
2002-11-25 Thread Seth Northrop


If I have a key on a float and attempt to insert a NaN I get
ERROR 1034: Incorrect key file for table: 'foo'. Try to repair it
if I attempt to update/delete that row.  

If I remove the key from the float it seems to behave when I try to 
update/delete the row.

Is this a bug / known limitation in mysql-3.23.52?

Thanks for any insight.

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Massive Research Data

2002-05-14 Thread Seth Northrop

Some background...

We have Objects
r1, r2 ... r1600  Which each have (~1600) regions
d1, d2 ... d500   Which each have (~500) datapoints

So, roughly we have around 786,000 datapoints on a given object.

Typically, we might take 15 or so regions and take data from each of their
datapoints (~7500) at ~1300 "steps" or environmental variations.  So, each
test will generate about 9.75M floats.  A curve can be extracted from the
1300 steps (floats) for each datapoint.

We then run these tests hundreds of times a day - sometimes on different
objects, sometimes on the same ojbects (so you can analyse the curves
through time)

We have to date stored this raw data within compressed text files indexed
by MySQL.  However, as you can imagine, querying this data is a pain.  We
have to ask MySQL for all of the tests of a given object, then analyse the
files to extract the appropriate curves - often opening up 100s of

The question is whether anyone has any more intelligent ways of storing
this data within MySQL without busting MySQLs file size limits, or
reasonable CPU/RAM contraints.

Storing the data raw in rows doesn't seem like the most sane technique.
Nor does throwing it into a char for each datapoint.  What I'm looking for
is a _lossless_ technique to store the curves within the database for each
datapoint (we need to be able to extract and analyse data for each
datapoint).  My guess is that someone out there is doing scientific
analysis similar to this using MySQL as their backend.

The environment is R&D so queries will be fairly limited.  We obviously
don't want queries to take down the DB server, but, at the same time this
isn't the backend data to Yahoo! serving millions of requests every


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Re: columns no more

2002-05-10 Thread Seth Northrop

> is there a way to delete a column from a table, without droping the
> whole table?



> If not is can I get sql to replicate the command to re create the table?


mysqldump -qd -u

> can I transfer information to a dummy table while
> I create the table I want?


Just do a select into outfile

then a load data infile

Take care,

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Storing Raster Data

2002-05-10 Thread Seth Northrop

I'm curious if anyone has any recommendations for storing large
multi-layered raster data within mysql beyond simply using blobs or text

Although not a GIS application; the idea is similar.  We are simply
modeling 3D surfaces.  Queries on the actual mapping structure stored
within the raster won't be frequent - reading the data (or large segments
of it) is more important.  But, I figured I would check to ensure there
isn't some level of scholarship out there for mapping raster data to the
relational model beyond just storing the rasters in full within

Thanks in advance for any insight.

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Representing Object Oriented Data in a RDBMS

2002-03-14 Thread Seth Northrop


I've been using MySQL for years now and love it's flexibility,
scaleability, and general useability.  However, I think I might be
beginning to bump into a wall in cleanly and efficiently representing some
data structures within merely a relational system.  My hope is that
someone on the list has had to deal with similar data and might be able to
offer some insight into how to effectively and efficiently represent it
within a relational, as compared to an object oriented DB structure so I
don't have to start looking around for an alternative DB option.

I need to draft a mechanism for storing _user defined_ Objects (users
define characteristics, components of that object, events that occur to
those objects etc.).  So, a very simplified example might be that someone
is defining what cut up pieces of sandwiches are and how they came about
from their original Raw Materials (RM).

RM1 --
RM2 > ObjectTop
  / \
RM3 --   \
  \   --> ObjectWidget1
   \ /
> ObjectSandwich -->  ObjectWidget2
RM1 -- / \
  \   /   --> ObjectWidget3
RM4 > ObjectBottom
RM5 --

Where, (not programmatically or by an arbitrary table) a user would
define say:

ObjectTop as requiring RMS1 - 3, define it has having a name as
 being of size  etc. etc. and so on in a similar
fashion for ObjectBottom.  The user might create an object ObjectSandwich
which is composed of 1 ObjectBottom and 1 ObjectTop and have a
characteristic of a name of  along with nth other
characteristics.  Finally, s/he might create multiple ObjectWidgets which
descend from ObjectSandwich (think chopping up the sandwich into multiple

This would be a two step process obviously.  The user would DEFINE a
generic ObjectSandwich for example (think, creating a class in code), and
then would create specific instances of that generic object (think, create
instances of your class and constructing your specific characteristics
of that instance).

The database would thus have no idea it was being told to store data about
a sandwich, or, more specifically, pieces of that sandwich UNTIL the user
DEFINES those "objects" for it.

Each level would have to inherit the characteristics, events (you might
heat the sandwich while it's still a sandwich; you might not), composition
etc. of it's parents (all the way up the chain).  So, you should be able
to ask ObjectWidget what kind of and which specifically ObjectTop he had.
However, I don't have the option of having a "Bottoms" table, and a
"Sandwiches" table or a "Widgets" table since I won't know as a programmer
what objects might be created by users.  There would just have to be
tables describing the compositions of any specified objects, the values of
those specifications for each particular instance of that object (think
creating instances of classes in an OO language).

To add further complexity to the project I need to be able to reference
external data into specific objects.  For example, I might want to take
pictures of an ObjectTop and associate that picture with that specific
ObjectTop.  I may want add multiple notes (not just a 1:1 relationship)
about specific ObjectSandwiches and so on.

This seems fairly intuitive within an OO model, but, it's more difficult
to visualize how a strictly relational model would effectively and
efficiently handle it (particularly traversing up inheritances defined by
users without overrunning your database).

Any ideas?

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Project + MyODBC

2002-02-13 Thread Seth Northrop

Has anyone successfully saved Microsoft Projects within MySQL?  When I
attempt to save a project I get a MyODBC error on the syntax, on, what I
presume is one of their table creation SQL statements.

Anyone have any insight?

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Re: Uploading files using PHP to database.

2001-07-26 Thread Seth Northrop

> Could anyone shed some light on how to go about uploading a text file
> with a web interface using php into a mysql database.  wow, that was a
> mouthfull.  I would much appreciate it.

Well, that depends.  Do you want to store the native text file fully
intact say like you might store an image file or a word document, or,
instead are you only interested in just the text.

Secondly, what do you wish the the input UI to look like?  Do you just
want them to enter in a filename, or, is pasting into a text box

If you objective is merely for them to paste into a textbox the task is
simple enough.. just create a table with a blob/text element and use your
form to populate (standard PHP usage of forms/variables at work here of
which I won't go into detail here on).

If you goal is to merely accept filenames and go from there might I
suggest you taking a look here:

Once you have your data from the user the question returns to whether you
want to store the native file format (applies more if you are intending to
handle formatted text such as in word, rtf, or some other format), or just
the text.  Depending on how large your text/data files are you might
consider using your database as merely an indexing agent.  This could be
as simple as creating a database managed directory structure on one of
your servers, placing your text files in there and then having the
database point to them either by ID or store the location (the prior is
probably ideal).  Or, you could do the prior and add in some full text
word indexing such as with a B-tree index.  The point here is that your
harddisk makes for a fairly good blob storage device.. no use not making
use of it when compared to loading up your database with tons of data
which doesn't add to the queryability of the data while limiting your
database's ability to scale.


Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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sql/table structure question.

2001-07-25 Thread Seth Northrop
s is why chars become difficult to
   deal with.  Sounds like the job of a recursive select.. but, perhaps
   there exists some additional table hierarchies that I'm not thinking
   about to easily compare multiple levels of data.

Your brilliance is requested and thanked in advance,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Got timeout reading communication packets

2001-06-28 Thread Seth Northrop


> How do you know that row  is truncated  ??

Filesizes for one.  With just this single query the database is ca. 65K,
the update log with just this query in it is ~600k.

> If you have binary data in the blob field, when you retreive a result
> set, you will get it back in the binary, unescaped form.

I can't imagine there is any binary data in there.  See the php script in
the previous email.. it just increments a counter and stores in a sring.
It also reacts the same way with a text field.  Also, it's truncating
right in the middle of one of the incremented numbers...

 12770   12771   12772   12773   1 |

> Query the lengths returned to make sure that data is truncated.

mysql> select length(data) from measurement_extended_data;
| length(data) |
|65535 |
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

[internal mysql]# wc /tmp/update.002
4  100046  589227 /tmp/update.002

> If you are sure, send me CREATE TABLE statement and INSERT instead of
> REPLACE statement, so that I can test it.

# here's the create statement.. the only thing really abnormal
# is the size of the primary key (compound)

CREATE TABLE measurement_extended_data (
  content_typeID tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  contentID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  arrayID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  positionID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  testID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  iteration smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  test_locationID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  date_added int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  added_by mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  data text NOT NULL,
  KEY test_locationID (test_locationID),
  KEY testID (testID)

Update log attached in seperate email.

Take care,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Got timeout reading communication packets

2001-06-27 Thread Seth Northrop

Re: large replaces truncating...

I'm still trying to figure out what's going on here.. I've now tried it in
PHP and am getting the same response... Ie, given this simple script:

The data field in the table truncates like this:

12750   12751   12752   12753   12754   12755   12756   12757   12758
12759   12760   12761   12762   12763   12764   12765   12766   12767
12768   12769   12770   12771   12772   12773   1 |

It always truncates in the exact same location.  I can drop the table and
recreate but it still truncates in the exact same location.

The query, when echoed out is sane ending indeed on 9.

Here's the table again:
mysql> desc measurement_extended_data;
| Field   | Type  | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| content_typeID  | tinyint(3) unsigned   |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| contentID   | int(10) unsigned  |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| arrayID | smallint(5) unsigned  |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| positionID  | mediumint(8) unsigned |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| testID  | smallint(5) unsigned  |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| iteration   | smallint(5) unsigned  |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| test_locationID | smallint(5) unsigned  |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| date_added  | int(10) unsigned  |  | | 0   |   |
| added_by| mediumint(8) unsigned |  | | 0   |   |
| data| blob  |  | | |   |

(Note.. I've even tried changing data to a text NOT NULL).. exact same
truncation location).

The php script above reports no error.

** The UPDATE log (when turned on)  shows the ENTIRE query (ie.. the query
is at least making it to the database long enough to be logged).

Again.. the my.cnf:

# MySQL Configuration File
# One can use all long options that the program supports.
# Run the program with --help to get a list of available options

# This will be passed to all mysql clients
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

# Here is entries for some specific programs
# The following values assume you have at least 32M ram

# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=7M  # INCREASED FOR MORE DATA
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= back_log=50
set-variable= max_connections=2250
set-variable= tmp_table_size=15M
set-variable= table_cache=6000
set-variable= sort_buffer=3584K
set-variable= join_buffer=512K
set-variable= connect_timeout=2
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= flush_time=900
set-variable= wait_timeout=300

set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M


set-variable= key_buffer=32M
set-variable= sort_buffer_size=48M

Any new ideas?


> Seth Northrop writes:
> >
> >
> > 010624 19:44:23  Aborted connection 231 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root'
> > host: `localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)
> >
> >
> The above only implies that your program exited without calling
> mysql_close(). Nothing to do with your problem.
> But, as I told you , you did not quote string  constants.
> And shoot out your resulting string to some file for inspection. That
> might help you find your error.

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Got timeout reading communication packets

2001-06-26 Thread Seth Northrop

> The above only implies that your program exited without calling
> mysql_close(). Nothing to do with your problem.

But.. why would the console be reporting this?  Ie, I'm getting the same
result (same error in the error log, same truncation) when I manually
pipe the query to the mysql console.  (Note that the errors are coming
from localhost; the actual script is run from a client).  Shouldn't a
direct console query terminate the connection to the database after
proper completion?

> But, as I told you , you did not quote string  constants.
> And shoot out your resulting string to some file for inspection. That
> might help you find your error.

See previous emails.. I've been doing this.. the query looks sane; no \0
characters, no odd binary data, nothing out of whack where it truncates
(ie, no renegade ' etc.). Because running the query through the
console with no intervention of the c api causes the same result I'm
finding it difficult to believe it's an issue with the code itself unless
it has something to do with the string itself (ie.. there is some unknown
character in there).  But, that seems unlikely since the code to generate
the query is fairly straight forward.. just dump a bunch of tab delimited
ints groups of which comma delimted into a string.

The query just looks like:

REPLACE into reflectivity.measurement_extended_data set content_typeID =
7, contentID = 121529, arrayID = 0, positionID = 1, testID = 1,
iteration = 0, test_locationID = 1, date_added = 993165848, added_by = 18,
data = '396 601 12011801,0  191 191 191
191 190 189 188 188 188 188 188 187
191 191 191 191 192 ";

It just happens to be several MB large.

Or... are we just having a huge disconnect here?


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Re: Got timeout reading communication packets

2001-06-26 Thread Seth Northrop

Slight correction in the query...

> The query just looks like:
> REPLACE into reflectivity.measurement_extended_data set content_typeID =
> 7, contentID = 121529, arrayID = 0, positionID = 1, testID = 1,
> iteration = 0, test_locationID = 1, date_added = 993165848, added_by = 18,
> data = '396 601 12011801,0  191 191 191
> 191 190 189 188 188 188 188 188 187
> 191 191 191 191 192 '

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Got timeout reading communication packets

2001-06-25 Thread Seth Northrop

> At a small glance, your code looks OK. Try looking at resulting string
> sql in gdb or just print it out to stdout. That might catch your bug.

Thanks again for the reply.  The query looks sane.. As I mentioned, I
spit it out to a file and piped it directly to mysql (after inspecting
it).  At least where it truncates there isn't anything abnormal (the blob
is merely a tab delimited string of ints) and the same truncation occurs.

> MySQL commands lenghts are limited only by max_allowed_packet, which
> can be extended up to 16 Mb in 3.23 and 4 Gb in 4.0.

Nodz.. that's what I thought.  This is our setting:
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=7096128

Confirmed in variables:
| max_allowed_packet  | 7095296

It's definately not that big, and, we aren't getting the standard expected
errors when you exceed packet size (such as mysql server has gone away).
The only clue we have is this:

010624 19:44:23  Aborted connection 231 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root'
host: `localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

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Re: Got timeout reading communication packets

2001-06-25 Thread Seth Northrop

> You are possibly not escaping binary fields. You should use
> mysql_escape_string() function on binary objects prior to inserting it
> in the INSERT command, or use load_file() function.

Thanks Sinisa for the reply!

There really isn't any binary data.. and, we are calling
mysql_escape_string.. here is the snippet of code:


int state;
unsigned int encoded_str_length = 0;
MYSQL_RES *result;
char *sql, *escaped_data;
escaped_data = new char[2*strlen(data)+1]; //required by mysql
sql = new char[2*strlen(data)+600];// +1

encoded_str_length = mysql_escape_string(escaped_data,data,strlen(data));

   "REPLACE into reflectivity.measurement_extended_data set
content_typeID = ",content_typeID,
", contentID = ",contentID,
", arrayID = ",arrayID,
", positionID = ",positionID,
", testID = ",testID,
", iteration = ",iteration,
", test_locationID = ",test_locationID,
", date_added = ",date_added,
", added_by = ",added_by,
", data = '",escaped_data,"'");

state = mysql_query(connection,sql);

delete [ ] sql;
delete [ ] escaped_data;

if (state != 0)

  return 0;


And, as I mentioned, if I do something like:

bin/mysql <-u & -p>  < foo.sql

where foo.sql contains the query checked for sanity the exact same result

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Got timeout reading communication packets

2001-06-24 Thread Seth Northrop


I posted this last week, but, haven't seen any replies yet, and,
generally, there seems to be a lack of replies in the archives on the "Got
timeout reading communication packets" related issues.  Here is the issue

We have started doing some rather large replace intos and inserts (~3MB)
using a client written in C.  However, these queries are truncating at
around 100k - meaning, it inserts about 100k or so of the blob field..
but, stops and truncates out the rest of the query.  There is no error
returend by the connection, but, the error log does have errors such as

010323 11:15:19  Aborted connection 45 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root'
host: `localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

The same occurs if I pipe the query directly to mysql from the command
line.  No error, but the data field only has about 100k of the data there
before it just stops.

The table looks like this:

# MySQL dump 8.13
# Host: localhostDatabase: reflectivity
# Server version3.23.35

# Table structure for table 'measurement_extended_data'

CREATE TABLE measurement_extended_data (
  content_typeID tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  contentID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  arrayID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  positionID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  testID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  iteration smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  test_locationID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  date_added int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  added_by mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  data blob NOT NULL,
  KEY test_locationID (test_locationID),
  KEY testID (testID)

Smaller queries work fine.  It's just when they seem to be over 1 or 2MB.

/etc/my.cnf looks like this:
# MySQL Configuration File
# One can use all long options that the program supports.
# Run the program with --help to get a list of available options

# This will be passed to all mysql clients
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

# Here is entries for some specific programs
# The following values assume you have at least 32M ram

# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=7096128
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= back_log=50
set-variable= max_connections=512
set-variable= tmp_table_size=15M
set-variable= table_cache=6000
set-variable= sort_buffer=3584K
set-variable= join_buffer=512K
set-variable= connect_timeout=2
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= flush_time=900
set-variable= wait_timeout=300

set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M


set-variable= key_buffer=32M
set-variable= sort_buffer_size=48M

As you can see we bumped up the max_allowed_packet because we were getting
"server has gone away" errors.

- Box is a 1Ghz XEON /w Redhat 7.2 and 1GB RAM
- MySQL version is:  3.23.35
- Query is a fairly straight forward insert or replace into and is
  verified as clean.

Am I missing a configuration directive?  Is something else up?


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Re: how to prevent inserting duplicate rows?

2001-06-24 Thread Seth Northrop

> how do I OVERWRITE the previous entry in the
> table? ie. is there a SQL command to do like INSERT, but if duplicate
> found, overwrite with the new value.

See REPLACE into

Take care,

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Re: RAID advice :> (fwd)

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

Sorry for the delayed reply.. the list marked my reply as spam ! ;)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 02:48:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Seth Northrop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Wouter de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  RAID advice :>

> Let's say your OS crashes (Linux...bad libraries for example, that are
> not resolvable, for example :>), then you'll have to format all your disks
> including your \
> data to replace the OS.

I'm missing the link here between OS crashing and having to reinitalize
and rebuild the RAID array.

Ultimately, you want to avoid single points of failure.  Having the OS on
a none redundant disk seems like a pretty big one.  If that disk goes bad
(a much higher probability than linux crashing and destroying your disks
in a flaming explosion) then your database is down.  If it's on the RAID
array then you swap a new disk in and have zero downtime (assuming you can
hot swap).  You could certainly keep your / partition seperate.. this is
generally a good idea anyways; but, I see no advantage to keeping the OS
off the RAID array.

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: what does this mean please?

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
> and how you fix it?

It means you have no local socket for mysql to connect through.  Meaning,
something/someone either deleted or mangled /tmp/mysql.sock or mysqld
isn't running to begin with.

Try to connect with the -host flag to connect (so it won't use the socket)
and shutdown and try to restart the mysqld - hopefully this will recreate

Take care,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Knowing if a table exits

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

desc  does the trick from the console or via a query.  Checking
for the datafiles is another way if you are local to the server; though,
that's not really a sane technique since you have to usually have the
permissions of the database to see the datafiles.. privs you probably
don't your script to have.

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Database MySQL: myisamchk and isamchk error message

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> I was running myisamchk and ismchk on my databases and I got the
> following error:
> "warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly"

You aren't running (my)isamchk with mysqld running are you?  If so, you
shouldn't be.. or at least running on tables that are being used/open and
not flushed and locked.

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: help with index

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

Just make sure you have a key on any field you do a query on. Given that
there isn't a whole lot of correlation between your columns (logically
speaking.. ie, age doesn't really match up with city) I wouldn't worry
about compound keys.. they'll actually just slow you down since you need
to maintain larger keys that don't offer much advantage.  The only
exception to this might be if you commonly have a query which takes the
form you can represent with a compound key (ie.. you always grab a row by
age and city).. but, even then I don't think you will gain much over two
individual keys.

Take care,

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Jaime Teng wrote:

> >> whats the difference between:
> >> alter table tablename add index (name);
> >> alter table tablename add index (age);
> >> alter table tablename add index (birthdate);
> >> alter table tablename add index (city);
> >
> >These are four INDIVIDUAL keys.. helpful if you want to search by name,
> >age, birthday, _OR_ city
> Will I get any performance if I were to do some complex
> query like:
> select * from tablename where name = 'BILL' and city = 'new york';
> select * from tablename where age > 30 and city = 'seatle';
> select * from tablename where age > 30 and name = 'JOHN';
> or do you suggest that I add the following on top of the
> previous index?
> alter table tablename add index (name,city);
> alter table tablename add index (age,city);
> alter table tablename add index (age,name);
> etc...
> thanks
> Jaime
> database,mysql

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Repairing Tables

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> It there a way around this error occuring
> after every outage?.


Are you running myisamchk -r? - obviously, there isn't really much of a
way to avoid having to repair tables after a hard OS crash.  I would
highly recommend trying to get ahold of something like an APC battery
supply which you can monitor on the serial port - then you can safely shut
down mysql and shut down the server before you run out of battery power.
This of course assumes you can get a hold of a good quality UPS there at a
reasonable price.

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: change table name?

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> how do i change a table's name without recreating it?



Take care,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: help with index

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> whats the difference between:
> alter table tablename add index (name);
> alter table tablename add index (age);
> alter table tablename add index (birthdate);
> alter table tablename add index (city);

These are four INDIVIDUAL keys.. helpful if you want to search by name,
age, birthday, _OR_ city

> compared to:
> alter table tablename add index (name,age,birthdate,city);

This is a compound key.  Helpful usually if you want to span a UNIQUE
entity across multiple columns.  Ie, if you wanted to have a unique key
(say a primary key) without having a distinct unique column (like a
counter).  The key would be creating essentially is nameagebirthdatecity.
Since you can query on the prefix of a key, a query which would query:

(name) OR
(name && age) OR,
(name && age && birthdate) OR,
(name && age && birthdate && city)

would be optimized.

HOWEVER, a query on age, birthday, or city alone (or any combination which
doesn't follow the prefix order of the key) would NOT.

> What I want is performance/speed in doing the following:
> select * from tablename where name = 'bill';
> select * from tablename where age > 30;
> select * from tablename where city = 'new york';

You would thus want the prior, individual keys.

Take care,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: passing variables to/from flash to/from php

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> Does anyone know how to pass a variable from a page embedded  with a =
> .swf (flash) object to a .php file for processing, and pass back the =
> results to the same page containing the .swf file?
> Thanx in advance!

Perhaps not the most topical discussion for the mysql list, but, alas, I
would recommend checking out the "Ming" swf functions in PHP.

Take care,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Startup Question

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> in this directory is the ./mustang-bin.index and also ./mysql/most.frm
> however I am getting the error messages below when I try and start it. I
> have never had this problem before. Does anyone have any ideas.

Your mysqld doesn't know where your files are (though, that was probably
obvious ;).  Try setting the -h (--datadir) flag to force to that location
and see if that works.  If that doesn't you have a permissions issue I
would presume.  As for the log, check the path I suppose in /etc/my.cnf
and verify that it is correct - else, again it could be a permissions

Personally though, I would install the binary distro on linux.  I believe,
(correct me if I'm wrong others), it at least use to be noticably faster
than trying to compile it yourself absent given you couldn't match Monty's
compiler configurations) - not to mention it's a whole lot less of a pain
to manage then the source distro.  Just untar and go.

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Is there any file .frm, .MYD, .MID on mySQL in HPUX Plateform?

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop


Though having never installed mysql on HP-UX my presumption is that it
acts much like all other unices and stores them in a ./data directory.
For example, in the binary distribution this is typically usually in
something like /usr/local/mysql/data.  (or, unpacked directory/data)

Take care,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Re: Help me HOw to load Images or pictures into MYSQL database

2001-06-22 Thread Seth Northrop

> Please inform me how to load IMAGES INTO MYSQL TABLES.

Having created several similar applications in the past I would recommend
NOT storing these images IN the database; your filesystem makes for a nice
blob storage device.  I would instead store pointers of some sort to the
files to minimize DB I/O and storage requirements.  But, if you must, just
write the data to a blob field.

Take care,

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054
voice:  408-970-8881 x147

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Large Replace/Inserts Truncating.

2001-06-21 Thread Seth Northrop


We have started doing some rather large replace intos and inserts
(~3MB) using a client written in C.  However, these queries are truncating
at around 100k.  There is no error returend by the connection, but, the
error log does have errors such as these:

010323 11:15:19  Aborted connection 45 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root'
host: `localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

The same occurs if I pipe the query directly to mysql from the command
line.  No error, but the data field only has about 100k of the data there
before it just stops.

The table looks like this:

# MySQL dump 8.13
# Host: localhostDatabase: reflectivity
# Server version3.23.35

# Table structure for table 'measurement_extended_data'

CREATE TABLE measurement_extended_data (
  content_typeID tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  contentID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  arrayID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  positionID mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  testID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  iteration smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  test_locationID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  date_added int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  added_by mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  data blob NOT NULL,
  KEY test_locationID (test_locationID),
  KEY testID (testID)

Smaller queries work fine.  It's just when they seem to be over 1 or 2MB.  

/etc/my.cnf looks like this:
# MySQL Configuration File
# One can use all long options that the program supports.
# Run the program with --help to get a list of available options

# This will be passed to all mysql clients
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

# Here is entries for some specific programs
# The following values assume you have at least 32M ram

# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=256M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=7096128
set-variable= thread_stack=128K
set-variable= back_log=50
set-variable= max_connections=512
set-variable= tmp_table_size=15M
set-variable= table_cache=6000
set-variable= sort_buffer=3584K
set-variable= join_buffer=512K
set-variable= connect_timeout=2
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= flush_time=900
set-variable= wait_timeout=300

set-variable= max_allowed_packet=16M


set-variable= key_buffer=32M
set-variable= sort_buffer_size=48M

As you can see we bumped up the max_allowed_packet because we were getting
"server has gone away" errors.

- Box is a 1Ghz XEON /w Redhat 7.2 and 1GB RAM
- MySQL version is:  3.23.35
- Query is a fairly straight forward insert or replace into and is
  verified as clean.

Am I missing a configuration directive?  Is something else up?


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Borland C++ Builder (reading data).

2001-06-14 Thread Seth Northrop

Caveat: I'm not a seasoned Borland C++ builder programmer so this may very
well be just plain stupidity on my part (I'm not even a really good C
programmer either !).

However, givem some code that looks  similar to this:

  int state;
  MYSQL_RES *result;
  MYSQL_ROW row;
  char sql[250];

  sprintf(sql,"%s%s%s%s","SELECT positionID
FROM reflectivity.positions
   where position_row = ",position_row,
" && position_column = ",position_column);
  state = mysql_query(connection,sql);
  if (state != 0)
return 0;
  result = mysql_store_result(connection);
  // while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL)
  row = mysql_fetch_row(result);

  if (mysql_num_rows(result) > 0)
// free some memory
return (int)atoi(row[0]);
// free some memory
return 0;

in C using gcc on linux it works.  I return a valid int which corresponds
to the database entry, no warnings, no errors that I can see.

In Borland C++ Builder, although I connect to the database (ie, I can
WRITE fine to the databsae, and, there are no complaints by my connection
to the database), and "if (mysql_num_rows(result) > 0)" returns true
(meaing it sees the row(s)), I get:

raiased EXCEPTION CLASS EAccess Violation with message Access Violation at
address 3256EEFF in module cc3250mt.dll read of address FEEFEE. Process

row[0] however does NOT match against NULL or \0 (though if I print it out
it shows "")

When I attempt to reference or work with row[0].  This has been the case
whenever I try to read an element in row under Borland (various other
functions as well) whereas the exact code (in all instances) works fine
when compiled with gcc.  Again though, any WRITES to the database work
great under Borland (so I don't think it's a connection issue).

Am I just totally missing some boat here?

Thanks for any help!


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C API; queries within functions.

2001-05-21 Thread Seth Northrop


This is probably more of a C inadequacy than a MySQL problem.  I'm playing
around with C with MySQL (I have to date only interfaced with it in
PHP) and I was curious if anyone had any example code which illustrates
how you would write functions which return mysql data.

For example, in PHP I might write a simple function  like this:

function get_specific_db_column($dbname, $tblname, $pk, 
$pk_val, $colname)

  $sql = "SELECT $colname as val
FROM $dbname.$tblname
   WHERE $pk = '$pk_val'";
  $r = mysql_query($sql);
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
$array[] = $row;
  return $array;


But, in C I haven't figured out how to do things like navigate passing the
MYSQL *mysql init pointer into the function for mysql_query etc.

I can however get a program WITHOUT functions (ie, hardcode the
query) compiled and working:

// Simple test application
// for the C Mysql API


#define def_host_name NULL
#define def_user_name "root"
#define def_password  NULL
#define def_db_name "reflectivity"

int main (char **arg)

  MYSQL_RES *result;
  MYSQL_ROW row;
  MYSQL *connection, mysql;
  int state;
  char colsize=10, rowsize=10;

  // connect to the mysql database on internal
  connection = mysql_real_connect(&mysql, def_host_name,
 0, /*port defaut*/
 NULL,  /*socket default*/
  if (connection == NULL) // check for a connection error
// print the error message
return 1;
  state = mysql_query(connection,"SELECT * from reflectivity.accounts");
  if (state != 0)
return 1;
  // you must call mysql_store_result before we can issue anything else
  result = mysql_store_result(connection);
  printf("Rows: %d\n", mysql_num_rows(result));
  // process each row in the result set
  while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL)
printf("%s - %s - %s - %s - %s\n",row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4]);
  // free some memory
  // close the mysql connection

Ny guess is that if I just see a couple of examples which mimic some of
the functionality of the above PHP function in C I'll be able to write
them without a problem.  

Any pointers on where to look?


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Large scale statistical analysis

2001-05-15 Thread Seth Northrop

We are performing some rather extensive data collection (measurements) and
are attempting to come up with the most sane storage mechanism to
facilitate offline (Igor, MatLab, Custom Apps) and online (less complex
web based solutions) analysis tools.  The problem resides in the amount of
data collected; by rough estimates we anticipate collecting 3-5 billion
rows of data (presently, this can be represented in 2D plots; (ie, x,y
data).. though, eventually data will be collected in more complex fashion,
but, the above example makes our storage problems a bit easier to digest)
per data collection cycle.  Of course, that number could fluctuate up or
down. The key here is that it is a lot of data.

The question resides in the best way to store this data.  The data itself
is associated to objects (ie, there aren't 3 billion random measurements;
1k, 2k, 10k etc. of them could be associated with an object - with 10's of
100's of 1,000's of objects being measured).  The result is a graphable
curve to represent the various measurements of an object.

I've outlined 4 possible options, which, I'd love to get feedback on:

1)  Use mysql, try to store the data in its above form.  Pray it can
handle it.  However, I've noticed in the past MySQL begins to bog down
between 50-500M rows depending on your table architecture and the machine
it's running on.  The fact that the data isn't static (ie, we add to it)
complicates the issue since MySQL seems to slow down (understandable)
trying to build indexes on inserts over a certain row count.  Thus, this
doesn't really seem like an option.

2)  Reference flat files with rows in the database.  Ie, store
measurements for objects, or chunks therein within flat files on the
filesystem and then reference those files with rows in a mysql table;
similar to how I store and track binary data.  I don't like this option
simply because it requires file handlers to open up and compare data for
objects.. it also is a bear to organize and maintain all of those flat
files, and, slows down the application layer.

3)  Use something other than mysql (cringe).. recommendations welcome.
(Oracle, DB2 etc, not a database or the standard filesystem).

4)  Use data compression, trend analysis, curve reduction algorithms to
trim down the data but still not lose the significance of the raw data
trends.  If this is the best option, recommended table and data structures
along with pointers on where to learn more about data reduction techniques
would be helpful (ie, how to effectively store the data within the context
of rows and columns).

Of course, the best solution is probably not among those 4.  Basically,
any insight on how large (enterprise) level data collection and analysis
is conducted and implemented would be a great help, whether through 
personal experience or through textual reference would be much

I just can't imagine that people out there DON'T use databases to handle
large quantities of raw data like this. 

Thanks for any help!

Seth Northrop
Manager of Information Technology
Reflectivity, Inc.
3910 Freedom Circle, Suite 103
Santa Clara, CA 95054

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getting rows with max values.

2001-04-19 Thread Seth Northrop

This may have been covered in the past; but, marc.theaimsgroup isn't
responding so I can't run my normal search.

I'm trying to extract rows with max values within unique groups - NOT just
the max values.  In very watered down terms:

CREATE TABLE test_table (
  number tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  value char(1) NOT NULL default '',
  seq tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (number)

With data like this:
mysql> select * from test_table;
| number | value | seq |
|  1 | a |   1 |
|  2 | b |   1 |
|  3 | c |   1 |
|  4 | a |   2 |
|  5 | a |   3 |
|  6 | b |   2 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I'd like to get rows, grouped by value, with a maximum seq.  For
example; data that looks like this:

| number | value | seq |
|  5 | a |   3 |
|  3 | c |   1 |
|  6 | b |   2 |

However, queries such as;
SELECT number, value, max(seq) 
  from test_table 
 group by value;

produce something like:
| number | value | max(seq) |
|  1 | a |3 |
|  2 | b |2 |
|  3 | c |1 |

Or, thinking I can force an order within the groups:
SELECT number, value, max(seq)
 from test_table
 group by value
 order by seq DESC;

still produce:
| number | value | max(seq) |
|  1 | a |3 |
|  2 | b |2 |
|  3 | c |1 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

But, of course, that's ordering the result set so the group by is beating
it to the punch.

I noted in the manual the quote "Don't use this feature if the columns you
omit from the GROUP BY part aren't unique in the group! You will get
unpredictable results"

I also tried using havings (something somewhat silly like having seq =
max(seq)) but, that doesn't produce anything for the same reasons I
presume as the order by.

So, that leaves two questions:

Is there a way to replicate using max() within a WHERE (ie, WHERE foo =


Is there a way to order within a GROUP BY?

Ultimately, I'll be joining this data to other tables; so, it would be a
pain if I have to break this up into multiple queries.

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