Re: uninstall/reinstall

2010-10-29 Thread George Larson
We're talking about a Windows machine, right?  I don't have any of
those these days but it sounds to me like it didn't thoroughly

If that much is correct, I'd first be suspicious of junk left in the
registry or data directories.  Even if it meant I had to install it
again, I'd use a separate uninstaller.  Uninstallers are usually a
little more aggressive about getting to the registry and data
directories and stuff of that nature.  The one I used to use is free
and, in my experience, quite good.
Revo Uninstaller [  ]

If that doesn't do it, then I would try cleaning out the registry.
Proceed with all due caution because this potentially can create a
number of other other problems.  In fact, some people are decidedly
against the use of any utility which claims to clean your registry.
So I'm just telling you how I used to roll, in my Windows heyday.  My
preferred tool for this was also free and, in my experience, quite
CCleaner [  ]

Good luck!

On 28 October 2010 14:37, Montgomery, Tammie wrote:
 Most helpful people of all time -

 I have a student who uninstalled his mySQL and then reinstalled. When
 the wizard gets to the point of starting the server, it sits there for a
 couple of minutes and then the wizard has a message that it is not
 responding. As suggested on the developer zone, he removed the
 ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 and reconfigured only to have the same thing
 happen. He has tried this several times in frustration. The first time,
 it did try to start the server but couldn't. In trying to start the
 server from the Services list, he gets Error 1067.

 Oh, he also tried turning off the firewall to see if that made any
 difference and it didn't.

 Any assistance is welcome.

 He did find that you can't really uninstall although he used the wizard
 to remove the program and the uninstall programs.


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2010-10-04 Thread George Larson
Aha!  You are precisely correct.  Thank you!

On 3 October 2010 21:16, Dan Nelson wrote:
 In the last episode (Oct 03), George Larson said:
 I have an InnoDB table with a 'Data_length' of 114688 and 'Data_free'
 of '3896508416'.  If I'm correctly understanding what I've been
 reading, those are good conditions to optimize the table.  I
 understand the part where it maps to 'ALTER' for InnoDB.  However,
 nothing I do seems to affect anything.  Whether using 'OPTIMIZE' or
 doing the 'ALTER' myself, there is no apparent difference.  I've done
 the 'FLUSH TABLES' for good measure and the results of 'SHOW TABLE
 STATUS' are unchanged.

 I have this same thing happening on multiple tables, I just picked
 this particular one as an example.

 Are you using innodb_file_per_table=on ?  If you aren't, then you are using
 the shared tablespace model, and you cannot recover unused space without
 dumping all your tables, deleting the ib_data* files, and restoring.

 MySQL 5.5.5 has finally switched the default to innodb_file_per_table=on, but
 if you are running any older version, you will need to set that value in
 your config file.

        Dan Nelson

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2010-10-03 Thread George Larson
Hello all.

I have an InnoDB table with a 'Data_length' of 114688 and 'Data_free'
of '3896508416'.  If I'm correctly understanding what I've been
reading, those are good conditions to optimize the table.  I
understand the part where it maps to 'ALTER' for InnoDB.  However,
nothing I do seems to affect anything.  Whether using 'OPTIMIZE' or
doing the 'ALTER' myself, there is no apparent difference.  I've done
the 'FLUSH TABLES' for good measure and the results of 'SHOW TABLE
STATUS' are unchanged.

I have this same thing happening on multiple tables, I just picked
this particular one as an example.

I'm confused.  :-/  Would somebody please explain what is going on here?


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Re: InnoDB Buffer Pool Status

2010-09-21 Thread george larson
Willy Mularto wrote:
 I got this result on InnoDB Buffer Pool Status:
 Free pages1
 Dirty pages   2,040
 Pages containing data 31,359
 Pages to be flushed   457,083,205
 Busy pages1,408

 Read requests 31,348,288,497
 Write requests7,913,407,934
 Read misses   39,736,110
 Write waits   0
 Read misses in %  0.13 %
 Write waits in %  0.00 %

 I see there are millions of Read misses. What's that mean? And how to tuning 
 up my server to get faster, stable, and reliable? Many thanks for any 


I'm a novice myself, so I can't offer much in the way of wise advice.  I
can, however, point you to a neat script that might give you some useful

[  ]

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Re: SOLVED!!!!Re: hard disk crash: how to discover the db?

2010-09-16 Thread george larson
Uwe Brauer wrote:

 What I had to do in addition was to copy the ibdata1
 *then* I recovered the content of the db.

 Thanks a lot

 Uwe Brauer 


Congratulations!  That's great news!  Sorry I didn't know to mention
that step.  Where is your 'ibdata1'?  Mine is in '/var/lib/mysql' so,
for me, it gets included in the steps I mentioned.

I'm glad to hear that you figured it out!

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Re: Capitalize Input via Auto Complete?

2010-09-15 Thread george larson

Johan De Meersman wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:50 AM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

 You do know you can use ssh tunnels and such to connect to your server from
 your desktop right? I do it all day long. It's pretty easy to do and built
 in to these programs.

 You can't multi-jump, though. Yes, that's common in my environment :-)

What do you mean by multi-jump? 

I commonly set up a tunnel to the SSH server at the office and then
another tunnel from that server to my development rig, so I can run
MySQL WB at home on my database at work.  Is that what you mean?

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Re: Capitalize Input via Auto Complete?

2010-09-14 Thread george larson
Daevid Vincent wrote:
 Get this tool: it rocks. 

 There is also which is pretty great. 

Alternatively,  there is MySQL WorkBench.  Some of the guys around here
use SQLYog but, since it is a LAMP environment, I like that WorkBench is
native instead of dealing with wonky Wine issues.  I haven't noticed
anything that I miss from SQLYog yet.
 -Original Message-
 From: Carlos Mennens [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:03 AM
 To: MySQL
 Subject: Capitalize Input via Auto Complete?

 I am new to MySQL coming from PostgreSQL  noticed a really annoying
 issue. When I select a database, and try to auto complete in MySQL, it
 doesn't capitalize the MySQL statements.

 It's irritating to me to only be able to auto complete statements like
 'SELECT', 'ALTER',  'INSERT' only if I hold down the shift key or
 caps lock key while typing. Is there a way to force MySQL to auto
 complete commonly used statements while typing them in lowercase which
 is normal behavior in PostgreSQL?

 Thanks for any info!

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Re: Capitalize Input via Auto Complete?

2010-09-14 Thread george larson
Carlos Mennens wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:
 Get this tool: it rocks.

 There is also which is pretty great.

 I can't use any graphical or 3rd party add-on's. I was hoping MySQL
 had this native / built in. I guess not...

There's some impressive stuff built for VIM, but my VIM-fu is still
pretty weak.  This is script, though.  [  ]

Query conditions

2010-09-10 Thread george larson
Hi all.  I've got a greenhorn question but I didn't find the right
keywords to get Google to answer it for me.

Is it more efficient to put conditions in a JOIN instead of sticking
them all at the end in the WHERE clause, or is that just a matter of
preference?  Putting conditions in the JOIN It seems, to me, to at least
make the query easier to read. I was just curious if there were
performance gains as well.

JOIN table2 ON this  that
WHERE that = '5';


JOIN table2 WHERE this  that AND that = '5';


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Re: hard disk crash: how to discover the db?

2010-09-10 Thread george larson

Uwe Brauer wrote:
 On Thu, 09 Sep 2010 18:02:09 -0400, George Larson wrote:

 We do nightly backups at work just by taring the mysql directory.  In
 my environment, that is /var/lib/mysql.

 Like this:

 service mysql stop
 cd /var/lib/mysql
 rm -rf *
 tar zxvf file.tar
 rm -rf ib_logfile*
 chown -R mysql.mysql
 service mysql start

 Something similar might work for you.  Somebody with more MySQL
 expertise than me can probably help you customize the process to your

 Ok thanks. What I am afraid of is that in on of these OS,
 their might be some other configuration files, which might
 be located apart from the main directory say in /etc and
 then I should copy them as well.

 Would it be necessary in Linux to generate the db and its
 users first?

 Uwe Brauer 

The only one I know of, for my environment, is /etc/my.cnf.  I believe
that it can be located elsewhere but you could just use 'find' to find
it.  I've broken my dev. MySQL many, many times and that's the only file
I know about outside of my data directory.  :)

I don't have any good ideas about discerning precisely what version of
MySQL was running, though.

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Re: hard disk crash: how to discover the db?

2010-09-10 Thread george larson
Hi Steve.

Steve Staples wrote:
 did I miss the joke here?   Why does this backup script look SO wrong,
 and very malicious?

 service mysql stop -- stopping mysql... that's fine.
 cd /var/lib/mysql -- changing directories to the /var/lib/mysql, ok...
 all the MySQL files??   are you insane?  this is going to make a bad day
 for a lot of people
 tar zxvf file.tar -- Wait, you just blew away all the files in
 the /var/lib/mysql directory, how can you extract a tar file, when it
 does not exist, since you just deleted everything?

 anyway, I hope I missed the joke here, or missed something...


 On Thu, 2010-09-09 at 18:02 -0400, George Larson wrote:
 We do nightly backups at work just by taring the mysql directory.  In
 my environment, that is /var/lib/mysql.

 Like this:

 service mysql stop
 cd /var/lib/mysql
 rm -rf *
 tar zxvf file.tar
 rm -rf ib_logfile*
 chown -R mysql.mysql
 service mysql start

 Something similar might work for you.  Somebody with more MySQL
 expertise than me can probably help you customize the process to your

 Good luck!

Nope.  No joke.  It's a process that's been in place long before I got
here and it is done, with varying frequency, by the entire staff of
developers here.  It seemed a little odd to me at first also, but I was
told only that it was faster than any other method.  It might make a
little more sense if you realize that it isn't a script, it's just me
listing the commands that are used.  This process is on /my/
(development) environment, so hasn't the potential to make bad days for
anybody except me. 

And, yeah, I suppose I could have gone with a tar zxvf
/path/to/file.tar but I didn't expect OP was going to tar up his
database first, so it seemed good enough for example purposes. 

Sorry for any alarming confusion.

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Re: hard disk crash: how to discover the db?

2010-09-10 Thread george larson

Shawn Green (MySQL) wrote:
 On 9/10/2010 10:01 AM, george larson wrote:

 Uwe Brauer wrote:
 The only one I know of, for my environment, is /etc/my.cnf.  I believe
 that it can be located elsewhere but you could just use 'find' to find
 it.  I've broken my dev. MySQL many, many times and that's the only file
 I know about outside of my data directory.  :)

 I don't have any good ideas about discerning precisely what version of
 MySQL was running, though.

 The error log will have the version information. Each successful
 startup includes something similar to

 100910  7:50:30 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
 Version: '5.1.48-enterprise-gpl-advanced'  socket: ''  port: 3306 
 MySQL Enterprise Server - Advanced Edition (GPL)

 For more information on how to locate the error log:

That's a neat trick and I don't mean to steal the thread but that didn't
work for me:

:/var/lib/mysql # head mysqld.log
100910 12:50:09 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from
100910 12:50:09 [Warning] option 'table_cache': unsigned value 536870912
adjusted to 524288
100910 12:50:09 [Warning] The syntax '--log_slow_queries' is deprecated
and will be removed in MySQL 7.0. Please use
'--slow_query_log'/'--slow_query_log_file' instead.
100910 12:50:09 [Warning] Changed limits: max_open_files: 65535 
max_connections: 50  table_cache: 32737
100910 12:50:09 [Note] Plugin 'ndbcluster' is disabled.
100910 12:50:09 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.

I'm going to comb through my 'my.cnf' to see if it might have somehow
been disabled.

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Re: hard disk crash: how to discover the db?

2010-09-09 Thread George Larson
We do nightly backups at work just by taring the mysql directory.  In
my environment, that is /var/lib/mysql.

Like this:

service mysql stop
cd /var/lib/mysql
rm -rf *
tar zxvf file.tar
rm -rf ib_logfile*
chown -R mysql.mysql
service mysql start

Something similar might work for you.  Somebody with more MySQL
expertise than me can probably help you customize the process to your

Good luck!

On 9 September 2010 17:08, Uwe Brauer wrote: wrote:

 Try using the failed hdd as a slave in a Linux machine.

 You might find that the hdd won't boot to OS but may have enough in it to
 access the file system.

 I have done that already and I have access. But I don't know how to extract
 the db (via dump) since the corresponding mysql server software is not
 running. how can i tell linux to use the mysql db of the Mac?

 Uwe Brauer

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Seems like an easy query, but isn't to me. Help?

2010-08-19 Thread George Larson
I hope I've come to right place, and I'm asking in the right way -- please
accept my apologies if not.

We have some dates missing and I need to populate those fields with dates
from the record just before them.  I've gotten this far:

SELECT UUid, MIN(DDenteredDate) minDate FROM UUtable JOIN DDdetail on DDid =

I can make this a sub-query and get the UUid of the record that I want to
copy UUdate from:

SELECT sub.UUid-1 as previous, sub.* FROM (
SELECT UUid, MIN(DDenteredDate) minDate FROM UUtable JOIN DDdetail on DDid =
)  as sub;

In this case, the field 'previous' is the UUid that I want to copy the
UUdate from and sub.UUid is where I want to copy to.

Does that even make sense?


Re: Creating / Lookup Users For Database

2009-04-22 Thread George Larson
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Carlos Williams wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Carlos Williams wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Brent Baisley wrote:
 All user information is stored in the mysql database. If you want to
 see a list of users that have been created, query the user information
 select User, Host from mysql.user

 Then to see what access each user has, view the grants.
 show grants for usern...@hostname

 So I should do the following or am I missing something?


 mysql use mysql;
 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

 Database changed

 mysql show tables;
 | Tables_in_mysql   |
 | columns_priv  |
 | db|
 | func  |
 | help_category |
 | help_keyword  |
 | help_relation |
 | help_topic|
 | host  |
 | proc  |
 | procs_priv|
 | tables_priv   |
 | time_zone |
 | time_zone_leap_second |
 | time_zone_name|
 | time_zone_transition  |
 | time_zone_transition_type |
 | user  |
 17 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 Now I have searched the Internet to find out how I can query that
 'user' table. How can I find the command that will show my what is in
 the 'user' table?

Is this what you mean?


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Re: Creating / Lookup Users For Database

2009-04-22 Thread George Larson
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Carlos Williams wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Carlos Williams wrote:
 Now I did create that new database called 'forums' and would like to
 create a new user who has access only to that specific database from
 localhost. I can't seem to find the command via Google on how I create
 the user and grant access to just that one specific 'forums' database.

 Is this correct assuming I already created the 'forums' database?

 mysql CREATE USER 'carlos'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'p...@$$w3rd';
 mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON forums.* TO 'carlos'@'localhost'

 I don't know if the above is correct way to create a new user in MySQL
 and grant privileges
 only to access the 'forums' database.

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I've got one foot out the door, so I'm just going to shoot some links for now:

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Re: learning mysql

2009-03-25 Thread George Larson
I'm quite a distance from the best person to answer this question but MySQL
has weekly webinars and there are a ton of good tutorials on the web.

I started with WAMP (LAMP, MAMP and XAMP are suitable alternatives) and just
started reading tutorials.  Then I went to the local discount store and got
a book about MySQL  PHP.  It wasn't the most recent but it was only a few
dollars and the versions were new enough to not be problematic.

I like for books.  If you have trouble finding tutorials then leave
a message and I'll comb through my bookmarks and see if I can find some that
I used.

Good luck!

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:00 PM, solarflow99 wrote:

 hi, I'm looking for some advice where to learn mysql.  Not being a DBA, I
 have basic knowledge of databases, and have administered them in the past.
 The docs on the mysql site aren't very good for this, just a few examples
 commands, etc.  Ideally, something that is suited for system
 not looking to be a DBA.


Re: IBM could buy Sun?

2009-03-18 Thread George Larson
Yeah!  No kidding.  If IBM doesn't pick it up then maybe I will.  ;-p

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Lin Chun wrote:

 Sun only worth 6.5 billions?

 Lin Chun