Open Source Database Magazine - Issue One Released

2009-07-23 Thread bmurphy
I just uploaded the pdf of the summer issue of Open Source Database
Magazine. Included in this issue:

* A great article on the new features of Postgresql 8.4 by Robert Treat
* Part one of a two part article on Percona’s new XtraBackup backup

Also the news, the book shelf and Peter Brawley’s Coding Corner. Downloads
are available at


Keith Murphy


Open Source Database Magazine

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Re: What OS is the best platform for MySQL ?

2009-07-08 Thread bmurphy
There are merits to most of the common operating systems. In some ways
each of them perform better at various functions. The question becomes
which are you most comfortable and familiar with? That way you can work
most effectively with the operating system to fulfill the potential of
your databases.

If you aren't comfortable with any in particular, I would recommend you
learn your way around a Linux distribution. Again, not because it is
better than any other in particular, but because it is BY FAR the most
commonly deployed operating system running MySQL. It isn't even close in
terms of percentages. Behind it are Solaris and Windows. The most support
on the web is available for Linux simply because more people work on it.
But, if you are a Solaris, FreeBSD or Windows guru by all means as a
friend of mine says.. party on (on those platforms..)

Hope that helps.


 Ken Menzel wrote:
 Dan Nelson wrote:
 In the last episode (Jul 06), Blog Tieng Viet said:
 I have been using MySQL on FreeBSD for 3 years and encounterd a lot of
 problems related to thread management.  And 1 year ago, I found that
 FreeBSD box does not go well with any MySQL revision after
 because the MySQL thread does not end although complied with

 Try building without LINUX_THREADS; that option shouldn't really be
 with FreeBSD 6 or newer.

 Also This article may help if you have not yet abandoned Freebsd.  It
 shows how freebsd can outperform Linux in some cases.

 Do we really need to bash OS's for MySQL.  Rather than questioning what
 OS is best for MySQL we should ask how we can optimize MySQL for each OS.

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Re: Client deleted database, semi high priority master slave question

2009-07-08 Thread bmurphy
Hope the client learned the lesson about backups. it's a hard one to learn

If the binary logs on the slave were enabled when the table was populated
it should be possible to restore the table from the binary logs. If not,
and logging was turned on after the table was populated than you are out
of luck.


 A client deleted their database and did not have a slave in place for
 backup. No scheduled dumps either.

 However, I have set up a slave to the master for one table. These
 tables hold DNS data for database driven DNS server features.

 The master table is empty, the slave rightly saw the deletes and
 carried them out.

 But I believe the replication logs on the slave, and also perhaps on
 the master should still be there. I'm not clear on how large these
 get, if they roll/truncate, etc.

 Is there any way to restore the master up to the point the data was
 deleted? I can then set the slave to resync and they should be back
 where the left off.

 There are a lot if records, not a lot of data since DNS data is so
 small. If I could restore the master It would prove quite helpful.
 Currently, all servers are down since DNS is not working, as a result
 of DNS being backed by MySql via DLZ/named.

 Thanks for any suggestions.
 Iphone says hello.

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Open Source Database Magazine

2009-06-17 Thread bmurphy
hello everyone,

Many of you know I have been the editor of MySQL Magazine for the last two
years. Beginning with the summer issue I will be making some pretty major
changes. The magazine is being renamed Open Source Database Magazine and I
am going to be attempting to steer the subject matter to include any open
source db.

The details are here:

This does not mean that MySQL will be forgotten. Quite the opposite, I
expect that there will be more articles about MySQL Server than any other
database if for no other reason than there are more installations of MySQL
than any other OS db. So step up to the plate! Send me a proposal for an
article for the next issue which will come out in mid-July.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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Re: How much memory can mysql 5.1 take advantage of?

2009-01-21 Thread bmurphy
I have seen testing of servers up to 128 GB of RAM. I wish I could say I
was the one doing the test..however I use systems on a regular basis with
up to 32 GB. Does it scale perfectly? No. Is it better than it was just a
year ago even? Definitely.

Hope that helps.

Keith Murphy

 Didn't want this to go unanswered, although I don't have any great info
 for you.

 As long as you're running a 64-bit OS and a 64-bit version of MySQL,
 there's no technical reason it would be limited to less than the
 addressable space (that I know of). The main gain would be the ability
 to set larger buffers and handle more connections simultaneously. Of
 course, this is assuming your queries and schema are good and you
 don't suffer from excessive locking problems.

 That is to say... yes, it'll work, and yes, as far as I know MySQL
 will be able to allocate as much RAM as you can stuff in the box.
 Whether it can use it *effectively* is something I don't have any
 experience with beyond ~8GB. I suspect it would work just fine,


 On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:08 PM, wrote:
 While specing out a new server, I was wondering if there is any limit to
 how much memory can be allocated to mysql 5.1.  If a server has 16GB of
 ram, can mysql take advantage of that much ram (minus a reserved amount
 for the OS obviously)?  Is there any limit such as those imposed by
 32-bit processors?


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Call for Articles for Winter Issue of MySQL Magazine

2008-12-08 Thread bmurphy
It’s that time again. Time for fame and fortune! Sorry, as usual there is
no fortune, but the good news is that our readership continues to grow so
author fame is imminent. We are planning the winter issue of MySQL
Magazine ( With the new GA release of MySQL
server 5.1 last month there is certainly plenty to talk about!

Draft articles will need to be in by the 10th of January so you have a
month to get things ready. I need to hear about possible articles by the
15th of this month. I can be reached at bmurphy AT with
your ideas. I want to mention that in the past we have used blog postings
(with author permission and full credit of course). If you have blogged
something recently that you feel is worthy of publishing in the magazine
send me the link and I will take a look.

Never heard of MySQL Magazine? It is a digital magazine designed for both
database administrators and developers of the MySQL database server. All
six back issues are available for free download from the website.


Keith Murphy



MySQL Magazine

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MySQL Magazine Fall Issue -- Call for Articles

2008-09-02 Thread bmurphy
Hey everyone, it is that time again. The next issue of the magazine should
be released on October the 15th. It’s time to start sending in those ideas
for articles. Articles have to be done by the end of this month so don’t
delay. Remember, you too can become rich and famous by writing for MySQL
Magazine!! Just send me your idea for an article to bmurphy AT

For those who don’t know, MySQL Magazine is a quarterly publication “by
the community - for the community” that is free and available for download

Looking forward to hearing from everyone!!

Keith Murphy

Editor, MySQL Magazine

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Re: what is a schema? what is a database?

2008-03-02 Thread bmurphy
Yes, you are exactly right.  The schema is the structure of the database.


 I've been referencing a variety of sources, including wikipedia.  What I
 know about a schema is that in SQLite the .schema command will show the
 the SQL structure of that databases tables, which would be analogous to
 DESCRIBE foo in MySQL (with the difference that SQLite shows all tables
 in one go).

 The schema is the structure of the database?

 I'm trying to understand what the wikipedia article is driving at.  I
 would assume that only tables which are related go in the same database?
 That would my instinct, at least.  Tables which are unrelated going into
 a different database.

 The quote from wikipedia:

 The problem that arises is that former MySQL users will mistakenly create
 multiple databases for one project. In this context MySQL databases are
 analogous in function to Postgres-schemas, insomuch as Postgres lacks off-
 the-shelf cross-database functionality that MySQL has. Conversely,
 Postgres has rightfully applied more of the specification, in a sane-
 bottom-up approach, implementing cross-table, cross-schema, and then left
 room for future cross-database functionality.



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