RE: io thread very slow copying binlogs

2017-01-20 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Brad,

> MySQL community edition 5.6.29, running Linux.
> Binlogs never seem to get caught up on slaves.
> I've done all I can, to validate that this isn't network or disk related.
> Disk tests (using iostat and other methods) show lots of bandwidth left on
> the slave and master.
> Network tests, such as:
> - using scp to copy binlogs directly
> - using different NICs to copy binlogs
> - using mysqlbinlog to snag logs (the most 'real' way I can think to
>   simulate the replication thread copying binlogs from the master)
> All seem to show that network speed is blazingly fast.
> Yet, MySQL is barely getting 4mbit/sec across the network, and onto the
> And that's on a good day.
> Any immediate suggestions here?  This seems very weird, and SQL thread is
> constantly running out of stuff to process.

Networking is not my strong-suit, but I have a suggestion:

Try lowering slave-net-timeout

I remember that we lowered the default in MySQL 5.7 (from 1hr to 60 seconds)
so that the connection between master/slave would be considered broken
faster.  If you have the throughput on a graph it might better explain if it
is a constant 4mbit/sec or more broken.

- Morgan

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Re: MySQL 5.7 Innodb performans issue

2015-05-21 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Jørn,

 Found this after I found out what caused it:
 I suspect that this also apply to ext4, or?

I would go more specific and say that sync_binlog=1 does not play well with 
single-threaded workloads.

MySQL 5.6 and above can group commit to the binary log (reducing a lot of IO if 
transactions arrive at the same time).  I have an explanation on how it works 
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Re: MySQL 5.7 Innodb performans issue

2015-05-20 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Jørn,

 - The data collector system processing jobs, is it multi threaded?
 Sorry, forgot about that. No, it is not multi threaded. It is a PHP bases 
 system using several 
 script running sequently in an infinite loop. Each script taking care of part 
 of the job of 
 processing the data.

Newer MySQL releases are often more scalable (= works better for multi-threaded 

On a single threaded basis though, as functionality is added it is difficult to 
always keep the same performance numbers.  When you mentioned that there was a 
regression in 5.6 as well, it might be interesting to compare to the most 
recent 5.6.  There were some single-threaded regression fixes after the GA 

 - Do you have a sample schema + set of queries we could look at?
 (We pay close attention to regressions.)
 This will be BIG, since it it so many different queries and tables.
 Not sure what you mean by We pay close attention to regressions”.

Bugs that introduce a loss of performance have a higher priority factor applied 
to them.  We are very interested to hear clear cases where an operation takes 
more time in MySQL 5.7 versus earlier releases.

 In terms of your configuration:
 I would usually recommend assuming the default values for some of the
 settings you’ve specified (table_open_cache, sort_buffer_size,
 thread_cache_size, innodb_log_buffer_size, innodb_thread_concurrency..).  
 A 25G buffer pool on a 32G server with some of your other buffers being
 quite large is something you may need to look into too.
 I know, but sofare no swapping is taking place. The test server is used for 
 testing this system 
 only. And in 99% of the time, only one client is using the SQL server.

This makes some sense based on your workload being single threaded as well.

It looks from show engine innodb status that your server is just starting up, 
and caches are empty, so versus a 5.5 server that has been running for a while 
it will likely be slower.

What you may be able to do to track a specific set of statements that take 
longer in 5.7, is convert a mysqlbinlog to sql (mysqlbinlog mybinlogfile  
output.sql) and replay it on a 5.5 and 5.7 server.  If you can pair it down a 
little from there, then the output.sql file can be uploaded to 
and evaluated.


- Morgan
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Re: MySQL 5.7 Innodb performans issue

2015-05-20 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Jørn,

Wagner’s point about SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS is a good one.  A couple of 
other questions about your workload:

- The data collector system processing jobs, is it multi threaded?

- Do you have a sample schema + set of queries we could look at?
 (We pay close attention to regressions.)

In terms of your configuration:

I would usually recommend assuming the default values for some of the settings 
you’ve specified (table_open_cache, sort_buffer_size, thread_cache_size, 
innodb_log_buffer_size, innodb_thread_concurrency..).   A 25G buffer pool on a 
32G server with some of your other buffers being quite large is something you 
may need to look into too.

- Morgan
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Re: Query time taken on disk

2014-07-14 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Satendra,

On Jul 14, 2014, at 3:48 AM, Satendra wrote:

 Hi there, I'm struggling to find the total time taken by a database query
 on the disk? As I understand when a database query start execution it takes
 some time inside the database engine  some time to seek the result from
 disk (if that is not in cache/buffer)
 Can anybody from the group please suggest any clue about the execution time
 on the disk?

I have a performance_schema example demonstrating total IO wait time for a 

To prepare this data non-aggregated (per-query) is always a little bit 
- With select statements there is read ahead.
- With write statements there is redo logging (which is grouped together with 
other statements).

Maybe someone else on the list has better ideas on how to accommodate this?

- Morgan
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2014-06-02 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Jatin,

On Jun 2, 2014, at 7:56 AM, Jatin Davey wrote:

 I found this blog while trying to find a fix for my problem. Thought it might 
 be useful to share.
 Here it is:

To confirm - did you manage to fix your problem?

I was about to comment that it looks like queries generated by an ORM or 
connector.  It looks like from your version string you have an MySQL 
enterprise, may I suggest creating a ticket with support?

Regarding your most recent reply:

 All the SHOW FULL COLUMN queries that we do on the respective tables are 
 very small tables. They hardly cross 50 rows. Hence that is the reason 
 whenever these queries are made i can see high cpu usage in %user_time. If it 
 were very large tables then the cpu would be spending lot of time in waiting 
 for I/O as the databases reads would have to do a lot of I/O to read the data 
 from the disks.

If it helps - I believe performance should be similar with large tables, since 
in the case of big table or small table, what is accessed here should just be 
meta data.

Earlier versions of MySQL could rebuild InnoDB statistics on some SHOW commands 
(I’m not sure about SHOW FULL COLUMN), but this is now disabled by default:

- Morgan
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Re: Performance boost by splitting up large table?

2014-05-14 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Larry,

On May 14, 2014, at 5:05 AM, Larry Martell wrote:

 We have a table with 254 columns in it. 80% of the time, a very small
 subset of these columns are queried. The other columns are rarely, if
 ever, queried. (But they could be at any time, so we do need to
 maintain them.). Would I expect to get a marked performance boost if I
 split my table up into 2 tables, one with the few frequently queried
 columns and another with less frequently queried ones? Doing this will
 require a lot of code changes, so I don't want to go down this path if
 it won't be beneficial. Can folks here offer their experiences and
 learned opinions about this?

There are some advantages to splitting the table.  If we use InnoDB as an 

Storage is row-oriented:
- All those less-needed columns will by stored together in the same page 
(unless text or blob - in which case it can be a pointer to an external page).
- This can consume more memory than required as the less important columns has 
to be loaded with the important columns.

Locking is row-oriented:
- Having a non-normalized structure may mean more contention.
- One transaction is updating one part of a very wide row, another transaction 
is blocked waiting to update a different column.  This might not happen in a 
normalized schema.

- Morgan
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Re: Precedence in WHERE clauses.

2014-03-19 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Christophe,

 Considering the following simple query :
 SELECT * FROM Status WHERE DWProcessed = 0 AND PreviousStatus NOT IN
 Which of these filters are processed first ?
 I'd like the first filter (DWProcessed / Lowest cardinality and indexed)
 being processed first, but I can't really find any useful information
 about this .
 Is there any performance impact on query processing, about the order of
 WHERE clauses ?

When a MySQL server receives a query, it goes through a process called query 
optimization and tries to determine the best way to execute it (based on 
availability of indexes etc).  You can think of this as similar to how GPS 
software picks the fastest route - it is very similar.

The order of the WHERE clause does not matter, and in fact more complicated 
transformations happen in query optimization automatically.  For Example:
SELECT * FROM Status WHERE 1=1 AND DWProcessed = 0;

1=1 is detected as a tautology and removed.
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Re: Precedence in WHERE clauses.

2014-03-19 Thread Morgan Tocker

 The order of the WHERE clause does not matter
 that is simply not true
 otherwise that documentation would not exist

Yes, the order of the columns in composite indexes *does matter*.  This is a 
different question to what Christophe asked.

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Re: SHOW CREATE TABLE suddenly slow on InnoDB?

2014-03-17 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Brad,

 I'm trying to figure out how InnoDB executes a SHOW CREATE TABLE query so I
 can figure out what could possibly have made them suddenly slow down?
 mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE `my_table`;
 1 row in set (37.48 sec)
 We tend to execute many of these statements concurrently, but it's never
 been a problem until recently. I upgraded the IO subsystem, and our
 statistics indicate that it's not maxing out IO (at least IOPS).
 This is problematic because the ORM we're using uses that to figure out the
 structure of our DB...

I am going to guess that it could be contention trying to open the table.  i.e. 
when you run into this issue and run SHOW PROCESSLIST, does it show any threads 
waiting in state “Opening tables”?

(If you can paste a sanitized SHOW PROCESSLIST this helps a lot.)

- Morgan
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Re: SHOW CREATE TABLE suddenly slow on InnoDB?

2014-03-17 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Brad,

 That sounds right. Here's the process list (scrubbed) and the show engine
 innodb status. Notice that all of the SHOW CREATE TABLE aren't for hte same
 table, just got cleaned up that way.

It shouldn't matter if they are for the same or different - in 5.5 there is one 
table open cache “instance” - so only one person can be opening or closing 
tables at a time.

In 5.6 this is configurable to reduce contention:
 We have the defaults for table_definition_cache and table_open_cache (400

I am going to guess and say that you may have a sharded environment with a 
large number of tables?

Another solution that may work, is to increase these caches.  In most cases it 
will work fine, but MPB has also blogged about the exception where you can get 
negative scalability (so many cache misses the cache can’t work effectively):

I’m not sure how up-to-date the edge case issue is.  But hopefully this gives 
you some starting points.

(Others, feel free to chime in!)

- Morgan
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Re: SHOW CREATE TABLE suddenly slow on InnoDB?

2014-03-17 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Brad,

 We actually only have about 60 tables in that database. I've tried increasing 
 the cache and open tables limits and get the same behaviour.

Hmm..  Shawn’s guesses are probably better than mine then.

 A few other tests I've tried:
 1. Stand up a new machine, dump just the schema in to it, and run the test. 
 Performs flawlessly, so it's probably just this machine/snapshot.
 2. Stand up a snapshot of my existing machine, truncate the tables, optimize 
 the truncated tables, and run the test. I get the bad behavior!
 Correct me if I'm wrong but it'd appear that there's just something 
 fundamentally broken this machines' InnoDB ibdata file/data dictionary? All 
 the contention comes out of the dictionary, but I'd expect the optimize to 
 re-write the dictionary entries…

InnoDB data dictionary is always stored in ibdata1 + there is MySQL data 
dictionary stored in .frm files.  I can’t think of a specific reason why 
accessing it could be slower until after a dump and restore.

I believe that Performance Schema could be helpful here.  This is a view that 
will work with 5.5:

(PS is not enabled by default in 5.5, but file IO is instrumented.. you just 
need to turn it on.)

- Morgan
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Re: New to MySQL

2014-03-03 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Asma,

It looks from this error that there is an existing 5.1 installation present.

As well as RPM packages (which can be downloaded from, there is also a yum repo for 
Enterprise Linux 6.

It is available here:

Instructions on upgrading are here:

I actually prefer (and would recommend) the yum repos, since the underlying rpm 
packages are in a newer format.

- Morgan

On Mar 3, 2014, at 1:00 AM, Asma rabe wrote:

 I installed my sql using RPM as follows:
 rpm -i MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
 I got the following errors
 file /usr/share/mysql/czech/errmsg.sys from install of
 MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/mysql/danish/errmsg.sys from install of
 MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/mysql/dutch/errmsg.sys from install of
 MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys from install of
 MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/mysql/estonian/errmsg.sys from install of
 MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/mysql/french/errmsg.sys from install of
 MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/mysql/german/errmsg.sys from install of
 MySQL-server-5.6.16-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package
 When i tested if the server has installed or not
 -bash: bin/mysqlshow: No such file or directory
 Any help is appreciated .
 Best Regards,
 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 1:36 AM, Johan De Meersman vegiv...@tuxera.bewrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Asma rabe
 Subject: Re: New to MySQL
 so,Is it recommended to install RPM bundle which  has  compatlibs, MySQL
 serveretc rather than installing the server only?
 The Server should suffice; the Bundle is merely a convenient way to
 download ALL the RPMs in one go.
 Unhappiness is discouraged and will be corrected with kitten pictures.

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Re: Crash after shutdown/restart

2014-02-18 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Jørn,

 I would say that this sort of performance drop is not typical.  Some
 users have reported a smaller performance loss in single threaded
 workloads in 5.6.
 But dropping from an average of 1800 jobs per minute down to 300? I don't 
 think that should be expected.

I would agree with you here.

 A few weeks ago I stopped the test and restored the initial database starting 
 the test over again. Now the performance was back to 1700 jobs per minute, 
 but it slowly went down as the test ran. Yesterday it was down to 300 per 
 minutes and still (but very slowly) dropped.
 Yesterday I did the following:
 * stopped the test
 * dumped all databases
 * stopped the mysql server 5.6
 * Downloaded 5.5.33-log source and installed it
 * Removed all inodb* and ib_log* files
 * Removed all databases
 * Started and initialized mysql
 * Restored all databases
 * Started the test where I left it.
 After a few hours I could see that the performance was back to normal - 1800 
 2000 jobs per minute. There is no sign of drop in performace so far.
 Please explain.

I want to suspect that there might be a specific query regression (where 5.6 
has introduced a new feature, and you fall in an edge case where it is being 
optimized incorrectly).

The way to deduce this is to run EXPLAIN for key queries in MySQL 5.6 and 5.5, 
and compare for differences:

When you have one, there are a lot of people on the list that would be happy to 
pair this down to a test case, and file a bug.

There is also a switch to disable specific optimizations, so you may have an 
easy work around that would allow you to restore back on 5.6:

- Morgan

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Re: LIKE sql optimization

2014-02-11 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Zhigang,

On Feb 11, 2014, at 8:48 PM, Zhigang Zhang wrote:

 I want to know the reason, in my opinion, to scan the smaller index data has
 better performance than to scan the whole table data. 

I think I understand the question - you are asking why MySQL will not index 
scan, find matching records, and then look them up rather than table scan?

I believe the answer is that there is no way of knowing if 1 row matches, or 
all rows match.  In the worst case (where all rows match), it is much more 
expensive to traverse between index and data rows for-each-record.

So a table scan is a “safe choice / has less variance.
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Re: error - ould be looked up with ./bin/resolveip

2014-02-05 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Érico,

 mac:mysql-5.6.16-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64 ericomtx$ sudo
 scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
 sh: ./bin/my_print_defaults: cannot execute binary file
 FATAL ERROR: Neither host 'mac.local' nor 'localhost' could be looked up
 Please configure the 'hostname' command to return a correct
 If you want to solve this at a later stage, restart this script
 with the --force option
 how my /etc/hosts file should look like so I can fix this ?

The hostname resolving script is used to build the privileges tables.

Here is what I have in /etc/hosts on my OS X laptop:

morgo@Rbook:~$ cat /etc/hosts
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##   localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost   rbook

- Morgan
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Re: MySQL 5.7 release plan/date

2014-02-04 Thread Morgan Tocker
Hi Igor,

 When MySQL 5.7 planned to be released as stable/production ready?

We do not provide planned release dates.

If I can recommend a video to watch about the release process, please watch 
Tomas Ulin’s Percona Live keynote April 2013:

Watch from 4m30 onwards.

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Re: Index Query Tunning

2014-01-29 Thread Morgan Tocker

Hi Anupam,

  are keep on getting deadlock due to index locking, there is index on
FLAG, we can allow phantom read in session 1, we tried with READ
COMMITTED but still same, I think issue with next-key locking.

Did you try setting binlog-format=ROW as well?

I have a brief explanation of this here under 'Write scalability of 
certain statements':

If i do following in SESSION 1 would that help in locking or still it would 
lock index. Any suggestion.




Locks are held for the duration of the transaction, so I don't think it 
will help here.

- Morgan

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Re: Crash after shutdown/restart

2014-01-22 Thread Morgan Tocker

Hi Jørn,

But I must say I'm not very impressed by the speed. I'm running a test on an
application that do a lot of reads and writes queries and the general
performance has dropped to 50% of the what I had in 5.5.20.

I would say that this sort of performance drop is not typical.  Some 
users have reported a smaller performance loss in single threaded 
workloads in 5.6.

It's possible to redeem some of this performance loss by tuning 
Performance Schema, with the caveat that you will lose some visibility 
into diagnostics:

It's not clear from your description if the test is run in 
parallel-threads, but this is something you may want to research.

May I also suggest commenting out/assuming some defaults for some of 
your config settings.  5.6 has much better defaults, and it is always 
better to 'maintain less customization' yourself:

key_buffer_size = 384M
table_open_cache = 512
sort_buffer_size = 2M
read_buffer_size = 2M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 8M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
thread_cache_size = 8
query_cache_size = 32M
thread_concurrency = 14

I also don't typically recommend these settings, but there will be some 
cases when they are warranted:

 innodb_thread_concurrency   = 14
 innodb_support_xa   = 0
 innodb_fast_shutdown= 0

- Morgan

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Re: Foreign-key reference

2014-01-07 Thread Morgan Tocker

Ugh, that seems quite right. Now, why did they do that?

It was added for compatibility.

A separate specification is less convenient, and also less transparent.

Please click affects me on

- Morgan

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Re: Foreign-key reference

2014-01-06 Thread Morgan Tocker

On 1/6/2014, 12:21 PM, wrote:

Are INNODB foreign-key references ignored in 5.6?

You might be hitting:

The inline REFERENCES specifications where the references are defined as 
part of the column specification are silently ignored. MySQL only 
accepts REFERENCES clauses defined as part of a separate FOREIGN KEY 


- Morgan

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