2002-05-23 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hey people, I'm using MySQL 3.23.49 now, but I'd like someone to tell
me if I can use new MySQL 4. Is it very buggy? Is it safe enough to
use not only at home? AFAIR it has some features 3.23 doesn't have.
Thank's in advance.

Best regards,
 Olexandr  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: MySQL 4

2002-05-23 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello MikeParton,

Thursday, May 23, 2002, 9:47:13 PM, you wrote:

M What is it you are trying to accomplish with MySQL?

M I have MySQL 4.0.1a running on WinNT 4.0 SP6a with Apache 2.0.36 and PHP
M 4.2.1.  So far, in a development environment, MySQL 4.0.1 has done all I
M have asked it to do (granted I am not doing anything at the edge of the
M envelope).

M Mike
M - Original Message -
M From: Olexandr Vynnychenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
M Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 1:20 PM
M Subject: MySQL 4

 Hey people, I'm using MySQL 3.23.49 now, but I'd like someone to tell
 me if I can use new MySQL 4. Is it very buggy? Is it safe enough to
 use not only at home? AFAIR it has some features 3.23 doesn't have.
 Thank's in advance.

 Best regards,
  Olexandr  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Thanks for answers

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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MySQL 3.23.39 for Windows

2001-06-17 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hey people,
Does anybody know why subj is not available for download on

Best regards,
 Olexandr Vynnychenko  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: php/mysql question

2001-06-09 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Adrian,

Friday, June 08, 2001, 8:59:51 AM, you wrote:


ADC I am not sure whether this relates to this list or the (not working) php
ADC list.

ADC For simplicity:  I have a form that displays data from a table.  I will
ADC take just one field that displays a name
ADC input type=text name=name value=? echo $row[name];?

ADC This allow a user to update the changes when the submit button is pressed.

ADC On the next php file I do the following:

ADC $tname =urldecode($name);
ADC $tname1 = stripslashes($tname1);
ADC $updtStmt = update vusers set orgname='$tname1' where id=$tid;

Why do you use urldecode($name) and stripslashes($tname1)? What for?
Why didn't you try code like this:
$tname = AddSlashes($name);
$updtStmt = update vusers set orgname='$tname' where id=$tid;

If $name contains Adrian D'Costa, $updtStmt will contain
update vusers set orgname='Adrian D\'Costa' where id=$tid
and the query will be ok. 100% guarantee.

ADC This works fine, but suppose in by table I have a name Adrian D'Costa

ADC This starts all the problems.  I copy the sql statement from the php file
ADC and try:

ADC update vusers set name='Adrian D'Costa' where id=3;

I get the ' prompt that is waiting for me the close the '.  If I try the
ADC same statement in mysql command line:

ADC  update vusers set name=Adrian D'Costa where id=3; Query OK, 0 rows
ADC affected (0.01 sec)
ADC Rows matched: 1  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0 

ADC It works.  How do I do the same in php?  


ADC Adrian

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 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Password encryption

2001-06-09 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Leon,

Friday, June 08, 2001, 9:28:05 PM, you wrote:

LM Hello all,

LM I have some questions about password encryption. I want to make some sort of 
encryption method that disables a human to read the password, but does allow my (php) 
script to convert the encoded
LM password to a human-readable password, the member originally entered and the 
member enters in the form (if he or she has the password right) .

LM In other words, I want a string to be encrypted and decrypted, if it's possible in 
the query.

LM An example:

LM insert into table values (encrypt(secret));
LM select decrypt(passfield) as pass from table;

LM and here, pass will contain the value of secret.

LM Thanks in advance,

LM Leon Mergen
LM BlazeBox, Inc.
LM ICQ: 55677353

But what for???

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: beginner question

2001-06-09 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Marshall,

Saturday, June 09, 2001, 9:05:18 AM, you wrote:

MB I'm a new user, working through the tutorial provided in the MySQL documentation 
(chapter 9). I'm trying to load the data from the pet.txt file into the pet table 
using the specified command:
MB mysql load data local infile pet.txt into table pet; 

MB I get the following: 
MB File 'pet.txt' not found (Errcode: 2)

MB I assumed that the text file was in the wrong directory, and reviewed the section 
describing the load data local command. Just to be safe, I put copies of the text file 
in several locations,
MB including the menagerie directory (which should be the only one required), the bin 
directory, and the mysql directory. I still get the error message. 

MB What might I be doing wrong?

MB Also, is there a FAQ that might hold the answer to newbie questions like this?

MB Thanks for the help.

Did you try load data local infile ...fullpath/pet.txt into
table pet;?

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: New To mySQL

2001-06-07 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Geoffrey,

Thursday, June 07, 2001, 3:34:32 PM, you wrote:

GVN Hi all,

GVN I am a new user of mysql DB.

GVN I am working with WN NT 4. 
GVN I already downloaded the mysql binary package for window.
GVN I installed it.

GVN But, now I don\'t know where to begin. How to start the DB.

GVN Please, I would like to have some ways to begin.

GVN Thanks,
GVN Geoffrey...

First of all read the manual (...\\mysql\\Docs\\manual_toc.html). The
manual contains all the information you need. I began to use mysql
not long ago. I spent an hour on reading manual and it was worth it.
Run mysqld-nt.exe and mysql.exe with --help pparameter.

It\'s very simple to start mysqld-nt (mysql server) in console or as a

Run mysql.exe.

To create a database use
CREATE db_name;

The open the database:
USE db_name;

To create a table in the database see chapter about CREATE TABLE. And
so on. If you\'re familiar with SQL it\'s gonna be easy for you to use
mysql. To run any SQL query just type it and press Enter. In any case
look through the manual then try it yourself. And if there is a
problem write a message to this mailing list.

If you want to use mysql databases with some other clients (for
example PHP), read manual for that client (for PHP

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

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Re: New To mySQL

2001-06-07 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Geoffrey,

Thursday, June 07, 2001, 3:34:32 PM, you wrote:

GVN Hi all,

GVN I am a new user of mysql DB.

GVN I am working with WN NT 4. 
GVN I already downloaded the mysql binary package for window.
GVN I installed it.

GVN But, now I don't know where to begin. How to start the DB.

GVN Please, I would like to have some ways to begin.

GVN Thanks,
GVN Geoffrey...

First of all read the manual (...\mysql\Docs\manual_toc.html). The
manual contains all the information you need. I began to use mysql
not long ago. I spent an hour on reading manual and it was worth it.
Run mysqld-nt.exe and mysql.exe with --help pparameter.

It's very simple to start mysqld-nt (mysql server) in console or as a

Run mysql.exe.

To create a database use
CREATE db_name;

The open the database:
USE db_name;

To create a table in the database see chapter about CREATE TABLE. And
so on. If you're familiar with SQL it's gonna be easy for you to use
mysql. To run any SQL query just type it and press Enter. In any case
look through the manual then try it yourself. And if there is a
problem write a message to this mailing list.

If you want to use mysql databases with some other clients (for
example PHP), read manual for that client (for PHP

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Please can you help me find the right file to download

2001-06-07 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Stephen,

Thursday, June 07, 2001, 5:41:39 PM, you wrote:

SC I am after a version of MySQL with a graphical interface.

SC I don't know which files to download or what to do with them once 
SC downloaded.

SC I am keen to try out mysql but I am having difficulty understanding what to 
SC do with the downloas I have.

SC Is there any chance you can email me the links to the files along with a 
SC brief overview of installing and configuring the software for use on my PC.

SC I am running Winnt 4.0 Server. I would appriciate any help you can give.

SC Best Regards

SC Stephen
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If you need mysqlgui just download binary distribution from
and unpack it into any folder. Then just run mysqlgui.exe and that's
it! You have fine graphical MySQL client (sometimes buggy but fine).
Or if you did it all describe the problem more carefully.

P.S. Do you have mysql server installed?

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Need help on mysql/php

2001-06-05 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Ed,

Tuesday, June 05, 2001, 11:30:36 PM, you wrote:

EP I recently move my website to  MySQL and PHP is
EP provided.  I have a control panel which allows me to initialize MySQL for my
EP use.  The initialization creates a db, named celticblues_com (my domain is
EP  So far, I have added a table to my database, and added
EP the neccessary fields.  Now I am at a total loss at what to do.  I want to
EP use PHP scripts to pull info from the db and search the db etc.  I have
EP contacted my support from FWS, but they point me to for Mysql
EP commands technical support.  Seems to me I would need to know how to set
EP username/password to access the db from script etc.   The bottom line
EP question is can someone point me to information on what I need to do to be
EP able to access(open/close) the db, retrieve/store information, etc. in this
EP type of environment (i.e. MySQL provide by my host service, not installed by
EP me)?

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I don't uderstand exactly what you need...
If you don't know how to work with MySQL databases using PHP just
look at PHP Manual ( Chapter L. MySQL
functions ( To
understand it quickly see function mysql_connect.

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: A blob question

2001-05-31 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello avegaaraya,

Thursday, May 31, 2001, 6:12:09 PM, you wrote:

ann I'm using mysql in win9x, and I want to know how to load a JPG image into a table
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Use LOAD_FILE function in INSERT or UPDATE, for example:

INSERT table_name SET img_column_name=LOAD_FILE('img_file_name.jpg');

table_name should be one of the big types. MEDIUMBLOB or LONGBLOB
are nice. File img_file_name.jpg must be on the server (where mysqld
is running). In your situation server and client are running on the
same computer, so it's gonna be alright.

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Strange ORDER results

2001-05-30 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello everyone,

I tried 2 queries:

1) SELECT id, CONCAT(title, ' [', id, ']') as name FROM rubrics ORDER BY name
2) SELECT id, CONCAT(title, ' [', id, ']') FROM rubrics ORDER BY title, id

The 2nd returns results in alphabetical order but the 1st is a little
bit strange... Does anybody knows why they return results in different


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 Olexandr Vynnychenko  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2001-05-22 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello mysql,

Can anybody tell me what should I do? I use LONGTEXT column in my
table to store data files (html, for example). But I see that I cannot simply
INSERT INTO table SET longtext_column=whole_file. But I must do it today. But

Thanks beforehand.

Best regards,
 Olexandr Vynnychenko  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Help! (LONGTEXT)

2001-05-22 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Paul,

Wednesday, May 23, 2001, 3:24:29 AM, you wrote:

PD At 3:22 AM +0300 5/23/01, Olexandr Vynnychenko wrote:
Hello mysql,

Can anybody tell me what should I do? I use LONGTEXT column in my
table to store data files (html, for example). But I see that I cannot simply
INSERT INTO table SET longtext_column=whole_file. But I must do it today. But

PD The LOAD_FILE() function might help you if you have the files on the
PD server host and you have the FILE privilege.

Thanks beforehand.

Best regards,
  Olexandr Vynnychenko  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

But if the file is local?

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Telnet into MySQL

2001-05-21 Thread Olexandr Vynnychenko

Hello Eric,

Tuesday, May 22, 2001, 12:23:24 AM, you wrote:

EF I really prefer SecureCRT from VanDyke software myself.  Perfect blend of
EF features and simplicity for my needs.  It has a shareware version that does
EF expire, but the license is cheap for it.  Go to and download
EF the shareware version to give it a try.
EF - Original Message -
EF From: Angerer, Chad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EF Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 1:58 PM
EF Subject: RE: Telnet into MySQL

 go to .. I beleieve there a few nice clients there.


 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Thorburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 3:21 PM
 Subject: Telnet into MySQL


 Can someone here recommend a good Telnet program (with SSH) that I can use
 to connect to my servers MySQL database?

 Preferably something shareware/freeware - but if it must be purchased, I'm
 not against that.

 Thank you


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The best is PuTTY
It's absolutely free.

Best regards,
 Olexandrmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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