ANN: MySQL Performance Monitoring

2014-05-21 Thread Mick Emmett
Greetings MySQL users --

If MySQL monitoring is something you are doing with one specific tool -- or
not at all -- then you might find this blog post on MySQL Performance
Monitoring in SPM worth a read:

We frequently hear from organizations across industries who tackle
performance monitoring with a mish-mash of different monitoring and
alerting tools cobbled together in an uneasy coexistence that is often far
from seamless.  Think Ganglia+Nagios. A single tool like SPM takes all that
hassle away and makes it easy and comprehensive in one step.

Here's more info on what SPM monitors:

Happy monitoring!

Mick Emmett
Sematext Group, Inc.

Re: MySQL tweaking.

2004-12-22 Thread Mick Pollard
On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 15:16:02 -0700
Sasha Pachev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The hardware you have is just fine. But start thinking about a
 clustered solution. As the traffic increases, you eventually reach a
 point where no hardware is good enough on one box.

   Thankyou for your reply. I have the system load down a fair bit.Was
something silly on my behalf. I had mysql logging all queries to disk.
serious i/o loads. I have since stopped this and now system is seeing
100qps and only 1% aborted attempts. ( was 20qps and 20% Aborted
queries. ) 

Mick Pollard (lunix)
BOFH Excuse of the day: 
Temporary Syntax Expiry

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MySQL tweaking.

2004-12-21 Thread Mick Pollard
Hi list. 

I have a server that is having a little MySQL load issue.
I have done many hours of reading and can't quite get this worked out.
I am asking for your help please.
The server is to be a dedicated MySQL server only. The following is the
current setup but currently is doing some apache aswell.( around 1gb
total data out per day ) I would like the advice on setting this up
purely for a dedicated MySQL server. There is a mix of both MyISAM and
INNODB stuff. I am told by the programmers that they use the MyISAM
stuff cause of the indexing power.:S Dont need transactions.
My questions are:
1. Is this hardware going to be enough ?
2. What sort of gain is to be had if I linux software raid-1 the 2 x
   sata 150 drives ??
3. If this is sufficient hardware then what can I do to improve my.cnf
   and the overall server performance. 

The current live status of the server can be viewed at


The server is a :
P4 3.0gb HT, 2gb dual channel corsair ram, sata150 80gb drives x 2. (
not raid )
OS: Slackware 10.0 with 2.6.9smp and most server progs compiled
from source with: 
  SLKCFLAGS=-march=pentium4 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer

## CFLAGS we get these from the above settings

## CXXFLAGS same as the CFLAGS



# Example mysql config file for very large systems.
# This is for large system with memory of 1G-2G where the system runs
# mainly MySQL.

# The following options will be passed to all MySQL clients
port= 3306
socket  = /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock

# Here follows entries for some specific programs

# The MySQL server
max_connections = 500
key_buffer = 512M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
join_buffer_size = 2M
read_buffer_size = 2M
sort_buffer_size = 3M
table_cache = 128
thread_cache_size = 128
wait_timeout = 14400
connect_timeout = 10
max_allowed_packet = 16M
max_connect_errors = 10
query_cache_limit = 1M
query_cache_size = 32M
query_cache_type = 1
thread_concurrency = 4
#log = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log


/usr/bin/top output is :

top - 22:23:46 up 18 days,  7:30,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Tasks: 221 total,   1 running, 220 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu0 :  0.3% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 99.3% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
 Cpu1 :  0.0% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 99.7% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:   2075736k total,  2028972k used,46764k free,69268k buffers
Swap:  2008116k total,0k used,  2008116k free,  1533628k cached


Mick Pollard ( lunix )

BOFH Excuse of the day:
Nonfatal Hardware Timeout Warning

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Import Query From Access?

2003-11-13 Thread mick

I am pretty new to mysql.

I am porting an access driven website to mysql.

All has gone pretty much to plan bar one final page.

This page is basically a listing of duplicate users based on the email field.

In the access db I had a predefined query called emailduplicate

The site asp page called a recordset from this query.

For starters, can I create a similar stored query with mysql?
If so how do I do it?
I use mysql front but can see no way to create a stored query similar to access.

What I require at the end is a web page listing member records where the emaila ddress 
occurs more than once.
Also all other data associated with each record as the additional data is very likely 
to be different even if emails are the same.

Should it help the original access query stored as email duplicate was as per below.

SELECT Members.Email, Members.ID, Members.Worldpayid, Members.yourname, 
Members.Password, Members.Email2, Members.fullmember, Members.DateFullmemberpaid, 
Members.unsubcribed, Members.dateunsubscribed, Members.Paidbycheck, 
FROM Members
WHERE (((Members.Email) In (SELECT [Email] FROM [Members] As Tmp GROUP BY [Email] 
HAVING Count(*)1 )))
ORDER BY Members.Email;

The asp page used a recorset as follows.

Recordset1.Source = SELECT *  FROM emailduplicate  ORDER BY Email, fullmember

Any help or advice on how best to achieve the final end result would be appreciated.

best wishes


Re: group by help?

2002-04-22 Thread Mick Watson

You're right, it wasn't the answer I wanted to hear ;-)
But it has a ring of truth to it.

Thanks for all your help


Paul DuBois wrote:

 At 13:34 +0100 4/19/02, Mick Watson wrote:
 Thank you :-)
 I do realise the SQL is not being used as it should be, but as it is not my
 database and nor is it my SQL, there's not much I can do to really change
 either of these I merely have to work with a database that has been
 produced by a third party group, and I must say at this point that I have
 nothing but praise for the ensembl group for the difficult job that they have
 done very well (see
 So, I realise this is not the problem of mySQL, but what I want to try and
 find out is really the internal workings of mySQL when it performs this
 operation so that I can understand why my copy of ensembl, which is produced
 from direct dumps of the main ensembl, behaves differently to the main

 I guess you won't want to hear this, but that is completely the wrong
 approach.  You *might* be able to achieve the same query output on both
 machines by dumping the database on one machine, then dropping and reloading
 the tables on both machines using the same copy of the dump.  Then presumably
 both tables will have both records loaded in the same order, and the query
 *might* produce the same result on both machines.

 - ...until the table gets modified
 - ...until MySQL is upgraded on one machine and not the other, and something
happens in the query optimizer that changes the query output
 - ...etc.

 The group you're working with *must* change the queries to be correct.
 Otherwise, you're entirely at the mercy of any number of external factors
 that can change the output and over which you have no control.

 I guess from what you are saying, that the data is stored randomly, that there
 is very little I can do to actually make my database behave the same as the
 main database?  Could it be affected in any way by operating system and/or
 file system?  Superficially the data is organised in exactly the same way in
 both databases, but I have no doubt that things like memory locations are
 completely different, but possibly if I could understand what the variables
 are that affect this behaviour I could minimise the inconsistancy...?
 Thanks for your time
 Richard Emery wrote:
   mysql is acting correctly.
   GROUP BY is used to consolidate data for SUMming, COUNTing, etc.  Your
   SELECT statement makes not such request.  You have simply requested the
   value of a specific field.  Data are stored in mysql databases randomly.
   Therefore, when you request a field's data, you are getting whatever is
   first in the list of records matching your WHERE clause.
   Bottom line: you are NOT using GROUP BY as it is supposed to be used.  Your
SQL is in error, not mysql.

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Re: GUI for mySQL

2002-04-22 Thread Mick Watson

I have to concur, MS Access with ODBC linked tables is not a good solution when those 
tables contain
large amounts of data.
I had queries run for hours and then come up with a simple ODBC Failed message at 
the end of it.
Maybe Access has improved though.

Tod Harter wrote:

 Watch out with using the Jet database engine this way. MS Access tries to
 keep linked external table views in sync, which means that with large tables
 and several PCs running Access linked to MySQL over ODBC driver it will bring
 your network to its knees. The Jet engine will constantly be scanning tables
 on the database server, generating GIGANTIC amounts of traffic. I've seen
 100mb ethernet completely swamped by just 3 or 4 clients. There are probably
 work-arounds for that, but you should definitely test first, MS Access is a
 very badly behaved piece of KAKA.

 On Monday 22 April 2002 07:29, Hathaway, Scott L wrote:
  I would not look at front ends to mySQL.  Instead, I would let them keep
  using access to do this and link them to the mySQL database or get an SQL
  query tool that allows for graphical queries.
  -Original Message-
  From: Pierre du Parte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 3:06 AM
  Cc: MySQL
  Subject: GUI for mySQL
  I am gradually winning the war in promoting opensource to a number of my
  key customers. Notably a couple have made the move to,
  albeit on Windows. I am currently re-writing a key application to use
  mySQl (previously Access), so in all I'm pleased.
  However, the head bean counter in one office tackled me on this - In
  Access I can quickly create queries and export the results in all manner
  of ways. What do I do if we let you talk us into mySql?
  Where indeed? Are there any nice, user friendly GUI available for mySQL
  ad-hoc query and report design?

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group by help?

2002-04-19 Thread Mick Watson


I am having some trouble figuring out how mySQL interprets the group by
clause in a particular set of data that I have (the ensembl database if
anyone is familar with it!)

Now, I have some data like this:

| gene_id | display_id | db_name  |
|   24173 | Q9H701 | SPTREMBL |
|   24173 | Q96GS5 | SPTREMBL |

and this is produced by the following SQL:

 select t.gene_id, x.display_id,e.db_name
  from ensembl_core_test.objectXref as ox,
ensembl_core_test.Xref   as x,
ensembl_core_test.transcript as t,
ensembl_core_test.externalDB as e
 where e.db_name='SPTREMBL' and
x.xrefID = ox.xrefID and
   t.translation_id = ox.ensembl_id and
   e.externalDBId=x.externalDBId and gene_id =24173;

Now, the SQL is not important, what is is that we have two display_ids
for one gene_id.  Now, if we add a group by gene_id clause into the
above SQL, then presumably mySQL must make an arbitrary decision on
which display_id to choose.  And the odd thing is that in the main
ensembl database it chooses one, and in my local copy it chooses the

So what I want to figure out is how mySQL makes that arbitrary decision
- is it based on which it comes across first in memory, which it comes
across last, alphabetical order, random choice (though mySQL is always
consistent in which it chooses) ... or is there some other way it will
make the decision?

Furthermore, and more confusingly, mySQL chooses differently if I
parameterise the SQL.  For example:

mysql create table test
- select t.gene_id, x.display_id,e.db_name
-   from ensembl_core_test.objectXref as ox,
-ensembl_core_test.Xref   as x,
-ensembl_core_test.transcript as t,
-   ensembl_core_test.externalDB as e
-  where e.db_name='SPTREMBL' and
-x.xrefID = ox.xrefID and
-t.translation_id = ox.ensembl_id and
-e.externalDBId=x.externalDBId and gene_id = 24173
-   group by gene_id
-   order by gene_id;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql select * from test;
| gene_id | display_id | db_name  |
|   24173 | Q9H701 | SPTREMBL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

compare this to:

mysql create table test
- select t.gene_id, x.display_id,e.db_name
-   from ensembl_core_test.objectXref as ox,
-ensembl_core_test.Xref   as x,
-ensembl_core_test.transcript as t,
-   ensembl_core_test.externalDB as e
-  where e.db_name='SPTREMBL' and
-x.xrefID = ox.xrefID and
-t.translation_id = ox.ensembl_id and
-   group by gene_id
-   order by gene_id;
Query OK, 11674 rows affected (6.84 sec)
Records: 11674  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql select * from test where gene_id = 24173;
| gene_id | display_id | db_name  |
|   24173 | Q96GS5 | SPTREMBL |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

So here we see that mySQL has chosen differently simply because of the
presence or absence of the gene_id = 24173 in the create table command

I want to try and figure out why mySQL is making these rather
inconsistant decisions and see if it's possible to remove this feature

Thanks for your time, if there is another mailing list which is more
appropriate, please tell me!


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Re: group by help?

2002-04-19 Thread Mick Watson

Thank you :-)

I do realise the SQL is not being used as it should be, but as it is not my
database and nor is it my SQL, there's not much I can do to really change
either of these I merely have to work with a database that has been
produced by a third party group, and I must say at this point that I have
nothing but praise for the ensembl group for the difficult job that they have
done very well (see

So, I realise this is not the problem of mySQL, but what I want to try and
find out is really the internal workings of mySQL when it performs this
operation so that I can understand why my copy of ensembl, which is produced
from direct dumps of the main ensembl, behaves differently to the main

I guess from what you are saying, that the data is stored randomly, that there
is very little I can do to actually make my database behave the same as the
main database?  Could it be affected in any way by operating system and/or
file system?  Superficially the data is organised in exactly the same way in
both databases, but I have no doubt that things like memory locations are
completely different, but possibly if I could understand what the variables
are that affect this behaviour I could minimise the inconsistancy...?

Thanks for your time


Richard Emery wrote:

 mysql is acting correctly.

 GROUP BY is used to consolidate data for SUMming, COUNTing, etc.  Your
 SELECT statement makes not such request.  You have simply requested the
 value of a specific field.  Data are stored in mysql databases randomly.
 Therefore, when you request a field's data, you are getting whatever is
 first in the list of records matching your WHERE clause.

 Bottom line: you are NOT using GROUP BY as it is supposed to be used.  Your
 SQL is in error, not mysql.

 hope this helps...
 - Original Message -
 From: Mick Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 6:01 AM
 Subject: group by help?


 I am having some trouble figuring out how mySQL interprets the group by
 clause in a particular set of data that I have (the ensembl database if
 anyone is familar with it!)

 Now, I have some data like this:

 | gene_id | display_id | db_name  |
 |   24173 | Q9H701 | SPTREMBL |
 |   24173 | Q96GS5 | SPTREMBL |

 and this is produced by the following SQL:

  select t.gene_id, x.display_id,e.db_name
   from ensembl_core_test.objectXref as ox,
 ensembl_core_test.Xref   as x,
 ensembl_core_test.transcript as t,
 ensembl_core_test.externalDB as e
  where e.db_name='SPTREMBL' and
 x.xrefID = ox.xrefID and
t.translation_id = ox.ensembl_id and
e.externalDBId=x.externalDBId and gene_id =24173;

 Now, the SQL is not important, what is is that we have two display_ids
 for one gene_id.  Now, if we add a group by gene_id clause into the
 above SQL, then presumably mySQL must make an arbitrary decision on
 which display_id to choose.  And the odd thing is that in the main
 ensembl database it chooses one, and in my local copy it chooses the

 So what I want to figure out is how mySQL makes that arbitrary decision
 - is it based on which it comes across first in memory, which it comes
 across last, alphabetical order, random choice (though mySQL is always
 consistent in which it chooses) ... or is there some other way it will
 make the decision?

 Furthermore, and more confusingly, mySQL chooses differently if I
 parameterise the SQL.  For example:

 mysql create table test
 - select t.gene_id, x.display_id,e.db_name
 -   from ensembl_core_test.objectXref as ox,
 -ensembl_core_test.Xref   as x,
 -ensembl_core_test.transcript as t,
 -   ensembl_core_test.externalDB as e
 -  where e.db_name='SPTREMBL' and
 -x.xrefID = ox.xrefID and
 -t.translation_id = ox.ensembl_id and
 -e.externalDBId=x.externalDBId and gene_id = 24173
 -   group by gene_id
 -   order by gene_id;
 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

 mysql select * from test;
 | gene_id | display_id | db_name  |
 |   24173 | Q9H701 | SPTREMBL |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 compare this to:

 mysql create table test
 - select t.gene_id, x.display_id,e.db_name
 -   from ensembl_core_test.objectXref as ox,
 -ensembl_core_test.Xref   as x,
 -ensembl_core_test.transcript as t,
 -   ensembl_core_test.externalDB as e
 -  where e.db_name='SPTREMBL' and
 -x.xrefID = ox.xrefID

Re: group by help?

2002-04-19 Thread Mick Watson

It's ok, I do actually fully understand relational database theory and what the
group by statement is used for, but like I say, I personally have no control
over the database or the SQL :-)

I was hoping to get hold of someone who maybe knows the source code quite well
already and could  help me out before I take the drastic step of trawling
through the source code myself.

It does strike me that, on the rare occasions when a truly arbitrary decision
must be made, when there is a choice but it really doesn't matter which is
chosen, there is no method in relational databases to make this choice in a
consistent manner.  A tough task probably, and obviously group by is not the
perfect answer, but you can see why the developer made that choice as it does
make mySQL make an arbitrary decision... just not a consistent one :-)



Richard Emery wrote:

 As a relational database, it doe not matter the order in which data are

 Rather, what matters are the methods by which data are extracted via the
 SELECT statement.  In order to derive benefits of GROUP BY, you must use it
 with SELECTs that use GROUP BY functionality, such as SUM(), COUNT().

 If you need to know the internal machinations of mysql, I can only suggest
 that you study the source code.
 - Original Message -
 From: Mick Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Richard Emery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 7:34 AM
 Subject: Re: group by help?

 Thank you :-)

 I do realise the SQL is not being used as it should be, but as it is not my
 database and nor is it my SQL, there's not much I can do to really change
 either of these I merely have to work with a database that has been
 produced by a third party group, and I must say at this point that I have
 nothing but praise for the ensembl group for the difficult job that they
 done very well (see

 So, I realise this is not the problem of mySQL, but what I want to try and
 find out is really the internal workings of mySQL when it performs this
 operation so that I can understand why my copy of ensembl, which is produced
 from direct dumps of the main ensembl, behaves differently to the main

 I guess from what you are saying, that the data is stored randomly, that
 is very little I can do to actually make my database behave the same as the
 main database?  Could it be affected in any way by operating system and/or
 file system?  Superficially the data is organised in exactly the same way in
 both databases, but I have no doubt that things like memory locations are
 completely different, but possibly if I could understand what the variables
 are that affect this behaviour I could minimise the inconsistancy...?

 Thanks for your time


 Richard Emery wrote:

  mysql is acting correctly.
  GROUP BY is used to consolidate data for SUMming, COUNTing, etc.  Your
  SELECT statement makes not such request.  You have simply requested the
  value of a specific field.  Data are stored in mysql databases randomly.
  Therefore, when you request a field's data, you are getting whatever is
  first in the list of records matching your WHERE clause.
  Bottom line: you are NOT using GROUP BY as it is supposed to be used.
  SQL is in error, not mysql.
  hope this helps...
  - Original Message -
  From: Mick Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 6:01 AM
  Subject: group by help?
  I am having some trouble figuring out how mySQL interprets the group by
  clause in a particular set of data that I have (the ensembl database if
  anyone is familar with it!)
  Now, I have some data like this:
  | gene_id | display_id | db_name  |
  |   24173 | Q9H701 | SPTREMBL |
  |   24173 | Q96GS5 | SPTREMBL |
  and this is produced by the following SQL:
   select t.gene_id, x.display_id,e.db_name
from ensembl_core_test.objectXref as ox,
  ensembl_core_test.Xref   as x,
  ensembl_core_test.transcript as t,
  ensembl_core_test.externalDB as e
   where e.db_name='SPTREMBL' and
  x.xrefID = ox.xrefID and
 t.translation_id = ox.ensembl_id and
 e.externalDBId=x.externalDBId and gene_id =24173;
  Now, the SQL is not important, what is is that we have two display_ids
  for one gene_id.  Now, if we add a group by gene_id clause into the
  above SQL, then presumably mySQL must make an arbitrary decision on
  which display_id to choose.  And the odd thing is that in the main
  ensembl database it chooses one, and in my local copy it chooses the
  So what I want to figure out is how mySQL makes that arbitrary decision
  - is it based on which it comes across first in memory, which it comes
  across last, alphabetical

MySql fatal error in mysql-opt.exe

2002-03-12 Thread Mick


I'm trying to run MySQL ver 3.23.49 on Win98 with Apache, PHP  Perl. Apache
reports that PHP  Perl are running OK. When I try to start MySQL, or let it
start on boot, or try to use the WinMySqladmin program, I get a Windows
error from MYSQLD-OPT.exe, with the usual Win98 close and details  and
the console screen for that program reads:

c:\serve\MySql\bin\mysql-opt.exe: Fatal error: Can't find messagefile 'C:

It seems the program is looking in C:/ erve when in fact the relevant
errmsg.sys file is in the C:/serve folder into which everything was
installed, along with the complete MySQL installation. There is no C:/
erve folder. I can't get MySql to run.

I assumed a data error, or perhaps a wrong line in a config file somewhere,
but I uninstalled and reinstalled MySql twice (including installing to the
default folder), no change,. and I can't find any reference to this
non-existent folder anywhere in a config file, so I can't correct it.

Please help me, it's taken me (admittedly not a networking guru) 3 days to
get Apache running happily with Perl and PHP, and this is going to tip me
over the edge...!

Thanks in advance, Mick.

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