Re: replication problems

2004-11-09 Thread ian douglas
If a slave dies, is there any way to determine that state from an 
external point of view (ie: via Perl/DBD) so we can write a script of 
some kind to either connect to the slave and issue a START SLAVE or 
send the last xx lines of the .err log file to our tech staff?
I tried writing a Perl script to run a query of SHOW SLAVE STATUS and 
parsing the 30-or-so fields that would otherwise return, but it's 

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Access denied; you need the 
SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT privilege for this operation at ./ 
line 19.

Snippet of code:
my $dbh_2 = 
{ RaiseError = 1, AutoCommit = 0, PrintError = 0 } ) or die 
(SLAVE2 MySQL database offline: $!) ;

my $cur_info = $dbh_2-prepare(SHOW SLAVE STATUS) ;
$cur_info-execute() ;
my @row = $cur_info-fetchrow_array() ;
... line 19 would be the -execute() call.
I did this:
IDENTIFIED BY 'mypasswd' ;

... on the slaves, but that didn't help me any.
How can I check a slave's status without having to manually log in to a 
mysql client??

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replication problems

2004-11-08 Thread ian douglas
One master, two slaves, mysql 4.1.7 installed via compiled source code, 
on RedHat 8.0

On the master system I did this:
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;

and on the two slaves:
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='master.db.hostname', MASTER_PORT=3306, 
MASTER_USER='repl_user', MASTER_PASSWORD='repl_passwd' ;

... as per the documentation.
On the slaves, the command:
responds with
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' (using password: YES)

Any tips?
/etc/my.cnf on the master sets the server-id to 1, the slaves are 2 and 
3 respectively

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Re: replication problems

2004-11-08 Thread ian douglas
Answered my own question, sorry for the quick posting...
When I was trying to do the LOAD DATA FROM MASTER, with the master set 
as GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'repl_user'@ ... the slaves were reporting an 
error that stated I needed to GRANT SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on the 
master, which didn't work.

After a little more RTFM-surfing, I found the GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE 
for the master, and a LOAD DATA worked just fine.

ian douglas wrote:
One master, two slaves, mysql 4.1.7 installed via compiled source code, 
on RedHat 8.0

On the master system I did this:
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;
grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' 
identified by 'repl_passwd' ;

and on the two slaves:
CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='master.db.hostname', MASTER_PORT=3306, 
MASTER_USER='repl_user', MASTER_PASSWORD='repl_passwd' ;

... as per the documentation.
On the slaves, the command:
responds with
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname1' (using password: YES)
ERROR 1218 (08S01): Error connecting to master: Access denied for user 
'repl_user'@'known.hostname2' (using password: YES)

Any tips?
/etc/my.cnf on the master sets the server-id to 1, the slaves are 2 and 
3 respectively


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Re: replication problems

2004-11-08 Thread ian douglas
After a little more RTFM-surfing, I found the GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE 
for the master, and a LOAD DATA worked just fine.
Except that changes made on the master are not automatically picked up 
by the slaves.

Am I missing something?
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Re: how to use except operation?

2004-11-08 Thread ian douglas
Id Study keyword
1  AK1
2  AK2
3  BK1
4  BK2
5  CK1
6  Ck3
SELECT DISTINCT Study FROM yourtablename WHERE keyword='K1' AND NOT 

That *should* give you a single entry for 'C' since its keywords do not 
match both 'K1' *and* 'K2'

But your posting *was* a little confusing, so perhaps you can elaborate 
a little further on what it is you're trying to accomplish?

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Re: nebiew migrate access tables to mysql

2004-11-05 Thread ian douglas
Put Purge into backticks.

`Purge` char(1),
It worked great but I would like to know why, thank!
It could be that 'purge' is a reserved word in MySQL. I wanted to have a 
table with a shortened name of 'description' by trying to create a table 
with a 'desc' field, and MySQL had problems with it too, because 'desc' 
is a reserved word to 'describe' a table definition. But, creating the 
table as
	`desc` varchar(20)
worked just fine...

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Re: nebiew migrate access tables to mysql

2004-11-05 Thread ian douglas
replied to him privately with this before I realized he'd sent a 
different copy with the list CC'd:

CREATE TABLE if not exists TASK (
  `Payment Date`  DATE,
  CaseNumber  CHAR(12) NOT NULL,
  Payment_Amount  FLOAT(8,2),
  KEY CaseNumber ( CaseNumber )

spiv007 wrote:
What about this?  I will not take AUTO INCREMENT  I tried removing
the underscore and putting `AUTO INCREMENT` , but im getting the same
error as before.
CREATE TABLE if not exists TASK (
`Payment Date`  DATE,
CaseNumber  CHAR(12) NOT NULL,
Payment_Amount  FLOAT(8,2),
INDEX CaseNumber ( CaseNumber ),

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 10:22:42 -0800, ian douglas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Put Purge into backticks.

`Purge` char(1),
It worked great but I would like to know why, thank!
It could be that 'purge' is a reserved word in MySQL. I wanted to have a
table with a shortened name of 'description' by trying to create a table
with a 'desc' field, and MySQL had problems with it too, because 'desc'
is a reserved word to 'describe' a table definition. But, creating the
table as
   `desc` varchar(20)
worked just fine...

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Re: slashes in update statement

2004-11-04 Thread ian douglas
I'm trying to get a slash in a variable into my database and am having
some trouble. If the variable = 1 1/2 it echoes to the screen correctly
but it seems to strip the 1/2 off the variable when updating the value to
the database.
Just FYI to everyone replying:
Ed replied to me personally admitting that his field type in MySQL was 
an int() type, which is why it wasn't adding anything after the space. 
He has since corrected this, so no further need to give him ideas about 
how to fix it.

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Re: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)'

2004-11-04 Thread ian douglas
In my experience, RedHat in their 'wisdom' put mysql.sock in /tmp/ yet 
ships their mysql-server.rpm with a my.cnf pointing at 

Make the necessary change to /etc/my.cnf to point to /tmp/mysql.sock, or 
change /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql to point to /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


Greg Wiggill wrote:
   having a hack with the whole imp, horde, webmail thing
have installed the mysql server and client rpms on redhat8 and just
trying to get started.
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password password  
/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket:
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' exists!
ps -ef | grep mysql
root   725 1  0 Oct29 ?00:00:00 /bin/sh
/usr/bin/mysqld_safe --d
mysql  767   725  0 Oct29 ?00:10:44 /usr/sbin/mysqld
--basedir=/ --d
root 10902 10556  0 11:42 pts/000:00:00 grep mysql

must be missing some basic steps?

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Replication basics

2004-11-02 Thread ian douglas
Hi everyone,
I've been browsing the online archives for a while and haven't found as 
much data as I'd like to feel really comfortable about replication. I've 
been a pretty busy developer in terms of using MySQL, but never so much 
in the way of administration. Also, I've only ever had to deal with a 
single machine until about a month ago when I was asked to extend our 
database to multiple machines for security and redundancy.

As it stands right now, I have 3 machines running MySQL, set up as hosts 
db1, db2 and db3.

db1 is a master
db2 and db3 are set as slaves, and replicate data just fine with the 
premise that we'd like to add numerous slave machines at any time.

Problems I'm having:
1. If a new database is created on db1, this is not replicated on db2 
and db3. Should my permissions be GRANT FILE on *.* ... or is there a 
better way to automate duplicating this database on the slaves?

2. If a database exists on all three machines already and I create a 
table on db1, this is also not replicated on db2 or db3.

3. I haven't checked yet whether ALTER TABLE ... commands have worked 
across the replication.

4. Darn RedHat and their logrotate utility: db1 was having MySQL restart 
once a week, which created db1.001, db1.002, db1.003, etc., every time 
it restarted, yet db2 and db3 also running logrotate and having MySQL 
restart because of it, were not updating their files to 
point at the .002 or .003 or .004 files whenever db1 was 
restarted. This also happens if db1 reboots.

5. In the event of power failure, or system failure, if db1 is offline, 
how can I set the systems so either db2 or db3 becomes a master? And if 
db1 comes back online later, could I set it as a slave to whichever 
other machine became a master? Can this be automated, or will it always 
require manual intervention?

6a. I rewrote my Perl applications to connect to db1 and return a handle 
I call $dbh_w for any SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries, and to 
connect to any of db1/db2/db3 for any SELECT queries as $dbh_r. However, 
we want to use some third-party software that contains a few MB of PHP 
code, and only connects to the database one time - I'm not sure how much 
time to allocate (to tell my CTO/CEO) to rewrite the entire application 
the same way I did my Perl applications. Any advice?
6b. My Perl scripts are 90% reading data back from the database, the PHP 
scripts are more like 80% writing to the database so being able to 
load-balance the writing to the database farm is ideal. In my current 
scenario, the PHP application can only write to db1, which will 
ultimately cap out the machine. Surely there's a better way than making 
two connections ($dbh_w/$dbh_r) to the database for each copy of my Perl 
or PHP processes running?

7. Finally, would 'fake replication' work if the MySQL database files 
were on a RAID system and mounted via NFS to multiple machines to 
actually run the MySQL engine? The tables we use have a lot of 
auto_increment fields, and I'd be worried about data being corrupted or 

Ian Douglas
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Re: Replication basics

2004-11-02 Thread ian douglas
1. If a new database is created on db1, this is not replicated on db2
and db3. ... is there a better way to automate duplicating this 
database on the slaves?
Yes put in your my.cnf on the master binlog-ignore-db=mysql,test this
means the master will replicate any event to any database other then mysql,
So, by your statement:
... and leaving it blank, will tell MySQL to replicate EVERY database? 
That's the behavior that I want. I will not be ignoring any databases on 
the master - all data on the master (databases, tables, data) must exist 
on every system, at least for the time being. Later on, we may replicate 
only certain tables onto certain slaves depending on our user load and 
which databases are more frequently used. However, for the foreseeable 
future, all data must exist on all machines.

2. If a database exists on all three machines already and I create a
table on db1, this is also not replicated on db2 or db3.
Why not?
That's my question too. I haven't seen anything on how to allow this 
behavior yet. I've seen some text about LOAD TABLE tablename FROM 
MASTER but I need a way to automate this so there is less manual 
intervention required.

Are you explicitly replicating a set of tables from your slaves via
I need to replicate everything, and I'm not setting any options like 
this in the slave's my.cnf. Each slave must be a complete mirror copy of 
the master.

3. I haven't checked yet whether ALTER TABLE ... commands have worked
across the replication.
Yes they do.
To finish my statement: ... in my implementation - that is, I haven't 
tested my implementation to know if an ALTER TABLE ... query works or not.

4. Darn RedHat and their logrotate utility: ... created db1.001, 
db1.002, db1.003, etc., ... This also happens if db1 reboots.
Stop the logrotate script.
Which I did last week when I realized this was why my slaves hadn't 
sync'd up in a week... But this past weekend a few transformers blew in 
the neighborhood around our office and a power surge shut off db1 
(master) - when it came back online, it created a db1.002 file and 
updated its own db1.index file, yet the two slave machines did not 
update their records. How can I automate the slaves to 
detect this change, and use the db1.002 file? (db2 and db3 were not shut 
off, they kept running just fine)

5. In the event of power failure, or system failure, if db1 is offline,
how can I set the systems so either db2 or db3 becomes a master?
write your own load / failover software.
Thanks for the pointer. Was hoping there was some sort of round-robin 

6. [paraphrase] Rewriting Perl and PHP code
Look at DBI::Multiplex
... anyone know of a PHP implementation of this? It would sure save me 
some time.

7. Finally, would 'fake replication' work if the MySQL database files
were on a RAID system and mounted via NFS 
No, not reliable.
Noted, thank you for saving me some grief.
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Re: Can't connect

2004-11-02 Thread ian douglas
It doesn't say access denied so I assume the socket is not even open.
Never assume :o)
From your windows box, you could try:
telnet 3306
... if it connects, it connected to *something*
How can I find out if MySQL is on the port 3306?
What Linux command shows all active ports TCP or UDP?
On the linux box:
nmap localhost
From your windows box, you could get a port scanner tool from (I use one called SuperScanner)

Possible things I'd personally look for:
1. does your linux box have a firewall script running?
iptables -V -l
1b. if so, does disabling the firewall script allow access?
1c. if so, it could be that your linux firewall isn't letting you in
2. is the linux box on a private LAN IP (192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x etc) 
and behind a NAT box (internet connection sharing router, or other 
gateway system)?
2b. if so, is port forwarding enabled to allow port 3306 to be forwarded 
to your mysql box?

3. is mysql *running*?
(okay, this should have been question #1...)
3b. if so, can you connect to mysql locally on the linux box?
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Re: How do I export a set of data nightly

2004-11-01 Thread ian douglas
There are lots of ways to do it. My personal favorite is to write it in 
Perl with the DBI library and tell cron to run that Perl script ... your 
Perl script could then write the data in any format you see fit, even 
send it somewhere else using Net::FTP or whatever.

Just my $0.02...
Scott Haneda wrote:
My query works:
(version 4)
SELECT, r.user_id,
   u.first_name, u.middle_name, u.last_name,, u.department, u.address, u.address2,, u.state,,,, u.fax,,
   DATE_FORMAT(u.updated, '%m/%d/%Y'), DATE_FORMAT(u.added, '%m/%d/%Y'),
   r.serial, r.product, DATE_FORMAT(r.added, '%m/%d/%Y')
FROM user as u 
INNER JOIN registered_serials as r
WHERE = r.user_id LIMIT 10

However, I need to run this once a day on schedule via cron, but I am not
sure how to feed this statement into mysql from bash, can someone point me
to the correct way?

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Re: mysql admin clients - But can I edit a column field?

2004-11-01 Thread ian douglas
But can I edit a column field? Can I go into a specific column in a
specific record and edit it just like I was in a text editor? That's the
action I want. None on the products specifically state they can do it(?)
phpMyAdmin will allow you to alter a column name within a table, yes.
can't speak for other tools though, but phpMyAdmin has been pretty 
stable for me for the last number of years.

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Re: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket'/var/lib/m ysql/mysql.sock'

2004-11-01 Thread ian douglas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -l /var/lib/mysql
total 20564
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql25088 Nov  1 14:10 ib_arch_log_00
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql 10485760 Nov  2 07:39 ibdata1
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql  5242880 Nov  2 07:39 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw  1 mysql mysql  5242880 Nov  1 14:10 ib_logfile1
drwx--x--x  2 mysql mysql 4096 Feb 23  2004 mysql/
-rw-rw  1 mysql root  7509 Nov  2 07:39
drwxr-xr-x  2 mysql mysql 4096 Feb 23  2004 test/
Therein lies your problem: you can't connect to 
/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock if it doesn't exist :o)

RedHat was notorious for putting mysql.sock in /tmp/ ... perhaps check 
that path to see if the socket file exists there, and do one of the 

(a) symlink it to /var/lib/mysql:
ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
(b) modify your MySQL configuration (check for /etc/my.cnf):
under the [mysqld] heading:
... set that path and filename to wherever your mysql.sock file lives.
You could try using:
locate mysql.sock
... to find the file for you as well.
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Re: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket'/var/lib/m ysql/mysql.sock'

2004-11-01 Thread ian douglas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
Which is fine ... you neglected to say whether or not that fixed your 

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