RE: Changing the Prompt for timing purposes

2005-04-13 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The MYSQL command line interface is very basic. Can it be modified
 like the shell command prompts so that I can include date/time for
 timing benchmarks?  
 Secondly, is there an echo command in MYSQL command prompt so that
 I can see the command I issued or a log file that I can write
 to.sorry about the basic questions but I'm a newbe.  

Read the following for prompt modification:

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Unix time as year in select query -nooby

2005-04-13 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, April 13, 2005 20:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 MySql vers 4.0.20
 A table noticeboard has three test entries.
 A unix time from date(U) is stored in the field published of
 type, bigint20. 
 I am not able to workout how to select  the year.  Assuming that the
 value from date(U) can be treated as a unixtime value, my latest
 unsuccessful effort is   
 $yearslist = mysql_query(SELECT published,
 noticeboard) or die(Cannot get list of .
 $counttotal = mysql_num_rows($yearslist); echo divRows found
 while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($yearslist)) {
 if (ISSET($myrow['published'])){$published=$myrow['published'];}
 if (ISSET($myrow['year'])){
 else {echo divYear is not set/div;}
 echo divYear $year but value was $published.  Year value should be
 The result is
 Rows found 3
 Year 1969 but value was 1083923875. Year value should be 2004 Year
 1969 but value was 1113300220. Year value should be 2005 Year 1969
 but value was 1113351870. Year value should be 2005  

My guess is that you are passing what is already a unix timestamp to 
the function unix_timestamp, and since that is an invalid datetime it 
returns zero which then causes from_unixtime to return 1969 (when epoch 
time started in your time zone).

Try using FROM_UNIXTIME(published,'%Y')

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: CSV storage engine

2005-04-06 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, April 06, 2005 02:30, Martijn Tonies wrote:

 Sorry, I don't use windows 8-) except when I have to. All my servers
 are unix/linux and I can build them at will. I think there are
 instructions in the manual for building it but I think you would
 probably have to purchase a C++ compiler or similar.
 Exactly the reason why I do NOT want to build it :-)
 I know MySQL used to be build by everyone ... but IMO, this
 doesn't make sense no more ... I don't want to build my own
 binary for a database engine, no matter how detailed the instructions
 I hope for a binary with CSV enabled.
 With regards,
 Martijn Tonies
 Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL 
 MS SQL Server
 Upscene Productions

Perhaps you can convince mysql ab to build a windows package similar to 
the linux max package which includes support for the csv engine along 
with many other things.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Changed Number

2005-04-05 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Tuesday, April 05, 2005 20:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have loaded a large *.csv spreadsheet into mysql and one number, the
 grand total, changes from 16996941 on the Excel spreadsheet to
 8388607 in the mysql database.  The numbers surrounding this number
 are correct at all stages.  I have reloaded, checked formatting and
 done various other things without success.  Then I went to the text
 (*.sql) file in which I had dumped the mysql table, manually changed
 the number to 16996941 and put the text file on the server.  However,
 the number that showed up on the web page table and the number in the
 database on the server is 8388607.  Note that the smaller number is
 just under half of the larger number.

This is exactly the maximum value of a signed mediumint. Might I suggest 
a column type of int or bigint. In a numeric field, anything over the 
maximum will be converted to the maximum, and anything under the minimun 
will be converted to the minimun.

 This makes no sense.  Any solutions?

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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Re: [Q] Database design

2005-04-02 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Saturday, April 02, 2005 12:48, Eric Gorr wrote:

 Peter Brawley wrote:
 If I understand you correctly, you propose to encode user and group
 info as table names. That's a mistake. To use an RDBMS like MySQL
 effectively, you want to encode your information as rows of data in
 tables whose names and structures do not vary.
 Thank you for your comments. Would this design be better?
 ( assume that one of the group names will be 'Group_A' )
  group name
  # of user columns
  Column 1 Data
  Column 2 Data
  Column N Data
 I am still encoding group info into a table name, but I am unsure of
 how to avoid this and not have a table with a lot of wasted space.
 May I suggest you read
 some of the tutorials listed at, and/or read
 Thank you for the pointers.
 Unfortunately, seems to
 have a couple of broken links (Codd's Rules)...any idea where this
 information can be found?

user table:
id (pk)
any other user info only dependant on the user

group table:
id (pk)
any other group info only dependant on the group

usergroup table:
user_id (pk)
group_id (pk)
any info specific to individual user/group combo

pk = primary key

This third table is called a linking table. It allows you 
to deal with a many-to-many relationship. This setup allows 
a group to have multiple users, and users can belong to 
multiple groups. You will need to look into joins to see 
how to query these tables effectively.

For example to find out what users are in group A.

SELECT FROM user as u 
INNER JOIN usergroup as ug ON ( = ug.user_id) 
INNER JOIN group as g ON (ug.group_id =

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Hex data in VARBINARY fields -- Is it me, or MySQL?

2005-04-01 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Friday, April 01, 2005 17:57, Adam Wilson wrote:

 OK so...
 I'm having this problem where I'm trying to store (rather small
 (36-byte)) hex values in MySQL, but some of them end up getting
 truncated, therefore breaking my app... I'm using 4.1.10, with
 --default-table-type=InnoDB... Or what ever option that is
 anyway... point is, all of these tables are InnoDB...
 Here's the problem..
 mysql CREATE TABLE `table` (`field` VARBINARY(36) DEFAULT NULL);
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
 mysql INSERT INTO `table` SET field =

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql SELECT HEX(`field`) FROM `table` WHERE `field` =

 Empty set (0.00 sec)
 mysql SELECT HEX(`field`) FROM `table`;
 | DEE96318A69C8BA3208E1B2E91233725F5BB99A4708DF7AD367C7285041BBB17652A0F
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


 I'd appreciate any Ideas anyone has any ideas/suggestions... I'd hate
 to unnecessarily submit a bug report, if it's something on my end.

You need to you a blob column type instead. Varbinary strips trailing 
spaces (0x20). Refer to the folowing page for further explanation.

Quote from page:

There is no trailing-space removal for BLOB and TEXT columns 
 when values are stored or retrieved. Before MySQL 5.0.3, this 
 differs from VARBINARY and VARCHAR, for which trailing spaces 
 are removed when values are stored.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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2005-04-01 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Friday, April 01, 2005 19:27, Chris wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've got 3 or 4 queries UNIONed together in a single query. I want to
 GROUP the UNIONed result, by one field, and SUM() another field.
 Is that possible in one query, or will I need to use temporary table
 and group it from that?

I don't think you can tacka group by directly on the end of a union.

Try something like this:

select groupcol, sum(sumcol) from 
(select col1 as groupcol, col2 as sumcol from table1 
select col1 as groupcol, col2 as sumcol from table2) as tmptable 
group by groupcol;

Obviously you can add in your where clause. This is messy but it should 
work. This is basically using a temp table without 2-stepping it. If you 
look at the explain it will say using temporary.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: How to group records by using regular expression?

2005-04-01 Thread Tom Crimmins
On Saturday, April 02, 2005 01:51, ON.KG wrote:

 Hi Everybody
 I need to group records by regular expression
 Table has column - names (just example)
 records are:
 idnames time
 1 John, Max 12:15
 2 Max, Jeff 15:55
 3 Ken   20:45
 I need to get grouped records by name Max in column names
 FROM my_table
 GROUP BY reg_expression

Are you just looking for a count of names that contain max?

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table WHERE names REGEXP 'max';


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table WHERE names LIKE '%max%';

If you are really trying to group the names you can do this with 
a regex but this will only give you at most three rows (two if 
the column doesn't allow nulls). This is because the regex can 
only evaluate to true, false, or null. If you want just the ones 
that contain Max grouped together and everything else separate 
you could rig it with an if.

SELECT names, COUNT(*) FROM my_table 
GROUP BY if(names REGEXP 'max', -1, names)

The -1 would need to be replaced by a value that will not exist 
in the table. This is why I said it is rigged.

Maybe if you could explain why you are trying to do this, someone
could help you come up with a better solution.
 Could somebody help me?

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Central UDF project at

2005-03-30 Thread Tom Crimmins

I also think this would be a good idea. I have written some UDF's 
for specific internal use and often wondered if they would be useful 
to others. It would be nice if there was a centralized place to search 
for UDFs, so you don't have to re-invent the wheel everytime you need 
a function. I think that the community list may be the appropriate list 
for disscussion on how to get this going. I believe it is run by Arjen 
Lentz. I have CC'd him on this message. Maybe he can give some input.


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa 

On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 09:12, Dan Bolser wrote:

 On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Mark Papadakis wrote:
 That is a really good idea - though I am not sure there is much of
 those out there to justify the cause, nor many developers actually
 using UDFs.
 Cheers :)
 I think with the right infra more people would start using and
 developing UDF's, especially if the work was a part of 'MySQL' proper
 and not just different groups of individuals. I know it wouldn't make
 any *real* difference, but it would make a psychological difference.
 Also a central project would be a way to boost visibility for
 different UDF projects, for example good (ongoing) work could be
 showcased in the MySQL news letter. 
 Still, having them all in one place could be nothing but a good
 Yeah, I totally agree :) Especially if resources like the MySQL
 bugtracker and mailing lists could be shared.
 Is this the right forum for requesting such things?
 All the best,
 On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:39:11 +0100 (BST), Dan Bolser
 I searched for previous discussion on this topic, but didn't find
 I would like to see a centralized MySQL hosted UDF archive and
 development project. The only existing 'archives' seem to be
 somewhat poorly 
 maintained (sorry), and suffer for their duplicated efforts and
 being loosely distributed throughout the web.
 The best I can find are here (ranked according to Google)...
 I think a centralized project would do wonders for the UDF
 community, allowing UDF's to be discussed, suggested and developed
 under one roof. A first step should be to create a
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. Without such a central list the
 UDF community can't communicate effectively. Who better than MySQL
 to organize the MySQL UDF community? 
 A simple not officially supported statement is all that is
 needed. Good UDF's could become part of MySQL proper, and a UDF
 'bundle' would be a 
 great development. MySQL programmers could help build UDF's, and the
 community could vote on 'wanted' functions.
 You could probably guess where all this is going, and that is
 towards my 
 own UDF request (where to ask?), but I will leave that for later.
 Any comments? Any postings that I have missed? Any reason that
 their is no udf mailing list? I think that their are tons of UDF's
 waiting to happen, given the right conditions. 
 All the best,

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RE: if statement help

2005-03-30 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 09:49, Christopher Vaughan wrote:

 I have data in a table listed as
 It stands for hhh:mm:ss

If you convert it to a time field you can use mysql built-in functions 
to do what you want. You are limited to the range -838:59:59 to 
838:59:59 though.

 I want to break each part of the data into different parts based on
 the ':' to separate them.  Then I want to take that data and sum it. 
 I wrote an if statement to parse through this table but I can't get
 it to work.  I am not sure If my syntax is wrong because I can't find
 anything to check against it.   
 Here is the syntax:
 (SELECT job_walltime
 FROM time
 WHERE CHAR_LENGTH( job_walltime ) =9)
 (SELECT sum( left( job_walltime,  '3'  )  ) hours, sum(mid( 
 `job_walltime` , 4, 2  )) , sum( right( job_walltime,  '2'  )  )
 FROM  `time`)
 (SELECT sum( left( job_walltime,  '3'  )  ) hours, sum(mid( 
 `job_walltime` , 3, 2  ) ), sum( right( job_walltime,  '2'  )  )
 FROM  `time`)
 I know this isn't the only way to do this but this but this is the
 first suggestion that comes to mind.  Any input would be great. 
 Further info MySQL 3.23.58  running on RedHat 9
 -Chris Vaughan

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: if statement help

2005-03-30 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:24, Christopher Vaughan wrote:

 Tom Crimmins on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 11:10 AM -0500 wrote: 
 If you convert it to a time field you can use mysql built-in
 functions to do what you want. You are limited to the range
 -838:59:59 to 838:59:59 though.
 I'm not sure that this is going to work.  Since the length of the
 data ranges from 8-9 characters in length and I also need to sum all
 the times on hour, minute and second.  I looked at the addtime
 function but for the version of MySQL we have installed it does not
 work and upgrading it would be an unwanted hassle.   
 -Chris Vaughan

Look at the functions HOUR(time), MINUTE(time), SECOND(time). These 
will give you interger output for each part of the time field. Also 
TIME_TO_SEC(time) may be useful for you. I believe that all of these 
are supported in 3.23. If your times aren't greater than 838:59:59 
this should work for you.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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FW: if statement help

2005-03-30 Thread Tom Crimmins

Just forwarding this to the list.

On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:43, Christopher Vaughan wrote:

 Tom Crimmins on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 11:31 AM -0500 wrote: 
 Look at the functions HOUR(time), MINUTE(time), SECOND(time). These
 will give you interger output for each part of the time field. Also
 TIME_TO_SEC(time) may be useful for you. I believe that all of these
 are supported in 3.23. If your times aren't greater than 838:59:59
 this should work for you.
 Thanks for the help:
 SELECT sum(  HOUR ( job_walltime ) ) Hours, sum(
 MINUTE ( job_walltime ) ) Minutes, sum(
 SECOND ( job_walltime ) ) Seconds
 FROM  `Jobs`
 This cold medicine that I'm on has slowed me down a bit.
 -Chris Vaughan

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RE: What's up with this syntax?

2005-03-30 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 22:25, Daniel Kasak wrote:

 _cached_LinesNotTolling LNT inner join TelecomLinePosting TLP
 on LNT.Line=TLP.Line
 inner join TelecomAccountPosting TAP
 on TLP.TelecomLinePostingID=TAP.DanPK
 inner join PhoneTypes
 on TLP.LineType=PhoneTypes.ID
 group by
 It's giving me:
 You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
 corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
 near 'group by TLP.Line'
 Looks right to me...

Remove the group by. A group by is used to group rows returned by 
a select statement.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: mysql not starting at boot

2005-03-30 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, March 30, 2005 23:26, Mark Sargent wrote:

 Hi All,
 below is my /etc/init.d/mysql content, but, mysql is not starting at
 boot on Fedora3. Have I missed something fundamental.? I need mysql to
 start at boot for snort to connect to it. Currently, snort gives an
 error stating it can't connect. Cheers.
 Mark Sargent.

I assume you are able to start it after boot using 'service mysql start'.

chkconfig --list mysql

This should show a list of runlevels with on and off. If not run:
chkconfig --add mysql

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: upgrading mysql on RH fedora core 3

2005-03-29 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Tuesday, March 29, 2005 21:29, bruce wrote:
 we're trying to install mysql/mysql-server (4.1.10a-1.i386) and are
 running into some serious problems. we had mysql/server
 (3.23.52-3.i386) running, but needed to go to the higher version...
 can someone tell us how/what we need to do to get this working
 correctly. actually, if anybody's managed to do this, can you tell us
 exactly what rpm packages you used? as you know, dealing with the
 rpms gets into dependency hell, which we believe has a lot to do with
 our issues... 
 if you managed to get this version of mysql running on FC3, and you
 built it from source, can you provide directions/pointers on what you
 did, where you placed the resulting libs/etc...
 also, this has to be running with apache/php/perl/etc...

I use mysql primarily on RHEL3, but I just upgraded a FC2 box just to try 
it. I was able to upgrade it using the rpm's from I did
one thing. The rpm install didn't seem to kill the old mysqld properly, so I

got an access denied right after the install. I ran the following as root:

#killall mysqld
#service mysql start

After that I was then able to connect just fine.

As far as perl, php, and apache, everything will continue to work without 
modification if you continue to use the old password hashes. You can force 
this. Refer to,
the old-password option.

To make perl work with the new passwords, all you need to do is build
from source. To do this, uninstall the dbd-mysql rpm if you have it
installed. I 
can't remember the exact name because I don't use it. Then as root run:

#perl -e shell -MCPAN
cpaninstall DBD::mysql


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: MySQL account permissions

2005-03-28 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, March 28, 2005 15:07, Philippe Reynolds wrote:

 I've just create an account and given it all privileges for
 database_name.*.  However when I try to 'load data infile' it
 tell's me that the account doesn't permit it.
 When I use the 'root' account everything is fine.
 Can you guys help?

The user needs the FILE priv. This is a global priv.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Is there a way to use LIMIT in both UNION ALL statement and t hen ORDER?

2005-03-28 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, March 28, 2005 21:07, Homam S.A. wrote:

 MySQL seems to let me use the LIMIT clause in both
 parts of a UNION ALL query, but as soon as I add an
 ORDER BY CLAUSE, it gives me a syntax error.
 For example, this query executes fine:
 But this returns an error:


Without the parens, this looks like an order by on 
just the second query, and since this is after the 
LIMIT clause that is invalid. It should work fine 
with the parens.

 Any way to let sort the result other than a temp

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server....' error

2005-03-28 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, March 28, 2005 21:36, bruce wrote:

 a server went from RH8 to FC2. it appears that the guy who did the
 upgrade didn't perfrom any backups...
 i get a 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket...' error.
 i've tried to 'fix' the tables 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables' with no
 luck... i've tried to start/restart with no luck. i've lloked through
 google/mysql with no luck...
 any ideas as to what might be causing the problems... if i can get the
 daemon started, i'll (hopefully) be ok...

Is there anything in the error log? You could try starting it from the 
command line to see what errors you get. The following will work assuming 
you installed using the rpm's. Otherwise the location of mysqld and the 
user may differ.

#su - mysql

Run this and see what errors are reported.


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: show duplicate entries

2005-03-27 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Sunday, March 27, 2005 19:48, Louie Miranda wrote:

 mysql select count(*) - count(distinct username,email) as 'duplicate
 names' from users;
 duplicate names |
   2 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 I got this select syntax to count how many duplicate entries i have.
 But i dont know how to show the duplicate entries i have on that

SELECT username, email, COUNT(*) as n 
FROM users
GROUP BY username, email 

 Pls help!
 Louie Miranda

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: changing default date format on server

2005-03-24 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:06, J.R. Bullington wrote:

 You can change it on the command line by
 mysql set date_format = '%m-%d-%Y';
 However, this may be a client-only view, as I am still trying to get
 the global variable to change.

#mysqld -v --help | grep date_format
  --date_format=name  The DATE format (For future).
date_format   (No default value)

This has been said before, but date_format is not implemented on the 
server. You can set it, but I don't think it does anything.

 PS - Sorry it took me so long Mark, was busy and AFK
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:57 AM
 To: Mark Mchugh
 Cc: mysql list
 Subject: Re: changing default date format on server
 Mark Mchugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/24/2005 10:26:44 AM:
 How can i change the default date field to european format, i.e.
 dd/mm/ ? 
 However, your _client_ may have many ways to format date data for
 viewing. How you change _what_you_see_ depends entirely on which tool
 you are using to get data from the server and present it for viewing
 or other operations. Refer to the documentation for the client you
 are using for details on how to get it to show you dates in the
 format you want to see. 
 Shawn Green
 Database Administrator
 Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Newbie: Searching for empty fields

2005-03-23 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, March 23, 2005 12:13, Graham Anderson wrote:

 how do you search for an empty field ?
 I want to filter out records where the ipAddress field is empty
 SELECT * FROM 'userLog'  WHERE 'ipAddress' IS  [empty] ?

Searching for NULL's --

Searching for empty string --
SELECT * FROM userLog WHERE ipAddress = ''

Or either --
SELECT * FROM userLog WHERE ipAddress IS NULL OR ipAddress = ''

There is no space between the single quotes.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: again on encryption function, with bug 7846 question

2005-03-22 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Tuesday, March 22, 2005 07:15, symbulos partners wrote:

 Dear friends,
 thanks for the link to the dev manual page on encryption function.
 Which encryption is more secure (strongest)

Are you using this for password storage or encrypting actual data? 
If you are using it for passwords, I would suggest using SHA1 or MD5 
since these are one-way hashing algorithims.

 I would have said AES, but after reading the manual chapters on DES,
 SHA I am not s(ec)ure any more.
 By the way, I did not understand if the bug
 has been fixed.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: functions md5, crypt

2005-03-21 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, March 21, 2005 09:27, symbulos partners wrote:

 Dear friends,
 where is the description of the functions md5 in the manual? where is
 the description of the function crypt()?
 are there are good alternatives?

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Queries inside UDF

2005-03-16 Thread Tom Crimmins
On Wednesday, March 16, 2005 09:30, sguazt sguazt wrote:

 Hi folks!
 (I hope this is the right list ... if not please tell me where I can
 submit this post)
 I would like to create a MySQL UDF (i.e. User Defined Function) that
 embeds a query; for instance, suppose the UDF is named foobar:
 mysql SELECT foobar();
 When foobar function receives the control from the MySQL, it attempts
 to create a query. To do so it has to connect to DB (since it seems
 there's no way to access to current DB connection from a UDF function
 -- at least I did'nt find it any way). So the flow of execution is:
 SELECT foobar()
 1 -- Call foobar
 2 - init MySQL
 3 - connect to MySQL
 4 - create/execute query
 5 - get query result
 6 - close MySQL connection
 7 - return result


   const char* query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblfoobar;

Can you explain exactly what you are using this for? What benefit does this 
provide over just executing the query?

You can either execute SELECT foobar() or SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblfoobar,
you don't have to do anything to make the latter work. Creating the UDF just

seems like a lot of extra work. Maybe this is my ignorance, but I don't see 
much use for executing a query within a UDF esspecially if you are using 4.1

with subqueries.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Reg creating log

2005-03-14 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, March 14, 2005 03:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thank you for your reply. I tried even with --tee option with
 mysql as follows
 Mysql -uroot db_name --tee = test  'input_file'  'output_file'

mysql -uroot db_name  input_file 1 output_file 2 err_file

 But in the out put file I am getting as below
 Logging to file 'test'
 Actual error is not logging into the ouput file. I am able to see the
 error messages in the command prompt. How to get these error messages
 in the output file. Please help me in this.
 -Original Message-
 From: Gleb Paharenko
 Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 7:34 PM
 Subject: Re: Reg creating log
 You may use --tee option of mysql to store the results in the file.
 Or just redirect the output:
  mysql -uroot db_name  'input_file' 'output_file'.

   What is the command to create log file while executing mysql
   I.e I want to run a file using mysql as follows
 Mysql -uroot db_name  Inputfile
   I want to log the above results into a log file, to do the same
 what option I have to use here with mysql command.
 PS: Input file contains some sql statements.
Please help me in this. This is very urgent.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: CASE statement and version 4.1.x

2005-03-09 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, March 09, 2005 07:49, Philippe Poelvoorde wrote:

 Daniel Kasak wrote:
 Homam S.A. wrote:
 In the documentation, it doesn't mention which version
 of MySQL supports the CASE statement, but it refers to
 stored procedures, so is it only supported for 5.x?
 I can't get any example of a CASE statement work in MySQL.
 For example, I can execute the following in MS SQL
 field1 = CASE WHEN field3 = 1 THEN 10 ELSE 20 END,
 field2 = field2 | CASE WHEN field4 = 'B' THEN 1 ELSE 0
 END | CASE WHEN field4 = 'C' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END

What error do you get? I can get a statement similar to this to work.
 Case works in 4.0.x ( and maybe before, haven't checked ).
 Your problem is elsewhere.
 I'm not sure if you can use the pipe symbol as an OR operator in the
 way you want - to be honest I haven't used it at all in SQL.
 Try rewriting it to use nothing but case statements ( no | operators
 it's || not | (not sure about bit-operation...)

The | is a bitwise OR.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: How do I move the Mysql database files from /var/lib/mysql to someother directory

2005-03-07 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, March 07, 2005 22:19, digvijoy chatterjee wrote:

 I have Mysql 4.1.9 on RHES-3.0 installed by rpms..the default socket
 path and database creation directory is /var/lib/mysqlnow there
 is a a dearth of space in /var therefore i would like to move the
 database files to something like /usr which has lots of free space ,
 creating Symlinks does not seem to help.what is the way out

If you are moving all of the databases you can do the following:
-Shutdown mysql
-Move the that database files from /var/lib/mysql to /my/new/path
-Edit /etc/my.cnf - change datadir=/var/lib/mysql to datadir=/my/new/path
-Start mysql

Here is some info on symbolic links and databases from the manual:

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Use MySQL with Microsoft Office

2005-03-07 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, March 07, 2005 23:03, GH wrote:

 Greetings, I would like to know if it is possible to do a mail merge
 in Microsoft Office with a mySql database as the source?

You can use install MyODBC, set up a DSN, and then use this in Office.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Partial and inexact matches

2005-03-06 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Saturday, March 05, 2005 15:21, Robert S wrote:

 Probably a real n00b question.
 I am writing a simple contact management database with MySQL (version
 3.23.49-8.9, Debian Woody).  I'd like users to be able to enter the
 first few characters of a contact's name to do a search, and I'd like
 the option of doing inexact matches or phonetic matches.

For phonetic matches you will want to check out the soundex function.

 What sort of SELECT/WHERE statement do I need to do these things?
 I've combed the documentation and used Google but haven't found any
 such thing.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: backup scripts

2005-03-03 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Thursday, March 03, 2005 13:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Kelly,

   When I attempt to try and run the backup:
 shell mysqldump --tab=/path/to/some/dir --opt db_name
 I get the following errors:
 ./mysqldump: Got error: 1: Can't create/write to file
 '/usr/local/mysql/bakups/config.txt' (Errcode: 13) when executing

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tom]$ perror 13
Error code  13:  Permission denied

You need to make sure that the user mysqld is running as has write and 
execute permission to /usr/local/mysql/bakups.

Read the following page. Specifically the part about the tab option.

 shell mysqlhotcopy db_name /path/to/some/dir
 failed: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
 server; consider upgrading MySQL client at ./mysqlhotcopy line 178

You need a newer version of DBD-mysql (you can get this from CPAN), 
or you can use the old password option.

 I followed the directions from:
 I also attempted to follow these directions, to no avail:
 mysqlhotcopy, etc is great - but using it (and most other myql
 automation scripts) requires placing a user/password on the command
 line for all/some to see (ps axw)
 There doesn't appear to be a way to place the user/pass into a file
 somewhere and specify only that (secured) filename on the command
 I get around this in the case of mysqlhotcopy by taking a local copy
 of the script (perl) and hard-coding the auth info into that copy
 mysqlhotcopy - line 164ish:
 my $dbh =
 'backup_user', 'backup_password'},
 and again at around line 745:
 my $dbh =

 backup_user, backup_password,
 then, just to be sure,
 chown root.nobody mysqlhotcopy
 chmod 700 mysqlhotcopy
 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  I would really like to add
 this to a cronjob to have it run automatically. Thanks in advance!

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: backup scripts

2005-03-03 Thread Tom Crimmins

You can find out what user mysqld is running as with the following:

#ps axu | grep mysqld

To change the permissions on the directory run the following as root:

#chown mysql.mysql /usr/local/mysql/bakups
#chmod 770 /usr/local/mysql/bakups

If it is a different user, substitute it in for mysql in the first 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

On Thursday, March 03, 2005 13:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I seem to be having difficulty allowing the mysqld user wx privs on
 the /backup folder.   I read the following, but I don't see how to
 allow mysqld to w and x to that directory:  
 On Thursday, March 03, 2005 13:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Kelly,
   When I attempt to try and run the backup:
 shell mysqldump --tab=/path/to/some/dir --opt db_name
 I get the following errors:
 ./mysqldump: Got error: 1: Can't create/write to file
 '/usr/local/mysql/bakups/config.txt' (Errcode: 13) when executing
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] tom]$ perror 13
 Error code  13:  Permission denied
 You need to make sure that the user mysqld is running as has write and
 execute permission to /usr/local/mysql/bakups.
 Read the following page. Specifically the part about the tab option.
 shell mysqlhotcopy db_name /path/to/some/dir
 failed: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
 server; consider upgrading MySQL client at ./mysqlhotcopy line 178
 You need a newer version of DBD-mysql (you can get this from CPAN),
 or you can use the old password option.
 I followed the directions from:
 I also attempted to follow these directions, to no avail:
 mysqlhotcopy, etc is great - but using it (and most other myql
 automation scripts) requires placing a user/password on the command
 line for all/some to see (ps axw)
 There doesn't appear to be a way to place the user/pass into a file
 somewhere and specify only that (secured) filename on the command
 line. I get around this in the case of mysqlhotcopy by taking a
 local copy of the script (perl) and hard-coding the auth info into
 that copy thus: 
 mysqlhotcopy - line 164ish:
 my $dbh =
 'backup_user', 'backup_password'},
 and again at around line 745:
 my $dbh =

 backup_user, backup_password,
 then, just to be sure,
 chown root.nobody mysqlhotcopy
 chmod 700 mysqlhotcopy
 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  I would really like to add
 this to a cronjob to have it run automatically. Thanks in advance!

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RE: ODD COUNT(*) Results on Self-Join (Bug?)

2005-02-28 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, February 28, 2005 14:54, Van wrote:

 I see your point, but the group by is necessary so I can walk through
 all Song Title groups and get the total number of unique versions of
 that song.  If I do this:
 SELECT DISTINCT file_details.Title,
 COUNT(*) AS cnt
  FROM file_details LEFT JOIN file_details AS file_details_1
  ON file_details.Title = file_details_1.Title
  WHERE (((file_details.Type) Like 'Song%')
  AND file_details.CD = 'Wasted Tears'
  AND file_details_1.Type LIKE 'Song%'
  AND file_details_1.FileName NOT LIKE '%_ds.php3'
  AND file_details.Title = 'Seems I\'ll')
 GROUP BY file_details.Title
  ORDER BY file_details_1.Title;
 I get this:
 Title  | CD   | mp3Name   | cnt |
 Seems I'll | Wasted Tears | mp3/mp3s/seemsill.mp3 |   6 |
 COUNT = 6; And, it's distinct.  Watch what happens when I do a row
 listing without the grouping;
 SELECT DISTINCT file_details.Title,
  FROM file_details LEFT JOIN file_details AS file_details_1
  ON file_details.Title = file_details_1.Title
  WHERE (((file_details.Type) Like 'Song%')
  AND file_details.CD = 'Wasted Tears'
  AND file_details_1.Type LIKE 'Song%'
  AND file_details_1.FileName NOT LIKE '%_ds.php3'
  AND file_details.Title = 'Seems I\'ll')
  ORDER BY file_details_1.Title;
 Title  | CD  | mp3Name |
 Seems I'll | Fear of Success | mp3/mp3s/SeemsIll20031029.mp3   |
 Seems I'll | n/a | mp3/mp3s/SeemsIllUnpluggedMixed.mp3 |
 Seems I'll | Wasted Tears| mp3/mp3s/seemsill.mp3   |
 So, here the listing is the group of records I want and there are 3,
 and it's distinct.
 Why when I put the group on this query (which is what I need) does it
 double the count?
 I think it's a bug.

If you displayed all the fields from both tables, I think you would 
understand the join better. This is somewhat difficult to explain, but 
because you are only saying file_details_1.FileName NOT LIKE '%_ds.php3' 
and not file_details.FileName NOT LIKE '%_ds.php3' as well, this will in 
effect double all of your groupings since you are not grouping by filename, 
and two rows from table 1 will be left after the where clause to be joined 
to the three rows left in table 2. This in effect gives you your six rows,
3 groups of 2 with you group by clause.

Like I said above, I would suggest showing all of the fields 
ie. SELECT file_details.*, file_details_1.* FROM ., so you can get a 
better idea of what is going on here. Also, there really isn't any reason 
to do a left join here. An inner join would work just fine since you are 
joining a table with itself on the same field there will always be a match. 

By the way this is a horrible explaination, maybe someone else can do a
job of it.

 Tom Crimmins wrote:
 On Sunday, February 27, 2005 19:20, Van wrote:
 Hi Van,
 I've got a table that has the following fields that are relevant to
 my self-join: FileName  | varchar(100)  |  | MUL |
 Title | varchar(45)   |  | MUL |
 Type  | varchar(20)   |  | | HTML
 mp3Name   | varchar(100)  |  | |
 CD| varchar(25)   |  | |
 Here are the relevant values for the fields for the song Seems I'll:
 FileName   | Title  | Type   |
 mp3Name | CD  |
 mp3/php3/seemsill.php3 | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/seemsill.mp3   | Wasted Tears|
 mp3/php3/SeemsIllUnplugged.php3| Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIllUnpluggedMixed.mp3 | n/a |
 mp3/php3/SeemsIll20031029.php3 | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIll20031029.mp3   | Fear of Success |
 lyrics/seemsill.php3   | Seems I'll | Lyrics |
 mp3/php3/SeemsIll20031029_ds.php3   | Wasted Tears|
 mp3/php3/seemsill_ds.php3  | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/seemsill.mp3   | Wasted Tears|
 mp3/php3/SeemsIll20031029_ds.php3  | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIll20031029.mp3   | Fear of Success |
 mp3/php3/SeemsIllUnplugged_ds.php3 | Seems I'll | Song   |

RE: MySQL and triggers

2005-02-28 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Monday, February 28, 2005 18:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We are two girls who are new to using MySQL. We are using MySQL 4.1,
 and we wonder if this version supports the use of triggers? We have
 tried to find the answer ourself, but with no luck - can anyone help

Not in 4.1. Triggers aren't supported until 5.0.2.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: ODD COUNT(*) Results on Self-Join (Bug?)

2005-02-27 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Sunday, February 27, 2005 19:20, Van wrote:

Hi Van,

 I've got a table that has the following fields that are relevant to my
 FileName  | varchar(100)  |  | MUL |
 Title | varchar(45)   |  | MUL |
 Type  | varchar(20)   |  | | HTML
 mp3Name   | varchar(100)  |  | |
 CD| varchar(25)   |  | |
 Here are the relevant values for the fields for the song Seems I'll:
 FileName   | Title  | Type   |
 mp3Name | CD  |
 mp3/php3/seemsill.php3 | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/seemsill.mp3   | Wasted Tears|
 mp3/php3/SeemsIllUnplugged.php3| Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIllUnpluggedMixed.mp3 | n/a |
 mp3/php3/SeemsIll20031029.php3 | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIll20031029.mp3   | Fear of Success |
 lyrics/seemsill.php3   | Seems I'll | Lyrics |
 mp3/php3/SeemsIll20031029_ds.php3   | Wasted Tears|
 mp3/php3/seemsill_ds.php3  | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/seemsill.mp3   | Wasted Tears|
 mp3/php3/SeemsIll20031029_ds.php3  | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIll20031029.mp3   | Fear of Success |
 mp3/php3/SeemsIllUnplugged_ds.php3 | Seems I'll | Song   |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIllUnpluggedMixed.mp3 | n/a |
 Here is the query in question (I'm trying to get the count of all
 versions of Seems I'll songs, which was originally on the CD Wasted
 Tears, so I can display the other versions, including the one on
 Wasted Tears {mp3/mp3s/}):
 SELECT file_details.Title,
 COUNT(*) AS cnt
 FROM file_details LEFT JOIN file_details AS file_details_1
 ON file_details.Title = file_details_1.Title
 WHERE (((file_details.Type) Like 'Song%')
 AND file_details.CD = 'Wasted Tears'
 AND file_details_1.Type LIKE 'Song%'
 AND file_details_1.FileName NOT LIKE '%_ds.php3'
 AND file_details.Title = 'Seems I\'ll')
 GROUP BY file_details.Title, file_details.Type, file_details_1.CD,
 ORDER BY file_details_1.Title;
 But, oddly here is the result of this query:
 Title  | Type | CD  |
 mp3Name | cnt |
 Seems I'll | Song | Fear of Success |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIll20031029.mp3   |   2 |
 Seems I'll | Song | n/a |
 mp3/mp3s/SeemsIllUnpluggedMixed.mp3 |   2 |
 Seems I'll | Song | Wasted Tears|
 mp3/mp3s/seemsill.mp3   |   2 |
 The count should be 3, right?  What gives?

The cnt field looks to be correct here based on your data. The count 
here is the number of results in that grouping not the total number of 
rows returned. If you remove the group by clause from your query, you 
should see 6 rows returned (2 of each).

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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2005-02-25 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Friday, February 25, 2005 15:05, Asad Habib wrote:

 I am trying to use GROUP BY with a field of type text that is set to
 NOT NULL by default. However, in practice this field does not always
 contain a string for every record and defaults to the empty string in
 this case. When I try to use GROUP BY with this field in a SELECT
 statement, only 1 record is retrieved. Anyone experience a similar
 problem? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

This should only happen if the values in the column you are grouping by 
are the same for every row that would be returned without the GROUP BY. 
Without knowing your query and some of the data in your table, I can't 
really tell you anything else.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Shell execution of mysql query

2005-02-23 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:30, Nupur Jain wrote:

 I am executing a mysql query through shell and expecting to see a
 return of SQL execution. 
 mysql -D $dbName --vertical -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS  $queryFile 
 Here rc is always 0 and so are $opFile entries. $queryFile contains
 exactly the same query as listed below. 
 If the same query is run in mysql client, I see the result as Empty
 set (0.00 sec). Why don't I get a return in shell. 
 mysql select * from usrtbl where username='vou_0004016';
 Empty set (0.00 sec)

It makes sense the the return code from mysql is zero, since it sucessfully 

If it is an empty set, your output file will be empty. If you want the 
file to show you the query and empty set, change your command to the 

mysql -vv -D $dbName --vertical -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS  $queryFile 

The -vv controls sets the verbosity of the output from the client. 


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Is there a limit on Auto-increment

2005-02-22 Thread Tom Crimmins

On Tuesday, February 22, 2005 16:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using the memory table in 4.1 to auto increment is there a limit
 to how big that number can get? 

It is only limited by the size of your int. I would suggest declaring the 
column unsigned. This will give you twice the positive values for your
An unsigned bigint gives you the ability to have 2^64 - 1 unique values.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: newbie question

2005-02-22 Thread Tom Crimmins
On Tuesday, February 22, 2005 22:08, jsf wrote:

 This may be more of a PHP question than a MySQL question but here
 I have a small database with two tables in it.  It's a database of
 Botanical Gardens in the US.
 Table 1 contains the botanical gardens and has 8 fields:
 (I'm abbreviating for brevity and clarity):  id, name, address, town,
 state_id, zip, phone, url
 Table 2 contains the states referred to in the 'state_id' field and
 itself has 3 fields
 id, abbreviation, name
 So, 'id' in the 'state' table is linked to the 'gardens' table via
 that table's 'state_id' field.
 Now, in pulling data out of the database to display on a web page I
 have all of my connection stuff working and the query of 'select *
 from gardens' along with this php code:

You need join the two tables:

SELECT, t1.address,, t2.abbreviation,,,
FROM table1 as t1 INNER JOIN table2 as t2 ON (t1.state_id =;

Obviously you will have to modify this example since I don't have the exact
for your tables (such as names).

You can find more info on joins here:

Also, you can alias the columns as well, to make them easier to reference in

your code ie. as name

   td align=center?php echo $row_Recordset1['botgard_name'];
 ?/td td align=center?php echo
 $row_Recordset1['botgard_address']; ?/td td
 align=center?php echo $row_Recordset1['botgard_town'];
 ?/td td align=center?php echo
 $row_Recordset1['state_id']; ?/td td align=center?php
 echo $row_Recordset1['botgard_zip']; ?/td td
 align=center?php echo $row_Recordset1['botgard_phone']; ?/td
 td align=center?php echo $row_Recordset1['botgard_url']; ?/td
 works fine, pulling records out of the 'gardens' table and displaying
 it on a web page, but, of course, I'm seeing the 'state_id' instead of
 either the 'state_abbreviation' or the 'state_name'.
 I am at a complete and total loss as to how to edit my code at this
 point so that, before displaying anything, i can grab either
 'state_abbr' or 'state_name' from the states table, properly
 associated with the 'state_id' and display the actual state
 abbreviation or state name in my web page.
 I'm so close, yet so far.  I know if I can be shown once how this
 works, I'll be able to apply the solution again in the future.
 Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Tom Crimmins
On Thursday, February 17, 2005 09:41, Ian Meyer wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're
 having problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
 create database blah;
 grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
 (also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
 Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of
 our machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't
 figure this out.

I know you said you have correct reverse entries, but just as a test if
you run 'host' on the mysql host, does it give back the
hostname you used in your grant?


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: MySQL and DNS problem

2005-02-17 Thread Tom Crimmins
On Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:26, Ian Meyer wrote:

 Tom Crimmins wrote:
 On Thursday, February 17, 2005 09:41, Ian Meyer wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 We have a few MySQL servers (4.1.8) running on RedHat ES3. We're
 having problems when trying to use hostnames in the grant command.
 create database blah;
 grant all on blah.* to 'user'@'host' identified by '';
 (also have used the FQDN instead of just host)
 When trying to connect, it fails with the message:
 'MySQL Error Number 1045
 Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES'
 Our DNS servers have correct forward and reverse entries for all of
 our machines. I read the docs about MySQL and DNS, but I still can't
 figure this out.
 I know you said you have correct reverse entries, but just as a test
 if you run 'host' on the mysql host, does it give back
 the hostname you used in your grant?
 This was run on the database server:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host domain name pointer
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] imeyer]$ host has address
 The error message MySQL shows the IP address.

You don't happen to have skip-name-resolve in your my.cnf do you? I'm sure 
you probably already checked that. I think the grant will create a 
warning anyway if you try to give a hostname with this option enabled.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: What is the max length of IN() function?

2005-02-16 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: Daevid Vincent
 Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 20:59
 Subject: What is the max length of IN() function?
 I tried to find this function on the site, but good luck
 finding in... ;-)
 Can someone tell me what the maximum length is for this function?
 SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar IN(1,2,3,4,. N);
 How many entries can there be in between 1 and N ? Hundreds? 

From, The
number of values in the IN list is only limited by the max_allowed_packet

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: one hour is/is not 60 minutes, that's the question...

2005-02-15 Thread Tom Crimmins
The minute part of a time expression only has a valid range of 0 to 59.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

 -Original Message-
 From: schlubediwup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:48
 Subject: one hour is/is not 60 minutes, that's the question...
 Hi again mysql-listers
 mysql select version();
 | version()  |
 | 4.1.9-standard-log |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ uname -a
 Linux mydom 2.6.4-54.5-default #1 Fri May 7 21:43:10 UTC 2004 
 i686 i686 
 i386 GNU/Linux
 mysql select addtime(now(), '00:00:00');
 | addtime(now(), '00:00:00') |
 | 2005-02-15 16:49:17|
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql select addtime(now(), '00:60:00'); 
 | addtime(now(), '00:60:00') |
 | NULL   |
 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
 mysql select addtime(now(), '01:00:00');
 | addtime(now(), '01:00:00') |
 | 2005-02-15 17:50:27|
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 in my opinion the result of the second and third example 
 above must be 
 the same.

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RE: Database creation privileges

2005-02-15 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Traver
 Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 19:30
 Subject: Database creation privileges
 Hi all,
 ok, I thought I had it figured out.
 I am using 4.1.9 now, and it looks like it behaves a little bit
 differently (or maybe not) than the previous 4.0.20 did when 
 it comes to
 I want to create a user that does not have the ability to create
 databases. But, I do want them to be able to create tables in 
 a specific
 Currently, I create the user in the global user table, and 
 give then no
 Then, when I create a database, I assign them the privileges to that
 database by using a command like this :
 GRANT select,insert,update,delete,create,drop ON dbname.* to
 username@'%' identified by 'userpass';
 This seems to work, but when that user logs in, they are able 
 to create
 a database !

Your grant statement should work fine on 4.1.9. Check the permissions with:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'%';

It should return the following:

GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'password_hash'

They will be able to drop the database dbname, but I doubt this is an issue
since you want them to be able to have the ability to drop tables from this
db anyway.

Also when you connect as this user, try:


Make sure that it returns [EMAIL PROTECTED], to verify that this connection is 
falling under a different grant that does not have a wildcard. If you are
connected as that user, then SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER() will
accomplish both of the above in one step.

 If I don't have the create privilege specified, then they 
 aren't able to
 create tables, which I want them to be able to do...
 Is there a way to assign a user to a database, and give them 
 the ability
 to do anything within that database, but not create another 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: select last row

2005-02-14 Thread Tom Crimmins
If you have an auto_increment column,

SELECT * FROM my_table ORDER BY auto_increment_col DESC LIMIT 1

If you don't have an auto_increment this might be a good time to add one.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mulley, Nikhil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 08:15
 Subject: select last row
 Hi All,
 I have a table which is being continuosly updated, I just 
 wanted to know how to output only the last row with the 
 select statement.
 can anyone please tell me howto.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Need help with historic aggregation of data

2005-02-11 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: Daevid Vincent
 Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 14:32
 Subject: Need help with historic aggregation of data
 I need to get the aggregate data from various tables for a report.
 The idea is that we audit devices daily on a schedule, and 
 also allow users
 to audit the devices by choosing certain tests to run. It is 
 also the case
 that new tests are added daily. So the scheduled test today 
 has more tests
 than yesterdays and that has more than the day before's, etc.
 I want to get a report that shows ALL tests ever run on the 
 device in it's
 lifetime, but only the most recent of each test (and the date 
 it was from).
 So if I ran tests like this:
 Date   Device   TestResult
 -  --   -   --
 02/011   100 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/011   101 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/011   102 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/011   105   [one off] foo foo foo...
 02/021   100 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/021   101 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/021   102 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/021   103 [scheduled] ble ble ble...
 02/021   106   [one off] bar bar bar...
 02/031   100 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/031   101 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/031   102 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/031   103 [scheduled] ble ble ble...
 02/031   104 [scheduled] blo blo blo...
 02/012   100 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/012   101 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/012   102 [scheduled] blah blah blah...
 02/012   106   [one off] bar bar bar...
   ... Etc ...
 What I'd expect to get back for device 1 is
 Test  Date
 100   02/03   this is more current than others
 101   02/03 this is more current than others
 102   02/03   this is more current than others
 103   02/03   this is more current than others
 104   02/03   this is more current than others
 105   02/01   since this was run long ago once
 106   02/02   since this was ran recently

SELECT device,test,MAX(date) FROM my_table GROUP BY device,test ORDER BY

This will give you all devices.


SELECT test,MAX(date) FROM my_table WHERE device=1 GROUP BY test ORDER BY

will give you results for device 1. 

 My actual tables are pretty huge, and I'll spare you them. I 
 also am coding
 this in PHP, in case I need to split this task up somehow. We 
 are using
 v4.0.18 and can't change.
 I'm hoping there is some magic incantation of MAX(), GROUP 
 that will harvest this info for me.
 Thanks in advance,

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa 

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RE: Remove spaces

2005-02-11 Thread Tom Crimmins

Please post the error because this looks correct.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

 -Original Message-
 From: John Berman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 16:05
 To: 'Homam S.A.'
 Subject: RE: Remove spaces
 Thanks for this
 I did this:
 update mc_census set surname = trim(surname)
 however it fails with a syntax error ?
 I'm on 4.1
 John B
 -Original Message-
 From: Homam S.A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 11 February 2005 21:29
 Subject: Re: Remove spaces
 update your_table
 set your_field = trim(your_field)
 --- John Berman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a table with a number of fields
  The table is already populated, however some entries
  have got spaces both
  before and after the data.
  Future imports into the table will have the spaces
  removed, however im still
  stuck with my extra spaces.
  I have checked the Mysql manual but could not figure
  out how to remove the
  extra spaces that are already in the dbase ?
  Any help appreciated.
  John B

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RE: Remove spaces

2005-02-11 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: John Berman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 16:22
 To: 'Tom Crimmins'
 Subject: RE: Remove spaces
 The error is simply:
 [JGSGB 4.1 Host] ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL 
 syntax; check the
 manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the 
 right syntax to
 use near 'update mc_census set surname = trim(surname)' at line 6

line 6 ??? Something is wrong here.

Are you excuting this from the mysql client? Something is getting sent to
the server before this. Put a semi-colon before your statement and it will
probably work, but I don't know exactly what the problem is.

 John B
 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Crimmins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 11 February 2005 22:16
 Subject: RE: Remove spaces
 Please post the error because this looks correct.
 Tom Crimmins
 Interface Specialist
 Pottawattamie County, Iowa
  -Original Message-
  From: John Berman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 16:05
  To: 'Homam S.A.'
  Subject: RE: Remove spaces
  Thanks for this
  I did this:
  update mc_census set surname = trim(surname)
  however it fails with a syntax error ?
  I'm on 4.1
  John B
  -Original Message-
  From: Homam S.A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 11 February 2005 21:29
  Subject: Re: Remove spaces
  update your_table
  set your_field = trim(your_field)
  --- John Berman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a table with a number of fields
   The table is already populated, however some entries
   have got spaces both
   before and after the data.
   Future imports into the table will have the spaces
   removed, however im still
   stuck with my extra spaces.
   I have checked the Mysql manual but could not figure
   out how to remove the
   extra spaces that are already in the dbase ?
   Any help appreciated.
   John B

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Innodb auto increment - reset itself automatically?

2005-02-11 Thread Tom Crimmins
You may want to read this section of the manual: 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

 -Original Message-
 From: Rishi Daryanani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 22:16
 Subject: Innodb auto increment - reset itself automatically?
 My database is mostly made up of MyIsam tables, and some 
 InnoDB tables.
 One particular Innodb table works fine with an auto increment field.
 The table is updated often, records being added and deleted at pretty
 much the same rate.
 So, there are only a very few records in the table at any given time.
 It was being used and the auto increment value was around 21.
 Recently, after the records were deleted in the system (by my client -
 through a database system that I created - NOT directly via the db), I
 noticed that new records to the table start with the auto increment
 field '1'.
 I don't understand this. The autoincrement field seems to have reset
 itself back to 0. I know this because there are now 3 records in that
 table with ids 1,2,3
 I tested it again by adding a new record, which was assigned the id 4.
 Then, i deleted that, and added a new record, which was assigned the
 id 5.
 So its working as normal again! I just dont understand how Mysql reset
 the autoincrement field from 21 back to 0
 Can anyone think of a reason why this would happen? I'm really worried
 about the database now :(
 Thanks very much!

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RE: aborting slipped keys

2005-02-10 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Haneda
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 04:40
 To: MySql
 Subject: aborting slipped keys
 In the myslq monitor, in my shell, sometimes I mess up and 
 slip a few keys,
 and mysql is just stuck, waiting on more input, and nothing I 
 tell it, other
 than a control-C gets me out, at which point I have to login 
 again, which is
 a time killer.  How do you get out of a stuck mysql?

By stuck, do you mean that you need to cancel the query? If so \c will do
the trick.

 Sometimes, and I can not figrue out what triggers it, but I 
 like it, I get
 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
 auto completion is very nice, how do I make sure it is on all 
 the time?
 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Fax: 313.557.5052

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa
office 712.328.4808
mobile 402.677.1592 

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RE: Daily Incremental Backups on Mysql

2005-02-10 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: Jerry Swanson
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 08:33
 To: Daniel Kasak
 Subject: Re: Daily Incremental Backups on Mysql
 Does binary logs are avaialbe in Mysql 4 or only in Mysql 5?

Binary logs are available in version 4. There are differences in format
between the versions. See the following for detail.

 On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:28:56 +1100, Daniel Kasak
  Jerry Swanson wrote:
  Is it possible to do daily incremental backups on mysql?
  mysqldump will give you a starting point, and the binary transaction
  logs give you your incremental backups - copy these 
 somewhere each day -
  onto a backup tape or something. Read the documentation for 
  and for processing the binary transaction logs.
  Daniel Kasak
  IT Developer
  NUS Consulting Group
  Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
  North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
  T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Need a New Password Username

2005-02-10 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: David Blomstrom 
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 08:52
 Subject: Need a New Password  Username
 I just recreated a database after my computer crashed.
 All my MyISAM tables survived, but my InnoDB tables
 vanished. The other problem is that I need to reassign
 a username and password, and I can't remember how I
 did that originally.

 I now have the latest version of phpMyAdmin, but I
 can't find any reference to username or password.
 There are instructions for assigning passwords in
 Would these same instructions work in phpMyAdmin...I'd
 just click Query and type the commands in the window
 under Run SQL query/queries on database XXX_ZZZ:?
 As I recall, localhost is the standard ROOT name and
 is presumably already assigned. I've assigned a
 database name, so I just need to reassign my username
 and password.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Need a New Password Username

2005-02-10 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: David Blomstrom
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 09:21
 Subject: RE: Need a New Password  Username
 Wow, I don't remember dealing with all that code the
 first time around. Can someone show me EXACTLY what I
 would write if my database is named my_database, and I
 want to add the username private_host and the password
 superstar? And if I don't have mysqladmin, can I type
 it into the SQL Query window on phpMyAdmin?

GRANT ALL ON my_database.* TO 'private_host' IDENTIFIED BY 'superstar';

You can add host restrictions to by adding @'hostname' after the username.
It's all there in the manual. Anyway, I haven't used phpMyAdmin, but if you
can just enter queries, which I assume you can, then this will work.


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Importing Tables on Top of Tables

2005-02-10 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: David Blomstrom 
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:06
 Subject: Importing Tables on Top of Tables
 If I revise a MySQL table and try to publish it
 online, I often get the error message, Table my_table
 already exists. So I have to delete the online
 version before I can import the revised version.

This error comes from issuing a CREATE TABLE when a table with that name
already exists.

 Is there a way to just publish one table over another,
 as long as both have the same name?

There are two ways to do this. Issue a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table, before
the CREATE TABLE my_table, or you can issue TRUNCATE TABLE my_table and
ditch the CREATE TABLE statement.


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: 1 to many query

2005-02-10 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: livejavabean
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 16:47
 Subject: 1 to many query 
 Hi there..
 Hope you can give me some thoughts on this. let say we have 3 tables
 table 1 (pk=project_id)
 - project_id 
 - project_name 
 table 2 (pk=project_id, project_state_flag)
 - project_id
 - project_state_flag (fk to state_flag)
 table 3 (pk=state_flag)
 - state_flag
 - state_flag_name 
 thank you.. but do u think it is possible to make the query return: 
 - 1 row per project 
 - each project state row's state become a column
 project 1, name, state a, state b, state c... 
 project 2, name, state a, state b, state c.
 thanks in advance..

This looks like a many to many relationship to me. Each project is
associated with multiple state_flags, and each state_flag can be associated
with multiple projects.

If you have mysql 4.1 or greater, you can use try the following. It won't
get you separate columns for each state_flag_name, but it will give you a
list of all the state_flag_names associated with each project in a single

SELECT t1.project_id, t1.project_name, GROUP_CONCAT(t3.state_flag_name) as
state_flags FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON (t1.project_id = t2.project_id) INNER
JOIN t3 ON (t2.project_state_flag = t3.state_flag) GROUP BY t1.project_id


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: 1 to many query

2005-02-10 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Crimmins
 Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 17:08
 To: livejavabean
 Subject: RE: 1 to many query 
  -Original Message-
  From: livejavabean
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 16:47
  Subject: 1 to many query 
  Hi there..
  Hope you can give me some thoughts on this. let say we have 3 tables
  table 1 (pk=project_id)
  - project_id 
  - project_name 
  table 2 (pk=project_id, project_state_flag)
  - project_id
  - project_state_flag (fk to state_flag)
  table 3 (pk=state_flag)
  - state_flag
  - state_flag_name 
  thank you.. but do u think it is possible to make the query return: 
  - 1 row per project 
  - each project state row's state become a column
  project 1, name, state a, state b, state c... 
  project 2, name, state a, state b, state c.
  thanks in advance..
 This looks like a many to many relationship to me. Each project is
 associated with multiple state_flags, and each state_flag can 
 be associated
 with multiple projects.
 If you have mysql 4.1 or greater, you can use try the 
 following. It won't
 get you separate columns for each state_flag_name, but it 
 will give you a
 list of all the state_flag_names associated with each project 
 in a single
 SELECT t1.project_id, t1.project_name, 
 GROUP_CONCAT(t3.state_flag_name) as
 state_flags FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON (t1.project_id = 
 t2.project_id) INNER
 JOIN t3 ON (t2.project_state_flag = t3.state_flag) GROUP BY 

Sorry, also forgot to add that if you want projects returned that don't have
any state_flags associated with them you will need to make that first inner
join a left join.

 Tom Crimmins
 Interface Specialist
 Pottawattamie County, Iowa

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Syntax diagram, where is it located in the doc?

2005-02-04 Thread Tom Crimmins

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Sundberg  Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 07:48
  -Original Message-
  From: Michael Stassen   Sent: den 4 februari 2005 14:19
  To: Thomas Sundberg
   From the manual, where_definition consists of the keyword 
  WHERE followed by  an expression that indicates the condition 
  or conditions that rows must satisfy to be selected.
  That seems simple and straightforward to me.  Perhaps if you 
  told us why you need this, someone could provide you with the 
  answer you need.
 It is very simple but absolutely not straight forward. It 
 really doesn't say
 anything. Just that you should do things right and then you 
 will not have
 any problems.
 The concrete problem I tried to solve were if MySQL supports 
 xor in a where
 clause. And if so, how should the syntax be written? That

Yes, you can use XOR in the where clause.

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE col1 XOR col2;

This is not a bitwise XOR, it evaluates each column to true or false first
then evals the XOR.

example for an int column:

a | b | eval

0 | 0 | false
1 | 0 | true
1 | 1 | false
-1| 12| false 
12| 0 | true
 would have been
 extremely simple if the syntax diagram started just above the 
 quote you
 supplied us with had been completed and not ended when things 
 got a bit

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa


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RE: Indexing Questions (Problem?)

2005-02-03 Thread Tom Crimmins
 | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows 
   | Extra  
 | logs  | ALL  | priority  | NULL |NULL | NULL | 
 139817 | Using  
 where; Using filesort |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 mysql EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM logs WHERE  priority=notice  ORDER BY  
 seq DESC;
 | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref   | rows |  
 Extra   |
 | logs  | ref  | priority  | priority |  11 | const | 4003 |  
 Using where; Using filesort |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 It doesn't look like it is helping at all for any but the 
 last SELECT.   
 There are several things that I don't understand.
 Why does the second query not benefit from the index but the 
 third does?

My guess is that most of your rows have priority=warning. Due to the
cardinality of the index, the optimizer knows that it will not really
benefit from this index. In the case of priority=notice, the query will
benefit from the index. You could add the following index, but I don't know
how useful these last queries will be since both return a lot of rows.

ALTER TABLE logs ADD UNIQUE (priority,seq);

 Why does the select say Using filesort but seq is indexed?

The column used to restrict rows s not part of the key, therefore this index
will not help. The above index will fix this. You may want to read the
following. It explains how mysql uses indexes with the order by clause.

 Do I need to make a special index to index time on HOUR?  Is it even  

I believe the index on time will work for this.

 Thanks, BMG

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa 

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RE: Indexing Questions (Problem?)

2005-02-03 Thread Tom Crimmins

 Do I need to make a special index to index time on HOUR?  
 Is it even  
  I believe the index on time will work for this.
 No, it won't.  At least, not with the query as is:
WHERE host IN ('')
  AND date='2005-02-03'
  AND HOUR(time) BETWEEN '16' AND '17'
 Once you feed a column through a function, you prevent use of 
 its index. 

Yep my fault, meant to explain that the query should be changed. I thought I
did that above when I suggested adding the index for the first query, but I
obviously did not.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: List of connection error

2005-02-02 Thread Tom Crimmins
 Is there any documentation where I can find a list of
 all connection related error/error codes returned by

OS error codes :

Server error messages :

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Ignoring username parameter when connecting via ssh tunnel

2005-02-02 Thread Tom Crimmins
 I am trying to connect to my mysql server through an SSH tunnel.
 On the server, I have a local instance of mysql running, but 
 one of the hosted
 domains needs to access another remote mysql server.  For 
 security, I want to
 connect to the remote server via an ssh tunnel.
 I am creating the tunnel using the following command:
 ssh -L -l root -N -f
 This creates a tunnel so I can connect to port 3307 on the 
 local server, and end
 up talking to the remote server on 3306.
 Telneting to gives me the mysql handshake.
 Now the fun begins when I try to use the connection.  If I do:
 mysql -h -u leg_shop -p, I can log into the 
 remote server using
 the username leg_shop.  
 This works fine with no problems except the fact the traffic 
 is not encrypted as
 it isnt using the ssh tunnel.
 If I do:
 mysql -h -P 3307 -u leg_shop -p, it connects to the 
 remote server
 through the ssh tunnel, but for some insane reason, it ignores the -u
 I can enter any username of my choice (e.g. a user which is 
 DEFINATELY not valid
 on the remote server), and yet it still connects.
 Am I missing something here ?
 On the server where I am trying to connect FROM, it has mysql 
 client mysql  Ver
 14.7 Distrib 4.1.7, for pc-linux (i686), and on the remote 
 server I am trying
 to connect to via the tunnel, it is running mysql  Ver 12.22 
 Distrib 4.0.16,
 for pc-linux (i686)
 Any ideas or suggestions welcome.

Since you are using an ssh tunnel, you will be able to connect with any
username if you have not removed the anonymous accounts from the user table.
This is because to mysql, I believe that it will look like these connections
are coming for the local machine. You could test this by putting -p
nothepassword on your connect line and look at the access denied message to
see who you are connecting as. What I am trying to say is that connecting
from the remote machine with out the tunnel is not the same as connecting
with the tunnel as far as permissions are concerned.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Why does dropping indexes takes such a long time?

2005-02-02 Thread Tom Crimmins
I guess this should be a reminder to everyone that your out of office
replies should not go to mailing lists :)

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

 -Original Message-
 From: Homam S.A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 2:56 PM
 To: Keith Ivey;
 Cc: Homam S.A.
 Subject: Re: Why does dropping indexes takes such a long time?
 This is the reply I got when I posted the same message
 last week. I checked the list for hours and my message
 didn't show up. This is why I assumed it never made
 it. I have no idea what this auto-reply is saying. I
 tried the AltaVista bablefish with Spanish. It was the
 closest, but it gave me garbled English.
   -  The following text is an automated response
 to your message  -
 Debido a que me encuentro de vacaciones les informo
 que las 
 actividades seguidas por nuestro grupo de trabajo
 seran atendidas por 
 las siguientes personas:
 Contacto con clientes externos : Enrique Diaz.
 Modificacion y control de accesos y permisos a
 sistemas y bases de 
 datos : Enrique Diaz.
 Coordinacion de cambios y mantencion de la red :
 Mauricio Guajardo.
 Administracion de cambios en servidores de produccion
 : Mauricio 
 Supervision pauta diaria Operaciones : Enrique Diaz.
 Administracion de sistema de respaldo : Mauricio
 Alvaro Avello
 Administrador de Red.
 Servinco S.A.

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RE: How-to copy a column

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
Does anyone know the easiest way to copy a column in mysql?

I have a table (table1) which has 4 columns, I want to copy all the contents
of col1 into col2. 
Col3 is the primary unique key, so the copy has to keep the data matched
with col3.

UPDATE table1 SET col2=col1;

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
My ColdFusion server tells me I have an error in my query syntax, but I
can't work out what it is - because I'm working with code that someone very
kindly gave me and I only have a vague idea of what the first line's doing!
Can anyone see the problem here?

SELECT DATEDIFF(leadtime_type, GETDATE(), deadline)'Difference',
FROM tasks
JOIN leadtime_type ON tasks.lead_time_type_id =

The datediff() function is new to version 4.1. What version of mysql are you

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: SQL syntax error: help a noob

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
I think datediff only takes two arguments and you have three listed.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Chris Kavanagh
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: SQL syntax error: help a noob

Thanks very much for the replies, guys.  My version is 4.1.7-max.

The error message I get is:
Error Executing Database Query.

Syntax error or access violation: You have an error in your SQL syntax;
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near ' deadline)'Difference',  tasks.leadtime,
tasks.lead_time_type_id,  leadtime_' at line 1

I changed GETDATE() to CURDATE() but it still gives me the same error.  
Thanks for the suggestion anyway, Roger.

Best regards,

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RE: Help with a query using multiple LEFT JOINS

2005-01-31 Thread Tom Crimmins
If you mean that you want to get a row even if tbl2 does not have a matching
row for dcode, then move the conditions into the ON clause.

Example based off of what you had:

FROM tbl1 as d
LEFT JOIN tbl2 as r ON (d.dcode=r.dcode AND r.mcode='AB' AND r.year=2004 AND
r.month IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12))
LEFT JOIN tbl3 as pc ON (r.code=pc.code AND pc.from_period = 200412 AND
pc.to_period  200412) 
LEFT JOIN tbl4 as st ON st.scode=r.scode

WHERE d.status!='X'
  AND d.region='1A'
  AND = 'B'

GROUP BY d.dcode, r.code

You may want to do the same for tbl4 depending on the behavior you are
looking for.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Graham Cossey
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 5:48 PM
Subject: Help with a query using multiple LEFT JOINS

I'm hoping someone can help with a little problem I'm having with a query.

In the query below I wish to return as least one row per tbl1, however I am
only getting rows where there is at least an entry for tbl2 :


FROM tbl1 as d
LEFT JOIN tbl2 as r ON d.dcode=r.dcode
LEFT JOIN tbl3 as pc ON (r.code=pc.code AND pc.from_period = 200412 AND
pc.to_period  200412) LEFT JOIN tbl4 as st ON st.scode=r.scode

WHERE r.mcode='AB'
  AND d.status!='X'
  AND d.region='1A'
  AND r.year=2004
  AND r.month IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
  AND = 'B'

GROUP BY d.dcode, r.code

Can anyone help me see the light and show me where I'm being stupid?



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RE: add auto-increment field to fix table with no primary key - h elp

2005-01-30 Thread Tom Crimmins
I have a table with no primary key. I would like to add a new auto-increment
column field to each record - that would be the easiest way to remedy this.
Eg. 1,2,3,4tagged onto each record successively.


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: ERROR 1006: Can't create database

2005-01-28 Thread Tom Crimmins
How can find the user mysql password? The hosting company which I got the
dedicated server package from set that up of course. Should I go to phpAdmin
and reset that password so that I know what it is from now on?

The mysql linux user should not be able to login interactivly, just as they
should not have a shell. To do anything as the mysql user, simply become
root, then 'su - mysql'. You will not be asked for a password.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] tom]$ su -
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# su - mysql
-bash-2.05b$ id
uid=100(mysql) gid=101(mysql) groups=101(mysql)

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: DB recovery

2005-01-28 Thread Tom Crimmins

This box recently crashed as a result of a power outage (possible surge, my
surge protector may have failed)
The box doesn't boot up, but the HD is ok... all my docs are there..
So, I'm wondering if it's somehow possible to get the MySQL 3 files and
recreate them on another box we have here that runs MySQL 4.0.
Is this possible?
It wouldn't be as simple as getting the files from the dead box and putting
them in the new box, would it?


If these were myisam tables, assuming the files didn't get badly damaged,
you should be able to copy the directory for each database you need to
recover into the mysql datadir on the new host. You may have to use
myisamchk to repair the indexes.

You will want to do all of this with mysqld stopped. 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: ERROR 1006: Can't create database

2005-01-27 Thread Tom Crimmins
I'm using version 3.23.58. I tried to create a database foo using
phpAdmin(logged in as root) and got:
ERROR 1006: Can't create database 'foo'. (errno: 13)
drwx--x--x  2 mysql root  4096 Sep 15 10:34 mysql

perror 13
 Error code  13:  Permission denied

File permissions look ok at that level, and I would assume that mysql user
can get to that directory. You could login to your linux box as root then
'su - mysql' and see if you can create a directory in the mysql datadir as
the mysql user. This isn't a grant table issue because I believe that will
give you an access denied error.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Server crached problem

2005-01-27 Thread Tom Crimmins
Is my data inside the frm file or in another file? How can I access and
retrieve my data?

The data is not in the frm files. If you are using myisam tables the data is
in the myd files and the indexes are in the myi files. Assuming the files
didn't get badly damaged, you should be able to copy the directory for each
database you need to recover into the mysql datadir on another host or the
same host after you get it fixed. You will probably have to use myisamchk to
repair the indexes.

You will want to do all of this with mysql stopped.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: list of error codes

2005-01-27 Thread Tom Crimmins
I looked around and didn't see documentation of MySQL error codes. I did
find a short list of INNODB codes but nothing comprehensive. Is there such a

You can use perror to find out want a mysql errno means. 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: list of error codes

2005-01-27 Thread Tom Crimmins
I looked around and didn't see documentation of MySQL error codes. I did
find a short list of INNODB codes but nothing comprehensive. Is there such a

OS error codes :
Server error messages : (this page also tells
what files to find these in)

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

2005-01-26 Thread Tom Crimmins
The problem is with your php. Just as a test, print
$db_host,$db_user,$db_pass in your function before you try the connect. My
guess is that they will be blank. The reason for this is that you assign
them outside of the function. This means you either need to pass them to the
function or explicitly state that they are global. Since these are all
blank, it is using the defaults, which on windows are localhost, ODBC, and
no password.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Christian Biggins
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:30 AM
Subject: RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

Hi Peter,

There is a password being suppled - see code (btw, its local testing only,
hence the root user)

   //Database Settings
 $db_host = 'localhost'; //database hostname  $db_name =
'powerpla_powerplay'; //database name  $db_user = 'root'; //database USER
name  $db_pass = 'rootpass'; // database password
 function db_connect()
if ($dbc = @mysql_connect($db_host,
$db_user, $db_pass)) {
(!mysql_select_db($db_name)) {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .
} else {

die('pCould not connect to the database because: b' . mysql_error() .


-Original Message-
From: Peter Lovatt 
Sent: Thursday, 27 January 2005 12:27 AM
To: Christian Biggins;
Subject: RE: Access denied for user - I cant work this out


you are not passing a password to mysql - check your code to see if this is


 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Biggins
 Sent: 26 January 2005 12:27
 Subject: Access denied for user - I cant work this out

 Hi All,

 I am consistently getting;

 Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: NO)

 I am connecting through php with the same script I use all the time, I 
 have checked it and dbl checked it for problems.

 I can connect to mysql in a prompt and I have added new users with all 
 priv's and connected with them - obviously its more a server issue 
 than mysql (I think)...

 MySQL version is 4.0.21
 PHP Version 4.3.8
 On a Win2k server using apache 2 (just a local testing server).

 Any info would be muchly appreciated.


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RE: How to re-use InnoDB tablespace

2005-01-24 Thread Tom Crimmins
I assume that the space of InnoDB free: 201787392 kB was resulted from the
dropping of DB_B. Will this chunk be re-used when new data is inserted?

InnoDB tablespace will not shrink when data is removed. The space the you
have from the dropped database will be reused. 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Locked myself out of the mysql database!

2005-01-12 Thread Tom Crimmins
Like an idiot I locked myself out of the mysql database when I went to
change the password for the root user.  Is there any way I can get back into
that database and restore my mistake?

Stop the mysql serivce, then start it from a command line with the
skip-grant-tables option. You can then log in as root with no password and
then reset the password. Then stop mysql and restart it normally.

In linux:

mysqld --skip-grant-tables

In windows:

mysqld-nt --skip-grant-tables

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: GRANT can't grant with a password?

2005-01-11 Thread Tom Crimmins
It seems that the GRANT syntax should allow the setting of a password upon
account creation without requiring access to the mysql db.


GRANT SELECT ON dbihavegrantprivon.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY

If you don't have privs to the mysql.user table you definitely should not be
able to do that.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Joshua J. Kugler 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: GRANT can't grant with a password?

Right, I understand that, but then *why* can a user create another user,
with all the priveleges they have, but with now password.  That seems like a
great security hole.  It seems that the GRANT syntax should allow the
setting of a password upon account creation without requiring access to the
mysql db.

j- k-

On Saturday 08 January 2005 05:55, Gleb Paharenko said something like:

 As said at:

 Only clients with access to mysql database can set passwords for other 

 Joshua J. Kugler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've read the sections on GRANT's and permissions, and done some 
  googling, and
  still haven't found what I'm looking for.
  I have a user that has USAGE and GRANT global privs and all privs 
  and GRANT on database rubric.
  However, when they try to run this query:
  'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
  They get the error
  ERROR 1044: Access denied for user 'user'@'host' to database 'mysql'
  They can log in just fine, so it is not a matter of host name.
  I found a post that seemed to allude to the fact that a user with 
  GRANT could
  only create a new user via GRANT if there was not IDENTIFIED BY clause.
  (However, a user with write permissions to the mysql database 
  could).  I
  verified this to be the case when this query,
  run as the user in question, worked and created the user, albeit 
  with no
  Is there a way for a user with GRANT privs to create a user *with* a 
Joshua J. Kugler -- Fairbanks, Alaska -- ICQ#:13706295 Every knee shall bow,
and every tongue confess, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, that
Jesus Christ is LORD -- Count on it!

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RE: Fulltext search question

2005-01-10 Thread Tom Crimmins
Given a search string of 'NASD' my default Fulltext search doesn't find it.
Wondered why?

Quote from

MySQL uses a very simple parser to split text into words. A word is any
sequence of true word characters (letters, digits, and underscores),
optionally separated by no more than one sequential `'` character.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Quick query for multiple fields?

2005-01-10 Thread Tom Crimmins
I have a table with about 50 fields in it, I want to copy certain records
into another identical table...

INSERT INTO mail_inbox (userid, subject, message, blah blah) (Select
userid, subject, message, blah blah... from mail_inboxold where userid = 10)

Is there an easy way to do this without having to write all the field names 

If the columns are in the same order you can use the following:

INSERT INTO mail_inbox (SELECT * FROM mail_inboxold WHERE userid=10); 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: lock the tables

2005-01-08 Thread Tom Crimmins
Unless your form is changing the same rows and order of operations is
important (which is probably not the case), there is no need to lock the
tables. So if each time the form is submitted it inserts a new row, there is
no reason to lock the tables.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: leegold
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 3:39 AM
To: No name
Subject: lock the tables

I'm going to have a php web form that potentially many users will use to
insert into a MYSQL DB, maybe they will try at the same time. Do I have to
lock the tables that are being populated? 

Will a solution queue insert requests or just say I am busy?


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RE: lock the tables

2005-01-08 Thread Tom Crimmins
Correct, if the form generates independent insert statements then they will
not bump into each other, even with an auto_increment.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: leegold
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 4:46 AM
To: No name
Subject: RE: lock the tables

On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 04:06:44 -0600 , Tom Crimmins said:
 Unless your form is changing the same rows and order of operations is 
 important (which is probably not the case), there is no need to lock 
 the tables. So if each time the form is submitted it inserts a new 
 row, there is no reason to lock the tables.

So in MYSQL/PHP different users inserting data into the same tables (w/an
autoincremt as the PK) - they will not bump into each other Under normal
circumstances. Correct?
If they did i will know it very fast:^)

 Tom Crimmins
 Interface Specialist
 Pottawattamie County, Iowa
 -Original Message-
 From: leegold
 Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 3:39 AM
 To: No name
 Subject: lock the tables
 I'm going to have a php web form that potentially many users will use 
 to insert into a MYSQL DB, maybe they will try at the same time. Do I 
 have to lock the tables that are being populated?
 Will a solution queue insert requests or just say I am busy?

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RE: Why DATETIME takes 8 bytes?

2005-01-08 Thread Tom Crimmins
datetime is displayed as -MM-DD HH:MM:SS - it is *not* stored that
way.  It is stored as a *nix timestamp - an integer number of seconds since
1970-01-01 00:00:00.

Actually datetime is not stored as epoch time. It has a range from
1000-01-01 00:00:00 to -12-31 23:59:59 because it is a combination of a
date and a time field as Neculai wrote. You may be thinking of a timestamp,
which is tored as a 4 byte int.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Frank Bax [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: Why DATETIME takes 8 bytes?

At 06:00 AM 1/8/05, Ehud Shapira wrote:
I don't understand why DATETIME takes 8 bytes.  It's just a waste, 
DATE+TIME take 6 bytes.  And in fact, while DATE and TIME are each 
up to bytes on its own, a combined DATETIME should only take 5 bytes:

14 bits for year
04 bits for month
05 bits for day
05 bits for hour
06 bits for minutes
06 bits for seconds
40 bits

datetime is displayed as -MM-DD HH:MM:SS - it is *not* stored that
way.  It is stored as a *nix timestamp - an integer number of seconds since
1970-01-01 00:00:00.  A 4-byte integer field has historically been used on
*nix systems for this purpose, but this has an upper limit of 2038.  A
larger *nix timestamp is now used to avoid the equivalent of Y2K in 2038.
The 8-byte *nix timestamp accommodates micro-seconds.

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RE: creating first table

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Crimmins
How can I list the rows and columns.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Crimmins
I tried to improve MySQL speed/performance by adding key_buffer=50M to my
my.cnf file for [mysqld].  When I restarted MySQL, I'm getting a 0
DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED error when visiting my php-MySQL web application via
http.  When I removed above and then restarted MySQL the error goes away.

You can set it without stopping mysql using the following:

'SET GLOBAL key_buffer_size = [size] * 1024 * 1024'

where [size] is the size in Mb you want the key_buffer_size to be. You'll
need to add it to your my.cnf if you want this setting to hold on a restart.
Try adding 'set-variable = key_buffer = 64M' to your my.cnf.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: BD
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 9:07 AM
Subject: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?


I'm having a problem with slow query and parse times with a MySQL - PHP
ecommerce application I am testing out.  Also getting an error message with
the key_buffer variable.

I tried to improve MySQL speed/performance by adding key_buffer=50M to my
my.cnf file for [mysqld].  When I restarted MySQL, I'm getting a 0
DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED error when visiting my php-MySQL web application via
http.  When I removed above and then restarted MySQL the error goes away.

I read in my Widenius - MySQL book that I should use the command
set_variable=key_buffer=64M (or some other memory limit - I have 1.2 gig
of ram on server).  I also tried this instead of adding the above to my.cnf.
However upon logging on as root in mySQL and running the command, I'm,
getting a command not found error.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the above two attempts?  Or
give any advice as to how to improve speed of accessing the mySQL database
for my web application?  I'm running MySQL 3.23.56 on a linux box.

Thanks anyone,


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RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Crimmins
I tried to improve MySQL speed/performance by adding key_buffer=50M to my
my.cnf file for [mysqld].  When I restarted MySQL, I'm getting a 0
DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED error when visiting my php-MySQL web application via
http.  When I removed above and then restarted MySQL the error goes away.
I'm running MySQL 3.23.56 on a linux box.

Sorry, I didn't explain that you were probably not able to connect because
prior to version 4.1 setting variable in my.cnf require that you add
set-variable = before the setting ie. 'set-variable = key_buffer = 64M'.
When you restarted mysql it probably exited on error.

OK I tried this, I must be doing something wrong, I entered in:   SET GLOBAL
key_buffer_size = 64 * 1024 *1024;
and got the error:  You have an error in your SQL syntax near
'key_buffer_size = 64 * 1024 *1024' at line 1

Sorry about this too, in 3.23 leave out the word global. If you can restart
without a problem though, I would jest add the 'set-variable = key_buffer =
64M' line to your my.cnf file and restart mysql.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: BD 
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 9:07 AM
Subject: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?


I'm having a problem with slow query and parse times with a MySQL - PHP
ecommerce application I am testing out.  Also getting an error message with
the key_buffer variable.

I tried to improve MySQL speed/performance by adding key_buffer=50M to my
my.cnf file for [mysqld].  When I restarted MySQL, I'm getting a 0
DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED error when visiting my php-MySQL web application via
http.  When I removed above and then restarted MySQL the error goes away.

I read in my Widenius - MySQL book that I should use the command
set_variable=key_buffer=64M (or some other memory limit - I have 1.2 gig
of ram on server).  I also tried this instead of adding the above to my.cnf.
However upon logging on as root in mySQL and running the command, I'm,
getting a command not found error.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the above two attempts?  Or
give any advice as to how to improve speed of accessing the mySQL database
for my web application?  I'm running MySQL 3.23.56 on a linux box.

Thanks anyone,


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RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Crimmins
The problem now is, this did not do anything to improve the query and parse
I'm testing out an on line store which has about 12,000 product entries in
it and about 300 product categories.  Both the parse and query times are
running over 12 seconds

This is probably related to not having proper indexes on your tables. If you
post the query, and a 'SHOW CREATE TABLE [tablename]' for each table
involved, someone maybe able to help you speed it up.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: BD 
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 11:21 AM
To: Tom Crimmins
Subject: RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?

Hi Tom,

OK thanks I just added the set-variable = key_buffer = 64M line to my my.cnf
file and at least I got no errors and the MySQL server restarted OK and I
got my test site running.

The problem now is, this did not do anything to improve the query and parse
I'm testing out an on line store which has about 12,000 product entries in
it and about 300 product categories.  Both the parse and query times are
running over 12 seconds
- that's just to bring up the front page of the store with the category -
sub cat list.

I'm sure there are lots of other switches in MySQl, do you have any other
suggestions as to what I could do to reduce query times down to a reasonable
1-3 seconds?

I just bought the book
but it has not arrived yet.  Any suggestions in the mean time?


-Original Message-
From: Tom Crimmins
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 12:08 PM
To: BD
Subject: RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?

I tried to improve MySQL speed/performance by adding key_buffer=50M to my
my.cnf file for [mysqld].  When I restarted MySQL, I'm getting a 0
DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED error when visiting my php-MySQL web application via
http.  When I removed above and then restarted MySQL the error goes away.
I'm running MySQL 3.23.56 on a linux box.

Sorry, I didn't explain that you were probably not able to connect because
prior to version 4.1 setting variable in my.cnf require that you add
set-variable = before the setting ie. 'set-variable = key_buffer = 64M'.
When you restarted mysql it probably exited on error.

OK I tried this, I must be doing something wrong, I entered in:   SET GLOBAL
key_buffer_size = 64 * 1024 *1024;
and got the error:  You have an error in your SQL syntax near
'key_buffer_size = 64 * 1024 *1024' at line 1

Sorry about this too, in 3.23 leave out the word global. If you can restart
without a problem though, I would jest add the 'set-variable = key_buffer =
64M' line to your my.cnf file and restart mysql.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: BD
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 9:07 AM
Subject: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer?


I'm having a problem with slow query and parse times with a MySQL - PHP
ecommerce application I am testing out.  Also getting an error message with
the key_buffer variable.

I tried to improve MySQL speed/performance by adding key_buffer=50M to my
my.cnf file for [mysqld].  When I restarted MySQL, I'm getting a 0
DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED error when visiting my php-MySQL web application via
http.  When I removed above and then restarted MySQL the error goes away.

I read in my Widenius - MySQL book that I should use the command
set_variable=key_buffer=64M (or some other memory limit - I have 1.2 gig
of ram on server).  I also tried this instead of adding the above to my.cnf.
However upon logging on as root in mySQL and running the command, I'm,
getting a command not found error.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the above two attempts?  Or
give any advice as to how to improve speed of accessing the mySQL database
for my web application?  I'm running MySQL 3.23.56 on a linux box.

Thanks anyone,


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RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer - zen -cart?

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Crimmins
The application I am using for the site is so I'm not sure
I can do anything about changing the table indexes because it is a pre
written php-MySQL open source freeware script.  I'm getting the query times
directly from the application and not MySQL.

You could turn on logging in mysql to see what the query is that is taking
so long, then make sure the tables are properly indexed based on this. I
would hope that this software has properly indexed the tables, but you can
verify this on your own.

Add the following to your my.cnf to enable the logging of slow queries.

set-variable = long_query_time=2
log-slow-queries = /var/log/mysqld.slow.log (or whatever file you want, just
make sure the user mysqld is running as has write permissions to it.)

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: BD
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 11:58 AM
To: Tom Crimmins
Subject: RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer -

OK thanks Tom,

The application I am using for the site is so I'm not sure
I can do anything about changing the table indexes because it is a pre
written php-MySQL open source freeware script.  I'm getting the query times
directly from the application and not MySQL.

However I could post a query I generate directly from MySQL, how could I do
that?  What would be the command I should use to generate query times from

For the SHOW CREATE TABLE, I have posted below the five tables that (I
believe) are directly involved in generating a product and category list on
the front page of my test store.  I did not post all tables in the database
because there are 97 tables total in the database, but I think these are the
pertinent tables involved in slow query times; any suggestions that I get
here I will definitely pass along to the zen cart developers.  If there is
something that I can do without changing the PHP code of the application and
fix just with MySQL settings that would be great...

zen_products |CREATE TABLE `zen_products` (
  `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `products_type` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  `products_quantity` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_model` varchar(32) default NULL,
  `products_image` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `products_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `products_virtual` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_date_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0001-01-01 00:00:00',
  `products_last_modified` datetime default NULL,
  `products_date_available` datetime default NULL,
  `products_weight` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
  `products_status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_tax_class_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `manufacturers_id` int(11) default NULL,
  `products_ordered` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_quantity_order_min` float NOT NULL default '1',
  `products_quantity_order_units` float NOT NULL default '1',
  `products_priced_by_attribute` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `product_is_free` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `product_is_call` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_quantity_mixed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `product_is_always_free_shipping` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_qty_box_status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  `products_quantity_order_max` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_discount_type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_discount_type_from` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_price_sorter` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `master_categories_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `products_mixed_discount_quantity` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`products_id`),
  KEY `idx_products_date_added` (`products_date_added`)

| zen_categories_description | CREATE TABLE `zen_categories_description` 
| (
  `categories_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `language_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
  `categories_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  `categories_description` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`categories_id`,`language_id`),
  KEY `idx_categories_name` (`categories_name`)

zen_categories | CREATE TABLE `zen_categories` (
  `categories_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `categories_image` varchar(64) default NULL,
  `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `sort_order` int(3) default NULL,
  `date_added` datetime default NULL,
  `last_modified` datetime default NULL,
  `categories_status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`categories_id`),
  KEY `idx_categories_parent_id` (`parent_id`),
  KEY `idx_sort_order` (`sort_order`)

| zen_products_description | CREATE TABLE `zen_products_description` (
  `products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `language_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1

RE: Slow queries, need advice on how to improve; key_buffer - zen -cart?

2005-01-07 Thread Tom Crimmins

# Time: 050107 17:40:41
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]: zencarttest[zencarttest] @  []
# Query_time: 13  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 148  Rows_examined: 1567270
use zencarttest;
select distinct m.manufacturers_id, m.manufacturers_name from
zen_manufacturers m
 left join zen_products p on m.manufacturers_id =
 where m.manufacturers_id = p.manufacturers_id and
p.products_status= '1'
 order by manufacturers_name;

This appears to be the problem query. Looks like zen_products could use an
index on (manufacturers_id, products_status), and zen_manufacturers could
use an index on (manufacturers_id,manufacturers_name).

You can try to add these indexes and run the query to see if it helps. You
may want to do an EXPLAIN after adding the indexes to make see if it is
using them.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: first time accessing

2005-01-06 Thread Tom Crimmins

DBI connect'test:GJWPP88','Jerry'  failed: Access denied for user
'Jerry'@'gjwpp88' using password: yes at line 17


I would try your connection from a command line ie. 'mysql -u Jerry -h
GJWPP88 -p'.

The problem is now not with your perl, it is your mysql user permissions.
From your error, I see that mysqld is running on your local machine. In this
case you should use localhost instead of the actual hostname ie. 'mysql -u
Jerry -h localhost -p' (you can omit the host on this one, it is default).
If this works, you can change the host in your perl script to localhost, and
you should be ready to go.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Preston
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:25 AM
To: 'Tom Crimmins'
Subject: RE: first time accessing


I tried the following:

use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;

#  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:test:GJWPP88', 'Jerry', 'password' ) or
die Cannot connect - gjwpp88!!br$DBI::errstr;

#Local Host Name  - GJWPP88
#Local User Name  - Jerry

#database under GJWPP88 - mysql and test

my $driver   = mysql;
my $server   = GJWPP88;
my $database = test;
my $url  = DBI:$driver:$database:$server;
my $user = Jerry;
my $pass = password;

my $dbh = DBI-connect($url, $user, $pass)
|| die Couldn't connect to database:  . DBI-errstr;

And I get the following:

DBI connect'test:GJWPP88','Jerry'  failed: Access denied for user
'Jerry'@'gjwpp88' using password: yes at line 17

All I am wanting to do is connect and create a new table.

Any ideas?



-Original Message-
From: Tom Crimmins
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 3:52 PM
To: Gerald Preston
Subject: RE: first time accessing

Try something like this:

use DBI;

my $driver   = mysql;
my $server   = myhost;
my $database = mydb;
my $url  = DBI:$driver:$database:$server;
my $user = username;
my $pass = password;

my $dbh = DBI-connect($url, $user, $pass)
|| die Couldn't connect to database:  . DBI-errstr;

Obviously you don't have to make everything a variable, this is just one

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Preston
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 7:40 PM
To: mysql users
Subject: first time accessing

I am making my first attempt to access MySQL with Perl 



use warnings;

use strict;

use dbi;


  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'dbi:MySQL, 'user', 'pass' ) or die Cannot connect
- !br$DBI::errstr;


and I get the following error:


Can't connect to data source dbi:MySQL, no data driver specified and DBS_DSN
env var not set


Any ideas?






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RE: Copying table to another server.

2005-01-06 Thread Tom Crimmins
It should just exit unless you are using -p with mysql. In that case, if
mysqldump got an access denied, nothing would output to stdout and mysql
would be left waiting for a password.

I would try the following:

mysqladmin -h 'other_hostname' create db_name
mysqldump --opt db_name  dump.sql
mysql -h 'other_hostname' -D db_name  dump.sql

Running the commands separately will allow you to see what is going on more
easily. You may need to specify a username and a password with each command
i.e. 'mysql -u user -p'.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Mull [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 11:17 AM
Subject: Copying table to another server.


I'm having a problem with moving a database from one server to another using
mysqldump.  Since the servers are different platforms, some ascii characters
are getting corrupted.

So, my thought was to copy the table from one database to the other via the
mysql interface.

I found this online at mysql:

mysqladmin -h 'other_hostname' create db_name mysqldump --opt db_name |
mysql -h 'other_hostname' db_name

However, all it does is I'm guessing its a permission problem?

Any suggestion to how to setup this up so it works or is there an easier


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RE: first time accessing

2005-01-06 Thread Tom Crimmins
If you are using a fresh install of mysql, you need to connect with 'mysql
-u root' from the local machine and then configure access for other users
with the GRANT command. See

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Preston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 3:08 PM
To: 'Tom Crimmins'
Subject: RE: first time accessing


I still get access denied.  I just reinstall the latest version yesterday.
What are my options now?



-Original Message-
From: Tom Crimmins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 6:28 AM
To: Gerald Preston
Subject: RE: first time accessing


DBI connect'test:GJWPP88','Jerry'  failed: Access denied for user
'Jerry'@'gjwpp88' using password: yes at line 17


I would try your connection from a command line ie. 'mysql -u Jerry -h
GJWPP88 -p'.

The problem is now not with your perl, it is your mysql user permissions.
From your error, I see that mysqld is running on your local machine. In
case you should use localhost instead of the actual hostname ie. 'mysql -u
Jerry -h localhost -p' (you can omit the host on this one, it is default).
If this works, you can change the host in your perl script to localhost, and
you should be ready to go.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Preston
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 5:25 AM
To: 'Tom Crimmins'
Subject: RE: first time accessing


I tried the following:

use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;

#  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'DBI:mysql:test:GJWPP88', 'Jerry', 'password' ) or
die Cannot connect - gjwpp88!!br$DBI::errstr;

#Local Host Name  - GJWPP88
#Local User Name  - Jerry

#database under GJWPP88 - mysql and test

my $driver   = mysql;
my $server   = GJWPP88;
my $database = test;
my $url  = DBI:$driver:$database:$server;
my $user = Jerry;
my $pass = password;

my $dbh = DBI-connect($url, $user, $pass)
|| die Couldn't connect to database:  . DBI-errstr;

And I get the following:

DBI connect'test:GJWPP88','Jerry'  failed: Access denied for user
'Jerry'@'gjwpp88' using password: yes at line 17

All I am wanting to do is connect and create a new table.

Any ideas?



-Original Message-
From: Tom Crimmins
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 3:52 PM
To: Gerald Preston
Subject: RE: first time accessing

Try something like this:

use DBI;

my $driver   = mysql;
my $server   = myhost;
my $database = mydb;
my $url  = DBI:$driver:$database:$server;
my $user = username;
my $pass = password;

my $dbh = DBI-connect($url, $user, $pass)
|| die Couldn't connect to database:  . DBI-errstr;

Obviously you don't have to make everything a variable, this is just one

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Preston
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 7:40 PM
To: mysql users
Subject: first time accessing

I am making my first attempt to access MySQL with Perl 



use warnings;

use strict;

use dbi;


  my $dbh=DBI-connect( 'dbi:MySQL, 'user', 'pass' ) or die Cannot connect
- !br$DBI::errstr;


and I get the following error:


Can't connect to data source dbi:MySQL, no data driver specified and DBS_DSN
env var not set


Any ideas?






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RE: Cannot create Windows service for MySql. Error: 0

2005-01-05 Thread Tom Crimmins
I had this problem once. My fix was to delete the innodb files from the
mysql datadir (log and data files), then run mysqld-nt from a command
prompt. After it starts normally, you can stop it and then install it as a
service. I don't know if this will work for you, but it did for me. 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Eugenia Mariani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 11:57 AM
Subject: Cannot create Windows service for MySql. Error: 0

My O.S in Win Xp Pro SP2.
My web server is Apache 5.0
While I am trying to install MySql Server 4.1, I have the following error
and I cannot install the Server:

Cannot create Windows service for MySql. Error: 0

Can someone help me to install without error?
Eugenia Mariani

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RE: MyODBC 3.5.9 and MySQL 4.1.8

2005-01-05 Thread Tom Crimmins
Try MyODBC 3.51.10. It supports 4.1 auth. Here is a link to a mirror that
has it:

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: nikos
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 3:09 AM
Subject: MyODBC 3.5.9 and MySQL 4.1.8

Hello list and happy new year.

Recently I've install mysql 4.1 on win 2000 with IIS 5 and works perfect. My
problem is that when i'm trying to make a connection with myodbc (latest
release) as localhost I got the following message:
Client does not support authentication protocol requestet by server.
Consider upgrading mysql client. 

MyODBC whorks fine because I 've allready make connection throw lan on a
Linux RH-9 with apache and mysql 4.0.22

Any suggestions?
Thanky you

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RE: Grant question

2005-01-05 Thread Tom Crimmins
Is it possible to grant all these databases in just one GRANT instruction
such as:

GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON dbexample*.* TO 'user'@'localhost' BY

GRANT [privs] ON `dbexample%`.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Andre Matos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 4:26 PM
Subject: Grant question

Hi list,

I have many databases on my MySQL server such as:


Is it possible to grant all these databases in just one GRANT instruction
such as:

GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON dbexample*.* TO 'user'@'localhost' BY

I tried this instruction but did not work. Is someone knows how to do if it
is possible?

Thanks for any help.


Andre Matos

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RE: MyODBC 3.51.10

2005-01-04 Thread Tom Crimmins
4.1 auth is not supported until MyODBC 3.51.10. I don't know why the win
binaries are not on the download page anymore, though the source is there.
Here is a mirror with the windows binaries.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Erich Beyrent
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 2:53 PM
To: 'J.R. Bullington';Subject: RE: MyODBC 3.51.10

 You need to set the OLD_PASSWORDS variable in the [MYSQLD] section of 
my.ini file. 
 Set-variable = old_passwords=1
 It's not the ODBC, but your version of MySQL. 4.0.x uses 1 variant of
password hashing, 4.1.x uses a more  
 secure one that will be covered in MyODBC 3.53 (coming soon...).

I did read that in the manual, but I was confused as to why I get the error
on one pc and not the other.  I am also somewhat confused as to why I have
3.51.10 on one pc, but cannot find it anymore for my other.  Did it get
pulled from the website?


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RE: distinctSelection(veryUrgent)

2005-01-04 Thread Tom Crimmins
SELECT s.* FROM Second s LEFT JOIN First f USING (Flower,Color) WHERE
f.Flower IS NULL;

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: N. Kavithashree 
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:17 PM
Subject: distinctSelection(veryUrgent)


i m using mysql 4.0.18-standard version

it is not accepting subqurries.

problem is:

i have 2 tables:  First(id,Flower,Color); = color is char(2);

first table will contain only unique flowers , and colors, id is

second table may contain duplicate entries.

i want to select from Second table only those Flowers and Colors  which are
not there in First table.

i tried with : select distinct(First.Flower),First.color from First,Second
where First.color!=Second.color;

but it will select all fileds in first.

As this version of mysql will not support for subqurries...problem.

can anybody reply with answer?


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RE: MySQL Load on server

2005-01-04 Thread Tom Crimmins
If I understand correctly, this is what you want:


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Sheni R. Meledath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:40 PM
To: MySQL Masters
Subject: MySQL Load on server


We have multiple web sites hosted on a virtual web server. Many of the web
sites are using MySQL databases. Recently we are having problems with the
CPU load due to mysql processes. We are not able to track the corrupted
database or script (PHP). There are many databases on the server.

CPU Load on server
CPU states: % user, % nice, % system, % interrupt, % idle
Mem: 654M Active, 82M Inact, 142M Wired, 37M Cache, 112M Buf, 90M Free
Swap: 1024M Total, 226M Used, 798M Free, 22% Inuse

28181 cyber001 50 0 32088K 7180K RUN 282:01 71.29% 71.29% mysqld

Is there any way to track the processes on the MySQL databases? Please
suggest a solution to fix this problem. Thank You.

Sheni R Meledath

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: MySQL Load on server

2005-01-04 Thread Tom Crimmins
In you're my.cnf file (in /etc by default on a linux box) add under [mysqld]
the option log for text logging.

for example


Whatever user mysqld is running as must have write perms to the log file.
You can then anaylze this as it will contain connections and queries. 

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Sheni R. Meledath
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 12:18 AM
To: Tom Crimmins
Subject: RE: MySQL Load on server

Dear Tom,

Thank you very much. Is there a way to log all the processes on the MySQL
server to analyze later.

At 09:48 AM 1/5/2005, Tom Crimmins wrote:
If I understand correctly, this is what you want:


Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: Sheni R. Meledath
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 11:40 PM
To: MySQL Masters
Subject: MySQL Load on server


We have multiple web sites hosted on a virtual web server. Many of the 
web sites are using MySQL databases. Recently we are having problems 
with the CPU load due to mysql processes. We are not able to track the 
corrupted database or script (PHP). There are many databases on the server.

CPU Load on server
 CPU states: % user, % nice, % system, % interrupt, % idle
 Mem: 654M Active, 82M Inact, 142M Wired, 37M Cache, 112M Buf, 90M 
 Swap: 1024M Total, 226M Used, 798M Free, 22% Inuse
 28181 cyber001 50 0 32088K 7180K RUN 282:01 71.29% 71.29% mysqld

Is there any way to track the processes on the MySQL databases? Please 
suggest a solution to fix this problem. Thank You.

Sheni R Meledath

Sheni R Meledath

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RE: backup/restore

2005-01-03 Thread Tom Crimmins
Drop the tables manually then try the restore.

ERROR 1051 at line 11: Unknown table 'alarm'
ERROR 1050 at line 12: Table 'alarm' already exists

It seems strange that you get these errors in this order. If you post maybe
the first 15 lines of your dump file, I may be able to provide more help.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-

 Thank you for your reply. Even though I used the --add-drop-table
option, I am getting the error messages. Actually I am taking the backup
for a group of tables as following

MNMSDBA  --databases mnms --add-drop-table --add-locks --disable-keys -f


And doing the restoring as

DBA  -f mnmsc:\progra~1\mitel\opsman~1\temp\almhist.dmp
ERROR 1051 at line 11: Unknown table 'alarm'// Trying to drop alarm
ERROR 1050 at line 12: Table 'alarm' already exists //Creating alarm
ERROR 1051 at line 72: Unknown table 'alarm_report' //Drop
ERROR 1050 at line 73: Table 'alarm_report' already exists//Create
ERROR 1062 at line 94: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 95: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 96: Duplicate entry '5' for key 1  // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 97: Duplicate entry '8' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 98: Duplicate entry '10' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 99: Duplicate entry '11' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 100: Duplicate entry '13' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 101: Duplicate entry '15' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 102: Duplicate entry '16' for key 1 // Insert
ERROR 1062 at line 103: Duplicate entry '17' for key 1 // Insert

ALARMINFO   all belongs to one group.

Alarm and Alarm_category are parent and child tables.

ALARM_REPORT, ALARM_REPORT_CATEGORY are parent and child tables

Please advise me, how to get rid of the above error messages.

-Original Message-


with which options of mysqldump you have taken backup. if you
use --add-drop-table option then it will add drop table statement in
file. otherwise it wont add that statement and you will get that type of

if you didn't use that option then drop the schema and then try to
it from backup file.


-Original Message-

 Thank you for your reply. If I have the create table info in my
dump file, while doing the restore using mysql dbname  dump.dmp, I am
getting errors like

mysql  -uMNMSDBA -pMNMSDBA  -f mnms  

ERROR 1050 at line 11: Table 'alarm' already exists
ERROR 1050 at line 40: Table 'alarm_category' already exists
ERROR 1050 at line 70: Table 'alarm_report' already exists
ERROR 1062 at line 91: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 92: Duplicate entry '4' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 93: Duplicate entry '5' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 94: Duplicate entry '8' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 95: Duplicate entry '10' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 96: Duplicate entry '11' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 97: Duplicate entry '13' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 98: Duplicate entry '15' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 99: Duplicate entry '16' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 100: Duplicate entry '17' for key 1
ERROR 1050 at line 108: Table 'alarm_report_category' already exists
ERROR 1050 at line 137: Table 'alarminfo' already exists
ERROR 1062 at line 155: Duplicate entry '56' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 156: Duplicate entry '57' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 157: Duplicate entry '58' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 158: Duplicate entry '59' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 159: Duplicate entry '75' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 160: Duplicate entry '76' for key 1
ERROR 1062 at line 161: Duplicate entry '77' for key 1

Please advise me, how to suppress the above error messages.

While taking backup used

mysqldump  -uMNMSDBA -pMNMSDBA  --databases mnms --add-locks
--disable-keys -f --tables ALARM ALARM_CATEGORY ALARM_REPORT

Please help me in this.


-Original Message-
From: Tom Crimmins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 10:55 AM
To: Lakshmi NarasimhaRao (WT01 - TELECOM SOLUTIONS)
Subject: RE: backup/restore

I am doing backup for tables using Mysqldump. But while doing the
restore I
am not able to do that using the same Mysqldump. Could you please help
me in

mysqldump is not intended to be used for the restore.

You need to run the following:

mysql -D dbname  mysqldumpfile

You may

RE: changing data dir

2005-01-03 Thread Tom Crimmins

Do I have to reinstall mysql in order to change the default data dir from
Can I do this: 
mv  /var/lib/mysql /newdir/mysql
cd /var/lib
ln -s /newdir/mysql mysql


This should work. You could also change the datadir variable in your my.cnf
file instead of creating the link.

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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RE: doing SELECTS and keeping the array intact with php

2005-01-03 Thread Tom Crimmins 

This lets you set the internal row pointer of the mysql result. In your case
you would want mysql_data_seek($result,0).

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

-Original Message-
From: julian haffegee
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 12:31 PM
To: MySQL General List
Subject: doing SELECTS and keeping the array intact with php

Hi all,

this has been bugging me for some time now.

I want to do a mysql select
then using php

while ($a_row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
do something to get a small portion of the data }

and that works fine. Then later I need to access $result as a complete array
again. Is there a way I can keep $result array intact and still take a
couple values out beforehand. I can get it to work, by doing the select
twice, but thats less than ideal.

Thanks enormously if you can help


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