Database Insert Help

2004-05-18 Thread Taylor Lewick
Hi, I need some help with an insert issue.

I have two tables, organizations and contacts.
Every contact relates back to an organization

Organizations has org_id, org_name, and org_address, etc
Contacts has contact_id, contact_name, contact_address and a foreign key
called c_org_id.

contact_id and org_id are both auto increment integers.

I would like to set it up, via a web page, or a third party control, so that
when a user is adding new contact information,
thy don't have to know which number to enter to relate back to an
organization, but instead could just pull down the organizations name from a
list box.  Behind the scenes, that would be associated with the
organization's  unique id and that would be entered into the table.

Can someone show me an example of how to do this in mysql?  Since this will
be on a web page, I can combine with perl to make this easier to do.  And
please, the more detailed and explicit the better.

Thank you,

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lookup tables, populating automatically

2004-05-18 Thread Taylor Lewick
I asked a question earlier about how to handle lookup tables, I think this
is a little more clear as to what I was trying to ask.

if I want to relate a contact to an organization, I know I can create a
table that contains contact_ids and org_ids.

But, how do I enter that information gracefully, i.e. from a webpage?
Assuming someone has already entered a persons contact info, and I have info
for several organizations
how would I go about assigning a contact to that organization? It isn't
feasible for someone to remember all of the ids for
each business and each contact.

I could create a webpage that is used to assign contacts.  Would I want to
query each table and present two pull down boxes one with contact names and
one with organization names, and they would make thier selection and hit

In the background i.e. perl or php, once they hit submit I would then enter
the org_id and contact_id for each selection into the relation table?

IF this is correct, can someone share some code examples (perl preferably)
on how this could be accomplished?


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Fwd: Re: DB Design

2003-10-15 Thread Taylor Lewick
Whats the goal with the Data?  If it is graphing it then go with MRTG
with RRDtool, which will keep about 550 days of SNMP data and produce
displaying a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly timeframe...  Could do
1500 devices with probably less than 10 Gigs of space...

You could then load the graphs into a mysql database if you needed to
for some reason..

 Mahesh Tailor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/15/03 04:05PM

New to the list . . .

Running MySQL Server 3.23.58-1.72 on RedHat Enterprise AS.  System has
four 3GHz processors and 6GB RAM.

I need some advise on what would be best way to approach this problem.

This system is using snmpcollect to collect network statistics from
about 1500 devices.  The collections are configured to get data every
5-30 minutes depending on the collection type.  Given this I am
collecting approximately 170K records per hour.  I have to keep this
collected data for at least 365 days.  This works out to approximately
1.50B records/year. After setting up the database, each record is 42
bytes [which would yield, if my math is correct, a database of
approximately 62GB].

So my question is: is it better to create one database one table or
database many tables?  If I use the many tables option, I will have
about 1500 tables.  Or, it is better to create 1500 databases with one
table each.

BTW, I tried the 1-DB-1-table approach the the server came to a crawl.

Thanks for any opinions.


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Whats the goal with the Data?  If it is graphing it then go with MRTG
with RRDtool, which will keep about 550 days of SNMP data and produce
displaying a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly timeframe...  Could do
1500 devices with probably less than 10 Gigs of space...

You could then load the graphs into a mysql database if you needed to
for some reason..

 Mahesh Tailor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/15/03 04:05PM

New to the list . . .

Running MySQL Server 3.23.58-1.72 on RedHat Enterprise AS.  System has
four 3GHz processors and 6GB RAM.

I need some advise on what would be best way to approach this problem.

This system is using snmpcollect to collect network statistics from
about 1500 devices.  The collections are configured to get data every
5-30 minutes depending on the collection type.  Given this I am
collecting approximately 170K records per hour.  I have to keep this
collected data for at least 365 days.  This works out to approximately
1.50B records/year. After setting up the database, each record is 42
bytes [which would yield, if my math is correct, a database of
approximately 62GB].

So my question is: is it better to create one database one table or
database many tables?  If I use the many tables option, I will have
about 1500 tables.  Or, it is better to create 1500 databases with one
table each.

BTW, I tried the 1-DB-1-table approach the the server came to a crawl.

Thanks for any opinions.


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Backup, move, restore..?

2003-10-08 Thread Taylor Lewick
Hi all. I am needing to do a backup of two smalldatabases, both live on
the same server and under the same Mysql binary installation...

I would like to back them up, dump them into a file(s), make my move,
install the same database, and then restore/load this dumped
back into the new database.

I am using mysql-max 4.0.13 on HP-UX 11.00, 64 bit... I am also using
some InnoDB tables...

Is it as simple as doing mysqldumps and taring/zipping up those files?
If so, how do I load these files back into the new database?


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Re: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

2003-09-24 Thread Taylor Lewick
Unix or Linux..

 Mojtaba Faridzad [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/24/03

I wrote some queries to check the speed. If the client and server both
windows NT, retrieving large number of records is very slow but when
client is windows 98 and server is NT, it works almost 20 times
Probably the problem is caused by TCP/IP which is much slower over the
in windows NT, 2000, and XP. Do you know any solution for this


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Library database help

2003-08-05 Thread Taylor Lewick
Hi all.  I am trying to build a small simple database for a lending library.

Basically, I have a table of resources to be lended out, and a table that will store a 
user's name and what they have borrowed.

My problem is that we may have more than one copy of a given resource say a book.
So I thought I would just create each row in the resource table as an auto_increment 
integer and assign that the primary key...

How can I make that auto_incrementing field the foreign key and a compiste primary key 
in the user table?


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mysql queries with numbers

2003-07-28 Thread Taylor Lewick
Question for everyone, I have a database with about 30-60 days worth of information.  
Much of it numerical.
Can and should I use SQL to run quereis that will return me the high/low and average 
for the time frame, as well as standard deviation,
or should I just get all of the info into an array via perl and let it do the 


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Re: MySQL 4.0.14: Manual

2003-07-28 Thread Taylor Lewick
Not to be too picky, but the version I downloaded didn't have a table of contents in 
the .pdf file.
The older version did.  It was very handy for quickly narrowing down a topic and 
getting close to what you were interested in...

 Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/03 10:55AM 

On Jul 28, Thomas Spahni wrote:
 in some strange way the version number did not propagate into the
 manual for version 4.0.14. It starts like this:
 This is the Reference Manual for the `MySQL Database System'.  This
 version refers to the {No value for `mysqlversion'} version of `MySQL
 Server' but it is also applicable for ...
 Thomas Spahni

Sorry for this :(
It's fixed - and won't happen again.


   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /   Sergei Golubchik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__  MySQL AB, Senior Software Developer
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/  Osnabrueck, Germany

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Multiple fiel attachments per record

2003-07-18 Thread Taylor Lewick
Hello. How can I set up a table that allows multiple file attachments per record.

Basically, if I have a table of clients, and I want to add or remove attached files 
for a client, I dont want to have to create a set number of blobcolumns ahead of time, 
so is there a way to dynamically add more files without adding more columns, or do I 
need to do an alter table statement add column..?


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read in a .sql file

2003-07-18 Thread Taylor Lewick
I have a large SQL file that contains a bunch of create table statements...
How do I get mysql to read in this file and process the sql.  

I am not thinking load data infile because it isn't text...

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Re: read in a .sql file

2003-07-18 Thread Taylor Lewick
Thanks all, I had to use the use database name as well as put the password in the 
first line and that worked...

 Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/18/03 02:59PM 
At 14:44 -0500 7/18/03, Taylor Lewick wrote:
I have a large SQL file that contains a bunch of create table statements...
How do I get mysql to read in this file and process the sql.

mysql  file.sql


mysql db_name  file.sql

if you need to set the database name first.

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Are you MySQL certified? 

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RE: What's up with this GATOR crap?

2003-07-11 Thread Taylor Lewick
Yes and think before you type,  I may have to consider using another database.
That shows real maturity.  First of all if you are really that important of a customer 
and have the ability to influence your organizations database useage decisions, and if 
this really angered you off that bad, then you would contact MySQL directly, and voice 
your concerns with them.  Second, if you are just a small site, or a one guy shop, or 
something like that, then you threatening to end the use of thier product is really 
going ot have them reeling.  Finally, no one on the lists cares.

Next time try this.  Hey all, I have noticed everytime I point my browser at a mysql 
site I get gaterware popups and stuff.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is it something 
intentional done by MySQL or just a site the software likes.  Anyone know of a good 
way to remove this software.  Its just really annoying.  Thanks...

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Delete from InnoDB

2003-07-01 Thread Taylor Lewick
Hi all.  I did a delete query on an InnoDB table where items were older than a certain 
That worked fine, and it told me that some 30,000 objects had been deleted.

i did a commit, and then decided to delete a few more by changing the date parameter.
Now the query just hangs, and when I do a show table status, the number of rows 
constantly changes even after I killed off the query and did more commits.  

My question is what happened and what can I do to fix this?  Right now I can't access 
any data from this table.


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mysql php question

2002-06-24 Thread Taylor Lewick

Does anyone have some simple sample code using php to access a mySQL database?

Could you post it or send someit to me please?

Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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Re: mysql php question

2002-06-24 Thread Taylor Lewick

gotcha, thanks, which manual is that?

Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/24/02 01:39PM 
in the php manual in the section of functions about mysql, it has a few 

/* Connecting, selecting database */
$link = mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_password)
or die(Could not connect);
print Connected successfully;
mysql_select_db(my_database) or die(Could not select database);

/* Performing SQL query */
$query = SELECT * FROM my_table;
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(Query failed);

/* Printing results in HTML */
print table\n;
while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
print \ttr\n;
foreach ($line as $col_value) {
print \t\ttd$col_value/td\n;
print \t/tr\n;
print /table\n;

/* Free resultset */

/* Closing connection */
On Monday 24 June 2002 1:16, you wrote:
 Does anyone have some simple sample code using php to access a mySQL

 Could you post it or send someit to me please?

 Taylor Lewick
 Unix System Administrator
 Fortis Benefits
 816 881 6073

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 You Know where to apply.

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mysql, sql, query

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mysql perl query question

2002-06-14 Thread Taylor Lewick

I am trying to execute the following mysql query in a perl script...

my $sth = $dbh-prepare(select * from servers);
my @row;
while ( @row = $sth-fetchrow_arrayref())
  foreach $row(@row)
   push @SelectedArray, $row\n\n;
print @SelectedArray;

And I am getting the following error...
DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: fetch() without execute() at 
./ line 20 
which is the while loop line.

I set DBI trace and I can see the data in the table, just when it reaches the fetch it 
bombs on me...

Sorry if this belongs more on the perl users list, but I thought everyoen would enjoy 
a DBI refresher...Any ideas?

Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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mysql auto_increment question

2002-06-11 Thread Taylor Lewick

Hi all. I have searched the documentation, and i found some info, but I wanted to ask 
the lsit a little more about auto_increment.

First, if I use auto_increment, and then delete a field, I assume mysql leaves the 
remaining fields with the original numbers...
i.e. if I haverows 1 through 10 and delete row 1, the other rows are still 2-9. Is 
this correct. If I want to insert something with a value of 1, is that easy to do?
What if I decide to reorganize the rows. Must I drop them and repopulate, or can I 
just shuffle them to the order I want?
Finally, do most of you findauto-increment to be pretty useful or more restrictive, or 
both, useful but restrictive?


Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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Re: data warehousing

2002-05-29 Thread Taylor Lewick

I dont think the types of tables will really help you, because as I understand it 
mySQL doesnt yet have stored procs, views, and sub-selects, regardless of table type...

I may be wrong though...

Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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 Don Vu [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/29/02 03:02PM 
Hi guys,

Does anyone have any thoughts on using MySQL for a datawarehousing application? 
Problems I've run in to are with mining data from a data warehouse because of the lack 
of sub-selects, stored procs, and views.

Should I be looking more at InnoDB or MyISAM table types?

any thoughts are appreciated,

Don Vu  Database Guy  Madstone Films 
85 fifth avenue, 12th floor  new york  new york  10003  
p 212.989.4500  f 212.989.7744 

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privilege problem

2002-05-28 Thread Taylor Lewick

I am having a problem with a user having the correct privleges in mysql.
The user cannot connect to get access to the database, but everything looks correct to 

User table...
Host   User Password  Privs
localhostuser1password  Only Y is for File_priv
ip_addr   user1password  Only Y is for File_priv

db table
Host   DBUserSelect Insert Update Delete  Create Drop Grant References 
Index Alter
  % some-db user1Y  Y  Y NY N  
N   N Y   N

I think I am missing something fairly obvious, but Im not sure what it is.

Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
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mysql load data question

2002-05-23 Thread Taylor Lewick

What priviledge does a user need in order to be able to execute the load data infile 
command in mysql..?  is it FILE?


Taylor Lewick
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mysql priviledges question

2002-05-21 Thread Taylor Lewick

Could someone give me a brief description of the following priviledges and what they 
are used for...?

1) References  Not yet implemented.  Is that still true?  
2) File  ??
3) Index  Is this so the person can create an index, and if so, they must first have 
the alter statement right?

I didnt see much in the mysql manual about these priviledges
Thank you,

Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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date question

2002-05-17 Thread Taylor Lewick

for mysql, if I have a text file that has the date as 5/17/2002, is there a way I can 
translate that to mysql's version of the date, i.e. 2002-05-17?

With Load Data as well?


Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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mysql InnoDB .my.cnf help

2002-05-17 Thread Taylor Lewick

Hi.  I am wanting to create an Innodb databse.  I am using mysql 4.0 on unix.  
Could someone send me a sample configuration file of thier /etc/.my.cnf? 
 I've looked at the documentation, but I always enjoy looking at something from a real 


Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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mysql query question

2002-05-17 Thread Taylor Lewick

How can I delete from a table the results of a join query..

I.e, join two tables together, get the resutls, now want to delete that data from one 
of the tables...
Do I have to create a tempory table, hold the data, and delete from the one table data 
matching in the temp table, 
or can I just combine a delete statement with my original query...?

here is my query, which works..

select distinct table1.ticker_name
from table1 LEFT JOIN on table2 on (table1.ticker_name = table2.ticker_name)
where table2.ticker_name IS NULL;


Taylor Lewick
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mysql index question

2002-05-16 Thread Taylor Lewick

Regarding mysql...
1) Are primary keys and foreign keys by default indexes for a table?
2) Do I have to use a special data other than float to allow for negative numbers, 
i.e. I want to be able to enter -1.76 and be able to later do math against that 


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Re: mysql login question

2002-05-16 Thread Taylor Lewick

Can you login to mysql from a perl script by passing it an encrypted password..?

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table type airline?

2002-05-16 Thread Taylor Lewick

From my sql How can I see what the types of tables I have are.. i.e. how do I verify 
if a table is an ISAM, HEAP, InnoDB...

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Mysql Load Data question

2002-05-16 Thread Taylor Lewick

I read in the Mysql manual where you can change the default column seperator, but it 
didnt specify how to do this.  
So, how can I tell the LOAD DATA command to use commas, or better yet, where can I go 
to find out about mysql command syntax...?


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building mysql-4.0.1 (libtool question)

2002-05-15 Thread Taylor Lewick

I am trying to build mysql-4.0.1 from the source...
When it gets to libtool it is having problems finding gcc...  How can I cahnge the 
path to the full path of the gcc compiler?


Taylor Lewick
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Re: building mysql-4.0.1 (libtool question)

2002-05-15 Thread Taylor Lewick

Okay, I believe the problem I am having is make is having some problemsis in 
libmysql.c when the getenv fucntion is used.

I commented out the following lines in libmysql.c and then the program errored in the 
next line with getenv.  Anyone have a workaround for this code on HP-UX 11.00?
  if (!passwd)
   if (!passwd)
 passwd=getenv(MYSQL_PWD);  /* get it from environment (haenke) */

The next line that then errored was...
if ((env = getenv(MYSQL_UNIX_PORT)))

Taylor Lewick
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DBI connect (help)

2002-05-15 Thread Taylor Lewick

Hi all, I am trying to connect to my mysql database with a perl script...

I can connect from commnad line both passing a password or at password prompt...
I can connect successfully with the following line in my script..
my $dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:database=mysql;host=localhost, root, password, 
{'RaiseError' =1});

But the following line fails.. with a Memory fault but no core dump
my $dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:database=mysql;host=localhost . 
;mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf, $user, $password);

DBI-trace(9); outputs the following
imp_dbh-mysql_dr_connect: host = localhost, port =0, uid = NULL, pwd = NULL

.my.cnf file looks like...

Any ideas or anything blatenly obvious as to what is wrong?

Taylor Lewick
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shutting down mysql

2002-05-14 Thread Taylor Lewick

I looked through the documentation, and I see how to start the dbase/server, but how 
do I stop it.. Just kill the mysql daemon?


Taylor Lewick
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Mysql 4.0

2002-05-14 Thread Taylor Lewick

Has anyone installed the mysql 4.0 HP-UX binary (10.20) on an 11.00 box?  If so did it 
work okay...? 
What about builing from the source on 11.00?  Any big issues I should be aware of?


Taylor Lewick
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builidng mysql-4.0.1-alpha

2002-05-14 Thread Taylor Lewick

Hi all, I am attempting to build mysql-4.0.1-alpha on an HP-UX 11.00 box because the 
binary I installed worked, 
but I couldnet connect to the database by typing in a password at the prompt, I had to 
actually pass it on the command line.
I figured there might be a few other odd behaviors that would show themselves later...

I did a configure, and then a make, and it errored out when it was compiling rltty.c, 
which deals with reading information from the terminal... (Sounds familliar)
I was advised to reconfigure with --without-readline (which will use the system 
supplied readline instead of mysql's readline).  I did this and I got further.  
Now when I do a make, it is erroring on the following in libmysql.c

some info..
using gcc version 3.0.1
using gmake version 3.79.1

Here is the errors it is returning
libmysql.c: In function `read_user_name':
libmysql.c:524: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
libmysql.c:526: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
libmysql.c:527: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
libmysql.c:528: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
libmysql.c:528: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
libmysql.c:529: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
libmysql.c: In function `mysql_once_init':
libmysql.c:1344: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
libmysql.c:1357: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
libmysql.c: In function `mysql_real_connect':
libmysql.c:1505: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
*** Error exit code 

Here is the out of mysqlbug, taken from the binary instance I had built and still have 
on the system, it is not running or active..
Everything is the same, except I built with gnu make...
Release:mysql-3.23.49 (Official MySQL binary)

machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: HP-UX u3p1util B.11.00 U 9000/800 164951547 unlimited-user license

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /opt/gcc/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from /opt/gcc/lib/gcc-lib/hppa2.0n-hp-hpux11.00/3.0.1/specs
Configured with: ./configure  : (reconfigured) ./configure  : (reconfigured) 
./configure  : (reconfigured) ./configure  : (reconfigured) ./configure 
Thread model: single
gcc version 3.0.1
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-DHPUX -I/opt/dce/include -O3'  CXX='gcc'  
CXXFLAGS='-DHPUX -I/opt/dce/include -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -O3 
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   sys  8 Jul 31  2001 /lib/libc.0 - ./libc.1
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1867776 May  2  2001 /lib/libc.1
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1552384 Mar 30  2001 /lib/libc.2
-r--r--r--   1 binbin2176124 Mar 30  2001 /lib/libc.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   sys 15 Jul 31  2001 /lib/ - 
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   sys  8 Jul 31  2001 /usr/lib/libc.0 - ./libc.1
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1867776 May  2  2001 /usr/lib/libc.1
-r-xr-xr-x   1 binbin1552384 Mar 30  2001 /usr/lib/libc.2
-r--r--r--   1 binbin2176124 Mar 30  2001 /usr/lib/libc.a
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root   sys 15 Jul 31  2001 /usr/lib/ - 
Configure command: ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/mysql '--with-comment=Official 
MySQL binary' --with-extra-charsets=complex --with-server-suffix= 
--enable-thread-safe-client --with-pthread --with-named-thread-libs=-ldce 
--with-lib-ccflags=-fpic --disable-shared

The only thing I can think of, is I think HP has a problem with some code that uses 
geteuid and seteuid.  I remember reading something along those lines...??

Anyone have any clues?

Taylor Lewick
Unix System Administrator
Fortis Benefits
816 881 6073

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.my.cnf question

2002-05-13 Thread Taylor Lewick

I have created a .my.cnf file in my home directory.  When I start mysql as that user, 
it should read that file automatically correct?


Taylor Lewick
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table structure question

2002-05-13 Thread Taylor Lewick

Hi All, I am fairly new to mysql..
I am using perl, mysql, and apache to do a little development, and to learn quickly I 
am trying to do some real dbase transactions...

I have a program whcih gets a bunch of stock quotes from the internet (say about 5000) 
 it returns symbol, price, time, etc (about 10 columns)
What would eb the best way to organize a table or tables if I wanted to store about a 
month or twos worth of data..  Just store 1 big table with name as primary key and 
data as a unique value, or is there a better way to store large amounts of similar 


Taylor Lewick
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