MySQL log in issues

2009-02-22 Thread Tim DeBoer
Hi everyone,
I'm having some problems getting logged in to mysql to create a new
I have to admit, my overall skill level with mysql is 'Entry level noob'.
I just haven't ever had much need to mess with it in general, so if you want
to laugh, feel free. I'll understand  ;)

At any rate, as it has been about a year since the last time I tried to do
this, I've forgotten the root password and tried reset it using the
following steps:
1. Stopped the mysqld daemon process.
2. Started the mysqld daemon process with the --skip-grant-tables option.
3. Started the mysql client with the -u root option.
Once logged in as root, I did:

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password='newpass' WHERE User='root';

When I try to log in now:
# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using
password: YES)

Can someone give me a nudge/push/drag me kicking and screaming in the right

Thanks everyone  :)

Tim DeBoer

MySQL or PHP problem?

2006-01-06 Thread Tim DeBoer
Hi everyone,
I've recently tried installing webcalander on
my FBSD box.
I'm using version 5.1.1 of PHP, version 5.0.17 of MySQL, and version
1.0.2of Webcalander.

I've posted for help on the webcal list and the few respondents seemed to
think it might be a mysql issue. The error message certainly makes things
appear that way anyhow.
*Warning*: mysql_pconnect()
Access denied for user 'me'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in *
/usr/www/docs/* on line *95*

WebCalendar Error

Error connecting to database:

Access denied for user 'me'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I've checked line 95 in the file the error refers to. It doesn't appear to
be an editable variable or anything like that, it's just code.
I'm not nearly as familiar with mysql as I would like to be, so I have no
idea how to proceed from here. Can some kind soul point/handhold me in the
right direction?

Thanks.  :-)

Tim DeBoer
Just once, I'd like it if someone called me Sir.
Without adding You're creating a scene.

Can't start mysql

2005-12-01 Thread Tim DeBoer
Hi everyone,
I just installed mysql50-server, -client, and -scripts from Freebsd ports.
Everything seemed to go well, no errors that I noticed anyway.

So, after installing I tried to start the mysql server.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
Nothing happens. No error messages, no starting, nothing.
If I do a ps ax I see no processes for anything connected to mysql.

I see no errors in any of my system logs either.
So, I made deinstall on all three, and reinstalled them. Same results.
The only thing I can think of is a permissions problem, but I'm not sure
where to look.
/usr/local/bin/mysql is chowned root:wheel, is that correct?

Is there a log my startup errors should be dumping to?
Is there somewhere else I should be checking permissions?
Is there anything the problem might be, that I can check?


Tim DeBoer
Just once, I'd like it if someone called me Sir.
Without adding You're creating a scene.