff wrote:
Below is a link and article sent to me by a Consultant stating that
MySQL works with the brand new MAC OS X Server. Has this indeed been
thoroughly tested by MySQL programmers? I don't want to get one unless
it works like a charm. Also, is there or will there be a MAC My SQL



Apple releases MySQL update
June 4, 2001, 4:25 pm ET

If you're using a Mac configured with Mac OS X Server and MySQL, you
should be aware of a new update in circulation. Apple's Software
Downloads Web site now lists a new update for MySQL. MySQL 3.23.32
is available for download from Apple's site now.

MySQL is a relational database management system developed by MySQL AB.
The software exists as open source code, and is able to run on Mac OS X
Server. In fact, MySQL is included with Mac OS X server, along with many

other applications.

The new update lists Mac OS X Server 10.0.3 as required to run the
software, so make sure you're running the latest version of Mac OS X
Server before downloading the update.

Angela Neff :) (:
Technology Director
St. Matthew's Episcopal Day School
16 Baldwin Avenue
San Mateo, California  94401
   VOICE: 650.342.5436 x214
  FAX: 650.342.4019

Growth is more than anything, a refining of a sense of truthfulness.

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RE: Need help on mysql/php

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Actually you are only exposed if you have not set up Apache to run with 
virtual hosts.  It is not difficult to configure Apache so that a person 
can only see the scripts that are in his/her directory, and is prevented 
from seeing or modifying the scripts in other peoples directories.  Also, 
it is wise to place your DB passwords in a separate small file, and then 
include the file in all your scripts.  You can place the password file in a 
directory that doesn't have any accessibility from anyone on the 
web.  Let's say we have a password file called, and we place 
it in a directory called /var/protected off the root.  Only the webserver 
is set to have permission to access this directory.  The password file 
should look something like this:


Then in all your scripts include the following line:

include ('/var/protected/;


At 08:02 PM 6/5/01 -0500, Paul DuBois wrote:
At 10:37 PM +0100 6/5/01, Jorge Oliveira wrote:
Hi again,

You are right, your username and password will have to be on every PHP
script that needs to use database.

However, you don't have to be afraid because nobody can access the source of
your PHP scripts - unless they are a good hacker!

Actually, anyone else on the Web server host that has permission to
install scripts for the Web server can access the source.

I couldn't tell from the original message whether the Web server is
shared with other people or not, but if you don't have your own
server, you're exposed.

I think you should pay a visit to to understand how PHP
works. Start with the basics and you will see that is reallY VERY simple.

Be cool,

Jorge Oliveira

© - Recursos Online!


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Re: MySQL Port number

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

I would suggest you obtain a book on the subject, or visit and 
read the documents under documentation.  You are asking questions that 
have very large answers.  To get you started, MySQL is accessed over the 
web by using a scripting language like PHP or Perl.


At 07:35 PM 6/5/01 -0700, sanborn wrote:
How is MySQL used over a network?  I assume there is a port involved, and
some kind of transaction server built into mysql?  How do I configure, test
this?  In the several documents I have read so far, I haven't found much on
the subject.  Thanks for your input.

Gene Sanborn

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Re: which the best

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Hands down, your best bet is either Linux versions.  You will get the best 
stability, speed, and cost effectiveness by using these databases.  Stay 
away from Windows for this kind of thing.  I have developed software for 
the Windows platform since it first came out, and have been a software 
engineer for 23 years.  I don't dislike Windows, but for some things it is 
just not as good as a Unix platform, and this is one of those cases.  Linux 
is a superior platform.

At 11:33 AM 6/6/01 +0700, Sommai Fongnamthip wrote:
 I know this is not list for ask about OS, but I wonder to know 
 that which OS you choose for database server in your mind?
 Linux Red Hat 7.1
 Linux Mandrake 8.0
 Windows NT 4.0
 Windows 2000 Server
 or anything else from these OS!

Sommai Fongnamthip

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Re: MySQL with perl

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

You need to have your script operate in different modes.  You do this by 
passing an argument when you call your script to tell the script what it is 
supposed to do.  So in this case, if the script is called with out any 
arguments, it will display the form, as follows:

Then, in your HTML, add a hidden field to your form that provides the 
action you want to do like this:

FIELD TYPE='hidden' NAME='action' VALUE='1'

Now, when you enter the Perl script again, and you extract the parameters, 
you will have a parameter called action that has a value of 1.  Do a 
conditional test for this value, and if the value is not assigned, as in 
the original case, just display the form.  If the action is set to 1, do 
your database update, and then show the form again with the new values.  If 
the user hits the reload button, the page will reload, but the action will 
not be set causing the page to show with first doing a reset.  Only if they 
hit the submit button will the hidden variable be passed to the script 
causing the action value to be set.  Hope this helps.  BTW, all this stuff 
you are wanting to do is MUCH MUCH MUCH easier in PHP which is quite Perl 
like is some respects, but is so much easier and more efficient, and it 
works GREAT with MySQL because is has a bunch of MySQL functions built 
in.  Most top web applications these days are developed around what is 
called LAMP, which stands for Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP.  This is the winning 


At 01:42 AM 6/6/01 -0500, Dawn H wrote:
I've written a couple of scripts and have a thing that I haven't quite
figured out. If anyone can shed light on this, I'd appreciate it.

When a person submits a form that inserts a record into the database, if
they then refresh the page that comes up after the submit, the record will
be submitted a second time.  I suppose this is due to the fact that the
subroutine that is called with the submit contains both the write to
database bit and the view bit. So refreshing causes a repeat of both items.

How can I do this without that problem?

Thanks in advance,
Dawn H
It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry. --Joe Moore - RD Computer Solutions - - Cornucopia

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Re: MySQL with perl

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Cindy, read my reply to this.  You are mistaken.  There is actually a way 
to make a single script do all kinds of different operations.  I have 
single scripts that show a list of records, add a new record, update a 
record, and delete a record, all in the same script.  This is more 
efficient to do because if the webserver is configured correctly, it will 
cache the script thereby preventing re-compilation of the script code.


At 12:18 AM 6/6/01 -0700, Cindy wrote:

Dawn H writes:
  I've written a couple of scripts and have a thing that I haven't quite
  figured out. If anyone can shed light on this, I'd appreciate it.
  When a person submits a form that inserts a record into the database, if
  they then refresh the page that comes up after the submit, the record will
  be submitted a second time.  I suppose this is due to the fact that the
  subroutine that is called with the submit contains both the write to
  database bit and the view bit. So refreshing causes a repeat of both items.
  How can I do this without that problem?

I was finally forced to add a check that there wasn't already an
identical record (using a minimum comparison set of fields) before
inserting the record.  There really isn't any way to prevent dingbats
from refreshing, so...  I CYA by emailing a copy of the record/element
values to myself when I refuse to add it in, but I havne't had any
spurious refusals so far.


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Re: Log file size

2001-06-06 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Look into the Linux logrotate daemon.  It allows you to configure what 
happens with logs.

At 06:44 AM 6/6/01 -0400, Peter Billson wrote:
I'm running mySQL on Linux and was wondering is there a way to limit the
maximum log file size?

   From time to time I have written a bad script that will query mySQL in
a loop (BTW - mySQL can do *lots* of queries/second!) without me
realizing my mistake until I run out of room on my log partition which
causes all kinds of Bad things to happen.
   I don't want to reduce the log detail, because normally my logs are
just fine, just would like to be able to suspend logging when there is
only x% of disk space left.

ELB Internet Services, Inc.
Web Design, Computer Consulting, Internet Hosting

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Re: Question for a MYSQL expert (I assume this list has some)...

2001-06-01 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

Thank you Steve, I appreciate your response :)  I have considered modifying 
MySQL to do what I have asked for, but I didn't want to do that until I 
verified it wasn't already available somewhere.  I'll bet this feature is 
something that others would be interested in as well.

On the note of what eBay and others are using, do you have a suggestion of 
a database that would do what we are wanting, and also be as efficient as 
MySQL is?  I really like MySQL's many features like regular expressions in 
queries, the fact that you can easily retrieve the auto-increment value 
that was used on an INSERT (not an easy task on others DBs I have used), 
and many other features.

Perhaps an open-source project to add shared DB capabilities would be 
something worth starting.  I myself am a C++ developer with over 23 years 
experience, so maybe I can join with some others who are interested, and we 
can start a project.  If anyone on this list would be interested in 
discussing the possibilities of joining in such an effort, please let me know.


At 11:47 AM 6/1/01 -0600, Steve Ruby wrote:
Kenneth Kopelson wrote:

  So, how do we get support in MySQL so that multiple instances of the mysqld
  daemon running on separate machines can all access the same database files
  located on a central server?  I can see how the file system of the central
  database server could be exported through NFS (or something similar) so
  that all the machines in the cluster can access the database files.  I also
  imagine the daemons would need to have some sort of locking mechanism to
  avoid stepping on each other.

Also... MySQL is open source, so the easiest way to get support for a
it doesn't have is to get together a group of people to write it.

I would start with InnoDB format tables since table level locking would
kill you on a such a large distributed environment.

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Question concerning SHARED DATABASE

2001-05-31 Thread Kenneth Kopelson

I have need for multiple servers to share the same database files.  We are 
implementing a site that will have hundreds of thousands of users at the 
same time, so we need a large pool of Linux servers that are 
load-balanced.  Then, all these servers, each of which will run Apache and 
MySQL (or another database if MySQL just can't handle the load), needs to 
access the single large RAID disk array through a giga-bit network connection.

Certainly, this is not uncommon, as any large database driven website needs 
to have a similar setup (like eBay, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, etc.).  The 
servers need to be setup in a cluster to provide the required 
high-availability.  Also, replication will NOT work, as we need changes to 
the database to be immediately available to everyone else, and managing 100 
or more replicated databases would be a nightmare.

So, how do we get support in MySQL so that multiple instances of the mysqld 
daemon running on separate machines can all access the same database files 
located on a central server?  I can see how the file system of the central 
database server could be exported through NFS (or something similar) so 
that all the machines in the cluster can access the database files.  I also 
imagine the daemons would need to have some sort of locking mechanism to 
avoid stepping on each other.

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


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