Multiple Query Execution

2005-11-18 Thread Peter Burden
   Am I correct in thinking that if there are no dependencies
   between the multiple statements then the various statements
   are executed simultaneously by separate threads in the

   If so is there any way to turn this behaviour off and just
   use multiple query execution syntax to reduce the comms
   overhead between client and server?

   I am trying to do a comparatively large number of simple
   insertions into a particular table. [Currently about
   500 per second.]

   MySQL 5.0.13 under Solaris. C API.

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Re: MySQL Website

2004-04-21 Thread Peter Burden
Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office) wrote:

I should have been clearer.  I can't reach the website.  I can get to with no problem except for the fact that images won't
pull form but I definitely come to a grinding halt when I
try to reach  I can't do a tracert because the university
has shut that off here.  But I guess it is working for everyone else.

I'm experiencing similar problems - using both Mozilla and IE.

'wget' eventually got the HTML but it took nearly 2 minutes.
The headers don't suggest anything strange.
This is also a University site with 'traceroute' disabled and everything
accessed through a cache.'s site analysis also doesn't suggest anything untoward.

-Original Message-
From: Rhino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 6:31 PM
To: Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office)
Subject: Re: MySQL Website

- Original Message - 

From: Lehman, Jason (Registrar's Office) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:53 AM
Subject: MySQL Website


Does anyone know what is going on with the MySQL website?

It appears to be undergoing a major redesign.  The sections appear to be
organized differently and the style sheets have also changed.
Or did you have something else in mind?



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Re: Date Problem

2004-03-09 Thread Peter Burden
Richard Davey wrote:

Hello Eric,

Tuesday, March 9, 2004, 11:46:23 PM, you wrote:

ES We have a table with a Date Time field and we need to update only the date
ES portion of that field.
ES We have table a with field Foo with value '2004-01-01 12:15:00' and a date
ES '2004-03-01' and we need to change the date portion of Foo to the date and
ES leave the time part alone.
ES So Foo would change from:
ES '2004-01-01 12:15:00'
ES to:
ES '2004-03-01 12:15:00'
I would have thought that:


But that is adding two days, the original query was to add two months, 
so presumably
it should be INTERVAL 2 MONTH - but beware that MySQL does some
seriously bizarre things with dates - for example adding 2 months to 
31st Dec
takes you to 31st Feb which probably isn't what you want.

would work and not alter the time, but only a test will tell.


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Re: SQ puzzle

2004-03-08 Thread Peter Burden
Jigal van Hemert wrote:

 `age1` tinyint(2) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`age1`)
INSERT INTO `age1` VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10),
(11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20);
SELECT  * , a.age1 + b.age1 + c.age1 as sumage
FROM  `age1` a
JOIN  `age1` b
JOIN  `age1` c
WHERE a.age1 * b.age1 * c.age1 =36
ORDER BY sumage
We now have to search for combinations that
- have more than one unique set of sorted ages for a certain sum (since
Boris didn't know the ages while he knew the sum)
- have only one highest age (since there is an eldest)
Looking at the output this would only be true for ages 9, 2 and 2

Yes but 6,6,1 doesn't necessarily mean that the two children
aged 6 are twins - one could have been born in January and one
in December in the same year and hence have the same age (in
years) on December 31st - but the one born in January would
clearly be the eldest.

Regards, Jigal.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: SQ puzzle

SQL puzzle from the Informix mailing list:
Two mathematicians (Boris and Vladimir) met accidently for the first time in
20 years.
They greet each other and begin catching up on their respective lives.
Boris asks Vladi Do you have any children?
Yes replies Vladimir, I have three.
How old are they?, asks Boris.
The product of their ages is 36 and the sum of their ages is equal to the
number of windows on that building across the street.
Boris looks at the building, counts the windows then says Vladi, that still
doesn't tell me the ages.
Ah, says Vladi, then I must tell you that the eldest has red hair.
Oh, says Boris, now I know their ages.
What are the ages of Boris' children?
Create a table, load it with data, and write a single SQL statement to
produce the data set required to deduce the answer.
Of course the problem cannot be solved with M$ SQLServer :-)


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Re: MySQL optimisations for search engine

2004-01-30 Thread Peter Burden
Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:


I'm running a small search engine that indexes the web, but have been having
trouble with optimising it to handle the load.
There are two tables involved in searching - `pages`, which stores the ID,
URL, title and crawl date, and `words` which has two rows - `word` and
`page` where `word` is a word found on the page and `page` is the ID from
the `pages` table.

When we crawl an URL we rip all the words from the page and add them to the
`words` table with the ID of the page.

The query we use for searches is:

SELECT COUNT(words.word) AS score, AS id, pages.title, pages.url
FROM words,pages WHERE AND words.word IN($words) GROUP

Not sure which columns are indexed, but the main problem is almost certainly
words.word IN($words) - this will yield a set of rows from the 'words' 
assuming that the string $words contains the query terms(s), this 
requires an
expensive serial walk of the words table and an expensive string 
operation associated with each row - unless the IN() operator is a lot 
than I suspect.

A better approach would, perhaps, be to parse the query into an array of
words in the application and then construct suitable SQL along the lines of
 words.word = qword1 OR words.word = qword2 OR words.word = qword3
   .. etc with as many or few terms as required.
Index the words table on word for a further really big performance boost .

I've put the LIMIT 10 in there because it's been going slow as hell. not
only that but it's still going rather slow since we're getting rather high
load on the search engine at the moment.

If anyone could suggest ways to make it run faster that'd be great, bearing
in mind that:

a)  I can't change MySQL server parameters since the host won't allow it

b)  I'd rather not start crawling again with a different method - the
words table has over 1,700,000 rows.



Jasper Bryant-Greene
Cabbage Promotions
US: +1 (509) 691 3287
NZ: +64 (21) 232 3303


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Re: Euro Symbol ()

2004-01-19 Thread Peter Burden
Hassan Shaikh wrote:


I've inserted the following currecy sumbols in my table (structure mentioned below). All symbols are displayed properly when I do select, expect for the Euro symbol, which just shows a question mark (?). Any idea why is it behaving like that? I am using MySQL 4.0.17 on Windows XP Pro. My production server is Linux based.

The euro symbol displayed correctly in your e-mail and in the list of 
mail items
in my inbox (I'm using Mozilla/W2K) so this must, almost certainly, be a 
with the locale of your XP Pro set up - most probably you're using a 
font that
doesn't include this symbol, you may also have set up the system with 
national settings - try telling it you're in the UK or Germany or Italy.



Pound Sterling


| Field| Type   | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| CYRANK   | decimal(3,0) unsigned zerofill |  | | 999 |   |
| CYSYMBOL | varchar(5) | YES  | | |   |
| CYNAME   | varchar(50)|  | | |   |
| CYCODE   | char(3)|  | PRI | |   |




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Re: C Programing: mysql_free_result

2003-12-31 Thread Peter Burden
Rocar Peças wrote:

Dear Friends,

I´m programming in C, Linux envirnment.

The SELECT´s results are being brought to the client by using mysql_store_result. And the result sets are being released by mysql_free_result.

The problem is: as mysql_free_result is called, the system memory is NOT actually released. 

For example: I can monitor the program size in memory with top Linux utility (Conectiva 7.0 distribution). As the program is loaded into the memory, its size is, say, 1900Kb. Then, a select with a ruge result set is called and uploaded to the client. At this time, the program size in memory is 6000Kb. Then mysql_free_result is called. The program size in memory does not change. Isn´t it supposed to shrink back to 1900Kb?

   In general I wouldn't expect the memory to shrink, what actually 
happens depends on the
   behaviour of the underlying memory allocation routines. AFAIK the 
MySQL code wraps
   the standard alloc library routines on whatever platform you're 
using. MySQL doesn't do
   it's own memory management so whatever memory behaviour you see is 
that of the standard
   libraries on your system.

   Of course on a modern OS, the reported memory size of a process is 
usually the top address,
   this can be significantly larger than the actual memory used by the 

Thanks, folks!!!

Leandro M Neves,
Rocar Pcs Ltd, IT Manager
Sete Lagoas/MG - BRAZIL

From Peter Burden, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Images in a table

2003-12-01 Thread Peter Burden
Richard Bewley wrote:

Yes, you can insert the binary into a table.


-Original Message-
From: Zenzo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 1:42 PM
To: MySQL List
Subject: Images in a table

If your application is WWW based I've done some notes for students about 
to do this (via PHP and a WWW interface).

They're at

I've seen several suggestions that putting images directly in MySQL 
tables is not a
good idea and, instead, you should put server side image file names in 
the database,
and let the scripting back-end read the files. I'm neutral on this.

How can I insert images in a table if I can do it with MySQL?

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Threads and signals in MySQL client

2003-12-01 Thread Peter Burden
   I'm working on a multi-threaded application that includes
   MySQL client functionality in each thread. I'm using
   libmysqlclient_r and the appropriate init functions etc.
   The application also uses signals between threads for
   various purposes and thus manipulates signal masks on
   a per thread basis. Are any signals used internally in
   the MySQL client code? If so which? Does the library
   code manipulate thread signal handling facilities?
From Peter Burden, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: web data entry problem

2003-11-24 Thread Peter Burden

I hope someone might be willing to help out.
I'm trying [still] to learn MySQL and php - to create some simply web  
based database.

I have installed quite a few php/MySQL web database apps from books,  
however, none of them will get data entered into my database.
When I create the database exactly as instructed, everything works  
great, but when I create the form to send/add a new record to my db  
then look at the db the new data is not there.
This happens repeatedly with every example I build.  I can add 
records  using a terminal or phpMyAdmin. 

This sounds like an access rights problem.
Is your MySQL server on the same machine as the WWW server?
I assume that you have included your MySQL username/password
in your PHP script, but do the access rights on the MySQL server
allow access for your MySQL account from the WWW server?
You might also want to check PHP error handling and reporting .

In particular make sure your code goes something like

$result = mysql_query(SELECT my_col FROM my_tbl)
   or exit (Invalid query);

I'm running MySQL 4.0.14, Mac OS X 10.3, PHP 4.3.2.

I installed 'tasks' -

and it works just fine!  but it is too big for me to use to compare 
to  my very simple scripts.
Here is one I have recently installed whose data will not enter: 

I believe my db connection is being made (I may be wrong), after all 
my  phpMyAdmin app also works fine.

I would be very grateful is there might be a kind soul who would work  
with me to help me to find out what is wrong?  I have had dbs before  
that worked fine, I don't understand this problem at all.


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Re: single quotes in database

2003-11-07 Thread Peter Burden

You can use addslashes and stripslashes when inserting and selecting
respectively.  addslashes will turn your name into O\'connel.  and
stripslashes will bring it back to the displayable format.
check out

An alternative is to use mysql_escape(). If your PHP server has 
magicquotes turned
on you won't need to take any action. I did some notes for students on 
this topic once,
they're at

You can somtimes get quite surprising results by typing a query such as 
O'Malley into
a web based query facility.

 Steve Buehler 
 11/07/2003 11:30 Subject:  single quotes in database  

I am using PHP/MySQL and am having a problem.  We have some names and
addresses in the database that have single quotes in them.  For
instance.  There is a town around here called Lee's Summit.  Also names
like O'connel.  When I pull from the database it skips these because of
the quotes.  I know there is something that I have seen before about this,
but can't find it now.  Can anybody help me?  I really hope this makes
since because I am sick today and am having a hard time thinking
straight.  Is it something that I will have to fix when putting things into
the database?  I am hoping on being able to fix this when going in and when
coming out of the database so that I don't have to go back and redo all the
ones that are already in the database.
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From Peter Burden, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: How can I display images from a mySQL Database in a web page?

2003-07-16 Thread Peter Burden
Dan Anderson wrote:

I have created a BLOB field to store images.  Is there any way to embed
them within HTML with something like:
I've done some  notes on this at
- assuming of course you're using PHP as a WWW backend to
   dig the stuff out of the database.
image start: jpeg
Thanks in advance,



From Peter Burden, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: NEWBIE how can i store images in a database?

2003-07-09 Thread Peter Burden
Mike Brum wrote:

I've been preparing some notes for my students on how to do this (using 
PHP/MySQL), if you're
interested have a look at - I've
only just put these notes together so if you can see any errors please 
let me know before I
mislead next year's students ;-)

You'd want to use a BLOB (binary large object) if that's what your goal
But if you're using this for a web application I'd highly suggest that
you instead save images to a directory and make a reference to the path
in the database. If you have many BLOB inserts or selects on a site,
your database will be A LOT slower than pulling a string URL and then
the browser simply retrieving the image from the directory specified.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 4:22 PM
Subject: NEWBIE how can i store images in a database?


i'm just changing from openbase SQL to MySQL, so i'm new here.

in openbase i had images stored in a database. the 'type' was set to 
i can't find something like that here and also not in the manual.

what should i use?

thanx for advance




From Peter Burden, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: type casting help!!!

2003-06-25 Thread Peter Burden
Prem Soman wrote:

hi!!   i wrote a simple function that returns a string in C
the function fetches values from a table and stores all the value in a string variable 
and then returns it ...This is small  part inside the function i wrote!

while((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)))
   unsigned long *lengths;
   lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(res);
   str = strcat(str,row[i]);
   str = strcat(str,\n);
but i know that the content in red would rerturn an error!!
how to convert the output of mysql_fetch_row() function to an equivalent string ?
I think, perhaps, the C fragment above has got a bit mangled in 
transmission. Assuming that
you want to concatenate the individual column and the code is based on 
manual section
22.4.18 (My 3.23.28 manual) then you need some space in which to 
construct the
concatenated columns.

   unsigned long *lengths;
   unsigned long   tlength,i;
   MYSQL_ROW   row;
   char   *str;
   row = mysql_fetch_row(res);
   lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(res);  /* gives array of column 
widths */
   tlength = 0;
   for(i=0;incols;i++)   tlength += lengths[i];
   tlength += 1;  /* need space 
for string terminator */

   str = (char *)calloc(tlength,sizeof char);  /* get 
some space */

for(i=0;incols;i++) strcat(str,row[i]);/* build the string */ 

   /* don't forget to free the space !! */

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Bug with 4.1.0-alpha Solaris

2003-06-23 Thread Peter Burden
   After some moderately heavy usage, MySQL crashed on me.
   The problem seems to relate to the size of the innodb log file,
   alhtough I'm not currently using innodb files.  [Still trying to
   debug client before exploring innodb vs myisam ]
   I've gathered up all the evidence in a tarball and attached it.
   This includes - (1) The .err file
   (2) The my.cnf file
   (3) Some directory listings that might be 

I hope I've sent all this to the correct place - if not apologies.

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
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Re: PHP, MySQL and Apache

2003-06-13 Thread Peter Burden
Subscriptions wrote:

The httpd.conf connects PHP to Apache.  What connects PHP to MySQL?

I've looked through google and I can't find anything that makes since to me.
Can someone point me in a direction as to where I can find this out?
The problem I'm having is I have PHP 4.3.2, MySQL 4.0.13 and Apache 2.0.46.
I have a page that is trying to connect to MySQL via PHP.  The error is:#
   When you install PHP you need to ensure that MySQL support is built  
in. This is
   fairly straightforward when building PHP from source, although you 
may have to
   tell the PHP build where your MySQL libraries are. Remember that PHP is
   implemented as an Apache module or 'plug-in', make sure that when Apache
   starts up, it also knows where the MySQL libraries are.[On Solaris 
this means
   setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH suitably.]

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
/var/www/html/ on line 8
The code on line 8 is:

$link = mysql_connect( localhost, user, password ) or
I can log on through mysql at a telnet prompt with the database, user and

When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the
government there is tyranny. 
-Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and author (1743-1826)


From Peter Burden, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Newbie Question

2003-06-11 Thread Peter Burden
I'm sure there's an answer somewhere but the 900+ page
manual is a bit overwhelming. I have MySQL 4.1 running on one
machine and I'd like to access using the client software I
alerady have on another machine which was built against 3.23.33.
Access is via command line client (mysql), PHP and C-API - all
obviously built against the same client library.
I gather from the manual (brief note at top of page 222)
that 4.1 has a different way of handling passwords which is
why a mysql connection failed with error 1249 about authentication
protocols. Is there any way round this? I really don't want to
have two separate sets of client stuff around and I'm not ready
to switch a production system to 4.1
[Host environment is Solaris 2.7/2.8]
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Re: MySQL 4.1 and MyCC

2003-06-11 Thread Peter Burden
Paul DuBois wrote:

At 11:55 -0500 6/11/03, Christensen, Dave wrote:

I upgraded my test MySQL server yesterday to 4.1 and I'm now 
receiving an
error when I try to connect using MyCC.  The error is   ERROR 1249: 
does not support authentification protocol requested by server. Consider
upgrading MySQL client.  I've tried to find a solution on the 
website, but
either it's not mentioned there or my search skills need some refinement
(probably the latter :-)

Anyone have any idea what I have to do to solve this one?

Start the server with the --old-passwords option.

Or put this in an option file:


Thanks - that also answers an earlier post of mine - although I think
it should be old-password and if you've (as I did) set up 4.1 with
new style passwords, you can't then just drop this into /etc/my.cnf
without also changing all the passwords - the new and old schemes
encrypt in a different way AFAIK.

That'll force the server to use the older password authentication 

David Christensen
Brokers International, Ltd.
1200 E Main St
PO Box 160
Panora, IA  50216
(800) 362-1097 or (641) 755-2775

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From Peter Burden, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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