Re: How to Use Cascade Delete Properly

2009-01-02 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Ian Simpson wrote:

If you want deletes to be blocked, then you shouldn't be using ON DELETE
CASCADE; the default behaviour is ON DELETE CONSTRAIN, which seems to be
what you want; it will refuse to delete any rows that are depended on by
rows in other tables.

Wouldn't that be:

ALTER TABLE `jobsearchtwodb`.`jobposts` ADD CONSTRAINT `adsourcefk` 
FOREIGN KEY `adsourcefk` (`adsource_id`)

   REFERENCES `adsource` (`adsource_id`)


Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
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because he belongs to this or that race he will be advanced in life 
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How to Use Cascade Delete Properly

2009-01-01 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno
I'm trying to understand how to use cascade delete properly but not sure 
if I have this backwards or not.  Here's an example: 

I have two tables:

mysql describe adsource;
| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| adsource_id | varchar(35)  | NO   | PRI | NULL|   | 
| company_id  | varchar(35)  | YES  | MUL | NULL|   | 
| location| varchar(50)  | YES  | | NULL|   | 
| url | varchar(200) | YES  | | NULL|   | 

mysql describe jobposts;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| jobpost_id   | varchar(35)  | NO   | PRI | NULL|   | 
| company_id   | varchar(35)  | NO   | MUL | NULL|   | 
| details  | text | YES  | | NULL|   | 
| job_title| varchar(50)  | YES  | | NULL|   | 
| postdate | date | YES  | | NULL|   | 
| salary   | decimal(5,2) | YES  | | NULL|   | 
| deadlinedate | date | YES  | | NULL|   | 
| adsource_id  | varchar(35)  | YES  | MUL | NULL|   | 

For jobposts; I have adsourcefk referencing adsource.adsource_id with 
cascade delete set. For adsource, I have companyfk referencing 
company.company_id with cascade delete set.

Now, say I have three jobposts records that have one referenced adsource 
record.  If I delete one jobposts record, there now remains two jobposts 
records.  If I delete the adsource record, the two jobposts records get 
deleted. I don't want this happening. 

What I want to have happen is: if I try to delete an adsource record and 
there are jobposts records containing that id as foreign key, I want the 
delete to NOT happen.  I can't use triggers because for some reason I 
can't get the triggers working properly.  Is there any way I can do this 
on the database side without having to write code in the application 
code I'm working on?

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
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because he belongs to this or that race he will be advanced in life 
regardless of his own merits or efforts. - Booker T. Washington

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Trying to Create a Trigger

2008-12-05 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno
I'm trying to create a trigger (5.0.45) and I've read the documentation 
at  I keep getting a syntax error, but can't figure out what 
the error is.  Here's the trigger I'm trying to create:

delimiter //
create trigger jobposts_control
 before delete on jobposts for each row
   declare dummy varchar(255);
   set @counted = (
   select count(ad.adsource_id)
   from adsource ad, jobposts jp
   where ad.adsource_id = jp.adsource_id
   and old.jobpost_id = jp.jobpost_id
   if @counted = 1 then SET dummy = Cannot delete this record end if;
end //
delimiter ;

When I run the set query without the and old.jobpost_id line, it runs 
correctly.  So the syntax problem is elsewhere, but where?

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
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and the first of that which comes; so with present time. - Leonardo da Vinci 

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Re: Trying to Create a Trigger

2008-12-05 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

David Giragosian wrote:

I'm no expert, but 'old' is a table, I'm guessing, and it isn't 
referenced in the 'from' clause of the query.
could it be that simple...? 


No . . . 'old' is a virtual table that is the same as the table I'm 
doing work on.  See  What I 
need to do is check if jobposts record has jobposts.adsource_id (foreign 
key) which still exists in adsource table (primary key).  If adsource 
record still exists, then do not proceed with deleting jobpost record - 
that's what I'm trying to do and thus is what this trigger is supposed 
to do.

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed
and the first of that which comes; so with present time. - Leonardo da Vinci 

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Re: Trying to Create a Trigger

2008-12-05 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Jim Lyons wrote:

can you not use referential integrity for this - assuming the tables are or
can be made to be innodb?

The tables are myISAM.  These could be changed to innodb but I want to 
see if i can get this trigger work.

Does the jobposts table have a jobpost_id field, or is it just id?  Maybe

Yes.  Jobpost_id.  No, not a typo.  It's primary key, 
jobposts.adsource_id is foreign key while adsource.adsource_id is 
primary key.

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed
and the first of that which comes; so with present time. - Leonardo da Vinci 

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Re: Trying to Create a Trigger

2008-12-05 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Martijn Tonies wrote:

What is the exact error message?

Here's the latest query:

delimiter //
create trigger jobposts_control
 before delete on jobposts for each row
   declare dummy varchar(255);
   set @counted = (
   select count(ad.adsource_id)
   from adsource ad, jobposts jp
   where ad.adsource_id = jp.adsource_id
   and old.jobpost_id = jp.jobpost_id
   if @counted = 1 then SET dummy = Cannot delete this record; end if;
end //
delimiter ;

Here's the error message:

ERROR: Unknown column 'old.jobpost_id' in 'where clause'

= set @counted = (
   select count(ad.adsource_id)

  from adsource ad, jobposts jp
   where ad.adsource_id
= jp.adsource_id
   and old.jobpost_id = jp.jobpost_id


It looks like I can't do what I want to do . . . get the jobpost_id to 
check jobpost and adsource tables BEFORE proceeding to delete the 
record.  If so, what's the best way to do this?

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed
and the first of that which comes; so with present time. - Leonardo da Vinci 

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Re: Trying to Create a Trigger

2008-12-05 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Martijn Tonies wrote:


What is the exact error message?

Here's the latest query:

delimiter //
create trigger jobposts_control
 before delete on jobposts for each row
   declare dummy varchar(255);
   set @counted = (
   select count(ad.adsource_id)
   from adsource ad, jobposts jp
   where ad.adsource_id = jp.adsource_id
   and old.jobpost_id = jp.jobpost_id
   if @counted = 1 then SET dummy = Cannot delete this record; end 

end //
delimiter ;

Here's the error message:

ERROR: Unknown column 'old.jobpost_id' in 'where clause'

Works fine here (although with different tables).

Just for fun and giggles, have you tried OLD. (uppercase?)

Okay . . . I tried OLD. 

delimiter //
create trigger jobposts_control
 before delete on jobposts for each row
   declare dummy varchar(255);
   set @counted = (
   select count(ad.adsource_id)
   from adsource ad, jobposts jp
   where ad.adsource_id = jp.adsource_id
   and OLD.jobpost_id = jp.jobpost_id
   if @counted = 1 then SET dummy = 'Cannot delete this record'; end if;
end //

Now I just have this error message:

ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'end //
delimiter' at line 1

Query = end

As a complete sidenote:

It's better to write your JOINs with a JOIN clause and to put your
strings inside single quotes as per SQL standard, double quotes are
really for object names.

Right . . . I'll get the JOIN clause figured out after I figure out 
what's causing the above error message.

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed
and the first of that which comes; so with present time. - Leonardo da Vinci 

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Re: Trying to Create a Trigger

2008-12-05 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Andy Shellam wrote:
I'm guessing it's the first semi-colon in your IF statement.  Does 
this work...?

  if @counted = 1 then SET dummy = 'Cannot delete this record' end if;

Just a guess!


That's not it, unfortunately. 

ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'if @counted = 1 then SET dummy = 'Cannot
delete this record' end if' at line 1

Query = if @counted
= 1 then SET dummy = 'Cannot delete this record' end if

Lola J. Lee Beno - ColdFusion Programmer/Web Designer for Hire | Blog at
In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed
and the first of that which comes; so with present time. - Leonardo da Vinci 

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Re: Date Field Reverting to 0000-00-00 Format

2006-03-27 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Michael Stassen wrote:

So, take a look at yarn_date.txt and let us know.

Yes, you're right . . . there was an extra tab stop.  When I deleted the 
extra tab, the date field were retained successfully.  Thanks!

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Re: Date Field Reverting to 0000-00-00 Format

2006-03-26 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Michael Stassen wrote:

Just a quick reply for now . . .

Ummm, if you delete the numbers to the *left* of the decimal point,
2005-01-15 10:15:42.41837 will turn into .41837, which is still not 
a valid datetime.  You need to delete the numbers to the *right* of the 
decimal point (which I expect you meant), *and* you need to delete the 
decimal point.  Then you'll have a valid datetime (e.g. 2005-01-15 

I meant to say to the *right*, including the decimal point.  I still get 
the date column set to -00-00 when I upload the edited file.

Here's an example of one of the tables where the date was retained 
successfully, with the string to the right of the decimal point being 

1   Cobweb  2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149
2   Lace Weight 2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149
3   Sock2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149

And the CREATE query for this table:

CREATE TABLE StandardWeightType (
   standard_wt_type_id int UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   standard_wt_desc varchar(50) NULL,
   standard_wt_lud  datetime NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (standard_wt_type_id)

select * from standardweighttype:

| standard_wt_type_id | standard_wt_desc | standard_wt_lud |
|   1 | Cobweb   | 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   2 | Lace Weight  | 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   3 | Sock | 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   4 | Fingering| 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   5 | Baby | 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   6 | Sport| 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   7 | Double Knitting  | 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   8 | Worsted  | 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |
|   9 | Aran | 2005-01-13 15:21:50 |

I'm not sure why it worked for this table and not the Yarn table.

I'll try out the proposed solutions later today.  I do need to be able 
to use the date column since I will be inserting new records into the 
database via a web application that I will be developing; I am moving 
the data over from a PostgreSQL database which I'd developed earlier 
since I've decided to concentrate on MySQL for the time being.

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Loading Data File into Database Table

2006-03-25 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno
I'm trying to import a set of data into a database (MySQL 5.0.17-max). 
Here's the query that I tried to run:

LOAD DATA INFILE `standardwttype.txt`
INTO TABLE StandardWeightType
(standard_wt_type_id, standard_wt_desc, standard_wt_lud);

And here's a sample of the data that I'm trying to load:

1   Cobweb  2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149
2   Lace Weight 2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149
3   Sock2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149
4   Fingering   2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149
5   Baby2005-01-13 15:21:50.654149

There is a tab between each field, and each line terminates with \r, I 
believe (I use OSX).

I keep getting an error message:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near 'standardwttype.txt`

I've tried running just the first two line of the query and gotten an 
error message.  I checked the online manual to make sure my syntax is 
correct, and checked The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5.

How do I make this work?

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Re: Loading Data File into Database Table

2006-03-25 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Peter Brawley wrote:

 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near 'standardwttype.txt`

Use single quotes not (dreaded) backticks.

This seems to have fixed one problem.  Now, I have another problem:

ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of 
(Errcode: 13)

Here's the modified query (once I figured that I needed to specify the 
exact path where the file is located):


INTO TABLE StandardWeightType
(standard_wt_type_id, standard_wt_desc, standard_wt_lud);

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Re: Loading Data File into Database Table

2006-03-25 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Lola J. Lee Beno wrote:

ERROR 13 (HY000): Can't get stat of 
(Errcode: 13)

Never mind . . . I figured that I needed to add LOCAL to the query. 
Should have gone back to the manual page for LOAD DATA.

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Date Field Reverting to 0000-00-00 Format

2006-03-25 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno
I have a bunch of data where one of the columns is a date field.  Here's 
a sample of the data that I have:

1   4   14  150 1   0   0   0   1   
0   2005-01-15 10:15:42.41837
2   8   15  120 1   0   0   0   2   
0   2005-01-15 10:22:37.756594
3   6   16  350 2   0   0   0   4   
0   2005-01-15 10:27:26.559838

When I run this query:


(yarn_id, standard_wt_type_id, brand_id, yarn_yardage, mfr_id, 
yarn_meters, yarn_putup, yarn_wt_g, yarn_wt_oz, yarn_discontinued_flg, 

The dates all get set to:

-00-00 00:00:00

As you can see:

|   1 |   4 |14 |   150 |   1 |   0 | 0|   0 |   1 |0 | 
-00-00 00:00:00 |
|   2 |   8 |15 |   120 |   1 |   0 | 0|   0 |   2 |0 | 
-00-00 00:00:00 |
|   3 |   6 |16 |   350 |   2 |   0 | 0|   0 |   4 |0 | 
-00-00 00:00:00 |

(I've deleted as many spaces as I could so as to make this more readable.)

When I delete the numbers to the left of the decimal point in the date 
field in yarn_date.txt, it still gets set to the above format.  I tried 
setting the yarn_lud column to NULL and still the same thing.

Here is the query that creates this table:

   standard_wt_type_id int UNSIGNED NULL,
   brand_idint UNSIGNED NULL,
   yarn_yardage int NULL,
   mfr_id  int UNSIGNED NULL,
   yarn_meters  int NULL,
   yarn_putup   varchar(35) NULL,
   yarn_wt_gint NULL,
   yarn_wt_oz   int NULL,
   yarn_discontinued_flg tinyint NULL,
   yarn_lud datetime NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (yarn_id),
   CONSTRAINT `fk_yarn_brandid` FOREIGN KEY (brand_id)
 REFERENCES Brand (brand_id),
   CONSTRAINT `fk_yarn_mfrid` FOREIGN KEY (mfr_id)
 REFERENCES Manufacturer (mfr_id),
   CONSTRAINT `fk_yarn_stwgttypid` FOREIGN KEY (standard_wt_type_id)
 REFERENCES StandardWeightType 


The odd thing is that I have three tables with a column for the date and 
the dates are retained properly.  What could be causing the dates to be 
converted to the -00-00 format automatically?

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Can't Create Foreign Key Constraints

2006-02-07 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno
I'm trying to create foreign key constraints and keep getting an error 
message 1005 (I did look it up, but didn't see an obvious solution to 
fixing this for my database).

The version I'm using is 5.0.17-max.  I used Mysql WorkBench to create 
the database schema and had it generate the sql script.

I created a table as such:

CREATE TABLE `ows`.`FilmsRatings` (
  `Rating` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`RatingID`)
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

Then, I created another table as such:

CREATE TABLE `ows`.`Films` (
  `MovieTitle` TEXT NULL,
  `PitchText` TEXT NULL,
  `AmountBudgeted` DECIMAL(11, 0) NULL,
  `RatingID` INT(11) NULL,
  `Summary` LONGTEXT NULL,
  `ImageName` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
  `DateInTheaters` DATETIME NULL,
  CONSTRAINT `FK_RatingID` FOREIGN KEY `RatingID` (`(not null)`)
REFERENCES `ows`.`FilmsRatings` (`RatingID`)
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

And got this following error message:

ERROR 1072 (42000): Key column '(not null)' doesn't exist in table

I tried again, this time deleting the CONSTRAINTs details.  Then I tried 
to alter the table as such:

mysql alter table films
- add constraint fk_films_ratings
- foreign key (RatingID) references FilmsRatings (RatingID);

Which produced this error message:

ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table './ows/#sql-a8_11.frm' (errno: 150)
mysql drop table films;

This database is being run with InnoDB engine, so I should be able to 
create the foreign key constraints.  So why is this happening?

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Re: Can't Create Foreign Key Constraints

2006-02-07 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Michael Stassen wrote:

1) I'm not sure what you are intending with (`(not null)`) in the 
middle of your foreign key definition, but that isn't valid mysql 
syntax.  See the manual for the correct syntax 

This is from the script that was generated using Mysql Workbench, 
1.0.3-alpha. I tried it with (null) and (not null); neither worked.

2) In FilmsRatings, RatingID is defined as INT UNSIGNED, but in Films it 
is an INT.  The manual says

I then modified the query as such:

CREATE TABLE `ows`.`Films` (
  `MovieTitle` TEXT NULL,
  `PitchText` TEXT NULL,
  `AmountBudgeted` DECIMAL(11, 0) NULL,
  `Summary` LONGTEXT NULL,
  `ImageName` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
  `DateInTheaters` DATETIME NULL,
  CONSTRAINT `FK_RatingID` FOREIGN KEY `RatingID` (`(not null)`)
REFERENCES `ows`.`FilmsRatings` (`RatingID`)
CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

No dice.

3) Again quoting the manual, You can use SHOW ENGINE INNODB  STATUS to 
display a detailed explanation of the most  recent InnoDB foreign key 
error in the  server.

Which gives me:


060207  8:33:49 Error in foreign key constraint of table ows/#sql-a8_11:

foreign key (RatingID) references FilmsRatings (RatingID):
Cannot find an index in the referenced table where the
referenced columns appear as the first columns, or column types
in the table and the referenced table do not match for constraint.
Note that the internal storage type of ENUM and SET changed in
tables created with = InnoDB-4.1.12, and such columns in old tables
cannot be referenced by such columns in new tables.
for correct foreign key definition.

Which leads me back to the same URL that you gave me.  so, it looks like 
I should create an index for FilmsRatings first, and then create the 
table Films - is that correct?

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Re: Can't Create Foreign Key Constraints

2006-02-07 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Peter Brawley wrote:


/And got this following error message:

 ERROR 1072 (42000): Key column '(not null)' doesn't exist in table
Yes, it's telling you what;s wrong: to define a constraint on a key, the 
table def must first define the key.

Looking over the script again, RatingID is being defined, first in 
FilmsRatings which I ran to create this table and then in Films, the 
create table script which didn't work.

How do I make the table def first define the key explicitly?  Or am I 
missing something obvious?

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Re: Can't Create Foreign Key Constraints

2006-02-07 Thread Lola J. Lee Beno

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


The query which is works is:

Thanks - just what I needed.  Looks like I'll need to be extra careful 
with sql scripts generated from Mysql Workbench, which is still alpha 
right now.

Lola - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Blog at
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