Re: Table/select problem...

2011-02-04 Thread Steve Musumeche
I had this same issue a while back and solved it by writing my events to 
a disk-based file and periodically importing them into the event log 
MyISAM table.  This way, even if your select statements lock the table, 
it won't affect the performance of your application.  Of course, this 
may require some rewriting of your application code, depending on how 
events are logged.

You could avoid the locking with InnoDB, but I did not choose that 
solution because MyISAM seems like a better fit for a logging situation, 
and they can later be used in Merge tables.  I wonder if any others have 
used InnoDB for large logging tables and what the performance has been?

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection
1-800-248-1987 ext 802

On 2/4/2011 11:29 AM, Andy Wallace wrote:

Greetings, all...

I'm having an issue with a SELECT in our system. We have an event log 
with about 9 million rows in it. Inserts happen with some pretty high 
and these selects happen periodically.  The event_log table is MyISAM, 

rest of the tables are InnoDB.

What's happening is that, periodically, when this select gets run, the 
damn thing locks up, and that pretty much shuts us down (since many 
insert events into the table, and the table gets locked, so all the 


The statement and the explain for it are below. the enduser table has 
about a
million rows in it, the event_type table 35 rows.  The weird part is 
that, if
I strip down the query to use no joins, the explain wants to return 
about 17,000

rows, but the query itself does the table locking thing.

Should we perhaps change the event log to InnoDB to avoid table 
locking? Might

the table itself be corrupt in some way? Any thoughts?


SELECT EL.event_log_id,
  DATE_FORMAT(EL.event_time, '%c-%d-%Y %H:%i:%s') as 

FROM event_log EL
JOIN event_type ET ON EL.event_type_id = ET.event_type_id
JOIN enduser E ON EL.enduser_acnt = E.enduser_acnt
WHERE EL.acnt = 'AR238156'
  AND EL.enduser_acnt != ''
  AND EL.event_type_id = 'EndUserLogin'
ORDER BY EL.event_time DESC

*** 1. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: ET
 type: const
possible_keys: PRIMARY
  key: PRIMARY
  key_len: 92
  ref: const
 rows: 1
Extra: Using filesort
*** 2. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: EL
 type: index_merge
possible_keys: agent,enduser,event_log_ibfk_1
  key: agent,event_log_ibfk_1
  key_len: 62,92
  ref: NULL
 rows: 1757
Extra: Using intersect(agent,event_log_ibfk_1); Using where
*** 3. row ***
   id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
table: E
 type: eq_ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
  key: PRIMARY
  key_len: 4
  ref: idx_acnt.EL.enduser_acnt
 rows: 1
Extra: Using where
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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Re: InnoDB and rsync

2011-01-25 Thread Steve Musumeche

On 1/25/2011 8:00 AM, Robinson, Eric wrote:

your whole solution is crippled because why in the world are
you killing your salves and reinit them without any reason daily?

There is a very good reason: it is the phenomenon of row drift. The
master and slave can appear to be in good sync, but often it is not
actually the case. For this reason, most people agree that it is not
safe to rely on the slave server as the source for your backups. My
solution efficiently corrects row drift and makes sure the slaves are
100% binary replicas of the slaves, which can then be trusted as backup
sources. The whole thing is very fast and there is no downtime for
users, who can continue to work 24x7. I fail to see how this is
Why don't you use a Maatkit solution like mk-checksum to ensure that 
your slaves have identical data with the master?

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Re: corrupted tables

2007-03-19 Thread Steve Musumeche
How about your disk space?  I had a similar problem on a large table and 
it ended up being caused by filling up the disk.

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Octavian Rasnita wrote:

From: Steve Edberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sometimes I see that some tables from my database get corrupted. Why 
does this happpen and how can I avoid it?
It is not hard to go and use repair table but it seems that in 
this way some records could be deleted and this is not ok.
If I want to have a very secure database, can I use MySQL? I hope 
the answer won't be that I need to make backups regularily.

You'll have to give us some more least:

* What MySQL version, OS platform, and file system used for database?

I am using MySQL 5, under Fedora Core 4, installed with its default 

* Does this happen at a regular time, or apparently randomly?

It happends apparently randomly. Sometimes I just see that the 
programs are not working. Sometimes I can do some simple queries in 
the table with problems (like select count(*) from table_name), and 
the query works fine, but only when trying some more complex queries I 
can find that the table is corrupt and I need to fix it.
Sometimes after fixing the table no records are deleted, but sometimes 
one or more records are deleted after fixing it.

* Does this happen to the same tables all the time, or is that random 
as well?

I found that it happends in more tables, but especially with one of 
them. That table has more than 2 million records and it is a MyISAM 
table. Should I use InnoDB instead? (Or another storage system?)
That table is updated by a single program which runs continuously a 
few hours every day, and the program add (just addings and no updates) 
aproximately 1 records in those few hours... so they are not very 
very many.

But other programs query that table very often.

* Is this a precompiled binary from MySQL or did you build it yourself?

It is a precompiled version from MySQL.

I could see that if you compiled it yourself against some buggy 
libraries you could have problems; perhaps a cronjob is doing some 
copy/restore process on the underlying files without shutting mysql 
down or flushing logs; perhaps a lot of things...more information is 

I have also seen (in most of the tables if not all) that after using 
check table table_name for the first time, I receive the message 
that the table was not closed by a few processes (from 2 to 6 
processes). If I use that query a second time, I receive the message 
that the table is ok, and that message doesn't appear again.

It has been my experience (on Windows NT, Solaris and Linux 
platforms) that MySQL  has been one of the more reliable programs out 
there. Even after system crashes I haven't lost any data; a repair 
table and index rebuild fixed things.

Yes in some cases it is the same for me, but after reparing a table, 
sometimes it tells me that some records were deleted because before 
that repair query the number of records reported is bigger.


Thank you.


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Re: how would mysqld restart affect dynamically set global variables?

2007-03-14 Thread Steve Musumeche
I believe it would revert back to the settings in your my.cnf file.  If 
you want the change to be permanent, then set it there.

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Bing Du wrote:


We're running mysql 4.1.20.  If I understand the manual correctly, I can
change max_connections while mysqld is running without restart mysqld to
make the change take effect.  But what if mysqld restarts later in some
other situations, like machine reboot, would my (global) change on
max_connections remain?  I'm just very clear when to make dynamic changes
and when is better to put changes in my.cnf.  Please advise.

Thanks in advance,



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Re: making varchar field to act like numeric field

2006-09-28 Thread Steve Musumeche
I think this method will work, however, when trying these queries, I get 
a SQL syntax error.

mysql select cast('34' AS decimal);
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near 'decimal)' at line 1

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Douglas Sims wrote:

You can use CAST or CONVERT to see the data as a numeric type.

If the table is very big and you're going to be querying it intensely, 
you might want to create a separate column to store the numeric data.

mysql select cast('34' AS decimal);
| cast('34' AS decimal) |
| 34.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select cast('hi' AS decimal);
| cast('hi' AS decimal) |
| 0.00  |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Douglas Sims

On Sep 27, 2006, at 10:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am looking for any suggestions to this problem.  I have a table with a
varchar field.  This field can hold textual or numeric data, but it is
stored in a varchar field so the database sees it all as text.

I need to be able to search and sort this field as if it were numeric.
For example, here is some sample data


I need to be able query the table to get the rows within a certain 

for example, between 4 and 7:

select * from table where field1=4 and field1=7

This doesn't work because the column is not a numeric data type.  Is 

anyway to dynamically cast the data to a numeric format so I can use
MySQL's numeric sorting?

I can't change the field's data type because it also needs to be able to
hold textual data.  Thank you for your help.

--Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

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Re: making varchar field to act like numeric field

2006-09-28 Thread Steve Musumeche


Thank you, that works!  FYI, you can treat the field like a number, 
including sorting, numeric functions, etc.

For example,

select * from table order by (text_field+0.0)

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Sep 28), Steve Musumeche said:
I think this method will work, however, when trying these queries, I get 
a SQL syntax error.

mysql select cast('34' AS decimal);
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near 'decimal)' at line 1

The CAST function in mysql 4.1 and older can't cast to DECIMAL.  5.0
and newer can.  One easy way to convert strings to numbers in older
mysql's is to add 0 to them:

mysql select (1.10 + 0);
| 1.10 + 0 |
|1.1 | 


Re: Distinct select over 2 fields?

2006-09-12 Thread Steve Musumeche

Select DISTINCT(lat_long_field) from table where...

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Brian Dunning wrote:
Many different records will be returned though, I just don't want any 
dupes where both lat/lon is the same.


On Sep 12, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Hiep Nguyen wrote:

select * from table where . limit 1

that would do it if you don't care which one it returns


On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Brian Dunning wrote:

I'm searching a database of geopoints, and when two records have the
same latitude and longitude, I only want to return one of them -
basically just find all the unique locations. How do you set up a
select like this? Thanks...


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Re: Distinct select over 2 fields?

2006-09-12 Thread Steve Musumeche

You could try using CONCAT:

select distinct(CONCAT(lat, long)) from table where ...

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Brian Dunning wrote:
Lat  lon are two different fields. Either can be duplicated, but not 

On Sep 12, 2006, at 12:33 PM, Steve Musumeche wrote:

Select DISTINCT(lat_long_field) from table where...

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Brian Dunning wrote:
Many different records will be returned though, I just don't want 
any dupes where both lat/lon is the same.


On Sep 12, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Hiep Nguyen wrote:

select * from table where . limit 1

that would do it if you don't care which one it returns


On Tue, 12 Sep 2006, Brian Dunning wrote:

I'm searching a database of geopoints, and when two records have the
same latitude and longitude, I only want to return one of them -
basically just find all the unique locations. How do you set up a
select like this? Thanks...

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Re: query to find duplicate rows

2006-09-12 Thread Steve Musumeche
Select COUNT(*) as num_entries, url from table WHERE num_entries1 GROUP 
BY url

Untested, but the concept should work for you.

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Peter Van Dijck wrote:

Hi all, a though query problem for me...

I have a table with 2 rows that matter: url and id

If url and id are the same in 2 rows, then that's no good (bad data).

I need to find all the rows that are duplicates. I can't think of how
to approach the sql for this.. any pointers?


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Re: Table permissions - before the table is created?

2006-08-30 Thread Steve Musumeche
If you are manually editing the grant tables, don't forget to FLUSH 
PRIVILEDGES after you add the new tables.

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Chris Jones wrote:
Thanks for that.  Will create the two tables ahead of time which won't 
affect the existing application.

At 11:57 30/08/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Chris Jones wrote:
 Can the mysql administrator grant permissions on a table in an 
 database if that table doesn't exist yet?  This is part of planning 

 upgrade to an existing application.  The mysql administrator won't be
 when I add the table to the existing database and I don't have grant

You can't do this using a grant statement because it is bound by 
tables. You may be able to manipulate the mysql db tables directly - 
I was
able to insert a row in mysql.tables_priv for a nonexistent table - 
but I

don't know how this will play out once the table actually is created.
Perhaps give it a try on a test db...?


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Chris Jones, P.Eng.
14 Oneida Avenue
Toronto, ON M5J2E3
Tel. 416 203-7465
Fax. 416 946-1005

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Re: mysqlcc / mysql query browser

2006-08-18 Thread Steve Musumeche

I use EMS MySQL Manager.  You can buy it here:

No, I am not affiliated with them, but I use the product everyday and I 
love it.

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Pooly wrote:


MysqlCC not being in developement anymore and not working properly
with a server 5.0, we are trying to use MySQL Query browser, but there
are few things which are less than efficient compared to mysqlCC.

- you can't execute several queries ! The query tab executes them one
by one, and if you use a script tab, you don't have any results
displayed... quite annoying.

- edition of results are a pain, instead of a double-click, one need
to click on edit, then double-click on the cell to edit (spacebar
would have been quicker) and press enter. and you can't use the arrows
to move around cells when you are editing (!). To commit you need to
press Apply changes. It would be nice to have be able to edit cells
without clicking on Edit and be able to move with the arrows (Apply
changes is a good one though).

- to open a connection on another server you need to do New instance
connection, it would be great to have the same thing than MySQLCC,
where you can see others server in the sidebar. It's easier to move
around several servers and run query through them, instead of having
several separate windows.

What are your usual workarounds for these ? Is there any better
interface to do some queries ?

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