2004-07-27 Thread Peter Bruggink
I have designed a application (written in visual basic) to visualize 
projects in a treeview and to attach all kinds of information to those 
treenodes (for example hours used, budget avail, pictures of 
manufactoring parts/ bought-out parts etc).
After using microsoft access for a short time, I have switched to mysql. 
After rewriting al the querys, this gave already a mutch better 
performance. To have one common language between designer, manufactoring 
users and financial users, I have intoduced the tooltree code as the 
position in the treeview. for example, we have a project called '2143' 
(this indicates the 43st project for customer with ID=21. In a project 
we can have multiple lines. For line 31 the tooltreecode will be 
2143.31. In line 31 we can have multiple zones. For zone 020 the 
tooltreecode then will be 2143.31.020. In total we can go up to 8 
levels. The tooltreecode a presented in the treeview is build out of 
seperate strings. Since this can take a lot of time (average number of 
nodes in a project = 15000), the tooltree is opened upto level 2 when 
starting. Then by clicking a node the next level is opened and the 
string are being build.
The function I use in visual basic looks like:

Public Function FullNodeName(anid As Long) As String
   Dim aRset As ADODB.Recordset
   Dim ParentId As Long
   Dim newname As String
   ParentId = 0
   cond = SELECT NodeParent, NodeName FROM TTNode WHERE TTNodeId=  
   Set aRset = objDBConnection.Execute(cond, ErrStr)
   With aRset
  If Not .EOF Then
 ParentId = .Fields(0)
 newname = .Fields(1)
  End If
   End With
   Set aRset = Nothing
   If newname   And ParentId  0 Then
  FullNodeName = FullNodeName(ParentId)  .  newname
  FullNodeName = newname
   End If
End Function

I'am triing to speed up the access time even more and was thinking that 
it should be possible to have the tooltree string returned by the mysql 
server as part of the resultset. I then have to make a new user function 
in mysql. I was hooping that such a function already excists.
Can anybody help me.

Peter Bruggink
Manager mechanical Design
+31 76 5792732
*Steelweld BV*
Terheijdenseweg 169
The Netherlands
www.steelweld.com http://www.steelweld.com/

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2004-07-21 Thread Peter Bruggink
Help needed.
To have the possibility to make a nodeview in visual basic, I have made 
a child-parent relation in one of my tables.
Table fields:
TTNodeId (autonumber, indicating a node)
NodeParent (NodeNumber of the parent)
NodeLevel (Level of the node)
NodeName (Name of the node)

To make it readable for the users, not the nodeid is printed but the 
nodename as a full name (example 2143.1.20.100)
this is a node on level 4 with a nodename '100' and a parent with 
nodename '20'
The visualization is done with visual basic, but takes a lot of time. I 
have seen that it should be possible to make a function in MySql that 
can do this operation.

Is such a function already available  or how do I start
Peter Bruggink
Manager mechanical Design
+31 76 5792732
*Steelweld BV*
Terheijdenseweg 169
The Netherlands
www.steelweld.com http://www.steelweld.com/

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Re: connect via VB

2004-07-19 Thread Peter Bruggink
Curlys wrote:
hi ,
mysql databse server is in Red Hat Linux 8 box. I have an application 
which is developed from Visual Basic . So that application included a 
reqiurement to connect mysql data base.
Can somebody help me how to connect mysql database via VB ?
thanx in advance
First of all you will need a ODCB driver (you can download this from 
mysql.com. Then you will  need to write some functions. I have attached 
a vb module including the functions I use.

Peter Bruggink
Manager mechanical Design
+31 76 5792732
*Steelweld BV*
Terheijdenseweg 169
The Netherlands
www.steelweld.com http://www.steelweld.com/

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legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual 
or entity to whom it is addressed. If you received this in error, please 
contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

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  MultiUse = -1  'True
  Persistable = 0  'NotPersistable
  DataBindingBehavior = 0  'vbNone
  DataSourceBehavior  = 0  'vbNone
  MTSTransactionMode  = 0  'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = swMyDBConnection
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = SavedWithClassBuilder6 ,Yes
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = Top_Level ,Yes
Option Explicit

Private strServer As String
Private strDatabase As String
Private strDBUserId As String
Private strDBPassword As String

Private WithEvents CurConnection As ADODB.Connection
Attribute CurConnection.VB_VarHelpID = -1
Private bConnected As Boolean
Private bExecuteReady As Boolean
Private bCommitReady As Boolean
Private bRollbackReady As Boolean

Public Property Get Connected() As Boolean
   Connected = bConnected
End Property

Public Property Get ConnectionString() As String
' Provide proper connection string for current database settings.
' Return  when no data set yet.
   Dim strOut As String
   strOut = DRIVER={  objProperties.MYSPINSQLDRIVER  };
   strOut = strOut  SERVER=  strServer  ;
   strOut = strOut  DATABASE=  strDatabase  ;
   strOut = strOut  UID=  strDBUserId  ;
   strOut = strOut  PWD=  strDBPassword  ;
   strOut = strOut  OPTION=35

   ConnectionString = strOut
End Property

Public Function MakeConnection() As Boolean
' Make connection, when not made yet. For access, test if the given database
' can be found. If not, open dialog to set database data.
   Dim file As String
   MakeConnection = False
   If Not bConnected Then
  On Error GoTo Error_Conn
  Set CurConnection = New ADODB.Connection
  CurConnection.CursorLocation = adUseServer
  CurConnection.ConnectionString = ConnectionString
  CurConnection.Open'Open de verbinding
  bConnected = True

   End If
   MakeConnection = bConnected
   Exit Function
   Debug.Print Err.Description
End Function

Public Function Execute(sqlstr As String, Errstr As String, _
Optional bErr As Boolean = True) As Recordset
' Execute the given sqlstring, and return the recordset.
' Wait until the command has been executed.
   bExecuteReady = False
   Errstr = 
   Debug.Print sqlstr
   On Error GoTo err_execute
   Set Execute = CurConnection.Execute(sqlstr)
   Do While Not bExecuteReady
   Exit Function

   If Err.Number = H80004005 Then
  If Not bErr Then Exit Function
  Errstr = Item with these data already in database!  vbCrLf  _
 Please change data before trying again
  Errstr = Err.Description
  Debug.Print Errstr
   End If
End Function

Public Function ExecuteAff(sqlstr As String, Errstr As String, _
   Optional bErr As Boolean = True) As Long
' Execute the given sqlstring, and return the number of affected records.
' This function should only be used for sql-commands that do not return
' a recordset. bErr allows surpression of the duplicate error message.
' Wait until the command has been executed.
   Dim nraff As Long
   bExecuteReady = False
   Errstr = 
   Debug.Print sqlstr
   On Error GoTo err_execute
   CurConnection.Execute sqlstr, nraff
   Do While Not bExecuteReady
   ExecuteAff = nraff
   Exit Function

   If Err.Number = H80004005 Then
   If Not bErr Then Exit Function
  Errstr = Item with these data already in database!  vbCrLf  _
 Please change data before trying again
  Errstr = Err.Description
   End If
End Function

Public Sub OpenStatic(aRset As ADODB.Recordset, sqlstr As String)
' Open a static recordset with the given sqlstring
   aRset.Open sqlstr, CurConnection, adOpenStatic
End Sub

Public Sub OpenDynamic(aRset As ADODB.Recordset, sqlstr As String)
' Open


2004-07-19 Thread Peter Bruggink
Victor Pendleton wrote:
What error messages are you receiving? 

-Original Message-
From: Peter Bruggink
Sent: 7/16/04 3:19 AM
To have a better performence I have installed a new server running 
solaris8 and mysql version 3.23.53. The old server  is running solaris 7

and mysql 3.23.48-max.
I also transferred the database to the new server and tried to connect 
the database with mysql front. Everything worked fine.

Then I tried to connect with a application written in VB. It now seems 
that I can send a select string and look at te results, but cannot add 
or change anything in the tables. The first error appears when a begin 
transaction is started.

I have already solved te problem by installing the mysql 4.0.20 max 
version. The difference lies in the use of the max version

Peter Bruggink
Manager mechanical Design
+31 76 5792732
*Steelweld BV*
Terheijdenseweg 169
The Netherlands
www.steelweld.com http://www.steelweld.com/

*DISCLAIMER* The information transmitted is confidential and may be 
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contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

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MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
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2004-07-16 Thread Peter Bruggink
To have a better performence I have installed a new server running 
solaris8 and mysql version 3.23.53. The old server  is running solaris 7 
and mysql 3.23.48-max.
I also transferred the database to the new server and tried to connect 
the database with mysql front. Everything worked fine.

Then I tried to connect with a application written in VB. It now seems 
that I can send a select string and look at te results, but cannot add 
or change anything in the tables. The first error appears when a begin 
transaction is started.

Peter Bruggink
Manager mechanical Design
+31 76 5792732
*Steelweld BV*
Terheijdenseweg 169
The Netherlands
www.steelweld.com http://www.steelweld.com/

*DISCLAIMER* The information transmitted is confidential and may be 
legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual 
or entity to whom it is addressed. If you received this in error, please 
contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

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